The New Hampshire, Vol. 79, No. 41
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The New: Hampshire Bulk Rate,lhi Postaoe & Vol. 79 No. 41_ TUESDAY, MARCH 28 1989 (603)862-1490 . Durham.N.H. Durham "J H Perm•! it30 .'.. New exchange ·program Soviets a·nd UNH share worlds By Katelyn Randall cor of institute of Policy and JJNH students. in the The exchange program estab Social Science Research, left for Piatigorsk is a city lished between UNH and the the Soviet Union on Sunday. He caucus mountains where the papers and of Foreign Pedagogical Institute of Foreign will be delivering Pedagogical Institute to some of The In Study in Piacigorsk, Russia has helping cut through Language is situated. was picked partially for been set tentatively for the fall the red tape. stitute the Soviet ministry an area similar to of 1990 In Russia, its location, ·co-chairperson of the Rus- has great power. While UNH New Hampshire, and for its approval where sian and German Department has already given its distance from Moscow Fleszar. Aleksandra Fleszar, working for the exchange, the ministry most students go, said to get a with Student Body President has not yet given its consent. "We want everyone of the not just Wendy Hammond and Vice "Getting the approval different view of Russia, which is President Mike Rose, organized ministry for them would be like the look of Moscow when they the academic exchange with the UNH asking Washington for what everyone sees to Soviet Union," said Soviet Union. permission," said Fleszar. go the "We are really happy that we Plans for the pilot group Fleszar. include a maximum of two After studying in Russia in were able tO sec a goal and bring it co fruition," said Rose. "This students from each country that 1986, Rose felt that, "There was . in the dorms and the Soviet is such a good thing for UNH would live an interest from study literature, culture, lan in our culture. I thought to add to its already outstanding people as other too and international perspective pro guage, history as well they were interesting gram." subjects. that an exchange program like ''We' re opening up brand new this would be good for UNH." The pilot program is open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors virgin territory. Up until last There are also plans for a and seniors under the age of 25, summer, our program for satellite dish with a hook up to was one ~:1 and with language competency summer study in Russia Soviet TV. said helpful for in Russian or German. of only three in the nation,''. "It would be .. )/ :,/ Students are required to be Fleszar. people studying the Soviet Fleszar will travel to Russia Union to see what the Soviets under 25 to assure that the weeks Russians don't send specialists · this summer. For three see on tv," Rose said. she will be in the guise of students to learn of the six week trip, Plans for the program are to tie as al about, for example, computers, in the town of Piatigorsk annual ·with expansion up the loose ends and to approve lowed by funding. Igor Tolochin, a Soviet student and visitor to Durham this - said Fleszar. thP arcnmmoclations for thP past March, hopefully represents cultural and educational Dr. Dennis Meadows, direc- exchanges to come. (file photo) Search for vice president narrows By Stephen Paterson from the university community, four finalists will be coming to demic Aiiairs is che senior . Of the 120 initial applicants, and advertisements were taken UNH to be interveiwed by the academic administrator of the the search for a new vice pres out in national publications, search committee over the next university.·He/she works on ident of academic affairs has newsletters, and campus jour two weeks. behalf of the President in all been narrowed down to five nals soliciting applications, said "Student input has been im academic programs and deci finalists. Leary. portant to us," said Leary. "The sions. The committee will recom "Everybody chat was nomi committee is a representative The VP AA is in charge of programs mend several candidates to nated was invited to apply," said sample, and it is a very good academic support President Haaland who hopes Leary. "All nominations from committee." The committee has including admissions, student to make the final decision by the community were greatly representatives· from all part.s affairs, registrars off ice, the April 12. appreciated." of cha university, including one library, and the ROTC program. The eleven person committee Working in cooperation with student, Alexandra Weill. The committee has examined thoroughly. "It has been working to fill the President Haaland, and Weill, a junior pre-veterinary every applicant position that was left