Identification of 5 Novel Genes Methylated in Breast and Other Epithelial Cancers

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Identification of 5 Novel Genes Methylated in Breast and Other Epithelial Cancers Identification of 5 novel genes methylated in breast and other epithelial cancers. Victoria Hill, Luke Hesson, Temuujin Dansranjavin, Ashraf Dallol, Ivan Bieche, Sophie Vacher, Stella Tommasi, Timothy Dobbins, Dean Gentle, David Euhus, et al. To cite this version: Victoria Hill, Luke Hesson, Temuujin Dansranjavin, Ashraf Dallol, Ivan Bieche, et al.. Identification of 5 novel genes methylated in breast and other epithelial cancers.. Molecular Cancer, BioMed Central, 2010, 9 (1), pp.51. 10.1186/1476-4598-9-51. inserm-00663769 HAL Id: inserm-00663769 Submitted on 27 Jan 2012 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Hill et al. Molecular Cancer 2010, 9:51 RESEARCH Open Access Identification of 5 novel genes methylated in breast and other epithelial cancers Victoria K Hill1, Luke B Hesson1,2, Temuujin Dansranjavin3, Ashraf Dallol1, Ivan Bieche4, Sophie Vacher4, Stella Tommasi5, Timothy Dobbins2, Dean Gentle1, David Euhus6, Cheryl Lewis6, Reinhard Dammann3, Robyn L Ward2, John Minna7, Eammon R Maher1, Gerd P Pfeifer5, Farida Latif1* Abstract Background: There are several high throughput approaches to identify methylated genes in cancer. We utilized one such recently developed approach, MIRA (methylated-CpG island recovery assay) combined with CpG island arrays to identify novel genes that are epigenetically inactivated in breast cancer. Results: Using this approach we identified numerous CpG islands that demonstrated aberrant DNA methylation in breast cancer cell lines. Using a combination of COBRA and sequencing of bisulphite modified DNA, we confirmed 5 novel genes frequently methylated in breast tumours; EMILIN2, SALL1, DBC1, FBLN2 and CIDE-A. Methylation frequencies ranged from between 25% and 63% in primary breast tumours, whilst matched normal breast tissue DNA was either unmethylated or demonstrated a much lower frequency of methylation compared to malignant breast tissue DNA. Furthermore expression of the above 5 genes was shown to be restored following treatment with a demethylating agent in methylated breast cancer cell lines. We have expanded this analysis across three other common epithelial cancers (lung, colorectal, prostate). We demonstrate that the above genes show varying levels of methylation in these cancers. Lastly and most importantly methylation of EMILIN2 was associated with poorer clinical outcome in breast cancer and was strongly associated with estrogen receptor as well as progesterone receptor positive breast cancers. Conclusion: The combination of the MIRA assay with CpG island arrays is a very useful technique for identifying epigenetically inactivated genes in cancer genomes and can provide molecular markers for early cancer diagnosis, prognosis and epigenetic therapy. Background Genetic as well as epigenetic changes play crucial roles In most Western countries breast cancer is a leading in tumour development and progression. Alterations in cause of cancer related deaths in women. Breast cancer DNA methylation include both genome-wide hypo- accounts for over one million of the estimated 10 million methylation and hypermethylation events. Promoter cancers that are diagnosed globally each year in both hypermethylation at specific gene loci is a major mechan- males and females and claimed about 375,000 deaths in ism of epigenetic inactivation in cancer cells leading to the year 2000 [1]. The use of screening mammography gene silencing. A recent genome-wide study in breast and MRI has led to a decline in breast cancer-related and colon cancer led to identification of tumour suppres- mortality. But these screening procedures can also lead sor genes that are inactivated by both genetic and epige- to overdiagnosis and false positive cases leading to unne- netic events and importantly reduced expression of a cessary treatment. Therefore there is a critical need to subset of these genes correlated with poor clinical out- develop molecular biomarkers that can detect early stage come [2]. Although the list of hypermethylated genes in disease so that treatment can begin promptly. breast cancer is growing, only a few show promise as bio- markers for early detection and risk assessment [3,4]. We * Correspondence: [email protected] and others identified RASSF1A as one of the most