(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0044778A1 Orr (43) Pub
US 20050044778A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0044778A1 Orr (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 3, 2005 (54) FUEL COMPOSITIONS EMPLOYING Publication Classification CATALYST COMBUSTION STRUCTURE (51) Int. CI.' ........ C10L 1/28; C1OL 1/24; C1OL 1/18; (76) Inventor: William C. Orr, Denver, CO (US) C1OL 1/12; C1OL 1/26 Correspondence Address: (52) U.S. Cl. ................. 44/320; 44/435; 44/378; 44/388; HOGAN & HARTSON LLP 44/385; 44/444; 44/443 ONE TABOR CENTER, SUITE 1500 1200 SEVENTEENTH ST DENVER, CO 80202 (US) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 10/722,127 Metallic vapor phase fuel compositions relating to a broad (22) Filed: Nov. 24, 2003 Spectrum of pollution reducing, improved combustion per Related U.S. Application Data formance, and enhanced Stability fuel compositions for use in jet, aviation, turbine, diesel, gasoline, and other combus (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 08/986,891, tion applications include co-combustion agents preferably filed on Dec. 8, 1997, now Pat. No. 6,652,608. including trimethoxymethylsilane. Patent Application Publication Mar. 3, 2005 US 2005/0044778A1 FIGURE 1 CALCULATING BUNSEN BURNER LAMINAR FLAME VELOCITY (LFV) OR BURNING VELOCITY (BV) CONVENTIONAL FLAME LUMINOUS FLAME Method For Calculating Bunsen Burner Laminar Flame Velocity (LHV) or Burning Velocity Requires Inside Laminar Cone Angle (0) and The Gas Velocity (Vg). LFV = A, SIN 2 x VG US 2005/0044778A1 Mar. 3, 2005 FUEL COMPOSITIONS EMPLOYING CATALYST Chart of Elements (CAS version), and mixture, wherein said COMBUSTION STRUCTURE element or derivative compound, is combustible, and option 0001) The present invention is a CIP of my U.S.
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