By:AAKuempel H.R.ANo.A898


1 WHEREAS, Luke R. Tiemann marked a milestone in his academic

2 career with his December 2008 graduation from The University of

3 Texas at ; and

4 WHEREAS, Obtaining a bachelor ’s degree in communication

5 studies, Mr. Tiemann specialized in human relations and minored in

6 business, also earning a Business Foundations Certificate; he was

7 named to the UT Dean ’s Honor List and the Athletic Director Honor

8 Roll; and

9 WHEREAS, This notable young Texan shared his time with a

10 number of worthwhile organizations during his college career; he

11 volunteered his time to mentor a fifth-grade student, and as a

12 member of the Texas Cowboys student organization, he worked with

13 the ARC of the Capital Area and assisted with charity events; and

14 WHEREAS, Also a talented athlete, Mr. Tiemann was a member of

15 The University of football team, and he was awarded

16 a scholarship from the National Football Foundation and College

17 Hall of Fame; his free time is often spent traveling, hunting, and

18 enjoying barbecue; and

19 WHEREAS, Luke Tiemann has demonstrated a dedication to

20 achieving his goals that will serve him well in the years to come,

21 and all those who know him look forward to watching as a career of

22 great promise unfolds; now, therefore, be it

23 RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas

24 Legislature hereby congratulate Luke R. Tiemann on his graduation

81R14171 JNC-D 1 H.R.ANo.A898

1 from The University of Texas at Austin and extend to him sincere

2 best wishes for continued success; and, be it further

3 RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

4 prepared for Mr. Tiemann as an expression of high regard by the

5 Texas House of Representatives.