Kissimmee Chain of Lakes Long-Term Management Plan Project

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Kissimmee Chain of Lakes Long-Term Management Plan Project 22001111 IInntteerraaggeennccyy DDrraafftt KKiissssiimmmmeeee CChhaaiinn ooff LLaakkeess LLoonngg--TTeerrmm MMaannaaggeemmeenntt PPllaann South Florida Water Management District Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Osceola County June 2011 Acknowledgments The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) would like to acknowledge the partner agencies and local governments and their staffs for their participation and commitment to the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes Long-Term Management Plan project. This dedicated team of professionals has exercised due diligence in the compilation, preparation, and review of the materials presented within this document and has worked to define and embrace a common vision of health for the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes resource. The SFWMD also acknowledges all the other stakeholders who have provided valuable insights into and perspectives on the value of the resource and the need for federal, state, and local government agencies to work together to preserve and protect the natural resources of central Florida. For further information about this document, please contact: Chris Carlson South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Telephone: (561) 682-6143 Email: [email protected] Interagency Team Draft Revision 2011 CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... vii 1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 1-1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1-1 Participating Agency Guiding Policies ...................................................................................................................... 1-2 LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT PLAN STRUCTURE ................................................................................... 1-3 Plan Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 1-3 Management Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 1-3 Hydrologic Management ......................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Water Quality ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Fish and Wildlife ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Aquatic Plant Management ..................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Water Supply ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Recreation and Public Use ....................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Management Concerns, Targets, Priorities, and Challenges ...................................................................... 1-5 Monitoring and Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 1-5 Assessment Targets ..................................................................................................................................... 1-6 Plan Proposal (a.k.a Proposed Path Forward) ............................................................................................. 1-6 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................ 1-7 2 BASIN DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 2-1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 2-1 Hydrology .................................................................................................................................................... 2-2 Surfacewater Resources........................................................................................................................................... 2-3 C&SF Project Water Level Regulations ..................................................................................................................... 2-6 Groundwater Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Water Quality .............................................................................................................................................. 2-7 Fish and Wildlife .......................................................................................................................................... 2-9 Aquatic and Wetland Vegetation .............................................................................................................. 2-10 Water Supply ............................................................................................................................................. 2-10 Public Use and Recreation ........................................................................................................................ 2-11 Land use ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-11 Parks, Marinas, and Boat Ramps ............................................................................................................................ 2-13 Conservation Lands ................................................................................................................................................ 2-13 Fish Management Areas ........................................................................................................................................ 2-14 Stakeholder Value Survey ...................................................................................................................................... 2-15 LAKE MANAGEMENT AREAS ..........................................................................................................2 -16 Lake Kissimmee, Lake Hatchineha, and Cypress Lake LMA (S-65 Structure) ............................................ 2-17 Lake Tohopekaliga LMA (S-61 Structure) .................................................................................................. 2-18 East Lake Tohopekaliga, Fells Cove and Ajay Lake LMA (S-59 Structure) ................................................. 2-18 Alligator Chain of Lakes LMA (S-58 and S-60 Structures) .......................................................................... 2-19 Lake Gentry LMA (S-63 and S-63A Structures) .......................................................................................... 2-20 Lakes Hart and Mary Jane LMA (S-62 Structure) ...................................................................................... 2-20 Lakes Joel, Myrtle, and Preston LMA (S-57 Structure) .............................................................................. 2-21 3 MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES, CONCERNS, TARGETS, PRIORITIES, AND CHALLENGES ............. 3-1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3-1 MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................ 3-1 Hydrologic Management ............................................................................................................................. 3-1 Stabilized Water Levels ............................................................................................................................................ 3-2 Short Duration Low Water Levels ............................................................................................................................ 3-2 i | Table of Contents Interagency Team Draft Revision 2011 No Prescribed Extreme Low Water Events .............................................................................................................. 3-2 Prolonged Duration High Water Levels .................................................................................................................... 3-2 Poor Transitions between High and Low Water Levels ............................................................................................ 3-2 Volume and Rate of Watershed Runoff ................................................................................................................... 3-3 Water Quality .............................................................................................................................................. 3-4 Fish and Wildlife .........................................................................................................................................
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