<¥PLUME 16 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, (MARSHALL ISLANDS, FRIDAY , APRIL 6, 1979 NO. 67 High Winds, Snow, Sleet THREE MORE OFFICIALS DIE BEFORE FIRING SQUAD Hit Midwest, New England IRAN EXECUTIONS RESUME CHICAGO (UPI) -- H1gh w1nds howled across the TEHRAN (UPI} -- Three more officials accused of murder and torture d1ed M1dwest and 1nto New England today, ra1n1ng debr1s before a flr1ng squad today and Tehran's central revolutionary court completed from battered bU11d1ngs on unwary passersby and deliberatlons in the case against former Prime Minister Amir Abbas Hoveyda, hurl1ng walls of snow and sleet at motonsts.--AI three generals and a former mayor of Tehran. Teas t fi ve persons were ki lled. There was no immediate word on the verd1ct aga1nst Hoveyda, 59, who 1S A Canad1an fre1ghter was caught 1n h1gh seas charged w1th "battling against God" - a Koran1C Sln for Wh1Ch the penalty 1S 1n Lake Er1e off Ashtabula, OhlO. Hel1copter rescue death. Slm11ar charges leveled agalnst other aides of the ousted monarch re­ crews from the Coast Guard and Candadlan air force sulted 1n their execution. braved 57 mph w1nds to An est1mated 20,000 SUPP9rters of Khomein1 gathered at the Tehran University rescue the 20-man crew campus today, the Mos 1em ' Ad. · · of the Labradoc. Pan Am saboath, _ and launched an The storm swept 1nto unprecedented b1tter mInIstratIon Approves New'England, snarl1ng Threatened attack against left-wing traffic and caus~ng pt groups reported least one traff1c death break1ngguerr~lla away from the Computer Sale To SovI·ets 1n Vermont. revolutlonary government. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The administrat10n has re- Shop doorways along With Strike The rally followed an versed Itself and decided to allow sale of a Charles Street on WASHINGTON (UPI) -­ ominous show of force sophistIcated computer to Tass, the Sov1et news Boston's Beacon Hlll, Negotiators for 4,300 by hundreds of heavlly agency, even though the Russians have lined up a norma lly crowded W1 th Pan Amerlcan World Air­ armed young men and new supplier. buslness 1unchers, were ways fllght attendants women loyal to Khomelni, The State Department said a presidential order crowded wlth people barga1 ned today agai ns t a who announced a new Thursday granted an export license to the Sperry seeking refuge from the Saturday midn1ght strike guerri 11 a group Thursday. E G Rand Corp. for the sale. wlnd-whipped analgamat10n deadl1ne that would glve In Isfahan, southern vans ets (flt:: vJhi te House turn- of sleet, hall, raln and the nat10n 1tS second Iran, a revolutionary ed down the sale last snow. But the squall maJor a1r carr1er walk­ fi ri ng squad early today L M. year on "grounds of soon subs 1ded. out. executed two Savak secret ast Inute foreign pOll cy and human W1nds clocked at up "The partles are police officers and a r1ghts cons1deratlons." to 70 mph rlpped the cont1nually meetlng," policeman found guilty The dec1s10n was not Chlcago area late Thurs­ said medlator Rowland of murder and torture. Death Stay unlversally popular. day and early Fn day, Quinn Jr., "and wi 11 The executions of Sense Henry Jackson klll1ng two persons and through tomorrow (Satur­ Mahmoud Shahldi, Kamal ATMORE, Alabama (UPI) (D-Wash.) and Dan1el inJurlng at least 37 day) 1n an effort to Adlb and Mahmoud Askar1- -- U.S. Supreme Court Patr1ck Moynlhan (D-N.Y.) others. avert a strlke." zadeh brought to 71 the Justice Wllllam Rehnquist called the declslon "an The Wlnds collapsed Nelther the unlon, number of known execu- granted a week's stay of 1nexpllcable act of the wall of a f1re­ Pan Am, nor the natlonal tlons after the summary execution late Thursday weakness and retreat." ravaged Chlcago bUlld1ng, medlatlon board Indicated trlals Slnce the mld- to John Louis Evans III, Jackson and Moyn1han, k1111ng a gas company If progress had been February takeover by only SlX hours before notlng the sale was flrst workman. Two f1remen made In the talks. Ayatollah Khome1nl. the 29-year-old drlfter vetoed at the tlme of trYlng to rescue the Tne Independent Unlon They were the flrst would have been granted the trlal of Anatoly worker were InJured. of Fllght Attendants, to be executed Slnce hlS death wish. Shcharansky as a slgn of In Hanmond, Indlana, WhlCh represents only revolutionary tnbunals "I don't belleve it," support for the Soviet on Chlcago's southeastern personnel at Pan Am, sa1d resumed this week with Evans was reported as d1ssident, said the re- border, savage wlnds the str1ke deadllne IS the approval of Khomelni, saying when told his versal "mocks the adm1ni- crushed a restaurant stlll Saturday at m1d­ following their recent executlon had been stay- strat10n ls P011CY of ch1mney and sent the n1ght. suspension by the ed until April 13. promot1ng human nghts." roof crashlng down, klll- "We are 1n round-the­ religlOus leader. "They're going to mess "The computer system 1ng one customer. clock negotlat10ns try- Sources close to the with me agaln." 11 censed to Tass ex- W1nds gusting to 50 1ng to reach an agree­ government sa1d "dozens" A priest who gave the ceeds the U.S. govern- mph overturned a moblle ment ... the spokesman of other men guilty of condemned klller the mentis own national home In Toledo, Oh10, added. slmilar offenses were news when he returned securlty guidel1nes be- breaklng a gas llne and Pan Am IS the natlonls awalt1ng convlct1on 1n from the death row shower cause the core memory start1ng a flre that k1ll­ largest oversea~ a1r other Iranlan provinces. sald Evans placed hlS and per1pheral memory ed an elderly couple. carrier The convlctlons were head and hands on the are way beyond the level suspended by Khomelnl wall of h1S cell and of SOph1stlcatlon that but were expected to crled. Father KeV1n is conSIstent W1th our Radioactive Gases Continue To Seep resume according to a DU1gnan, Evans ' death natlonal security to HARRISBURG, Pennsylvanla (UPI) -- A Sllght new Islamic law enforced row confldante, lnsisted support," the senators amount of radloact1ve gas was released today when Thursday. he thought the stay said. :For this reason eng1neers started up a system almed at reduclng would lead Evans to begln alone, lt should not be the leakage of rad10act1vlty from the Three Mlle EMERGENCY AID f1ght1ng for hlS 11fe. i sold to the Soviet Union." Island nuclear plant. "He was walt1ng for The approval was given The Nuclear Regulatory Commisslon sald the prob­ a sign from God" DU1gnan one day after new re­ lem was f1xed and the operat10n resumed w1thout AIRLIfTED TO fIJI told reporters ~uts1de ports from Parls said further release of radloactlve gas. WASHINGTON (UPI) -­ Holman Pnson. "I th1nk CII-Honeywell-Bull, a Earl1er, the operat10n was stalled by a valve The Unlted States is alr­ thlS lS the slgn." F:ench company, had that would not open. liftlng tents, water con­ "He nas m1xed emot10ns slgned a contract for The process was pump­ Because of the con­ talners, cots and blan­ at th1S p01nt," DU1gnan the sale of a slmll~r Ing gases from an auxll1- tlnuing release of very kets for the more than said. "I thlnk he wanted computer to the Sov1et ary bUlldlng Into the low levels of radlatlon 15,000 persons left to go to death tonight. news agency. rad1atlon-proof dome from the plant, off1clals homeless by the cyclone I thlnk he was prepared." The French_~ontract around the crlppled contlnued to adVlse WhlCh struck the F1J1 DU1gnan hlmself burst ~~st be a~£~Qyed by a.cow-- reactor. NRC offlclals pregnant women and Islands, the State De­ into tears. mIt~oT NATO countrles~ sald 1t should make a young chlldren to stay partment sald today. Evans had been Water Keport slgn1flcant reductlon out of a f1ve-mlle The department's scheduled to d1e ln the of all gases leavlng the radlus around the slte. Agency for Internatlonal state's brlght yellow As ot 0001 hrs Apr. 6 plan t. Eng1neers - meanwhile Devlopment sald that at electric chalr at 12:01 ~ater Code: Yellow When the system was proceeded slowly In least 51 people dled, a.m. today for kllllng Water taken from Lens flrst turned on, however, the1r efforts to br1ng 122 were serlously In­ Edward A. Nasser Jr., a Well Reserve -- a rapld Increase In the reactor to a safe Jured and more than Moblle pawnbroker, ln a Slnce condltlon Yellow rad1 oact1 Vl ty was mom tor­ cold shutdown condltlon. 