Jesus Walks When You Think
fV'sW' NOT HE THE METHOD MEANT THEY KNEW. Her Lftugh Broke, She was a little fairy of seven, with Jesus Walks Kitchener Had Not the Idea of Pur eyes like diamonds and hair like spun chase In HI Mind When He gold, and she was romping with ft halt On the Sea Made Remark. dozen playmates. Touching a fine Smxlij-Sdio- looking youngster on the shoulder, ol Ltiion for Jom 5, 1910 A plcturesquo flguro Is Lord Kitch she challenged him with, "You can't Specially Arranged (or Thli Paper ener of Khartum, a soldlor from catch mo." Off they started, sho twist- head to foot, and careless of tho nice- ing and dodging with tho doxterlty of ties of toilet which more conventional a half-bac- k on a football team, and he t LESSON TEXT.-Mfttt- hew 14:22-8- Memory verses, 28, 27, members of tho nobility affect. following her every movement In close Georgo t GOLDEN TEXT.-"Th- en they that W. Smnlley, tho veteran corre- pursuit Tho excitement of the chase Were In the ship camo and worshiped lilm, spondent, recently contributed somo made her scream with laughter. The paying, 'Of a truth thou art the Son of Interesting reminiscences of tho man iHvlj "immune llttlo fugltivo' finally brougb ud qbd."-M- att. 14:83, to Now among Imme-nlate- tho York Tribune, 'against a pant X TIME. In the spring of A. D. 29, ly fence, breathless and which this story is to bo found: ing, pursuer, .throwing after the last lesson, amamkUW sbssssssW and her his I PLACE, The northern part of the Sea Tho last time I saw Lord Kitchener ssfssssw arms about her, shouted: "There, I've jet Qalllee.
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