Report on the 66th Regular Convention of the Lutheran Church‐ Synod

The Sixty‐sixth Regular Convention of the Lutheran Church‐Missouri Synod was held in Milwaukee, WI. There were 1,123 voting delegates, 175 Advisory delegates; 171 Advisory Representatives; and 73 special guests and others in attendance. Some 1,500 participants attended the 66th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod between July 9 and July 14 at the Center in Milwaukee.

According to the Synod Handbook, 2013, the election for the President of Synod was held prior to the Convention. Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison was elected from a field of three candidates, on the first ballot with 57% of the votes cast by electors from every congregation in the Synod.

The election for First Vice‐President took place on the Convention floor with Rev. Dr. Herb Mueller being elected by 61% of the votes cast. Others elected to positions of Regional Vice‐Presidents were Rev. Dr. Scott Murray (Second Vice‐President and West‐Southwest Regional VP); Rev. Nabil Nour (Third Vice‐ President (Great Plains Regional VP); Rev. Dr. John Wohlrabe, (Fourth Vice‐President (Great Lakes Regional VP); Rev. Dr. Daniel Preus, (Fifth Vice‐President (Central Regional VP); and Rev. Christopher Esget (Sixth Vice‐ President (East‐Southeast Regional VP). These constitute the seated Presidium prior to the Convention.

In the position of Secretary of the Synod, due to the retirement of Rev. Dr. Raymond Hartwig, a slate of five nominees was increased with the addition of Rev. John Gierke and Northern District President Daniel Gilbert who were nominated from the floor and added to the slate of candidates. Rev. Dr. John Sias, a member of the Council on Constitutional Matters, was elected by 65% of the votes cast on the second ballot. The LCMS Constitution requires a majority vote for all elected positions, although Dr. Sias received the largest number of votes cast by a wide margin, he received less than 50% + 1 votes. Our own District Secretary, Rev. John Gierke received 80 votes on the first ballot.

There were numerous reports and presentations in addition to the introduction of 151 Resolutions, 75 Elections, from a total of 18 floor committees. Voting and Convention business spanned time from Saturday, July 9, to Thursday, July 14. A full report of the Resolution results will appear in the August issue of The Reporter.


The significant Resolutions that affect the Mid‐South District are as follows:

Floor Committee 1 “National Witness” Chaired by Rev. Mark Miller, President, Central Illinois District

1‐01: To Expand Evangelism and Encourage Use of Every One His Witness. Was adopted (Yes: 778; No: 247), consistent with the language of our MDS Each1‐Reach1 initiative.

1‐02: To Encourage Church Planting throughout the Synod and Supporting the “Mission Field: USA” Initiative was adopted (Yes: 767; No: 261) as amended. This encourages us to bring about more coordinated effort on the part of congregations and circuits in partnership with Districts to plant new congregations for the Kingdom.

1‐03: To Expand the Work of Revitalization and Encourage the Use of Re‐Vitality Program was adopted (Yes: 756; No: 24), bringing about a focus on strengthening our existing congregation. This fits nicely into our COMPASS and C.A.R. project and encourages us to expand these projects with other Districts.

1‐06: To Celebrate Legacy of Rosa J. Young and Encourage Launch of Rosa J. Young International Academies was adopted (Yes: 764; No: 9) bringing about the recognition for the LCMS to focus on the changing culture of our country and bringing the ministry and our Confessions to a whole new world.

Floor Committee 2 “International Witness” Chaired by Rev. Donald Fondow, President North District

2‐03: To Commend and Support Synod’s International Schools and Their Role in the Church’s Mission Passed by a wide margin (Yes: 1031; No: 12), focusing on our efforts to support mission outreach in Tanzania, Madagascar, South Sudan, and Togo.

