<¥PLUME 16 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, (MARSHALL ISLANDS, FRIDAY , APRIL 6, 1979 NO. 67 High Winds, Snow, Sleet THREE MORE OFFICIALS DIE BEFORE FIRING SQUAD Hit Midwest, New England IRAN EXECUTIONS RESUME CHICAGO (UPI) -- H1gh w1nds howled across the TEHRAN (UPI} -- Three more officials accused of murder and torture d1ed M1dwest and 1nto New England today, ra1n1ng debr1s before a flr1ng squad today and Tehran's central revolutionary court completed from battered bU11d1ngs on unwary passersby and deliberatlons in the case against former Prime Minister Amir Abbas Hoveyda, hurl1ng walls of snow and sleet at motonsts.--AI three generals and a former mayor of Tehran. Teas t fi ve persons were ki lled. There was no immediate word on the verd1ct aga1nst Hoveyda, 59, who 1S A Canad1an fre1ghter was caught 1n h1gh seas charged w1th "battling against God" - a Koran1C Sln for Wh1Ch the penalty 1S 1n Lake Er1e off Ashtabula, OhlO. Hel1copter rescue death. Slm11ar charges leveled agalnst other aides of the ousted monarch re­ crews from the Coast Guard and Candadlan air force sulted 1n their execution. braved 57 mph w1nds to An est1mated 20,000 SUPP9rters of Khomein1 gathered at the Tehran University rescue the 20-man crew campus today, the Mos 1em ' Ad. · · of the Labradoc. Pan Am saboath, _ and launched an The storm swept 1nto unprecedented b1tter mInIstratIon Approves New'England, snarl1ng Threatened attack against left-wing traffic and caus~ng pt groups reported least one traff1c death break1ngguerr~lla away from the Computer Sale To SovI·ets 1n Vermont. revolutlonary government. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The administrat10n has re- Shop doorways along With Strike The rally followed an versed Itself and decided to allow sale of a Charles Street on WASHINGTON (UPI) -­ ominous show of force sophistIcated computer to Tass, the Sov1et news Boston's Beacon Hlll, Negotiators for 4,300 by hundreds of heavlly agency, even though the Russians have lined up a norma lly crowded W1 th Pan Amerlcan World Air­ armed young men and new supplier. buslness 1unchers, were ways fllght attendants women loyal to Khomelni, The State Department said a presidential order crowded wlth people barga1 ned today agai ns t a who announced a new Thursday granted an export license to the Sperry seeking refuge from the Saturday midn1ght strike guerri 11 a group Thursday. E G Rand Corp. for the sale. wlnd-whipped analgamat10n deadl1ne that would glve In Isfahan, southern vans ets (flt:: vJhi te House turn- of sleet, hall, raln and the nat10n 1tS second Iran, a revolutionary ed down the sale last snow. But the squall maJor a1r carr1er walk­ fi ri ng squad early today L M. year on "grounds of soon subs 1ded. out. executed two Savak secret ast Inute foreign pOll cy and human W1nds clocked at up "The partles are police officers and a r1ghts cons1deratlons." to 70 mph rlpped the cont1nually meetlng," policeman found guilty The dec1s10n was not Chlcago area late Thurs­ said medlator Rowland of murder and torture. Death Stay unlversally popular. day and early Fn day, Quinn Jr., "and wi 11 The executions of Sense Henry Jackson klll1ng two persons and through tomorrow (Satur­ Mahmoud Shahldi, Kamal ATMORE, Alabama (UPI) (D-Wash.) and Dan1el inJurlng at least 37 day) 1n an effort to Adlb and Mahmoud Askar1- -- U.S. Supreme Court Patr1ck Moynlhan (D-N.Y.) others. avert a strlke." zadeh brought to 71 the Justice Wllllam Rehnquist called the declslon "an The Wlnds collapsed Nelther the unlon, number of known execu- granted a week's stay of 1nexpllcable act of the wall of a f1re­ Pan Am, nor the natlonal tlons after the summary execution late Thursday weakness and retreat." ravaged Chlcago bUlld1ng, medlatlon board Indicated trlals Slnce the mld- to John Louis Evans III, Jackson and Moyn1han, k1111ng a gas company If progress had been February takeover by only SlX hours before notlng the sale was flrst workman. Two f1remen made In the talks. Ayatollah Khome1nl. the 29-year-old drlfter vetoed at the tlme of trYlng to rescue the Tne Independent Unlon They were the flrst would have been granted the trlal of Anatoly worker were InJured. of Fllght Attendants, to be executed Slnce hlS death wish. Shcharansky as a slgn of In Hanmond, Indlana, WhlCh represents only revolutionary tnbunals "I don't belleve it," support for the Soviet on Chlcago's southeastern personnel at Pan Am, sa1d resumed this week with Evans was reported as d1ssident, said the re- border, savage wlnds the str1ke deadllne IS the approval of Khomelni, saying when told his versal "mocks the adm1ni- crushed a restaurant stlll Saturday at m1d­ following their recent executlon had been stay- strat10n ls P011CY of ch1mney and sent the n1ght. suspension by the ed until April 13. promot1ng human nghts." roof crashlng down, klll- "We are 1n round-the­ religlOus leader. "They're going to mess "The computer system 1ng one customer. clock negotlat10ns try- Sources close to the with me agaln." 