Wadebridge Town Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 28 February 2017 at 7pm in the Main Hall, Town Hall

Present: Cllrs; C Buchanan, E Gill, N Hawken, H Hyland, M Kendall, J Leach, A Pennington, A Richardson (arrived 7.08pm), P Starling, T Rush & P Tofi. Public Present : Councillors Karen McHugh & Steve Knightley, Graham Smith, Mrs Leach, Graham Dudman, Grenville Stanbury, Andrew Hawkey (Rugby Cub), Mr & Mrs Mockford, Angela & Geoff Richardson, Steve Kessel, Helen Rawe, Peter Collis and Michael Buxton & Graham Fincham (PA16/10641). In Attendance : Anne Minnis (Town Clerk) & Beverley Collins (Minutes).

Housekeeping – The Mayor advised of evacuation routes in case of an emergency (there were no hazards to note) and reminded all those present of the following: • That the meeting may be filmed or recorded. • Members and members of the public to turn mobile phones to silent. • Should a Member or member of the public wish to film or photograph the meeting please sit in the ‘Film/Photograph Area’. • Members of the public, children or vulnerable persons who do not wish to be filmed or photographed please sit in the ‘No Film/Photograph Area’.

323/17 Apologies – apologies were received from Cllrs Bassett & Jones. • It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Bassett who had a family commitment. • It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Jones who had a conflicting work commitment. • Cllr Richardson had advised she would arrive late.

324/17 Declarations of Interest – a) Pecuniary Interests (To declare those interests which have been declared on your Register of Interests relevant to the Agenda of the meeting. Whenever the item is being discussed, including public participation, Councillors must leave the room and not take part in the discussion and decision) – None.

b) Non Registerable Interests (To declare non registerable interests at the start of the meeting or whenever the interest becomes apparent. When the item is being discussed, including public participation, Councillors must leave the meeting and not take part in the discussion or decision) – None.

c) Dispensations – None.

325/17 Minutes of Last Meetings – The Minutes of the meeting held on the 8 February 2017 were RESOLVED to be a true record of the meeting subject to the following amendments to page 87 :

ADD Cllr Richardson as present. REMOVE the words ‘Cllr Bassett was absent from the meeting’.

The Minutes were signed by the Mayor.

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326/17 Public Participation – • Members of the Public – Mr Buxton (Developer, PA16/10641, Church Park) addressed Members regarding local concerns and issues. Referred to the comments of support submitted in the Neighbourhood Plan informal consultation and the addendum recently submitted which the Town Council was consulted on. Also referred to the Town Council’s previous comment and advised that legal advise had been taken and confirms that the Town Council can submit an additional changed comment. The Town Council was asked to respectively support the proposal. Images relating to the landscape were circulated for Members information. Cllr Pennington advised that a mistake had been made when submitting the previous comment in that the words ‘not supported’ had been included in the comment. Action to correct the comment was being taken. 7.08pm, Cllr Richardson arrived. Helen Rawe addressed Members on the proposed development at Church Park. Some of the points noted included; would hope that any new development would be contained to the town side of the bypass and concerned with the impact to the current infrastructure. Referring to the proposed development at Bodieve the following was noted; protection needed for small rural areas such as Bodieve. The same concerns as for Church Park development apply, existing services are all struggling. Had thought that the site was allocated for mixed use purposes. Cllr Pennington advised that the site is still emerging in the draft plan and that the forthcoming Regulation 14 consultation will allow the community to submit further comments. Cllr Gill stated that development within the town will strangle it. Andrew Hawkey addressed Members as both the representative of the Rugby Club and on a personal level advising that the Rugby Club support out of town development as it will avoid clogging up the town. As a personal opinion Mr Hawkey reminded Members of the history of the St Matthews Hill development which was originally out of town and has become a nice development and sensible as it doesn’t clog the centre of town. The Rugby Club would ask that the Town Council support the local community and the application. The Mayor reiterated the remit of the Regulation 14 consultation.

