

Wednesday 16 OCTOBER 2019 at the Conway Hall, Holborn, London



At 1.15pm the Chairman welcomed 75 delegates and thanked them for attending. Ivor Biggs, Irene Cox, Gail Miller, Ann Mott, Richard Mycock, Mick Pummel, Bob Semos, Linda Ward and Ted Wilding were remembered in a moment of silence.


The Chairman gave apologies on behalf of the Office Manager who could not be present because of staff absence and the Office workload. Delegate apologies were as recorded on the attendance sheet. INFO


1.1 The Chairman, John Hansson, welcomed Sarah White of Agria as a visitor to the meeting. 1.2 He introduced Becky Stephens and Rhian Mitchell from the GCCF Office who were attending as scrutineers for the election of the Appeals Committee. 1.3 He stated that he had no specific remarks to make at this time and wanted to move swiftly onto the business of the meeting.


1.The Minutes of the Council meeting of 19 June 2019 1.1 The draft minutes had been circulated. 1.2 There were no queries and they were approved with 4 abstentions INFO 2. Matters arising, and delegate questions on ongoing business not covered by an agenda item 2.1 C2268.2 It was asked if the 2020 Business Plan could be circulated to delegates in advance of the February meeting. The Chairman replied that this would be a matter for the Board at its next meeting. INFO

C2274 MEETINGS - minutes for information only

1. Board of Directors: 5 March, 5 June and 3 July 2019 1.1 BD3875.1.5 A change in HRMC regulations was reported in respect of the IT consultancy, making the company, rather than the contractor responsible for compliance. It was suggested that a risk register record should made if the status quo was maintained, and this was noted. 1.2 BD3875.1.8 It was observed that there was a typo (TPS should be TFS), with the main point being that TFS was not project management software and that without WRIKE GCCF was without this facility. 1.3 BD3878.1.2 it was reported that the Siamese JAC had not approved a judge list in respect of the Foreign White transition to the 6B Grand. The Chairman observed it would be matter for the BAC to take up with its Secretary as the information had been received from him. INFO


1.1 There were four applicants. Two members were required who would serve for a three year term and two reserves who would serve for one year. 1.2 A paper ballot was held with the Vice-Chairman and Office staff as scrutineers. The result was: Appeals Committee members: Mrs Maria Chapman-Beer (68) and Mrs Carolyn Kempe (34) Appeals Committee reserves: Mrs Alison Reynolds (18) and Mr David Lee (12) Action: The IC/DC secretary to contact the applicants RS

C2276 AMENDMENT TO BYELAW 9 (4) - meetings of Council

1.1 It was proposed that statements or queries that are to be read to the meeting should be circulated with the agenda paperwork in advance of the meeting. This would give other delegates time to consider them and prepare a response if so wished. It also provided an opportunity for a right of reply if there was any comment on individuals. 1.2 There was some support for the intention of the proposal, but it was observed that this would preclude statements on minutes, proposals and/or candidate applications that were only available at the time of the publication of the agenda or later. 1.3 The Chairman acknowledged the difficulty. Action: To be referred back to the Board for further consideration of the wording JL

Page !1 DRAFT Council 16/10/2019 C2277 CLUB MATTERS

1. Club Returns update 1.1 Shelagh Heavens reported she had been successful in obtaining returns and subscriptions and fees from 104 of the 105 GCCF clubs with Full or Provisional Membership. She received applause from delegates for this and thanks from the Chair. 1.2 She then asked delegates to remind their clubs to make a start on preparing for the 2020 returns as soon as possible in 2020. The deadline of 1 May 2020 would be observed and apply to all. Clubs who did not send returns by this date risked losing their delegate representation and their show licence. 1.3 In particular, clubs who had been been allowed leeway and extensions in 2019 would be expected to be prompt. 1.4 Shelagh concluded by offering help to any club or BAC that needed it, especially if there were to be treasurer illness or bank problem, but she had to be informed, and the earlier the better. 1.5 There was a query for the delay in the processing of the return from the Kentish, with the reply that there had been queries on the first submission and delays in the responses to these reaching SH.

