




FOREWORD Researched by:- ALFRED VICTOR BUTTRESS Elected Hon. Secretary January 25th. 1923.

The initiative to write the history of the Middlesbrough & District Motor Club was engendered by a request of Messrs J.Grayson and I.R.Pragnell, Research Team Leaders, Sports & Pastimes, of the Department of Engineering of the County of Teesside.

In first attempting to extract the details of Sporting Events it was borne upon me that it would be just as easy as to write the whole historical record rather than just extract winners of Sporting Events and as a first attempt I decided to divide the records into three parts - General, Social and Sporting. However, I had not gone far with this idea when it became apparent that by so dividing the history, the overall picture would be lost and after further research I decided to narrate the events year by year under the appropriate date and in this connection I have been unable to find the Minutes of meetings held prior to 1912 and have referred to a book of press cuttings and photographs which was compiled by the late Geoff. W. Liddle and presented to the Club following his death.

The dates of some of these events have had to be guessed. I have been impressed by the number of prominent citizens who were members of the Club prior to the First World War. We have for instance the following Mayors of Middlesbrough all of whom seem to have taken some pant or evinced interest in the Club. viz: Charles Dorman (Dorman Long & Co.) 1903, H. Forbes, 1904, A. Mattison, 1912, Stanley Sadler 1922/3, Egerton Price (builder of the Cleveland Precision Motorcycle ridden by Freddy Dixon in the 1912 T,T.Race) 1938. Whilst as will be seen the Club has always made representation to safeguard the rights and privileges of its members and to take action where advisable affecting their rights, which is part of the objects of the Club in its Rules.



In October 1905 a meeting of motorcyclists was held at Mr Sanderson's, 107 Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough when it was decided to form a Club to be called the "MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTORCYCLING CLUB". Mr T. G. Crombie presided over a good attendance and it was explained that there was a desire amongst motorcyclists in the Town, for a Club. Dr. Leigh Bryan was elected First President, Mr T. G. Crombie Vice-President, Mr G. W. Liddle Secretary, Mr Sanderson Treasurer, Mr Tattersall Captain, Messrs Rudland and Bell, Vice-Captains. The Annual Subscription was fixed at 5/0d.

The founder members were as follows: Mr Crombie. Mr Calvert Mr Tattersall. Mr Brown. Mr J.H.Jubb. Mr M.Robinson. Mr L.Britton. Mr P.W.Crabtree. Mr W.Upton. Mr Gjertsen. Mr A. Young. Mr E.Blackburn. Mr A.Newhouse, Mr C.Carling. Mr T.C.Smallwood. Mr Eaton. Mr RudLand. Mr Dailon. Mr C.Larum. Mr G.R.Severs. Mr G.R.Sanderson. Mr J. Bell. Mr E Young. Mr C.H.Dent.(Jun) Mr A.Barning. Mr O.Dodds. Mr R.A.Lowery. Mr Macfarlane. Mr A.H.Harbottle. Mr J.Preston. Mr D. Almgill. Mr W.A.Thubron.(Jun) Mr W.Neal. Mr George. Mr H.R.Lockwood. Mr A.B.Blackburn. Mr J:MacLaughlan. Dr. Considine. Mr Trusson. Mr Rees. Mr Amos Lithgow. Mr A.R.Jameson. Mr G. Haw. Mr Harlow. Mr T.Wormald (Jun)


A Hill Climbing Competition promoted by the Club was held at Old Ormesby. Inaugurated 3 weeks ago (its members now number 40) it was the first event of its kind held in Middlesbrough and attracted a good deal of attention. The course was from Old Ormesby Village to the top of Ormesby Bank, the stiffest hill in Cleveland, which had a gradient of 1/12 and 1/10. The awards included 3 medals. There was one lady rider, Mrs Considine, wife of Dr. Considine, who handled the machine very well. Other competitors were W.A.George, A.Deuchars, W.H.Rudland, E.Young, E.Reece, J.Bell, J.Brittain, E.Brown, Robinson, Tattersall, Harbottle, G.Haw, M.Young and Dr. Considine.


A Smoking Concert held in the Corporation Hotel on Wednesday, November 10th when prizes that had been won in competitions during the past season were presented. Messrs Bell and George received Gold Medals of neat Maltese Cross design and Dr. P.B.Considine a Silver Medal, second. Dr.Leigh Bryan made the presentations. It was announced that promises of two Gold Medals from the Rex Motor Company and Dr. Considine respectively and a Silver Cigarette Case from G.W.Liddle and a Silver Matchbox from Mr Deuchars for competition in the 100-mile Reliability Trial in April next, had been received. In the same month at the Corporation Hotel a Paper was read by Mr Bennett of the Bosch Magneto Co., entitled "MAGNETO IGNITION". The talk was illustrated with a series of lantern slides. THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 3 of 17 1907

E.Young won the Club's 100-Miles Reliability Trial for the Gjers Cup, presented by L.F.Gjers who was elected President in 1908.

The Richmond Conference.