2‐04: To Reaffirm LCMS Military Chaplains’ Right for Free Exercise of Religion in Face of LGBT Inclusion in Armed Forces was passed with a wide margin (Yes: 1020; No: 7), affirming our doctrinal stance that would allow our military chaplains to object to requirements that contradict our Confessional position. This was a matter that arose from the Mid‐South District’s Resolution, as well as other Districts.


Floor Committee 3 “Mercy” Chaired by Rev. Dr. Lee Hagan, President, Missouri District

3‐03: To Encourage Synod to Educate and Advocate for Persecuted Christians, was adopted by a huge margin (Yes: 782; No: 1). This Resolution is consistent with our MDS efforts in Ethiopia, Madagascar and South Sudan where Muslim clerics encourage persecution of our Lutheran identity in these countries

3‐04: To Create Task Force for Study of Issues Relating to Procreation, Fertility, and Care for Unborn, was adopted (Yes: 924; No: 41), restating the Synod’s position on the Sanctity of Life.

Floor Committee 4 “Life Together” Chaired by Rev. Dan Gilbert, President Northern Illinois District

4‐01: To Celebrate 175 Years of Combined Ministry and Service of LWML and ILLL (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League and International Lutheran Layman’s League, received unanimous approval on a voice vote on the floor.

4‐03B: To Convene Task Force to Review Recognized Service Organization Program and Bylaws was adopted (Yes: 742; No: 57) to bring about significant policies and procedures for the RSO’s related to the Synod.

Floor Committee 5 “Theology and Church Relations” Chaired by Rev. Dr. Scott Murray, Second V.P. LCMS

5‐01: To Endorse Altar and Pulpit Fellowship with Lutheran Church in Norway; 5‐02: To Endorse Altar and Pulpit Fellowship with Lutheran Church of Uruguay; 5‐03: To Recognize Iglesia Luterana en Guatemala as a Self‐Governing Partner Church; 5‐04: To Recognize Iglesia Luterana de Venezuela as a Self‐Governing Partner Church; 5‐05: To Recognize Evangelical Lutheran Church in Almaty and the District of Almaty – Republic of Kazakhstan as a Self‐Governing Partner Church; and 5‐06: To Recognize Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Republic of Chile – IELCHI as a Partner Church, were all approved by nearly unanimous votes.

5‐09: To Commend and Encourage Interchurch Conversations with Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and North American Lutheran Church (NALC) was adopted (Yes: 901; No: 26) addressing their request to investigate their possible joining of the LCMS for its consistency with Scripture and Confessions.

5‐11A: To Protect Christian Consciences and Address Conscription of Women was adopted (Yes: 946; No: 89) in the several Resolutions of moral issues.

5‐18: To Commend the "A Theological Statement of Mission for the 21st Century" for Synod‐wide Study and Use was adopted (Yes: 917; No: 37), to amplify the work of Districts and Synod on reaching the unchurched souls in our communities. 4

Floor Committee 6 “Seminaries” Chaired by Rev. Dr. James Baneck, President, District

6‐01: To Create a Pastoral Formation Committee, was adopted by voice vote that encourages congregation members to identify and encourage men to become interested in the pastoral ministry. This is consistent with our initiatives that recognize an increasing need for men of all ages to consider pastoral work.

6‐02: To Uphold the Scriptural and Confessional Qualifications for the Office of the Holy Ministry (See Appendix A, attached.) and 6‐03: To Affirm the Master of Divinity Route at the Synod’s Seminaries were adopted (Yes: 875; No: 177) that make these consistent with the Resolves of 13‐02A, below. This Resolution re‐affirms the position taken by the MDS in its 2015 Convention to regularize the work of laity in Word and Sacrament ministry.

6‐05: To Encourage Movement Toward an Alternative to Federal Student Loans for Seminarians was adopted by majority voice vote. This comes as a result of the possibility that Federally Insured Student loans may no longer be available because of President Obama’s Executive Order on gender issues.

