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Asensitive array formicroRNA expression profiling (miChip) based on lockednucleic acids (LNA)

MIRCOCASTOLDI, 1,3 SABINE SCHMIDT, 2 VLADIMIR BENES, 2 MIKKEL NOERHOLM, 5 ANDREAS E. KULOZIK,1,4 MATTHIAS W. HENTZE, 3,4 and MARTINA U. MUCKENTHALER1,4 1 Department of Pediatric Oncology,Hematology and Immunology, University of Heidelberg, Germany 2 Genomics Core Facility, 3 Gene Expression Unit, and 4 Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany 5 Research and Development, Exiqon, Vedbaek, Denmark

ABSTRACT represent aclass of short ( ; 22 nt), noncoding regulatory involved in development, differentiation, and metabolism. We describe anovel microarray platform for genome-wide profiling of mature miRNAs (miChip) using locked (LNA)-modified capture probes. The biophysical properties of LNA were exploited to design probe sets for uniform, high-affinity hybridizations yielding highly accurate signals able to discriminate between single differences and, hence, between closely related miRNA family members. The superior detection sensitivity eliminates the need for RNA size selection and/or amplification. MiChip will greatly simplify miRNA expression profiling of biological and clinical samples. Keywords: microRNAs; microarrays; LNA; RNA translation; mouse

INTRODUCTION agivencell or tissue (Doench and Sharp 2004;deMoor et al. 2005). The accurate profiling of miRNA expressionthus MicroRNAs (miRNAs) constitute aclass of recently dis- represents an important tooltoinvestigate physiological covered short regulatory RNAs that control gene expression and pathophysiological states. post-transcriptionallyin, e.g., development, differentiation, Different methodologies havebeenused to profile and metabolism (Krichevsky et al.2003; Abbott et al. 2005; miRNA expression, including Northern blotting with Chenand Lodish 2005; de Moor et al. 2005; Harfe 2005; radiolabeled probes(Sempere et al. 2004; Valoczi et al. Leamanetal. 2005). miRNAsare initially transcribed as 2004), oligonucleotidemacroarrays(Krichevsky et al. 2003; long precursorRNA molecules (pri-miRNAs)and succes- Sioud and Rosok 2004), quantitative PCR-based amplifi- sivelyprocessed by Drosha and Dicer complexes into their cation of precursorormature miRNAs(Schmittgen et al. mature forms of z 22 nt. 2004;Jiang et al. 2005; Shi and Chiang 2005),bead-based Cloning efforts and bioinformatic predictions suggest profiling methods(Barad et al. 2004; Lu et al. 2005), and that miRNAsmay regulate up to 20%–25% of mammalian DNA microarrays spotted onto glass surfaces (Babak et al. genes (Lewis et al. 2005). miRNAscontrol RNAexpression 2004;Liu et al. 2004; Miska et al. 2004; Nelson et al. 2004; at the level of turnover and/or translation via base-pairing, Thomson et al. 2004; Baskerville and Bartel2005). By usually to their 3 9 -untranslated regions (Lee et al. 1993; de contrast to mRNA profiling technologies,miRNA profiling Moor et al. 2005). Boththe qualitative and the quantitative must address the short nature ( z 22 nt) of miRNAs and expressions of miRNAs, therefore, are expected to exert should be able to distinguish between miRNAsthat differ aprofound regulatory influence on the transcriptome of by as little as asingle nucleotide. Microarray-basedmiRNA profiling assays constitute an efficientmethodology to screen in aparallel fashion for the Reprint requeststo: Martina U. Muckenthaler, Department of Pediatric expression of alarge number of miRNAsthrough extensive Oncology, Hematology and Immunology, University of Heidelberg, Im NeuenheimerFeld 156, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany;e-mail: martina. sample collections. While reliable expression profiles can be [email protected]; or Matthias W. Hentze, Gene Ex- obtained on most of the experimental platforms described pression Unit, EMBL, Meyerhofstrasse 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany, so far, their use can be limited by the large amount of e-mail: [email protected]. Article published online ahead of print. Article and publication date are starting material needed (Miska et al. 2004;Thomson et al. at 2004), work-intensive miRNA enrichmentprocedures (Miska

RNA (2006), 12:913–920. PublishedbyCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Copyright Ó 2006 RNA Society. 913