Organised by G.W.Liddle, attended with Mrs Liddle and the youngest motorcyclist of the meeting. His machine was a 2-speed V.S. A meeting with the object of forming a Northern League of Motorcyclists, was held in - 42 gentlemen and 5 ladies attended.


A Team Competition was held - the following teams competed:

1: R.W.Day, J.G.& H.Fairgreave. 2: W.George, J,Dale, H.Burns. 3: G.W.Liddle, W.A.Deuchars, W.Hanby.

The course, Marton Bungalow via , Ayton, and Old Ormesby had to be ridden twice. Competitors were allowed 2½hrs, to complete the double journey but were not allowed the use of watches. The No. 2 team made the best running with an average of 2mins. 20secs. overtime allowed. But owing to Mr Burns dismounting through contact breaker trouble, they were disqualified and team No-3 were declared the winners.

The winners of the 200-Miles Reliability Trial run to Berwick/Tweed and back were: 1st: H.Fairgreave, 3½ Triumph Gold Modal. 2nd: J,Dale, 3¾ N.S.U. Medal. 3rd: T.Walton, 3½ Triumph Medal.

A Hill Climb where handicapping necessitated by unequal h,p, was held when the following competed:-

W.A.Deuchars, Cilecom 2¼ h,p. W.George & W.H.Rudland, Kerry 3½ h.p. E.Young, Rover 2½ E.Reece, Minerva 2. J.Bell, Bell 3 h.p, of London. J.Brittain, Humber 2. E.Brown, Ariel 3½ Dr.Considine, F.N. 4½ M.Robinson, F.N.2¾ M.Tattersall, Triumph 2. M.Young, Rover 2½ G.Haw, Quadrant 3½ M.Harbottle, Royal Star 3¼

The result of a Fuel Consumption Trial was – 1: J.Dale, Triumph, 2: J.Gilchrist, 3½ Zenith. 3: J.Chalenge, 3½ Premier.

The first two men used Benzol and the average distances to the gallon of the first three was 217.3 miles, 154.5 miles and 153,8 miles respectively.


Winners of:

200-Miles Reliability Trial for the Gjers Cup and Gold Medal: 1. J Gilchrist. 2. J.Telford. 3. E.Young. 4. J,H,Dale.

Fuel Consumption Trial for Sadler Rose Bowl: 1: J.H.Dale. 2: J.Gilchrist,

Hill Climb, Castleton: Event 1: 1. J.Dale, 2. Mr Bone. 3: J.Gilchrist. Event 2: 1. J.Dale. 2: J.Gilchrist.

Flexibility Hill Climb: 1. C.Horne. 2: R.Sorrell. 3: J,Dale.

Old Crocks Race: 1. H.F.Challons. 2. E.Reece, 3. J.G.Hargreaves


The Annual General Meeting was held at the Corporation Hotel, the attendance numbered about 30. Mr J.Bellaby was in the Chair. Stan L,Gjertsen, Hon,Sec. gave a report of the work and competitions held during the past 12 months. Mr R.Sanderson, Hon, Treasurer, reported the Club's finances were in first-class order, there being a balance in the Club's account at the bank of £6.12.9d. The Club had started the year with an adverse balance. The following were elected:- Mr L,F,Gjers President, D.Almgill, S.Sadler, C.Dorman, L.Ennis, J.Fowler, N.Downing, F.Shaw, A.Forbes and J.Newhouse, Vice-Presidents: Mr Alec Lauriston, Hon.Solicitor. Messrs J,H.Dale and E.Reece, Captain, & Vice-Captain. Committee - J,Blincoe, F.Downing, W,H,Rudland, G.McLaughlan, W.Armstrong, F.G.Fairgreave and A.George Hon,Sports Secretary, G,W,Liddle Hon,Secretary.

A lecture on Oils and Lubrication was given at the Corporation Hotel. The lecturer was W.A.MacGregor who had a much and varied experience on the subject for years.

Mr G.R.Sanderson, one of the founders and Hon.Treasurer of the Club, resigned his position. His business took him away from the district and he was unable to act in that capacity.

Following publication of the Winter Programme the Committee decided to call the attention of readers of the Sports Gazette to the existence of the Club and its exceptionally low subscription.

A most enjoyable Smoker was held in the Corporation Hotel. Coun.S,Sadler J.P. presided and was supported by Coun.E.Turner, Mr.G.H.Sanderson, Mr G.W.Liddle and others. A capital programme had been arranged. Those contributing to the harmony included Messrs Sweeby, Smith G.Jefferies, A.Birkbeck, Pringle, Byers, Nelson, A.W.Deuchar, Wild, W.A.George and J.Goult.

THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 5 of 17 A letter was read from the , Bishop Auckland & District Motorcycling Clubs, wishing the gathering every success,

The Chairman in a happy speech, presented the prizes won by members during the past season as follows:

12-hr. Reliability Trial for Gjers Cup and Triumph Gold Medal - J.H.Dale. Complete set of Motor Overalls - E.Young (presented by Messrs Stewart & Co.) Motor Lamp - W,Archdale (presented by Wm.Armstrong) Spirit Flask - W,A,George (presented by R.Richardson) Club Bronze Medal and Badge respectively to Messrs Reece and Bellaby for finishing in the scheduled time.