Floor Committee 7 “University Education” Chaired by Rev. Timothy Scharr, President, Southern Illinois District

7‐02B: To Preserve Concordia Colleges and Universities as Institutions of the Church and Strengthen Their Structural Bonds with Synod was adopted (Yes: 731; No: 48) in a response to Federal mandates on student loans, and the loss of Concordia University in Edmonton, Alberta, because of similar federal mandates for all Canadian schools of higher education.

Floor Committee 8 “Parochial Schools” Chaired by Rev. Dr. Dean Nadasdy, President, Minnesota South District

8‐01A: To Encourage and Strengthen the Lutheran Ethos of Our LCMS Early Childhood Centers, Elementary Schools, and High Schools; 8‐02: To Recruit and Equip Lutheran Administrators for Service in Early Childhood Centers and Schools; and 8‐03A: To Support the Quality and Sustainability of Lutheran Schools through Work of Blue Ribbon Committee on Lutheran Schools were all adopted to address the growing concern over the erosion of school enrollments in our Lutheran educational systems.


Floor Committee 9 “Finance” Chaired by Rev. Daniel May, President, District

9‐04A: To Improve Disclosures Related to Financial Gifts from God's Stewards for Special Appeals was adopted to keep the fiscal operations of all Synodical functions and agencies with full disclosure.

Floor Committee 10 “Stewardship: Funding the Mission” Chaired by Rev. Dwayne Lueck, President, North Wisconsin District

10‐03: To Encourage Individuals, Congregations, and Districts in Cheerful and Voluntary Giving; 10‐04: To Encourage Faithful Teaching of Stewardship to People in Their Daily Vocations; and 10‐ 06: To Promote the Use of Synodical Stewardship Services were all adopted, focusing the need to strengthen mission and ministry initiatives, similar to the MDS initiatives on this subject, for all congregation members.

Floor Committee 11 “Structure and Administration” Chaired by Rev. Terry Cripe, President, District

11‐01: To Hold National and District Conventions Every Four Years was Declined (Yes: 470; No: 597)

11‐03A: To Change Bylaws re District Convention Attendance as Prerequisite for Voting for Synod President and 11‐04B: To Change Bylaws re Certification and Verification of District Convention Delegates were adopted (Yes: 724; No: 334; and Yes: 923; No: 32 respectively) that clarified and removed confusing language about voting eligibility and how that relates to attendance at the District Conventions.

11‐09: To Allow Voting Privilege for Assistant Pastors was adopted (Yes: 921; No: 58), changing the restriction on assistant pastors from representing their congregations in Synod Convention.

11‐15A: To Amend Bylaw re Responsibilities of Commission on Constitutional Matters was adopted (Yes: 923; No: 32), clarifying the extent of authority of the various entities in matters of Constitutional questions.

Floor Committee 12 “Ecclesiastical Supervision and Dispute Resolution” Chaired by Rev. Dr. John Wille, President, South Wisconsin District

12‐01A: To Restore the Right of Accuser to Appeal When a District President Fails to Act or Declines to Suspend was Tabled and referred to a confabulation of the President of Synod, the President of the COP (in discussion with the members of the COP) will present their recommendations to the Synod Board of Directors (requiring a 2/3 majority vote) to amend the Dispute Resolution language in the Handbook. The difficulty in this matter comes from a CCM 6

ruling that heard concerns on a 2004 Resolution that gave the office of the Synod President more authority to intervene in matters of Dispute Resolution. (See Appendix B, attached.)

12‐04A: To Expedite the Dispute Resolution and Suspension/Expulsion Processes was adopted (Yes: 648; No: 386), 12‐05A: To Expand Composition of Hearing Panels (2.14, 2.15, 2.17) was adopted (Yes: 977; No: 40); 12‐09: To Update and Amend Dispute Resolution Process was adopted (Yes: 1010; No: 27); and 12‐14: Regarding the Right of an Accuser to Appeal When a District President Fails to Act or Declines to Suspend was adopted as Amended (Yes: 996; No: 67) to allow for keeping the process in a timely execution of response.