15,000 were left home­ robbery that netted h1m 18,080,000 gal. ed In the bUlldlng. The The flnal shutdown was less when Cyclone Meli only the gun wlth WhlCh Last 24 hours: gases were released to expected late next week. struck the Fij1 Islands he k1lled h1S v1ct1m. 455,000 gal. the env1ronment, but a Robert Bernaro, an on March 28. Evans had already Water 1n tanks: hell copter survey team NRC technlcal special- AID sald a U.S. Alr eaten what was to have 6,955,000 gal~ reported the rad1at10n 1st, sald It took plant Force cargo plane a1r­ been hlS last meal _ Water consumed -- levels were wlthln the operators 18 hours to llfted 300 fam11y-slze steak, potatoes, salad, Kwaj 235,000 gal. range of prevlous read- stab111ze the reactor tents and 1,800 water bread and two cans of -Others 105,000 gal. 1ngs. March 28. contalners from Panama. beer. Tota 1 340,000 gal. MGURD'- PAGE 2 FRIDAY, APRIL 6,1979 Guerrillas Claim Amin, Troops Embarrassing Setbaclc BANGKOK (UPI) - Khmer Rouge troops .fINANCIAL NEWS-- Retreat As Kampala Falls dealt the pro-Vietnam adminlstratlon in DOW JONES AVERAGES NAIROBI, Kenya (UPI) - Ugandan eXlle Cambodia an embarrassing setback today, 30 Industrials off 1.91 at 875.69 guerrillas clalmed today they had captured capturing the frontier town of POl pet for 20 Transportations up 1.55 at 234.17 virtually all of the capltal Clty of Kam­ several hours. 15 Utillties up 0.07 at 104.94 pala except the downtown area ln a 48-hour Nearby Vietnamese troops quickly recap­ 65 Stocks up 0.19 at 298.38 maJor assault and sald President Idl Amln tured the town. But not fast enough to Volume was 34,710,000 shares and his remaining Llbyan allled troops were rescue 174 surviving def~nders, who strag­ Closing Gold off 65¢ at $240.00 in full retreat. gled into Thailand and surrendered their Closlng Sllver up 7¢ at $7.51 A war communique issued by Uganda's gov­ arms. Dollar Closlng in Tokyo was 215.30 Yen ernment-in-exlle sald the guerrlllas and A UPI reporter at the frontier said 26 SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY supporting Tanzanlan troops were now en­ Khmer Rouge also fled to Thailand but were gaged in a "mopping up" operatlon agalnst allowed later to recross the frontler back small pockets of loyalist troops in Kam­ to Cambodla. -SURF & SUN- pala. The loss of Poipet for several hours, AS OF 0001 HOURS, APRIL 6, 1979 Diplomats and other resldents of the while not important strateglcally, was a Dally Rainfall: .01 stlll "unconquered" downtown area reported propaganda setback of Vietnam and ltS new Monthly Total: .46 today lt was calm and normal wlth the Cambodlan admlnistratlon. Yearly Total: 14.92 crackle of small arms flre heard ln the Field reports sald the Khmer Rouge, TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN distance. former rulers of communlst Cambodla, hit Hl Tlde 0229, 04.1' - 1429, 04.6' The communlque reflected the sltuatlon behlnd the llnes of a new, maSSlve offen~ Lo Tide 0821, 02.0' - 2048, 01.5' on the ground for the past two days Slnce Slve by the Vletnamese to capture POl pet Sunn se 0644 Sunset 1859 the invaslon force flrst lnflltrated and late Thursday nlght. Moonrise 1453 Moonset 0248 captured large resldentlal areas of Amln's The town reportedly was defended only "- SUNDAY beleaguered capltal Wednesday. by pro-Vi etnam Cal' bodi an troops. Hi Tlde 0256, 04.5' - 1501, 05.0' Resldents of the Ugandan capltal said In heavy flghtlng clearly audlble ln Lo Tlde 0853,01.6' - 2117, 01.1' that although the situatlon was qUlet wlth Thalland, counterattacking Vletnamese Sunnse 0644 Sunset 1859 clty mosques full there appeared to be forces, backed by tanks, took the town Moonrlse 1539 Moonset 0331 vlrtually no defendlng troops - either back. Poipet lS the officlal llnk be­ MONDAY Ugandan or Llbyan - and Kampala was wlde tween Thal and Cambodian offlcials. Hl Tlde 0322, 05.0' - 1530, 05.3' open to the exiles and Tanzanlans. Lo Tlde 0925, 01.2' - 2141, 00.9' In the war communlque issued ln Dar Es Grenada Aslcs For U.S., Sunn se 0643 Sunset 1859 Salaam, the Uganda Natlonal Llberatlon Moonn se 1652 Moonset 0413 Front sa 1d: "The UNLF and Tanzam an forces are ln control of most of Kampala." British Military Help ST. GEORGE, Grenada (UPI) - The revo­ lutionary government has asked Brltaln, WORLD NEWS BRIEfS House Approves J980 Budget the United States, Canada and ltS lsland WASHINGTON (UPI} - The U.S. abruptly WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House of Repre­ neighbors for mllltary help ln flghtlng cut off ltS economic aid program to Pakl­ sentatlves' Budget Commlttee Thursday ap­ off a possible invasion attempt by mercen­ stan today and recalled its ambassador be­ proved a fiscal 1980 budget wlth a deficlt arles backed by Cuban exiles. cause the Islamabad government is bUlldlng $3.5 bllllon smaller than Presldent Carter Self-proclaimed Prlme Mlnlster Maurice an enrichment plant capable of turnlng out proposed, and reversed ltself to approve B1Shop, whose oppositlon New Jewel Move­ weapons grade uranlum. part of hlS ald program for cltles and ment took power in a coup March 13, sald State Department spokesman Hoddlng Car­ other dlstressed areas. ln a news conference Thursday that ousted ter said the cutoff was automatic, under By a vote of 16-9, the panel called for Prlme Minister Slr Erlc Galry was plottlng an amendment of the Forelgn Assistance Act. $532.7 bil110n ln outlays, revenues of a comeback wlth the help of-Cuban eXlles *** $507.8 bi1110n, and a deflclt of $24.9 bll- and mercenaries. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The nation's employ­ 110n for the buslness year startlng Oct._I. "We have lnformatlon from two Cancom ment rate held steady at 5.7 percent of The presldent's revlsed deficlt estlmat~ governments that Galry has recently ap­ the workforce ln March to remaln at the was $28.4 bllllon. proached El Condor, the group of Cuban lowest level ln 4~ years, the government To reach the lower deflclt flgure, the exiles based ln Miaml," the bearded rev­ reported today. committee recommended a cut of $2 bllllon olutlonary leader sald. *** ln the presldent's proposed defense outlays He said he took the threat of a count­ TOULON, France (UPI) - A serles of ex­ and a reductlon of nearly $3 bllllon ln er-revolutlonary invasion seriously and ploslons touched off by a team of sabo­ defense budget authorlty, some of WhlCh had asked the United States, Brltaln, Can­ teurs wrecked nuclear reactors built in would be spent ln later years. ada, and natlons of the Carlbbean commun­ a nearby plant for forelgn countrles. It also proposed ellmlnatlon of $2.3 lty - known as Carl com - for arms. blllion ln federal revenue sharlng WhlCh Bishop read a letter, which he