OF THE Uaptist iilteistonari) ^ocictj),



H fcL n AT

GREAT QUEEN STREET CHAPEL, r On Thursday, June 21 si,




Relative to the Society.








On Thursday, June 21st, 1827, at Great Queen Street Chapel:



Moved by the Rev. J o seph K in g h o r n , of Norwich, seconded by Rev. S am uel N ich o lso n , of Plymouth, I. That the Report now read be adopted and circulated under the direction of the Committee; and that this Meeting desires, devoutly and humbly, to acknowledge the goodness of God in enabling this Institution to co-operate in fulfilling the Divine command to pro­ claim the Gospel among the heathen; and deeply sensible that success can only be expected where exertions are made from prin­ ciples which God shall approve, earnestly recommends the friends of the Society to pray that the spirit of meekness, wisdom, faith, and love may rest upon all, at home and abroad, by whom its affairs are conducted.

Moved by the Rev. E ustace C a r e y , of Calcutta, seconded by the Rev. J o h n S t a t h a m , from Howrah, II. That the proceedings of the Gentlemen who have acted on behalf of the Institution during the past year, meet the cordial approbation of this Meeting—that the Treasurer and Secretary be requested to retain their offices—Mr. William Beddome, Mr. W. Burls, Jun. and Mr. Paul Millard be the Auditors—and the following Gentlemen constitute the Committees for the next year. 4

Ctxafjurer. JOHN BROADLEY WILSON, E sq. £?ccr£tarin

R e v . JOHN DYER. m itrito m Messrs. W. BEDDOME, W. BURLS, and PAUL MILLARD,

festival Committee.

R e v . J. ACWORTH, Leeds. C. ANDERSON, Edinburgh. W. H. ANGAS, . G. BARCLAY, Irvine. ISAIAH' BIRT, Birmingham. C. E. BIRTr Portsea. J. BIRT, Manchester. T. BLUNDELL, Camberwell. J. CHIN, Walworth. T. COLES, Bourton. W. COPLEY, Oxford. F. A. COX, LL.D. Hackney. EDMUND CLARKE, Truro. E. DANIELL, Luton. R. DAVIS, Walworth. T. C. EDMONDS, Cambridge, W. GILES, Chatham. W. GRAY, Northampton. S. GREEN, Thrapston. W. CrROSER, Maidstone. ROBERT HALL, Bristol. C. HARDCASTLE, Waterford. J. HEMMING, Kimbolton. J. H. HINTON, Reading. J. HOBY, Weymouth. R. HOGG, Kimbolton. R. HORSEY, Wellington. T. HQRTON, Devonport. VV. INNES, Edinburgh. J. IVIMEY, London. J. JARMAN, Nottingham. J. KERSHAW, Abingdqn. S. KILPIN, Exeter. J. KINGHORN, Norwich. J. LISTER, Liverpool. 5

R e v . ISAAC MANN, London. T. MIDDLEDITCH, Biggleswade. C. T. MILEHAM, Bow. J. MILLARD, Lymington. T. MORGAN, Birmingham. W. H. MURCH, Frome. 3. MURSELL, Leicester. W. NEWMAN, D.D. Bow. W. NICHOLS, Collingham. J. PAYNE, Ipswich. R. PENGILLY, Newcastle. G. PRITCHARD, London. R. PRYCE, Coate. P. J. SAFFERY, Salisbury. J. SIMMONS, Olney. S. SAUNDERS, Liverpool. JAMES SMITH, Ilford. W. STEADMAN, D.D. Bradford. M. THOMAS, Abergavenny. T. THONGER, Hull. J. UPTON, London. T. WATERS, Pershore. J. WILKINSON, Saffron Walden. T. WINTER, Bristol.

M e s s r s . B. ANSTIE, Devizes. W. BEDDOME, London. G. BLIGHT, London. N. BOSWORTH, London. J. M. BUCK LAND, Hackney. W. BURLS, Edmonton. J. DEAKIN, Birmingham. J. DEAKIN, Glasgow. J. DENT, Milton. JOSEPH FLETCHER, Tottenham. J. FOSTER, Biggleswade. W. B. GURNEY, London. J. GUTTERIDGE, Camberwell. J. HANSON. C- HILL, Scarborough. T. KING, Birmingham. J. LOMAX, Nottingham. J. MARSHALL, London. B. SHAW, London. . J. SHEPPARD, Frome. 6

tTnitral aronumtter.


Moved by the Rev. Dr. W in t e r , seconded by the Rev. C. E. B i r t , of Portsea, III. That this Meeting- fully recoguizes the just and urgent claims of the Society upon the strenuous support of the Christian public; and recommends all its friends vigorously to come forward with their aid, especially in the formation and encouragement of Auxiliary Societies.

Moved by the Rev. J o h n B i r t , of Manchester, seconded by the Rev. T ho m a s W tnter, of Bristol, IV. That this Meeting renews with great pleasure the expression of cordial thanks to the Trustees of this Chapel, and to the Rev. R. Hill, and the Trustees of Surry Chapel, for the kind and cheerful promptitude with which the use of their respective places of worship was granted on the present occasion.

Moved by the Rev. W. G r o se r , of Maidstone, seconded by the Rev. T hom as S h ir l e y , of Sevenoaks, V. That the next Annual Meeting of this Society be held in London, on Thursday, June 19, 1828.

Moved by the Rev. J o h n H o w a r d H in t o n , of Reading, seconded by the Rev. Ow en C la rk u, of Taunton, VI. That the respectful acknowledgments of this Meeting be presented to Joseph Gutteridge, Esq. for the kindness and ability with which he has conducted the proceedings of this day. tUlan of tljc *orieta.

I. Hie name by which the Society has been, and still is designated, is, “ The Particular Baptist Society for propagating the Gospel among the Heathenor, u The Baptist Missionary Society.” II. The great object of this Society is the diffusion of the knowledge of the religion of Jesus Christ through the heathen world, by means of the preaching of the Gospel, the translation and publication of the Holy Scriptures, and the establishment of Schools. III. All persons subscribing 10s. 6d. per annum, donors of £10. or upwards, and Ministers making annual collections on behalf of the Society, are considered as Members thereof. IV. A General Meeting of the Society shall be annually held ; at which the Committee and Officers shall be chosen for the year ensuing, the Auditors of Accounts appointed, and any other business pertaining to the Society transacted. y. A General Committee, consisting of eighty Members, shall be appointed for the purpose of circulating Missionary Intelligence, and promoting the Interests of the Society in their respective neighbourhoods; nine-tenths of whom shall be eligible for re-election for the ensuing year. VI. A Central Committee shall be formed out of the General Com­ mittee, more immediately to conduct the affairs of the Society : which Committee shall meet monthly, in London, on a fixed day, for the despatch of business. VII. Besides the Treasurer and Secretaries of the Society, who shall be considered Members, ex officio, the Central Committee shall consist of twenty-jive persons; of whom sixteen shall be resident in London, or its immediate vicinity, and nine in the country; five Members to be deemed a quorum. The Commit^e to be empowered to fill up, pro tempore, any vacancies from death or resignation. VIII. All Members of the General Committee shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meetings of the Central Committee; and whenever the attendance of any Member or Members shall be particularly desirable, the Central Committee shall be empowered to request such attendance ; in which case, the Member or Members so invited shall be considered as part of the quorum. IX. All monies received on behalf of the Society shall be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer; and when the amount shall exceed £300, it shall be invested in the public funds, in the names of four Trustees to be chosen by the Society, until required for the use of the Mission. FOR THE GENERAL PURPOSES OF THE SOCIETY. I give out of my monies, or personal estate, unto the Treasurer, for the time being, of the Baptist Missionary Society, the sum of for the use of such Society. And I declare that the Receipt of such Treasurer shall be a sufficient discharge for the same.

FOR PROMOTING THE TRANSLATION OF THE SCRIPTURES. I give out of my monies, or personal estate, unto the Treasurer, /or the time being, of the Baptist Missionary Society, the sum of to be applied to the sole purpose of promoting the Translation and Printing the Scriptures. And I declare that the Receipt of such Treasure)' shall be a sufficient dis­ charge for the same.

*** Those friends who wish to promote the extension of Native Schools, may, by distinctly stating their desire, effectually secure the application of their contributions or bequests to that specific object.

All persons who may have bequeathed to the Baptist Missionary Society, Legacies payable out of the late 5 per cent. Bank Annuities, are hereby respectfully requested to provide a substitute in their Wills, or by Codicils thereto, out of some other part of their Personal Estate. And further, that in all bequests of Stock, there be superadded, that in case there shall not be any, or sufficient money in the Stock named in the Will or 0òdicil to'pay'the said Legacy, that the same be paid out of the residue of the Testator’s Personal Estate. REPORT

Before your Committee proceed to narrate, as usual, the foreign operations of the Society, they deem it proper to refer to certain occurrences at home, in which the friends of the Mission have felt a lively interest, and on which they may justly claim full and explicit information. A notice has already been published, stating' that thence­ forward the Sooiety at home and the Missionaries at Seram- pore would constitute two distinct and independent bodies. In a measure so much at variance with the hopes and incli­ nations of the Committee, they did not hastily concur; nor have they failed to use all such means to avoid it, as in their deliberate judgment appeared consistent with their duty to those for whom they acted. In the new and difficult circum­ stances in which they have been placed, they have earnestly desired to maintain a conscience void of offence both towards God and man; and in appealing, as they now do, to the body by whom they were appointed, they feel it incumbent upon them to state the circumstances which have led to the result alluded to. It is well known that soon after Dr. Carey was joined, in the year 1799, by the brethren Marshman and Ward, a way •was opened in Providence for such an employment of their respective talents, as without materially interfering with missionary labours, proved a source of considerable and in­ creasing emolument. To obviate the danger of a secularizing spirit, they mutually stipulated* that no individual among them should appropriate any part of the proceeds of his labours to his own private use, but that all should constitute a common fund, consecrated, after supplying their own necessary de- * See Appendix, No. T. (a) 10 mands, to the service of God and the propagation of the gospel around them. In the course of years the missionary premises at Serampore •were purchased, and other property acquired at that station. What degree of information was possessed by the conductors of the Mission at home, respecting the property thus accumu­ lated, is uncertain; but there appears reason to believe that it was purchased with the joint funds of the Missionaries at Serampore and the Society, and it was fully understood, upon the most convincing evidence, that it belonged clearly and unequivocally to the Society, and was held by the resident Missionaries in trust for the Society, of which they formed a part.* On the lamented decease of Mr. Fuller (which occurred in May 1815) the affairs of the Mission devolved upon those who were but very partially acquainted with the details of its history, or the circumstances in which it stood. It became therefore obviously needful to make inquiries on these subjects. Though it was understood generally that the Society had considerable possessions in India, not an individual knew the tenure by which they were held, or the manner in which they were secured. Such information it was felt desirable to obtain; and a letter which arrived soon afterwards from Serampore brought the subject distinctly and forcibly before the Committee. This letter, dated March 1816, was addressed by the late -Mr. Ward to Mr. Burls. Though bearing the signature of Mr. Ward only, it was written avowedly in the names of the three Serampore brethren. It stated that these brethren, “ aware of the uncertainty of life, and at the same time of the great importance and necessity of providing for the future carrying on of the Mission Station at Serampore,” and securing “ theimmense property”in land and moveables there,had agreed upon certain “ principles of the last importance, to the pre-, servation of the cause.” Among these principles the proprietor­ ship of the Society was expressly recognized; but as the plan iiad not been finally digested, it was to be again revised, and * See Appendix, No. I. ( b) 11 sent to the Society “ for their opinion, and if approved, for their ratification.” This important document was considered at a meeting of the Committee held at Birmingham in Oct. 1816: and about two mouths afterwards, by the Sub-Committee then assembled at Oxford. At the last of these meetings, the Committee felt disposed to adopt the suggestion of a professional gentleman from Calcutta, at that time in London, who had recommended that the Society’s property in India should be vested in Trustees, some resident there, and others in . The names of eight gentlemen were then mentioned, who might be requested to act as Trustees, subject to the approval of the General Committee, who were to be summoned finally to adjust the points, whenever the revised plan should arrive from Serampore. Till June 1818, a period of a year and a half, no further steps were taken by the Committee, because this expected document had not reached them from Serampore. But at that time a letter of great length was received from the Missionaries there, the contents of which filled the Committee with surprise and concern. It appeared that the proposal to invest the premises at Serampore in the hands of Trustees appointed by the Society, (a proposal which, though suggested, had never been actually adopted) was regarded as unjustifiable in itself, and as indi­ cating a distrustful and unfriendly spirit. It was affirmed that the property in question, though devoted to the cause of God, had never been given to the Society; and to guard themselves against any inconvenience which might follow a claim of this nature on the part of the Society, they executed a legal in­ strument, formally excluding from any “ title to the property or administration of the premises,” all persons belonging to the Baptist Missionary Society, unless elected as Trustees by the Serampore Missionaries themselves.* To this unexpected communication a reply was sent, dated June 26, 1818. In it the brethren were implored to consider the nature and consequences of the step which they had taken. * See Appendix, No. I. (cj 12 They were assured that, so far from regarding them with suspicion or distrust, thè Committee felt such confidence itr their wisdom and faithfulness, as to he willing, as far as they were personally concerned, to resign every thing to their sole management; but that, in the measures then adopted, they could not acquiesce without surrendering the interests confided to their care. In a more numerous meeting of the Committee, held at Birmingham in the following August, the subject was again considered, and several Resolutions were passed* recording the conviction of the Committee, that they were responsible to the public for the due application of the Serampore premises, and earnestly recommending the Missionaries there, so to secure them as to meet the approbation of the Christian Public in Britain.* When our Tate friend Mr. Ward arrived in England, in May, 1819, it soon appeared that he felt as much anxiety as ever respecting the settlement of the property at Serampore, and was wholly dissatisfied with the arrangements then existing. Anxious to bring the matter to a final termination, the Committee conversed repeatedly with Mr. Ward, and em­ bodied their own views in a series of Resolutions, dated Dec. 3 1 ,1819.*j* These re-asserted the sentiments previously adopted at Birmingham, in more full and explicit language and having been communicated to Mr. Ward, he, without pledging his brethren at Serampore to similar views, declared his own concurrence in them. Soon after these Resolutions reached Serampore, the breth­ ren then at that station answered them by others, dated July 14, 18204 expressing their regret that it should have been supposed that they entertained any wish to alienate the property from the Society, and their willingness to make, if it were practicable, such alterations in the deeds as might render them unexceptionable. Had measures been taken to effect

* See an account of this Meeting, and a Circular issued from it in the Periodioal Account», vol. vi. p. 340. t See Appendix, Ho. I. (d) + See Appendix, No. I. Ce} 13 this object, tbe discussion would, of course, bave been brought to au immediate and agreeable termination. Subsequent letters, however, did not fulfil such an expectation; but, on the contrary, indicated unabated dissatisfaction with the pro-1 ceedings of the Committee. With a view to dissipate this impression, and set the whole question to rest, a full explana­ tory letter was drawn up in April 1821, in which the assurance was repeated, that the Committee had been actuated by no design towards their Serampore brethren but that of protecting their reputation, while, at the same time, they had been con­ strained to fulfil their own duty to the public. It was added, that having done all that appeared practicable, they must close the correspondence by again declaring that the mode in which the property was still settled, was not satisfactory. In August, 1822, Mr. John Marshman arrived, and soon after, held repeated conferences with the Committee on this point., A memorandum was afterwards prepared^ stipulating, on the part of the Serampore Missionaries, that they should yet frame their plan “ for securing the establishment there to the great objects for which it was instituted, so as to avail themselves of the aid, co-operation, and interference of the Society at home, if necessary’'—an arrangement in which the Committee were induced to acquiesce, rather than prolong discussions which promised no beneficial result. Since the date of that memorandum, no information has been received on the subject; nor has it been formally resumed* though the Committee have subsequently deemed it right to intimate that their opinion on the case has undergone no alteration. While these discussions were in progress, another subject was brought forward, which eventually affected, in an equal degree, the connexion between the Society and the Missionaries at Serampore. This was the establishment of the Serampore College, in 1818. Upon this undertaking the advice of the Committee was not solicited, nor was it ever considered as connected with the Society; but the expense thus incurred absorbed the funds which had been previously devoted by tbe Serampore brethren to missionary efforts, and it became 14 necessary for them to solicit British aid even for the main­ tenance of the College itself. Application being made to the Committee for this object, although they could not consider the funds entrusted to them as generally available for such a purpose, yet in order to meet the wishes of their brethren, as far as they could with propriety, they engaged to Telieve them from the expenses attending the preparation of pious natives for the Christian Ministry. Six months afterwards, Mr. John Marshman applied for pecuniary aid towards the Missionary stations also, the support of which the Serampore brethren had formerly taken upon themselves, and which they now regarded as their own, ex­ clusive of the Society, but which, for the reason already stated, they were no longer able to maintain. Upon this oc­ casion it was resolved, “ That on being furnished with a statement of the Stations and Missionaries, for whom support was needed, the Committee would take such part of the same on themselves as their resources would allow.” Without waiting, however, for a formal reply, a grant of £1000 was voted, and two other donations, each of an equal amount, have since been made. In addition to this, at the request of their Serampore brethren, Mr. Robinson, still supported by the Society, was permitted to occupy the station at the Lall Bazar Chapel in Calcutta. Mr. Williamson, also, another European labourer, was, on a similar application, taken on its funds. By these two arrangements an expenditure of nearly £600 per annum was transferred from the Serampore Missionaries to the Society. On the arrival of Dr. Marshman, the subject of pecuniary contribution was again urged on the Committee, with a view to render the arrangement as permanent as the nature of the Society would admit. It was felt objectionable, indeed, that the stations had been, and all their contemplated missionary efforts were to remain, identified with the College; but waiving this, it was agreed, at the proposal of Dr. Marshman, that one-tenth of the general receipts of the Society should be remitted to Serampore—it being stipulated at the same time, 15 on the part of the Committee, that regular information should he given of the mode in which the money so voted was ex­ pended.* In less than three months, Dr. Marshman informed the »Committee that the expenses of the Serampore Stations had materially increased, and requested that a Special Meeting might be convened, to consider of allowing to Serampore a sixth part of the Society’s income; intimating also that even a larger sum might hereafter be solicited. A few days before the Committee met to consider this question, which was de­ layed, to suit Dr. Marsh man’s convenience, till the 15th of March last, a paper, intitled a Confidential Statement, was forwarded by him to every member of the Committee. It contained a new proposal. On the ground that £2400 per annum was indispensably necessary for the Missionary efforts either made or contemplated at Serampore, Dr. Marshman relinquished his intention of asking for any definite proportion of the Society’s funds, and wished to learn what sum the Com­ mittee would engage to remit annually, that he might supply any deficiency by bringing before the public a distinct claim for the remainder. On the day already mentioned, a very numerous attendance of the Committee took place, when Dr. Marshman laid this document before them. It was followed by the introduction of a letter, which had just arrived from Dr. Carey and Mr. J. Marshman, stating that in consequence of the inadequacy of their resources, they had placed upon the funds of the Society four of the stations, for which aid had been required, the cost of which would be nearly £600 per annum. . As this measure precisely coincided with the arrangement proposed so long before by the Committee, and as it appeared likely to restore unity in our missionary operations, the Com' mittee readily agreed to it, and proposed to Dr. Marshman to extend the same principle, so as to include the remaining stations, on account of which expense was incurred by their Serampore brethren.f To provide for their management, it * See Appendix, No. I, (f) t See Appendix, No. I.(g) 16 Vas suggested that the whole of the Missionary brethren lit Bengal might form a Corresponding Committee, under the presidency of Dr. Carey; and, as the latter part of this ar­ rangement appeared objectionable to Dr. Marshman, it was subsequently proposed to leave the superintendance of the stations to Drs. Carey and Marshman during their lives, re­ serving to the Society only the nomination of their successors. The consideration of this proposal, and of the general sub­ ject, occupied several days of most anxious deliberation, and repeated efforts were made to prevent the painful issue to which the discussions were apparently tending. But as every proposal made by the Committee was declined by Dr. Marsh­ man, upon grounds which he declared to be imperative, they were constrained to yield to a separation, which their present com­ munications with Dr. M. convinced them had actually been made, and which it was manifestly determined to maintain. In admitting the conviction that it had become expedient for the Society and the Serampore brethren henceforth to act altogether separately, the Committee were fully aware of the unfavourable impression which might be produced, and deeply sympathized in the painful feelings which the event might oc­ casion; but they also felt that they could not consistently continue to vote the funds with which they were entrusted, to a body asserting entire independence—who would still appeal to the public by a separate agency—whose demands were continually rising—and for the support of stations which were to be governed by the irresponsible council of a college. While the Committee are conscious of having fulfilled the trust reposed in them with the utmost tenderness towards their brethren at Serampore, they entertain no doubt that their constituents will feel the force of the reasons under which they have acted. May it please God to overrule this event, how­ ever undesirable in itself, to the furtherance of the Gospel of his Son ! 17 Full particulars respecting the Serampore stations have lately reached us, which we shall insert without abridgment in the Appendix,* as they would occupy too much room in the body of the Report. We shall now proceed to notice the principal events in connexion with the various stations more immediately united with the Society. At Calcutta, the congregation in Lai Bazar Chapel, under the care of Mr. R o b in s o n , has been gradually increasing, and nine persons have been added to the church, five of whom are natives. C h o d r o n and G o r a c h u n d , the native itinerants, continue to labour as usual, nor are their endea­ vours without effect. “ Respecting the church in the Circular Road,” say our junior brethren, in a letter lately received, “ we are happy to state that since the death of brother L a w s o n , we have ex­ perienced a gracious revival. The Spirit of God has evidently been poured out on the congregation. We have reason to believe that it commenced with the dying breath of our be­ loved brother. His solemnly affectionate admonitions to some of the young people proved effectual to their conversion. The firmness and happy frame of mind with which he encountered the last enemy, were greatly sanctified in reviving the droop­ ing graces of several of his friends. He died as the patriarchs, leaving a blessing behind him. His funeral sermon, preached by brother Y a t e s , was also blessed to several, so that during the last year, thirty have been added to the church, most of whom are young people from the age of thirteen to twenty. Several of these are Portuguese young men, who speak the Bengalee language, and who perform, to a certain extent, the work of Missionaries among the heathen, both by their ex­ ample and faithful addresses. W e are hence led to hope that through their instrumentality the circle will be widened, and that the English church in this city will prove one of the most extensive and lasting blessings to the native population here, and be the means of spreading the word of life to more dis­ tant parts. The members of it are a light shining in a dark place, the epistles of Christ read and known of all men * See Appendix, No. II. C 18 When in addition to this you consider the contributions they make towards missionary objects, and the means they possess of spreading the gospel in this idolatrous country, we trust you will not object to one of your Missionaries giving the chief part of his time to so important a field of labour. What the church of Antioch was in the days of the apostles, that we hope the church here will prove to the present race of heathens.” From the Annual Report of the Calcutta Auxiliary Baptist Missionary Society, which was held in August last, when our venerable friend, Dr. Ca r ey , filled the chair, we learn that there are four native places of worship occupied by the Society, situated in the most public places in the city, and generally attended by many hearers. Mr. K ir k pa tr ic k and Mr. Ca r a pie t are principally engaged in this service, which not only affords them an opportunity of preaching the gospel to thousands, but also of distributing great numbers of tracts, gospels, and other portions of the scriptures. On an average, it is estimated that not less than twenty native services are held every week in these Bungalow chapels, and frequently the whole day is spent in them, either in conducting public worship, or con­ versing familiarly, during the intervals, with those who remain for that purpose. Three members had been admitted into the native church; a fourth was proposed for baptism, but was soon afterwards removed by death. The present number in connexion with this native society is fifteen. Our brethren in this great city have been much cheered bythe arrival of the additional Missionaries sent out last year. Their aid had be­ come the more necessary, since the American brethren, W ad e and BoARDMAN, who bad for some time usefully and ac­ ceptably co-operated with them in the work of God, were about to proceed to Burmah; in addition to which, our re­ spected friends, Mr. Y ates and Mr. St at h am , have been compelled to intermit their labours for a time, and seek, by revisiting their native land, for a renewal of that vigour which long continued exertions had materially impaired. During the absence of Mr. Statham , the services he has hitherto conducted will be chiefly maintained by Mr. G e o r g e 19