• Reports from Cornwall Councillors – Cllr Knightley referred to the Boundary Commission’s proposed reduction of Cornwall Councillors. In relation to current controversial planning issues Cllr Knightley advised that he supports the proposed development at Ball Roundabout which has been included in the Neighbourhood Plan from the outset. Referring to the recent consultation Cllr Knightley advised that he considers it to be weighted by interested parties. Proposed development at Sladesdbridge has 48 objections listed with only 4 listed for the Ball Roundabout site. The Neighbourhood Plan relies on evidence obtained from various consultations and the Sladesbridge site was not supported whereas the Ball Roundabout site was – a democratic decision was taken. Both applications are for outline consent and will be considered at the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on Thursday (2 March 2017). Dependent on the outcome of the meeting full applications will then being submitted possibly with amendments based on comments received from councils – Cllr Knightley advised his decision will remain the same. Noted that the respective Planning Officers do not support either application. A toolkit is available which allows Officers to approve applications through use of conditions. In relation to future development Cllr Knightley referred to the Neighbourhood Plan not being relevant as the Government Inspector will make planning decisions if submitted applications continue to be not supported

Sladesbridge proposal – discussion took place around the Town Council’s meeting of 21 December 2016 where the application had been considered.

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Cllr Pennington confirmed that the Town Council’s Minutes (of 21 December 2016) show that there had been no vote to ‘not support’ the Sladesbridge proposal and that an error had been made when submitting comments to the planning portal. Cllr Karen McHugh also referred to the Town Council meeting. Cllr McHugh advised she endorses Cllr Knightley’s comments in that affordable housing is needed for Wadebridge and that one development at least is in need of approval. Reference was made to both the Bodieve and Sladesbridge sites – Sladesbridge proposal has merits and suggested that the support for it is looked at democratically and to encourage representation and feedback. Cornwall Council budget – meeting held with a 4% rise in council tax being agreed. Cuts made by Central Government will affect various areas including a shortfall in social care. Cabinet has approved the controversial Capital of Culture bid which City Council is supporting. Further support to reduce the impact to tax payers is being sought. Cllr McHugh advised the bid refers to an increase in jobs and the economy but she remains sceptical. PA16/02955, proposed development at land off Trevanion Road, Cllr McHugh advised an appeal hearing date of 10 April 2017 has been set and she would like to work with the Town Council to fight the appeal.

Minutes of meeting held 21 December 2017 – Cllr Pennington advised content of the Minutes in relation to the proposed development at Sladesbridge.

327/17 Planning – a. Applications – It was RESOLVED to make the following responses to Cornwall Council : i. PA16/10638 : Mr George Edward-Collins, Cornish Traditional Cottages, 3 Eddystone Court, Eddystone Road, Advertisement consent to display two fascia signs. SUPPORTED. ii. PA17/01253 : The Charles Brekin Will Trust c/o G & I Chisholm Solicitors, Site Adjacent to 1 Riversdale, Polmorla Road, Construction of dwelling in former garden. SUPPORTED.

b. Additional Comments – The Mayor advised information regarding submission of add comments in relation to recent nhp consult. (copy attached). i. PARISH - PA16/10641 : Mr Graham Fincham, Progress Land (Wadebridge) Ltd., Land North of Higher Church Park, Egloshayle, Application for Outline Consent for a mixed-use neighbourhood of Wadebridge, comprising : up to 600 dwellings; 0.5 Form Entry Primary School; Local Centre comprising up to 650m 2 of A1 convenience retail use, up to 150m 2 of A3 cafe use and up to 450m 2 of D1 community space; up to 1,300m 2 of B1 employment use; Cycle and car parking; open space and green infrastructure; sustainable drainage system; new primary and secondary accesses from the A389 and Treworder Lane; a network of streets and footways on the Application Site and associated development. (Information previously circulated to Members via email). Cllr Pennington reminded Members of previous comments submitted and advised further information including current education issues. Suggestion to look at the benefits of the scheme at a strategic level. Cllr Pennington advised information relating to Cllr Jeremy Varcoe, Egloshayle Parish Council’s representative to the Steering Committee, who has a conflict of interest with the application due to a position held on the Camel Valley and Moor Protection Society which is a lobby group who have listed the proposed development as a concern on their website. Concerns with integrity were raised and Cllr Pennington relayed advice from the Monitoring Officer in that Cllr Varcoe has a non-registerable interest and is therefore not permitted to make representation at the Strategic Planning Meeting on 2 March 2017.

