Area Profiles Wolverhampton Wards This profile has been produced by: Insight and Performance Team Wolverhampton City Council. Tel: 01902 554103 or 01902 554043.
[email protected] Wolverhampton's wards Area Profile of : BILSTON EAST ward Total Resident Population : 14,308*** POPULATION HOUSEHOLDS Age Groups*** (MYE 2015) Total % W'ton Households (Hhs) Total % W'ton 0-4 1,169 6.5 7.1 Couple only 742 13.1 13.0 5-15 2,152 6.3 13.3 Lone parent + dependent children 679 12.0 9.4 16-24 1,642 5.5 11.7 Other hhs + dependent children 1,176 20.7 21.8 25-44 4,110 6.0 27.0 Hhs + non dependent children 650 11.5 11.6 45-59 2,482 5.1 19.1 Multi person households aged 65+ 360 6.4 7.6 60-74 1,818 5.3 13.5 Lone pensioner (65+) 775 13.7 12.9 75+ 935 4.4 8.3 Student only 1 0.0 0.3 *Total residents 14,308 100.0 100.0 All other lone person hhs 1,127 19.9 19.3 Other 160 2.8 4.0 Sex*** (MYE 2015) Total % W'ton *Total occupied households 5,670 100.0 100.0 Males 7,050 49.3 49.4 Females 7,258 50.7 50.6 Marital Status Total % W'ton *Total residents 14,308 100.0 100.0 Never married (single & cohabit) 4,015 38.8 37.1 Married 4,105 39.6 43.6 Ethnic Composition Total % W'ton Same-sex civil partnership 20 0.2 0.2 White: British 10,265 76.8 64.5 Separated 319 3.1 2.7 Irish 45 0.3 0.6 Divorced 1,051 10.1 8.5 Gypsy/Irish Traveller 47 0.4 0.1 Widowed 847 8.2 7.9 Other 270 2.0 2.8 *Total residents 16+ 10,357 100.0 100.0 Mixed: White & Black Caribbean 419 3.1 3.4 White & Black African 18 0.1 0.2 Communal Establishments