Floor Committee 13 “Routes to Ministry” – Chaired by Rev. Dr. Roger Paavola, President, Mid‐South District

13‐01A: To Extol and Equip the Blessed Partnership Between the Royal Priesthood and the Office of the Public Ministry was adopted (Yes: 911; No: 159), establishing a Task Force to bring recommendations that seemingly are consistent with the Resolutions of the MDS 2015 Convention.

13‐02A: To Regularize Status of Licensed Lay Deacons Involved in Word and Sacrament Ministry was adopted (Yes: 809; No: 277), making it possible for Districts to continue Word and Sacrament ministries by identifying and training laity for ministry in exceptional cases, determined by the District President and the plenary of the Council of Presidents. This is consistent with the Resolutions from the MDS in its 2015 Convention. (See Appendix C, attached.)

13‐03: To Address Future Church Leadership Needs in Light of Current and Future Challenges was adopted as amended (Yes: 874; No: 147), consistent with the recommendations from Resolution 6‐02A.

13‐04B: To Clarify Colloquy Requirements was adopted by voice vote, giving the formulation of policies and procedures to implementation of 13‐02A, above.

13‐06: Funding Seminary and University Education, was adopted, identifying the “Mustache Resolution” that will generate at least $2 million for the Joint Seminary Education Fund, and scholarship for the Concordia University System. (See “Mustache Resolution,” below.)

Floor Committee 14 “Church and Culture” Chaired by Rev. Terry Forke, President, District

14‐02A: To Confess Sanctity of Marriage (Adopted as Amended ‐ Yes: 1030; No: 15); 14‐03A: To Respond Compassionately to Challenges to Biblical View of Marriage and Human Sexuality (Adopted as Amended ‐ Yes: 1004; No: 25); 14‐04: To Affirm the Right of Clergy to Continue 7

Conducting Weddings in Accordance with Confession (Adopted ‐Yes: 830; No: 33), and 14‐09: To Commend CTCR Document “Gender Identity Disorder or Gender Dysphoria in Christian Perspective” (Adopted ‐ Yes: 838; No: 16), gave the right of clergy to maintain the Confessional position on traditional marriage and gender issues.

14‐07A: To Encourage Vocation and Confession in Public Square was adopted (Yes: 802; No: 11) similar to the initiatives of the MDS.

Floor Committee 15 “Reformation” Chaired by Rev. Dr. Peter Lange, President, District

15‐03: To Commend Use of Resources Provided for Reformation 2017 500th Anniversary was adopted (Yes: 988; No: 20): 15‐04A: To Honor 500th Anniversary of the Reformation by Growing in the Word and Showing Christ to the World (Adopted ‐ Yes: 996; No: 33), and 15‐06: To Encourage Study of Augsburg Confession in Commemoration of 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (Adopted ‐ Yes: 989; No: 32) encouraging our Districts to participate in the recognition of the Lutheran Reformation.

Floor Committee 16 “Family, Youth and Young Adults” Chaired by Rev. Timothy Yeadon, President, New England District

16‐02A: To Make Strengthening Lutheran Families a Mission Priority (Adopted ‐ Yes: 892; No: 47); 16‐03:

To Encourage Christian Care and Discipling of Fathers (Adopted ‐ Yes: 937; No: 21); 16‐04: To Increase Engagement of Lutheran Young Adults in Ministry and Service Work of LCMS (Adopted unanimously); and 16‐05: To Increase Our Efforts To Retain College‐Age Youth (Adopted unanimously) all relate to the Initiatives of the MDS and the work of the current Youth and Children’s Ministry Committee.