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et al. 2004; Baskerville and Bartel 2005), and/or amplifica- probes of standard composition. At amedium hybridization tion and labeling protocols that can introduce quantitative temperature(e.g., 65° C), capture probes with lower T m values bias and, hence, experimental error (Barad et al. 2004; Liu will yield lower signals, while capture probeswith higher T m et al. 2004;Miska et al. 2004; Baskerville and Bartel 2005). values will display impaired nucleotide discrimination and, In addition,discrimination between single nucleotide dif- hence, lowerspecificity. ferences is notalwayspossible(Miskaetal. 2004;Baskerville To overcomethese limitations, we spotted atest set andBartel2005). of capture probes on coated glasssurfaces, which consist We describe anovel microarray platform (miChip) that of either unmodified DNA or of adefined accuratelyand sensitively monitors the expressionof combination of unmodified and LNA-modified nucleotide miRNAswithout prior need for RNA size fractionation analogs (Tolstrup et al. 2003). The LNA modification raises and/oramplification and that can discriminate among the thermostability of nucleic acid duplex by up to 4 ° Cper closely related miRNA family members. The described tech- nucleotide when the complementary strand is DNA, and up nologyisbased on the use of lockednucleic acid (LNA)- to 8 ° Cwhen the complementary strand is RNA (Nielsen et modified oligonucleotidesthat were previously recognized al. 2003). In afirst approach, we compared unmodified and for their superior performance in Northern blotting and LNA-modified capture probe test sets of identical sequen- miRNA-specific in situ hybridization assays (Valoczi et al. ces (see Supplemental Table 1). The capture probes were 2004;Thomsen et al. 2005;Nelson et al. 2006). LNA is a spotted onto N-hydroxysuccinamide(NHS)-coated synthetic RNA/DNA analog characterized by increased (CodeLink, GE Healthcare) slides,which proved to possess thermostability of nucleic acid duplexes when LNA mono- superior properties regardingthe binding of short (20 mer) mers are introduced into oligonucleotides(Braasch and oligodeoxynucleotides in preliminary experiments (see Corey 2001). Supplemental Fig. 1A,B; Supplemental Table 4). We hypothesized that LNA-modified capture probes (1) Arrays were hybridized to total murine liver RNA may result in amore sensitive detection of miRNAs in directly labeledatthe 3 9 -end by ligation of ashort,Cy-dye comparison to unmodified DNA-based capture probes and modified linker sequence (Fig. 1; see Materialsand Methods). (2) can be designed suchthat an uniformmelting temper- The hybridizationconditions were separately optimized for ature ( T m )can be applied to agenome-wide set of miRNAs the immobilized DNA and LNA-modified capture probes, by adjusting the LNA content and the length of the capture respectively. The miRNA profile obtained fromDNA-based probes (Baskerville and Bartel2005). T m normalization of capture probes is similar to the one generated by capture capture probes permits to establish normalized hybridiza- probes including LNA-modified and consistent tion conditions suitable for all miRNAs,which cover a with previously published data (Fig. 1; Babak et al. 2004; range of T m sbetween 45° Cand 74° C. Hybridization con- Liu et al. 2004;Sempere et al. 2004; Thomson et al. 2004; ditionsoptimized forhighstringencybindingnot only Baskerville and Bartel 2005). However, LNA-modified cap- accurately detect theexpression of miRNAs butalsoincrease ture probesyield aseveral-fold-increased hybridizationsig- thehybridization specificityfor relatedmiRNA family mem- nal in comparison to the unmodified DNA capture probes bers that oftendifferbyaslittleasasingle nucleotide when the same amount of input RNA is used and identical (Griffiths-Jones 2004). labelingprotocols are employed. The higher sensitivity of the LNA-modified capture probes is most obvious when lower amounts (2.5–5 m g) of total RNA are used. These RESULTS resultsshow that LNA-modified capture probesare more To establishamicroarray platform that accurately and sen- sensitive than DNA capture probes, offering superior per- sitively measures the expressionlevels of miRNAs without formance for miRNA detection. need for RNAsize fractionation and/or RNAamplification, we optimized RNA preparationprotocols, coating chemis- T -normalized capture probes facilitate tries for glass surfaces, chemical modifications of capture m mismatch discrimination probes, as well as labeling and hybridizationprotocols. To benefit from the biophysical properties offeredbythe LNA-modification, capture probes with auniformly nor- Locked nucleic acid (LNA)-modified DNA malized T of 72° Cwere designed. Probe design included oligonucleotides display superior sensitivity m the adjustmentofboth the length and the LNA content of More than 300 human and mousemiRNAs(miRBase individual capture probes (see Supplemental Table 2). A release7.1) havebeen annotated in the miRNA registry at capture probe test set for these miRNAs wasspotted onto the present (Griffiths-Jones 2004). Their calculated T m s NHS-coated glass slides and subsequently assessed for their towardthe complementary DNA strand vary between 45° C accuracy in detecting miRNA expression in murineheart and 74° C, prohibiting uniform, equally effectivehybridization and liver samples. Figure 2shows that these T m -normalized conditions for theentire set of miRNAs based on capture LNA-modified capture probe sets generate tissue-specific