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The Mayor reminded Members that the draft plan is based on evidence obtained and that she trusts the integrity of the group. Additionally, the Steering Committee has not sanctioned Cllr Varcoe to speak on their behalf as yet and that the matter will be addressed at their meeting on 1 March 2017. Several comments were made in relation to the application including; • Objections to proposed shared space. • Concerns with current education issues. • Impact to current infrastructure. Cllr Buchanan advised her support for the application and proposed the application is supported. Cllr Gill seconded. The Town Clerk advised that Members should not be taking a vote on the application due to the depth of continued discussion and personal opinions which have been relayed at several meetings. Members would be better placed to submit comments relating to relevant information now available. It was highlighted that the comment submitted after meeting held 21 December 2016 contains an error in that it includes the words ‘Members did not support the application’. Minutes of the meeting record that a vote was taken with a proposed amendment to support the application but this vote, with amendment, fell. Members submitted comments but neither supported or objected to the application at that time. The Town Clerk confirmed that the comment submitted can be amended to rectify the error. Cllr Pennington referred to feedback received from the NHP informal consultation and suggested this is included in any further comment submitted. A query was raised as to why the Town Council should not now vote on the application at this point. The Town Clerk advised Members that discussion around this application and the proposed development at Bodieve has been considerably more than that usually undertaken. It was advised that Members should be mindful of and not ignore guidelines around predetermination as some Members have openly presented their personal opinions on both proposals at recent meetings. Unless Members re-debate all aspects of the application, eg. technical reports etc., then they may be open to a predetermination challenge. The Town Clerk reminded Members that they have an option to choose not to take the advice given. This advice was debated. The Town Clerk clarified that Cllr Varcoe is not permitted to speak on behalf of Wadebridge Town Council. Concerns were raised that the Steering Committee has submitted comments to the Planning Officer. The Mayor confirmed that the comment is information from the draft plan only and on behalf of the Steering Committee. The Mayor advised that whilst the Steering Committee is reviewing the comments received from the informal consultation she will abstain from any vote undertaken by the Town Council. Members debated the Steering Committee’s Terms of Reference which do not include formal powers. It was queried why the Steering Committee had submitted a comment. The Mayor reminded Members that the agenda item does not relate to the Steering Committee’s Terms of Reference. Cllr Pennington suggested that further comments are submitted on the proviso that the ‘not support’ wording contained in the previous comment is removed. The Town Clerk reminded Members that there was a proposal on the table. Cllr Buchanan thanked the Town Clerk for her advice and reiterated her proposal to support the application. The legalities of taking a vote were queried. The Town Clerk reiterated her previous advice that Members may be open to a predetermination challenge if a vote is taken.

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Proposal had been made by Cllr Buchanan to support the application and seconded by Cllr Gill. • There were no votes in favour – the proposal fell.

Cllr Pennington had circulated a proposed statement, relating to planning applications PA16/10942 and PA16/10641, for submission at the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on 2 March 2017. Members considered the content and noted that the Town Council should reflect relevant comments submitted via the Neighbourhood Plan informal consultation. • It was RESOLVED to accept the comments as presented. • It was RESOLVED to remove the words ‘not support’ from previous comment submitted on the planning portal. • It was RESOLVED to submit the last two paragraphs from the statement to the Planning Officer for inclusion in the final report.