sald was goes to state governments, while keeplng intercepted by the Grenada misslon ln MET ROCKET revenue sharlng for local governments. Washington, ln WhlCh an alleged plotter, A meteorological rocket launch opera­ The panel called for ellmlnatlon of the Frank Mabrey Jr., advised Gairy's ambas­ tion 1S scheduled for Monday, Apr1l 9. presldent's 2.3 bllllon proposal for real sador in Washington, FranclS Redhead that In connection with this operation haz­ wage lnsurance, designed to compensate "Islanders are dlsgruntled and are pre­ ard areas will eX1st in the ocean and on workers who accept the admlnlstration's pared to take some action" and were Kwajalein Island between the azimuths of 7 percent wage increase gUldeline if in­ "waltlng for Gairy to Commlt himself," 0 0 flatlon exceeds that amount. Mabrey sald. 225 true and 275 true. The ocean haz­ B1Shop also disclosed contents of an­ ard area extends out from Kwajale1n for South Africa Sends other note sent by Mabrey to Redhead which a distance of 75 nautical m1les. The said an agent named "Mustafos Hamarabl" Kwajale1n Island ground hazard area is is standlng by for a transaction but does that area contained within a circle having Mahlangu To The Gallows not trust Galry and fears for his llfe. a 400 foot radius from the rocket launcher. JOHANNESBURG, South Afrlca (UPI) - South All personnel and craft must stay out of African officials, ignorlng a storm of In­ the ocean hazard area between the hours 'Ring Returned From Rhea of 1245 and 1530 on Monday, April 9 or ternatlona1 appeals for clemency, hanged until the restriction is lifted. The today a young black revolutlonary convlcted LAKE BUENA VISTA, Florida (UPI) - Dor­ ground hazard area must be evacuated not of murder. othy Chrlsty has her $1,000 antique ring later than 1245 hours. Soloman M~hlangu, 22, went to the gal­ back, Dlsney World has ltS b1rd back, and lows along wlth four other men at dawn ln Dr. Earl Schobert has made veterlnary his­ See diagram below showing the ocean the maln courtyard of Pretorla Prlson. tory by apparently becoming the flrst man hazard area. H1S executlon came desplte numerous last ever to extract a $1,000 antlque ring Ol Ol minute appeals from overseas led by Presi­ from the glzzard of a rhea. 1 "! dent Carter, most European governments and The affa1r began last week, when the '" '" the U.N. Securlty Councll. lady was strolllng down a nature walk at Prlme Minister P.W. Botha personally the amusement park 1n an area where sev­ reJected the appeal by Carter ln a letter eral rhea - large fllghtless South Amerl­ to the Amerlcan president. He sald Mah­ can birds resembling the ostr1ch - were langu was tried and sentenced under South 101tenng. African crlmlnal law and that he could not One of them, apparently attracted by intervene. the glltter of the 32 dlamonds set ln the Mahlangu was convlcted on murdering two rlng, gobbled lt rlght off her flnger. white men in a downtown Johannesburg ware­ Rheas look more or less allke, and house on the flrst anniversary of the Disney caretakers were unsure which rhea bloody Soweto rlots, although lt was one had the ring. They got that sorted out of his twr companlons rather than hlmse1f wlth a metal detector. Then they walted that flred the fatal shots. for the blrd's dlgestive processes to re­ The three young men had entered the turn the rlng, but lt dldn't show up. country from eXlle to mar the day in the So they took the rhea to Tampa vet­ big black townshlp with weapons lssued to erlnarlan, Dr. Earl Schobert. them by the Afrlcan National Congress. The veterlnarlan located the Jewel ln They were surprlsed short of thelr destln­ the bird's gizzard, and wlth the help of ation sltting ln a car plaYlng wlth thelr sedatlon and a long tube, the rlng was weapons ln central Johannesburg. captured. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1979 PAGE 3 i I TELEVISION MOVIES AprM 7 ':' J3 , April 7 - 15 ~------~ KwaJalein RQi-Namur P.M. ~ Hollywood Squares Hollywood Squares 2:00 Washlngton Week 3:15 Ree Haw 2:30 Call Of The Wes~ 4:10 Firlng Line 3:00 Lost Islands 5:10 Mideast Treatr Slgnin9 3:25 Hee Haw 6:00 NCAA: Indlana State vs 4:20 Wally's Workshop DePaul 4:45 NHL: Buffalo vs New 7:30 F1Sh York Rangers 8:00 One Day At A Time 6:15 Pro Bowlers Tour 8:30 Otp Varlety: Redd Foxx 7:30 Barney Mlller 8:40 Rockford Fil~s 8:00 One Day At A Tlme 10:35 Jigsaw ~ohn 8:25 Oto Varlety: Mltzl Closed Gaynor 9:20 SlX Mllllon Dollar Man 10:10 Rockford Flles Watch Out, Oliver's Story 11:05 Space 1999 Closed We're Mad G 1:50 Hollywood Squares 5 Hollywood Squares 2:15 Chrlstopher Close Up 1:10 Washington Week Closed 2:40 ThlS Is The ~lfe 1:40 Hour Of Power 3:10 Wlth It 2:25 EthlCS In America 3:40 EthlCS In Amerlc~ 2:55 The 900dies ne 4:10 Flrlng Llne Wes~ 3:25 Call Of The Is Dead And 5:10 Mldeast Treaty 3:?5 LQst I~lands Slgnlng Closed LlVing In New 4:20 Wally's Workshop York 6:00 NCAA: Indlana State 4i~5 NHL: Buffalo vs New YQrk vs DePaul Rangers PG 7:30 Carol Burnett I & II 6:15 Pro Bowlers Tour 8:20 Movle: Vlsions Of 7:30 Carol Burnett I & II Slap Shot Elght 8:15 Bishop's Wlfe- 10:05 Jnsight

4:00 Sesame Street :QO General Hospital 5:00 General Hospital ~:45 The Goodies 5:45 Body Buddles 6:15 fhe Muppets 6:10 Can You Top ThlS? 6;4Q Can You Top This? 9:30 6:35 Call Of The West 7:05 Body Buddles 10:00 7:05 Lost Island 7:30 Emergency 10:30 7:30 NCAA Flnals: Indlana 8:25 Mls~ion Impossi~'~ State vs Mlchigan 9:20 Police Woman State 10:15 Fafllily 12:30 9:30 All In The Famlly OLIVER'S STORY Ryan O'Neal ••• Candice Bergen 1:00 10:00 All You Need Is Cash Romantic Drama ••• RT 90 ••• PG Ryan O'Neal bunes his beloved wife and tned to bury himself ln his law work in New York. aiding the underprlvlleged. Wealthy 4:00 Electrlc Company General Hospital father Ray Mll1and and mother Meg Mundy hope he'll carryon the 4:30 General Hospltal 5:4~ Rolll"' On The River famlly tradition and operate the mill when Milland retlres. 8:00 5:15 The Muppets 6:10 $20,000 Pyr~mid 'O'Neals former father-in-law Edward Blnns Just wants O'Neal to en- 8:25 5:40 Wolfman Jack 6;~5 Wally's Workshop joy llfe. ' 8:50 6:05 Rollln' On The Rlver 7:00 Call Of The West 9:15 6:30 $20,000 Pyramld 7:30 Lost Island BLOODBROTHERS Paul Sorvino ••• Tony LoBlanco 9:40 6:55 Elght Is Enough 7:55 NCAA Flnals: Indlana State Drama ••• RT 116 ••• R 10:35 7:50 Mlsslon Imposslble Mlchlgan State Recent high school graduate Richard Gere ponders 'what to do 11:30 8:45 Pollce Story 9:55 All In The Family with his life. His girlfriend, Kristine DeBell, has left hlm. H1S 1:00 10:20 Famlly constructlon worker father, Tony lo~ianco, wants hlm to Join hlS unlon, although Gere's desire is to work with chlldren ln a local hospltal. **R ratlng lS for vulgar language and suggestlve sex 4:00 Sesame Street General Hospital scenes. 5:00 General Hospltal 5:45 Bu~ting loose 8:00 5:45 Bustlng loose 6: 10 Happy Days SLAP SHOT ••• Strother Martln 8:30 6:10 Happy Days 6: 40 Nancy Drew Comedy ••• RT 122 ••• R 9:00 6:40 Hardy Boys 7:30 Baa Baa Black Sheep Paul Newman, player-coach of the losing Charlestown Chlefs, lS 9:50 7:35 Baa Baa Black Sheep 8:25 Mannix annoyed by the fans' inslstlng that he's too old to pJ~y hockey. 10:45 8:30 MannlX 9:20 Royal V1ctorians Separated from wlfe Jennifer Warren, Newwan lS attra~tedl to unhap­ 11:40 9:25 Royal Vlctorlans 10:15 Medical Center py lindsay Crouse, wife of lntellectual player Mlchael Ontkean. To 12:35 10:20 Medlcal Center lncite his losing team to become klllers, Newman plants a phony story wlth a wrlter. **R ratlng is for extremely vulgar language, vlolent action and male nudlty. 