List of Participants
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Version 17 Oct 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON URBAN VIOLENCE CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR LA VIOLENCE URBAINE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS 23-24 October 2014 Polícia Judiciária, Lisbon/Lisbonne, Portugal INVITED COUNTRIES/ PAYS INVITÉS ALBANIA / ALBANIE Mrs Eljona BYLYKBASHI, Legal expert of the legal analysis and study sector Mr Fatos REKA, Chief of the Sector for Council of Europe and Organization for Security and Co- operation in Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs Katrin TRESKA, Director of the Law drafting departement and analysis ARMENIA / ARMENIE Mr Gegham KHACHATRYAN, Police Capitan, Commander of the 4th special battalion of the patrol service of the Yerevan City Department AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAÏDJAN Mr Vusal ISAYEV, Chief advisor, Department for Coordination of Law Enforcement Agencies, Administration of President BELGIUM / BELGIQUE Mr Freddy GAZAN, Conseiller, Service public fédéral Justice BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE Mr Vjekoslav VUKOVIC, Assistant of Minister in Ministry of Security, Head of Sector for fight against terrorism, organized crime, corruption, war crime and drug abuse CZECH REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE Ms Helena LIŠUCHOVÁ, Head of International Cooperation Department Ministry of Justice DENMARK / DANEMARK Mr Henrik STEVNSBORG, Professor, dr.phil., University of Copenhagen 2 ESTONIA / ESTONIE Ms Kadri Ann SALLA, Adviser, Internal Security Department, Ministry of the Interior FINLAND / FINLANDE Mr Markus ALANKO, Senior Planning Officer, Department of Criminal Policy, Criminal policy and Crime Prevention unit, Ministry of Justice FRANCE / FRANCE Mme Anne GIVAUDAND, Adjointe au chef du bureau de la politique d’action publique générale GEORGIA / GEORGIE Mr Merab JERANASHVILI, Senior Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE Mr Wolfgang KAHL, Foundation German Forum for Crime Prevention c/o Ministry of Interior GREECE / GRECE Ms Kalliopi THEOLOGITOU, Public Prosecutor at the Court of first instance of Athens, Ministry of Justice HUNGARY / HONGRIE Mrs Tünde FORMAN, Head of Department, Department of International Criminal Law, Ministry of Justice IRELAND / IRLANDE Mr John Roche, Head of Crisis Management Section, An Garda Siochana ITALY / ITALIE Mr Celestino ARDOLINO, Deputy Superintendent State Police Ministry of Interior, Department of Public Security, Public Order Office 3 LATVIA/ LETTONIE Mr Ronalds PETROVSKIS, Senior Desk Officer, Ministry Of Interior LITHUANIA / LITUANIE Ms Kristina DEVIATNIKOVAITĖ, Chief Officer, Criminal Justice Division, Administrative and Criminal Justice Department, Ministry of Justice LUXEMBOURG Mme Tania NEY, Magistrat détaché, Ministère de la Justice MALTA / MALTE Ms Vincienne VELLA, Lawyer, Ministry of Justice THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA / LA REPUBLIQUE DE MOLDOVA Mr Valeriu BODEAN, Prosecutor for special mission General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Moldova NORWAY / NORVEGE Mr Lars MELING, Senior Adviser, Police Department, Ministry of Justice and Public Security POLAND / POLOGNE Mr Michal HARA, Chief expert Ministry of Justice PORTUGAL Mr Antonio FOLGADO, Head of division for Criminal Justice - Directorate General for Justice Policy, Ministry of Justice ROMANIA / ROUMANIE Ms Simona-Maya TEODOROIU, State Secretary Ministry of Justice Mr Flavian POPA, Prosecutor, Head of Unit Superior Council of Magistracy 4 RUSSINA FEDERATION / FEDERATION DE RUSSIE Mrs. Elena SEROVA, Counsellor, Embassy of the Russian Federation in Portugal SERBIA / SERBIE Ms Neda MARKOVIC, Adviser, Ministry of Justice SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE Ms Tanja TRTNIK, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Justice SPAIN / ESPAGNE Mr José Antonio RODRÍGUEZ CASAS, Chief of anti-riot unit, National Police SWEDEN / SUEDE Ms Jenny VON KNORRING, Head of section, Ministry of justice SWITZERLAND / SUISSE M. Daniele LENZO, Chef du Service de prévention de la violence, Ville de Zurich THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA/ L'EX-REPUBLIQUE YOUGOSLAVE DE MACEDOINE Mr Mitko CHAVKOV, Director of the Bureau for Public Security within the Ministry of Interior UKRAINE Ms Tamara ANDRIIEVA, Head of Directorate on Implementation of the Agreement with the EU, legal expertize of International Agreements and International Cooperation, Ministry of Justice * * * * OBSERVER STATES/ETATS OBSERVATEURS 5 Ms Erica CERVANTES ALBARRÁN, Legal Attaché for Europe, Prosecutor’s Office, Embassy of Mexico in Spain * * * * SPEAKERS Mr Otto ADANG, Chair public order management, Police Academy of the Netherlands, Netherlands Mr Mario BELO MORGADO, Judge, Portugal Mr Bertrand CHAMOULAUD, Police Commissioner, National Police, France Mr Yves CHARPENEL, First Prosecutor General to the Cour de Cassation de France Mr António COSTA MOURA, State Secretary of Justice, Portugal Mr João DA SILVA MIGUEL, Deputy Prosecutor General at the Supreme Court of Portugal Mr Anastasios DELLIS, Police Major – Criminologist, Greece Ms Solange GHERNAOUTI, Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and research group, Switzerland Mr D. Enrique GUARINOS MARTÍ, Inspector, National Police, Spain Mr Jan HANRATH, Research Fellow, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Mr