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miCHIP, amiRNA-microarray based on LNA technology

Leamanetal. 2005), it is important to be able to discriminate between such related miRNA family members. To assess whether T m -normalized LNA- modified captureprobes can distin- guish between closely related sequences underour optimized hybridization con- ditions, we introduced single (1MM) and double mismatches (2MM) at the central position of the (Barad et al. 2004; see Supplemental Table 2). miRNAsthat yield high signal intensities after hybridization to LNA- modifiedcapture probeswith 100% complementarity (perfect match[PM]) in most cases (e.g., Let-7a, miR-30c, and miR-1) show adrastically reduced (often below background)hybridiza- tion signal when hybridized to the corresponding 1MM captureprobe. In contrast, low-intensity hybridiza- tion signalsfrommiRNAsthatare not expressed in agiventissue (e.g., miR- 122a in the heart and miR-1 in the liver, respectively) do not differ significantly between PM, 1MM, and 2MM capture probes, suggesting that they reflect background noise.Most importantly, two closely related miRNA family mem- bers that differ by asingle nucleotide at position 9(from the 5 9 -end) and asingle nucleotide extension at the39 - end (let-7aand let-7e) differconsiderably in the signal intensities obtained in both liver andhearttissues (Fig. 2).These data demonstrate that the T m -normalized LNA-modified captureprobes hybridize their miRNA targets in ahighly specific FIGURE 1. Mixed DNA/LNA capture probes display increased sensitivity for miRNA manner and that asingle nucleotide detection. miRNA expression was assessed in murine liver using atest set of LNA-modified mismatch suffices forsignificant destabi- ( left)orunmodified DNA oligonucleotide capture probes ( right). Decreasing amounts of total lization of the heteroduplex. Thus, LNA- RNA were used as input material for miRNA analysis. Data are presented as median intensity (four replicas per miRNA capture probe; arepresentative experiment is shown). modifiedcapture probes enable efficient discrimination between miRNA family members, at leastwhen they differ in miRNA profilesthat reflect the known expression of tissue- nucleotides close to thecentral position. specifically expressedmiRNAs.For example,miR-122a ex- pression is detected in liver, while miR-1 and miR-133a Confirmation of miChip data by Northern blotting expression is not. In contrast,the heartexpresses miR-1 andmiR-133abut notmiR-122a (Babak et al.2004;Liu et al. Northern blot analysis offers both quantitative and quali- 2004;Sempere et al.2004; Thomsonetal. 2004; Baskerville tative information about the expression of individual andBartel2005). miRNAs(Sempere et al. 2004). We thus selectedeight miRNA family members are often closely related and miRNAsfrom our test set that display either high (e.g., Let- sometimes differ by as little as 1ntinsequence. Because 7a and miR-122a) or low (e.g., miR-126) signal intensities, sequence-related miRNA family members may be involved or where high (e.g., miR-122a and miR-1) or low (e.g., in different physiological functions (Abbott et al. 2005; miR-22 andmiR-30c)differentialexpression values between 915

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FIGURE 2. Accurate miRNA detection in murine heart and liver samples using T m normalized LNA-modified capture probes. Detection of miRNA expression by PM ( perfect match; 100% complementarity to the miRNA sequence), 1MM (single nucleotide mismatch at the central position of the nucleotide sequence of the mature miRNA), and 2MM (two nucleotide mismatches at the central position) LNA-modified captures probes. Data are presented as median intensity 6 SD (four replicas per miRNA capture probe; arepresentative experiment is shown).