vacant last members of the Academic Af major, is the chairperson of the is a very important position," summer after the resignation fairs Committee of the Student student senate academic affairs said Leary, "and the committee of Richard Hersh. Senate, the search committee committee. wants to make sure that the best According to David Leary, has chosen Eloise E. Clark, "I expressed an interest decision is made for the univer of the committee, Walter Eggers, Anthony J. Mar because my position requires sity." chairperson Charles Owens is one of five and chairperson of the Psychol sella, Charles Owens, and Wil me to deal with the Vice Pres They have access to letters ogy Department, every person liam W. Paudler as the five ident," said Weill. of recommendation, references, candidates vying for the Vice who applied, or was nominated, finalists for consideratin. She said chat she is involved and interviews, and will take President of Academic Affairs concerns received a response from the Charles Owens is presently with many programs chat need into consideration the (VP AA) position. Owens is the interim vice president of the help of the VP AA. and needs of the university committee. currently interim VPAA. (file Nominations were taken academic affairs. The remaining The Vice President for Aca- community, said Leary. ohoto) INSIDE Lawrence of Arabia's triumphant return! See Arts & Entertain ment pg. 17 Warm weather brought classes outdoors for the fortunate few. (Emily Kelemen photo) PAGE TWO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 Lacking a longing to learn: .UNH dropout tells all By R. Scott Nelson basketball team, scoring over stopped deluding himself, ad is partly born of suffering," he says, he skipped all his classes As if on cue, just as "People 1000 points in his three years mitting that he really had no Bombast explains. "Since my for a month straight spring Are Strange" by the Doors as a starter. The sports pages ambition to achieve in school. only suffering has been the loss semester, and still got a 2 .95 begins blaring over the ceiling called him "Mr. Everything." "Now my only ambition," of cable t.v. for a few hours one GPA, an accomplishment he is speakers, 22-year--old Theodore Naturally, Bombast has no Bombast says as he lines up his day, it follows that I am not quite proud of. Bombast comes loping into the problems getting accepted to shot, "is to understand ambi especially ambitious." "After three weeks of skip- pool hall. His emaciated, tie UNH in the fall of 1985. He had tion." Bombast rarely went to DROPOUT, page 9 die clad body is slouched forward everything he needed. Maybe, "I htpothes~~~---~~at ambition classes so homoEe year. In fact, · like a 6' 4" ferret, his untied he says, "everything" was too Timberland boots scuff on the much, and that is why he had floor, and he has a blank look no motivation to study in col on his unshaven face. lege. "Rack 'em," he says as he "Mine is a sad story of a boy tosses the pool balls and triangle from a comfortable childhood onto the green felt of the table. with caring, affluent parents 'Tm gonna break." who provided him with almost If you ask him, Theodore everything he wanted, despite Bombast (which is, by the way, his not deserving one iota of it," not his .real name-he wished not Bombast says mockingly of his be be identified· on the grounds life, as he scratches on his shot he has lost his identity) will tell for the corner pocket. you very few things mean much "I feel guilty about having to htm. lt ts hard tor tlombast nice, well-monied parents, but to take life seriously most of the then again, is that my fault? It time, he says. It is just as hard appears to be quite random and to take Bombast seriously most unfair," Bombast added. of the time. After getting a 3.5 his fresh It really is no wonder Bom men year at UNH as a chemistry bast dropped out of college, major, Bombast began to see twice. that college, among other "Nihilism is the logical re things, was extremely irrelevant sponse to life," Bombast says to his existence. It wasn't very while sinking the 4-5 combina interesting, he says, and the tion, "and I just didn't see the college atmosphere was rarified point of college anymore." to the point of absurdity. Nihilism, the attitude that What was the point of stud tradtional values are unfounded, ying arcane chemical equations and that existence is senseless, at this institution in the corner seems to fit Bombast perfectly. of New Hampshire? Four years ago when he went "Freshman year, I was in to high school in Shirley, Mas volved in the initial stages of sachussetts, Bombast was a floccinancinih ili pilifica t ion,'' model student. He got top Bombast says.