Jesper HJORTENBERG, Chair of the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC) Mr Neil JARMAN, Director, institute for Conflict Research, United Kingdom Mr Mils MUIZNIEKS, Commissioner for human rights, Council of Europe Mr Tim NEWBURN, Professor, Mannheim Center for the Study of Criminology and Criminal Justice, London School of Economics, United Kingdom Mr Kerem OKTEM, Professor, University of Graz, Austria Mr Artur OLIVEIRA, Judge in Tribunal Relação do Porto Mr Sebastian ROCHÉ, Research professor, The National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France 6 Mr Jerzy SARNECKI, Professor, Stockholm University’s Department of Criminology, Sweden Mr Sebastian SPERBER, European Forum for Urban Security Mr Pedro VERDELHO, Prosecutor, Portugal * * * * PORTUGUESE PARTICIPANTS / PARTICIPANTS PORTUGUAIS Mr Carlos ADEMAR FONSECA, Inspector, Escola de Polícia Judiciária (EPJ) Ms Patrícia ALBUQUERQUE FERREIRA, Deputy Director - General for Justice Policy, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Mr Joao ARSÉNIO DE OLIVEIRA, Head Of Department, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Ms Dora CAPINHA, Legal Adviser, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Mr José Mannuel CARDOSO, Judge, Court Of Appeal of Lisbon Ms Maria José CASTELLO-BRANCO, Legal Adviser, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Mr Jorge COSTA, Sub-inspecteur - Géneral, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Ms Stasa CURK ACCETTO, Senior Legal Advisor, Directorate General for Justice Policy, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Ms Alda Maria DE JESUS AZEVEDO, Registrar, Institute of Registries and Notaries Mr Henrique Manuel DE PINA DUARTE GOMES, ANACOM Mr Jorge FALCÃO, Legal Adviser, Directorate General for Justice Policy, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Mr Raul FARIAS, Public Prosecutor, Attorney General's Office Mr Rosário FERREIRA, Prosecutor, Criminal Investigation Department Lisbon, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal 7 Ms Mónica GOMES, Técnica Superior, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Mr Miguel GONÇALVES, Chief Inspector, Directora de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (DLVT) Mr Mário Alberto GONÇALVES PEREIRA, Intendente, Comando Metropolitano do Porto Mr Pedro GOUVEIA, Superintendente, Direção Nacional Mr António Mário LEAL GOUVEIA, Chief of Section training and public relations Ms Raquel Leonor GUERRA, Especialista Superior, Escola de Polícia Judiciária (EPJ) Mr Paulo Miguel LOPES DE BARROS POIARES, Chief of Bureau of Special Programs, Directorate of Operations, GNR Operational Bureau Mr José LUIS, Inspector, Unidade Nacional Contra-Terrorismo (UNCT) Ms Filipa MACIEIRA, Representative of «Alert online» Mr Pedro MAIA, Chief Inspector, Directora de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (DLVT) Mr Vitor Jorge MENDES ASSUNÇÃO, Head of Operations, information and public relations Section Ms Elisabete MOURA BARROS FERREIRA, Coordinator of Registers and Patrimony, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Mr Paulo Jorge PAREDES VILELA, Police Captain Mr Joaquim PEREIRA, Criminal Police, Director of the Nation Unit against Drug Trafficking Ms Claudia RAMOS, Head of Division, Directorate General for Justice Policy, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Ms Maria REBELO, Presidency of the Council of Ministers Mr Carlos RESENDE DA SILVA, Intendente, Comando Metropolitano de Lisboa Mr Paulo RISCADO, Inspector, Unidade Nacional Contra-Terrorismo (UNCT) Ms Maria De Fátima RUSSO, Legal Adviser, Directorate General for Justice Policy, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal 8 Ms Manuela SANTOS, Coordenadora de Investigação Criminal, Unidade Nacional Contra- Terrorismo (UNCT) Mr Francisco SANTOS, Presidency of the Council of Ministers Ms Filipa SILVA, Department of Political Multilateral Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr João VENTURA, Detective Chief Inspector, Judicial Police, National Ct Unit, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal Mr Romeu Martins VENTURA, Inspector, Escola de Polícia Judiciária (EPJ) Ms Margarida VILÃO, Legal Adviser, Legal and Regulation Department, Vodafone Portugal Ms Susana VIDEIRA, General Director, Ministry Of Justice of Portugal * * * * COUNCIL OF EUROPE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEES AND SUBORDINATE BODIES / COMITÉS INTERGOUVERNEMENTAUX ET ORGANES SUBORDONNÉS DU CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE Ms Joana GOMES FERREIRA, Chair of the Committee of Experts on the Operation of European Conventions on Co-Operation in Criminal Matters (PC-OC) * * * * SECRETARIAT OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE / SECRETARIAT DU CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND RULE OF LAW (DGI), Criminal Law Division DIRECTION GÉNÉRALE DES DROITS DE L’HOMME ET ETAT DE DROIT (DGI), Division de Droit Pénal Mr Carlo CHIAROMONTE, Head of Criminal Law Division, Secretary of the Committee of Crime Problems (CDPC) 9 Mr Oscar ALARCÓN JIMÉNEZ, Co-Secretary of the Committee of Crime Problems (CDPC), Criminal Law Division Ms Hasmik ARSHAKYAN, Assistant, Criminal Law Division Ms Anaïs SCHAAF, Assistant, Criminal Law Division Interpreters / Interprètes Mr Louis KEIL Mr Manuel SANT'IAGO RIBEIRO Ms Sophie ENDERLIN Ms Patricia ROMAN Mr Cristovao LEITAO Ms Paola MANUPPELLA 10 .