2. Full membership for the Association 2.1 Council was informed that the club had complied with conditions that were set by the Board when membership was refused at the June Council meeting. 2.2 A vote was taken and Full Membership for the club was approved by a majority. 1 against 2 abstentions Action: the Bengal CA to be informed JL

3. Change of name for the Aztec CC. 3.1 Council was informed the Board had approved a change of name to the Aztec & Society as the club wished its name to reflect that they catered for those interested in both. INFO

C2278 BREED APPLICATIONS 1. Recognition of the Snow - a new pattern of an existing breed TOY BG 1.1 The Toyger Breeder Group had made an application for the recognition of the snow pattern pattern to be within a single assessment class for the breed. 1.2 There was a query on the origin of cs/cb in the breed and observed that Snows were not recognised by other registries. It was thought probable that the genes had been obtained from the parent breed, the Bengal, that had Snows. 1.3 An amended registration policy and SOP had been provided to include Snows. It was noted that: • it would provide clarity if the excluded Oriental patterns were listed in parenthesis, • ‘and Blue-Eyed Silver Snow’ should be removed from point 5 of the SOP’s withholding list. 1.4 A vote for acceptance of the new pattern was taken. Majority approval 0 against 3 abstentions 1.5 could be entered in the TOY assessment class at shows not yet closed at the show manager’s discretion. Action: the Toyger Breeder Group to be informed JL


1. Minor amendments to the Burmese registration policy BUR BAC 1.1 The minor changes were for clarification and there were no queries. 1.2 A vote was taken. Majority approval 0 against 3 abstentions

2. Revisions to the Manx registration policy BSGC 2.1 Definitions had been revised and GEMS code included throughout without reference to GCCF numbering. 2.2 The had been removed as the approved outcross and foundation tailless, stumpy and tailed Manx indigenous to the Isle of Man (foundation cats) substituted. 2.3 The use of GCCF Rules (1:12c ii) to allow the fast track progression of the quality progeny (and their progeny) of foundation cats via exhibition with critique classes had been added. 2.4 A vote was taken. Majority approval 0 against 4 abstentions

3. Snowshoe - registration policy revised to enable all SNO 05 to be shown SNO BAC 3.1 There was the use of GEMS code included throughout without reference to GCCF numbering. 3.2 There were revised definitions of SNO patterns suitable for breeding and their GEMS coding. There was a query on the correct coding for the colourpointed SNO (without white) and this would be referred to IT to determine what was appropriate for the system. 3.3 All SNO 05 would have full registration (if three generations of 05) or supplementary registration) which would enable them to be shown. 3.4 A schedule of genetic testing had been introduced for all imports and after some outcrosses. 3.5 A vote was taken. Majority approval 0 against 1 abstention

4. Amended SOP for the Snowshoe SNO BAC 4.1 The minor changes were approved without comment. Unanimous approval

5. Revised SOP for the BSH van pattern bi-colour BSGC 5.1 There had been extensive revision particularly in respect of the head markings. 5.2 There was also some allowance for a very small amount of colour on the body. 5.3 It was noted these changes should allow more cats to make a show bench appearance. Unanimous approval Action: the relevant BACs for 1-5 to be informed JL

Page !2 DRAFT Council 16/10/2019 C2280 REGISTRATION & SHOW RULE CHANGES

1. Revision to the rule on transfers to prevent the withholding of transfer documents at the time of sale 1:10bii Chairman 1.1 The Board had proposed this considering there was now no valid reason to withhold the documentation to allow transfer of ownership. There were the possibilities of use of the non-active register, a contract and early . It was thought unlikely to be a deterrent to unauthorised breeding. 1.2 It was also observed that IC had to spend time chasing breeders who either forgot to send the transfer documents once the proof of neutering had been supplied, or withheld it with additional demands. 1.3 There were several comments on the sale of pedigree by non-registering (backstreet) breeders who would often make false claims about the breed and pedigree status of kittens. 1.4 There was also discussion on the use of contracts with one delegate certain that a court had awarded a large amount of money for contravention of breeding terms that had been agreed by a buyer. It was confirmed that a model GCCF contract existed that could be downloaded from the website. 1.5 A vote was taken. Unanimous approval Action: Rulebook and website information to be updated JL/RF

2. Applicants for prefixes must be members of the relevant breed club. 1:11d MCCC 2.1 The Midland Counties CC explained that when her club received requests for a signature in support of breeding prefixes applications they felt they were not in a position to know anything of, or mentor, a new breeder. They believed breed clubs were in much better position to do this, especially as they could set requirements that new breeders should satisfy. 2.2 It was pointed out that the wording should stipulate ‘a’ relevant breed rather ‘the’ as several breeds had more than one. It was also noted that breed clubs often wanted applicants to be club members for a certain length of time, or to have bred at least one litter, before they would support an application. 2.3 Although there was some agreement that this was sensible, other delegates considered these additional criteria unwelcoming and thought they could be used to exclude unnecessarily. 2.4 A delegate from Scotland pointed out that area clubs in the more remote parts of the country were often better placed to know their members than breed club committees. 2.5 It was pointed out that it was currently stated that prefix applicants had only to be members of clubs and that was the only thing the club was being asked to confirm. It was for Council to decide if additional conditions should be set via a rule amendment. It was noted that the Office would welcome clarity in this respect. 2.6 There was unanimous approval for the issues to be referred back to the club and to the Board to consider modification to the rule with the issues raised in mind. Action: report to the MCCC and Board JL

