Ocklawaha River Hydrologic Basin

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Ocklawaha River Hydrologic Basin Why Care Implementing Future Growth Permitting Process Final Design Success Economic Growth often requires new development and/or redevelopment. Schools . Downtown Revitalization Anti-Degradation under Chapter 62-4.242 and 62-302.300, F.A.C and 40D-4.301, F.A.C., require agencies to ensure permits... “will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters such that the water quality standards will be violated.” 403.067 F.S. Requires Consideration of Future Growth in the Development of BMAPs. Most rely on Anti-Degradation and the “Net-Improvement” Policy. Downstream Protection Protecting Waters = More Stringent Controls = More $ = Higher Project Cost WEEKI WACHEE 1948 WEEKI WACHEE 2013 http://www.slideshare.net/FloridaMemory http://www.tampabay.com/news/business/tourism/ Project/florida-winter-holidays clear-water-mermaids-and-yes-history-at-weeki-wachee- springs/2131164 Preserving Water Quality & Project Specific Requirements Williamson Blvd - road extension project of approximately 2 miles. Located: Port Orange, Volusia County Small section of existing road widening. Multi-use improvement including transportation corridor planning. Soil Conditions: High Groundwater Existing Borrow Pits remain on-site from construction of I-95. Land use change from natural conditions to roadway. Williamson Blvd Project Outfalls to Spruce Creek. Spruce Creek has an adopted Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Dissolved Oxygen (DO). Spruce Creek Impaired for . Dissolved Oxygen (DO) . Causative Pollutant . Total Phosphorus . BOD Wasteload Allocations (WLA) . NPDES MS4 % Reduction: . 27% TP . 25% BOD . TMDL (mg/L) . 0.16 mg/L TP . 2.17 mg/L BOD Net Improvement is required for Phosphorus. Net Improvement meets: . Anti-Degradation Rules . 403.067 Future Growth . Redevelopment or New Development can not result in an Increase of Nutrient Loads. For this Project, SJRWMD Applying “Apopka Rule”. Special Basin Criteria for Lake Apopka Hydrologic Basin For Example, if Project Site is currently Commercial and is redeveloped to Medium- Density Residential, Net Improvement may not require Significant Additional Treatment. Natural Conditions developed to Institutional (new school) requires Significant Additional Treatment. CHAPTER 40C-41, F.A.C. The rules in this chapter establish additional surface water management standards and criteria, To ensure that development within the basins incorporates the appropriate water quantity and water quality control and other environmental measures necessary, To protect the integrity of the public investments in the basins and minimizes adverse impacts to the water resources of the District. Ocklawaha River Hydrologic Basin Wekiva River Hydrologic Basin & Wekiva Recharge Protection Basin Econlockhatchee River Hydrologic Basin Tomoka River Hydrologic Basin Spruce Creek Hydrologic Basin Sensitive Karst Areas Basin Lake Apopka Hydrologic Basin Upper St. Johns River Hydrologic Basin Impaired Water = Requirement to meet Net Improvement for TP. Needed 86% Treatment Efficiency for this project. (Thank Goodness not TN!!) Project in Special Basin: Spruce Creek Hydrologic Basin . Recharge Standard . Most Effective Recharge Area (Type A soils) . 3” Runoff on Increase in DCIA . Yet, Dry Retention was not the Go-To BMP . Some Special Basin Criteria was Inapplicable . Floodplain Storage (Traversing Work) . Not cause a net reduction in flood storage within the 100 year floodplain. Riparian Habitat Protection Zone . Not adversely effect the abundance, diversity, food sources or habitat. Project discharges to Outstanding Florida Water, WMD requirements include: . Additional 50% Treatment Volume . Additional 50% Permanent Pool Most stringent requirements apply, in this case net improvement treatment is more stringent. Treatment volume requirements still must be met. Convert existing Borrow Pits to Stormwater Management Facilities. Utilize increased removal efficiency from the Borrow Pits because of their increased residence time. Really Large!!!! . 12 acres of Road into a 12 Acre Pond . >86% removal of TP Request for Additional Information (RAI) . Permitting standard is a maximum residence time of 21 days, regardless of the actual site specific condition. The Williamson Blvd Borrow Pits calculated at over 500 days of residence time. Using “Apopka Rule” . 