Awards for other events such as Hill Climb on Birk Brow, Hill Climb Yearby Bank, Fuel Consumption Trial, were also presented. The Chairman, responding to a vote of thanks, remarked that it gave him the greatest pleasure to present and take part in the proceedings because he was a "road-hunter" himself (applause). There was no doubt that they were in for an era of side-valve engines. He predicted that in less than 5 years time all the engines would be of that type. After relating interesting and amusing experiences that he had had on the road he remarked there was more motor traffic in the North of than there was in the South of and for touring purposes he advised motorists to go further north than .

The Winter programme startes in the Corporation Hotel, when Mr J.Bellaby gave a lecture on Benzol, its constitution and the best method of using.

The 3rd Annual Dinner was held in the Corporation Hotel. Mr Bowes-Wilson presided over a company numbering about 40, A pleasing little scene was enacted when the Chairman presented the late Secretary, G,W.Liddle, with a timepiece as a testimonial for his valuable service. Mr Liddle thanked those who had so generously prescribed towards the procuring of the Clock. Ald.McLaughlan proposed :'The Imperial Forces". Capt.Fairburn, Adjt. of the T.A, who was a well-known after-dinner speaker, ably responded. He said that in the opinion of some, the Army was the last resource for outcasts and vagabonds, but this was not the case. Mr Smith gave the toast of - "The Middlesbrough & District Motorcycling Club and Kindred Clubs". Mr Liddle responded on behalf of the Club. Mr A.E.Forbes proposed the health of the Chairman and the function was interspersed with some capital musical items.

In the Comet Room at the Corporation Hotel an instructive lecture - "The Law and its Relations to the Motorcar & Cycle Owners" was read by Mr Alec Lauriston to about 30 members, Mr F.Scott presiding.


There are no records available respecting the activities of the Club in 1910.


The following programme for the Winter Season was agreed. The first event was a "Maladjustment Competition" held at Mr E.Hall's Garage, Wesley Street, the prize for the -winner being a motorcycle inner tube. If there were over 10 entries a second prize of a reflex rear light would be given.

Nov.14, 17 or 21st and 24th : Hill Climb Competition, Ormesby Bank.

Nov.21st : Paper given by Mr Tattersall and entitled "Accumulator and Magneto Ignition".

Nov.25th : A saloon carriage had been engaged for a London excursion for the Stanley Motor Show.

Dec. 5th : Smoking Concert and Presentation of Prizes for Hill Climb.

Dec,19th : Discussion on relative values of high and low h.p.


Jan. 9th : Whist Drive. Jan.23rd: Club Dinner. Feb.6th: Impressions of the Show.

Jan,1912. The Annual General Meeting of the members was attended by some 30 members. Mr J.Telford, Chairman of the Committee during 1911 presided. Mr Evan Reece (who left the country for Australia) and Mr W.A,George, presented a full report of the social activities and sporting events held in 1911. Mr J.G.Fairgreaves, Financial Secretary, presented a Balance Sheet showing a debit balance of between £8 and £9.

The following officers were elected: Pres: L.F.Gjers. Vice-Pres: W.Appleyard, S,Sadler, A.Scott, J.R.Smiles, C.MacAdams, Captains Scott and Bowes-Wilson. Hon.Solicitor: Alex Lauriston. Captain: J.Gilchrist. Vice-Captain: W.A.Deuchars. Committee: Messrs Beckworth, Bellaby, Blincoe, Telford, Dale, Sproates, Young and Liddle. It was deemed advisable to combine the offices of Sports, Financial and General Secretary and Mr George Goult was elected.

The first item in the Winter programme was a paper given by J.R.Sorrell at the Corporation Hotel entitled "DO'S AND DON'TS FOR MOTORCYCLISTS". Mr Sorrell's strongest DON'T referred to town riding and he exhorted his hearers not to offend by making undue noise, riding too fast or in any way causing annoyance to other road users.

The Club's Ball in the Victoria Hotel emulated its three predecessors - it was a big success. The Hall was gorgeously and tastefully decorated and the fashionable assembly danced to the tuneful discourses of J,Burns' Orchestra, Mr Gjertsen who had recently retired from the position of Hon.Sec, was presented with a Gold Sovereign Purse. The presentation was made by Miss Floss Almgill, THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 7 of 17 Further meetings in the Corporation Hotel were addressed by G.R.Sanderson who spoke on Clothing & Accessories for winter motorcycling. J,H,Dale read a Paper on Aeroplanes.

A thoroughly enjoyable Whist Drive was held in the Corona Cafe, some 80 persons being present. Mrs J.R.Hall presented the prizes and also presented W.A.George with a Gold Albert with the Club's special Gold Medal attached as a token of their esteem, Mr George was leaving for Australia. He had considerable Army experience, having gone through the Boer War and it was hoped that the sphere into which he was going would appreciate him as much as they did. J.L.Norton lectured on Tuning & Efficiency in the Corporation Hotel.