murine liver and heart were obtained by miChip analyses, spotted onto NHS-coated glass slides. To assess miChip and assessed their expression on Northern blots. The accuracy, selected Murine tissues (duodenum, spleen, expression profiles obtained by Northern blotting fully heart, and liver) for which the miRNA expressionpatterns supported the results of the miChip analysis (Fig. 3). Minor are known were compared (Fig. 4). The data demonstrate discrepancies (e.g., for miR-122a) may be caused by the that the miRNA profiles accurately reflectthe known higher specific activity of radioactively labeled probesthat miRNAexpressionpatternsindifferent tissues(Babaket areused for the hybridization of Northern blots. Eventhe al.2004; Liuetal. 2004;Sempere et al.2004;Thomson et al. low differential expressionobserved between heart and liver 2004;Baskerville andBartel2005; seeSupplementalTable 5). for miR-22 and miR-30c is validated by Northern analysis. DISCUSSION While most miRNAsmonitored in Figure 3are predom- inantly detected in their mature forms, the majority of the miRNAs aresmall, noncoding RNAs that post-transcriptionally let-7e signal comes from aband that correspondsinsize to regulate gene expression (Krichevsky et al.2003;Chenand the precursormiRNA ( z 65 nt). Interestingly, the let-7e Lodish 2005;deMooretal. 2005;Harfe 2005). Their hybridizationsignal measured on miChip correlates best central biological roles suggest that their expression may with the one corresponding to the mature miRNA identi- provide valuable diagnosticand prognostic indicators for fied by Northern blotting. It is therefore likely that miChip human diseases, including solid tumors and leukemias analysis mainly detects mature miRNAsand discriminates (Calin et al. 2004;Eckhardtetal. 2005;Eder and Scherr somewhat against the respective precursorforms. We 2005;Iorio et al. 2005). Moreover,cellular miRNAs arealso speculate that this discrimination may be causedbyamore important for the replication of pathogenic viruses, and efficient ligation of the Cy-dye-labeledRNA oligonucleo- small RNAs are also encodedbythe genomes of several tides to the small mature miRNAscompared to the larger viruses(Cai et al. 2005;Pfeffer et al. 2005). Additionally, it pre-miRNA molecules. has been recently reported that human hepatitisvirus C, after infection, needsacellular miRNA (miR-122a) to facilitate its own replication, suggesting that miRNAs may Genome-wide miRNA profiling using miChip represent novel targets for anti-viral intervention (Jopling Basedonour findings with the test set of LNA-modified et al. 2005). capture probes, we next developed agenome-wide miChip Here we describe anovel microarray platform (miChip) microarray platform encompassing the 250 miRNAs con- that enables highly parallel profiling of miRNA gene ex- tainedinthe miRBase, release 6.0 (Griffiths-Jones2004), pression in mammalian cells and tissues.Weestablished for mouse and human species (see Supplemental Table 3). time-efficient, easy-to-handle experimental protocols that All captureprobes were normalized to a T m of 72° Cand also can be applied in clinical settings. ThemiRNAextraction

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miCHIP, amiRNA-microarray based on LNA technology