P e a r c e , who will reside at Doorgdpore. Mr. J a m e s T h o m a s will render assistance at the English chapel, while his principal attention will be devoted to the Mussulman popu­ lation of Calcutta, who are computed at 10,000 souls, with­ out any Missionary expressly engaged for their benefit. Mr. T h o m a s was prepared for this branch of service by his ac­ quaintance with the Hindosthanee, acquired before he left this country. Mr. P e a r c e had also made considerable pro­ ficiency in the Bengalee ; and the superior advantage thus possessed by these brethren, who last entered on the missionary field, has been so evident and considerable, as to entitle the Language Institution, formed with the express design of thus qualifying Missionaries to enter much more speedily on their important work, to the patronage and support of the Christian public. The Benevolent Institution, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. P e n n e y , continues to be a source of much benefit to the in­ digent youth of Calcutta. The present number of pupils is 258, among whom are to be found Europeans, Hindoos, Mussulmans, Portuguese, Indo-Britons, Chinese, Africans, Armenians, and Jews. Since the establishment of this insti­ tution, upwards of 1000 children have been fostered under its benevolent wing, who would otherwise, in all probability, have beeik ijpomed to a life of ignorance, wretchedness, and vice. Instead of this, many of them are now filling respectable sta­ tions in life, with honour to themselves, and satisfaction to their employers ; while in some there is reason to hope that effects far more pleasing have been produced. Two brothers, who' had been educated in the institution, died lately, testify­ ing their faith in the Son of God, and praying for their rela­ tions, teacher, and the whole world. Nor must it be forgotten that the Calcutta Juvenile Society, who are zealously engaged in conducting prayer meetings from house to house, distri­ buting tracts, and establishing Sabbath schools, is composed of young men who have been educated here. It is gratifying to add, that the value «f this Institution is evidently appre­ ciated by the public and the government For several years past a highly respectable lady has presented each girl with 20 a garment, on condition of her making it herself. The go­ vernment have also made a generous donation of 13,000 rupees during the last year, in order to liquidate the debts, and repair the school room of the institution. The printing office, conducted by Mr. P ea rce, is becom­ ing more and more important as a means of diffusing intellec­ tual, moral, and religious truth. Besides many thousand tracts and school books, in various languages, and other miscellaneous works of a larger size, there have issued from it a Commentary on the Romans in Bengalee, by brother E u s t a c e Ca rey ; a work on geography, with other small publications in the same language, by brother P earce ; with a Harmony of the Gospels, in Hindosthanee, a new Translation of the Psalms, and an Epitome of Natural History, with various other works in Bengalee, by brother Y a tes. About seventy persons are employed, in various capacities in the office, among whom are several native Christians, thus comfortably supported by their own labour. A service is held for the benefit of all the office servants, twice or thrice a week, which, it is hoped, may lead many of them to an acquaintance with the truth of the Gospel; and eventually, under the divine blessing, to an experience of its power. It may not be improper to add, that the expense to the So­ ciety of the various missionary operations at Calcutta which have now been described, is, compared with their extent and importance, extremely moderate; and that our brethren there have lately been engaged in erecting premises for the Society, which, when completed, will relieve the station from the heavy burden of house rent. The estimated cost of these buildings is ¿£>5000, of which sum the Missionaries themselves hope to furnish a moiety. A letter, lately received from Mr. George Pearce, will furnish an appropriate close to our account of this station. “ It has struck me, from what I have observed, during the short time that I have been in this country that much more is doing here than the generality of people in England are aware of. I have heard some of them use a kind of desponding language in reference to India, as though what had already 21 been accomplished was not a sufficient return for the money and labour bestowed. But could such persons see what is now visible in India—the removal of European prejudice— the number of European Christians—the readiness with which this part of the community aid the cause of Christian benevo­ lence in every form—could they see the natives crowding to hear the word of life, and inviting the preachers to visit them again—prejudice fleeing before the truth—schools filled with children, male and female—the press pouring forth the Scrip­ tures and religious tracts in many languages, and to all parts of this extensive country—and, finally, were they privileged to surround the table of the Lord with numbers of native Christians, of whose conversion, if they knew them, they could have no doubt, they would then see in all this the finger of God, as evidently as Belshazzar saw the hand writing upon the wall! ” At Cutwa, Mr. W i l l ia m C a r e y is called to exercise patience, while scattering around him the precious seed of the kingdom. No additions have lately been made to the church under his care. He states, however, that a person, formerly a Brahmin, had come from Burdwan, desiring to receive re­ ligious instruction ; and that there are at Cutwa two or three other persons who have expressed a wish to join the church, though he is not yet quite satisfied of their piety. Mr. W il ­ l ia m s o n , who has taken charge of that part of the Cutwa church, situate in the district of Beerbhoom, has entered on his work with assiduity and zeal. He resides at a place called Sewry, and is assisted in his efforts by four native itinerants, who are stationed in villages at some distance from him. The church consisted, at the date of his last letter, of 37 members; nearly all of whom are converts from heathenism. In his endeavours to instruct the female part of his flock, only one of whom was found able to read, Mrs. W il l ia m s o n takes an active part; and the progress already made is highly en­ couraging. It was mentioned in our last Report that Mr. B u r t o n had fixed at Digah, which had till his arrival been without a pastor, from the period of Mr. R o w e ’s death. Here he was 22 soon called to drink of the cup of affliction; his excellent partner being removed after a short illness, on the 1st of April in last year. Mrs. B u r t o n was, in the true sense o f the word, a female Missionary. From her lips many of the poor Batak women had heard the gospel; and her last strength was spent in teaching a day school of children of both sexes, belonging to invalided European troops. She expired in the full possession of that hope and peace which the gospel only can impart. Several members of the native church having left this neighbourhood, its number is reduced to four. This includes the two itinerants here, who are constantly en­ gaged among their countrymen at fairs, and other places of public resort, besides regularly preaching at six places, in­ cluding the city of Patna, every Sabbath day. Mr. B u r t o n , while acquiring the language, is not without more congenial employment; preaching, at Dinapore, to a number of Euro­ peans, chiefly soldiers, and superintending the schools, which were under the direction of Mrs. R o w e , who has lately found it necessary, on account of her fatherless children, and the state of her own health, to return to this country. At Monghyr the work of God appears steadily to advance. Several persons have been, during the last year, added to the church, which now consists of 35 members; and in some instances the power of divine grace in subduing prejudice and removing the hardness of the heart, has been delightfully conspicuous. The worship of God is well attended, and the schools for native children are in a prosperous state. Among the scholars, 30 can read the Scriptures well, and many more can read tracts and easy books, and repeat considerable por­ tions of Watts’s Catechism in Hinduwee. But while the heart of our Missionary brother, Mr. L e s l i e , has been cheered by these indications of a blessing attending his faithful labours, he, too, has been called to sustain a painful and un­ expected bereavement by the death of Mrs. L e s l ie , who expired after only one day’s illness, on the 9th of April, 1826. Her career, though short, was such as to inspire the pleasing hope that, had her life been spared, she would have been an eminent blessing to the natives. 23

No intelligence has lately reached us respecting Mr. J a b e z C a r e y at Agimere, nor has it yet been found practicable to send a Missionary to occupy the premises belonging to the Society at Moorshedabad. At Colombo, in the island of Ceylon, the congregation sup­ plied by Mr. C h a t e r has considerably increased in number; and the mode he has lately adopted, of employing native Sin­ ghalese to read the Scriptures to their countrymen, has proved the means of exciting much attention in the surrounding villages. At one of these, called Ooggalla, a very pleasing circumstance has lately occurred. The Mohandiram, a native headman of the place, one of whose sons had previously been united to the little church at Hanwell, was baptized, with his wife and other son ; publicly assigning, on the occasion, intel­ ligent and scriptural reasons for renouncing the errors in which he had been educated. The subsequent conduct of this family has well accorded with their profession, and the case has excited considerable attention and enquiry in the neigh­ bourhood. Mr. C h a t e r has found it expedient to request the assistance of Mr. S ie r s at Colombo. Several additions have been made to the church at Hanwell; a native youth, called C a r o l is , has been appointed assistant there, and Mr. C h a t e r will himself visit this station as often as he can. During the last year the fertile island of Java has continued to be the scene of intestine commotion. Hence the exertions of Mr. B r u c k n e r have been almost wholly confined to preparations for the press ; but even the printing of the New Testament has been delayed, in consequence of apprehensions entertained by the local authorities that the result of circulating the Scriptures may be politically unfavorable. The aspect of affairs in Java being thus unpromising,. Mr. B. has been in­ structed to remove to the adjoining island of Sumatra, where his knowledge of the Malay will be of immediate service, and where he can also carry forward the work of translation for the benefit of the Javanese, for whose best interests he ap­ pears very deeply concerned. The removal of Mr. B u r t o n from his hazardous abode among the Bataks, in the north of Sumatra, was noticed in our 24 last Report, in which it was also stated that Mr. E v a n s had been directed to proceed to Bengal; as the difficulties thrown in his way at Padang were such as to preclude much hope of success in his work as a Christian Missionary. Before these instructions could reach Mr. E v a n s , he had, with his family, embarked for this country, at the earnest recommendation of his medical friends at the settlement, and encouraged by the liberal offer of a gentleman, who undertook to convey them to England and back again to Padang, free of expense. The health of Mr. E v a n s was much improved by the voyage, but as the combined and decisive opinion of the faculty here opposed his return, the Committee could not urge him to take that step. As the prospect, however, appeared somewhat more cheering when he left Padang, and Mr. W a r d had already removed there, with his printing press, it has been de­ termined to make the experiment a little longer, and to associate Mr. B r u c k n e r with Mr. W a r d in the duties and labours of the station.

WEST INDIES. In reviewing the history of our Mission in Jamaica since our last Annual Meeting, we perceive abundant reason for gratitude and joy. In every direction the work of God has been happily advancing; while his protecting care has been extended towards our Missionary friends, so that we have not had, as on several former occasions, to mourn the breaches of death amongst them. The increase of members in the first church at Kingston, so long under the faithful superintendance of Mr. C o u l t a r t , has been considerable; and though he has been constrained, on ac­ count of Mrs. C.’s continued indisposition, to leave his important charge for a season, the worship of God has been regularly maintained among them by the united efforts of Mr. T in s o n , Mr, K n ib b , and Mr. F lo o d , the last of whom left England, shortly before the last Anniversary, with Messrs. M a n n and B a y l i s . The school conducted by Mr. K n tbb, appears to be of growing utility. A public examination of the pupils was 25 held in December last, when many persons of respectability attended, and expressed much pleasure and surprise at the' progress of the pupils. It is highly encouraging to add, that many who were educated in this school, have become mem­ bers of the church; and others are candidates for the same privilege. The chapel hitherto occupied by Mr. T inson’s . congrega­ tion having been found, in point of situation, and otherwise, inconvenient, premises better adapted for their use have been engaged in the city. They were opened for divine worship, after the necessary repairs and alterations had been completed, on the 24th of December. “ Appearances,” says Mr. T. “ are very encouraging; but we know who must give the in­ crease, and I trust we have gone out in his strength. Hitherto the Lord hath helped us beyond our expectations, and we can only say, with feelings of grateful adoration, ‘ what hath God wrought! ’ ” The exertions which have for several years been made at Port Royal, the ancient capital of the island, have issued in the formation of a church there, of which Mr. K n ib b has taken the charge. About 150 members belonging to Kings­ ton have been united to it; and at the date of the last ac­ counts, the number of converts had.considerably increased. “ At Spanish Town,” Mr. P h il ip p o writes* “ our pros­ pects are indeed cheering. The number of our stated con­ gregation nearly doubles what it was last year. Not less than 400 young persons have been added to it within the last two or three months, almost all of whom seem earnestly enquiring the way to Zion with their faces thitherward.” Mr. P h i ­ lip p o has been laboriously engaged, for several months past, in superintending the erection of a new chapel—necessary, not merely on account of the size of the congregation, but because the other was dangerously out of repair—and such is the interest taken by the people in this service, that many free persons of color, both in the church- and in the congre­ gation, submit to the greatest drudgery, solely that they may present the fruits of their labour as an offering to the house of God. D 26 At Old Harbour, Passage Fort, and several other places in the neighbourhood, which are supplied by the joint exer­ tions of Mr. P h il ip p o and Mr. B a y l i s , the prospects are equally animating; and scarcely a week passes but deputations are sent down to Spanish Town from the contiguous parishes, reiterating the Macedonian cry, “ Come over and help us.” With facts like these in view, we cannot wonder that Mr. P. should remark, “ Jamaica is certainly a very promising field of missionary labour. My prayers to the great Lord of the harvest shall be, that he would animate the friends of Missions afresh to acts of benevolence, so that the gracious purposes of Heaven towards these needy sons of Ethiopia may not be retarded (if I may so say) for lack of pecuniary means.” Although the Committee have not yet been able to supply the vacancy at Anotta Bay, occasioned by the decease of Mr. P h i l l i p s , the work of the Mission there has not been altogether at a stand. Mr. F lood has occasionally visited the station, and had the pleasure to receive upwards of twenty members into the church at the close of 1826. The other Missionaries from Kingston were present, and took part in the services of the day; and though on account of the unsettled state of the weather, and the badness of the roads, the journey was fatiguing and difficult, our brethren were more than compensated by the affectionate gratitude of the poor people for whose benefit they had laboured. The Stations at Montego Bay and its neighbourhood have been brought prominently into view during the past year, in consequence of Mr. B u r c h e l l ’s visit to this country, and the appeal which the Committee felt themselves constrained to make for aid towards a new chapel for his congregation. The success which attended that appeal demands especial gratitude to the Giver of all good, and to those Christian friends who became, so cheerfully, the dispensers of his bounty. Nor was the satisfaction of Mr. B u r c h e l l diminished on his return to the people of his charge, by any painful alteration. He found the churches both at Montego Bay and Crooked Spring in a very pleasing and prosperous state; the exertions of his esteemed coadjutor Mr. M an n , had been unremitting and 27 successful; and on the third Sabbath iu March 75 persons were baptized. The day was found to be unusually interesting and solemn; and there seems good reason to anticipate that the word of God will yet grow and prevail. Mr. B u r c h e l l has commenced preaching at the town of Falmouth, where for a long time hundreds have eagerly desired his visits. Arrangements have also been made for occupying the Station at Ridgland, in the parish of Westmoreland, mentioned in our last Report. We regret to add, that the gentleman who proposed the formation of the last Station, and who had, from the first establishment of the Mission on the Island, been its steady and liberal friend, has lately been removed by death. But while we have been enabled, through the divine good­ ness, to make so encouraging a statement of the progress of our operations in Jamaica, it is necessary to state that intelli­ gence has lately been received of a nature to excite serious apprehensions for the future welfare of the Mission. A con­ solidated slave law passed the House of Assembly on the 22nd of December last, in which, among many other enact­ ments of a widely different character, several clauses are in­ serted of a tendency equally injurious and unjust. Among .other restrictions, a Missionary, by this law, is prohibited, under pain of fine and imprisonment, from receiving any con­ tributions from the negroes who attend his ministry. It is well known with what honourable liberality that class of the popu­ lation have seconded the efforts made by this and other So­ cieties for imparting to them the gospel; and if the measure of support they have so cheerfully yielded be withdrawn, much larger sums will be required from this country to maintain the Mission on its present scale—to say nothing of the earnest and reiterated demands for extending it. Repeated applications have been made to government on the subject, and we earnestly hope our representations will not be in vain. May He, by whom kings reign and princes decree justice, graciously interpose to defend his cause in this important island from the danger which threatens it! Accounts from the Bay of Honduras wear no features of particular interest. Mr. B o u r n has been enabled to keep up 28 the accustomed services at the chapel; and is cheered by the countenance and occasional assistance of a pious and in­ telligent friend, lately gone out to Belize in a commercial capacity. H r. D a n i e l S c h l a t t e r , who has been residing for se­ veral years among a Tartar tribe in the south-eastern part of the Russian dominions, and of whose zeal and self-denial we have had former occasion to speak, visited London in the commencement of the year for the purpose of conferring with the Committee. The interview strengthened all those feelings of respect and Christian affection with which they had pre­ viously regarded this devoted man ; but his present views on some parts of divine truth are such as to render inexpedient the closer union between him and the Society which was once anticipated.

Since the last Annual Meeting no additional Missionaries have been sent out by the Society. The services of Mr. J o­ s e p h B u r t o n , late pastor of the church at Canterbury, have been accepted by the Committee; but his departure to Ja­ maica, the chosen scene of his labours, has been suspended, till the decision of Government is known on the subject to which we have already referred. Other suitable labourers are ready to engage in this honourable service, and it will be a pleasing employment for your future Committee to send them forth into the field as rapidly as the means placed at their dis­ posal will allow. The Cash Account now to be submitted to the Meeting will exhibit a considerable increase on the whole receipts of the Society, compared with the amount reported at your last An­ niversary. This has arisen in part from the generous efforts made in favour of the cause at Montego Bay; and partly from collections made on a journey through Scotland by Dr. Marshman and Mr. Anderson, the result of which was about £1100, principally in aid of the Translation fund. To this branch of Missionary 'expenditure our respected friends in the norlh have, for many years, shewn a zealous and liberal at­ 29 tachment; nor can we permit ourselves to doubt that if the God of Missions condescends still to employ your Society as an instrument in his hand to give light to them that sit in dark­ ness, and to proclaim liberty to the captives, the friends of the Saviour in that part of our native island, will continue, by their kind benefactions, to co-operate in the work. In addition to the customary donation of £200, kindly sent us by the Netherlands Auxiliary Society, several other con­ tributions have been received from Mennonite friends in various parts of the Continent; gifts which we hail with un­ feigned pleasure, as a pledge that that numerous and opulent body of our fellow-christians will ere long come forward more generally to claim a share in the delightful service of evan­ gelizing the heathen. Nor would we fail to notice a remittance of £20 from Grahamstown, in South Africa, sent by a few pious friends who, amidst strenuous exertions to maintain the worship of God among themselves, have not forgotten those who are utterly destitute of such privileges. The New England Society,.also, has continued, by repeated benefactions, made through their agents in Jamaica, to assist the Mission there. Considerable aid has been derived from legacies during the past year, among which the generous bequest of £1000, by Samuel Broadley, Esq. late of Bradford, , de­ serves especial mention. A renewed donation of £50 has been made by Mr. D e a k in , of Birmingham, and Thomas Key, Esq. of Water Fulford, has added £200 to his many previous benefactions, besides contributing £50 to the Widow’s and Orphan’s Fund: an object which does not yet appear to have attracted the notice it deserves. Your Committee would gratefully acknowledge the divine goodness in affording to their highly-esteemed brother and as­ sociate, Mr. E u s t a c e Ca r e y , such a measure of health and strength as has enabled him to render much valuable aid to the Society in visiting many parts of the kingdom to preach and collect on its behalf; and they trust that he will be per­ mitted, for the present at least, to continue these acceptable labours. To numerous friends, both in town and country, 30 who have kindly exerted themselves to promote the same object—including many female friends who have recently been employed in aid of Native Female Education—cordial thanks are respectfully tendered. May the principles of obedience to God, and compassion to men, from which such services le­ gitimately flow, flourish and increase more and more throughout all our churches, till the fulness of the Gentiles be gathered in, and all Israel shall be saved! It is merely an act of justice to the Society to remark that its present state constitutes a very forcible appeal to public liberality. It is well known that we have never accumulated funds in reserve; but that, on the contrary, our operations have uniformly been conducted on a scale fully commensurate with our resources. With such urgent calls to increased exertion on every side, it has seemed impossible to do other­ wise ; and yet the natural effect has been to compel the Com­ mittee to adopt a strain of importunity not always agreeable to their feelings. At this season of the year there has gene­ rally been a considerable balance in,hand; instead of which various remittances and payments are now due ; and foreign drafts to a very considerable amount have been accepted on behalf of the Society. The Committee trust that the state­ ment of these facts will be sufficient to rouse the zeal and energy of the friends of the Society on its behalf, and will not therefore recur to the numerous and powerful arguments which might be drawn from the necessity and nature of the work itself. The experience of each revolving year supplies new proof that, however feeble our exertions, and however defective the spirit may be in which they are carried on, the blessing of God is not withheld from them—and this con­ sideration, surely, may well animate us to continue and en­ large them. Wherefore, beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. APPENDJX. No. I.

Documents referred to in the Jirst part of the Report. Extract from the ‘ Form of Agreement,’ ( b ) “ The expenditures of this year, dated Serampore, October 1805. though very heavy, are not to be con­ (a) “ Finally. Let us give ourselvessidered as sunk; as a considerable part up unreservedly to this glorious cause. of them have been applied to the pur­ Let us never think that our time, our chase and repairs of the Mission House gifts, our strength., our families, or even at Serampore, which is vested in the the clothes we wear, are our own. Let hands of the Missionaries as Trustees us sanctify them all to God and his for the Society. About £600 of it has cause. Oh! that he may sanctify us also been expended in the printing of for his work. Let us for ever shut out the New Testament in Bengalee.” (Periodical Accounts, vol. ii. p. 811.) the idea of laying up a cowry for our­ October 1801. selves or our children. If we give up the resolution which was formed on the “ Last year sister Marshman opened subject of private trade, when we first a school for young ladies, which much united at Serampore, the Mission is from encreases, so that we have been under that hour a lost cause. A worldly spirit, the farther necessity of enlarging our quarrels, and every evil work, will habitation. An excellent house, ad­ succeed, the moment it is admitted that joining our own, was on sale, and we each brother may do something on his have purchased it. The price was own account. Woe to that man who 10,000 rupees, all of which we have shall ever make the smallest movement paid, excepting 1,800, which are to be towards such a measure! Let us con­ paid in about four months. We have tinually watch against a worldly spirit, made ourselves Trustees for the Society, and cultivate a Christian indifference in the purchase of this house, as we had towards every indulgence. Rather let done in the purchase of the former. us bear hardness, as good soldiers of Unfortunately, a few days after we had Jesus Christ, and endeavour to learn in made the purchase, the river made a every slate to be content. breach in the bank, which will cost us “ If in this way we are enabled to more than 1,000 rupees to repair.*’ glorify God with our bodies and spirits (Periodical Accounts, vol. ii. p. 227.) which are his—our wants will be his December 1801. care. No private family ever enjoyed a “ The expences attending the pur­ greater portion of happiness, even in the chase of large premises at Serampore; most prosperous gale of worldly pro­ and building premises, and beginning sperity, than we have done since it was business at Cutwa; the translating and resolved to have all things in common, printing expences also of these large and that no one should pursue business heavy works; of free schools, &c. &c. for his own exclusive advantage. If added to the maintenance of so large a we are enabled to persevere in the same family; all this God has provided for, principles, we may hope that multitudes comparatively with a small proportion • of converted souls will have reason to of help from England; for our whole bless God to all eternity for sending his expenditure has not been less than gospel into this country. £13,000, and we have had from England “ To keep these ideas alive in our in money, goods, &c. not more than minds, we resolve that this Agreement £5,740. 17s. 7d.* during the five years shall be read publicly, at every station, that we have been at Serampore: and at our three annual meetings; viz. on this sum is not sunk, but vested in the the first Lord’s day in January, May, premises belonging to the Mission. and October. W ill ia m C a rey . W illia m C arey . J ohn B iss. J oshua M arshm an. J oshua M arshman. W illia m M oore. W illia m W ard . W illia m W ard. J oshua R ow e. J ohn C ham berlain. J ohn C h a m berla in . F elix C arey.” F elix C a rey .” R ichard M ard on. Sept. 24, 1804. 32

* 'l We find, upon examination, that Court of Judicature, at Serampore, the the Society has now in this country pro­ 17th day of the said month—those perty amounting to more than this bearing date the 12th day of October, sum, as the following statement will 1801, published in the said Court th« show :— 5th April, 1802—and that bearing date Rupees. the 22d May, 1805, and published in Buildings, &e. &c. at Serampore 20000 the said Court the 27th day of the said Ditto, at Cutwa, and in the trade 2000 month, certain premises are said to be Bengalee School-house,Burying- purchased by William Carey, Joshua ground, Old Bengalee School- Marshman, and William Ward, all re- house and ground, &c...... 1500 siding in Serampore, in trust for the Furniture...... 1000 Baptist Missionary Society, instituted Library...... 600 for the Propagation of the Gospel among Museum...... 500 the Heathen : we, whose names are M edicines...... 400 hereunto affixed, being the Trustees Buggy and Horse ...... 300 who purchased and paid for the same, Boat...... 200wishing, as we purchased these pre­ Property in the Printing-office, viz. mises solely with the view of their 60 Maunds of Types, at 100 being for ever applied and devoted to rupees per maund...... 6000 the propagation of the Gospel in India, 1200 Punches...... 1200 to obviate any dispute or contest^ re­ 2 Printing Presses...... 600 specting this property which may arise 46 Pair of Cases...... 276 hereafter, do make this solemn decla­ 20 Frames for Cases...... 160 ration of our meaning, will, design, and 7 Stones...... 150 intention respecting the said premises. 8 Frames for S to n es...... so That is to say, that the said premises Chases and Sundries...... 200 shall be for ever attached to the Baptist Leads...... 100 Mission at Serampore, and be for ever Paper...... 2400 held in trust by William Carey, Joshua Property in the Binding-room .. 200 Marshman, and William Ward, and Do. in the Letter-foundry 100 such persons, and such only as they Stock in Books, viz. shall hereafter appoint or associate with Heetopadish, 4to. in Shanscrit 2400 themselves in the Trust, in t r u s t for Ramayon, 12mo. in Bengalee. 240 propagating the Gospel in India, agree­ Mahabharat, 12mo. in do 500 ably to the original design and institu­ Colloquies, 8vo. in English and tion of the said Baptist Missionary Bengalee...... 200 Society; and that the rents, dues, net Lippee Malla, 8vo. in Ben­ proceeds, and revenues arising from the galee...... 100 said premises, shall beior ever applied Buttreesh Shingason, 8vo. do. 400 to this object, and to no other whatever, Watts’s Songs in English 300 at the will, and under the exclusive di­ 600 Pentateuchs in Bengalee. 1000 rection of the said William Carey, New Testaments in ditto 300 Joshua Marshman, and William Ward, Ditto, Second Edition, un­ and their successors lawfully appointed finished in do ...... 1000 by them to the Trust. Job, Psalms, Isaiah, &c..... 1000 u And they further hereby declare, English Books for Sale...... 300 that it is their will, design, meaning, Debts on the School...... 8355 and intention, that no other person or persons, either in England or in India, 8)54061 belonging to the said BaptistMissionary Society for propagating the Gospel £6757 among the Heathen, shall have . the least right or .title to the property or the ( e) “ This Explanatory Declaration administration of the said premises, made at the Mission-house at Seram­ unless lawfully appointed thereto by pore in Bengal, the twenty-sixth day of them as Trustees for that purpose. September, in the year of our Lord one “ And for the more effectual securing thousand eight hundred and seventeen, of these premises to the Mission at Se­ is intended and drawn out to express rampore for the sake of propagating and ascertain the following things:— the Gospel in India, we do hereby de­ “ Whereas in the Title Deeds or In­ clare it as our will, design, meaning, dentures bearing date the 8th day of and intention, that no one of our Chil­ February, 1800, and published in the dren, or of the Children of any other 33