April. "MOTORCYCLE" reported that the Northern League of Motorcyclists, having been disbanded, no official arrangements had been made for holding the now-established Richmond Meet but nearly as many as ever turned up and spent the greater part of Good Friday there, Amongst the first arrivals were Mr G.W.Liddle of the M’brough Club who was believed to be the originator of the gathering. The M'brough Club had the largest muster and had run a competition to Richmond, as also did the , Pontefract, Doncaster and other clubs. Catering arrangements were very bad and it was exceedingly difficult to get a meal anywhere.

Brilliant weather favoured the Hill Climb competition at Castleton. The results were decided on A.C.U. formula and were as follows: 1. Lightweights not exceeding 1401bs - J,Nivens, 2¾ Enfield. 2. Touring single cylinder machines, - H.S.Moon, 2¾ New Hudson. 3. Twin cylinder machines - H,Beckworth, 2¾ Douglas. 4. Variable gear and free engine machines - 1. P,Williams, 3½ Triumph. 2. J.Gilchrist, 3½ Zenith Gradua. 5. Open to any machine – 1. J. Dale, 3½ Triumph. 2. E. Goult, 3½ h.p. Rudge.

A photograph of Mr Moon shows him wearing the famous cap with a peak at the back made for motorcyclists (?). There is a similar photograph of C.W.Smith of Darlington with his 3½ hp. Smith Precision who made fastest time of the day.

May 1st. Yearby Village was awakened from its wonted quietude on Wednesday evening by an invasion of motorcyclists assembled to participate in the Flexibility Hill Climb. Timekeepers were Mr M.Jefferson and Mr R.Richardson who had the valuable assistance of a trained staff of flag-signallers. Results were: 1st - H.S.Moon, 2¾ Hudson, 4mins.10.4secs. 2nd - J.Nivens, 2½ Triumph, 3mins.25.1secs. The times shown denote the difference in the times taken to accomplish the fast and slow ascents.

The Annual Smoker and Prize Presentation took place in the Corporation Hotel. Councillor Forbes presented the prizes won during the past season. Opportunity was taken to present a portrait of one of the sidecar members, Mr James Smith (Caliper Smith?) by the frequenters of the "Corner" as a memento of his Silver Wedding and also as a reward for his unflinching patience when listening to their oft-told motoring yarns. One member turned up arrayed for a fancy-dress ball and was somewhat dismayed at the hearty reception accorded him. Great disappointment was expressed

THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 8 of 17 at the failure of the Motor Orchestra to provide a selection, especially as this had been greatly anticipated. In response to urgent appeals J,Dale, in vigorous language voiced the claims of motorists for a much-needed improvement in the roads leading from Middlesbrough.

1912 was notable for the first appearance of Freddy Dixon in the T.T.Races. He rode a Cleveland Precision but retired. The Cleveland Precision was manufactured by Egerton Price who became Mayor of Middlesbrough in 1922. Over 20 of these machines were manufactured but, being built up from parts made in and the consequent high cost of transporting them to Middlesbrough, was eventually responsible for the demise of same. It will also be remembered that the N.U.T. was manufactured in Newcastle/Tyne by Hugh Mason, a very beautiful machine with a twin Jap engine. Egerton tells me that this fact was one of the reasons why it was decided to build the Cleveland Precision. (Author's Note: It was about this time that the necessity of providing some sort of a variable gear ratio on motorcycles which had previously been belt-driven with a fixed gear ratio became apparent and such arrangements as the Zenith Gradua, the Rudge Multi of similar design, the former operated by a handle above the tank and the latter by a lever, appeared on the market as did the N.S.U. 2-speed pulley on the engine shaft and the Sturmey Archer 3-speed hub gear, a larger edition of the cycle 3-speed gear. All of course were belt driven.)


Jan.30th - The Annual General Meeting was held in the Corporation Hotel. G.W.Liddle occupied the Chair. General satisfaction was expressed with the Secretary's Report which showed that the Club's finances were in a very favourable position. Officers elected were: L.F,Gjers, President and Messrs L.F.Gjers Jnr, Stanley Sadler, T.A.Baker, C.MacAdam and W.Appleyard, Vice-Presidents, J.Dale, Captain, J.Gilchrist Vice-Capt., G.W.Liddle and J. Gillespie Joint Secretaries. Committee: M.Jefferson, J.Nivens, J.Rudland, R.Sorrell, P.Williams and R.Bowers. Reference was made to the excellent competition programme of the past season and also of the several interesting tours undertaken by members in Scotland, and as far distant as Landsend. An invitation was extended to all motorcyclists in the district to join the Club.

Feb.8th - A party of 30 journeyed by saloon to Newcastle/Tyne where they paid a visit to a leading motor-garage where various 1913 motorcycles were shown. Improvements promised a greater comfort for riders.

