Cumberland Law Journal Lxviii 52 12/27/19

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Cumberland Law Journal Lxviii 52 12/27/19 LXVIII 52 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 12/27/19 ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Crull, Stephen, dec’d. Late of Lower Frankford Town- Notice is hereby given that, in the ship. estates of the decedents set forth be- Co-Administrators: Tina Cornman low, the Register of Wills has granted and Shelby Reed c/o Corey J. letters testamentary or of administra- Adamson, Esquire, Abom & Ku- tion to the persons named. Notice is tulakis, LLC, 2 West High Street, also hereby given of the existence of Carlisle, PA 17013. the trusts of the deceased settlors Attorneys: Corey J. Adamson, set forth below for whom no personal Esquire, Abom & Kutulakis, LLC, representatives have been appointed 2 West High Street, Carlisle, PA within 90 days of death. All persons 17013. having claims or demands against said estates or trusts are requested Hawbecker, Robert C. a/k/a Robert to make known the same, and all Clyde Hawbecker, dec’d. persons indebted to said estates or Late of Lower Allen Township. trusts are requested to make pay- Administrator: David R. Haw- ment, without delay, to the executors becker c/o Charles E. Shields, III, or administrators or trustees or to Esquire, 6 Clouser Rd., Mechan- their attorneys named below. icsburg, PA 17055. FIRST PUBLICATION Attorney: Charles E. Shields, III, Esquire, 6 Clouser Rd., Mechan- Bard, Robert E., Jr., dec’d. icsburg, PA 17055. Late of Southampton Township. Executors: Jerry L. Bard, James dec’d. L. Bard and Richard A. Bard c/o Hunt, Cynthia Leah, Late of the Borough of Camp Hill. Forest N. Myers, Esquire, 137 Park Place West, Shippensburg, Executrix: Hilary Leah Hunt c/o PA 17257. Stephen C. Nudel, Esquire, Law Attorney: Forest N. Myers, Es- Offices Stephen C. Nudel, PC, 219 quire, 137 Park Place West, Ship- Pine Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101. pensburg, PA 17257. Attorneys: Stephen C. Nudel, Es- quire, Law Offices Stephen C. Nudel, PC, 219 Pine Street, Har- Cheeka, Veronica A., dec’d. Late of Lower Allen Township. risburg, PA 17101. Executor: Robert L. Cheeka. Attorneys: Katherine L. McDon- Prescott, Robert E. a/k/a Robert ald, Esquire, Dethlefs-Pykosh Law Edwin Prescott, dec’d. Group, LLC, 2132 Market Street, Late of Lower Allen Township. Camp Hill, PA 17011, (717) 975- Executrix: Constance E. Prescott 9446. c/o Christa M. Aplin, Esquire, JSDC Law Offices, 11 East Choc- Chestnut, Steven, dec’d. olate Avenue, Suite 300, Hershey, Late of Carlisle Borough. PA 17033. Executor: Robert E. Chestnut c/o Attorneys: Christa M. Aplin, Es- Corey J. Adamson, Esquire, Abom quire, JSDC Law Offices, 11 East & Kutulakis, LLC, 2 West High Chocolate Avenue, Suite 300, Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. Hershey, PA 17033, (717) 533- Attorneys: Corey J. Adamson, 3280. Esquire, Abom & Kutulakis, LLC, 2 West High Street, Carlisle, PA Rusinak, Martha, dec’d. 17013. Late of the Borough of Carlisle. 