SWLRT Increases GHG Emissions, Destroys Wetlands, Habitat, And
‘Where the biggies leave off...’ Hi ll & Lak e Pre s s Published for East Isles, Lowry Hill, Kenwood Isles, & Cedar Isles Dean Neighborhoods VOLUME 41 NUMBER 4 www.hillandlakepress.com APRIL 21, 2017 SWLRT Increases GHG Emissions, Destroys The Fastest Growing Cities in Wetlands, Habitat, and Urban Forest the US By Cathy Deikman By Shawn Smith GHG and Climate Change a Time-Critical Energy Policy at Pre-Session Forum,” Green Digest, Southwest Journal,” 12/29/16). One legislator on the Our Star Tribune recently reported that population Issue Strong warnings and new and information about the panel warned, “As long as we’re in denial, we can’t make growth in the Twin Cities is outpaced by other US negative impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the policies that are necessary to move us forward.” Cities. In reviewing metro area population trends, climate change, and looming environmental catastrophe SWLRT Increases GHG over No Build Option almost as many people moved to the Twin Cities as appear frequently. Minnesota seems to take climate These urgent warnings and the report from the moved away between 2010-2016. In response, readers change very seriously. After the Paris Climate MEQB are important when understanding the role had various reactions: It’s not a contest! People get Agreement was concluded in December 2015, an edito- SWLRT would play in climate change. SWLRT’s impact tired of the cold! It’s slow growth but it’s steady! Why rial by the Lt. Governor, speaking also for the on GHG emissions is given in the Final Environmental is this with so many Fortune 500 companies ! This is Governor, celeb rated the Agreement and reviewed the Impact Statement (FEIS) for SWLRT, which was pre- why we need SWLRT! Legalize marijuana so people negative impacts of climate change in Minnesota (Star pared by the Met Council and the FTA.
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