4:00 Electrlc Company General Hospital 4:30 General Hospltal 5;45 McLean Stevenson WATCH OUT, WE'RE MAD Terence Hlll ••• Bud Spencer 8:00 5:15 McLean Stevenson 6: 10 Good Times Comedy ••• RT 103 ••• G 8:30 5:40 Norman Lear Presents 6:3~ CBS Re~orts Two Amerlcan buddies own an auto body shop ln southern Soaln. 9:00 6:10 Wlldllfe I~ CrlS1S 7:30 Oto Variety: Goldie Hawn They pool thelr dough to buy a dune buggy. Wlthln 24 hours the 9:25 6:35 Wlth It 8:2~ Jigsaw John dune buggy lS wrecked by local gangsters. ThlS is the flrst three 9:50 7:05 Movle: Prlncess And 9:20 Sarnaby Jon~s minutes. The next 100 minutes lnvolve tne buddles forclng the The Plrate 10:15 love American Styl~ hoods to glve them a new dune buggy. 11:35 8:40 Barnaby Jones 12:30 9:35 Love American Style FOR THE lOVE OF BENJI Patsy Garrett ••• Cynthia Smith Comedy Adventure ••• RT 85 ••• G BenJi leaves wlth Patsy Garrett, Cynthla Smlth and Allen Fiuzat 4:00 Sesame Street 5:00 Space 1999 on a flight to Crete. Ed Nelson lS on the flight, anesthetlzes 5:00 General Hospital 5:55 Movie: Wllly Wonka And Benji and presses hlS foot agalnst a cold metal obJect. BenJl 8:00 5:45 Ethics In Amerlca The Chocolate Machine later notices tiny marks on the pad of his foot, WhlCh he can 8:30 6:15 The Goodles 7:30 Hunter not kick off. BenJl escapes and is befriended Q}: a large mongrel. 9:00 6:45 Space 1999 8:25 ~ockford Files 9:55 7:40 Rockford Flles 9:20 Movie: Secret ~ife Of . SHallA lEVINE IS DEAD Jeannle Berlln ••• Roy Schelder 10:50 8:35 Movle: The Hell­ Walter Mitty AN 'LIVING IN NEW YORK COI/ledy-Drama ... RT 112 ••• PG storm Chronlcles 11:10 Sacred Heart Jeannie Berlin arrives ln New York from Pennsylvanla, mainly to 12:30 10:05 Hunter find a husband. Her roommate lS an asplrlng actress who can't seem to accept responsibility. At a slngles bar, Berlin meets Dr. Roy Scheider, who's just performed an abortlon. The Motlon Picture Assoclatlon ratlng system 1S ~~ed fQr all UO[X](XlqtlOCOCOOOQCXjOCOOQOOQQ(]OOOOQIDCXJQItJOC]OCOCXJIQQlOOQOQDIQQIDQldOOQ(JOQOC of KwaJaleln Speclal Servlces mOVles. G ~- General Audience~~ THE SECOND FEATURE AT THE RICHARDSON THEATER ON SATURDAY NIGHT PG -- All ages adm1tted -- Parental Guidance is suggested. R -. Apdl 7 at 9:30 p.m. Restricted -- Persons under 17 years of.ag~ are not admit~ed un­ CARAVANS less accompanied by a parent or adult Quard1an. Anthony Quinn ...... M1chael Sarraz1n ••• Adventure-Drama ••• RT 127 •• PG • PAGE 4 FRIDAY. APRIL 64 1979 fun for Everyone In Spring Break Program Worship Services CATHOLIC Sunday Masses: 7:00 a.m., Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9:15 a.m., Island Memorlal Chapel 11:20 a.m •• Roi-Namur Community Center Monday-Friday Masses: 9:15 a.m., Blessed Sacrament Chapel 4:45 p.m •• Blessed Secrament Chapel Saturday Masses: 5:15 p.m •• Island Memorial Chapel Confessions: Saturday. 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:15 to 7:45 p.m. Monday-Friday, 15 minutes before Mass CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday morning worship services are held at 9:00 a.m. in Room 21 of George Seitz Elementary School. Visitors are welcome. For informatlon, call 83694, 82613 or 82427. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Services are held in Room 18, George Seitz Elementary School. Priesthood meet­ ing is at 8:30 a.m., Sunday School at 10:00 a.m., and Sacrament Service at 11:00 a.m. For lnformation, call J. Wise, Every day last week, abqQt 100 young$ter~ ages f~ve through 15 turned out to part~­ 82885/99440. c~pate ~n the Spec~al Serv~ces spr~ng Bre4k Program. Five- and s~x-year-01ds, some of whom are shown here w~th aides Bobb~e Haddock, left, and Sandy Savage, had the~r own PROTESTANT program at the Teen Center, where act~v~t~es indoors included draw~ng, pa~nting and Sunday morning worship services will be other art forms, and story-t~me. Outdoor sports and games were also scheduled. held at 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. at the Island

Act~v~t~es for youngsters aged seven Memorial Chapel. Rev. Elden M. Buck will through 15 ~nc1uded basketball, shown left, preach the sermon entitled "The Nonconform­ soccer, k~ckba11, volleyball, softball and ist." based on Romans 12:1-21. speedball. The combined Chapel adult and youth Spring Break Program was ,supervised by choirs will sing at both services. Spec~a1 Serv~ces Youth Director Duane Pot­ ROI-NAMUR: The Sunday evening worship ter, who was ass~sted by a~des DeDe Beer, serV1ce Wlll be held in the Community Cen­ C1a~re Campbell, Scott Gramos, Bobb~e Had­ ter at 7 D.m •• led by Rev. Buck. dock, Eugene Haddock, D~ane Hansen, Judy Club History N~cho1s, Laura Savage and Sandy Savage. yy Women's Act~v~t~es were scheduled every morn~ng by Fran Ho1thaus ... Part IV dur~ng spr~ng school break, March 26-30. -When the operatlon of-the Micronesian Hand1craft Shop was transferred to the - YYWC, a scholarsh1p comm1ttee was estab­ Record Number Running llshed to channel all prof1ts back to the (MNS) -- A total of 137 persons are run­ M1crones1ans. In 1970 the name of th1S ninq for the 33 seats in the Marshalls comm1ttee was changed to the Educat10nal Nitijela (le9islature) election April JO. Ass1stance Comm1ttee. with its resources Officials say this is the largest number 11mited to the prof1ts from the shop. of candidates ever known to have run for Numerous Micronesian scholarship reC1p1- the Nitijela, and they feel that the high ents have appl1ed to this committee and interest in running may be attributed to have rece1ved educat10nal ass1stance 1n the new Marshall Islands constitutional the Unlted States and at the hlgh schools government which will become effective in Micronesla. this year on May 1. As hand1craft and art1facts passed through the hand1craft shop, ind1vlduals Among the candidates are all the former recogn1zed the historical sign1f1cance of members of the Marshalls delegation to the some of these items and the1r value for Congress of Micronesia. the preservat10n of the Micronesian cul­ On This Day In History ture. Occaslonally gifts were received by the club and 1n October of 1966, the Kwajalein Library Subscribes In 1830, Joseph Smith organized the executlve board authorlzed the museum. Church of the Latter Day Saints, more fam­ In November the d1splays were arranged by To 20 Major Newspapers iliarly known as the Mormon Church, in the curator 1n the Grace Sherwood L1brary Fayette, New York. and in 1971 the museum was expanded to in­ by Sharon Dry In 1909, Adm. Robert E. Peary reached clude cases at the Yokwe Yuk Club. Both For those of you who would like to keep the North Pole, on his sixth attempt. dlsplays have been malntalned by the YYWC up with what's going on back in th~ In 1975, Nationalist Chinese leader Slnce that time. "wor 1d," the Grace Sherwood Li brary re­ Chiang Kai-shek died at the age of 87. (More ~n Monday's HourGlass) ceives the following major newspapers; ~ HOnOTulu Aavertiser Honolulu Star-Bulletin fire Investigation Continues Pacific Daily News Wall Street Journal Week ly/sunda Arizona Repu tlic Army Times Barron's Boston Globe El Paso Times Huntsville Times Las Vegas Sun Times Minneapolis Tribune New York Times Philadelphia Bulletin San Francisco Examiner Seattle Times Washlngton Post In addltion, subscriptions h~ve b~n entered for the Mi~i (Florida) Herald and the Santa Ana (California) Register. They should be arriving soon. If the library is not currently subscribing to the newspaper of your