7 LXVIII 52 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 12/27/19 Executrix: Joan A. Gerstein c/o Attorneys: Elizabeth H. Feather, Robert G. Frey, Esquire, 5 South Esquire, Caldwell & Kearns, P.C., Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA 3631 North Front Street, Harris- 17013. burg, PA 17110, (717) 232-7661. Attorneys: Frey and Tiley. Sawadzki, Cynthia M., dec’d. Wagner, Carmen N., dec’d. Late of North Middleton Township. Late of Mechanicsburg Borough. Executrix: Loretta A. Gilbert. Executors: Greg A. Wagner, Gary Attorney: Andrew H. Shaw, Es- quire, 2011 W. Trindle Road, L. Wagner and Barbara K. Kohler. Carlisle, PA 17013, (717) 243- Attorneys: Ryan A. Webber, Es- 7135. quire, Walters & Galloway, PLLC, 54 East Main Street, Mechanics- Spangler, Marlene E., dec’d. burg, PA 17055. Late of West Pennsboro Township. Executrix: Karen M. Gensler, 781 SECOND PUBLICATION Centerville Road, Newville, PA Arter, Nancy L., dec’d. 17241. Late of Lower Allen Township. Attorney: Wayne F. Shade, Es- Executor: Dana G. Harbold. quire, 53 West Pomfret Street, Attorneys: Michael L. Bangs, Es- Carlisle, PA 17013. quire, Bangs Law Office, LLC, 429 South 18th Street, Camp Hill, PA Weaver, Henry L., dec’d. 17011. Late of Monroe Township. Executrix: Ann M. Weaver, 5605 Barbara Drive, Mechanicsburg, Clark, Eleanor L., dec’d. PA 17050. Late of Lower Allen Township. Attorney: None. Executor: Donald M. Matthews, 10 E. Maplewood Avenue, Me- Ziober, Edward J., dec’d. chanicsburg, PA 17055. Late of the Township of Hampden. Attorneys: Elizabeth H. Feather, Executrix: Angela Bell, 172 Esquire, Caldwell & Kearns, P.C., Walden Way, Mechanicsburg, PA 3631 North Front Street, Harris- 17050. burg, PA 17110, (717) 232-7661. Attorneys: Gerald J. Shekletski, Esquire, Stone LaFaver & Shek- Clay, Richard P., dec’d. letski, P.O. Box E, New Cumber- Late of North Middleton Township. land, PA 17070. Co-Executors: Jed R. Clay, 8 W. Mulberry Hill Road, Carlisle, PA Zizzi, Cosmo J., Sr., dec’d. 17013 and Dee A. Witmer, 904 Late of the Borough of Carlisle. Dunbarton Court, Herndon, VA Executors: Anthony F. Zizzi and 20170. Elizabeth Zizzi c/o Robert G. Frey, Esquire, 5 South Hanover Street, Attorneys: Butler Law Firm, 1007 Carlisle, PA 17013. Mumma Road, Suite 101, Le- Attorneys: Frey and Tiley. moyne, PA 17043. THIRD PUBLICATION Ryall, Brock M. a/k/a Brock Mat- Anderson, Lawrence N., dec’d. thew Ryall, dec’d. Late of East Pennsboro Twp. Late of Silver Spring Township. Executrix: Patsy C. Anderson c/o Executrix: Jacqueline Garno, 11 Hazen Law Group, 2000 Lin- Stone Run Drive, Mechanicsburg, glestown Road, Suite 202, Har- PA 17050. risburg, PA 17110. 8 LXVIII 52 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 12/27/19 Attorneys: Hazen Law Group, Monismith, Doris J., dec’d. 2000 Linglestown Road, Suite Late of South Middleton Town- 202, Harrisburg, PA 17110. ship. Co-Executors: Paul S. Monismith, Davis, Theresa A., dec’d. III, Barry L. Monismith and Wan- Late of Cumberland County. da K. Klingensmith c/o Douglas Executrix: Kathleen E. Murphy G. Miller, Esquire, Irwin & Mc- c/o Nicholas O. Schwartz, Es- Knight, P.C., 60 West Pomfret quire, Allied Attorneys of Central Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. Pennsylvania, LLC, 61 West Attorneys: Irwin & McKnight, P.C. Louther St., Carlisle, PA 17013. Attorneys: Nicholas O. Schwartz, Esquire, Allied Attorneys of Cen- Riccitiello, Joanne, dec’d. tral Pennsylvania, LLC, 61 West Late of Lemoyne Borough. Louther St., Carlisle, PA 17013. Executrix: Susan A. Callery, 12 Woburn Abbey Ave., Camp Hill, Hiller, Gail Elizabeth a/k/a Gail E. PA 17011. Hiller, dec’d. Attorneys: Kristen Snyder, Es- Late of 770 South Hanover Street, quire, Jackson Law Firm, PLLC, Carlisle. 