Chico Music Back in Effect With. City Limits II Different Styles
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Orion ----------------------,--- ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday, December 2 , 1.996 Slate University, D Drn[prn~ rnoorn 1998 Hip-Hop Show Whl!re: Shunner Gymnasium When: Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Cost: $7 for students, $10 General. Add $2 at the door. TU17ztablistscuttin' their Hip-Hop Show. featuring the San Jose tumtables and eno'ugh skill to sink .1 solo album, "Anti-Theft Device," Mike Badrok is the two time winner of San based Willies Conception and Chico's ship. And when skill is the question, describes his music 'IS "an 'Idventurc FnlJ1ci~co's Almageddon DJ battle and way to ShurmerGym own DJ Spidemum, Force Seven and Mix Master Mike is the answer. through an audio wormhole." Moving now practices with many local DJs. the Jump Out Boys. Headlining the Born and raised in San Francisco, the beyond the use of traditional beat sam Cheri Heberling is one of those DJs, Lisa Rivera show is honorary Beastie Boy, Mix scratch capital of the world, Mike was pling, Mike's music is berserk and and wiII be joining the Jump Out Boys. Etllerwilllllellt Editur Master Mike, a pioneer in the evol ving introduced to the .u1 or hip-hop at the futuristic. While blending a pool or The five-man rap crew is a local aft of turntablism. age of 14. While working as a mobile . sounds. bcats Hnd vocHI snippets. Mike favorite and has opcned for Whodini. In u town saturated with rock bands, "Turntablism" - Chances nre, you've OJ, Mike met up with Richard Quitevis, produces ;.L creative collage of con Sugarhill Gang and Ice-T when they the 1998 Hip-Hop Show will give heard this word but don't quite know more widely known us OJ Q-Bert. The structed, deconstructed and manipulat visited Chico. Chico something new to groove to. But what it means. Turntablism is playing a two would go on to found the dynamic ed music - a mind scrambling spectrum Local legend Ted Shred, who now the Associated Students Programming turntable as a musical, mther than tech OJ crew, the Invisibl Skratch Piklz. of altered beats. spins to the name of OJ Spiderman, ;.Lnd show isn't bringing something "new" to nical, instrument. Travel to the Buy During Mike's musical career, he has Adding to Sunday's spectrul11 will be will be mixing it LIp between sets .. town. It's just giving us u good dose of Area and you'll lind tU1'lltablism is rec gained the tilles of '92, '93, und '94 three of Chico's own. Force Seven, the Whether they're "mixing," "scratch something we should have been eyeing ognized and revered as a legitimate and DMC World Champion (the world cup Jump Out Boys and DJ Spiderman. ing," "juggling" 01' "hydroplaning." ull along. respected 1'01111 of music. An art form, of turnwblism), and he was the '92 Force Seven, the instrumental hip-hop Sunday night's sets arc sure to leave , Sunday, in Shurmer Gymnasium, if you will. No pencils and paintbrushes Battle For World Supremacy Champion. band that has gained Chico's attention, you tasting the turntablism and hunger . A.S. Progl'Ul11ming presents the 1998 necessury. Just a load of vinyl, ;.L couple Having recently relc'lsed his tirst is joined by scratch master, Badrok. ing for hip-hop . _________________...,....... _______-'[ __________-.l..I_a~·:cf;~t*t:_~'a.A_J'~;m!Z ____l: __Zl_L~4_=~t~iGjL~,'1 __ l~·a2l, 2J--'l:i:i_tl_. __ .I._I.L ______...,....... ____...:-. ____________ Chico music back in effect with. City Limits II different styles. nvc or more trucks, so it was sorell by KFM 93.9, Pro independent label, City Limits ---- The CD will be really tough to choose who got Sound, The Chico ~ Records. he plans to make released Friday, during a 011 the CD." Ncws and Review, ~~, more compilation albums, and three-day .concert s.:!ries "Chico City Limits 2" Sound Source, Pizza o~. ~record. bands from U.II over