Floor Committee 17 “Preaching and Church Worker Continuing Education” Chaired by Rev. Dr. Brian Saunders, President, District East

17‐01: To Enhance Clergy Continuing Education (Adopted as Amended ‐ Yes: 802; No: 123); and 17‐02: To Encourage Participation in Continuing Theological Education by Ministers of Religion— Commissioned and Lay Workers (Adopted ‐ Yes: 802; No: 123) provide an incentive to formalize continuing education for all of the Rostered workers in the LCMS.

17‐03: To Endorse Preach the Word Project as Celebration of 500th Anniversary of Reformation (Adopted Yes: 854; No: 55) focused efforts to bring the Lutheran Reformation into the communities we serve. 8

17‐04: To Encourage Regular Sermon Evaluation by District Presidents and Circuit Visitors (Adopted ‐ Yes: 705; No: 228) offers a mechanism to have a process for evaluating sermon content and a mechanism that will allow for further sermonic studies among the pastors in each District.

Floor Committee 18 “Worker Wellness” Chaired by Rev. Dr. David Maier, President, District

18‐03A: Addressing Indebtedness of Church Work Professionals (Adopted ‐ Yes: 887; No: 14) begins the task of addressing a growing concern about student debt and its possible deterrent on decision‐making on Church Work careers.

Overall, the Convention was amiable and productive. There was significant amounts of gerrymandering that took place prior to the Convention on a few issues and elections. For the most part, those concerns were readily addressed by the exemplary work of the Floor Committees and the leadership of the Synod and CCM. President Harrison closed convention business by thanking the assembly for its patience and forgiveness. He also later thanked an array of people who helped behind the scenes for the convention.

Convention endorses ‘mustache’ funding resolution

By Sarah E. Ludwig

MILWAUKEE (July 14, 2016) — The 66th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod ended on Thursday with lightheartedness and fun while also addressing a pressing need.

The Rev. Dr. Roger C. Paavola, chairman of Committee 13, Routes to Ministry, and president of the LCMS Mid-South District, asked to offer a new resolution, 13-06, “Funding Seminary and University Education,” informally called “The Mustache Resolution.”

Earlier in the convention, the assembly took an impromptu “vote” on whether the best mustache was sported by LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison or LCMS 9

Montana District President Rev. Terry Forke. Paavola, who read the resolution, noted there are 2 million members of LCMS congregations, and it was proposed that members should also be able to vote for whether Harrison or Forke has the best mustache by donating a minimum of one dollar per vote.

The goal is to raise $2 million in scholarships for Concordia colleges, universities and seminaries. The first voting on who sports the best mustache was July 12, when the floor committee chaired by Forke presented its business for delegates to consider. Forke won that vote.

The Mustache Resolution has until Dec. 31 to raise $2 million by votes for “The Best Mustache in the Synod.” At that time, “the recipient of the smallest amount of dollars raised between Harrison and Forke must have his mustache shaved off in full or in part by the other participant.” This portion of the resolution was received with hearty laughter.

If the $2 million goal is not met, Paavola said he “would be required to grow facial hair until it either resembles the beard and mustache of Dr. Roland Ziegler” or his “wife begs him to shave.” Ziegler, who sports abundant facial hair, is on the faculty of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind. 10

The reading of the resolution was received by the assembly with applause and cheers. After Paavola asked that the resolution be passed, Harrison remarked, “It is crazy, but it is in order.” The resolution was adopted with a unanimous resounding voice vote. Paavola began the funding for the scholarships by donating $75 each to Harrison and Forke.

To cast a vote for who has the best mustache, write down for whom you are voting (Harrison or Forke), include your donation and specify the fund(s) to which the donation should be directed (for seminary-student financial aid, the For the Sake of the Church fund [for all Concordia University System schools] or a specific LCMS college or university’s scholarship fund). Mail this to the LCMS Treasurer’s Office, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7295.

For credit-card donations (of at least $15) with your vote, contact the LCMS Church Information Center at 888-THE-LCMS (843-5267). Because of the cost to record and receipt donations, only those giving $15 or more will receive a separate tax-deductible letter from the LCMS.