Trustees named, or hereafter to be therefore but feci that, were they ta named, or our or their heirs j assigns, or consent to the alienation of the property executors, shall have the least right or from the Society, they would violate the title to the said premises, ofrto rtlie ad­ confidence reposed in them by the public, ministration of them, unle^ftfey shall and be guilty of a gross dereliction of be lawfully appointed tliereWas Trus­ their duty. tees by us, the said William Carey, “ II. 'i’hat, in the opinion of t h i s Joshua Marshman, and William Ward, Committee, it will most fully meet the or such Trustees as we may hereafter just expectations of the C h r is tia n public appoint. in Britain, and best secure the appro­ “ Given in the presence of S6ren Ni- priation of the Serampore premises to colay Agri, Acting Notary Public at the purposes f o r which they were ori­ this place, to be published in the Eu­ ginally designed, if all the Trusts were ropean Court of Judicature at Seram- consolidated in one, and if the present pore, in both the English and the Danish Trustees were to associate with them­ Languages, and to be affixed to the said selves in trust, other individuals to be Title Deeds under our hands and seals approved by this Committee, some of the day and year first above written." whom shall be resident in this country. (Signed) W. C a r e y , (L. S.) “ III. That this Committee again J. M a r s h m a n , (L. S.) solemnly disclaim any intention to W . W a r d , (L. S.) interfere with the management of the property at Serampore; and although, ( d ) “ The Committee of the Baptistin one particular of their conduct— Missionary Society in England, anxi­ namely, the sending out of new Mis­ ously desirous to put an end to all the sionaries—they hare been thought by misapprehensions which have existed their Serampore brethren to discover between them and their much esteemed such a disposition, they can assure them brethren at Serampore, for whom, on that in this they were actuated solely by account of their services and labours in a desire to meet their own wishes. the cause of God, they have ever cher­ ished the utmost veneration and the ( e ) “ The brethren of the Serampore warmest affection, have devoted con­ Union for propagating the gospel in siderable time and labour to an exami­ India, having met July 14,1820, to con­ nation of all the correspondence and sider certain resolutions and proposals other documents which could assist them of the Committee met in London, Dec. in forming a judgment upon the points 31.1819, they resolved, at issue; and after mature deliberation, “ 1. That as they have already declared have agreed, with the mostcordial una­ in their Articles of Union, dated Jan. nimity, to the following Resolutions, as 14.1820, and in their Public Statement, the result of their investigation. dated Jan. 20, 1820, “ that they pur­ “ I. That it appears most evident to the chased the premises at Serampore with Committee, from various passages in the view of their being perpetually ap­ the Periodical Accounts — from the plied to the cause of God in India, and phraseology adopted in the legal writ­ to prevent their becoming private pro­ ings, attested copies of which have been perty in their own families, or their sent us from Serampore, as w ell as • being sold by their successors, declared from repeated declarations interspersed them in the Title Deeds to be purchased through the correspondence from our in trust for the Society, while, to secure senior brethren—that the property at the occupation of them to themselves Serampore belongs clearly and unequi­ and those whom they might choose as vocally to the Society in England, and their successors, they appointed them­ that it has hitherto been held by the selves and certain others trustees — resident Missionaries as Trustees for the they anew declare that nothing more Society. It is perfectly well known fully accords with their original inten­ that on this ground the late revered tion and their present wishes than for Secretary of the Mission, Mr, Fulter, the right of Property in them to remain rested his powerful appeals to the for ever vested in the Society for these British public, and that on the same purposes. And as they have never basis have been principally founded swerved from the original intention, the several applications, made at various they regret that the Committee by times, to the British Legislature, to his adding “ that were they to consent to Majesty’s Ministers, and to the East the alienation of these premises from In dia Company. The Committee cannot the Society, thev would violate the con- E 34

fidence reposed in them by the public,” 21st last, expressed their desire for a should even distantly hint that such a continuance of aid to the Missionary proposal bad been made. As the So­ Stations under their superintendence, ciety derive their right of property in and Dr. Marshman having united in the them not from the public, but from the request, and suggested that such aid brethren whose labour purchased them, should be in proportion of one-tenth of it was impossible that these brethren the annual receipts of the Society for should make any such proposal. general purposes; and haying stated 112. That they doubt whether they canto the Committee that the expences of legally change or alter the original those Stations are very greatly beyond deeds on which these three houses the amount so requested, and giving the were separately purchased; but on this Committee reason to expect that they subject they will take the opinion of shall receive, in the way of friendly the ablest counsel in India ; and if they communication, further information on find it practicable, they will themselves this point after his return to India, most cheerfully select and associate in “Resolved,That this Committee agree the trust with themselves certain of the to the request made by their Serampore Committee in Britain, so as to secure brethren, and consent to remit to them, by the requisite deeds the right of pro­ in aid of the Stations under their super­ perty in these premises to the Society, intendance, one-tenth of the amount and the right of occupation and manage­ received for the general purposes of the ment to the Brethren of the Serampore Society ; such remittance being specified Union for propagating the Gospel, and in the Cash Statement appended to the their coadjutors and successors chosen Annual Report, as made for that pur­ as expressed in their Articles of Union, pose.” dated Jan. 14,1820. But they do not consider the Society’s right of property ( g ) “ Read a letter from Dr. Carey in these premises to be suspended on and Mr. John Marshman, dated Seram­ this act; they regard it as fully secured pore, Nov. 1,1826, stating that they by the present deeds. They never de­ had placed upon our funds in Calcutta clared themselves any thing but trustees the four stations in Hindosthan, hitherto —and trustees can never be proprietors. maintained by the Serampore brethren And they further regard these reciprocal —viz. Delhi, Meerut, Allahabad and declarations on their part, respecting Benares, the expense of which is about the Society’s right of property, and on £600 per annum, on which it was re­ the part of the Committee respecting solved, nemine contradicente, the Serampore brethren’s right of occu­ u 1. That the Committee, actuated by pation and management, thus solemnly the desire they have always felt to aid made in the face of the Christian the missionary efforts of their Seram­ ublic, as far more binding, both on the pore brethren to the utmost of their erampore Union and the Committee, power, and which led them to make a than any legal deed or bond whatever. proposal to the same effect in Sept. “ 3. That they deem the act of the 1823, agree to take upon themselves Committee in again solemnly disclaim­ the stations specified, together with the ing any intention to interfere with the remaining three, in respect of which management of this property, to be expense is incurred by their Serampore perfectly just. And theyin like manner brethren, viz. Jessore, Dacca, and the again disclaim any intention ever to Arracan country ; trusting that by this establish any right of property in these arrangement all cause of future dif­ premises. . W. C a r e y . ferences will be removed; and that the J . M arshm an. liberality and exertions of the friends J ohm M arshm an.” of the Society will furnish them with the means of fulfilling these additional f f ) u The Committee, after long,and and important engagements. ample discussion with Dr. Marshman “ 2. That for the management of the on the several points at issue, entertain out stations, now to be connected with a hope that the explanations which have the Society, the whole of our missionary been mutually given, will tend to unite brethren in Calcutta, Serampore, and the brethren at Serampore and in this other stations in Bengal, be requested country, more closely in love and af­ to act as a Corresponding Committee— fectionate confidence than has been the and that it would highly gratify this case for some years past. Committee for Dr. Carey to act as “ The brethren at Serampore, having President of such Corresponding Com­ by their letter to the Committee of Jan. mittee.” A P PE N D IX , No. II.


SERAMPORE. immediately after breakfast the native sisters meet with Mrs. Marshman, and The church that has been through after the Scriptures have been read, and the mercy of God planted at this sta­ catechisms and hymns recited, one of tion, consists at present of 67 members the Missionaries usually comes in and in full communion. Nineteen of these closes with an address and prayer. At are Europeans or descendants of such, 4 P. M. there is public worship in the and include a few friends resident in Mission chapel, at which, besides the the settlement, in addition to the mem­ native Christians, a great part of the bers of the different'families connected workmen employed on the Mission pre­ ■with the Mission. Four more reside at mises are expected to attend. In the Barrackpore, on the opposite side of evening a prayer meeting is held at one the river; and the remainder are natives of the houses of the native brethren in of the country, turned from idols to the town, and at the same time there is serve the living and true God. The sermon and worship by one of the Mis­ accessions to the church during the past sionaries, in the chapel at the Christian year (1826), have been such as to fill village. our hearts with the liveliest gratitude. This village has been esta­ O f 13 who have been baptized and re­ blished, for the purpose of promoting ceived into the church, one is an elderly the general comfort of our native gentleman residing in the town, two brethren, and also facilitating the com­ others, the daughters of Mr. Ward and munication of religious instruction Mr. F. Carey; three more English stu­ to them. It now consists of 13 dwell­ dents in Serampore College, viz. John ing houses, with a small chapel in the Smith, son of brother Smith of Benares, centre, and will, we trust, be consider­ Joshua Rowe, eldest son of our late bro­ ably enlarged duringthe present season, ther Rowe of Digah, and James Domingo; as several families are desirous of re­ five others are native students in the moving to it from the town, from which college, of Christian parentage, another it is distant but a very short way, on was for years a student also, but has an open and elevated spot of ground. recently been taken into employment in Pran Krishnu, one -of the native the printing office, and the last was preachers, resides in it, and conducts long a servant in the college, and has daily worship in the chapel, and in since been engaged as a domestic in the other ways seeks the edification of the. Mission family. It is highly grati­ people under his charge. On Tuesday, fying that all the senior students in the Saturday, and Sabbath evenings, also college are now members of the church, worship is conducted by one or other o f. and that their general deportment is the Missionaries: and an adult school such as becomes their profession. is held on Sabbath in the chapel, by Including the members of the church, Mr. Buckingham, a pious and active and the various branches of their re­ young man, who has been with us since spective families, there is a nominally before Mr. Ward’s lamented death, Christian population of natives residing from whom he received his first instruc­ in Serampore of not less than 150 in­ tion in religion. dividuals. To provide for the religious Prayer-meetings are likewise held instruction of these, regular seasons of on three evenings of the week amongst worship are appointed on Sabbath days the brethren in the town and the stu­ and throughout the week. On Sabbath dents of the College, and. there is a morning before breakfast, there is ser­ sermon in the Mission chapel every mon and worship in the college hall; Thursday evening. 36

These various services, together with native brother to preach it in Hindoos- those in the English language, occupy thanee and Bengalee, to their wives, a. great part of our time and attention; who in general are either natives or the but they do not wholly prevent our daughters of European soldiers and visiting the heathen in the streets and native mothers; and therefore speak villages. Our labours "in this way, the native languages. From these however, are chiefly confined to Sabbath labours a church has been raised, of a afternoon. It is then usual for one or very pleasing" character. Its members two parties of the native brethren, ac­ are liable to be scattered over all parts companied by one or other of the Mis­ of the country, and though this sub­ sionaries, to repair to the bazaar, or to jects their religious character to rather one or two neighbouring villages to severe trial, yet they frequently are preach the gospel; or sometimes a party made the means of doing ¡good and take a boat and spend the whole day spreading the knowledge of salvation in going from place to place, within where it was unknown or unattended eight or ten miles, on this blessed to before. W e are not able to say ex­ errand. At the annual festivals of actly what is the number of members Juggurnath, too, when vast multitudes in communion at present; but it cannot assemble in our vicinity, we are accus­ be less than 20. These are all females, tomed to devote several entire days to with the exception of four soldiers and the distribution of the word of life, by the native preacher. The ministry of preaching and by tracts and portions our brother Soobhroo has been greatly of Scripture. And at some seasons blessed; and there is now, we trust, a excursions are made by different good work going on amongst the Euro­ brethren to considerable distances. In peans. During the past yenr nine this way, in the months of October and women have been baptized, and added November last Mr. Buckingham, ac­ to the church : there was also one sol­ companied by one native brother, jour­ dier, but he has fallen away. neyed through the districts of Hoogly, Soobhroo devotes much of his time to Krishnugor, Moorshedabad, Burdwan, the instruction of his flock : and the re­ and Beerbhoom, visiting several places mainder to the superintendance of two where the gospel had never before been native schools and the preaching of the preached. gospel both in them, and in the bazaars Of these labours we have seen no and villages around the station. other fruit of late, than the occasional calls of persons who profess to come JESSORE. for inquiry respecting salvatien. Some of these have exhibited considerable Missionary, W. Thomas; native promise; but none have persevered. preacher, Sapulram.—This station pre-. Still we have no thought of remitting sents a wide and interesting field of these labours—but rather it is our Missionary labour, although its present desire to abound in them more and state is rather discouraging. As great more. alterations have lately taken place in A t BarracJcpore, divine worship has the residences of the members of the been regularly maintained during the church, we ..are not able to give an past year, both in English and Hin- exact statement of their numbers. On doosthanee, on Sabbaths and Fridays. comparing the accounts in our posses­ This has been done by Mr. Bucking­ sion, we are afraid the members in ham, with the assistance of brethren communion do not exceed 30. The Peibah and J. Smith, of the college. whole population, nominally Christians, The gospel has also been preached amounts to about 100. amongst the heathen, on the same days. Mr. Thomas resides at Sahebgunj, which is the civil station of the dis­ DUM DUM. trict. Formerly the greater part of his flock were situated at Christianpore, 16 Native preacher, Soobhroo.-r-Dum Hailes northfrom Sahebgunj; but during Dum is a military station about seven the past year they have been brought miles north-east from Calcutta, occu- into Sahebgunj, that they might enjoy ied by the Honorable Company’s Ar- the benefit of his constant instruction Sllery. The Serampore Missionaries and care, and Christianpore 1ias been have long preached the gospel to the given up. Other portions of his people European soldiers, as circumstances are situated at Bakuspole, a village 12 jvould allow; and have employed a miles to the south of Sahebgunj ; and 37 v*

at several villages scattered in different On Sabbath days they have two English directions, through the district, and services, and two also during the week. some at great distances. They liavfe likewise correspondirfeser- Mr. Thomas conducts regular services vices in Hindoosthanee and, on Sabbath and several days of the They associate, their preafctefh&SiMkahe week, chiefly for the edification of the superintendance of the large and inter­ native Christians. He likewise visits esting circle of schools under their different parts of the town and neigh­ care, converting nearly every school bourhood to preach the gospel to the into a chapel, and every visit into a heathen and M ussulmen, and he super­ season of worship. They are called, intends four native schools, which are every week or fortnight, to preach to supported by funds placed in our 300 or 400 paupers, who are collected hands for that purpose, by gentlemen regularly near the English church to formerly resident at the station. In receive public alms from the funds of these schools the Scriptures are read the vestry. They also attend all re­ and Christian catechisms taught, and ligious festivals and assemblies of the one of the gentlemen, now at the sta­ natives within their reach, to preach tion, takes a deep interest in their wel­ and otherwise make known the word fare, and promotes it both by his visits of God; and during the cold season and liberality in rewarding the chil­ make excursions into the adjoining dis­ dren. tricts. Brother D’Cruz is now out on A considerable portion of Mr. such a journey. The hopes of our Thomas’s time should also be spent in brethren have on several occasions visiting those parts of the district where been highly excited by a peculiar sect, Christian families reside; but interrup­ called the Suttya Gooroos, who upon tions continually occur in this part of the foundation of Scripture have framed his duty from weather and other cir­ for themselves a system of doctrine cumstances. and practice of a rather strange cha­ There has been an addition of one racter. These hopes have lately been person, a female, to the church during revived; and brother D’Cruz expects the past year. to attain a full acquaintance with the people during his present journey. DACCA. CHITTAGONG. Missionaries, O. Leonard, D. D’Cruz. —Dacca, being itself a large and popu­ M issionary, J. J ohannes.—The ch urch lous city, and also the capital of the at Chittagong is very small and contains eastern part of the British territories no native members. The station is not­ in India, is an exceedingly important withstanding exceedingly interesting, station. Although the Mission here has chiefly from the promising character of been established for some years, very the Benevolent Institution, under the little fruit has yet been reaped in the care of Mr. Johannes. This school, conversion of the natives. One family which is on the Lancasterian model, put on the profession of Christianity furnishes the means of a plain English about seven years ago, but as their and a Christian, education to about 140 place of abode is some distance from poor children, principally of low Por­ Dacca, they have been lost sight of for tuguese families, which abound in several years. Three persons were Chittagong. The temporal benefits baptized during the past year; but of which the children receive from being these only one was a native, and he educated in the school are so great and not a convert from idolatry ; as he had manifest, that the people continue to previously made a profession of faith send them in spite of the warnings, and in Christ with the Missionaries of the solicitations of their priests. And the Church Missionary Society in Calcutta. spiritual benefit received withdraws Had our friends known our sentiments many from the dark and miserable on this case in time, it is probable thraldom of popery, and makes them that his baptism would have been spiritual worshippers of the living and somewhat delayed and perhaps not true God. An interesting society has have taken place. been formed amongst these youths for Our brethren at Dacca labour abun­ prayer and mutual exhortation on re­ dantly in preaching the gospel, both to ligious subjects, and they have by sub­ stated congregations and to occasional scription raised a convenient house for assemblies of heathen and Mussulmen. holding their meetings, and are col­ 38

lecting a small library for their im­ than was expected, through very severe provement in knowledge, to which we domestic affliction, and the early setting shall be happy to receive any suitable in of the stormy season. He was thus contributions from the friends of youth. kept from his people the greater part Mr. Johannes preaches in his school- of the year; and did not reach his station room every Lord’s day, first in Bengalee till the 20th of September last At the and then in English. At the former ser­ date of his last communications, his vice the masters of several native schools house in the Christian colony was not and a number of their scholars attend, finished, and he was therefore residing, with many other persons, and at the with his family, at the European sta­ latter the children of the Benevolent tion, from which die colony is distant Institution, with a number who have half a day’s journey. He visits the formerly been educated in it, and some colony very frequently, and during his families connected with the army. Mr. absence the native1 preachers hold the Johannes also goes out to different appointed meetings for worship with places to preach the gospel publicly, the people, and also preach to the both on Sabbaths and on other days of heathen around. One of them he also the week, and meets generally with a retains with himself, and he has four respectful reception, and instances or five places of resort in the villages frequently occur of persons who have adjoining the cantonments where he been his hearers on such occasions continually proclaims the word of life. calling for further conversation. He A considerable portion of his time too, much wishes to have the assistance of a is occupied by attending to persons native preacher, and we shall be happy who visit him at his own house for to meet his wishes whenever a suitable conversation and inquiry. The enmity person can be found. He himself re­ of the human heart to divine truth dis­ ceives no emolument as a Missionary, plays itself here as in other places, yet but draws his salary from the funds of he finds a frankness of inquiry and an the Benevolent Institution. earnest attention, which are exceedingly encouraging. It will be remembered that the Arracanese are essentially the AKYAB. same as the Burmans, and have no cast; (P rovince of A rracan). and compared with the ‘Hindoos, but a limited number of objects of idolatrous Missionary, J . C. Fink; native regard. preachers, Khepoo, Kullafree, Oogharee, Besides the native Christians, a Meearung.—Our friends are already number of heathen Arracanese have aware of the removal of this branch of been admitted into the colony as resi­ the Mission, from the Mugh stations in dents. They however comply with the districts of Chittagong, to Arracan, such regulations as Mr. Fink sees fit the native country of the people. Land to appoint, and they have the gospel has been granted for the establishment regularly preached to them, and their of the Mission, in the island of Akyab, children will receive a Christian edu­ which iB eligibly situated at the mouth cation in the school. Tuesdays and of the Arracan river. The whole Saturdays have been fixed as market number of native members of the church days: the shops are open on the other in full communion is 71: but of these days of the week, with the exception not quite one-half are fixed in the of the Sabbath, when there is a cessa­ Christian coloffy. About 20 still re­ tion of all public business. main at the old stations, and 14 are in Meearung, one of the preachers, is the town of Arracan. There are also stationed in the colony, and both con­ about 30 members at a place called ducts public worship, and teaches the Kaptai, under the government of an school, at present held in the chap61, independent chief, who, being exceed­ which has been erected by the people ingly inimical to the gospel, has for themselves. The other preachers are several years effectually prevented all disposable for the general diffusion of intercourse between these people and the gospel; and one of them by rota­ our brethren, so that we are now en­ tion will usually be in the town of Ar­ tirely ignorant of their affairs. No racan. As the country is much inter­ additions have been made to the church sected by rivers and creeks, Mr. Fink during the past year. Perhaps the has purchased and fitted up a small chief reason of this is that Mr. Fink boat in which the brethren can convey was detained much longer at Chittagong themselves to a number of important 3» places at considerable distances from The morning service being attended their home; and hitherto they have only by Christians, is held in the hall met with no unkind treatment from o f Mr. Fernandez’s house; but that in their countrymen, when thus engaged. the afternoon is in a commodious Bun­ It is proper to state that these four galow chapel, and is attended by the ser­ brethren are supported by the contri­ vants, the masters, and some children of butions of two associations of young four schoolsestablished tiy brother F. and gentlemen in Glasgow, who unitedly a few people from the town, as well as send us £40 per annum for this pur­ the Christians. There is also, as at all pose. the other stations, a prayer-meeting, on In providing copies of the Scriptures, the evening of the first Monday of each or rather parts of them, and tracts, we month for the spread of the gospel. have enjoyed the co-operation of some It is necessary to remember that all of our American brethren, connected the expenses of this station are de­ with the Burman Mission, particularly frayed by Mr. Fernandez himself, ex­ from the Rev. G. H. Hough. cept that some gentlemen contribute to the support of his schools. He has ex­ DTNAGEPORE. pressed an earnest desire that we should take Sadamahl under our care, Missionary, Ignatius Fernandez; and supply it with a Missionary; and native preachers, Niamutulla, Bhoodoo. he has generously offered to make a —This station, under the pastoral care present of the factory there, which of our venerable brother Fernandez, perhaps might be made, without impro­ continues to enjoy a considerable share perly interfering with the Missionary's of the divine blessing. The members spiritual labours, to furnish all the ex­ of the church, in full communion, penses of the station. The arrange­ amount to 85; of whom 1£ have been ment is not without difficulty, but we baptized and added to the church hope to effect it before long, through the during the past year, viz. seven men instrumentality of some of our young and five women. The church is nearly brethren under our care. equally divided into two portions, one In October last Mr. Mack had an op­ residing upon premises belonging to portunity of visiting Dinagepore and Mr. Fernandez, and close to his own Sadamahl (at the latter he had the house at Dinagepore, the civil station pleasure of baptizing four young men), of the district, and the other on a and was greatly delighted with the factory, the property of Mr. F. at humble and affectionate deportment, Sadamahl, about 24 miles from Dinage­ and indeed the whole appearance of the pore. people. Their revered pastor seemed The native preachers reside at Sada­ to rule them all by love. mahl, and besides conducting worship regularly with the Christian congrega­ BENARES. tion, labour in proclaiming the gospel in the market places and villages in the Missionary ,W. Smith; native preacher, vicinity. Through these labours several Kassee.—The church at Benares is of the accessions of the past year have small in members, many of those who been received. Brother Fernandez have joined it, both natives and others, visits Sadamahl as frequently as possi­ having removed to other places, where ble, but resides at Dinagepore. Here, some of them are now employed in on every evening during the week, he preaching the gospel. We believe there conducts family worship in Bengalee, at are only six in communion now residing which from 20 to 40 of the Christian at the station. Of these only one, the people generally attend. After singing, native preacher, is a convert directly he reads the Scriptures, gives an ex­ from heathenism, but three or four are position and suitable address, and natives who were attached to the Ro­ concludes with prayer. On Friday man Catholics. Two persons were evenings a prayer meeting is held in baptized and received into the church the house of one of the native brethren last March, the one a Roman Catholic in rotation; and a prayer-meeting is woman, and the other a European likewise held amongst the sisters every soldier, who has since gone to another Wednesday morning in the same manner station. in their own houses. On Sabbath there Brother Smith laboriously prosecutes are two regular services, one at half his work, both in public and private; past 9 A. M., and the other at4P ; M. and though none have been brought 40 into liis church from the ranks of and on Tuesday evening he conducts idolatry during the past year, yet he Hindoosthanee worship in the house of has had many indications of good being a native Roman Catholic, attached to done; and the Divine Word has ap­ the invalid Sipakees, who has disco­ peared to fasten strongly in the minds vered a love for the gospel. By the li­ of several individuals. He preaches berality of the gentlemen at the station, every Sabbath—in the morning and af­ he has had about 250 paupers assembled ternoon at his own house, and in the weekly, to whom, after preaching, he evening at the house of a native Roman has distributed alms. To the heathen Catholic in the city, several members he widely preaches the gospel at par­ of whose family have joined the church ticular spots in and near the city, and at different times. On Wednesday also at the numerous heathen and Mus- morning fee preaches at the house of sulmenassemblies which are continually one of his members iu Secrole ; and on occurring. The greatest of these is on Saturday morning at his Hindoo School the occasion of the annual bathing to a congregation of Hindoos and Mus- (formerly so celebrated for the sacrifice sulmen, who regularly attend, some­ of human life) at the junction of the times to the number of seventy persons. Ganges and the Jumna, and there Mr. He is usually engaged every other Smith generally comes up from Benares morning of the week in preaching at to assist. Many pleasing circumstances the different ghats on the river side, have occurred at these seasons during where congregations of all classes of the last year; and opportunities have people are readily obtained. been enjoyed of sending the sacred volume, and religious tracts, and re­ ALLAHABAD. ports of the promulgation of the gospel to very distant parts of the country. Missionary, L. Mackintosh. — The church under Mr. Mackintosh’s care MUTTRA. consists of but a few members (about five w e believe), and we are not certain Missionary, R. Richards; native that at present he has any native in preacher, Ramdas.—Mr. Richards left communion. Seetaram, who was long Futtyghur, and arrived at Muttra, last of great assistance to him in his work, February. During a large portion of has lately gone to Gorruckpore, where the year his health was very bad, but he is employed as a native doctor. He latterly it has much improved, and he maintains, we understand, an honour­ has met with many encouraging cir­ able profession. Sectuldas, another cumstances in the prosecution of his Brahmun, has been with Mr. Mackin­ work. Muttra is in the centre of a tosh on probation for a considerable number of places of high repute for time, and as he has given proof of sin­ sanctity amongst the Hindoos. Many cerity and firmness in embracing the are therefore attracted to it, and hence gospel, and assisting in its diffusion, he it is an eligible situation for a Mission. may perhaps have been baptized ere One Mussulman woman has been bap­ this. At the date of our last commu­ tized and added to the church since the nications from him, Mr. Mackintosh date of our last published accounts; had also with him an interesting young and another female (not a native) one of man, of the writer caste, who had re­ Mr. Richards’s stated hearers at Fut­ linquished his caste, and been under tyghur, begged him to return and bap­ instruction for several months. Others, tize her last July, which he did. About likew ise, have come to him in the course six Brahmuns and others have staid of the year; and it is evident a very with him, some for long, and others considerable impression is produced by shorter periods of time, during the past his labours. year; and several have given up caste, On Sabbath, Mr. Mackintosh con­ and their conduct induces him to hope ducts Hindoosthanee worship in the that they may be soon added to the morning at the chapel adjoining his church. own house; and in the evening he has worship both in English and Hindoos­ DELHI. thanee at the house of one of the mem­ bers of the churfch, who is a conductor Missionary, J. T. Thompson; native of ordnance, and resides in the fort. At preacher, Sookha Misr.—The church at the same friend’s he has worship in a Delhi consists of eleven members in eimilar way ou Thursday evenings also; full, communion ; of whom, however, 41 only two, Kiaba and Sookha Misr, are degree according to the number and natives. The latter is actively engaged circumstances of the visitors he may in spreading abroad the knowledge of have. He also frequently conducts the gospel in the neighbouring countries, worship in Hindoosthanee, with a num­ and seems to meet with great acceptance ber of Christian drummers in the mili­ amongst the people. His own character tary lines, at some distance from his is much improved, and he gives house. pleasure and satisfaction to all who To preach the gospel to the heathen know him. he continually frequents several places Mr. Thompson's labours are abundant which are the head quarters of some and highly interesting. In English ho Hindoo sects, and also some ghats, has regular worship on Sabbath morning which are places of great resort. In and evening at his own house, and the addition to these, he attends many re­ same on Wednesday evening; and, ex­ ligious assemblies in the city and cept on the first Monday of the month, neighbourhood; and in spring he travels when he holds a Missionary prayer- to the great annual assembly at Hurd- meeting at his own house, he has a war, and in November to that at Gurrh- prayer-meeting on Monday evenings at mookteswar. On all these occasions the house of one of the members of the he enjoys opportunities of circulating church. The usual congregations at the knowledge of the gospel to an un­ these times amounts to about 20 per­ usually great extent, and of marking sons. Hindooslhanee worship he has the progress which is made in the work at his own house every Sabbath after­ of Missions. Many resort to him for noon, which is very variously attended; instruction, and he has now several very and indeed on every afternoon he has promising inquirers, worship of this kind, varying in some January 1,1827. LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS


JUNE 1826, t o JUNE 1827.