Feb.27th - The Annual Meeting of motorcyclists at Richmond took place on Good Friday, The Hotel Proprietors undertook to cater for large numbers and a fee of 1/- per head to be forwarded with the order. The Meet was spoilt by the weather. After days of blizzards, snow and rain, the sun made a welcome reappearance for the first time in the early morning but shortly after noon the clouds gathered and heavy rain fell. The Clubs represented were Middlesbrough, Leeds, Bradford, Ripon, Hartlepool, Sunderland, Stockton, Scarborough, Hull, Bishop Auckland, Darlington, Durham and South Shields.

Suggestions were being canvassed for some form of competition. A trophy to be held by the Club having the largest attendance. The number of members and distance THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 9 of 17 being taken into account. Prize medal to the owner of the smartest turnout, solo and sidecar. Secy. Hickson of the Stockton Club had a black pussycat on his back (doesn't state whether it was alive). J.Scriben of Bradford was seen with a new P.& M, whilst Felix Scriben was sticking to his old love, the Rex. T.Bullus rode a P.& M., H.W.Forbes, Secretary of the Club, recently married, drove a twin-cylinder Brown.

March 14th - The Mayor, Ald.A.Mattison, presided at a meeting in the Corporation Hotel when A.Lauriston's Paper entitled "The Law in relation to Motorcycles" was read by M.Jefferson. The Paper revealed that it was an offence to warn a motorist of a police trap, that if a machine skidded through no negligence on the driver's part and any person was injured, the driver could not be proceeded against. In passing tramcars there was no bye-law in Middlesbrough. Motorists must comply with the ordinary rule of the road unless same would be dangerous. Where there was danger it was the duty of the driver to pull up.

March 26th - A most successful function was promoted by the Club, the sixth Annual Whist Drive & Dance held in St.Barnabas Hall. The Hall was prettily draped in pink & white and on the platform motorcycles were effectively worked into the scheme of decoration which was undertaken by J.R.Storry & Sons. Super was served by Mrs Richardson. Dancing was to J.Burns Scarlet Orchestra and Miss Blacklock rendered two “extras”. Prize for the Whist were provided, by J,Newhouse Ltd., Frank Dick, J.H.Hill, A.Saltmer, J.C.Hetherington and J.Gilchrist.

The following programme was arranged:

June 30th Slow Race "Time V.Gears". July 5th N.E.A.A.Hill Climb,Legs Cross.

July 9th Sidecar Trial. July 12th Gymkhana at Busby Hall.

July 16th Flexibility Hill Climb. July 19th Short tour in the Lake District.

July 23rd Hill Climb at Birk Brow. July 26th Fuel consumption Trial for Sadler Bowl

July 30th Old Crocks Hill Climb at Ormesby Bank.

On July 14th we get the first mention of Saltburn when the Council were asked if it were possible to hold a Gymkhana in September. The Club was offered the use of the lower promenade but after it had been examined the Saltburn U.D.C. were thanked for their offer and it was regretted that same was found to be unsuitable.

Sept.3rd: Speed Judging Competition.

Sept 30th: Hill Climb on Birk Brow, won by J.B.Craig, prize a Palmer rear spring shock absorber. An open sweepstake on the event was won by H.V.Taylor with a figure of merit of 3,999.1.

Castleton Bank.

Two photographs exist showing the Company at the foot of the Hill, with a 2¾ hp.Douglas, also of Danby, 7/8 hp Indian taking the corner rather wide and a little too fast. He ran into the Bank about 20yds further on but was fortunately unhurt.

THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 10 of 17 In a foreword to the Gjers Cup it was reported that competitors would assemble at Marton Bungalow at 7.10 am. where numbers had to be fixed, mistakes on the route cards corrected and find the man with the largest supply of stickfast patches. On their number being called and warned ‘5 secs, to go – OFF’ the first obstacle being Slip Inn then Leven Bank. The course continued through Worsall, Scorton, Richmond to Halfpenny House, the rise to which would determine the condition of the engine. Then to Redmire via Preston and Askrigg Cross and so on to Brough, allowing all to breathe more freely and admire the beautiful rainstorms or scenery, as the weather clerk shall decide. In a word of advice to competitors, should it prove rainstorms, smile at every farmer and compare your lot with that of the Kaiser. If fine, sing "To be a Farmers Boy" but don't get jazzing as motorcycle mechanism and jazz music don't blend, (No secret checks) The next point of interest is the Moorcock Inn via Sedberge, Kendal, Crook to the Royal Hotel at Bowness where presumably refreshments were taken. The Trial was to resume at 4 pm. return journey being Keswick, Troutbeck, Dockwray, Pooley Bridge and Penrith. Then on to Bowes, Greta Bridge; Scotch Corner, Croft Bridge, Dinsdale, , Leven Bridge and the Bungalow.


M.Jefferson, Chairman of the Committee, called attention to the recent action taken by the Police to drivers of horses and cyclists who were driving to the common danger by their neglect of observation of the rules of the road and a letter was ordered to be sent to Harry Riches, Chief Constable, expressing extreme pleasure at the steps being taken for the better regulation of traffic and the suppression of reckless riding and driving.