21 Day Residence Time = 64.5% Removal Efficiency. Maximum allowed for Wet Detention. Treatment Type Suitability Pervious Pavement Not Allowable for Roadway No Green Roof/Cistern Not Applicable for Roadway No Low Impact Design BMPs FL Friendly Landscape, Site Reforestation No Urban Stormwater Retrofit Primarily Greenfield Roadway No Stormwater Harvesting Insufficient Need for Required Reuse No Swales Urban per County, Wider Footprint No Chemical Treatment Maintenance No Exfiltration Trench Percolation with High GW/Tailwater No Underground Storage and Retention Percolation with high GW/Tailwater No Vegetated Natural Buffers Percolation with high GW/Tailwater No Wet Detention Insufficient Load Reduction No Wet Detention/Wet Detention Treatment Train Insufficient Load Reduction No Managed Aquatic Plant Systems (MAPS) Insufficient Load Reduction No Nutrient Baffle Boxes Insufficient Load Reduction No Dry Retention/Wet Detention Treatment Train Sufficient Load Reduction Yes Initial Concept: Average 3’ of fill required for the road primarily because of high groundwater conditions. Re-Design with BMP Treatment Trains: Dry/Wet Train Adds an Additional 3-6’ of fill. 3’ + 6’ = 9 Foot Tall Road!!! Almost 3 feet higher than adjacent I-95 Result of Re-Design Is: . More Roadway Fill for Discharge into Dry Pond, . More Wetland Impacts for Expanded Footprint, . More Maintenance Issues for Steeper Side Slopes from Minimizing Project Footprint. The Light at the End of the Tunnel Allow use of “Harper Methodology” and Loading Rates . “Evaluation of Current Stormwater Design Criteria within the State of Florida” (June 2007). Utilize Current Conditions to Determine Pre- Development Loads . Not “Natural Vegetative Community Type” or that which is likely to have existed prior to disturbance. Result in Wet Detention Only (while achieving no increase in loading). The SJRWMD was already using “Harper Methodology” for nitrogen values. Project outside of the Lake Apopka Hydrologic Basin (Special Basin Criteria) . “Apopka Rule” not required by law. Reasonable Assurance governs permit conditions to meet anti-degradation requirements. Will Allow use of Draft Handbook (March 2010) . Minor Differences in loading, etc from FDEP 2007 Will Allow use of Published Loading Rates, not restricted to values in Draft Handbook. Will Allow Current Conditions to determine Pre- development Loads. Will Require Monitoring. Draft ERP Land Use Categories Apopka EMC Handbook EMC Low-Density Residential 0.22 0.18 Single-Family 0.34 0.31 Multi-Family 0.51 0.48 Commercial 0.29 0.20 Light Industrial 0.23 Highway 0.34 0.17 Agricultural - Pasture 0.34 0.70 Agricultural - Crops/Groves/Ornamentals/Nurseries 0.52 0.38 Mining/Extractive 0.15 Vegetative Natural Communities 0.015 - 0.226 Open Land/Recreational/Fallow Cropland 0.05 Forests/Abandoned Tree Crops 0.08 Residence Time . Calculate using Permanent Pool Volume at 12’ deep per standard criteria. Allowed to use BMPTRAIN Model Output. Water Quality Monitoring Required. Provide Reasonable Assurance from Science, Monitoring/Data collection, and Backup Treatment Options. Monitoring Required due to Limited Data on Borrow Pits and their Treatment Efficiency. Sample two of the proposed five wet ponds. One Borrow Pit . One Standard Pond Use Auto-Samplers at Inflow/Outflow. Begin Sampling two years Post Construction. Sample for three turnovers of Residence Time. Can shorten time if Steady State is achieved earlier and is in Compliance. Sample to Establish Baseline Conditions in Borrow Pits before Construction. If WQ Monitoring proves treatment approach is insufficient, back-up options may include: . Floating Wetland Mats . Compensatory Treatment in the basin . Treat Untreated Roadways . Increase Level of Treatment in Existing SMF . Golf Course fertilization (reduction in phosphorus) . Stormwater Harvesting reuse for irrigation of future development. An Arduous Adventure Worth Taking Keeping our watersheds healthy is a community quality of life issue. Economic Growth is also important to the vitality of our communities. Balancing these two opposing ideals requires creativity, a willingness to do things differently, and perseverance to finding a solution. Typically are going to cost more. Even with WMD approval on our project approach, monitoring is still an extra cost. Extra Cost in Staff Time to Research and Complete Calculations. If you can’t change the Where, be prepared to change the How. Innovative Design & Permitting . Cost Sharing . Site Re-Design If at First you don’t Succeed, Make a U-Turn. Just because an agency has always done it that way, doesn’t mean they won’t agree to use a alternative approach. Science really can win the day. Be Flexible . Research BMPs that may be unfamiliar to you. Be prepared to provide proof. Supporting Studies . Calculations . Monitoring Overwrite Default Concentrations Built for up to 4 Catchments per Spreadsheet Used Separate Spreadsheets for Pre and Post Catchments This project was single treatment areas with individual outfalls, not interconnected ponds. Selected Option “L - 4 Catchment Parallel” rather than series or combination catchment options. .
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