This List is made np .to the 30th June, and hence the contributions of two years, from several places and individnals, will be found in this number. The Accounts for the year are balanced on the 30th May. Lists have not been furnished from various places ; in which, the amount only is inserted. In the column between the names and the sums, the letter M denotes Mission, T Translations, S Schools, and F Female Education; where no letter appears, it will be understood tliat the contributions belong to the head last specified.

BEDFORDSHIRE. £ s. d. Hughes, Mr. T ...... £ s. d. M 1 1 0 Bedford. Society in aid of Mis­ Keens, Mrs. E...... 0 10 0 King, Mrs. G...... 0 10 6 sions, by John Foster, Esq, Lewis, Miss...... Treasurer...... M 191 0 10 0 10 6 Baptist Association, by .Mr. R. Lodge, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Lye, Mr. Richard...... 0 10 0 Saunders...... 15 1 0 6 Dunstable and Houghton. Penny Martin, Mr...... 0 10 Nias, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Society, by Mr. W atts...... 6 13 6 Norris, Mr...... Do. do...... 1827 5 6 0 0 10 6 Page, F. Esq...... 2 2 0 Purdue, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 BERKSHIRE. Purdue, Mr...... 0 10 6 Sargent, Mr...... 2 2 0 Abingdon. Collection...... 20 12 0 Sums under 10s...... Subscriptions...... 1 0 o 18 6 0 Tanner, Mr. Joseph...... ] 1 0 Clealand, J. R. Esq Don. 2 0 0 Tanner, Mr. John...... 1 1 o Collection...... 16 12 5 Tanner, Mr. J. sen...... Young Gentlemen at Radley 1 0 0 Thorn, Mr. E ...... 0 10 6 House...... 1 5 0 Two Friends...... F 0 10 0 Subscriptions and Donations by W . W ...... Mrs. Kershaw...... M 0 10 o 10 13 2 Weedon, Mr. T...... 1 1 o Newbury. Bailee, Mr...... 0 10 6 Whitchurch, Mr. J...... Barfield, John, Esq...... 2 2 o 1 1 0 Winter, Mrs...... 1 1 o Bicheno, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Brinton, Miss...... Oakingham. Collection...... 4 9 o 1 1 0 Heelas, Mr. W ...... 1 0 o Brown, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Heelas, Mr. W. jun...... Bull, Mr. C...... 1 0 o n io o , Heelas, Mrs...... 1 0 o Champion, Mr. A...... i l o Juvenile Society...... Collection...... 3 15 o 10 12 0 Whatley, Rev. G. K...... 2 2 0 Deane, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 Reading. Dryland, Rev. W ...... 1 0 0 Bird, Rev. J. Burghfield...... 1 l o Elkins, Mr. J. sen...... 1 1 0 Boorne, Mr...... Elkins, Mr. J. jun...... 0 10 & 0 10 6 Bowyer, Mrs. Sunnivgwell , 1 0 0 Elkins, Mr. S...... 0 10 6 Broad, Mr...... g Fuller, Mr. B...... 0 10 0 10 0 Brookes, Mr...... 0 10 0 Gale, Mr. E. E. W ...... 5 0 0 Brown, Mr. G...... Graham, Mr. W ...... 2 2 0 1 1 0 Brown, Mr. John...... 0 10 G Graham, Mr. F...... 1 1 0 Brown, Mr. Joshua...... Herbert, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 1 1 0 Brown, Miss...... 0 10 6 Hedges, Mr. T...... 0 0 Buncombe, Mr...... Hibal, Mr...... 0 10 6 0 10 6 Bureis, Mr...... 0 10 6 43

£ s. d. £ s. d. Bushnell, ——Esq... M I 1 0 AUnatt, Mr. C...... M 0 10 6 Champion, Mr. B.... 2 2 Or Castle, Mr. Thomas...... 0 10 Champion, Mr. W .. 1 1 oi Clarke, Mr. R...... 0 10 Cheselden, Miss...... 0 10 6 Collections by Rev. E. Carey.... 11 7 Cockell, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Cooper, Rev. S. Cholscy...... 0 10 Collected by Mrs. Bnckland, for Cox, Mr. H...... 0 10 Native Girl’s School...... F 15 0 0 Field, Mr. J...... 1 1 Collected at Hosier’s Lane. M 23 11 0 Harris, Rev. W ...... 1 1 Compigne, Mr...... 1 1 0 Lovegrove, Mrs...... 1 1 Davis, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Pitman, Mr. C. Cholsey...... 1 10 Davies, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 | Sadler, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Davies, Mr. P ...... 0 10 6 Saunders, Mr. R. Warborough 0 10 6 Day, Mr...... 0 10 0 I Tilson, T. H. Esq. Watlington Deane, Mr. Caversham...... 1 1 O! P ark...... 1 1 0 Douglas, Rev. A ...... 1 1 0^ Tvso, Rev. J...... 0 10 6 Donkin, J. Esq...... 2 2 Wallis, Mr. T...... 0 10 6 Elisha, Mr.. 1 1 0 Wells, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Fenton, Mr 1 1 0 Wells, Mrs. Slade End...... 1 1 0 French, Mr 1 1 0 Wells, Mr. John, do...... 1 1 0 Friends, by Mrs. Wayland...... 5 0 0 Wells, Mr. E ...... 1 1 6 Furnell, J. Esq. Peppard... 1 1 0 Wantage. Collection after Pub­ Furnell, Miss...... 1 1 0 lic Meeting...... 4 1 8 Hancock, Rev. W. Sandhurst. S 1 1 0 Contributions, by Rev. W. Harris, R. Esq..., M 1 1 0 Glanvill...... 3 10 0 Hetherington, Mr, 1 1 0 Daniels, Mr...... 1 1 6 Hinton, Rev. J. H...... 1 1 0 Hiscock, Mr...... 1 1 0 Kollinshead, Mr...... 0 10 6 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. H H 1 1 0 Hub ba rd,' 'M'rV.".'.”'." .'.'.'.* .... 1 1 0 Amersham. Penny Society and Hulme, Rev. G...... T 1 1 0 Subscriptions, by Rev. R. Johnson, Mr...... M 0 10 6 Mav...... M IS 1 7 Laurie, Rev. G ...... 1 1 0 Do. 1827...... 20 5 0 Lawrence, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collected by Mr. Cooper..... 1 6 2 Letchworth, Mr...... 0 10 6 A Friend...... 1 0 0 Letchworth, Mr. H...... 1 1 0 Dorrell, Mr. M...... 1 1 0 Maberly, S. Esq...... 3 0 0 May, Rev. R ...... 1 0 0 Maitland, Fuller, Esq...... 2 2 0 Moreton, Mr. sen...... 1 1 0 Maitland, Mrs...... 2 2 0 Moreton, Mr. William, jun.. 1 0 0 Monck, J. B. Esq. M.P...... 1 1 0 Astmi Clinton. Musgrove, Mr...... 0 10 6 Collected by Mr. Amsden.... 1 8 1 Phillips, Mr...... 1 1 0 Chenics. West, Rev. E...... 1 1 t> Poulton, Mr...... 0 10 6 Chesham. Mead, Miss...... 1 1 0 Rhodes, Mr...... 1 1 0 Tomlin, Rev. W ...... 1 1 0 Rickford, — Esq...... 1 0 0 A Friend, by Mr. Tomlin...... 1 0 0 Ring, T. Esq...... 2 2 0 Two Friends, collected by cards 5 9 0 0 10 6 Williams, Miss...... 1 0 0 Rusher, Mr...... 1 1 0 Weekly Society by Miss Payne. 6 9 1 Shepherd, Miss...... 0 10 6 Crendon. Coll. by Mr. Ilopcraft 0 13 1 Sherman, Rev. J...... 0 10 6 Do. by Miss Dodwell...... 0 18 7 Simmonds, Mr. N ...... 1 1 0 Emberton. Johnson, Mr. Robert 1 1 0 Small Sums...... 1 13 0 Fenny Stratford. Stephens, W. Esq...... 1 1 0 i Collected by Mr. Harris...... 4 0 0 Swaine, Mr...... 0 10 6 IGold Hill. Coll. by Mr. Dossett. 0 12 a Don. T 2 0 0 Haddenham. Collected by Misses Tanner, J. Esq...... M 1 1 0 Franklin andVeary, and Mrs. Tiley, Mr...... 1 1 0 Stranks...... 4 18 0 Vines, Mr. E...... 1 1 0 Missenden. Missionary Associa­ Vines, Mr. Joshua...... 1 1 0 tion (one-half)...... 17 1 6 Vines, Mr. Jabez...... 1 1 0 New Mill. Blaine, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Ward, Mr...... 1 1 0 Batcher, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 Watkins, Rev. J...... 0 10 6 Collected by Mr. Clarabut...... 0 16 0 Wayland, Mr...... 2 2 0 Elliott, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Weston, Messrs...... 1 1 0 Female Aux. So. by Mrs. Elliott 4 18 3 Williams, Mr. B ...... 1 1 0 Kingham, Mr...... 1 0 0 Winkworth, Mr...... 1 0 0 Kingsley, Mr. William...... 1 0 0 Wynne, Robert, Esq...... 2 0 0 Lake, Mr. Bulboume...... 0 10 0 Wallingford. AUnatt, C. A. Esq. 1 1 0 Meacher, G. Esq. Ivinghoe...... 1 1 0 44

£ s. d. Cfhtej, Mr. D ...... M 1 1 0, Jordan, Mr...... M 0 16 6 Sotton, Mr...... 1 1 0 Missionary Box, Mr. Spasshatt.. 0 14 10 Newport Pagnell. Do. Bap:. Mrs. Thomas...... 0 6 4 Sunday School, by Ret. T. Ball 2 0 0 Read, Mr. E ...... 1 .1 0 Olney. Andrews, W . Esq...... 2 2 0 Small Sams...... 0 12 0 Cox, J. B. Esq. Sherrington... 1 1 0 Do...... 1 0 0 Cox, Mrs...... f...... 0 10 6 Spasshatt, Mr...... 1 1 0 Davison, Mr. Samael...... 0 10 6 Sabbath School...... 0 17 6 Goodman, Nevill, Esq...... 1 1 0 Trestrail, Mr...... 0 10 0 Osborn, Mr. John...... 0 5 0 Trevosso, J. D. Esq. M.D...... 1 1 0 Penny Weekly Society...... 3 5 0 Watkins, Captain...... 1 1 0 Simmons, Rev. J....,...... 1 1 0 Weekly Subscriptions by Mrs. Smith, the Misses...... 5 0 0 Watkins and others...... 10 18 11 Do...... 2 0 0 Ward, Mr. Newport Pagnell, Helston Branch. 2 yrs ...... 2 0 0 Collections after Sermons by Wilson, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Princes Risborough. Messrs. May and Acworth.... 3 0 0 One Moiety, by Mr. Terry... Do. after Public Meeting..... 3 5 2 3 7 10 Do. by Mr. J. Read...... 1 0 4 Quainton. Coll. by Mr. Walker. 0 6 0 Ellis, Mr. James ..... 0 10 6 Tring. Amsden, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Waddesdon Hill. Hawkey, Joseph, Esq...... 1 1 0 Coll. by Mr. G. Williams.... Osier, Mr. S...... 0 10 G 7 7 0 Read, Mr. John...... 0 10 6 W ingrave. Cox, Mr...... 1 1 0 Read, Mr. C...... Grace, Mr...... 0 10 6 0 10 6 Moiety of Collection...... Rogers, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 3 14 0 Sandys, Colonel...... 2 0 0 Thomas, Mr. R. N ...... 1 0 0 Weekly Subscriptions, &c. by CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Mrs. Eustace, and others...... 5 16 7 Williams, Mrs. S ...... Cambridge. Auxiliary Society... 46 14 4 0 10 0 Collection aiter a Sermon by Penzance Branch. Rer. R. Hall...... 69 8 2 Isleham. Monthly Subscriptions, Barham, T. F. Esq Don. 0 10 0 by Mr. Reynolds...... 5 0 0 Barham, Dr...... Don. 1 0 0 Isle of Ely. Associated Ministers, Boase, H. Esq...... D i. 1 0 0 Two Donations...... 4 4 3 Brown, Mr...... 1 0 0 Came, Joseph, Esq...... Don. 1 0 0 Collections after Sermnrs at Jordan Chapel, by Messrs. CHESHIRE. Burchell and Lane...... 4 16 0 Audlem. Baptist Church, by Mr. Collection after Sermon at Queen Thnrs field...... M 3 0 0 Street, by Mr. Burchell...... 2 9 6 Sanday School...... 0 10 0 Do. after Public Meeting...... 4 1 10 Chester, Sub. by Mrs. London.. 6 5 3 Morgan, Mrs. Sarah Don. 1 0 0 Peck, Mr. John...... Don. I 0 0 Pidwell, Samuel, Esq Don. 1 0 0 CORNWALL. Weekly Subscriptions, See... 9 18 9 Cornwall A uxiliary S ociety. Redruth Branch. Falmouth Branch. Andrew, Mr. Joseph 0 10 0 Boase, Miss...... 0 10 6 Allport, Mr. W . Padstow... M 1 1 0 Budge, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Bond, Mr. W . H...... 0 10 0 Cook, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Collections at Falmouth and Collections after Sermons, by Flushing after Sermons, by Mr. Gibbs 3 12 6 Rev. Mr. Gibbs, and Public Do. at Public Meeting...... 2 9 6 Meeting...... 12 8 5 Do. at Tucking Mill, by Mr. Collection at the Independent Gibbs...... 1 1 6 Chapel, Penryn, by Rev. T. Do. at Gwennap Pit, by do..... 3 7 4 Burchell...... 3 1 11 Do. at S t. Agnes, by do...... 2 0 0 Downing, Mr. W ...,...... 0 10 6 Davey, William, Esq...... 0 10 0 Ellis, Mr...... 0 10 6 Eade, Mr. M...... 0 10 0 Fox, G. C. Esq...... 1 0 0 Heynes, Mr. Thomas...... 0 10 0 Fox, Mrs. E...... 1 1 0 Magor, R. Esq...... 1 0 0 Fox, R. W. Esq...... 1 0 0 Magor, Miss...... 0 10 0 (Jay, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Magor, John P. Esq...... 1 0 0 45

£ s. d. £ *. Jfichel, Robert, Esq. Rovief.... M 1 0 0 Collections from the Church, Molesworth, Rev. H...... 0 10 0 &c. Pembroke Street...... M 10 0 0 Morcom, Mr. Elisha...... 1 0 0 Juvenile Society at do...... 9 ie o Pendarves, E.W .W . Esq. M.P. 2 0 0 Fegan, Mr...... 0 ]0 6 Rogers, Rev. Hugh...... T 1 0 0 Friend...... 0 10 0 Small Sums...... 0 9 0 Foster. M r...... 1 1 0 D o...... M 4 15 C Juvenile Society, Morice Sq..... 10 0 0 Williams, John, Esq...... 1 1 0 Miull, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Williams, John, jun. Esq...... T 1 0 0 Pinsent. Mr...... 1 1 0 Chacewater. Collection after Ser ll.idd, Mr...... 0 5 0 moti, by Mr. Burchell...... M 1 16 0 Eavfcr. Kennaway, Sir John. Francis, Captain W ...... 0 10 0 Don...... 5 5 0 Monthly Subscriptions...... 5 0 3 Ditto...... Sub. 5 0 0 Morcom, Captain...... 1 0 0 K. Captain...... 0 10 6 Morcom, Mr. Joseph...... 0 10 0 Nantes, Mr...... 1 1 0 Guinear. Beater, Mr...... T 1 1 0 Coll. by Mrs. Lillycrop...... 2 13 0 Small Sums...... 0 15 0 Lee, Mr...... 0 10 6 Do. do...... M 1 3 6 Lillycrop, Mr...... 0 10 6 Lillycrop, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Truro Branch. Pagett, Miss C...... 1 1 0 Small Donations...... 1 19 9 0 10 0 Collected by Miss Salter...... 1 2 3 Clarke, Rev. C...... 2 2 0 Do. by various Young Ladies, Clarke, Mr. T...... 0 30 6 Collections after Sermons and others...... 4 14 5 Mr. Burchell...... 3 5 11 Kingsbridge. Do. do. by Mr. Gibbs...... 1 10 0 Collected by Miss Elliott.... 0 6 2 Do. do. Public Meeting...... 4 16 9 Do. by Miss Penn...... 0 15 O Edgcome, Miss...... 1 1 0 Do. at Annual Meeting...... 7 6 3 Harper, Mr...... 0 10 6 Collections by Messrs. Gibbs Knight, Mr...... 0 10 6 and Burchell r...... 10 11 6 S Elliott, Mrs. S. Plymouth. ] 1 0 0 7 6 Hingston, Mr. John, jun.... 0 10 0 Nicholson, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 1 0 0 Isbell, and others...... ! m 20 7 1 Pearce, Mr. J. Batten Don. Grampound. Collection after Snow, Mrs...... 0 8 0 1 15 0 Torring, Mr...... 1 0 0 0 10 0 Wilcocks, Mr. T...... 0 5 0 Weekly Subscriptions...... 5 6 2 0 6 9 Modbury. Contributions...... 5 2 7 1 14 6 Plymouth. Derry, Mr...... 2 0 0 Searle, Mr...... 1 0 0 Derry, Mr. D...... 1 1 0 1 4 0 Elliott, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Small Sums...... Gandy, Mr. H...... 0 10 6 Penzance. Biddle, Mr. Gibson, Mr...... 0 10 6 J. Upton...... 4 0 0 Society in How Street, viz. Saltasti. Collections. 3 15 4 Collections at Anniversary...... 16 5 3 Dickens, Mr...... 1 1 0 Ladies Branch,a moiety...... 10 6 2 Moiety of several Subscriptions. 3 1 8 CUMBERLAND. Prance, Mr...... 1 1 0 Williams, Mr. S...... 0 10 6 Broughton. Contributions iMl 14 16 6 fin North of England Auxiliary.) DORSETSHIRE.

DEVONSHIRE. Bradford. Floyer, Mrs...... M 1 o a Bideford. Dyer, Mr. R Don. Dorchester. JBovetracy. Contributions...... Collected at Public Meeting 3 5 6 Dartmouth. Onslow, Rev. M...... 1 0 0 Coll. at Public Meeting...... 4 13 Wilson, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Graham, G. Esq...... 0 10 Yeatman, Morgan, Esq...... 1 0 0 Manley, Rev. W ...... 0 10 Poole. Bunn, J. B. Esq...... 1 1 0 Puddicom, Mr. John...... 0 5 Chandler, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Penny Society (two-thirds)...... 5 17 Ditto...... 1 1 0 Devonport. Batten, Mr...... 1 1 Friends, by Rev. S. Bulgin 2 0 0 Collections at Morice Square.... 17 4 Kemp, Miss...... 1 1 0 46

£ t. d. £ s. d. Ledgard, G. W. Esq..., 1 1 0 Waltham Abbey. Sherborne. Chandler, B 2 2 0 Friends, by Rev. Mr. Blakeman 3 0 0 Coleman, B. F. Esq...... 1 1 0 Vowell, Mr. B...... 1 1 0 Whitty, S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Weymouth. Alner, Mr. 1 1 0 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. 1 1 0 Chalford. Colls, by Mr. Deane... M 2 10 0 Bank. Buildings Chapel.. 13 0 0 Bath, Mr. and Miss...... 1 0 0 Drayton, Mr...... 0 10 6 Cheltenham. For Cheltenham Flint, Mr. Thomas...... 0 10 0 Female School, by Rev. O. Hall, Mr...... 0 10 6 Clarke...... F 15 5 0 Harding, Mr...... 0 10 6 Coleford. Harvey, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Collection by Rev. E. Carey M 6 11 9 Hoby, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Subscriptions and Donations 9 8 3 Hobv, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Trotter, Mr. G...... Don. 10 0 0 Loader, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Dursleu. An aged poor Friend, Moyle, Mrs...... 1 1 0 by Mr. J. Barnett...... 2 7 0 Quarterly Subscriptions.... 0 16 6 Eastcombes. Contributions, by Rolls, Mr...... 0 10 6 Rev. J. O. Mitchell...... 3 5 0 1 1 0 Gloucester. Contributions, by Mr. 1 1 0 Rees, per Mr. Drayton 1 10 0 A Friend at Preston, by do..... 1 0 0 Collection by Rev. E. Carey 11 10 0 Wyatt, Mr...... 0 10 6 Young Friends...... 2 16 0 Guiting. Collected at Monthly Prayer Meetings...... 2 3 10 ESSEX. Kinstanley. Cousins, Rev. James 0 10 6 King, Mr. P ...... 1 1 0 Burnham. Contribut M 1 0 2 King, Mrs...... 0 8 0 Colchester. Auxiliar King, Miss...... 1 1 0 Mr. R Patmore... 15 17 2 Smaller Subscriptions...... 4 9 6 Barker, Mr. James. 0 10 6 Mincninhampton. Collection 1 3 3 Barrell, Mr. J...... 0 5 0 Na^h, Miss, by Mr. Heskins.... 1 1 0 Cock, H. Esq...... 1 0 0 Neale, Mrs...... 1 1 0- 9 4 5 Whitehead, W . Esq...... F 1 0 0 Daniell, S. Esq... 1 0 0 Nailsworth. Collection at Short- “English, " ' Mrs. s. N.. 1 0 0 wood, by Mr. Bnrchell...... JM 17 19 0 5 5 0 Bliss, Mr. E...... 1 0 0 Friend...... 1 0 0 Do. for Shortwood School...... S 15 0 0 Ditto...... 1 0 0 Heskins, Mr. John...... M 1 0 0 Friends...... 0 7 6 Provisional Fund at Shortwood. 10 0 0 Goose, Mr. N. 0 5 0 Rutterrow. Antill, W. Esq 2 8 0 Ryeford. Read, Mr...... 0 10 0 nell’s, by Mr. Hardy..... 1 5 4 Stow. Collection...... 1 0 0 Savill, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Stroud. Contributions, per Mr. Tabor, Mrs. Sarah...... I 0 0 Hawkins, jnn...... 14 10 0 Walker, Mr. J...... 0 7 0 Clutterbuck, Mrs. James 0 10 0 Earls Colue. Contributions 13 3 0 Hawkins, Rev. H ...... 1 1 0 Halsted. Ditto...... 3 10 o Hawkins, Mr. H ...... 0 10 6 Harlow. Hopson, Mr. W...... 0 10 6 Collection by Mr. Cratnp.. T 4 13 4 Poulton, Mr. Thomas, Frocester 1 0 0 Ditto...... M 9 10 8 Wilson, W. S. Esq Don. 1 1 0 Juvenile Society...... F 2 0 0 Small Subscriptions...,...... 1 16 0 Young Ladies at Miss Lodge’s. 1 10 0 Tetbury. Jlford. Angas, G. F. Esq...... M 1 1 0 Coll. by Miss Mary Overbury... 3 19 0 Missionary Association by Rev. Estcourt, Rev.E. W ...... 1 1 0 J. Smith, 1826...... 14 8 0 Tewksbwy. Do. three-quarters of a year, 1827 12 0 0 Collections and Subscriptions... 29 12 0 Welstead, Charles, Esq...... 1 1 0 Ditto...... T 4 12 .0 Lang ham. Contributions...... 16 10 0 Ditto...... F 20 0 Ô Loughton. Missionary Assoc..... 10 8 9 Weekly Subscriptions...... M 14 2 0 Potter 'Street. Contributions...... 4 0 0 Wot ion under Edge. Contribu­ ¡Saffron Walden. Do. and Coll... 12 18 10 tions, by Rev. T. Thomas 9 0 6 Gibson, Mr ...... T 1 1 0 Gibson, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Gibson, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Martin, Thomas, Esq...... M 1 1 0 Sewardstone. Carr, J. Esq...... 1 1 1 0 47