The Winter programme was considered. Mr Sorrell was invited to lecture on 3-speed hub gears and if sufficient members could be found to support the project, a saloon mould be engaged for an excursion to London to visit the Motorcyclce Show in November. Four small Whist Drives and dances were to be promoted.

Nov.17th Secretaries were authorised to offer musicians for the Dance 10 tickets in lieu of payment and to pay Mr Edwards the sum of 4d per head for light refreshments.


11th Feb. A letter from Major Bower, Chief Constable, North Riding, regarding his inability to accept the sum of £1.1.0d. Decided to forward it to the Harrogate Police Institution. An appeal was made for contributions to the A.A. Signpost Fund. The auditors, after a request, had failed to audit the books and the Secretaries were given power to secure the services of any two reliable gentlemen.

27th Feb.

Mr.W.Ryan of Park Lane, Mliddlesbrough, was elected a member (President 1938/43).

Annual General Meeting was held at the Corporation Hotel - 28 members being present. In moving the adoption of the Committee's Report and the Balance Sheet, the Chairman M.Jefferson, made most interesting comments on local and national affairs of interest to motorcyclists. THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 11 of 17 Officers elected:- Pres.L.F.Gjers, Vice-Pres: S.Sadler, J.Gjers, C.MaAdam, Ald. A.Mattison, F.Scott, W.Armstrong. Hon.Secs: J.Gilchrist and Withington. Capt: C.W.Smith, Vice-Capt: G.W,Liddle. Committee: M.Jefferson, J.Niven, R,Sorrel, W.J.Weaver, H.V.Taylor, F.Dixon, W.H.Rudland and B.A.Ayrton.

23rd March. Letters were read from the Town Clerk and the R.A.C. regarding Road (not then made up we presume). H.V.Taylor resigned his seat on the Committee due to the fact that he did not own a motorcycle and W.Ryan was elected in his place. An invitation was received from the M.C.C. for the Club to join in the Motorcycle Cup Reliability Trial.

An extraordinary General Meeting to decide on events for the coming season was to be convened at Tates Cafe on March 30th. H.E.Kitching of Ayton Firs, Gt. Ayton was elected Vice-President in place of Ald.A.Mattison. The new Rules submitted by the Sub-Committee appointed, a copy of which appears in the Minute Book, were accepted and the Summer programme providing for 37 events, a copy of which also appears in the Minute Book. In addition two runs, to the Military Sunday at York and Saltburn Speed Trials, was adopted.

6th April. A letter from Mr Freshwater pointed out that he had taken steps for the institution of a series of signals between conductor and driver of the motor 'buses when they were being overtaken by other traffic. Mr Scoby Smith resigned his membership.

It was reported that Miss Robinson at Marton Bungalow intended to apply to the County Police for conditions necessary for the stocking and selling of petrol.

Scarborough & D.M.C. were to be written requesting information regarding the disqualification of Fred Dixon in their Hill Climb held Easter Monday 1913 at Staxton.

Electrical Timing.

An estimate for an electric bell system at a cost of £3.10.0d. Decided that this equipment be obtained.


The Chairman read a letter explaining the advantages of and urging the Club's affiliation with the above Union which aroused considerable discussion. W.Ryan proposed and F.Dixon seconded that the Club affiliates to the N.E.A.A.(North Eastern Automobile Association) for the benefit of those members who desired and were willing to pay the affiliation fee of 2/Od. An amendment by Mr.Price that the Club be affiliated to the A.C.U. Division A at 6d per head, seconded by B.A.Ayrton, was duly carried by 13 to 4. The Affiliation Agreement with the A.C.U. was signed on May 4th. It was also agreed that the Rule that country membership to those residing 5 miles out of Middlesbrough be altered and 20 miles substituted.

Messrs R.Richardson and A.G.Withington were delegated to look into the matter and cost of electrical timing.


Decided to communicate with the A.C. asking them to provide motorcycle events at their Saltburn Speed Trials,


Granted were - G.W.Liddle 3 guineas, Miss E.Gray 10/6d for services rendered. The Meeting closed with the usual vote of thanks to the officials, the Hon.Solicitor and the Chairman. An account of 4/0d was rendered from the Corporation Hotel for the use of the room for the A.G.M. After it had been pointed out that the previous charge was 2/6d it was agreed to pay the account under protest. Committee meetings in this period were generally held at 367 Linthorpe Road on alternative Mondays. A sub- committee was appointed to revise the Club Rules.

Summer Programme, 1914.

The opening run to take the form of a Club run to the Richmond Meet on Good Friday. The Club run to Westmorland to witness the open hill climb, presumably Orton Scarr, on Easter Monday. Gjers Cup Trial to start at 7 am. from Club H.Q., Marton Bungalow, the Club offering to pay the Management the licence fee to enable them to retail motor spirit.

Castleton Hill Climb.