3. Judges for breeds at preliminary status - 1:43:e 3.1 It was proposed that all full judges of the relevant section should become full judges for the , Nebelung and Toyger, treating these breeds in the same way as new breeds with preliminary status. 3.2 The delegate for the Sokoke Breed Club objected on the ground of a retrospective application of a rule, and that there had been an opportunity for the appointed breed judges to learn about the breed that was not the case for all judges working within the section. There was no objection to them becoming FJ(P)s. 3.3 It was agreed unanimously to defer a decision on this until the Board spokesperson on this particular matter could be present to present a rationale for the proposal. Action: to return to the February agenda JL


1. JUDGES FOR APPROVAL (all approved unanimously) BACs

Abyssinian BAC Full Judge Mrs Janet Williams

Burmese BAC Pupil Judge Dr Julia Craig-McFeely Mrs Linda Vousden

Exotic BAC Full Judge Mrs Caroline Turner-Russell

Joint Rex BAC Full Judge () Ms Maggie Birchall (Devon Rex) Mrs Sue Dalton-Hobbs

Somali BAC Full Judge Mr Stephen Parkin

Sphynx BAC Full Judge Mr Peter Williams

Action: Judges & BACs to be informed and lists updated JL


Bengal BAC Full Judge Mrs Sally Tokens

Birman BAC Full Judge Mrs Helen Marriott-Power

British SH GC Pupil Judge Mrs Perri Mansaray

Page !3 DRAFT Council 16/10/2019 Ocicat & Aztec BAC Full Judge Mrs Linda Vousden extension to 26 September 2020 Mrs Sylvia Rose

Oriental Joint BAC Full Judge Mrs Barbara Prowse extension from 20 September 2019 Mr Phil Cornish

Ragamuffin BAC extension to 28 August 2020 Mrs Valerie Anderson Full Judge Mrs Val Anderson-Drew

Ragdoll BAC Pupil Judge Mr Ross Davies

Russian BAC Pupil Judge Dr Karen Kempsell

Suffolk BAC Pupil Judge Mr Ross Davies

Tonkinese BAC Full Judge Mrs Sally Tokens INFO

3. Request for reinstatement: Withdrawn by the Board on the recommendation of IC. INFO


Elaine Culf Emeritus all lists Wendy McQuilken Withdrawing from judging from 31.10.19 Mrs Celia De Martino no longer on the British SH list INFO


1. The 2018 Supreme Show accounts 1.1 The figures were presented with more detail than at the June meeting, as had been requested by delegates. There were now no grouping of items to give large amounts on the miscellaneous line in income or expenditure. 1.2 Comparisons had been made in most cases between 2018 and 2017, but it was not always possible, There had been vets in 2017, but their expenses had not been separately recorded. 1.3 It was agreed that if the line headings were now standardised in Quickooks the bookkeeper would easily be able to produce a comparison between last year and this year. 1.4 It was acknowledged that the advert had been in ‘Your Cat’ rather than ‘Our Cats’. INFO

2. Report on the 2019 Supreme Show Chairman 2.1 It was reported that 609 cats were expected to be present. 560 of those were in competition and the remainder in Meet The Breeds or other exhibitions. This was just a little up on the 2018 figure 2.2 It had been possible to hire less space within the halls this year which should bring a reduction in costs. 2.3 It was queried whether refunds were being given if withdrawals took place because of judge changes after the closing date with, with the answer that only if certificates were involved, not in the case of kittens. This was as stated in schedule and if other shows did things differently that was at the discretion of their SMs. 2.4 All plans had been finalised and the Office was now busy with last minute preparations. INFO

