FITNESS SYSTEM Session Outline

Samurai FT was designed to make exercise fun. By the end of this workshop, you should be able to perform all basic techniques and will have gained a deeper knowledge of why movements are beneficial and what results can be expected from various applications. Let’s Get Started! What is Samurai FT?

SamuraiFT is a program inspired by martial arts drawn from a wide array of disciplines such as , , , and . The class entails a non-stop routine of striking, punching, and kicking techniques along with cardio and strength drills that includes balance, core and cognitive work. 3 Components of SamuraiFT SamuraiFT includes a wide range of exercises and movement combinations that are into components, each designed to elicit specific results. Position Two Basic Stances: Fighting Stance and Regular Stance (Various combinations and techniques all depend on the stance – Keep in mind that we are moving like fighters as a result, the coordination and combinations improves overall agility.) Traveling Forms – Foot Work The versatility of the traveling forms are endless. (Warm-ups, Metabolic Conditioning, Active Rest and more.) They activate your cognitive skills and help with mind body connection. Flow The movement of the body in a fluid sequence transferring energy from one SamuraiFT technique to the next. SamuraiFT techniques are based on perfect body control, which hugely relies on a strong core- stabilization. Your CORE is your POWER CENTER – “Martial Arts Masters” In SamuraiFT, all kicking, punching and blocking techniques involve the power center; which helps strengthen postural stabilizers (internal and external obliques, transversus abdominis).

SamuraiFT Techniques

Standard Stance, Strikes, Jab, The , Uppercut, Hook, Superman , Strikes, Circular Elbow , Upward Elbow Strike, Jumping Downward Elbow Strike, Side Elbow Strike, Strikes, , Front Kicks, Side Kicks, Back , Round House Kick, Blocks, Lower Blocks, High Blocks, Low Blocks, Palm Strike, Horse Stance, Straight Punch.

During a SamuraiFT Class you will experience moves that have been selected for the physical response and or demand they place on the body – and of course its fight appeal. The movements are sequenced to ensure a balanced mix of upper and lower body exercises including dynamic movement.

 Warm Up Phase – Raise core body temperature and increase mobility.  Training Intervals – Used to activate specific energy systems.  Active Recovery – To ensure that workloads remain achievable and effective.  Muscular Endurance Phase – To isolate and overload a specific muscle group.  Cool Down Phase – Return body to a steady state. SamuraiFT Sequenced Building Blocks A + B A A + B + C B A + B + C + D A + B ______C FINAL COMBO A + B + C D A + B + C + D ______FINAL COMBO