highly 1 Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, School of Clinical and methylated genes in many cancer types including breast Experimental Medicine, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK cancer [5,6]. Identification of more genes of this type © 2010 Hill et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Hill et al. Molecular Cancer 2010, 9:51 Page 2 of 13 would facilitate the development of sensitive molecular Methylation analysis in breast tumours and breast markers across multiple malignancies. tumour cell lines Inthepresentstudyweemployedagenome-wide We used COBRA digest to ascertain the methylation approach to identify methylated genes in breast cancer levels across a panel of 9 breast cancer cell lines (includ- and further investigated these genes in other common ing the 5 lines used for MIRA) in CpG island regions epithelial cancers. For the high throughput genome- upstream of the transcription start site. We confirmed wide DNA methylation approach we utilized a very sen- frequent methylation (>30%) for 16 loci in breast cancer sitive assay recently developed in our laboratory (Gerd cell lines. These loci were unmethylated in DNA from Pfeifer lab). The methylated-CpG island recovery assay normal/control breast. Sixteen loci either showed low or (MIRA) is based on the high affinity of the MBD2/ no methylation in the panel of breast cancer cell lines MBD3L1 complex for methylated DNA and allows one or were equally methylated in normal control breast to detect cell type-dependent differences in DNA DNA in the region analysed by our COBRA primers methylation when used in combination with CpG island and were removed from further analysis (Figure 1). The arrays [7,8]. remaining 16 positive genes demonstrating frequent methylation in breast cancer cell lines were analysed Results further by COBRA digest in a panel of primary breast Genome-wide approach identifies methylated genes in tumours(n=40).Nine(CIDE-A,COMP,DBC1,EMI- breast cancer LIN2, EPSTI1, FBLN2, SALL1, SESN3, SIM2) of these We used the MIRA assay in combination with genome- genes (56%) demonstrated frequent methylation in pri- wide CpG island arrays containing 27,800 loci to identify mary breast tumours (frequency ranging from 26-63%) methylated CpG islands in 5 breast cancer cell lines (Figure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) (HCC1806, HCC1419, HCC1143, HCC1937, HCC1395) relative to normal human mammary epithelial cells Expression analysis in breast tumour cell lines and (NHMEC) [7,8]. A primary selection based on probes normal breast showing > 5 fold enrichment of the methylated fraction The above nine frequently methylated genes were shown in breast cancer cell lines versus NHMEC cell line DNA to be expressed in normal breast tissue (Figure 2, 3, 4, 5, across 3 or more cell lines or a more stringent selection 6). In order to determine the role of methylation in gene with probes scoring greater than 10 in 4 or more cell silencing, we treated breast cancer cell lines with the lines yielded a large number of loci showing methylation demethylating agent 5-aza-dC. Eight (CIDE-A, COMP, across breast cancer cell lines (see additional 1). These DBC1, EMILIN2, EPSTI1, FBLN2, SALL1, SIM2)ofthe included genes/loci previously reported to be methylated above nine genes showed re-expression after treatment in breast cancer (for example SIM1, PAX6, DLX4, of the methylated cell lines with 5aza-dC (Figure 2, 3, 4, RUNX3). In order to reduce the list to manageable 5, 6). Hence methylation suppressed gene expression, numbers we carried out bioinformatic analyses to gather whilst SESN3 showed no change in expression before information on the expression of target genes in breast and after treatment in both methylated and unmethy- tissue, confirmation of the presence of a CpG island lated cell lines. SESN3 was therefore not considered for within the likely promoter region of target genes and further analysis. functional annotation to determine likely roles in tumourigenesis, see materials and methods for more Methylation analysis in paired normal/ information. This led to a selection of 32 novel genes tumour breast cases for further analysis (Figure 1, see additional file 2) in a To determine if methylation of the eight remaining stepwise fashion including the following stages: genes was cancer-specific (i.e. tumour acquired), we ana- lysed an independent set of paired
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