choice, please make your request known by signing our News­ The Kwaja1e~n Fire Department ~'s cont~nu~ng ~ts ~nvestigation ~nto the cause of th ,paper Poll booklet. Additional subscrip f~re wh~ch destroyed the work tra~ler near the Super Radot early Tuesday morn~ng. First tions will be considered when there ~re report of the blaze was made at 5:43 a.m. by Joggers who passed nearby, and the fire sufficient requests. was totally ext~nguished by 6:10 a.m., according to Fire Chief Bob Ragan. FRIDAY!, APRIL 6, 1979 PAGE 5 At Wit's End MOVIES by Erma Bomb ck TOnlght Richardson -- Warlords of Atlantis PG ANN If you really want to make yourself Ivey Hall Smokey and the Bandit ---- PG crazy sometime, Slt around and f1gure out Yokwe Yuk -- Boys From Brazil ------R how much your luggage cost -- Just to get Tradewinds -- Boss ------PG LANDERS it back. I got a little overnighter sU1tcase that cost me $30 when it was new. I fig­ TELEVISION Dear Ann Landers: I w1ll be enter1ng ured out that over the years (and this is Tonight On Kwajalein the hospital soon for an operat1on. I dread a conservat1ve f1gure), rive spent $500 -5: 00 Space 1999 it. It's not the operat1on I fear, it's to have it carr1ed, checked, and stored. 5:55 Boxing much worse than that. You see, I have an Th1S doesn't count the time I lugged it 6: 40 GE Monograms upper plate. The thought of taking my into a restroom pay booth and 1n trY1ng 7:30 Survival teeth out in front of all those people in to get 1t out slammed the door and had to 8:00 Wildlife In Crisis the operating room is humiliating to me. I pay another dime to retrieve it. 8:25 Hunter Part I don't think I can do it. I made a short trip East last week and 9:20 Movie: Cat Creature Can a person conceal the fact that he frankly, w1th all this inflation I don't 10:35 Sacred Heart has dentures or would 1t be unsafe? A know how much longer I can afford to ------TonighT "O'n-R01-=-Namur- -- -- qU1ck look at the postmark will tell you travel with luggage. 5:00 General Hospital th1S 1S no phony letter from Yale. Please At the curb of the airport, I tipped 5:45 Space 1999 take me ser1ously. I need an answer r1ght the Skycap $1 to check it through for me. 6:40 Box1ng away. -- Upset In Long Island At my destinat1on, another Skycap res­ 7:35 GE Monograms Dear upset: It would be dangerous to cued it from the carousel (I always have 8:30 Survival try to keep your dentures ~n your mouth the p1ece of luggage that is caught at the 9:00 To Fly dur~ng surgery. Wh~le under the anesthe­ top) and I t1pped h1m another 50 cents. 9:25 Hunter t~c, you could swallow them and choke. Another one carr1ed 1t to the curb and 1°.!.2Q ____ !:!0.Y.i!.:_H!.11slr~m_C!!.r~nicle~_ Ask the doctor ~f he w~ll arrange to I t1pped h1m 50 cents. At the curb, the have you tranqu~l~zed wh~le you are st~11 man w1th the whistle summoned a cab for ~n your room. You could then remove the me, llfted the luggage and put it in the Search for Bonhomme Richard plate before ret~r~ng (as always) and wou1, cabb1e's trunk. I t1pped h1m a quarter. by John A. Webster have no reco11ect~on of even be~ng taken At the hotel, the captaln carr1ed my ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexlco (UPI) -- John ~nto the operat~ng room. In the meant~me, luggage to the reception desk and I tlpped Paul Jones won the most famous naval battle be assured that the people ~n the operat~ng h1m 50 cents. A bell summoned a bellhop of the American Revolut1onary War, but a room couldn't care less whether the pat~ent who carr1ed the sU1tcase to my room. I short time later was forced to abandon his has teeth or not. They are too busy w~th gave him $2.00. He gave me my key. s1nking ship off the northeastern coast of other th~ngs. To date, I had pa1d $4.75 for my lug­ England. gage and hadn't even opened 1t yet. It This summer, 200 years after the battle. Dear Ann Landers: Some t1me ago you was w1th1n a few dollars of be1ng more an expedition will search the bottom of the pr1nted a letter from a woman who wondered than the contents of the suitcase were North Sea for the Bonhomme R~chard, Jones I why she never rece1ved answers to her let­ worth. ship, Wh1Ch sank 36'hours after its v1ctory ters from her fr1ends. You let them off The IRS does not cons1der luggage a de­ over the English frigate serap~s. the hook by saY1 ng, "Often, people are se 1f­ pendent. Th1S is too bad as people who Dr. Erlc Berryman. director of the S1X­ conSC10US about the1r grammar and spell1ng travel a lot probably put more 1nto their member search team. sa1d electronic equ1p­ and put off wrlting for this reason." luggage than they do the1r own ch1ldren. ment would scan a 120-square-mlle area of Well, maybe youlre r1ght, but the message (W1th the poss1ble exception of ch1ldren the sea north and east of Flamborouqh Head. they convey through s 11 ence 1s, "Even though w1th braces.) a promontory of 450-foot-high chalk cliffs we were once close fr1ends, I no longer care In aSsess1ng the s1tuat1on, 1t occurred on the east coast of Yorkshire. enough about you to take the t1me to reply." to me that is why I had seen the pres1dent "We hope to find lt at a depth to d1ve Th1S letter is be1ng wr1tten by a person who carrylng hlS own garment bag onto Air and fl nd enough artl facts to i denti fy 1t," went to a lot of trouble to look up the ad­ Force I. It was Just getting too expen­ he sa1d. "ltls a blt of a gamble; we may dresses and marr1ed names of several glrl~ Slve to keep t1PP1ng everyone. not f1nd lt ever, but lf the weather holds hood fr1ends and received, 1n return, dead At a hotel recently, I was waltlng for out, we should make it." sllence. -- M1ght As Well Put Messages In my key when a young couple came ln, Weather could be a maJor problem for Bottles glanced around nervously and reg1stered , the expeditlon, Slnce the North Sea is Dear Bottles: You are not alone ~n your for one nl ght. notorious for fog, fierce gales and rough cr~t~c~sm. A great many others scolded me "Where lS your luggage?" asked the desk water, but Berryman sa1d the planned for 1ett~ng the "slobs" off the hook so clerk SUSpiC1ously. search per1od, from June 1 to July 2, is eas~ly. The girl blushed. The young man stam­ "the best weather wJndow." The best suggest~on came from "S~de-' mered. Berryman, 38, a staff member at the Stepped In Spokane." She wrote, "If people 11m not nalve. I could tell they were Universlty of New Mexico, sa1d the primary are ashamed of the~r grammar, spe11~ng or Just starting out and couldn't afford to search equipment will be slde-scan sonar, handwr~t~ng, they can p~ck up a phone and support a sU1tcase. Wh1Ch w1ll bounce sound waves off the say, , It was good to hear from you.'" ocean floor, ranging from 100 to 220 feet From 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. dur~ng the deep in the search area. The sonar detects week, all day Saturday and unt~l 5:00 p.m. Your Individual the pos1tlon of sunken Sh1PS ln the return­ Sunday, you can call San Franc~sco from ing signal. New York and talk for three m~nutes for 55 Horoscope The expedit1on's Sh1P, a converted 63- cents! foot flshlng vessel. will keep track of ==== Frances Drake ====~s;.:.~=== ltS pos1tlon 1n the search area by trian­ Dear Ann Landers: My 14-year-old son 1S FOR MONDA Y, APRIL 9, 1979 gulation with electronic equ1pment on ARIES - t..