Amajorimprovement of thesensitivity and accuracy of miChip was achieved by the use of mixed DNA/LNA- modified capture probes. The elevated thermal duplex stability(up to 8 ° Cper LNAmodifiedbase) (Nielsen et al. 2003)enabled us to design mixedDNA/LNA captureprobes with normalized melting temperatures by modifying LNA content and oligonucleotidelength. The hybridization temperature of 55° Callowed the optimization of specific hybridizationconditions (see Materials and Methods) suit- able for the genome-wide miRNA set (based on miRNA registry release 6.0; Griffiths-Jones 2004). MiChip analyses basedon T m -normalized, LNA-modified capture probes spotted onto NHS-coatedglassslides circumventmany of the limitationsassociated with other microarray platforms for miRNA profiling that use exclu- sively unmodified DNA capture probes (Babak et al. 2004; Barad et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2004; Miska et al. 2004; Nelson et al. 2004; Thomson et al. 2004; Baskerville and Bartel 2005;Luetal. 2005). Theseapproaches often require larger amounts of startingmaterial (Miska et al. 2004; Baskerville and Bartel2005)orpotentially error-prone amplification protocols as well as work-intensive miRNA enrichment procedures (Barad et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2004;Miska et al. 2004;Baskerville and Bartel 2005). The results obtained with the miChip microarray platform demonstrate that (1) thesignal-to-noise ratioobtainedwithLNA-modifiedcap- ture probes is substantiallyhigherthanwithDNA-based captureprobes(Fig. 1);(2) miRNAexpressionpatternsare obtained with high sensitivityand accuracy;(3) thestarting material canbereduced to as little as 2.5 m goftotal RNA withoutcompromisingthe qualityofthe results(Fig. 1);(4) excellentdiscriminationbetween miRNAs with single nu- cleotide differencescan be achieved (Fig.2), allowing ef- ficientdiscriminationbetween closelyrelated miRNAfamily members(Figs.2,3). Basedonthese data we expect that miChip analysis cangreatly facilitate miRNAexpressionpro- filing of biological andclinicalsamples (Fig.4). FIGURE 3. Confirmation of miChip data by Northern blotting. Eight miRNAs were selected for comparative analysis as described in MATERIALS AND METHODS the text. The Y -axis of the miChip graph refers to the background- corrected averaged mean fluorescence intensities of four replicas normalized for U6 RNA expression, while the Y -axis in the Northern RNA isolation and Northern blot hybridization blot graph refers to background-corrected intensities (as calculated by ImageJ). For both the miChip and the Northern blot data, the signal Adult mice (C57Bl6/J) were sacrificed by neck dislocation, and corresponding to the miRNA with the highest signal intensity (miR-1) organs were collected and stored in liquid nitrogen. Total RNA was set to 100%, and signals for the additional miRNAs analyzed were was prepared using Trizol (Invitrogen) following the manufac- calculated as apercentage thereof. Ethidium bromide stained 5S RNA turer’s protocol, where isopropanol was replaced by ethanol for (*) is shown as aloading control. Arrows indicate the position of the pre-miRNAs ( top arrow, z 65 nt) and of the mature miRNAs ( bottom RNA precipitation. RNA quality was ascertained using an Agilent arrow, z 22 nt). 2100 bioanalyzer (Agilent technologies). For Northern blot analysis, 10 m goftotal RNA were loaded onto 15% acrylamide, 6Murea, and TBE gels alongside an appropriate DNA marker. Following electrophoresis, RNA was transferred to anylon mem- and labeling protocols were optimized to allow the use of as brane (Nitran-N) using semidry transfer (semiphor; Pharmacia little as 2.5 m goftotal RNAasstarting material without Biotech). Membranes were then hybridized overnight at 50° Cin aneed formiRNA enrichmentand amplification. We hybridization buffer (53 SSC, 20 mM Na2 HPO4, 5% SDS and 1 3 consider thesecharacteristicstobeimportant advantages Denhardt’s), together with LNA oligonucleotides (miRCURY of this technology. LNA Array detection probes; Exiqon) that were previously labeled 917 cshl/RNA/1117 JOBNAME: Fig. atlie al. et Castoldi 918 4l iv e4 RNA N,Vl 2 No. 12, Vol. RNA, 92/RNA2332 /C Downloaded from 12#5 2006 4 PAGE: 6O 5 UTPUT: Saturday onSeptember30,2021-Publishedby April 11 5:15:11 2006 Cold SpringHarborLaboratoryPress

FIGURE 4. Genome-wide miRNA profiling using miChip. miRNA expression profiles were monitored across four mouse tissues (duodenum [‘‘Duod.’’], spleen, heart, and liver). Data were organized according to the expression levels of individual miRNAs (condition tree). The key color bar indicates miRNA expression levels (dark red indicates high expression, while dark blue indicates no detectable expression; the Genespring data file is presented in

Supplemental Table 5). JOBNAME: RNA 12#5 2006 PAGE: 7OUTPUT: Saturday April 115:15:31 2006 cshl/RNA/111792/RNA23324

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miCHIP, amiRNA-microarray based on LNA technology