HAMPSHIRE. / *. d. Ring, Mr...... M 0 10 0 £ ». d. Rouse, Mrs...... 0 5 Ü Ashley. Collection M 1 1 0 Salem Chapel Brandi (two- Broughton. Collections, by Rev. thirds of subscriptions)...... 2 18 8 H. Russell...... 13 15 8 Tilly, Rev. T...... 0 10 6 Hartley Row. Auxiliary Society 7 0 0 Y oung Ladies at Miss Holland’s 0 13 0 Lymington. Young, Rev. R...... 0 fi 0 Auxiliary Juvenile Society..... 10 10 6 Young, Mr. William...... 0 10 6 Friends, by Rev. E. Carey..... 1 0 0 White’s Row Branch (two-thirds Hollis, Mr...... 0 10 0 of subscriptions) ...... 6 14 8 Kearley, Mr...... 1 0 0 Rom.sey. Kearley, Miss...... ] 0 0 Beddome, J. R. Esq. 1826...... 1 1 0 Mardonnell, Mrs...... 1 0 0! Ditto, 1827...... 1 I 0 Millard, Rev. J ...... 1 0 01 Collection, 1826...... 5 14 6 West, John, Esq...... 2 0 0 Ditto, 1S27...... C 9 « Wickenden, Miss...... 1 0 01 Jackson, Mr. J. 1826...... 0 10 fi Milford. Collection...... 2 0 0 Ditto, 1827...... 0 10 6 1 6 0 PoRTSEA, PORTSMOUTH, AND Penny Female Society, 1826.... Southampton. Bullar, Mr. John. 1 0 0 Gosport A uxiliary. Collection...... 16 12 0 Absalom, Mr. H ...... 1 1 0 Curtis, Mr...... 0 10 0 Beazley, Mr...... 0 10 6 Draper, Rev. B. H...... 0 10 6 Bubb, Mrs...... 0 10 6 E. and E. L ...... 2 0 0 Collection at the formation of Ellyett, Mr...... Ü 10 6 this Society...... 5 9 3 Maurice, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Collection at Meetinghouse Alley 10 8 6 Missionary Box, by Miss M. A. Do. at White’s Row...... 3 0 1 Maurice...... 8 10 f. Do. at Dock Row...... 4 0 6 Oakley, Mr. P ...... 1 0 0 Do. at Lake Lane...... 2 12 9 Scorey, Mr. P ...... 0 10 6 Do. at Forton...... 1 15 8 Toomer, Mr...... 1 0 0 Do. at Salem Chapel...... 1 1 6 Williams, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Do. at Ebenezer Chapel...... 2 0 o! Whitchurch. Do. at Anniversary Meeting. 11 1 8! Bevan, Silvanus, Esq...... 5 0 0 Crassweller, Mr...... 0 10 6! Ditto...... 5 0 0 Dock Row Juvenile Society...... 4 8 5! Collection among the poor.... 1 11 9 Ditto...... S 3 0 °i Davies, Rev. P ...... 1 1 0 Dunn, Miss...... M 1 1 0 Freeman, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Ellis, Mr. W ...... 1 1 o Nethercliff, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Ellyett, Mr. T ...... 1 1 o! Sambourn, Mr. R ...... 1 0 0 Forton Branch Society (2 thirds) 2 16 o: Wrestbridge, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 George, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 GooHeve, Joseph, Esq...... 1 1 0 Goodeve, Benjamin, Esq...... 1 1 0 Grey, Sir George...... T 1 1 0 HEREFORDSHIRE. Ditto...... S 1 1 0 Grey, Lady...... M 1 1 0 Bromyard. Coll. by Miss Hopkins M 1 15 3 Griffin, Rev. J...... 0 10 6 Kington. Contributions, by Rev. Helby, Mr...... 1 0 0 S. Blackmore...... 10 0 0 Hinton, Mr...... 1 1 0 Ditto, 1826 ...... 15 0 0 Holland, Miss...... 1 1 0 Ross. Collected by Miss Wall... 6 17 6 Horsey, Mr. Joseph...... 0 7 6 Do. by Mr. W. Hill...... 1 11 10 Horsey, Mr. Samuel...... 0 10 6 Do. by Rev. T. Waters...... 6 4 2 Horsey, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Janes, Mr...... 1 1 0 Howard, Daniel, Esq...... 1 1 0 Lewis, Mrs...... 1 F 0 10 6 Kemp, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Smith, Mr...... Don.;M 1 0 0 •Lake Lane Sabbath School, per Wall, Mrs...... I F 0 10 6 Mr. Ellyett...... 10 0 0 Do. Branch Society (two-thirds of subscriptions)...... 3 3 0 Lower, Mr...... 1 1 0 HERTFORDSHIRE. Marie-la-bonne Sabbath School, per Mr. Ralfs...... 2 19 9 Boxmoor. Missionary Box, by Meetinghouse AlleyBranch (two- Mrs. Carey ...... M 8 0 0 thirds of weekly subs.)...... 5 18 6 Harrold. Young, Miss Ann...... 1 0 0 Miall, Rev. D ...... „.... 0 10 6 Hemel Hempstead. Monday, Mr...... 0 10 6 Missionary Association...... 12 10 8 Phillips, Mr...... 0 10 6 Missionary Box...... 0 7 1 Ralfs, Mr...... 1 1 0 Hertford. Coll. hv Miss James.. 2 17 0 4 8

£ i. d. £ s. d. Hitchin. Contributions, per Miss Gold Ends, by Mr. West M 1 7 0 Bradley...... M 13 7 0 Howland, Mr...... 1 1 0 Geard, Rev. J...... 0 10 6 Miss. Box in Mr. Howland’s shop 2 9 7 Royston. Bathe, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Do. at Mrs. Harriet Banks’s..... 0 6 5 Beldam, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Parnell, John, Esq...... 1 1 0 Beldam, Mr. Joseph...... 1 1 0 Sunday Scholars...... 0 12 JBL Butler, Mr. W. P ...... 0 10 0 Chatham. Acworth, Mr. Joseph 1 0 0 Fordham, Mr. C. R...... 0 10 0 Bishop, Mr. H ...„...... 0 10 6 Lucas, Mr. W ...... IM 0 10 0 Brock, Mr. E...... 1 1 0 Nash, W . W . Esq...... 1 1 0 Ladies’ Society at Zion Chapel, Piggot, Mr. James...... 0 10 0 by Rev. Mr. Lewis...... 13 14 7 Pendered, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Edmunds, Mr...... 1 1 0 Quarterly Subscriptions...... 2 16 0 Gilbert, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Sawbridgeworth. Giles, Mr. W . jun...... 1 1 0 Stewart, Rev. Mr...... 1 1 0 Heathcote, Mr...... 0 10 6 St. A Ibans. Collection and Small Hopkins, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Subscriptions...... 16 18 0 Juvenile Missionary Society, by Keep, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Captain Pudner...... 25 0 0 Woollam, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Pndner, Capt. H. E. I. C...... 1 0 0 Young, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Stephens, John, Esq...... 0 10 6 'Tring. Offering of a few poor Watson, Major, R. M...... 1 0 0 friends at New M ill, by Rev. White, G. Esq...... 0 10 6 D. Clarabut...... 1 17 10 Cranbrook. Auxiliary Society.... 7 17 0 W atford. Juvenile Society...... 1 9 0 Auxiliary Society (a moiety) 5 2 0 Crayfard. Female Auxiliary, by Ditto...... 3 18 0 Mrs. Smith...... 5 0 0 Salter, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Smith, Mr...... 2 yrs. 2 2 0 Smith, Mr. Hamper Mill.... 1 1 0 Deptford. Stone, W. Esq.2 yrs. 5 0 0 Smith, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Stone, Mrs...... 2 yrs. 4 0 0 Wedd, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Stone, Mr. Josiah...... 2 yrs. 2 0 0 Stone, Mr. Joseph...... 2 yrs. 2 0 0 Stone, Mr. William...... 2 yrs, 2 0 0 Stone, Mr. George...... 1 0 0 HUNTINGDONSHIRE.E. Stone, Miss Eliza and Mr. Chas. 0 12 6 Dover. Coll. by Mrs. Wright.,.. 0 14 0 Eynesford. Atwood, Mr. W., 1 1 0 Kimbolton. Hogg, Rev. R ...... S 2 2 0 Do. Family Box...... 0 7 0 St. Ives. Baines, Miss...... M 1 0 0 Ash Missionary Box...... 0 8 0 Baines, Miss C...... j 1 0 0 Female Society...... 6 0 S Huntingdon Auxiliary Society, Foot's Cray. Friends by Mrs. by Mr. W . Foster...... 66 17 11 May...... 1 15 6 Do. by Mrs. Poole...... 1 6 0 Juvenile Society...... 5 0 0 Rogers, Rev. John...... 0 10 6 KENT. Eythorne. Bradley, Mr. N ...... 1 1 0 'Bradley, Mrs. Missionary Box.. 0 5 0 Ashford. Association (two-thirds) 7 10 4 Collection ...... 5 5 4 Collection at the Anniversary... 14 9 2 Giles, Rev. J...... 0 10 6 Bessel’s Green. Fletcher, Mr. B. 1 1 0 Harvey, Thomas, Esq . 1 1 0 Fletcher, Miss Emma...... 0 7 0 Harvey, Mr. T. jun...... 0 10 6 Knott, Mr...... 1 1 0 Harvey, Mr. W . H ...... 0 10 6 Penny Society, by Mrs. Loveland 1 0 0 Folkstone. Sabbath School Ju­ Sunday School Children...... 0 12 9 venile Society...... 1 12 4 Small Sums, by Mr. Surby...... 0 13 0 Subscriptions...... 13 5 8 Borough Green. Greenwich. Baptist Church, by Collection by Rev. E. Carey...... 3 5 0 Rev. W . Belsher...... 18 12 9 Friends...... 1 6 0 Maidstone. Beeching, Mr...... 0 10 0 Brasted. Beeching, M iss...... 0 10 0 Collected by Mr. Buckingham... 5 14 2 Beeching, Miss E...... 0 10 0 Canterbury. Christian, Mr...... 1 1 CT Bentlif, Mrs. and Mr. G...... 0 18 0 Collected by Miss Collins...... 5 2 0 Bentlif, Mr. and Mrs. J...... 0 14 0 Do. by Miss R. Lade...... 2 11 6 Bentlif, Mr. and Mrs. James... 0 14 0 Do. by Mr. W est...... 5 12 11 Collection at the designation of Do. by Mr. Banks...... - ...... 0 16 10 Mr. Pearce ...... 8 18 5 Donations, by Miss Lade...... 0 17 6 Dodson, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Flint, Mr. A...... 1 1 0 Groser, Mr...... 1 1 0 Flint, Mr. B. F ...... 1 1 0 Hugman, Mr...... 0 10 0 Flint, Miss...... 1 1 0 Laker, Mr. and Mrs...... 1 5 4 •li)

£ *. d. Marchant, Mr...... 0 10 0 LANCASHIRE. Prance, Miss...... 1 1 £ s. d. Stanger, Mr. and Mrs. James. . 0 18 Bacup. Haworth, Mrs. James.,. F 0 7 6 Steer, Mr. and Mrs...... 0 16 Haworth, Mrs. S...... 0 10 0 Stephens, Mr...... 0 10 Haworth, Miss M...... M 0 5 0 Wedd, Mr...... 0 10 Hudson, Mr...... 1 1 0 Wilmshurst, Mr...... 0 10 Hudson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Sums under 10«. each...... 11 9 Lord, Mrs. E ...... 1 1 0 Margate. Lord, John, Esq...... 1 1 0 Subs, for 1827 not collected. Lord, Miss...... 1 1 0 Rainham. Wntchurst, Mr. James, Lord, MLss M...... 1 1 0 and friends...... 1 6 0 Ormerod, Mr. G...... 1 0 0 Sevenoaks. Allwork, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 Ormerod, Mrs...... F 0 10 6 Arnold, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Ormerod, Miss...... 0 10 6 Barcham, Mr. Asher...... 1 1 0 Ditto...... M 1 1 0 Collected by Mr. Thos. Reed... 1 0 0 Ormerod, Miss B...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 22 16 0 Ditto ...... F « 10 6 Contents of Boxes...... 6 1 0 Penny Society...... M 1 18 0 Comfort, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Watson, Mr...... F 0 10 6 Green, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Whittaker, Mrs.R...... 0 5 0 Harrison, Mr...... 1 1 0 Whittaker, Mrs. E...... 0 3 0 Harrison, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Whittaker, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Ladies' Association...... 8 0 0 Liverpool. Ashbumer, Mr...... M 1 1 0 Parker, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Aspinall, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Shirley, Rev. T...... 1 1 0 Do...... P 1 1 0 Skinner, Mrs. Susan...... 1 1 0 Aspinall, Mr. William...... M 3 3 0 Southern, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 Do...... , F 1 1 0 Wearing, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Aspinall, Miss...... ■ M 2 2 0 St. Peters. Do...... T 2 2 0 Subscriptions by Rev. T. Cramp 10 14 6 Do ...... , F 3 3 0 taplckurst. Ballard, Mr...... 1 1 0 Barnes, Miss...... 2 2 0 Jail, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do...... F 0 7 6 Tenterden. Contributionscollected Blackburn, Mrs...... 0 10 6 by Mrs. Boorman and Exall.. 6 18 8 Blackburn,-Mr...... ■M 1 1 0 Westerham. Female Association, Bower, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 by Mr. S. Wearing, 1826.. 6 18 10 Benson, Mr. Robert...... S 1 1 0 Female Society, 1827...... 6 12 6 Booth, Mr. William...... M 1 1 0 Bateman, Mrs...... 0 10 6 W o o lw ich A u x ilia r y . Cearnes, Mr. Edward...... I 1 0 Broad, Mr...... M 0 10 0 Cearnes, Mr. Edward, jun...... , T l 1 0 Collection at Public Meeting, Cropper, Mr. Edward...... 1 ì 0 Methodist Chapel...... 15 2 6 D o...... 1 1 0 Do. after a Sermon by the Rev. Crogper,-Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Eustace Carey, at the Rev. .T 1 l 0 Mr. Burnett’s...... ^...... 6 0 0 Cropper, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Do. by do. at the Rev. Mr. Free­ Do...... :...... 1 1 0 man’s...... 9 12 8 Coward, Mr. John...... M 1 1 0 Culver; Rev. Mr...... 0 10 -6 rT 4 0 a 6 Forbes,-Mrs...... 0 10 0 F 0 7 Freeman, Rev. Mr . 0 10 6 0 :7 6 Gardiner, Mr...... 1 1 0 ’ m 1 1 0 Gregory, Dr...... 1 1 0 1 1 0 Griffiths, Mr...... 1 0 0 Eskrigge, Mr. Lancaster...... 2 2 0 James, Mr...... 0 10 6 Eskrigge, Miss, do...... 1 1 0 James, Rev. Mr...... 0 10 0 Freme, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Jones, Lieut. R .N ...... 1 1 0 Francum.Mr...... 0 11 6 0 10 6 Ferry, Miss...... 0 10 6 Kemp, Mrs...... Freme, Mr. James ...... Kid, Mr...... 1 0 0 0 10 6 Forrest, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Meredith, Mr...... 1 1 0 Fisher, Revv Moses...... McDonald, Mr...... 1 1 0 1 0 0 Gray, Mr...... 1 1 0 Ranwell, Mr...... 1 1 0 Harrison,’ Mr. ls^ac...... Stehillings, Miss,...... 0 10 6 .’ t 1 1 0 Do...... 1 1 0 Strang, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do...... W ates.Mr...... 0 10 0 . s 1 1 0 Weekly Collections . 18 5 6 •■Mi 2 2 0 tlppe, Mr.-Samuel. ■3 3 0 Do^...... 1 1 0 Do ...... ■! ì 1 0 G 60

£ s. d. £ a. «/. Holt, Mr. George...... 1 1 0 Rev.' Mr. Holmes, Coll. at Hope, Mrs. Hope Street...... 1 1 Preston, per Rev. S. Saunders M 4 6 0 Hope, Mrs. Samuel...... 1 1 Manchester, Birt, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Hope, Mrs. William. 1 1 Blackburn, Mr...... 1 1 0 Hope, Mr. William...... 2 2 Blair, Mr. George, Greenach... 0 10 o Houghton, Mrs. Richard . 0 10 Bramhall, Mr...... 1 1 0 Houghton, Mr. Richard...... 1 11 Collection at the Baptist Chapel, Heyworth, Mrs...... 1 1 Greenach...... 4 Hey worth, Mrs. Jaines...... 1 1 Cullender, Mr...... 1 Hey worth, Lawrence, Esq. Don, 10 0 0 Culverwell, Mr...... 1 D o...... 2 0 0 Davenport, Mr. John, sen 2 Haigh, Mr. Bartin...... T 1 1 Davenport, Mr. John, jun. 1 Johnson, Mr. Richard...... M 2 2 Hadfield, Mr. George...... 1 Johnson, Messrs. J. and Son... 2 2 Holbrook, Mr...... 1 Johnson, Miss M. A ...... 0 10 Hudson, Mr. John...... 1 Jones, Mr. Robert, jun...... 0 10 Leese, Mr. Joseph...... 2 Jones, Messrs. R. and Sons.... M 3 3 Peel, J. Esq. Accrington Houst 1 Jones, Mr. J. Everton Crescent. 1 1 Pope, Mr. H. sen...... 2 Jones, Mr. Josiah...... 0 10 Pope, Mrs. sen . 1 Jones, Mr. C. H ...... 1 1 Pope, Mr. Samuel...... 1 0 Jones, Mrs. C. T ...... 0 10 0 Pope, Mr. H. jun...... 1 0 Jones, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Sedgwick, Mr...... 2 0 Jones, Miss S ...... 0 10 6 Youth’s Auxiliary at Street Kay, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Chapel ...... 6 0 0 Kaye, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Rochdale. Ainsworth, Miss 1 1 0 King, Mrs...... 0 7 6 Ainsworth, Miss Sarah..... 1 1 0 Little, Mr. Church Street... 2 0 0 Ainsworth, Miss Ellen..... 1 1 0 Lyon, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Bartlemore, Mr...... 1 0 o Lyon, Mrs. George...... 0 7 6 Blackett, Miss...... 1 0 0 Lister, Rev. James...... 0 10 Broad, Mr...... 0 10 u Melling, Mr. Peter . 0 10 Collection (less expenses). 11 0 0 Marples, Mr. D ...... 1 1 Holt, Mr. Oliver...... 1 0 0 Maynard, Mr. H ...... 0 10 Interest of money with Treasurer 0 16 0 Maynard, Mr. Thomas .. 0 10 Kelsall, Mr '...... 2 2 0 M'Clelland, Mr...... 1 0 Kelsall, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Paton, Mr...... 1 1 Kite, Mr...... 0 10 0 Preston, Mr. Robert.. . . 1 1 Littlewood, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Pritchard, Mr...... 0 10 6 Lum, Mr...... 3 0 0 Priestly, Mrs. White Chapel... 0 7 6 Quarterly Contributions... 7 2 5 Parry, Mrs. Pickop Street 0 10 0 Stephens, Rev. W ...... 0 10 0 Rathbone, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Taylor, Miss...... 0 10 0 D o...... 1 1 0 Williams, Mr...... 0 10 0 Richardson, Mr...... 1 0 0 Wilson, Mr...... 0 10 O Rushton, Mr...... 5 5 0 Tottlehank. Contributions, 6 15 4 Rushton, Mr. W. jun...... 1 1 Rushton, Mrs...... 1 1 Rushton, Miss...... 1 1 LEICESTERSHIRE. Smyth, Mrs. per Mrs. W . Hope 2 5 Bosworth. Female Penny Society, Slater, Miss...... 1 1 by Mrs. Barfoot...... Shingleton, M r... M 5 0 0 10 Collection by Rev. G. Hall.. 2 2 Vaughan, Mr...... 1 1 Foxton. Contributions, by Rev. Vanaries, M rs.. . 0 10 J. Burton...... 5 0 Wedgwood, Mr.. 1 1 Leicester. Collections...... 31 16 Wedgwood, Mrs. 0 7 W ^an, Friends, per Rev. Cort, Mr. James...... 1 1 Female School, Harvey Lane... 15 0 6 18 0 Moore, Mr. Kirby Muxloe,Don. 1 0 Yates, Mr. J. A 1 1 0 Penny Society ...... 2 7 0 Yates, Mr. R. V ...... 2 yrs. 2 2 0 Donation from Lime Street Sunday School, Harvey Lane... 1 10 Waldren, Mrs. Oadby...... 1 1 Juvenile Society, per Mr. Sud- Sheepshead. Penny Society, by low, M 4 3 ...... Collection at Byrom St. Chapel 30 4 Mr. Christian 5 0 Do. atCockspur Street d o ...... 5 6 Do. at Lime 60 15 Mr. S. Hope, for Serampore LINCOLNSHIRE. Mission...... - ...... 2 2 0 Boston. Collected after Sermon Juvenile Soc. Byrom Street.. . . 22 0 0 Mr. Morgan, and Public W igan Ass. per Mrs. Brown.. 6 6 6 S seting...... M 6 8 51

£ s. £ s. i. Claypon, Joseph, Esq...... M 1 1 Do. East-lane, by Rer. R. Dark, Smalls, Mr. J.H .....:...... 0 10 2 years...... 27 18 0 Sums under 10«. each, by Mrs Church-street, Gt. Surry.street Leigh and Miss Wright...... 7 9 by Rev. James Upton...... 24 4 7 Westland, Mr...... 1 0 Eagle-street (one-third), by G. Carlton le Moreland. Collections, Bagster, Esq...... 16 0 0 &c. by Rev. W . H. Newman 16 0 Carter-lane, Female Auxiliary, Collingham. Burt, Mr. W . sen. 0 10 by Mrs. Marten (one-half)...... 21 0 0 Bart, Mr. W . jun...... 0 5 Prescot-street, (two-thirds) by G. Burt, Mr. J. jun...... 0 10 Morris, Esq...... 50 0 0 Collection by Rev. T. Morgan. 10 10 Ailic-street, Females, by Rev. W. Nichols, Rev. W ...... " 2 2 Shenston...... 10 0 0 Tinley, Mr. M...... 1 1 Do. Sunday School ...... 11...... 1 2 2 Gainsborough. Collection after Spencer-place, Goswell-street, by Sermon, by Rev. T. Morgan.. R. Cox, Esq. 1826, viz. j Do. at Public Meeting...... Male Branch (two-thdsof 1 year) 20 14 S Missionary Box...... , Female do. (do.)...... 5 15 9 Lincoln. Allemby, Mr...... Sabbath School (do.)...... 2 3 7 Bratton, Mr...... Do. (two-thirds of half year)...-. 2 1 6 Cartledge, S. Esq...... Male Branch (do.)...... 7 3 10 Cartledge, Mr. Job ..." Female Branch (do.)...... 6 6 5 Collected after Sermon...... Collection by Rev. E. Carey.... 6 15 4 Do. at Public Meeting...... Pupils at Mr. Box’s Academy, Do. by Mr. Penny...... Percival-street...... 2 16 0 Do. by Mrs. Doughty...... 0 11 Bnrton-streel, by M. Poole, Esq. 7 0 0 Do. by Miss Keep...... 2 4 Maze Pond. Ladies, for Bengal Coupland, Mrs. R...... 0 10 School...... 15 0 0 Ditto...... 0 JO Alexander, Mr. D...... 1 1 0 Cropper, W. Esq...... 2 2 Beddome, Mr. W • 0 10 6 Hickson, Miss...... Bell, Mr...... 0 10 6 Hickson, Miss S...... Benham, Mr. A ...... 0 10 0 Hickson, Miss E ...... Butterworth, Mr. B...... 0 10 0 Keep, Mr...... Collected at Public Meeting..... 6 16 0 Sabbath School...... 0 15 Cowell, Mr. B. B...... 1 1 0 Haighton, Mr...... 0 10 0 Heath, Mr. and Mrs. J . 1 0 0 Heath, Mr. E ...... 1 0 0 LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. Heaths, Miss...... I 0 0 A Brother, by Mr. Beddome...... M 1 0 0 Jacobson, Miss...... 0 10 0 A Lady, by Rev. J. Peacock...... 1 0 0 Knott, Mr...... 0 10 0 Do. by Rev. T. Thomas...... 1 0 0 Longsden, Mr...... 1 1 Adams, Mr. Thomas, Holborn..... 1 1 0 Luntley, Mr. and Mrs. J..... 1 1 0 Adderley, T. Esq. Great Surry-st. 1 0 0 Orange, Mrs. E...... 1 1 0 A Friend, by Rev. T. Griffin.2 yrs. 4 0 0 Phillipson, Mr...... 0 12 6 Do. by Mrs. Pudner ...... 2 0 0 Phillipson, Mr. T...... 0 12 6 Do. by Rev. E. Carey...... 50 0 0 Picton, Mr...... 0 10 6 Do. by J. D ...... Don. 2 0 0 Pocock, Mr...... 0 10 0 Do...... 5 0 0 Russell, Mr...... 1 0 0 Do. to the Mission...... 2 0 0 Russell, Mr. Joshua...... 1 1 0 Do. b^f J. Gutteridge, Esq...... 10 0 0 Russell, Mr. Jacob...... 0 10 0 A Widow’s mite, by do...... 1 0 0 Spencer, Mrs...... 0 id o A very old right hand, by Mr. Burls 1 0 0 Spratley, Mr...... 1 o o A member of the Established Turner, Mr i...... e io 6 Church, by Mr. A. Saunders.... 5 0 0 White, Mr«...... 0 10 o Aikin, Mr. J. Dover-road...... 1 1 0 Wilkins, Mr. H ...... • 10 o Allen, Mr. Elbow-lane...... 1 1 0 Smaller Sums...... 5 17 6 Amedroy, Mr...... 1 1 0 Angas, Rev. W . H...... 1 1 0 Bagster, G. Esq. Beaufort-build... 1 1 0 Angas, G. F. Esq...... Bagster, S. Esq. Paternoster-row. 1 1 0 1 1 0 Bayley, Mr. W . Long-acre...... 1 1 0 Arnold, Mrs. Bankside...... 1 1 0 Bainbridge, T. Esq. Guildford-st.. Ashwell, S. Esq ...... 2 yrs. 4 4 0 Baptist Free School, Took’s-court, Chancery-lane,by Mr. Kendrick, A uxiliary Societies. Free Contributions of the Chil­ Keppel-street, byj. Marshall, Esq. 30 0 0 dren...... 9 2 6 Devonshire-sq. by Mr. Millard.... 18 0 0 Barber, Mrs. A ...... 1 1 Ü Walworth, Lion-street, by Mrs. Barber, Mr. C. C. FumivaPs Inn. 1 1 0 . Chin...... 100 0 0 Bartlett, Mr. Nicholai-lane...... 1 1 0 b'l