3. Updates from the the Judge Training Review 3.1 Dr Collin was unable to attend the meeting. Kate Kaye said she would answer any questions she could, but would not necessarily have the most up to date information. 3.2 It was queried when training to judge via Grand Groups would start and the Grand BACs that had been planned would come into being. Kate said she could not give any date. The first phases of the Judge Training Review had been implemented and the ‘accelerated scheme’ had just come into being. Planning for future training would now begin. 3.3 There was a suggestion put that if the Full Judge (Provisional) training was reviewed and found satisfactory it could be extended. Kate believed it would certainly be reviewed, but at present it was thought that if training via Grand Group was implemented it would remove the need for it to be extended further. 3.4 There was no discussion of, or vote taken on, the paperwork for the revised stewarding scheme. 3.5 It was agreed that Dr Collin should be asked for an update for the website of future JTRG progress. Action: website update PC

4. The prevention of section hopping between the Pedigree and Pedigree Sections HHPC of GB 4.1 This discussion was at the request of the Household Pet Club of Great Britain. The club wanted to see the switching back and forth between the Pedigree sections and Pedigree Pet section stopped, with the exception of one change allowed while the owner is determining the most appropriate section. 4.2 It was thought that by allowing people to change back and forth gave some exhibitors an unfair advantage. Those with pedigrees who did well as a pedigree had a choice that those with household and pedigrees unknowable in the pedigree section did not have. They could also obtain two sets of titles which was believed unfair. 4.3 Most comment was in favour of the HHPC of GB’s suggestion. It was stated that when the pedigree pet section had been introduced it had been intended for pedigrees unsuitable to be shown as such. 4.4 The point was made that showing in the Pedigree Pet Section was a way of giving a club support. The response to this was there were other ways of doing this - such as an exhibition class or donation. 4.5 There was consensus that the Board should consider rules to prevent ‘section hopping’ Action; to be on a future Board agenda JL

Page !4 DRAFT Council 16/10/2019 C2283 BUSINESS MATTERS

1. IT Report SC 1.1 Steve Crow reported that work was continuing towards the third tranche of updates, but that progress had been slower than expected. GCCF now had a part time IT consultant rather than full time one, which saved money, but inevitably meant things couldn’t be done so quickly. 1.2 He thanked Caroline Turner-Russell who continued to give her own time very generously. The testing for the latest release had proved too technical for Office staff. 1.3 It was planned that the next update should be an improvement to the website search facilities, and it was intended that there should be an IT user manual in the Office. 1.4 STAR would be ready to go live in June 2020. The first draft of the user manual for the Office and Show Managers was done and almost ready for trial. 1.5 It was queried whether SMs were expected to enter show results on the day. The answer was that it it was the ideal, but understood that it was not always practical. INF

2. C&FSG report - including the plan for the compulsory licensing of show in Wales SC 2.1 Steve Crow had several items to report on as there were a number of proposals and discussions regarding further regulation relating to cats, breeding and showing. He believed ‘animal welfare’ in the form of control was moving further up the political agenda. 2.2 He was disappointed to inform Council that local authorities were not respecting the Defra Guidelines re licensing, claiming that breeders were running a business when they were not, or applying the dog breeding schedule, rather than that for pet vending. This was to be raised with Defra by the C&FSG Chairman. 2.3 There were Welsh government proposals to licence shows and exhibitors. The legislation was currently at the consultation phase, and he thought it unworkable, but it encouraged others to plan similar action. 2.4 A government call for evidence on the compulsory microchipping of all cats had just been launched. SC had been invited onto the C&FSG sub-group so GCCF would have direct input. 2.5 The Checklist had been launched on 24 September in conjunction with 20 partners. GCCF’s rules and Code of Ethics remained best practice, but it was useful publicity direct to the kitten-buying public. 2.6 The first draft of the Code of Practice on Cat Breeding was with Defra. Steve expected there to be amendments, but was pleased to have been a co-author with International Cat Care and Cats Protection. 2.7 Two meetings on the possibility of introducing regulation into the cat, dog and equine rescue and rehoming sanctuary sector were scheduled at Bristol and Crewe. GCCF would be represented at both. 2.8 Very recent information was that the government had asked a PR Company to design a campaign on Brexit and travel, to include pet travel. C&FG had been asked to help. INF

3. Partnership Information Chairman 3.1 JH reported that the latest information from Royal Canin was that vouchers at shows for a 20% reduction, included all items purchased at the time and not only food. 3.2 It was asked if it could be fed back to RC that the biggest concern with this was that there was often a 20% show reduction on the show stall anyway, which made the voucher meaningless as prizes. 3.3 RC would not be providing speakers at the Supreme because of the lack of support and the expense. 3.4 However, Agria would be launching a new initiative at the Supreme aimed at giving breeders who issue the five week cover notes a little extra back. 3.5 Agria adverts would be available for all catalogues shortly. The Chairman urged those present to continue supporting the partnership as GCCF gained a lot that would be very difficult to replace when it came to an end. Alternatives would be sought but the benefits would be difficult to equal. INF