with polynucleotide kinase (NEB) and 32P-ATP. Subsequently, the miRNA capture probe were uploaded into the GeneSpring micro- blot was washed twice at 50° Cfor 30 min (in 0.23 SSC) and array analysis software. Subsequently, each miChip was normal- exposed o/n on aphosphoimager (FLA-2000, Fujifilm). ized to the 50th percentile of the positive controls (U6-MUSA and U6-MUSD) and to the median of the 50th percentile of total Cy-dye labeling of miRNAs for microarray analysis signal intensities on each array. Northern blot images were analyzed using ImageJ software ( Total(2.5–10 m g) RNAwas ligatedtoaRNA-linker (p-rUrUrUdA- Cy-dye [Miska et al. 2004], Dharmacon) labeled at the 3 9 -end with SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Cy3 or Cy5 using T4 RNA (NEB) ligase overnight at 37° C. Unboundnucleotides/RNA-linkerswereremoved by ethanol pre- Supplemental material can be found at http://www.embl-heidelberg. cipitation. de/ExternalInfo/hentze/suppinfo.html andathttp://www.klinikum. Microarraypreparation and hybridization COMPETING INTERESTS DNA oligonucleotide (Sigma-Genosys) and LNA-modified oligo- nucleotide (Exiqon) capture probes containing a59 -terminal M.N. is an employee of Exiqon A/S. All other authors have no C6-amino modified linker, were chosen for complementarity to competing financial interests. the respective full-length mature miRNA sequences. Asecond set of LNA-modified oligonucleotides was designed to have uniform ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T m of 72° Cagainst their complementary targets, by adjustment of the LNA content and length of the capture probes (now available We are grateful to Dr. Roland Stauber (Georg-Speyer-Haus, as miRCURY LNA Array probes; Exiqon [http://www.exiqon. Frankfurt) for his encouragement to develop an improved miRNA com]) (see Supplemental Table 3). Capture probes were diluted to microarrayplatform. We arealsoindebtedtoDr. Sakari Kauppinen afinal concentration of 20 m Min150 mM phosphate-buffered for his contribution to the early stages of the project. This work saline (pH 8.5) and spotted on to N-hydroxysuccinamide glass was supported by aCancer Research Net grant (BMBF [NGFN] surfaces (CodeLink; GE Healthcare). Slides were printed using 201GS0450) to A.E.K., M.W.H., and M.U.M. either the OmniGrid 100 robot (GeneMachines) at 60%–65% humidity and 23° C–24° C, or the Lucidea Array Spotter (GE Received December 16, 2005; accepted January 19, 2006. Healthcare) at 65% humidity and 21° C. Each spot measured z 120 m mindiameter with acenter-to-center spacing between spots of 300 m m. Each probe was printed in quadruplicate using REFERENCES are-dip after five slides. Spotted glass slides were subjected to Abbott, A.L., Alvarez-Saavedra, E., Miska, E.A., Lau, N.C., post-processing as recommended by the manufacturer and stored Bartel, D.P., Horvitz, H.R., and Ambros, V. 2005. 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Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus Slides were scanned using aGenepix 4000B laser scanner (Axon expresses an array of viral microRNAs in latently infected cells. Instruments), where the photomultiplier (PMT) settings of the Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102: 5570–5575. Calin, G.A., Sevignani, C., Dumitru, C.D., Hyslop, T., Noch, E., two channels were manually adjusted such that the intensity at Yendamuri, S., Shimizu, M., Rattan, S., Bullrich, F., Negrini, M., et A532 and A635 equals 1. Artifact-associated spots were eliminated al. 2004. Human microRNA genes are frequently located at fragile both by software- and visual-guided flags. Image intensities were sites and genomic regions involved in cancers. Proc. Natl. Acad. measured as afunction of the median of foreground minus Sci. 101: 2999–3004. background. Negative values were normalized to 1. (If other Chen, C.Z. and Lodish, H.F. 2005. MicroRNAs as regulators of normalization protocols were applied, they are described in the mammalian hematopoiesis. Semin. Immunol. 17: 155–165. de Moor, C.H., Meijer, H., and Lissenden, S. 2005. Mechanisms of corresponding figure legends.) Microarray images were analyzed translational control by the 3 9 UTR in development and differen- using the Genepix Pro 4.0 software (Axon Instruments). Excel and tiation. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 16: 49–58. GeneSpring 7.2 (Silicon Genetics) were used for further data Doench, J.G. and Sharp, P.A. 2004. Specificity of microRNA target analysis. Medians of four background corrected replicas for each selection in translational repression. Genes & Dev. 18: 504–511. 919 JOBNAME: RNA 12#5 2006 PAGE: 8OUTPUT: Saturday April 115:15:32 2006 cshl/RNA/111792/RNA23324

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920 RNA, Vol. 12, No. 5 Downloaded from on September 30, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

A sensitive array for microRNA expression profiling (miChip) based on locked nucleic acids (LNA)

Mirco Castoldi, Sabine Schmidt, Vladimir Benes, et al.

RNA 2006 12: 913-920

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