the . which will include per- includes tracks from The Mother Face, The Synthesis. Chico area. \ formunces by ncarly I-lips, Ten Pound Brown, The Orion and 319 Main .. "I like making albulTls," he every bund on the CD. Electric Circus tlnd Puddle Street. ~. said. "It's really fun. I've been The three shows will be J unction us well us Bumpin' "All the sponsors 'S arollnd it 11 lot and il's always held at the 319 Club, U glics, Potluck, The Imps, · were really helpful," fiJFl u learning experiencc. It's a 319 Main St., and the Esther Macfarland, Incredible Waltz said. "Especially t·· ~0~11 feeling to actually.see the tirst concert will be hcad- Diamonds and Honey. Other. · Jeff Hilgert of 319 . Itlllshed product. l-iopell1l1y, IineLl by Puddle Junctioll. less-known, acts include Ro Main Strcet. He's b people will like the CD. but The show continues Saturday Lew from JUlUp Out · ulwuys been a strong f if it doesn't work, they Stclj], W,.itc/, night with heudlinel' Electric Entertuinment, c1ussicul· guitar supporter or the music scene . r.J make great coasters!" Circus and the linal show on by Toby Roye, Rookie 13, und and he has been very gracious '" For quite u while 110W, SUndtlY, which isull-uges, will even Steve Clllrk, who is known with his club, too." Chicouns havc· been compluill feature the Mother I-lips. around town for pluying guitur A strong sense or cOl11munity /ilfJ Chico City Limits ing thut the music scene has "Chico Ims unillcredible 011 the strcet comcr. involvement is cl'uciulto 1J . When!: 319 Muin Strcet . been u little stule, sccne," Wultt'. suid. "We're just The CD is II good varicty of building u good music scene, I¥I 0 ."rlduy l'cutul'ing: Inside I---~ "Chico llsed to rockl" they trying to cultivate what we've music Ulld a gl'eutrepresentation said DNA. j. f PlIlldlc Juncti~lI1, 'lh,l PmlllJ say. "Whut hllppened'/,' got here," of the vul"icd lulents this town "People need to luke p.. O Brow,!" l.ncrelhblC '?lUlIllllUls, , .. .. .. ~-. 1·loncy, loby Royc, Esler Merry Nav/dad :1.2 BLlt no one. would douny Wultz IH:lped produce the hus to offer, t~le ~~lttattV. e ,a~ld. be rcul ~. IMucFurlanu uml Stevc C.'lurk thing ubout it. iirst "City Limits" CD in the ).. Each baml on the CD will 1.1l1s, DNA slllci. Suturdlly,l'cutul'1uJ.\: A. MI!l\i~IIIl-~tY~ Chl'istllllUi comes to Chic Stute. Now ullthe luzy compluiners Spring of 1998, which wus very . pluy a 30-minule set during the ':Bantls will come ElcL:lric Circus. Jump Out We rye got ugs :1.3 mal whincl's CUll rest eusy, successful. three-duy rcleuse l'estiyul, . lrol11 other towns and Boys, Potluck, The llI1ps. bcclIutic tinLllly somcone is sec the sensc of .... Beltuin lind Totem . Tht.l.lutest cumputer-gencrlltcd . This olle is going to be bellel" Friduy, Sutlll"day und Sunduy, I lIIovie doesn't bug LIS II bit. doing somcthing Ubollt it. he sulci. There were more blinds "We wHnted to have an ull· community. Chico is Sunduy,l'clIturlng: Calendar :1.4 Mikc Wultz, with thc help of to choose from umlthc show will uges show beclIuse kids reully almost Icgendury. But Mother Hips, Antfurl1l, IOCLlI music promoteI' DNA lind be three nights illstend of IWO. don't huve u pi lice to gather," it' lhe funs to ~.ll1l~I~ln· U.~li~s~ R~1~kle 13, 'fhe week ill II nul shell, SCYCl'UlSPOllSOI't1, hus put "We hUll over 35 bunds send DNA suid, "Plus it's gn:allo l11ukl! i 1 bellel'," Ellliel (ltIll I he Stull . Classlfleds:l.6 . togcther "Chi(Jp City Limits 2," lI/1 /ll1l1T," suit! DNA, who COOI'- give them II c1ml1ce 10 go into II Wllitz plans 10 contiuuc , Cost: $,3 (, $5 wiLh · I' . I CD CD lind $1 U 1m u 3-llllY puss, .. 'Oct II jOb'>'fU Il1~yfool. Ll 20.;.song cOll1pilutioll CD thllt dillatct.l thc tnlcnt fol' lhc CD. club und sec wlmt it's like." IliS 01'U~ l11to lll! pm- with CD . highlights Chico bUilds of all "Ami 10 01' 15 of them gave LIS The CD lind event hi spon- dm:liol1l'ealm, Wilh his new ' ".' ~ . .. ~ ~ 4 . , . .