11 censed to Tass ex- W1nds gusting to 50 1ng to reach an agree­ government sa1d "dozens" A priest who gave the ceeds the U.S. govern- mph overturned a moblle ment ... the spokesman of other men guilty of condemned klller the mentis own national home In Toledo, Oh10, added. slmilar offenses were news when he returned securlty guidel1nes be- breaklng a gas llne and Pan Am IS the natlonls awalt1ng convlct1on 1n from the death row shower cause the core memory start1ng a flre that k1ll­ largest oversea~ a1r other Iranlan provinces. sald Evans placed hlS and per1pheral memory ed an elderly couple. carrier The convlctlons were head and hands on the are way beyond the level suspended by Khomelnl wall of h1S cell and of SOph1stlcatlon that but were expected to crled. Father KeV1n is conSIstent W1th our Radioactive Gases Continue To Seep resume according to a DU1gnan, Evans ' death natlonal security to HARRISBURG, Pennsylvanla (UPI) -- A Sllght new Islamic law enforced row confldante, lnsisted support," the senators amount of radloact1ve gas was released today when Thursday. he thought the stay said. :For this reason eng1neers started up a system almed at reduclng would lead Evans to begln alone, lt should not be the leakage of rad10act1vlty from the Three Mlle EMERGENCY AID f1ght1ng for hlS 11fe. i sold to the Soviet Union." Island nuclear plant. "He was walt1ng for The approval was given The Nuclear Regulatory Commisslon sald the prob­ a sign from God" DU1gnan one day after new re­ lem was f1xed and the operat10n resumed w1thout AIRLIfTED TO fIJI told reporters ~uts1de ports from Parls said further release of radloactlve gas. WASHINGTON (UPI) -­ Holman Pnson. "I th1nk CII-Honeywell-Bull, a Earl1er, the operat10n was stalled by a valve The Unlted States is alr­ thlS lS the slgn." F:ench company, had that would not open. liftlng tents, water con­ "He nas m1xed emot10ns slgned a contract for The process was pump­ Because of the con­ talners, cots and blan­ at th1S p01nt," DU1gnan the sale of a slmll~r Ing gases from an auxll1- tlnuing release of very kets for the more than said. "I thlnk he wanted computer to the Sov1et ary bUlldlng Into the low levels of radlatlon 15,000 persons left to go to death tonight. news agency. rad1atlon-proof dome from the plant, off1clals homeless by the cyclone I thlnk he was prepared." The French_~ontract around the crlppled contlnued to adVlse WhlCh struck the F1J1 DU1gnan hlmself burst ~~st be a~£~Qyed by a.cow-- reactor. NRC offlclals pregnant women and Islands, the State De­ into tears. mIt~oT NATO countrles~ sald 1t should make a young chlldren to stay partment sald today. Evans had been Water Keport slgn1flcant reductlon out of a f1ve-mlle The department's scheduled to d1e ln the of all gases leavlng the radlus around the slte. Agency for Internatlonal state's brlght yellow As ot 0001 hrs Apr. 6 plan t. Eng1neers - meanwhile Devlopment sald that at electric chalr at 12:01 ~ater Code: Yellow When the system was proceeded slowly In least 51 people dled, a.m. today for kllllng Water taken from Lens flrst turned on, however, the1r efforts to br1ng 122 were serlously In­ Edward A. Nasser Jr., a Well Reserve -- a rapld Increase In the reactor to a safe Jured and more than Moblle pawnbroker, ln a Slnce condltlon Yellow rad1 oact1 Vl ty was mom tor­ cold shutdown condltlon. 15,000 were left home­ robbery that netted h1m 18,080,000 gal. ed In the bUlldlng. The The flnal shutdown was less when Cyclone Meli only the gun wlth WhlCh Last 24 hours: gases were released to expected late next week. struck the Fij1 Islands he k1lled h1S v1ct1m. 455,000 gal. the env1ronment, but a Robert Bernaro, an on March 28. Evans had already Water 1n tanks: hell copter survey team NRC technlcal special- AID sald a U.S. Alr eaten what was to have 6,955,000 gal~ reported the rad1at10n 1st, sald It took plant Force cargo plane a1r­ been hlS last meal _ Water consumed -- levels were wlthln the operators 18 hours to llfted 300 fam11y-slze steak, potatoes, salad, Kwaj 235,000 gal. range of prevlous read- stab111ze the reactor tents and 1,800 water bread and two cans of -Others 105,000 gal. 1ngs. March 28. contalners from Panama. beer. Tota 1 340,000 gal. MGURD'- PAGE 2 FRIDAY, APRIL 6,1979 Guerrillas Claim Amin, Troops Embarrassing Setbaclc BANGKOK (UPI) - Khmer Rouge troops .fINANCIAL NEWS-- Retreat As Kampala Falls dealt the pro-Vietnam adminlstratlon in DOW JONES AVERAGES NAIROBI, Kenya (UPI) - Ugandan eXlle Cambodia an embarrassing setback today, 30 Industrials off 1.91 at 875.69 guerrillas clalmed today they had captured capturing the frontier town of POl pet for 20 Transportations up 1.55 at 234.17 virtually all of the capltal Clty of Kam­ several hours.
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