: £ a. d .: £ t. if. M 1 1 0 Collection, a moiety of, at Little 3 0 0 1 1 0 | Wild-sfreet...... M 1 1 o Collins, J. Esq...... 1 0 Beilis, Mr. Tower...... 1 1 o Collins, Mr. Oxford-street...... 1 0 Benham, Mr. John - 1 1 0 Cook, Mr. John, Houndsditch...... 1 0 Benham, Mr. Avery...... 1 1 0 Cook, Mr. Joseph, do...... 1 0 Benham, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Cooper, Mr...... 1 0 Benwell, Joseph, Esq...... 4 4 0 Copling, Mr. Newgate-street...... 1 0 Ben well, Joseph, Esq. jun. 1 1 0 Cowell, J. Esq. Ware...... 1 0 Bicheno, J. Esq...... 1 1 0 Cowell, Mr. J. Camberwell..... 1 0 Bickersteth, Rev. E ...... 1 1 0 Cox, Rev. Dr....,...... 1 0 Bickham, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Cozens, Mr. J. Bunhill-rovv..... 1 0 Birt, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Cramp, Rev. J. M...... 1 0 0 10 6 Creea, Mrs...... 1 0 Blight, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Crowther, Mr...... 1 0 Blight, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Cuming, Mr...... 10 0 Bliss, Mr. Thomas.. 1 1 0 Danford, Mr...... 1 0 Bond, C. Esq...... 5 0 0 D. C. H. (invested)...... 26 0 0 Booth, Mr. J...... 2 2 0 Davis, Mr. W ...... 1 0 Booth, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 Davies, R. Esq...... 1 0 1 1 0 Davies, Mrs...... 1 0 Bosworfh, Mr. N ...... ] 1 0 Dawburn, Mr ...... 1 0 Bousfield, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Dawson, Mr. J...... 1 0 Bousfield, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Dermer, Miss...... ] 0 Bowyer, R. Esq...... 1 1 0 Desbois, Mr...... 1 0 Bowyer, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Dore, Mrs...... 1 0 Bradford, Major...... 1 1 0 Drayton, Mr. G. B...... 1 0 Broad, Mr. C...... 1 1 0 Dunkin, Miss...... 1 0 Brooks, J. S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Dunt, Mr. T. F. by Mr. Ivimey.... 1 0 Brown, Mr. G. Crosby-square. 1 1 0 Dyer, J. Esq. Admiralty...... 1 0 Burls, Mr. sen...... 1 1 0 Dyer, Rev. J...... 1 0 Burls, Mr. jun...... 1 1 0 Dyer, Miss...... 10 6 Burls, Mr. Charles...... 1 1 0 Dyer, Mr. John...... 10 6 Burford, Mr. D ...... 1 1 0 East, Mr. J...... 1 0 1 1 0 East, Mrs. sen...... 1 0 Buttenshavr Mr. E...... 1 1 0 Edmeston, Mr. J...... 1 0 Butter worth, J. H. Esq., 2 2 0 Edwards, Rev. J...... 1 0 1 1 0 Elliott, Mr...... 1 0 Cabell, W . Esq...... 1 1 0 Ellis, Mr. P ...... 1 0 Cabell, T. S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Evans, Mr. T...... 1 0 Cadby, Mr. flolborn. 1 1 0 Exeter, Mr...... 1 0 Cadbv, Mr. Charles.. 2 2 0 Fairey, Mr. J...... 1 0 Carrbll, Mrs...... 5 5 0 Fauntleroy, R. Esq. Tooley-street 2 0 Cartwright, Mr...... 1 1 0 Favell, S. Esq...... 1 0 0 10 0 Fell, Mr. J...... 1 0 Chamberlain* Mr. 0 10 f> Ferme, E. Esq...... 2 2 0 Fletcher, H. Esq ...... 2 2 0 2 2 0 Fletcher, J. Esq...... 2 2 0 1 1 0 Flight, B. Esq.. Claike, Mrs. Hatton Garden. 1 1 0 Flight, Mrs. Hackney...... 1 0 Clark, Mr. D...... 0 10 6 Flight, Sir. Joseph, Coventry-st.. 1 0 Clayton, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 F. M. S...... 0 0 Clayton, Rev. J. jun...... 1 1 0 Friends, from Sea, by J. D ..... 10 0 Frid, M r.T...... 1 0 iane, 14 0 0 Freeman, Messrs. J. & W...... 2 0 Do. 1S27'...... 16 0 0 Freeman, Mr. J. Stratford..... 1 0 Do. by Miss Gurney ...... 1 15 0 Gale, Mr. S...... 1 0 rz Galland, Rev. T. M. A ...... 1 0 HiU. 1 o 0 Gamble, Mr. J . 1 0 . F 10 13 6 Gamble, Mr. H..... 1 0 . M 141 17 6 Gotfield, C. Esq.... W 17 0 George, Mr. T...... ] 0 Do, at Eagle-str'eet Chapel. 3 19 3 George, J. Esq..... 1 0 Do. at Annual Meeting...... 97 1 4 George, Mr...... 10 0 Do. at Albion Chapel . 28 12 1 Gibbs, Mr. Samuel Do. addition to...... 1 18 11 Giles, Mr. E ...... 1 V Giles, Mr. W ...... 1 {! friars, 1826., 5 13 8 Gilee, Mr. T 1 0 53

£ s. J. £ Ä. (1. Oillman, W. Esq...... M 1 1 0 Keep, Mrs...... IM 1 1 0 Gillman, Mr. Joseph...... 1 1 0 Kentish, Mr...... I 1 0 Gilltnan, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Kemp, Mr...... 0. 10 6 Glass, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Kennedy, Mr. J. by Rev. G. Godwin, Mr..-...... 1 1 0 Pritchard...... 10 0 0 Godwin, Mr. C...... 1 1 0 Kingsburv, T. Esq...... Godwin, Mr. H...... 1 1 0 Kinsev, Mr. M...... 1 1 0 Goode, Rev. J...... 1 ] 0 Kipps, Mr. T. G...... 1 1 0 Goodings, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Kitchen, Mr. T...... ] 1 0 Gordon, J. E. Esq...... Knight, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Gorst, James, Esq...... Don. S 20 0 0 L, by Rev. T. Hutchings...... 1 0 0 Green, Mr. Stephen...... M 1 1 0 Lane, Mr, J. D. Lime-street-sq.... 0 10 6 Gregory, Mr. Janies...... 1 1 0 Lninson, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Do...... T 1 0 0 Lea, Mr. R...... 1 1 0 Griffin, Rev. T...... M 1 1 0 Lemare, Mr...... 1 1 0 Grove, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Lister, D. Esq...... 3 3 0 Gnrney, John, Esq...... 3 3 0 Lonsdale, Mr. R...... Gurney, W . B. Esq...... 3 3 0 Low, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Gurney, Mrs. W . B...... 2 2 0 Low, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Gurney, Mr. Joseph...... 1 1 0 Low, Mr. John, jun...... 1 1 0 Gurney, Miss...... 1 1 0 Lowther, Mr...... Gutteridge, Joseph, E sq ...... 2 2 0 Lushington, S. Esq. LL.D. M.P.. 3 3 0 Gutteridge, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Macaulay, Z. Esq...... Gutteridge, Miss...... 1 1 0 M'Farlane, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Haddon, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Maitland, E. Esq...... Hague, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Malifant, Mr. G...... Hale, W. Esq...... 1 1 0 Mandeville, Viscountess...... 5 5 0 Hammond, G. Esq...... 1 1 0 Manfield,W.Esq. by J. Gutteridge, Hamilton, Mr 0 10 6 Esq...... 2 yrs. 20 0 0 Hanson, J. Esq...... 1 1 0 Mann, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Harrington, J. H. Esq...... 5 5 0 Mann, Rev. Isaac...... 1 1 0 Harrison, J. R. Esq...... 1 1 0 Mann, Mr. Joel...... 1 1 0 Harvey, W . Esq...... 1 1 0 Marriott, W. Esq...... Hay, Mr. A ...... 0 10 6 Marshall, J. Esq...... i 1 0 Heatli, Messrs. J. and E. 2 2 0 Marshall, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Heath, Mr. Minories...... 1 0 0 Marten, R. H. Esq...... 1 I 0 Hems, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Marten, Mr. R. G...... 1 1 0 Henderson, Mr...... 1 1 0 Mason, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Henson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Massett, Mr...... Hepburn, J. Esq...... 1 1 0 Medley, S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Herbert, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Millard, Mr. P ...... 1 1 0 Heriot, Miss...... 1 1 0 Millard, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Hill, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 0 Mileham, Rev. T. C...... 1 1 0 Hill, Mr. J...... Missionary Box at Stepney Aca­ Hill, Mr. Josiah...... demy Chapel...... 0 7 0 Hine, Mr. D...... 1 I 0 Do. do. at School, by M.A.P...... 0 15 0 Hoare, S. Esq...... 5 5 0 Do. do. at Mrs. Levett’s, Ward- Hobson, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 robe-plaee...... S 0 10 3 Hoby, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do. do. at Mrs. Salmon’s...... M 1 6 0 Holdsworth, Mr. B. J...... 1 1 0 Mitton, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Hogg, Rev. R ...... 1 1 0 Moore, Mrs...... Holland, Miss...... 1 1 0 Muggeridge, N. Esq...... 1 1 0 Houston, S. Esq...... 1 I 0 Munn, Mr. D. R...... Howard, L. Esq...... 2 2 0 Murray, Mr. D ...... Hughes, Rev. J...... 2 2 0 Murray, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Don. 10 10 0 Musston, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Ireland, S. Ësq...... 1 1 0 Napier, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Ivimey, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Neale, Mr...... Jackson, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 Newbery, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Jackson, S. Esq...... Nichols, Mr. R...... 1 1 0 Jameson, W . Esq...... 1 1 0 Nicholson, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Jay, Mr. W ...... Nokes, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Jessop, Sir. J...... 1 1 0 Olney, Messrs. ip. and T ...... 1 1 0 Johnson, Messrs. W. and G. 1 1 0 Overbary, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. C....,...... 1 1 0 Palmer, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. M. G...... 1 I 0 Palmer, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Jonçs, Mr. J. D ...... 1 1 0 Pariten, J. P. Esq...... 1 1 0 Keeble, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Parnell, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 64

£ t. d. £ s. J?e®rson, W . Esq...... M i 1 0 Smith, Rev. Dr...... M Peek, Brothers, & Co...... 1 1 0 Smith, Mrs...... Penny, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Snell, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Perkins, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Sonter, Mr. J...... Perram, Mr...... 1 1 0 Southwood, Rev. W ...... 1 0 0 Pewtress, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Sparrow, Lady Olivia...... 6 0 0 Phillips, E. Esq...... 2 0 Spencer, Mrs...... Phillips, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Stanfield, Mr. W ...... Phillips, Mr. T. Cox’s Qaav...... 1 1 0 Steel, Mr...... 1 1 0 Pitt, W . M. Esq...... 1 1 0 Stennett, Misses...... 1 1 0 Ponder, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Stennett, Mr. E...... 0 10 6 Pontifex, Mr. Russel...... 1 1 0 Stephenson, G. Esq...... 1 1 0 Poole, Mr. M...... 1 1 0 Stepney Academy Chapel, by Mrs. Ponlson, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Bale...... 1 10 6 P L , ...... Don. 1 1 0 Stone, Mr. N ...... 1 I 0 Powell, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Storks, Mr. R. L ...... 1 1 0 Powell, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Stringer, Mr...... 1 1 0 Pratt, Rev. J. B. D ...... 1 1 0 Stroud, H. S. Esq...... 5 0 0 Priestly, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Summers, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Pritt, J. Esq...... Summers, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Prosser, Mr. E ...... 1 1 0 Sunday School, Henrietta-street... 1 9 0 Pudner, Captain...... 1 1 0 Sudeffe, Mr. E ...... Pudner, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Suttaby, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Rabbeth, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Tarn, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Ramsden, R. Esq. jun...... 1 1 0 Tatham, Mr. H...... 1 1 0 Rayner, Mrs...... Taylor, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Rawlinson, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Teape, Mr. H...... 1 1 0 Reid, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Thickbroom, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Reid, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Thomas, Rev. T ...... 1 1 0 Ridley, Mr. S ...... 1 1 0 Thompson, Mr. H...... 1 1 0 Rippon, Rev. Dr...... 1 1 0 Thompson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Rippon, Mrs. jun...... 1 1 0 Towniey, Rev. H ...... 1 1 0 Richards, Mr. W ...... Don. 0 10 0 Townsend, Mr. W ...... Rixon, Mr. Charing cross...... 1 1 0 Tritton, H. Esq...... 1 1 0 Robarts, N . Esq...... 2 2 0 Tucker, B. Esq...... 2 2 0 Robins, Mr. Joshua...... 0 10 6 Tucker, R. Esq...... 1 1 0 Robinson, S. Esq...... 2 2 0 Two Friends, by Dr. Newman...... 1 10 0 Robson, Mr. J...... Upton, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Rogers, Mr. sen...... Uffington, Mr. by Rev. T. Thomas 1 1 • Rose, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Vines, Misses...... 1 1 0 Russel, Miss...... 1 1 0 Von der Heyde, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rust, Mr. E...... 1 1 0 Von der Heyde, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Rutt, G. Esq...... J 1 0 Walkden, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Rntt, Miss...... 1 1 0 Walker, T. Esq...... 1 1 0 -Sabine, W . Esq...... Don. 20 0 0 Walley, Mrs...... Salter, S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Wardell, Mr. H...... Salter, D. Esq...... 1 1 0 Warmington, J. Esq. Plaistow.... 1 1 0 Sarnoth...... 10 0 0 Warmington, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Do...... 5 0 0 Watson, S. Esq...... 1 1 0 Satcliell, Mr...... 1 1 0 Waymouth, H. Esq...... 2 2 0 Saubergue, Mrs...... Westley, Mr. R...... 1 1 0 Saunders, Mr. J. E ...... 1 1 0 Westley and Davis, Messrs...... 2 2 0 Saunders, W. Esq...... 1 1 0 Weare, Mr. Enfield...... 2 2 0 Saunders, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 Wheeler, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Sharpe, Mr. J...... 1 I 0 White, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Shaw, Mrs. sen...... 1 1 0 White, Mr. Waiter...... Shenston, Rev. W ...... 1 1 0 Whitwell, Mr...... 1 1 0 Shenston, Rev. J. B...... 1 1 0 Wilberforce, W . Esq...... 5 5 0 Shrubsole, W . Esq...... 1 1 0 Do...... S 2 10 0 Skerritt, Mr...... Do...... F 2 10 0 Sleap, Mr...... 1 1 0 Wilkinson, Mrs...... Sloper, Rev. N . E ...... 2 yrs. 2 2 0 Williams, T. Esq...... M 1 1 0 Sloper, Mrs...... do. 2 2 0 Williams, Mr. B ...... 1 1 0 Small Sams, by S. Stanger...... 2 17 4 D o...... F 5 0 0 Smith, Messrs. J. S. and T...... 2 2 0 Williams, Miss...... M 0 10 6 Smith, Miss...... 1 1 0 Williamson, Mr. R...... 1 1 0 Smith, Mr. W. L ...... 1 1 0 Williamson, Mr. John.t...... 0 10 6 Smith, Mrs. W . L ...... 1 1 0 Wilson, J. B. Esq...... 5 5 0 55

£ s. d. £ *. <1. Wilson, Mrs...... M ■J 2 0 Hampstead. Collected by Mr. Wikon, Thomas, Esq. 2 2 0 Lewis and Mr. Burchell . M 3 1C 0 Wilson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Highgate. Wilson, Miss...... 1 1 0 Collection by Rev. T. Burchell. 6 0 6 Wilson, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Collected by Mrs. Rowlett...... 0 11 2 Wise, R. Esq...... 10 0 Hunter, J. Esq...... 1 0 0 Wood, H. Mrs...... 1 1 0 Sutton, R. Esq...... 1 1 0 Woodd, Rev. B...... 1 1 0 Kensington Gravel Pits. Yallowley, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Collection by Rev. J. Coultart... 3 7 0 Young, Mr. C...... 1 1 0 Staines. Collection...... 4 12 0 Young, Mr. T . Pope, Dr. and Friends...... 2 2 0

MIDDLESEX. NORFOLK. Bow. Collected by Miss Maywood 5 10 0 Carlton Road. Contributions by Do. by Mrs. French, jun...... 0 7 0 Rev. J. Kinghorn...... M 3 1 10 Do. by Miss Hughes...... 2 11 0 Collected by Mr. Smith...... 2 4 6 Do. by Mrs, Pettifer...... 0 12 0 Claxton. Collection...... 16 3 0 Do, by Mr. Janies Hoy..;...... 1 0 0 Diss. Penny Society and small Do. by Miss Starling...... 2 17 0 Subscriptions, by Miss Ward. 5 13 6 Huntley, M iss...... 1 1 0 East Dereham. Colls, and Subs. 15 10 0 Jewell, J. Esq. by Dr. Newman. 1 0 0 Fakenham. Collections by Mr. Newman, Dr...... 1 1 0 Thompson...... 3 6 8 School boy’s gift by Miss May­ Ingham. A Friend...... 1 0 0 wood...... 0 11 0 Collection...... 3 8 6 Teachers and Children of the Cooke, Mr. H...... I 1 0 Sunday School by Mr. Sowell 1 0 0 Cooke, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Clapton. Hunt, Rev. T...... 1 1 0 Cooke, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Hackney. Auxiliary Society by Cubitt, Mr. B...... 1 0 0 Mr. J. M. Dunn...... 28 0 0 Penny Society, and Missionary Allen, Mr. Madras House...... 1 1 0 Box, by Mrs. Cooke . Gouldsmith, Mr...... 1 1 0 Silcock, Mr. Obadiah...... Gouldsmith, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Silcock, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Gouldsmith, Miss...... 0 10 6 Lynn. Contents of Box by Miss Gouldsmith, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 Keed...... 1 12 0 Harris, Mrs. W . G...... 1 0 0 Small Subs, by Miss K eed...'... 2 9 0 Ireland, S. Esq...... Don. 10 10 0 Do. Children at the Sun. School 0 5 6 Pupils at Madras House, 1826... 2 2 0 Torr, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Do. 1827...... 2 2 0 Norwich. A Christian Servant... 0 5 0 Roberts, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Aldis, Mr...... 1 0 0 Rolls, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Allen, Mr. J. H ...... 1 0 0 Ponders End. Baylis, Mr. 1826.. 5 5 0 August, Mrs...... 0 5 0 Ditto, 1827...... 5 5 0 Auxiliary Society at St. Mary’s, Southgate. Acott, Mr...... 1 1 0 by Mr. Cozens...... •• 29 6 4 Stepney. Coll. by Mrs. Bale.. 1 12 0 Basey, Mr...... 1 0 0 Contents of Missionary Box. 0 13 0 Basey, Miss...... 0 10 0 Bignold, Mr. T...... 3 3 0 W est Middlesex U nion. Bignold, Miss, Miss. Box...... 0 10 6 Battersea. Bell, Dr...... 0 10 6 Y oung Ladies, by Miss Christian M 2 2 6 Brady, Mr...... 1 1 0 Brentford. Watkins, Mr...... 1 1 0 Blomefield, Mr...... 1 0 0 42helsea. Brewer, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collection by Rev. T. Burchell. 8 13 10 Brightwell, Tho. Esq...,...... 2 2 0 Do. by Miss Chambers...... 0 9 4 Burlingham, Mr...... 1 0 0 Do. by Miss Wood ...... 1 12 0 Clamrock, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Sabbath School Missionary Box 4 10 5 Colman, Mr. J...... 3 3 0 Colnbrook. Colman, Mr. Jas ...... 1 1 0 Collection by Rev. E. Carey. 16 1 0 Colls, Mr...... 2 0 0 Datchet. Contributions by Rev. Collection at St. Mary's...,...... 8 14 6 Mr. Bailey...... 4 5 0 Ditto at St. Clement’s..,..... f i l4 3 Savings of a Little Girl...... 0 5 6 Copeman, Mr. John...... 2 2 0 Hammersmith. Collection at Salehouse...... 1 15 0 Collection at Annual Meeting... 22 14 0 Collected by poor females, at Ross, Mr...... Don. 1 0 0 Mr. Lemaire’s...... 1 10 0 Sobs, by Mr. S. Mundy...... 6 3 11 Cozens, Mr. Jas...... 3 3 0 Small Sums...... 1 3 0 Cozens, Mr. Jas. Jun...... 1 0 0 Harlington. Friends by Mr. Hunt 2 0 0 Cozens, Mr, John...... 3 3 0 56

£ ». (I. £ it. d . Culley, Mr. Samuel...... M 8 3 0 Cave, Mr. Thomas...... Don. IV![ 1 0 0 Culley, Mr. Richard...... 3 0 Cave, Mr. George...... Don. 1 0 0 Culley, Mr. Henrv...... 0 0 Irthlingborough. Collected at Culley, Mr. H. W ...... 0 0 Missionary Prayer Meeting... 4 7 4 Culley, Mr. John...... 0 0 Kettering. Baptist Society, in aid Darken, Mr. John...... 0 0 of Missions, by Mr. Gotch.... 31 0 3 Darkin, Mr...... 7 6 Contributions from Rev. Mr. David, Mrs...... 1 0 Toller’s Congregation...... 6 10 10 David, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Gotch, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Davy, Mrs...... ; 1 0 0 Hall, Rev. J. K...... 1 1 0 Davy, Miss...... 1 0 0 Robinson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Davy, Miss E...... 1 0 0 Smith, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Friend...... 1 0 0 Wallis, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Gooderson, Mr...... 1 1 0 Kingsiltorpe, Gray, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collected by Rev. W . Gray...... 0 14 6 Geldart, Mr. Jos...... 1 0 0 Kislingbury. Harris, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Hawkins, Mr. Tho...... 3 3 0 Middleton Cheney. Collection... 5 1 10 Hodds, Mr...... 1 0 0 Weekly Contributions, by Mrs. Hupton, Rev. Job...... 0 10 0 Bottomley...... 2 10 6 Juvenile Society, by Miss E. Morton Pinkney. Collection...... 3 1 6 Youngman...... 0 12 0 Weekly Contributions, by Miss Kinghorn, Rev. J...... 3 3 0 A. Williams...... 2 9 11 Liovick, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Moulton. Coll. by Rev. W. Gray. 10 10 0 Mall, Mr...... 0 10 0 Northampton. Assistant Society. 21 0 9 Newbegin, Mr. James...... 1 0 0 Bumpus, Mr. Thomas...... 1 0 0 Norton, Mr. W ...... 3 3 0 Bartram, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 Norton, Mr. R...... 0 10 0 Collection at Public Meeting.... 12 14 6 Pearson, Mr...... 1 0 0 Cook, Mr...... 0 10 6 Pigg, Mr. John...... 0 10 0 Dickens, Mr. W ...... 0 10 G Ringer, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Dickens, Mr...... 0 10 6 Small sums by Mr. Caddy.... 0 11 6 Eder, Mr...... 0 10 6 Smith, S. and M ...... 1 0 0 Female Association...... 22 1 5 Society in aid of Missions, by Friends, three...... 1 1.1 6 T. Brightwell, Esq :...... 10 0 0 Gray, Rev. W ...... 1 1 0 Sprowston Lodge Sunday School 0 7 4 Harris, Mr...... 0 10 6 St. Clement’s Penny Society, by Hobson, Mr...... 0 10 G Mr. Puntis...... 10 3 9 Juvenile Branch...... 19 11 10 Do. Congregation by do...... 9 12 1 Lampson, Mr...... 1 1 0 Theobald, Mr. Thomas...... 3 3 0 Marshall, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Theobald, Miss...... 2 0 0 P. W. by Rev. W . Gray..... 5 -0 0 Tillyard, Mr ...... 2 0 0 Parker, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 Trivett, Mr. J. B ...... 2 2 0 Parker, Mr...... 0 10 6 Walters, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Rice, Mr...... 1 0 0 Willyn, Mr. S...... 2 0 0 Richards, Mr...... 0 10 6 Wilkin, Mr. R...... 1 0 0 Stanton, Mr...... 0 10 6 Yarington, Mr...... 0 10 0 Stnckbury, Mr...... 0 10 6 Youngman, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Wilkinson, M iss...... 1 0 0 Salehouse. Collection...... 1 3 6 Williams, Mr...... 0 10 6 Collected by Mr. Caddy...... 1 10 0 Sundries, by Mr. Gray . 3 G 6 Thetford. Ravenslhorpe. Friends, by Mr. Green...... 2 0 0 Collection by Rev. W . Gray 9 3 6 Walsingham. Missionary Box... 0 10 0 Road. Weekly Contributions..... 6 9 2 Wisheach. Rumball, Mr. Josiah 1 1 0 Spratton. Ramsden, R. Esq...... 1 0 .0 Worstead. Thramton. Collection hy Rev. R. Clark...... 7 9 2 Baker, Mr. John, B y thorn.. ,1 0 0 Penny Society...... 4 8 10 Baker, Mrs. Inlip...... 1 ,0 0 Yarmouth. Contributions by Rev. Collection (part of) . 10 6 6 E. Goymer...... 5 0 0 Collier, Mr ...... 0 10 ^0 Duxbury, Mr...... 0 10 6 Green, M r...... 0 1 0 6 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Hill, Mr...... 0 10 0 Ditto...... T 0 10 0 Bloxham. Collection...... Mj 2 10 Hogg, Rev. R...... M 2 2 0 Shenston, Miss...... 1 0 Levvin, Mr. R. M ...... 0 10 6 Ecton. Coll. by Rev. W . Gray.. 3 12 Stevenson, Mr. and family...... 1 10 0 Hackleton. Tibbntl, Mr. Sanders . 1 -0 0 Collection by Rev. W. Knowles 2 0 Towcester. Allen, Mr. J. S.„ 1 0 0 Cave, Mr. John...... Don. 1 0 Moiety of a Collection...... 1 5 .6 57