1215 Manor Dr., Ste. 202, Me- Co-Executrices: Rhonda S. Rada- chanicsburg, PA 17055. baugh and Terri M. Finch c/o Heather D. Royer, Esquire, Smi- Schade, Robert S., dec’d. gel, Anderson & Sacks, LLP, 4431 Late of Lower Allen Township. N. Front Street, 3rd Floor, Har- Executrix: Linda L. Diehl c/o risburg, PA 17110. Robert P. Kline, Esquire, Kline Attorneys: Heather D. Royer, Es- quire, Smigel, Anderson & Sacks, Law Office, P.O. Box 461, New LLP, 4431 N. Front Street, 3rd Cumberland, PA 17070-0461. Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Attorneys: Robert P. Kline, Es- quire, Kline Law Office, P.O. Box Kornbauer, Marie R., dec’d. 461, New Cumberland, PA 17070- Late of the Borough of Carlisle. 0461. Executrix: Carol J. Moyer c/o Marcus A. McKnight, III, Esquire, Shelley, Kenneth G., dec’d. Irwin & McKnight, P.C., 60 West Late of Windsor Township. Pomfret Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. Executor: Eric J. Shelley, 1137 Attorneys: Irwin & McKnight, P.C. Sarazen Way, York, PA 17404. Attorney: Jeffrey R. Bellomo, Es- McGonigle, James Vincent, Sr., quire, 3198 East Market Street, dec’d. York, PA 17402. Late of Upper Allen Township. Executor: Kevin C. McGonigle, 40 Walmer, Peggy Lou, dec’d. Clubhouse Road, Carlisle, PA Late of Hampden Township. 17015. Attorney: None. Executor: Daryl E. Walmer, 2601 Terraced Hill Court, Sanatoga, PA Michelini, Francis J., dec’d. 19464. Late of Cumberland County. Attorneys: Gary P. Lewis, Esquire, Executrix: Michelle Hardiman. Lewis McIntosh & Teare, LLC, 372 Attorney: Debra K. Wallet, Es- N. Lewis Road, P.O. Box 575, quire, 24 North 32nd Street, Royersford, PA 19468, (484) 932- Camp Hill, PA 17011. 8900. 9 LXVIII 52 CUMBERLAND LAW JOURNAL 12/27/19 PETITION FOR shall be ended under the provisions CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE of the Pennsylvania Partnership Code (the “Code”). In accordance with the In the Court of Common Pleas of Act, specifically 15 Pa. C.S.A. §8875, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania any claim shall be sent in writing and ——— addressed to the undersigned. Each Docket No.: 2019-11181 claim shall contain adequate infor- ——— mation and description of the claim NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that to allow the company to ascertain its on November 13, 2019, the Petition of validity. Actions to enforce any claims Gene Davidson was filed in the above will be barred unless commenced named court, requesting a decree to within two years of this publication. change his name from Eugene David- TIMOTHY A. HOY, ESQUIRE son to Gena Nora Valiquette. 3401 North Front Street The Court has fixed January 6, P.O. Box 5950 2020 at 9:30 a.m. in Courtroom No. Harrisburg, PA 17110 2, Fourth Floor, at the Cumberland County Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Dec. 27 Square, Carlisle, PA 17013 as the time and place for the hearing on NOTICE said Petition, when and where all persons interested may appear and LIBERIAN AND FRIENDS show cause if any they have, why the HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION prayer of the said Petition should not is the name of a charitable organiza- be granted. tion that intends to be incorporated Dec. 27 under the provisions of the Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988. FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE Dec. 27 FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE is NOTICE hereby given that the fictitious name: DIVORCE MONEY MATTERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that has been filed by Deborah E.
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