LINKS Website: Facebook: Bandcamp: Soundcloud: Twitter: Youtube: Tumblr: Myspace: CONTACTS Booking: Estragon Lab Alessandro Ceccarelli // E-mail: [email protected] Tel. (+39) 335 7169140 //

Label: Wallace Records / Dischi Bervisti Wallace Records: Dischi Bervisti:

Press: Dischi Bervisti // E-mail: [email protected] INDEX 1. Contacts & Links 2. Biography 3. Discography 5. Videos


BOLOGNA VIOLENTA is the one-man- concealing the identity of Nicola Manzan, a 36 year old poly-instrumentalist from Treviso,¬ with a diploma in , who in the past few years has worked both in studio and on stage with many bands in the Italian scene.

The project was born in 2005. The self titled debut , released in the same year and strongly influenced by italian crime movies from the 70s, was devoted to sonic violence and musical nihilism: a blend of cyber-grind comprising nearly no melody at all and heavily leaning on breathless rhythms, punk-hardcore riffs and synthesizers.

The second album “Il Nuovissimo Mondo” [Brand New World] was released in 2010 by Bar La Muerte and marked a turning point in the whole project’s style. Inspired by the so called “mondo-movies”, this album is enriched with quotations from such movies (some dialogues are even re-enacted, conjuring up their cynical and pitiless atmosphere) and brief glimpses of melody.

After touring for two years, playing over 130 gigs both in and abroad, Nicola entered his studio again in order to record his third album called “Utopie e piccole soddisfazioni” [Utopias and Small Satisfactions], due for release by Wallace Records/Dischi Bervisti in January the 27th 2012 (will be distributed by Audioglobe). The twenty-one tracks included in this record are the most striking expression of Nicola’s musical background, ranging from classical to pure noise. No movie quotations in this new album, which is wholly dominated by music: just a few words to underline the idea that behind the great utopias that make the world go round, small satisfactions are the thing that actually makes our life better.

2 DISCOGRAPHY Click covers to listen

Utopie e Piccole Soddisfazioni Il Nuovissimo Mondo Bologna Violenta Re-release LP 12’’ // 2011 Album // CD // 2012 Album // LP 12” & CD // 2010 Album // CD //2006 Grind Block Records / Hyper- Wallace Records / Dischi Bervisti/ Bar La Muerte / Audioglobe SKP Records / shape / Destrozado Records Audioglobe (noisecult) records

Split Bologna Violenta / Gunzard Take No Prisoners Si Ribella Bologna Violenta EP 7” // 2011 EP // Free Download // 2007 EP // Free Download // 2007 EP // 2006 Suoni Grezzi Records Sociopath Recordings Faké Profet Records Core:Back Records 3 Utopie e Piccole Soddisfazioni

Utopie e piccole soddisfazioni is BOLOGNA VIOLENTA’s third album. Unlike his former works, it contains no reference to movies whatsoever, concentrating instead on music and the intense sensations it can give the listener. Twenty-one tracks that spring from personal experiences, from times of great distress and other times when everything seems shrouded in a veil of irony that often conceals deep truths. In this album the trademark BOLOGNA VIOLENTA sound is accompanied by string orchestras, that alternate sparkles of tremendous intensity to more traditionally grotesque and noisy bits. It starts off with a pounding and melancholic musical commentary to the end of year speech of a former President of the Republic and immediately afterwards, it plunges the listener into a sonic environment that blends traditional polish folk songs with the deepest electro, that harmonizes 80s-style punk-hardcore with eastern Europe orchestras, that sets Benedictine monks’ choirs as a counter-alter to the anguished cries of tortured people.

Very few words are employed in the whole album: the great utopias that move the world and the human spirit are ridiculed by the distinct feeling that in the end small everyday satisfactions are what makes our life better. This album features some special guests, among which J. Randall, singer in the American band Agoraphobic Nosebleed and label-manager of Grindcore Karaoke (a label that is shaping up a whole new grind scene) and Aimone Romizi from Fast Animals And Slow Kids, voice in the cover “Valium Tavor Serenase” by CCCP (a tribute to the punk scene in Bologna in the 80s and a mockery of that so called “normality” that makes men mediocre, nowadays just like thirty years ago). Utopie e piccole soddisfazioni represents a turning point in the artistic evolution of the project and at the same time it confirms its original intentions: making serious music that bluntly strikes the soul of the listener.

4 VIDEOS Click pictures to play

Il Convento Sodomita Blue Song

Maledetta Del Demonio Trapianti Giapponesi