£ s. d. £ *. if. Part of a Collection, per Rev. J. Ladies' Society ...... Mi 20 14 4 Bsrkcf 5 6 Missionary Box id Miss A. . Q in the Corner, by do...... 0 10 Ward’s School.... . 1 0 Perkins, Mr...... Sheppard’s, Miss, Mission?. Box 1 0 Robinson, Mr.i ...... Wellingborough. Sabbath School Children...... Wright, Mr. by Mr. Ricketts.... 2 0 0 Young Ladies at Mrs. Perkins’s Weston. Kingston, Mrs...... 0 15 0 Seminary ...... 1 0 ÎÎOTTIKGHAM AUXILIARY. NORTHUMBERLAND. Blatherwick, Mr. H...... 2 2 0 N orth o f E n g la n d A u x ilia r y , by R e v . R . Blather wick, Mr. H...... Don. 1 1 0 Pengilly. Boot, Mr. F ...... Don. 1 1 0 Berwick upon Tweed. A Well- Churchill, Mrs...... 1 1 0 wisher to the Spread of the Clarke, Mr. C. H ...... 1 1 0 Gospel ....'...... M 5 0 0 Collections alter two Sermons at Sroomley. Subscriptions..... 3 6 2 George Street Chapel, by Rev. Hamsteny. Contributions... 11 7 0 S. Saunders...... 40 12 § Hindley. Collection...... 1 12 0 Do. after Sermon at Park Street Maryport. Branch Society.., i0 0 0 Chapel, by Rev. S. Saunders. 10 14 0 Newcastle, per Mr. Cowell: Loscoe Branch Society, per Rev, Banks, M r. ;...... 1 1 0 J. Jarman ! i...... 13 13 6 Cowell, Mr...... 0 10 0 Southwell do. by do...... 5 0 0 Fenwick, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collected by Female Friends at Small sums, Collection, See., 7 8 9 Nottingham ...... 30 8 6 Crowther, T. Esq...... 1 1 0 Collection at the Anniversary... 3 10 6 Frearson, Mr. W...... 1 1 0 Juvenile Society at Tathill Stairs 8 9 4 Greaves, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Penny Society, by Miss Angas.. T 11 0 0 Heard, John, Esq...... 2 0 0 Subscriptions, by do...... M 13 19 6 Lomax, James, Esq . 1 1 0 Oldknow, O. T. Esq . 1 1 0 N ew Court Chapel A uxiliary, Roberts, Mr. T...... 1 0 0 N ewcastle. Rogers, Mr. John...... 1 1 Angas, Mrs. J. H...... Vickers, Mr. W ...... 1 I 0 1 1 0 Wallis, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Aiigus, Mr. Henry...... 0 10 6 Angus, Mr. Teasdale...... Wells, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 0 10 6 4 5 6 Baker, Mr. James....»...... 1 1 0 Nottingham. Contributions... Church, J. Percy, Esq...... T 1 1 0 Dickenson, Mr. Thomas...... M 0 10 6 Fenwick, Mr. John ...... 1 1 0 OXFORDSHIRE. iFtemale Branch Society, by Mrs. O x f o r d s h ir e A u x ilia r y S o c ie t y . Fenwick.:...... i...... 14 9 4 D o...... F 3 10 8 Abingdon. Annual Subscriptions M 18 6 0 Hood, Mr. Jabez...... M 0 10 6 Collection...... 20 12 0 Juvenile Branch Sooiety, by Mr. Do...... T 16 12 5 H. Angus, jan...... 1? 15 6 Clealand, J. R. Esq. ..Don. M 2 0 0 Meggiktn, Rev. S...... S 0 10 6 Subscriptions and Donations, by Moiety; at Missionary Prayer Mrs. Kershaw...... ;.. F 10 13 2 Meetings, By Mr. T. Bonner.. T 2 2 5 Yonng Gentlemen at Radley Nichol, Mr. John...... M 0 10 6 School...... T 1 5 0 D o...... Don. 2 0 0 Alceéter. Collections; . M 7 1 8 Sample, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Astwood. Collections...... 6 6 8 Sample, Rev. G . 0 10 6 Bam Mr.J.. 1 1 0 Wear, Mrs. Ann...... 0 10 6 Do. 1U 0 10 6 Wilkinson, Mr. Edward. 0 10 6 Blockley. Collections at the An- North Shields. Contributions..... M 5 10 0 niversanr...... 12 2 3 Old Ridley. Missionary Box... Ô 12 0 Collected by a Female Servant. 1 2 9 ' Produce of an apple tree and a Penny-a-week Society...... 1 6 8 turkey...... 0 9 0 Smith, Mr. C ...... 1 1 0 Rowley. Subscriptions...... 2 15 0 Smith, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 Sunday School...... 2 10 2 Tapi®, M iss...... 1 0 0 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE.RE. Wilkes, Mr. G.. 1 1 0 Newark. Collection...... M 7 1 7 Bloxham. Collection...... 2 10 3 Deeping, Mr....,...... 2 0 0 Sheratons, Misses ...... 1 0 0 Dyson,Mr...... 1 1 0 Bourt&n on the W ater. Hebb, Mr...... 1 0 0 Ashwin, Mr. James. '.(L. S.) 10 0 0 H 58

£ s. d. SHROPSHIRE. Coles, Mr. R...... 1M l i e Coles, Rev. T...... 1 i o £ * .d . Collections . 6 15 Oswestty. Auxiliary Society by Hall, Mr. B. S...... 1 1 Mr. Jones ...... Hanks, Mr. T ...... 1 Shrewsbury. Auxiliary Society.. Juvenile Association. 0 Mr. Richards, Miss Wall, and Missionary Boxes.... 3 School...... 1 10 Stenson, Nathaniel, M. D...... 2 Snailsbeach. Coll. by Mr. Naylor 2 2 Wilkins, J. N . Ei 1 Contributions...... 3 7 Burford. Weekly Subscriptions. 5 10 Lakelin, Rev. Joseph...... 0 10 Matthews, Mr. Stephen, 0 10 0 Wilkinson, Mr...... 1 0 Campden. Collection...... 2 7 0 Penny per week Society. 0 12 2 Chipping Norton. Ladies’ Asso­ SOMERSETSHIRE. ciation, by Miss Purdy and Bristol and Bath Auxiliary.....M 450 0 Miss Cecil...... 10 0 5 Do...... T 75 3 Collections and Subscriptions... 20 8 5 Do...... S 5 13 Cirencester. Colls, and Subs..... 9 5 8 Do. for Broadmead School F 15 10 Coate and Bampton. Collections and Subscriptions... 15 14 W estern District, by Mr. Horsey. Ensham. Dobney, Rer. J. T.... 1 1 Bradninch. Collections at half- : Monthly Collection.. 1 5 yearly Meeting...... M Swann, J. Esq...... '2 2 0 Collected by Miss Bowden . Fair/ord. Collection. 5 0 0 Bishop’s Hull. Henley. Society in aid of Missions, Stephenson, Mrs...... Don. by Rev. R. Bolton...... 5 0 0 Chard. Brown, Mr. S...... HooTc Norton. Collection...... 3 5 0 Brown, Mr. S. jun...... Wheeler, Mr. J...... 4 4 0 Brown, Mr. John...... Middleton Cheney. Collection... 5 1 10 James, Mrs...... Contributions by Mrs. Bottomley 2 10 6 Oram, Mr. B ...... Namton and Stotv. Toms, Mr. John...... Collections and Subscriptions... 8 3 6 Do...... Oxford. Alden, Mr...... 1 0 0 Tucker, Mr...... Alden, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Do...... M Ball, W . Esq...... 1 1 0 Walter, Mr. W ...;...... 1 0 Bartlett, Mr. T...... 0 10 Weekly Subscriptions and Col­ Bowler, Mr...... 1 1 lections, moiety of...... 2 8 7 Bridgewater, A. Esq...... 2 2 Collumpton. Humphrey, Rev. R. 1 1 0 Collection...... 16 2 Penny a week Society...... 2 2 2 Chillingworth, Mr...... e io o Crewkeme. Collection at half- Collingwobd, S. Esq Don. 10 10 yearly Meeting, by Rev. E. D o...... l l Crook...... 9 16 8 Copley, Rev. W .... l l Hatch. Coll. by Rev. Mr. F n.. 5 11 0 Cousins, Mr . 0 10 Weekly Subscriptions...... 1 9 0 Davenport, J. Esq.. 1 1 Honiton. Penny Society, by Mrs. Female Society, by S. Colling- Thomas...... 2 0 0 wood, Esq.... 18 5 6 Simcoe, Lady...... Don. 1 0 0 Fiske, Mr...... 0 10 0 Isle Abbots. Moiety of the Funds Goring, H. Esq, 2 2 0 of the Missionary Association, Do f...... Don. 20 0 0 collected by Misses Humphrey Gould, Mr...... 0 5 0 and Baker...... 2 2 0 Hicks, Mr...... 1 1 Lyme. Half-year’s Subscription Hill,Mr ...... 0 10 for the Digah School, by Mrs. Missionary Box...... 0 5 Flight...... F 5 0 0 Paxon, Mr. and Mrs...... 0 10 0 Do. do...... M 4 0 0 Shackleford, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Moiety of Funds of Association Steane, Mat...... 1 1 by Mr. Edwards ...... 4 1 2 Symonds, Mr...... 0 10 North Curry . Branch of Taunton Underhill, Mr...... 1 1 Association ...... 1 2 6 Wright, Mr...... 1 • Paulton. Coll. by Rev. T. Clarke 5 0 0 S t. CUmenis. Hinton, Rev. J.... 1 1 Prescott. A few^riewis...... 0 19 Collections by Rev. Mr. Thomas 1 J1 7 Shipston on Stour. Association. 3 2 Saint Hill. W itney. Hellings, Rev. N ...... 1 0 Collections by Rev. C. Hawkins * 1 1 0 Sundry Subscriptions...... 1 12 Taunton. Clatworthy, Mr 0 10 6 Parker, Mr. R...... 1 0 Collected by Miss Bunt...... 0 19 4 Rutter, Mr. Daniel...... 0 10 Do. by Miss M. A. Clarkje 0 11 9 Smaller Sums.,...... 1 10 Do. by Miss Crabb...... 0 12 2 59

£ s. d. £ t. d. Do. by Miss Horsey...... M. 1 18 11 Do. by Miss Newport...... 1 0 6 Do. by Miss A. Lovell...... 0 11 Do. by Misses Reed & Nayle... 4 5 11 Do. by Miss Score...... 0 14 Do. by Miss Sims...... 2 18 3 Do. by Miss Wescomb...... 0 12 Do. by Misses Watts 8sScammel 2 14 10 Do. by Mr. T. Abbott...... 0 12 Contributions of Pajdobaptist Do. by Mr. J. Rult...... 1 1 Friends...... 10 0 0 Do. by Mr. T. Darke...... 0 10 Cooper, Mr...... 0 10 *6 Do. by Mr. Powell...... 0 19 Griffith, Mrs...... 1 0 0» Do. by Mr. H. Richardson...... 1 2 Mansford, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Do. by various Friends...... 5 15 Murch, Rev. W . H ...... 1 1 0 Do. moiety of...... 2 12 Rawlings, Mr. D...... 1 1 0 Do. by various, under 10s.... 4 11 Sheppard, Rev. J...... 2 3 0 Do. at villages, do...... 0 14 Sheppard, H. Esq. Compton Do. moiety of small subscriptions House...... 1 1 0 by Miss Humphreys and Miss Tuck, Miss, Friends by...... 2 1 » Baker...... 3 3 Keynsham. Ayres, Mr. T..... 0 10 6 Collection at Silver St. Chapel.. 2 12 Edwards, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do. at Public Meetings...... 11 0 Morrish, Mr...... Ol'lO 0 Cook, Mr. John...... 0 10 Score, Mr...... *1 1 0 Horsey, Mr. Thomas...... 1 1 Small Sums...... 4 17 6 Stevenson, George, Esq...... 1 1 Laverton. Collections...... 7 8 0 Tiverton. Penny a week Society, Philips Norton. by Rev. Mr. Singleton...... 9 16 9 Weekly Contributions...... 4 2 6 Uffculm. Collections by Rev. Mr. Wood. 2 11 6 Upottery. Collection by Rev. R. Horsey... 0 14 0 STAFFORDSHIRE. Rowe, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 North Staffordshire Auxiliary Watchett. A moiety of Penny Society, by Rev. R. Davis..... 21 0 0 Society, by Rev. Mr. Sutton.. 2 0 0 Do. do. by Mr. Kennedy...... 20 0 0 Collection by Rev. Mr. Sutton... 3 0 0 A Friend by Mr. Davis...... 10 0 0 Wellington. A Female Friend Burslem. Small Sums...... 1 15 0 in humble life...... 3 0 0 Produce of Missionary Box, by Cadbury, W. Esq...... 2 0 0 Miss Swallow...... 1 6 6 Cadbury, Miss...... , 2 0 0 Hanley. Amicus...... 1 0 0 Gay, Mr, John...... 1 0 0 Meigh, Mr. C...... 1 0 0 Horsey, Rev. R...... 1 1 0 Phillips, Mr. Jacob...... 1 0 0 Missionary Assoc, (on account. 5 13 6 Tunstall. Rathbone, Mr...... 0 10 0 Mules,Rev. Mr....,...... 0 2 6 Small Sums...... 1 10 0 Yeovil. A Clergyman, by Rev. J. M. Chapman...... 1 0 0 Congregational Collection...... 3 12 1 Eason, Mr. George...... 1 0 0 SUFFOLK. Penny a week Society, moiety of Contributions...... 3 4 Barton Mills. Chapman, Mr. E. 0 10 6 Porter, Mr...... 0 10 Ellington, Mr...... 0 10 6 Whitby, Mr. Elias ...... 0 10 Seeker, Mr...... 0 10 6 Saunders, Mr. R...... 0 10 6 Frame. Allen, Mr. F ...... 1 1 Tubbs, Mr...... 0 10 6 Brittain, Mr ...... 1 1 Wing, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Do...... 0 15 Smaller Sams, by Mr. Seeker.... 2 8 6 Bunn, Mr....:...... 1 0 Bilderston. Bunn, Mrs...... 0 10 Contributions, per Mr. Osborn.. 2 4 0 Bunn, Miss...... 0 10 Eye. Auxiliary Society, by Rev. Butcher, Mr...... 1 1 C. T. Keen...... 6 10 0 Chasty, Mrs...... 1 1 Ipswich. Auxiliary Society, Stoke Clift, Mr...... ] 1 Green, by Mr. Pollard...... 15 2 11 Collected at the Annual Meeting 20 13 Bull, Rev. J ...... 1 1 0 Do. by Miss Allen...... 0 12 Coll. by Miss Christopherson... 3 8 9 Do. by Miss Bartlett...... 1 10 Do. by Mrs. Lacey...... 4 10 0 Do. by Miss Brittain...... 1 12 Collection at Public Meeting, Do. by MissButton, omitted 1826 3 16 (less expenses)...... 16 10 5 Do. by Miss Coombs...... 1 2 10 Darby, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Do. by Miss Cooper...... 2 8 10 Friend, by Mr. Pollard... 1 1 0 Do. by Misses Daniel, Porter. Griffin, Rev. E 1 1 0 and Rawlings...... 0 17 10 Notcutt, John, ! 1 0 0 Do. by Miss Hiskett . 1 6 5 Nottidge, Rev. J. 1 1 0 Do. by Miss Lydford...... 5 7 10 Ransom, Mr, 1 0 8 60

£ s.- d. £ i. Sutton. Subscriptions by Rev. Do. at Mount Zion Chapel . 16 6 6 J. Upton ...... 3 0 0 Coward, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Independent Society in aid of Mis­ Deakin, Mr. John, (including sions, by Mr. S. Ray. £22. 10s. for Native Female Ipswich, Tacket-street, Rev. C. ■ School) ...... 50 0 0 Attynson...... 6 11 0 Deakin, John, Esq...... 5 5 0 Stowmarket. Rev. W . Ward.... 5 3 0 Elliott, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Sudbury. Rev. J. M. Ray. 4 16 0 Guest, Mr. Joseph...... 1 Hale, Mr. Thomas...... 1 -1 Harwood, Mrs. Ann...... 1 1 0 James, Rev. J. A ...... 1 1 0 SURRY. Johnson, O. Esq...... 2 2 0 bamberwelLZ King, Mr. Thomas...... 5 5 Female Soc. by Miss Gutteridge 40 11 0 Knott, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Smith, Miss R. Calder Cottage, Lawrence, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 2year8 ...... 2 2 0 Lowe, Mr. William . 1 1 0 Clapham. Society in aid of Mis­ Mackenzie, Mr. William., 1 1 0 sions, by Rev. G. Browne. 10 0 0 Mole, Mr. William . 1 1 0 Do...... 0 0 Missionary Box, Anonymous.... 3 1 10 Dormans Land. Collection, by Do. Shirley Street....,...... 2 4 4 the.Rev. G. Chapman...... Morgan, Rev. Mr...... 1 1 Ö East Mmlsey. Native Female. School, Cannon Miss. Box by Mr. Williams..... Street, by Mrs. Blakemore, Mitcham. Collected by Mrs. Treasurer...... 15 0 0 Pratt, Phipps Bridge...... Native Female School, Bond S t Peckham. Part of a Collection by Miss Morgan, Treasurer... 15 0 0 by Rev. T. Powell...... Palmer, Rev. E. Moseley. M 0 10 0 Perry, Mr. James . 1 1 0 Portlock, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Potts, Thomas, Esq . 1 s u s s i± : Room, Messrs. J. and J... 1 Room, Messrs. W . and F, 1 1 0 hrighton. Auxiliary Society..... M Round, Mr. Peter...... 1 1 0 Bond St. Sunday Sc. Childrea.. Sprigg, Mr. James . 1 1 0 Wigney, R. Esq...... Sprigg, Mr. Samuel...... 1 0 0 Wigney, W . Esq...... Stephenson, Mr. William 1 1 0 Wigney, G. Esq...... Sunday School Children, New- Lewes. Boys, Mr. J ...... hall-street...... 2 15 7 Button, Mr. W .....;...... Bridgnorth. Collection and Subs, (two-thirds) Collection, by Rev. T. Morgan., 8 16 1 Fenner, Miss.?...... Don, Grierson, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 ooper, Mr. S...... Don, Penny a Week Society, by Miss Ejwer, Mr. R. W ...... Macmicbael...... ' 4 14 5 Sing, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Sing, Joshua, Esq.» . 1 0 0 WARWICKSHIRE. Sing, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Brotnsgrove. Arle$ Hall,. Mowbray, Mr. I..... M Collection at Public Meeting... 13 8 5 Penny a Week Society, by do... Penny a Week Society, by Rev. Attleborough., Auxiliary Society J. Scroxton...... 12 0 0 Bilston. Penny a Week Society, Burton-on-Trent. Penny a Week , by Mr. Barber...... 23 0 Society, by Mr. J. Douglas.... 10 2 4 / Collection, by Rev. J. Dyer...... 3 17 Coppice. Birmingham. Archer, Mr...... 0 10 Collection, by Rev. T. Morgan. 1 19 Ö Auxiliary Society, Bond Street. 50 0 Coseley. Collections, after Ser­ Do. Newhall Street...... 42 12 mon and Public Meeting. 9 8 9 61

/ s. tl. £ s. Collected at Cow Lane Chapel 23 17 11 Whitaker, Miss...... 1 0 0 Cubit, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 White, Mr. H ...... 0 10 6 Durrard, Mrs...... Don. 5 0 0 Chippenham. Collection...... 2 15 1) Floyd, Mr. Berkswell...... 1 1 0 Deane, Mr...... 1 0 0 Franklin, Mrs. Miss. Box...... 0 12 4 Tanner, Mrs...... :...... 0 10 0 Franklin, Miss, for Widows Tanner, Mr. A. H...... 0 10 0 /, and Orphans...... 0 10 6 Tanner, Miss...... 0 10 0 Franklin, Miss R. for do...... 0 10 6 Weekly Contributions, and Don Franklin, Rev. F. for do...... 0 10 6 cdll. by Young Ladies...... 3 14 -2 Freer, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 Cliittem. Contributions, by Mrs. Harris, Mr. George...... 0 10 6 Wheeler...... 1 8 0 Hennell, Mr...... 0 10 0 Consham. Collection...... 5 0 0 Hine, Mr. John...... 0 10 6 Methuen; Rev. John...... 1 1 0 Hine, Mr. Thomas...... 0 10 6 Devizes. Anstie, Mr. B...... 1 1 0 Leeson, Mr...... 0 5 0 Anstie, Mr. P ...... J 1 0 Mayo, Mr. William...... 1 1 0 Anstie, Mr. G. W ...... 1 1 0 Matterson, Mr...... 0 10 6 Anstie, Mr. J. O...... 1 1 0 Miles, Mr. Missionary Box.. 0 5 0 Biggs, Rev. J...... 1 0 Ô Newman, Mr. H...... 0 10 6 Collection at the Baptist Chapel T 7 17 6 Paris, Rev. S...... 1 1 0 Do. do. by Rev. E. Carey...... M 5 8 5 Pears, Mr. A. H...... 1 1 0 Do. at Rev. J. Biggs’s Chapel... 12 17 1 Pears, Mrs. S ...... 0 10 6 Do. do. by Rev. E. Carey...... 18 8 0 Penny a Week Society 1...... : 33 11 2 Do. at Public Meeting at Rev. Seager, Mr. P ...... 0 10 6 R. Elliott’s Chapel...... 17 7 9 Sergeant, Mr. R ...... 0 5 0 Grimes, Mr. T...... 2 yrs. 2 2 0 Shaw, Mr...... 0 10 6 Hitchcock, Rev. R...... Don. 1 0 0 , Smith, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 Knight, Mr, 0 10 f, Cradley. Collection after Sermon Leach, Mr 0 10 6 • - ana Public Meeting...... 9 7 0 Rutt, Mrs. L T 1 1 0 Missionary Box,...... 3 0 0 Do...... F 1 1 0 Penny a Week Society, by Rev. Slade, Mrs T 0 10 0 M. Matthews ...... 7 5 9 Sutton, Miss S. Rowde M 0 11 0 Dudley. Coll. by Rev. J. James. 3 0 0 Small Subscriptions 0 13 0 Penny a Week Society, by Mr. Waylen, R. Esq...... - 2 2 0 Wood ,...... 6 4 0 Weekly Contributions by Yonng Exhall. Auxiliary Society...... 1 0 6 Ladies, 19 13 1 Kenilworth. Do...... 2 2 6 Whitchurch, Mr. S, 0 10 0 Leamington. Do...... 1 3 0 Melksham. Netherton. Collections and Subs. 17 1 0 Collection by Rev. Mr. Mnrcli, 2 0 6 Rugby. JefFerys, Mr...... Don. S 1 1 0 penny Society, by Rev. E. Fall. 4 9 6 Moon, Mr...... M 1 0 0 Scott, Rev. B. Harbro Magna.. 0 10 6 Phillips, J. L. Esq 1 1 0 Tewkesbury. Subs, and Colls..... 29 12 0 Phillips, E. Esq 1 1 0 Penny a Week Society...... 14 2 0 Powell, Mr...... S 1 0 0 Subscriptions...... 4 12 0 Salisbury. Contributions for the ..D o...... 20 0 0 Salisbury Native School...... M 15 0 0 Wyken. Auxiliary Society.... 1 11 8 Coll. by Rev. P. Saffery., 31 9 0 Fisher, Rev. Archdeacon 3 0 0 Sloper, George, Esq T 1 1 0 Do M 1 1 0 WILTSHIRE. Toone, Mr 1 1 0 Trowbridge. ‘ I W ilts and East Somerset Auxiliary, Female Asso. by Miss Dunn..... F 17 0 0 b y B. Anstie, Esq. Subscriptions by Mr.Wearing. Bratlmi. Biatch, Mr. J. G ....[Mj 1 0 0 Anstie. Mr. P ...... M 1 1 0 Bhttcb, Miss ...... I ¡110 Clift, Mr. S. B...... 1 1 0 6*2