-fi>. LIBRA ~ drlv1ng us nuts. He 1S obsessed with clean­ (Mar. 21 to Apr. 19)'Y'r--t\ (Sept. 23 to Oct 22)A~ I.Q shore. llness and neatness. Th1S has been going Work irritations may be the It's tune for circumspect "Weill have a (posit1on) accuracy of on for nearly two years -- dat1ng back to sIgll81 that you need a fresh behavior. Beating arOlmd the two meters," Berryman sa1d, "so weill know my second marrlage to a man who 1S a total approach to routine Seek bush though can lead to a where welve been and know we haven't efficient methods and don't breakdown in com- slob. shirk obligations mWlications. missed a 100-foot segment." I have always been a good housekeeper TAURUS SCORPIO M '1k'_ Berryman, a member of s1milar wrecked but now 11m runnlng myself ragged trY1ng to (Apr. 20 to May 20) tjg (Oct 23 ,to Nov 21) "vnt("' ship exped1tions to the Falkland Islands meet the standards of "Mr. Clean." He be­ A new romantic interest There s a tendency to at the t1P of South America last year and comes upset 1f everyth1ng 1snlt exactly may have the potential for overdo on the party scene early th1S year, estimated the cost of the becommg a lasting at- now. New friends are exciting, where 1t should be -- and sparkllng t'boot. tachment, but as of now, it's but don't rum things by Bonhomme R~chard expedit10n at $60,000 to 11m sure th1S problem must be related Just too soon to tell overstaymg your welcome $65,000, which is being pa1d by Clive to h1S feel1ngs abOut h1S stepfather. Can GEMINI ~ SAGITrARIUS X',.-A4 Cussler of Golden, Colorado, author of you help me? -- Mrs. Not Clean Enough (May 21 to June 20) D~ (Nov 22 to Dec 21) I{ff" Ra~se The T~tan~c. Dear Mrs.: Your d~agnos~s shows keen ~n­ If everyttung seems a mess Watch out for grandiose The Bonhomme R~chard was what Berryman at home, it may be a clue that planrung careerwISe. A new s~ght and now you must learn to deal w~th its time to clean house . idea has merit, but it may be called a "woebegone" member of the French h~s prob1emo CANCER - too soon to act on it merchant marlne called Le Duc de Duras Te-11 your son that ~f the "mess" bothers (June 21 to July 22) 8(:) AQUARIUS _ ~ when Jones took command ln February 1779. h~m, he can p~ck up, po1~sh or scrub to h~s Garbled commUDlcations (Jan 20 to Feb 18)-~ Renamed by Jones 1n honor of BenJamln heart's content, but not to expect you to are poSSlble now A person Though a higher-up may Franklln's Poor R~chard's Almanac, it took may not fulfill a promtse or approve of a business venture, do ~t. will offer more than they can there are still many details to about SlX months to convert the ship for If the boy appears to be gett~ng more deliver Watch carelessness be worked out Don't spend fightlng. persn~ckety as t~me goes on, cons~der tak~ng LEOn ~ money prematurely "There 1S some mystery about what the h~m for profess~ona1 help before he develops (July 23 to Aug 22)U'~ PISCES )( ~ Sh1P looked l1ke," Berryman sa1d. "There some full-blown phobias. Watch unrealistiC thinking (Feb 19 to Mar 20) ~ 1S no deflnlte model (of It) in existence." about a romantic prospect. Be a good llstner, but some Curtad extravagance and of the Ideas of someone close The battle between the Bonhomme R~chard Don't get burned by a "l~ne" that's too dubiOUS mvestments. may be a bit unrealistic Don't and Serap~s, during which Jones reportedly hot to handle. Play ~t cool w~th Ann lan­ VIRGO U\ let good times spoil your sense told English Capt. Richard Pearson, "I ders' gu~de, '''Neck~ng and Pett~ng -- What (Aug 23 to Sept 22) lIP ~ of Judgement have not yet begun to fight," was fierce, Are the L~=ts?" Send your request to Ann The need to express yourself CAPRICORN ,,., ~ with both ships heavily damaged and an es­ should lead to some creatlve (Dec 22 to Jan 19) ytJ \tvf Landers, P.G o Box 11995, Ch~cago, I11~no~s effort rather than statements A pleasant conversatlon timated 270 sailors killed or wounded. 60611, enc10s~ng 50 cents and a long, stamp­ WhiCh call attentlOn to With a new contact is not the lilt was the most spectacular flght in ed, self-addressed envelope. yourself go-ahead for love at first sight the Revolutionary War," Berryman said. PAGE 6 FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1979 Pee Wee Soccer Has Co-Champions ,A

Co-Champ~on Chargers Pee Wee soccer team from left to r~ght, Co-Champ~on Dolp~ns Pee Wee soccer team from left to r~ght, stand~ng, are: Coach Ph~l Allen, Stephan~e corrent~, Kr~sten stand~ng, are: Jenn~fer Jensen, Dawn Gramos, M~ke Popov~ch, Laakso, M~ke Donaldson, R~cky L~ston, Kev~n Burnsteel, Br~an _ Thomas Card~llo and Magg~e Leonard. Kneel~ng are: Kev~n Tromb~n~, Cross, Cr~ssy Myers and Coach Harry F~tzpatr~ck. Kneel~ng are: Scott Reeve, Rusty Holland and Er~c Jackson. Stand~ng beh~nd the Scott Foster, M~ke ~llen, Matt Re~ll, Mascot Dan F~tzpatr~ck, - team ~s Coach Don Jensen. Not p~ctured are: Coach John Fader, Jeff Allen, Daren Steeby, and Jeff Holcomb. Not p~ctured ~s Harry LynnDee Fader, M~tch Fader, T~m Afr~cano and R~cardo Makonneno F~tzpatr~ck, Jr. Photos by Nate Jackson Pee Wee Soccer Roundup Twilight Golf Standings Major League Baseball The last game of the Pee Wee soccer sea­ Games played through April 4 NEW YORK (UPI) -- Pltcher Mlke Caldwell son was played yesterday on the Rlchardson South DTvision Games Played Won Loss went tne distance Thursday to lead the Mll­ Soccer Fleld. The SuperSonlcs got by the Alta i r 35 20~ 14~ waukee Brewers to a 5-1 openlng day vlctory Mlnutemen 2-1. Sean Mitchell scored toth Kaml ra 35 20~ 14~ over the New York Yankees and Cy Young award goals for the Sonlcs and Adam Wienshienk The Dev 11 s 35 20~ 14~ Wlnner Ron GUldry. put the ball in the net for the Mlnutemen. Fearless Foursome 35 20 15 Caldwell, whose 22-9 record last season The whole Sonic team played well for Rlkakis 30 17 13 earned hlm comeback player of the year honors, their last game of the season. For the Puka 1 s 25 17 8 effectlvely scattered seven hltS and dld not Mlnutemen Steve Reeve helped out on offense MZ I I I 30 16~ 13~ walk a batter to Wln the flrst openlng day and Kenny Koppenhaver and Sharla Marsh dld Puka Putters 30 1~ 15~ start of hlS seven-year career. a great Job on defense. Fasclnatlon B 25 13 12 Elsewhere ln the Amerlcan League, Boston Shlpmate 30 ll~ l~ downed Cleveland 7-1 and Texas at Detrolt Softball Action Fasclnatlon II 25 ll~ 13~ was postponed. In the Natlonal League, the Reefers 30 ll~ 1~ New York Mets defeated the Chlcago Cubs 10-6 On the Llttle League Fleld yesterday, Kentron Comm 35 10~ 24~ and San Diego edged Los Angeles 4-3. the Over The Hlll Gang swatted the Bumble Cora 1 C1 ubbers 30 1O~ 19~ Bees 27 to 3. Llnda Taylor and Brenda Bell North Dlvlslon Games Played Won Loss each got four RBI for the bang and Darlene Now or Never 35 ~ ~ NBA Results Dlhel led the defenslve effort. 924 29 22 7 Thursdaf's Results For the Bumble Bees, a new team thls 19th Holers 25 14~ 10~ Denver 14 New York 107 season, Lynn Moore got two hltS, and Caro­ Safety Sandbaggers 25 14~ 10~ Detrolt 120 New Orleans 104 lyn Voss dld a good Job on the mound. Fascination I 20 13~ 6~ * * * Stl ff Shaft 30 13~ 16~ On Brandon Fleld the Fun Team got by Fasclnatlon A 25 13 12 NHL Results Medlcare 5-3. Clay Burtlew got two RBI off SWlnglng 20 11 9 Thursday 1 s Results one hlt. Pete Heotls, Dave Landrettl and Cal-Lab 20 11 9 N.Y. Islanders 3 Philadelphla 1 Harry Marks got a hlt each. Jenny Bunn con­ MZ II 25 9 16 Buffalo 9 Boston 3 nected for a trlple and Harry Marks put ln Natural Hazards 25 9 16 Los Angeles 4 Colorado 4 good effort on defense. MZ I 25 ~ 16~ For Medlcare Merle Dlhel held up his end Mulllgans 24 5~ l~ Golf News at shortstop and got one RBI. Dlxle Walker Spartans 20 312 16~ and John Reeve brought ln the other two runs GREENSBORO. North Carollna (UPI) -- Tom and Ray Matsumura went 3-for-3. Klte, a two-tlme Wlnner Slnce JOlning the PGA * * * Twilight Golf Schedule tour ln 1972, and a group of four non-Wlnners The Spartans Whlte gave a wlnning per­ Monday shot 4-~nder-par 68s Thursday to share the formance yesterday when they downed the Meck 4:30 Puka's vs Kamira flrst round lead ln the Greater Greensboro Rex 15-10. Ed Sommers got flve RBI and hlt 4:45 Puka Putters vs Fascinatlon II Open Golf Tournament. 