As many of you know, I was raised in Germany and my family still lives there. Bavaria, the state I’m from, is deeply rooted in religion. That is evident in the local greeting “Grüß Gott,” which means “Greet God,” instead of “Hello.” My mom was a busy, working, single parent, and made sure we went to church every Sunday and said our prayers at night. I have fond memories of and back home. I really loved sitting around the and singing hymns and reading the Christmas Story!

One of my favorite Advent hymns is “Wir sagen Euch an den lieben Advent.” Translated into English 1. We announce to you to the dear Advent. See, the first candle is burning. We tell you of a holy time. Prepare the way for the Lord. Rejoice, you Christians, rejoice greatly! The Lord is near.

2. We announce to you to the dear Advent. See, the second candle is burning. So accept one other, just as the Lord did us. Rejoice, you Christians, rejoice greatly! The Lord is near.

3. We announce to you to the dear Advent. See, the third candle is burning. Now carry the light of your goodness far into the dark world. Rejoice, you Christians, rejoice greatly! The Lord is near.

4. We announce to you to the dear Advent. See, the fourth candle is burning. God Himself will come, He will not hesitate. On, on, you hearts, and become light. Rejoice, you Christians, rejoice greatly! The Lord is near.

This hymn reminded me that the Lord is coming and we need to prepare our hearts. Unlike here, we didn’t anticipate Santa coming down the chimney but awaited “Das ,” the and exchanged gifts on . We always looked forward to walking to church for the midnight service to end our evening. My absolute favorite hymn is “Silent Night,” and it still gets me emotional. Lord, thank you for transforming me by the renewing of my mind during this Advent season. I will prepare the way for you and let my light shine for you. Amen.

- Michelle Dix

1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Christ.

My childhood church St. Blasius & Alexander. Originally built 1204 and added on to 1670 – 1681 German buildings are OLD! No heat or restrooms. We stayed bundled up in the winter!