Apparently the Police were not informed that this would take place and a letter was sent expressing their regret. A Team Trial was held on Saturday, June 6th, teams to consist of 3 prizes to be 7/6d per man for the winning team. If 5 teams entered, 2/6d per man for the 2nd team. Entry fee to be 1/Od.

Birk Brow Hill Climb.

Standard scale of prizes and entry fee - electrical timing. Start to take place from farm gate.

Postponed Hill Climb at Castleton. Sat. July 4th.

This to be a joint event with the Stockton A.C. A letter was read from the Police Superintendent granting his sanction. The offer of Sternol Oil Co. offering 5 x 1½gals. of Sternol as a prize for a competition was accepted.

Gjers Cup 200 miles Trial.

Mr L,F.Gjers regretted his inability to accompany same. The route was agreed to. Messrs Stewarts Ld. were asked if they would have the route cards printed for the privilege of being allowed the use of the back for advertising purposes - they later confirmed the verbal offer of prize valued one guinea. Letter from the A.A. stating that their scouts were instructed to help the competition. Mr Scott offering 3 seats in car for the Gjers Cup as checkers.

THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 13 of 17 Speed Trials at Saltburn.

The Yorkshire A.C. apparently turned down the request for a motorcycle event and the hope was expressed that next year they would reconsider the matter. Prizes for events were offered from the Sunborne Oil Co. and Wood Milne Tyre Co.

July 6th - Treasurer submitted a report showing credit balance of £8.

July 11th - Club Run and Picnic to Rievaulx Abbey. _July 15th, Knockout competition.

July 18th - MacAdams Sidecar Trial for Cup - distance to be 80/100 miles. Course agreed to. Mr Whitfield of the N.C.U.National Cyclists Union to measure the course on his maps. Adult lady passengers to be carried.

July 20th - Letter from the A.C.U. requesting information about hotels. Decided to recommend the Corporation Hotel if terms were satisfactory. Motor Traders Union offered 3 prizes which were accepted and they were asked for their definition of a private owner.

July 22nd - Slow Race, Time versus Gears.

July 29th - Old Crocks Hill Climb.

Aug.1914.- Run arranged to the Lake District to witness the Speed Trials of the Westmorland Club at Penrith on August Bank Holiday Monday.

AUGUST 4th. WAR DECLARED ON GERMANY. Aug 5th - Ladies Day at Marske. (postponed until Aug 26th). Aug 8th - Reliability Trial for the Douglas Cup. 1st prize, Douglas Cup and Club Gold Medal value 23/Od.

Aug.15th - Hill Climb at Yearby, if police permit - if not at Ormesby Bank.

Rudge Whitworth Co asking for a copy of Club Handbook. Replied we had not a handbook. A deputation was appointed to wait on the Mayor to see what assistance the Club could give to the Civil Authorities.

Aug.31st - A letter from the A.C.U. respecting the continuance of Club competitions. Owing to disorganisation and unsettled state of things due to the War the outing of the Ladies Day was cancelled. It was decided that the competition for the Sadler Bowl bexun off on Sept.12th.

Agreed to give a donation of 3 guineas to the Prince of Wales Relief Fund through the Mayor of Middlesbrough. A small committee was appointed to collect all the subscriptions outstanding.

Oct 12th - A letter from the A.C.U. giving outline proposals for the 1915 handbooks which were approved. The Cargo Fleet Iron Co.Ltd. offered 50-gals of Benzol to the Despatch Riders in answer to an appeal.

A postcard from the R.W.F.S. asking for two representatives at a meeting in the Zetland Hotel to formulate a Winter programme of the Allied Sports effort with a view

THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 14 of 17 to raising funds for the various War Charities. The Club representatives were asked to arrange for services of motorcyclists in connection with the Middlesbrough & District (Belgium) Flag Day on Saturday, 17th October. Messrs Gilchrist, Close, Price, Weaver, Ryan volunteered.

Despatch Riders. - Mr Liddle reported respecting same and Mr Ryan moved the acceptance of same and that the Club place on record our thanks and appreciation for his work done in organising and carrying out same which was seconded by Mr Price. It was agreed that due to the falling off of work in connection with recruiting, despatch riding as organised by the Club, be discontinued.

Dec.7th - Letter from the Town Clerk expressing the Mayor's appreciation of the Club's services as Despatch Riders during the recruitment rush and expressing his concordance with the maintenance of the Hemlington service. A letter from Major Rance, Chief Recruiting Officer, expressing thanks for services rendered to the above.

Civil Guard. - Agreed that postage in respect of same be paid out of Club Funds and that 3-doz. signalling flags be purchased. Reported that the sum of 4 guineas had been collected by Mr Sorrel on behalf of the mother of Pte. Briggs, lately deceased. Dr.Longbotham sent a donation of a guinea as a thanks offering for services rendered by Despatch Riders during the recruiting rush. A sum of 7/6d was forwarded to the Police Benevolent Fund. Agreed to pay the sum of 30/0d to Mr Liddle for use of his office for Committee Meetings.