Cllr Knightley referred to the submission of declarations of interest by those involved with the neighbourhood plan. He advised that, as a past Chair, he was aware of interests having been declared.

ii. EGLOSHAYLE PARISH - PA16/10942 : Mr David Clark, Wyndthorpe Estates Ltd, Land at Bodieve, Bodieve, Application of Outline Consent for the construction of up to 450 No. dwellings including provision of a new link road, site access, associated car parking, landscaping, open spaces, footpaths, cycle ways, noise mitigation and associated infrastructure (all matters reserved except for means of access). (Information circulated to Members with agenda). Members briefly debated traffic issues related to the proposed development and the proposed statement for inclusion at the Strategic Planning Committee meeting of 2 March 2017 which had been previously circulated by Cllr Pennington. • It was RESOLVED to accept the statement as circulated.

7.58pm, several members of the public left the meeting. c. Decisions – The following decisions as advised by Cornwall Council were noted : i. PA16/10610 : Mr & Mrs David and Lynne Williams and Brindley, Land East of Green Hill Villas, Green Hill, Outline application for up to two dwellings and associated residential curtilages. REFUSED . ii. PA16/12194 : Mr David Ball, Mulberry Cottage, Molesworth Street, Application for works to a Mulberry tree subject to a tree preservation order. APPROVED .

d. For Notification – The following information as received from Cornwall Council was noted : i. PA17/00504 : Mr Ralph Clayton, Land South of Trevilling Cottage, Trevilling Road, Screening Opinion: Provision of underground pumping station, control equipment cabinet and associated plant and equipment and connecting underground pipework and chambers. Screening Opinion – EIA Not Required. ii. PA17/01494 : Wadebridge Town Council, Egloshayle Playing Fields, Egloshayle Road, Works to trees in a Conservation Area namely remove large lateral bough from Monterey Pine (T1) and remove limb from a Poplar (T2). To be decided under delegated authority (works within a Conservation Area). iii. PA16/02955 : Redrow Homes, Land South of Cleavelands, Outline planning application for a one form entry primary school, residential development of up to 190 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping, associated infrastructure, demolition of buildings and vehicular access from Trevanion Road, The Culvery and Meadowhead, with all matters reserved except access. Appeal made – Informal Hearing date to be advised.

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7.59pm, members of the public left the meeting. 328/17 Committee meetings – to receive minutes and adopt recommendations where applicable: None.

329/17 Finance a. Payments of Accounts – Report of January 2017 was tabled. • It was RESOLVED to approve payments of £47,457.29 as presented

330/17 Correspondence a. The following correspondence for information was received : i. Cornwall Council – Communities & Devolution Newsletter (January 2017). ii. Rural Services Network – Cornwall Economic Profile. iii. Devon & Cornwall Police – Cyberattack on Tiverton Town Council/Ransomware. iv. Cornwall Council – Communities & Devolution Bulletin – Save our Hedgehogs. v. Cornwall AONB – Annual Conference, Saturday 20 May 2017 – Goonhilly Earth Station, Goonhilly Downs, . vi. Cornwall Council; Intention Notice: B3314 between Higher Rosewin & Camel Road, Gutt Road, B3314 between Gutt Road & Tregorden Lane, B3314 between Tregorden Lane & Bodieve Road, Wadebridge; 6 – 17 March 2017 (19:00 to 07:00). vii. Cornwall Council; Intention Notice: Trevilling Road, Wadebridge; 7 March to 4 May 2017 (24 hours, weekends included). viii. Business Cornwall - February 2017/Issue 107. ix. South West Business Insider – Vol. 11 No.2 February 2017.

b. Correspondence for response – None.

c. Minutes and Agendas from the following Outside Committees – None.