4-for-4. Ron Fllege hlt a homer and brought 5:00 Altalr vs Shlpmate Wlth Klte at the head of the fleld after in two runs and teammate Bo Ottlnger got Tuesday 18 holes were Bobby Walzel, Jack Renner, Jim two RBI. Vlnce Cardlllo made an unasslsted 4:30 Coral Clubbers vs MZ III Thorpe and Kelth Fergus, who barely made the out at second and threw to flrst for a 4:45 Kamlra vs Rlkakls top 60 on the money llSt last year. double play. Phll Walker also put ln a good 5:00 Kentron Comm vs Reefers defenslve effort. Wednesday Stan Sholar brought ln three runs off two 4:30 Now or Never vs MZ II Attention Swim Team Members hltS and John Klna added two off a home run. 4:45 Stlff Shaft vs Cal Lab Be sure to attend morning work-out on Sat­ The Meck Rex put up a good flght but weren't 5:00 19th Holers vs Spartans urday, Apnl 8th. At that tlme you have to - able to contain the Spartan hlttlng. • slgn up for the forthcomlng meet between the T-Ball Schedule Barracudas and the Ma~o Sharks. High Rollers Saturday In bowling actlon last nlght Mike Hun­ Brandon - 10:15 - Raiders vs Eagles Men's Softball Schedule slnger rolled a 586 hlgh series on the Ken­ 11 :45 - The Force vs Dyna-Mltes Tomght tron Mlxed League. Dally - 10:15 - Tigers vs Warrlors Dally - 5:15 Carl booze vs Benchwarmers 11:45 - Cheetahs vs Kwaj Pupples Sunday Dal1y - 1:00 Sun Devlls Green vs Turkeys Golf Course Closed 2:15 Snake Plt vs Harvey's Devils The Golf Course wlll be closed on SunJay Women's Softball Schedule' 3:30 Carl booze vs Leftouts from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. due to the STP Tonight 4:45 Sun Devils vs Benchwarmers Tournament. ThlS tournament wlll be a shot­ 5:15 Sunshlne vs Spartans I Brandon - 1:00 Oly's vs ROl Rats gun start. Saturday 2:15 Pago Pago vs H & H 3:30 Just Us vs Ekerere 3:30 Double R vs Da WhlZ Klds 4:45 KwaJ Klttens vs Spartans II 4:45 Brothers All vs Leftovers Sunday fun Run Monday Monday Beat the heat! J01A ~R lnvlgoratlng Fun 5:15 Bumble Bees vs Leftovers Dally - 5:15 Wlzards vs Fubar Run Sunday mornlng. The 1/4-mile starts at Tuesda~ Brandon - 5:15 Black Maglc vs RCA 7:00 a.m., l-mlle at 7:10 and the 3-mlle at 5:15unshine vs Sun Devils Tuesday 7:15. For more lnformatlon call run direc­ Wednesday Dally - 5:15 Sun DeVlls vs Me~lcare tor Jan Marks at 84486. 5:15 Spartans I vs Over The Hlll Gang Brandon - 5:15 MZ vs Aloha State I ,FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1979 PAGE 7


W '-H15 L-A~ u;;A~~ I~ ACC~p O'F , JU5TC4N'" ,. WHy l71PW'T rou Ju~T DIPPING INTO IHS' ~N~/ON FUND5 UND~srANl/ ~IGG' iH~ D!JE% r I HowroU COUL-P Z ~ITA ~IM~ L-I~~ A TIlo4Tf R D

~I mERE, 1 AM A YELLOW JAcKET; f Of COORSE I ~ ahare, Mr. w~AT ARE yoU F' You knOW thaE I • ACROSS 41 Conclude DOWN 10 Name 1 Turlush 43 Tenms 1 Afterthoughts, 11 Utter official eqwpment for short 17 Near the B. 6 Museum 44 School 2 Eastern U S back fare diVlslon cape 19 Drunken C. 9 Relatlves 45 Resources 3 "Jonathan sprees of aves 47 Football's Llvmg- 21 Stitch 12 Dende "Cnmson ston - .. 22 Money of 13 Worm larva Tide" 4 Eldest son, account 14 Helpful hmt 49 Lethal often 24 Taste (Fr ) I HAD A SECRETARY 15 Del1cacy, m 52 Law degree 5 Belgian City 26 Bury 'TO WHOM I PAID A France 53 Clouded 6 Shade of 28 Unwraps ~Df'ULOU5LY HIGH 16 Fonnal order 54 Eat green 30 Former C 5Al.AAY SO 5"'~ COULD KfEPHfli: HU58AHDIN 18 Connecticut away 7 Type of horse Middle East A A FANCY NUR'SINc. prep school 55 Cut 8 Sun bather's lrutlals UOME-! 20 SpICY stew 56 Neighbor goal 32 Type of N 21 Old French of Wash 9 LIke yes- fught Y com 57 Old a cow- terday's 33 Employ 23 PrefIX Wlth boy's Job bread 34 Oriental o sense Average solutlOn time 25 nun hol1day 24 Zorba, 36 Open - I N for one 38 In any way 25 Writer 39 Viola's Gardner cousm 27 Scents 40 Hobo 29 Wood used 42 Postpone GEE, :r WISH SHE m furruture 45 Moslem WOULDN'T MIND 31 Elephant's prmce 60 MUCH treat 46 Source 35 French cup of pOl B 37 Take off 48 Fuss the pounds 50 Summer E 38 Gable or 4-6 refresher E Grant Answer to yesterday's puzzle 51 Gwded T 12 13 14 15 m16 7 8 mi 9 110 111 L ,12 RS1Q2 /13 m14 E 15 1'6 17 11 8 m20 D 123 124 7HANKS I8UllT7H15 ~N/c&.MAYI YCAH. I /lJAS Tl?fIN6 00 00 28 o CABIN MYsa.F; /JACK IN A5KMfY'1f}()n:cP 7() ~CH THE {)()(j5 25 26 M27 ftl63 PI£) TJE /JCCOWTN6 tANl) M/N/!!S ON 70 5TAY OFF 7H/3. m O! ANI) ~vt/?Y7HIN6 A/.L TfE 5Ofi4S? 29 30 31 32 33 34 N" TU " !II 1 37 E ~~-,,=\ / '36 1 Zi: \ m 5 38 139 40 [141 42 43 B m ;44 45 146 U 00 R 47 48 49 150 151 52 53 8 54 Y 1& 1 55 _56 57 They'll Do It Every Time A N D Y C A P P

H A G 'A R PAGE 8 FRI DAY , APRIL 6,11979 ,------~------>------1 WANTED MEN'S RIGHT HANDED GOLF CLUBS - call I ~ ...g.L~~ FOR SALE 84445 after 4 p.m. and ask for Tom. 26" MEN AND WOMEN'S BICYCLES, ln good con­ I Th. HourGla .... publl.h.d by Global A .. oClat•• Alonday dl tl on, $30 each. Ca 11 82441. VOLUNTEERS to work at Rargain Bazaar. Do­ I through Friday a' ,h. d".ctlon of the Command.r, Kwalal.,n nate two hours a month of your tlme to help ,AI, .. ,I. Rang., Alarshall "'ands, und.r contrael OASG MEN'S NEW FOAM GO-AHEAOS, 11~, $1.50; green W1t~ this worthw~lle project. T~e work 1S 60-75-C-000I Th. VI.WS and opinions upr.... d In the rubber sandals, 10~, $2; whlte baby bathtub fun and satisfying. Please call Helen I n.wspap.r are not n.c... arl'y those of the O.parlm.nt of the flower planter, $1; practlce golf klt, $1.50 Thomas at 82448 and slgn up to help Tues­ I Army Th .. n.wspap.r, an 1Ht0ff,clal publlcalron authorrzed practlce golf balls, 10¢; regular golf days or Wednesdays. ,und.r Ih. prOVISions of contrael OASG60-75-C-0001, balls, 25¢; bag of crepe paper, 25¢; three I IS r.produc.d by offs.I prlnlrng dlrect screW-ln lamp shades, 4", all for SERVICES OFFERED I 50¢; 12 oz. Era liquld detergent, 50¢. Call I Communications should b. addr.... d to the HourGlass, 83588 after 10 a.m. RELIABLE 12-YEAR-OLD GIRL WILL BABYSIT to I 80x 1733, APO San Franc .. co, California 96555, or by •• 9:30 p.m. on weekn1ghts; 11:30 p.m. on I calling 8-3539 I WOMEN'S PROTESTANT CHAPEL FELLOWSHIP PATIO weekends. Call 84310. , I SALE at the Communlty Center, Apr. 10 from t Alal.roal, app.arlng 1ft the HourG/a.. may nol b. 1 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. For plckup of donatlons call 82680, 82657 or 82295 or drop off on COMMUNITY NOTICES I r.pronl.d wlthoul ,h. approval of ,h. Command.r, Kwala/.,n I' the patlos of 485-C or 920. Everyone lS NOTICE TO PCSING FAMILIES -when you have IAI .... I. Rang. All Want Ads and notlc.s must b. submltt.d lnvlted to browse, buy, have a cup of flrm pack-out and PCS dates, please call I on GA Form 8028 48 worlrlng hours prior to publication coffee and take home dellclouS baked goods the housing office at 83662 to order your I , and bargalns. hosp1tal1ty k1t and schedule 1nspect10n I Pat Calaldo, Editor t dates. I Sharon a.chlold, Assoclat. Editor I TWO GOLF PUTTERS - ln excellent condltlon, I Sandy lloyd, Wanl Ads, Ginny Flnlr, TYPISt I I ______, ______,_~- __~j both barely used, $5 each. Call Lynne at YOKWE YUK WOMEN'S CLUB - The Apr1l program 84578 evem