A.G.M. - Fixed for Jan.29th 1915 at the Zetland Hotel. Agreed that subscriptions still owing from members who had joined H.M.Forces be left in abeyance until their return. A disputed account from Baker Bros for £6.16.Od in respect of the electrical timing apparatus was considered. Mr Close reported that he had been offered the apparatus by Baker Bros at cost price and it was decided to purchase same from Mr Close for £5. Mr Close agreed to keep the same in working order.

Jan. 1915 . A letter from the A.C.U. respecting affiliations for 1915 and pointing out that the Middlesbrough Club was included in the N.E.Centre administered by the N.E.A.A. and Quintin A.Nichol asked to be allowed to attend one of the Club's meetings for the purpose of explaining benefits under the N.E.A.A. 2/6d Scheme. A letter from the Chief Constable, Henry Riches, thanking the Club for donation to the Police Benevolent Fund. Agreed to recommend that the subscriptions for 1915 be reduced and agreed that any member serving in the Forces should be made an honorary member.

A.G.M. - Held at Sparks Cafe - 18 members being present. M.Jefferson elected to the Chair. Committee's report and Balance Sheet were adopted. Elections: President, L.F.Gjers. Vice-Pres: elected en block. Capt: G.W.Liddle. Vice-Capt: R.Sorrel. Hon.Sec: J.Gilchrist. Assist:Hon.Sec: F.W.Trotter. Committee. : M.Jefferson, W.Ryan, F.Dixon, W.Weaver, C.C.Close, W.Pepper, A.Young, T.A.Gjertsen, W.H.Rudland.

THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 15 of 17 Auditors: Messrs Armstrong and Richardson.

March 1915. - M.Jefferson elected Chairman of the Committee, W.Rudland Vice-Chairman. Ladies subscription agreed 1/0d.

Agreed to approach Messrs Rowntree for Pocket Cases of Stationery and Chocolate to send to members of the Club serving with the Forces. Also decided to ask the Shell people for Pocket Books, Pratts for Knives and Midland Insurance Co. for Maps.

New members elected were Oddy, Kirk, Munnock, Spark, Jones and Bow.

Decided to open the season with a Club Rum to Richmond on Friday.

The date of the next Committee meeting was fixed and members were asked to think out schemes for activities in the future.

Decided to vote for A.G.Armstrong and Dr. Lowe for election to the A.C.U. Committee. A letter from Rowntree's regretting their inability to supply Service cases. Agreed to ask them for half-tin of eating chocolate to send to Club members in the Forces. Also agreed to supply members with French Dictionaries at a cost of from 6d to 1/0d each. London Guarantee Co., Pratts Spirit Co. and Shell Motor Spirit acceded to the request for gifts of Maps, Pocket Knives and Pocket Books to members serving in the Forces. Decided that the headquarters of the Club at the Richmond Meet would be at the Bishop Blaze Hotel.

Contributions to the War Effort. - Arrangements were made for as many members as possible to turn up at Hemlington Hospital on the second Sunday after Easter with cars and sidecars to give nurses and wounded a run out.

Mr Straughier was elected a member.

April. - Mr Ryan undertook to obtain 30 tins of Elect Chocolate to send to members in the Forces. Certain members were struck off for non-payment of subscriptions. New members elected were H.Thompson, A.Armstrong, D.Heald, E.H.Wood, E.Lund and J.H.Neat. Exception was taken to a letter which appeared in the Gazette and it was agreed that a representative be sent to that paper stating what the Club had done since the beginning of the War.

Insurance. - It was decided to adopt an insurance scheme and J.Gilchrist was appointed as agent.

May. Summer Programme.- Decided to adopt a trial programme for one month. A Club run to Egton Bridge, a Slow Race and a Speed Judging Competition. The chocolate and dictionaries having been obtained, it was decided to send same with a letter to members in the Forces.

G.Blackburn was elected a member.

July. - Letters were received from members in the Forces acknowledging receipt of chocolate and dictionaries. THE HISTORY of the MIDDLESBROUGH & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB PART 1 16 of 17 Summer Programme. - As the attendances at three events arranged were considered far from satisfactory it was decided to abandon the usual summer programme for this season.

J.Gilchrist and A.Young decided to give prizes won by them in the three competitions to one of the War Charities.

Mr A.NIedd was elected a new member.

10 Jan.1916. - Agreed that under the War conditions we could do nothing in the ordinary way of Club life and therefore there was no use in calling a General Meeting. In the meantime officials of the Club were instructed to do their best and all ordinary business was postponed until more settled times. The 1915 subscription of 2/6d to carry members on until a fresh start was made. Decided to ask holders of Club property to return it to the Club. Agreed that the Club make a donation of 10/6d to the Northern Police Orphanage and that subscriptions to War Charities was a matter for personal inclination.

Club activities suspended until 1919.


20 pence per copy will be divided equally between Samaritan and Competition Funds.

Reproduced June 2003 for publication on the Middlesbrough & District Motor Club Website as part of the Centenary Celebrations of the club 2005.