331/17 Egloshayle, St. Breock and Wadebridge Neighbourhood Plan – i. Minutes of the NHP Steering Group on 22 February 2017 (tabled) – Members debated concerns with the Steering Committee submitting comments relating to proposed development at both the Bodieve and Sladesbridge sites and additionally, representation by Cllr Varcoe at the Strategic Planning Committee meeting of 2 March 2017. The Mayor confirmed that representation had not yet been decided and that this matter was due to be discussed by the Steering Committee at their meeting the next day and that any comments submitted or representation made is in relation to the content of the draft plan as it currently stands and based on evidence obtained from the community. Members agreed that the Steering Committee should be aware of the Town Council’s position and that Members have concerns regarding authority and with the draft plan not reflecting the current community opinion. The Mayor advised that the Steering Committee will be considering comments received at the meeting. Cllr Rush voiced his concerns and disappointment that there is a lack of trust from several members of the Town Council in relation to the Steering Committee’s work. This was discussed, some of the points raised included; • Representatives to the Steering Committee have kept within their remit set and the draft plan reflects public opinion. • Steering Committee authority was questioned – the Town Council should authorise any comment submitted. • The Town Council needs assurance that comments submitted via a consultation are taken in account as they may result in a change to the content. The Town Clerk reiterated that the Steering Committee submits comments as necessary based only on the content of the draft plan which is a community document therefore why would the Town Council not be supportive of that.

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Cllr Tofi stated that he supports the Steering Committee but is aware that there have been occasions where information has not been fed back to respective councils and he feels that the Town Council should be aware of any comment submitted. Assurance is needed that the draft plan reflects public comments and opinion. The Mayor confirmed again that comments or statements submitted by the Steering Committee reflect the content of the draft plan which is based on comments received by the community. Any changes required as a result of a consultation will be made. Several Members felt that Councillors should be made aware of any comment agreed by the Steering Committee. The Town Clerk advised that, in the future, Steering Committee comments will be circulated to all Councillors for information purposes.

Notes of meeting held 22 February 2017 were received .

ii. Comments received from the draft NHP informal public consultation (circulated prior to meeting) – The Mayor advised that the Steering Committee will be further discussing this information at their next meeting and details will be relayed to respective councils at the earliest opportunity. The Steering Committee is hoping to move forward to the Regulation 14 Consultation as soon as possible.

iii. Local Green Space – The Mayor advised that a list of green spaces within Wadebridge is required for inclusion in the plan. 8.17pm, Cllr Tofi and Mr Dudman left the meeting. The Senior Groundsman has been asked to complete an audit of suitable areas. Members to contact the Town Clerk if they have any suggestions. 8.19pm, Cllrs McHugh & Knightley and Mr Stanbury left the meeting. Cllr Tofi returned. The remit of a green space was briefly discussed.

332/17 Working Groups a) Wadebridge Library & One Stop Shop . b) Waste Incentive Neighbourhood Scheme (WINS) – Details of the ‘Dish the Dirt’ event held on 21 February 2017 were relayed. c) BMX/Skatepark – Tender document underway. Draft to working group – meeting to be arranged. d) Flowers for Wadebridge – Notes of meetings held 23 January 2017 were tabled and received . e) Christmas Lights – meeting to be arranged. f) Town Hall Improvements – Referred to recent wedding reception held in Main Hall - feedback from hirer will be obtained. g) Town Hall Events – Venues and dates for election events to be advised. h) Toilet Working Group – meeting to be arranged. 8.25pm, remaining members of the public left the meeting.

333/17 Confidential matters – It was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Order 1.c., so that the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business because of the confidential personnel nature and contractual nature of the business to be transacted - Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. a) The Co-Op - The Town Clerk information received from the Regional Director regarding car parking arrangements. • It was RESOLVED to form a working group after the May elections who will meet with the Regional Director.

• It was RESOLVED to re-instate Standing Order 1.c.

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334/17 To note dates of the next Wadebridge Town Council meetings • Full Council – Wednesday 8 March 2017 – Pavilion. • Full Council – Wednesday 22 March 2017 – Pavilion to be confirmed.

Meeting closed at 8.38pm

Signed as a True and Accurate Account :

……………………………………… Chair : ……………………………………...... Date:

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