4.Reduction in the number of Council meetings from three to two 4.1 Most delegates who spoke were against the idea as it was believed the meetings gave the opportunity for opinion to be expressed, voices to be heard, and votes to count. 4.2 There was note of the declining numbers, but thought an alternative venue could be the solution. 4.3 Alternative ideas were for one of the meetings to be via video conference link, or more radically, to dispense with club representation and have a membership of GCCF users with an annual AGM. INF


1. Hosting in 2021 1.1 This was tentatively fixed for the last Saturday in October in 2021, though John Hansson warned that this could be changed as there was a possible show partner for the future who could want to be involved, and have a different date in mind. 1.2 . It was observed that until there was a date and venue it was difficult to book speakers and make definite arrangements for the event. 1.3 It was hoped that the seminar speakers would be from the UK to save on travel costs. Martha Cannon of Oxford Cat Clinic was suggested as a possibility. 1.4 Also, it was thought the event could provide an opportunity for BAC seminars. INF


None taken

The meeting finished with business completed at 4.50pm.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, 27 February 2020 at the Conway Hall, Holborn, London, commencing at 1.00pm.

Page !5 DRAFT Council 16/10/2019 First Not Club Surname Signed Apologies Name signed Association Stephen Parkin 1 Abyssinian Cat Club Kay Dodson 1 Abyssinian Cat Club Harriet Patey 1 Asian Cat Association Elizabeth James Apologies Asian Group Cat Soc Heather McRae 1 Cat Association Sarah Bower 1 Aztec Cat Club Owen Maudlin 1 Balinese Cat Society Caroleen Falconer 1 Bedford & District Cat Club Chris Wood 1 Bengal Cat Club Barrie Alger-Street Apologies Cat Club Jim Warrender 1 Birman Cat Club Valerie Kilby 1 Birman Cat Club Neil Porter 1 Blue Society Caroline Roberts 1 Blue Pointed Club John Roberts 1 Bombay and Asian Cats Breed Club Jacki McCarten 1 Robinson- Bristol & District Cat Club Lisa Talboys 1 Bristol & District Cat Club Saffi Rabey 1 British Shorthair Cat Club Suzanne Griss 1 Bucks,Oxon & Berks Cat Society Carol Burton LLB 1 Association Penny Akehurst 1 Burmese Cat Club Carolyn Kempe 1 Burmese Cat Club Steve Crow 1 Burmese Cat Club (T Goss) Robin Kempe (sub) 1 Apologies Burmese Cat Society Vanessa Marriott 1 TGoss Cambria Cat Club Claire Lewis Apologies Cambridgeshire Cat Club Julie Candler 1 Cameo,Pewter & Smoke Society Ed Merchant 1 Cheshire Area Cat Club Pat Parrish 1 Chester & North Wales Cat Club Chris Titterington 1 Chester & North Wales Cat Club Peter Collin Apologies Chinchilla, Silver Tabby & Smoke Rosemary Fisher Cat Society 1 Colourpoint, Rex-Coated & A O V Mick Coomer Club 1

Page !6 DRAFT Council 16/10/2019 Colourpointed British Shorthair Cat Joanne Seggie Club 1 Coventry & Leicester Cat Club Nicky Butler 1

East Sussex Cat Club Isla Worsley-Waring 1 Edinburgh & East of Scotland Cat Isobel Walker 1 Club Club Stephen McConnell 1 Anderson- Egyptian Mau Society Georgina Keeble 1 Erin Cat Club Pat Hartin 1 Essex Cat Club Sue Kirk 1 Exotic Cat Club Shelagh Heavens 1 Exotic Cat Society Val Anderson Apologies Guild of GCCF Judges and Maria Chapman-Beer Stewards 1 Gwynedd Cat Club (M Rose) Carol Walker (sub) 1 Apologies Havana & Oriental Lilac Cat Club Janet Tonkinson 1 Herts & Middx Cat Club Steph Beirne 1 Humberside Cat Club Wendy Berry 1 Kensington Cat Club June Gillies Apologies Kentish Cat Society HA Hendra 1 Kernow Cat Club Jane Truscott 1 & Association Jen Lacey 1 Lakeland and District Cat Club Candice Higgins 1 Lancashire Cat Club Janet Pointon 1 Lancashire Cat Club Gavin Eyres 1 LaPerm Cat Club Anthony Nichols 1 Lilac Point Siamese Cat Society Di Brown Apologies Lincolnshire Cat Club Steve Mawson 1 London Cat Club Sandra Woodley 1 Longhaired, Semi-Longhaired and Carole Pearson All Breed Cat Club 1 Breed Society Sue Deane 1 Maine Coon Cat Club Irene Roos 1 Maine Coon Cat Club Linda Swinburn 1 Manchester & District Cat Club Dorothy Tomlinson 1 Merseyside Cat Club Jennifer Pinches 1 Midland Counties Cat Club Dorothy Stone 1