ngs. for the YYWC will be 1nformative and enter­ tain1ng. Jody Ragan, program cha1rman for PATIO SALE - Saturday, April 7 from 8-11 the Apr1l luncheon. will take us 1nto the YOKWE YUK CLUB PRESENTS a.m. Selllng men's, ch1ldren's, women's world of scuba by the med1um of her own clothes and luggage. Sale 1S at 405-C telev1s1on program. A take-off on the "DISCO WITH VISUALS" patlO. televls10n program, "To Tell The Truth" w1ll lead us 1nto Neptune's k1ngdom. Saturday, Apr. 7 8-11:30 p.m. NEW FISH NET ln excellent condltlon, approx- Part1c1pants 1nclude, Carolyn Voss. Sally 1mately 125' x 7' x 2~" eye, $75. Call Rush, Jean Culberson. Rosemary Bunn. Jan EnJOY an evenlng of danc1ng to 83563. Marsh. Mary Taylor, and Gerry Corey. The var1ety mUS1C w1th beaut1ful colors luncheon w1ll be held Thursday. Apr. 19 at of smooth swirl1ng clouds - mus1cal WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY, college ed1tlon, $7; the YY Club. The menu 1ncludes a salad notes and coll1d1ng planets - a 8" clay flower pots, 50¢, w1th Vlne 75¢; plate w1th chocolate ecla1rs for dessert kaleidoscope of fun with Blll large foam 1ce chest, 75¢; four partial at a cost of $4.50 per person. Make your Malone's "Mob1le MUS1C". bottles Rit dye, all for 75¢; Solita1re reservat10ns by Monday, Apr1l 16 by call1ng klt, lap type, w1th book and cards, $2.50. Joan 82290 or Maureen 84511. Call 83588 after 10 a.m. WHO HAS THE FASTEST RUNNERS? R01, Meck, EXECUTIVE BOARD YYWC - the monthly meet1ng Kentron/CDC, Mother Global's Boys, KMR LIVING AND BEDROOM CURTAINS, match1ng bed­ w1ll be Thursday, Apr. 12 at 9 a.m. at --- Rats or the H1gh ~chool Spartans? JOln spread and p1llow shams, three-months-old, 402-D. one of these teams or form your own. All mach1ne washable and dryable, $200. Brltan­ men w1ll run 10,000 meters. At the same nica III Encyclopedla 1977 ed., $450. LA LECHE LEAGUE OF KWAJALEIN w1ll have a t1me, women w1ll run 5,000 meters 1n team Hoover Celebr1ty II powermatlc vacuum, $45. meet1ng Wednesday, Apr. 11 at 9:30 a.m. at compet1tlon. Scor1ng wlll be by a cross Slnger Athena 2000 sew1ng mach1ne ln SOlld the home of Rory Vance, 832. For more country system of places. Team trophy, pecan desk style cab1net, $650. Fac1al 1nformat10n call Anne Sproat, 82357. 1nd1vldual prlzes, certlf1cates, Emon sauna, $10, General Electrlc superblow plcn1C. One dollar entry fee for runners ha1rcare center, $10, four 6x9 orange shag EMON LODGE NO. 179 F &AM w1ll hold a and fam11y members, 50¢ for klds under six. rugs, 1n very good condltlon, $144. One special commun1cat10n on Monday even1ng, Start at Emon shortly after 5 p.m. on 6x9 belge shag rug, $30, and a Chrlstmas Apr1l 9. All Master Masons are lnv1ted to Apnl 14. Entry deadl1ne 1S Apnl 13. tree used only once, $10. Call 84386. attend. Bus serVlce w1ll be prov1ded at Call Jeff Taylor at W82011 or H82490 for the usual stops and t1me. detalls. POWERBOAT 19' flberglass deep V-hull, tW1n 55hp EV1nrude englnes, completely equlpped REPRINT ORDERS FOR PICTURES taken at the THE BLUE DOPHIN SKI CLUB w1ll hold a general for d1ving and f1sh1ng. Includes VHF/FM Sweetheart Banquet are be1ng taken now membershlp meet1ng on Monday, Apr. 9 at the and CB rad10s, record1ng fathometer, com­ through Apr. 22. Call Dave at H84455 or home of Harry Marks, 451-A, at 7:30 p.m. plete eng1ne 1nstrumentatlon, compass, W77260. Procedures for uS1ng the boat house and automat1c b1lge pump, sun-top and slde plans for a sprlng party w1ll be dlscussed. curta1ns, d1ve ladder, two stainless steel THE KWAJALEIN ART GUILD SUPPLY LOCKER w1ll All members are urged to attend. 1nsulated flSh boxes, outr1ggers, pole be open every Monday even1ng from 6:30 to holders, 27 gal. 1nboard gas tank, safety 7:30 p.m. The locker 1S located 1n BU1ld1ng DUPLICATE BRIDGE TOURNAMENT - There w111 be gear, extra gas tanks, spare parts, equ1p­ 1051 next to the Commun1cations Center. a club champ10nsh1p lnd1v1dual tournament ment shed, moor1ng buoy. In top cond1t10n. on th1S Sunday, Apr. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Call Bob at 82535 or 77285. SCHOOLS FOR DEAF AND BLIND CHILDREN on the Commun1ty Center. Bonus master p01nts and ma1nland need your help! Items needed are: a trophy for the W1nners. To 1nsure a play­ TRAILER ADDITION - Company approved tra1ler sea shells, p1ne cones. glass balls, small lng seat, call Russ Kees, 81381. swap ava1lable for quarters upgrade. In­ p1eces of coral, mounted coconut crabs, sulated 12x24 room w1th t1le floor, floures­ ch1ldrens tapes and records. Th1S would be THE MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP COMMITTEE cent 11ghtlng, 12x27 pat1o. and completely a perfect way for you boys and glrls to meet1ng w1ll be held Monday, Apr. 9 at 848 fenced-1n prlvate yard. Th1S addlt1Qn was get together with your fr1ends for a worth­ at 8 p.m. bU1lt by Mr. Ota and was untouched by wh1le cause and have fun at the same Trop1cal Storm Allce. Call Bob at 82535 or time. Please have your 1tems ready by THE KWAJALEIN WOMEN'S GOLF ASSOCIATION w111 77285. Apr. 25 so that we can make the barge. hold ltS monthly meetlng on Saturday, Apr. 7 If you can't make that deadl1ne we neea startlng at 12:30 p.m. at the golf course the ltems no later than May 17 for a special club house. LOST a1r shlpment. For further deta1ls contact BLUE NOTEBOOK left at Xerox mach1ne, second Joan M1tchell 82348 or Cleta H1gh 81925 for GLOBAL MANAGEMENT CLUB lS offer1ng the floor term1nal bU1ldlng. Please call p1ck up. follow1ng courses, beg1nn1ng W82100 or H83565. Apr. 12: "Self Conf1dence Through Publ1C ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - call 83505 days or Speak1ng" whlch will meet 1n Room 201 of FOUND 81212 evenings, weekends or holldays. the h1gh school; J1m Thomas 1S the 1n­ structor. "What Managers Do", wh1Ch w111 SMALL STUFFED ANIMAL on Emon Beach call and THE KWAJALEIN YACHT CLUB will hold a meet 1n Room 204 of the h1gh school w1th J. 1dent1fy; blue hand towel w1th 1n1t1als, monthly meet1ng on Wednesday. Apr. 25 at Plouffe the lnstructor. Those who want call 83474. 7:30 p.m. at the Emon Beach Pav1l1on. to part1clpate 1n these courses should Two short f1lms of the U.S.C.G. Eagle and other tall ships will be shown. appear at the classroom no later than WANTED The Yacht Club 1S plann1ng an overn1 n ht 6·15 p.m. on Apr. 12. THE MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP needs a rug crUlse to En1wetak for May 5 and 6. -Get approxlmately 9' x 12'. If you have one to a crew together and j01n us. Contact "WI ZARD OF OZ" TI CKETS w1ll be sol d next donate or sell for a low pr1ce. call 82773 Fel1x Cramer 99577/82718 or Jon Hunt1ng­ week on Macy's porch the following hours: or 82614. ton 99483/83717 for further detalls. Monday and Thursday - 3:30-7 p.m.; Tues­ Please submlt crew llStS by meet1ng t1me day and Wednesday - 4-6 p.m.; Frlday - VOLUNTEER MENTORS FOR LEADERSHIP TRAINING on the 25th. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Saturday - 9:30 CENTER needed· chess, all SC1ence subjects, a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No one will be adm1t­ rel1g10n and govem'lent. Volunteers may BUSINESS CALLS TO "SERVEND OF KWAJALEIN" ted to the Mu1t1-Purpose Room once the meet glfted students on KwaJaleln. r~entors may be made Monday through Frlday from first act begins. Also no flash cameras w1ll set most convenlent tlme for them. 3-4 p.m. to Clarence Eubanks, Vend1ng dur1ng the performance. Afterward our Contact D. Schulklnd for deta1ls 99314. Machlnes Manager, 82353. cast w1ll pose for plctures on request.