Page !7 DRAFT Council 16/10/2019 Midshires Siamese Cat Association H Elliott Apologies National Cat Club Carol Pike Apologies National Cat Club Debbie Newman 1 National Cat Club Sue Barratt 1 National Cat Club Nichola Ryan 1 Nor'East of Scotland Cat Club

Norsk Skogkatt Society Beverley Spooner 1 North of Britain LongHair & Semi Sophie Butcher LongHair CC 1 North West Cat Club Sarndra Devereux Apologies Northern British Long & Shorthair Caroline Coppola 1 Cat Club Northern Counties Cat Club Linda Davison 1 Northern Siamese & Oriental Cat Eva Birds Society 1 Club Fiona Hermon 1 Norwegian Forest Cat Club I Hermon Apologies Ocicat Club Stephen Whiting 1 Old-style Siamese Club Frances Benedito 1 Oriental Bicolour Group Betty Shingleton 1 Oriental Cat Association Irene Rothwell 1 Oriental Cinnamon and Fawn Group Pat Cherry Apologies Breed Club Sylvia Smith 1 Preston & Blackpool Cat Club Sheila Calloway 1 Progressive Breed Cat Club Denise Adams 1 Progressive Club Ray Wigley Apologies Red Cream & Tortoiseshell Society Betty Newbury 1 Red Point & Tortie Point Siamese Jackie Reed (sub) Apologies Cat Club (J Emmens) 1 Rex Cat Association Hilary Dean 1 Rex Cat Club Susan Luxford-Watts 1 Catherine Breeders Association Kaye M 1 Scotia Cat Fanciers L Greening 1 Scottish Rex Cat Club Kate Ekanger 1 Seal and Blue Point Birman Cat Gareth Stone Club 1 Seal Point Siamese Cat Club Yvonne Marriott 1 Short Haired Cat Society Angela Cooper 1

Page !8 DRAFT Council 16/10/2019 Shorthair & All Breed Cat Club of Shar Crichton Scotland Apologies Jacquelin Shropshire Cat Club Atkinson e 1 Siamese Cat Club Brenda J Pearce 1 Siamese Cat Society of Scotland Sally Woolrich Apologies Club Claire Norman 1 Rainbow- Sokoke Breed Club Sally Ockwell 1 Club Alison Lyall 1 Somerset Cat Club Lyndsey Robinson Apologies South Western Counties Cat Club Diana Harper 1 Southern & South Western Birman Teresa Cole Cat Club Apologies Southern British Shorthair Cat Club Ketill Game Apologies

Sphynx Cat Club Sue Dalton-Hobbs 1 Suffolk & Norfolk Cat Club David Denny 1 Suffolk Breed Cat Club Lynne Shirley 1 Surrey & Sussex Cat Association Kym Jarvis 1 Club Lizz Adair 1 Teesside Cat Club VA Price 1 The British Ragdoll Cat Club Ray Bradley Apologies The British Ragdoll Cat Club Anne Bradley 1 Three Counties Cat Society Alison Cottle 1 Tonkinese Breed Club Julia Craig-McFeely 1 Club Sandy Boden Apologies Trans-Pennine Oriental & Siamese Ross Davies CC 1 Turkish Club Sidney Sale 1 United Kingdom John Cann Society 1 Wessex Cat Club Julie Cherkas 1 West Country Cat Club Helen Marriott-Power 1 West Country Cat Club Lesley Szwed 1 West of England & South Wales Cat Heather Graves 1 Society White Persian Cat Club Isobella Bangs 1 Wiltshire & District Cat Club Elaine Robinson 1

Page !9 DRAFT Council 16/10/2019 Yorkshire County Cat Club Lynda Ashmore Apologies Yorkshire County Cat Club Caroline Goodman 1

GCCF Chairman John Hansson 1 GCCF Vice-Chairman Sean Farrell 1

Totals 75 38 24

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