£ s. d. £ s. d. Collection, by Mr. Newman..... M 5 12 0 Bishop Button. Collection at Dunn, Mrs. W ...... 1 0 0 Baptist Chapel...... M 8 2 0 ; Harris, Mrs. J...... 1 1 0 Borough Bridge. Contributions, Harris, Mr. J. R...... 0 10 6 per Mrs. T. Morley...... 10 0 0 Long, Mrs. C...... ] 1 0 Bradford. Steadman, Rev. Dr.. 1 1 0 Salter, Mr. Sainnel...... 2 2 0 Steadman, Mrs 1 1 0 Stancomb, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Aked, Mr. T, 1 1 0 Walton, Rev. W ...... 0 10 6 Hill, Mr. J 1 0 0 Wearing, Mr. R...... 0 10 6 Smaller Sums 1 11 0 Wicks, Mr. Jacob...... 0 10 6 Bramley. Collection, 4 19 0 Warminster. Penny Society 1 0 0 Collected, by Miss Judson...... 2 18 7 Do. per Miss Cliffe...... 0 12 3 Westbury. Annual Subscriptions 2 19 0 . Collections at the Collection...... 2 ,9 0 Union and Baptist Chapels.... 12 18 1 Westbury Leigh. Coll. at the Do. at the Methodist Chapel..... 1 15 0 Yearly Meeting and Weekly Penny Subscriptions, by Miss M. Subscriptions...... 25 11 0 Harness... 3 16 3 Clift, Mr. Zenas...... 0 Bodley, Mrs 0 10 0 Gibbs, Mr...... Don. 0 Booth, Miss 1 1 0 Glass, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 Catlev, Mrs 1 0 0 Haynes, Robert, Esq . 2 2 0 Cayley, Mr...... 0 10 6 Haynes, Mrs...... 2 yrs. 0 , Coverley, Mr. S 1 1 0 Overbury, B. Esq...... 0 Coverley, Mr. J 0 10 0 Wilkins, Mr. W...... 0 Cowton’s, Mr. Miss. Box 0 14 0 Gray, Mr, 1 0 0 Hey, Rev. Mr. and Miss 1 0 0 WORCESTERSHIRE. Madden, Rev. Mr. and Mrs 1 1 0 Sums under 10s. each...... 2 6 6 Aria, Hall. Cottingham. Collection 6 0 0 Collected by Mr. Mowbray...... 3 14 0 Dewsbury. Young, Mrs Don. 5 0 0 Mowbray, Mr...... 1 1 0 Dishforth. Bewdley. Contributions by Rev. Coll. by Rev. J. Acworth, 15 15 8 G. Brookes...... 7 2 0 . Collection...... 3 2 6 Bromsgrove. Halifax. Collected by Mr. Scroxton, jun. 5 5 0 Collected by Rev. E. Thompson 1 0 0 Do. by Miss P. Harrison...... 2 14 0 Haworth. Collection 6 15 0 Harrison, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Collected by Ladies 6 19 7 Harvey, Mr. S...... 0 10 6 Clapham, Mrs 2 0 0 Evesham. Burlingham, Mr...... 0 10 6 Craven, Mr. John...... 0 15 0 Cheek, Mr...... 1 0 0 Eccles, Mr. W, 0 10 0 Collected by Misses Mann...... 6 14 3 Friend 3 3 0 Collection, by Rev. E. Carey.... 6 7 10 Friends, by Rev. M. Oddy. _ 6 0 0 Davis, Rev. D...... 0 10 6 Greenwood, Mr. W 4 4 0 Mann, Mr...... 1 1 0 Greenwood, Miss, 2 2 0 Smith, Mr. T...... 1 0 0 Greenwood, Mr. W . jun ] 1 0 Kington. ( Herefordshire) Miss. Greenwood, Mrs 2 0 0 Rev. S. Blackmore.... 15 0 0 Greenwood, Miss 2 0 0 Pershore. Collection, by Rev. Greenwood, Miss R 2 0 0 E. Carey...... 18 0 3 Greenwood, Mr. John 2 0 0 Worcester. Coll. at Silver St..... 47 2 9 Greenwood, Mr. James, 2 0 0 Greenwood, Mr. Joseph, 2 0 0 Hartley, Mr. John . 1 0 0 YORKSHIRE. Holmes, Mr. Jeremiah 0 15 0 Mission Box, (in part) 1 13 0 Bedale. Missionary Box and Subs. Missionary Boxes 3 2 9 by Miss Smith...... 2 3 0 Oddy, Rev. M 4 0 0 . Clark, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Oddy, Mrs...... 3 0 0 Collection at Lair Gate Chapel. 5 0 0 Saunders, Rev. M. 1 1 0 Do. at Walker Gate do...... 5 18 7 Smaller Sums 1 0 6 Do. at Scotch Baptist do...... 3 4 6 Townend, Mrs 1 0 0 Coltman, Rev. J...... 2 yrs. 0 Wright, Mr. John 1 0 0 Galland, Rev. T...... 0 Hebden Biidge. Poor Woman’s Mite...... 0 Penny Society, by Mrs. Foster.. 4 4 9 Richards, Rev. G. P ...... 1 1 0 Quarterly Subscriptions byLa- Sanvidge, Mr...... 0 10 6 dies, per Do...... 4 18 7 Sherwood, Mrs...... 2 yrs. 2 2 0 Hunmanby. Collection. 2 4 0 Do. Missionary Box...... 1 11 HuU. Bodley, W .H . Esq.M.D. 1 1 0 Simpson, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 1| Bowden, Mr. J 0 10 6 63

£ s. d. £ . ». J. Bowden, Mr. W . M 0 10 6 Fox, Mrs...... M 0 10 0 Briggs, Mr. W ..., 1 1 0 Hague, Rev. W...... 1 0 0 Casson, Mr. J...... 1 1 o. Hill, Mr. C...... 2 2 0 13 8 1 Ibbotsons. Miss...... 0 10 0 7 12 3 Juvenile Society...... 10 0 0 Do. at Public Meeting...... 12 10 0 Megginson, Miss, Miss. Box. 1 15 3 Do. at Fish-street Chapel... 6 14 6 Mennel, Mr. Isaac...... S 0 10 6 Friends, by Mrs. Longstaff.. 4 13 0 Missionary Bazar...... M 9 0 0 Dikes, Rev. T. LL.B...... 1 1 0 Mosey, Mr...... 0 10 6 Green, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Parkin, Mr. Thomas...... 0 10 6 Greenwood, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Richardson, Mr. John . 0 10 6 Henwood, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Richmond, Miss...... 0 10 6 Hopper, Mr. R...... 1 1 0 Rowntree, Mr. John...... S 1 1 0 Purdon,'Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Small Sums under 10s. each. M 1 7 0 Rhodes,-Mr...... 1 1 0 Smith, W. Esq...... 1 0 0 Richmond, Miss...... 0 5 0 Smith, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Rutherford, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 Smith, Mr. M...... 0 10 6 Scott, Rev. J. M.A...... 0 10 6 Stickney, Mr. Isaac...... S 0 10 6 Sykes, Mr. T. 0 10 6 Taylor, Mrs. M...... M 1 1 0 Thompson, T. Esq..... 1 1 0 Taylor, Mr. John...... 0 10 6 Thompson, Mr. John.. 1 0 0 Tindall, R. Esq...... 1 0 0 Thornton, Mr. John... 1 1 0 Tindall, Mrs...... S 1 0 0 Tinkler, Mr. W . 1 1 0 Tindall, R. Esq. jun...... 1 0 0 Waddingham, Mr. N. 0 10 0 Tindall, Miss Sarah...... 1 0 0 Leeds. Acworth, Rev. 1 1 0 Tindall, James, Esq...... M 1 0 0 Aspen, Mr...... 0 10 6 Terry, Mr. L ...... 0 10 6 Chadwick, Mr...... 1 1 0 Thirk, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Chadwick, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Tristram, Mr. Archer...... 0 10 0 Clapham, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Wood, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Clapham, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Woodall & Co. Messrs...... 1 11 6 Clapham, Mr. J. jun... 1 1 0 Shipley. Brogden, John, Esq. 1 1 0 Doolen, Mr...... 0 10 6 Ctolbord, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Fawcett, J. Esq...... T 1 1 0 Female Penny Society...... 7 0 6 Goodman, Mr...... M 2 0 0 Lambert, Mr. James...... 1 1 0 Hey, W . Esq. .& ...... T 1 1 0 Mann, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Hirst, Mr. W ...... M 2 0 0 Pullan, Messrs. J. and W.... 0 15 0 Jackson, Mr...... 1 0 0 Rhodes, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Ladies’ Society...... F 33 0 5 Wilcock, Mrs. Ann...... 0 10 6 Nicholson, Mrs . . M 1 1 0 Sheffield. Atkinson. Mr. W .. 0 10 6 Rawson, Mr...... 2 2 0 Bennett, G. Esq...... 0 10 6 Rawson, Mr. H...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 20 0 0 Reade, T. S. B. Esq.. 1 1 0 Hodgson, R. Esq ...... 0 10 6 .M 10 0 0 Juvenile Auxiliary Society..., 17 17 0 Thackery, M. Esq . 2 2 0 Larom, Rev. C...... 0 10 6 Thackery, Mr. G...... 2 2 0 Rawson, Miss...... 1 1 0 Thackeiy, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Water Fulford. Thackery, Mr. John... 1 1 0 Key, Thomas, Esq...... Don. 200 0 0 Thackery, Miss...... 1 1 0 Do. for Widows and Orphans... 50 0 0 Webster, Mr...... 1 1 0 Wincobank. Association, by the Wood, Mr...... 0 10 6 Miss Read’s...... 9 0 0 Wylde, Mr...... 1 0 0 Lockwood. Aston, Mr. 0 10 0 Berry, Mr. G...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 3 1 7 WALES. L 14 10 0 Tate, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Abergavenny. Contributions from Willett, Mr. R ...... I 1 0 the Church...... M 3 3 0 Masham, fyc. Collections...... 5 12 8 Griffiths, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Salendine Nook. Thomas, Rev. M...... 1 1 0 Female Auxiliary, 1826...... 10 13 0 Wyke, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 10 10 0 Wyke, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Do. do. 1827...... 1 Scarborough. Beard, Rev. J. 0 10 6 Cadixton. Small Contributions.. 0 8 0 Col. at the Baptist Chapel.... 13 8 3 Cardiff. Church...... 1 10 0 Do. at the Independent Chapel. 9 12 6 Coll. at the Baptist Church...... 3 4 6 Do. at the Wesleyan Chapel..., 4 13 6 Edy, Mr. John...... 1 10 0 Cornwall, Mr. F., 0 10 6 Female Society for Cardiff Sch. Evans, Rev. B ..... 1 1 0 Bengal...... S 15 0 0 Fowler, Mr. EL..., 0 10 6 Gower, Mr, John...... M 0 10 0 C4

£ s. d. £ 5.

! £ s. d. 4 t. « . East Church do...... 5 ü G Mr. Caird...... 3 0 Oj Ladies Society...... m 10 0 0 Ditto...... 1 a 0 0 Auxiliary Baptist Soc. Public Ditto...... 2 0 0 Meeting...... 4 0 f Auchtermuchty. Friends.. m 1 0 0 Do. lw Mr. Thomson...... 2 19 I Berrie, Mr. John, Dalkeith. i 5 0 0 Priutneld Association for Re­ Ditto...... 5 0 0 ligious Purposes...... 3 3 0 . M; 2 0 0, Arbroath. Rev. Mr. Ramsay’s 6 1 0 Carnegie, Miss Mary Anne. ! i (» 0 Elspeth Laurence, collected Carnegie, Miss Eleanor...... 2 0 0 by very small sums...... 1 0 0 Ditto...... , 1 0 0 Cupar. Central Bible Society.. 10 0 0 1 0 0 Missionary Society, Public Carnegie, Miss Mary...... ; i 0 0 Meeting ...... 8 8 4 Cumbraes Bible and Missionarj Do. and Public Meeting, 12 2 0 Association...... 8 0 0 Dalkeith. Adam, Rev. Mr...... 1 1 0 Rev. Thomas Brown’s.. 14 14 0 Cunningham, R. Esq. 8ea.ha.nk, 2 0 0 Baptist Church...... 2 0 (1 Deans, Mrs. Dr. Edinburgh__ 2 2 0 Barrie, Mr. Alexander. 10 0 0 Friend, by Miss F ...... 1 1 0 Dundee. Rev.Mr. Donaldson's 18 0 0 Glasgow. Collection at Rev. Donaldson, Rev. Mr.'...... 1 1 0 Mr. Sherriff’s...... T 14 6 6 Chapel Shade Miss. Society... 3 0 0 Do. at Dr. Dewar’a...... 16 5 9 Dunfermline. Do. at Mr. Ewing’s...... 41 0 0 Rev. Mr. Barland’s...... 12 15 0 Do. at Mr. Struther’s . 15 8 6 Miss, and Education Society.. 10 0 0 Do. at Dr. Dick’s...... 37 0 0 Dunkeld. Rev. Mr. Black’s.... 5 0 6 Public Meeting at Dr. Dewar’s M 28 1 8 Edinburgh. Greenock. Collection at Rev. Rose-st. Rev. John Brown... 28 13 6 Dr. Scott’s ...... a’ 17 0 6 Elder-street, Mr. Innes...... 38 7 0 Baptist Friends...... 5 0 0 Tabernacle, Mr. Haldane 49 0 0 Friends...... 1 0 0 Argyle-street, Mr. Aikman... 20 0 0 Prayer Meeting by Mr. Hercus 2 0 0 W . W. by D o...... 2 0 0 Hawick. Baptist Church...... M 2 10 0 Philanthropic Society...... 5 5 0 Innerkip. Prayer Meeting by Baptist Church, Pleasance. 11 11 6 Mr. Low ...... T 0 10 0 Leith-walk School...... 2 0 0 Inverkeithing. Bible and Mis Amicus...... 1 1 0 sionary Society...... M 3 0 0 Milne, Mr.W. Old Broughton 1 0 0 Irvine. Baptist Chapel...... 5 3 3 Wellwood, Miss...... 1 0 0 Bible Society...... T 4 0 0 Charlotte Chap. Mr. Anderson M 30 0 6 Female Bible Society...... 5 0 0 Carnegie, Miss E. by Do...... 3 0 0 Miller, J. Esq. Custom-house, M 1 1 0 Few Friends, by W. Fraser.. 5 5 0 Parish Church...... 11 12 10 Auxiliary Missionary Society. 25 0 0 Kilmarnock. Low Church 12 2 6 Rev. Dr. Peddie's, for Se- Baptist Friends...... F 1 0 0 rampore...... 20 5 I Kirkcaldy Bible Association, by Braid wood, Miss...... 3 0 0 Mr. Bagrie...... T 10 0 0 Irving, John, Esq. W. S 1 1 0 Macdonald, Mr. by Mr. Plen- Three Children, for Seram- derleath...... 2 2 0 pore Schools...... 0 3 6 Macfarlane, Peter, Esq. Alloa.. S 1 I 0 Elgin. Rev. Mr. Macneil’s..... 4 5 2 Paisley. Coll. at Rev.Mr.Smart’s T 20 0 6 Two Friends...... 3 7 0 Female Bible Association ’ 8 0 0 Falkirk. Rev. Dr. Belfrage’s.. 8 9 0 Y outh’s Society...... 10 0 0 Missionary Association by Do. 8 13 0 Saltcoats. Female Bible Soc... M 4 0 0 Forres. Rev. Mr. Martin’s..... 5 0 0 Coll. at Rev. Mr. Ellis’s...... 4 6 3 Glasgow, Friend to the Cause 10 10 0 W ick Aux. Bible Association.. T 14 0 0 Baptist Church, Mr.Macleod’s 6 7 6 Haddington. Rev. Mr. Hogg’s J4 3 10 M arshman A Widow...... 1 0 0 a n d Mr. A n d e r s o n . Iluntly. Rev. Mr. Hill’s...... 9 0 0 Missionary Society...... 5 0 0 Aberdeen. George-street,Rev. Inverkeithing. Mr. Thomson...... T 16 5 I Rev. E. Brown’s ..... 2 13 0 Frederick-st. Mr. Penman.... 5 0 0 Bible and Missionary Society. 1 0 0 Union-terrace, Mr. Gilmore... Ï0 2 9 Evangelical Society ...... 1 0 0 Blackfriars-st. Mr. Spence.... 2 11 4 Society for Native Teachers.. 1 0 0 Methodist Chapel...... 5 3 9 Inverness. Chapel of Ease, Baptist Church, Guest-row.... 3 0 0 Rev. Mr. Findlater... 8 8 0 Female Servants’ Society, Mr. Rev. Mr. Kennedy’s..... 10 1 6 Matthews...... 5 5 0 Rev. Mr. Scott’s...... 2 16 0 Philanthropic Association 5 5 0 M'Innes, Mrs...... 'M 1 0 0 I £ s. d. 1 £ s. d. M'Infosb, Miss...... ?vl 1 1 0 Berwick Juvenile Auxiliary...... 2 0 0 K eith Bible Association, Rev. Cavers Bible Society...... T 5 0 0 Andrew Kennedy...... T 10 0 0 Cavers and Kincardine Bible Kincardine, and Missionary Society. M 5 0 0 Allan, Rer. H. Ross-shire.... M 1 0 0 Trotter, Mrs. General...... 2 2 0 Kirkcaldy. Parish Church, Sprof, Miss...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. Martin...... T 6 8 o' Anonymous...... 0 17 0 Baptist Chapel, Mr. Arthur... 12 12 0 Baillie, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Two Friends...... 1 2 6 Black, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Leith. Rev. Mr. Cullen’s...... 14 5 6 A Friend ...... 1 1 0 Juvenile Bible and Miss. Soc.. M 3 2 6 Transmitted from Rev. Dr. Linlithgow. Belfrage...... 6 6 0 Rev. Mr. Knowles and f T 1 0 0 Montrose. Rev. Mr. King’s.... 36 1 1 Aberdeen. Auxiliary Society 15 9 10 Independent Prayer Meeting. 2 2 0 Friends at Garmond...... 2 0 0 '•Miss. Tract and School Soc.. M 10 0 0 Musselburgh, 1 0 0 Auxiliary Bible Society...... T 9 12 2 Watson, Mrs...... 1 0 0 the F.llon, Foveran and Be- Stewart, Miss...... 1 1 0 thelric Bible and Missionary Nairne. Rev. Mr. Dewar’s.... 2 4 1 Society...... 1 6 0 Perthshire Bible Society...... 50 0 0 Friends at Garmond...... F 0 10 0 Perth. Auxiliary Bible Society, Brechin Female Society...... 5 0 0 Annual Meeting...... 21 5 6 Adamtov. Reid, Mrs. by Rev. Mill-st. Rev. J. Robertson’s... 10 1 5 G. Barclay...... M 1 1 0 Black, Rev. Richard...... M 1 1 0 Banff. Association for Nati\ Condie, George, Esq...’...... 1 I 0 S 8 0 0 * Grimmond, Mr. Alexander... 0 10 6 Berwick. A well-wisher to th Lawson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 spread of the Gospel...... T 5 0 0 Manson, Rev. Mr ...... 1 1 0 Berwickshire Bible Society, b., Friends...... 0 1 6 G. C. Trotter, Esq ...... *. 10 0 0 Willison,Rer.J.Forgandenny 1 0 0 Dirleton. Stark, Rev. W . M 1 1 0 Sanquhar Society for Religious Dunbar. Bible, Missionary and Purposes...... 2 0 0 Tract Society...... 5 0 0 Sauchieburn. Dundee. Chapel Shade Penny Friends, by Mr. Mackinnon... 1 1 0 Society, by Mr. Eason...... F 3 0 0 St. Andrews. Missionary Soc. M 25 0 0 Do. do...... M 2 0 0 Rev. Mr. Hailey’s...... T 5 7 0 Auxiliary Soc. by Mr. Gourlay. 33 0 0 Stirling Female Bible Society.. 17 18 6 Do. Do...... T 7 0 0 Rev. Mr. Gilfillan’s...... 11 9 0 Dum/ermline. G. I...... 10 10 0 Alnwick. Rev. Mr. Raitt’s..... T 7 7 6 D o...... S 3 3 0 Auxiliary Missionary Society. M 12 12 6 Edinburgh Association of Theolo­ Allerdean. Baptist Church...... T 2 0 0 gical Students in aid, &c...... M 3 17 0 Berwick. Rev. Mr. Hall’s... 16 1 5 Garleton. , Mr. John.... 1 1 0 Robson, Mr...... 10 0 0 Howden, Miss...... T 0 10 6 Friend, by Mr. Pastor)...... Ö 0 0 Coll. at Female Sabbath School 1 18 G Greenock, Port Glasgow, and By Rev. W . Innes. West Renfrewshire Bible Innes, Mrs...... F 1 0 0 Society...... T 30 0 0 Auchendinny Bible and Miss. Auxiliary Missionary Society, Society ...... M 2 0 0 by R. D. ICer, Esq...... M 10 0 0 Ross, Miss...... 1 1 0 Friend, by D o...... 1 "0 0 Parlane, Miss ...... 2 2 0 Haddington. Ladies Association 1 10 0 Friend, by Mrs. Ritchie...... 6 6 0 Do. do...... F 6 0 0 North Berwick Bible Society... T 5 0 0 Collection by the Girls of the East Lothian do...... 15 0 0 Sabbath School...... 1 3 0 West Lothian do...... 10 0 0 Todrick, Mr. A ...... M 1 1 0 Allerdean Baptist Church'...... 1 7 0 Irvine. Balance of a former Acc. 4 0 0 Anonymous...... M 0 13 0 A Friend...... 1 0 0 A lyth Female Missionary Soc.. F 2 0 0 Leith. Auxiliary Spciety, by Mr. Fnend in Boness and Camden, Alexander ...... 20 0 0 for Native Preacher/ . M 6 6 0 Monifeeth and Broughton Ferry Denny Bible and Miss. Society 5 5 0 Society for the propagation of Henderson, Mr ...... 1 1 0 the Gospel...... 5 0 0 Queen's Ferry Bible and Miss. Nairnshire. Do...... 5 0 0 - Society...,...,...... 2 0 0 Perthshire. Missionary Society, Wellwood, Mjss E ,...... 1 1 0 by Rev. J. Newlands...... 20 0 0 Berwick and Tweedmouth Miss. St. Andrews’ University Miss. Society...... 12 0 0 Society...... '... 2 0 0 € s. d. FOREIGN. Stewarton. Town-house Sabbath Sc. by W. Cunninghame, Esq. 4 10 9 Germany. Hanau Baptists, by Thornhill Branch Bible Society, P. C. Walther Esq...... M by Rev. W . Roberson...... 4 0 0 Switzerland. Baptist Churches, Troon. Maccredie, Miss, by Rev. by Rev. Jacob Moser...... G. Barclay...... 1 1 0 Little Niscewkin, near Thorn, in W ick and Pultney Missionary Polish Prussia. Mennonite Society, by Mr. Caldwell...... 7 10 0 Congregation, by C. O. Tauch- 'nitz...... Netherlands. Auxiliary Society, IRELAND. by Rev. S. Muller...... Belfast Juvenile Society, by Mr.] Graham’s Town, South Africa, Houston...... |M 10 0 0 by Mr. A. Kidwell...... Drumcondra. Produce of Pocket Books, presented by a friend. 16 7 6 Dublin Union Missionary Prayer Meeting, by J. West...... 2 0 0 Waterford. Collected by the Rev. C. Hardcastle...... 5 11 8

LEGACIES. £ ». d. Howlett, Rev. Mr. late of Long C-rendon...... '...... 142 0 0 Coade, Mrs. Eleanor, late of Camberwell...... 261 12 6 Broadley, Samuel, Esq. late of Brai\ford, York...... 900 0 0 Bonville, Thomas, Esq. late of Bristol...... 45 0 -0 Mottershavv, Thomas, Esq. late of Silkmore House, near Stafford...... 85) 0 0


A Lady, by T. Thompson, Esq...... 105 0 0 B ath and Bristol Auxiliary . 55 5 8 CGniribktiont towards the erection of Mr. BurchelVs Chapel at Montego Ba%. £ t. d. £ s. d. London and its Vicinity. Platt, Thomas, Esq ...... 2 0 0 Ashwell, Samuel, Esq,...... 1 1 Preston, T. Esq. W alworth. 1 0 0 Baylis, J. Esq. Ponder's End, 6 0 R. by the Secretary...... 5 0 0 Bickham, T. Esq ,...... 6 0 Robarts, N . Esq ...... 5 5 0 Birt, Rev. Isaiah...... 1 0 Robinson, Mr. S...... 2 0 0 Blight, Mr. G...... 1 1 Salter, Samuel, Esq...... 50 0 0 Bosworth, Mr ...... 1 0 Salter, Mr. jun...... 10 0 0 Bousfielcl, Mr. W ...... 1 1 Samoth, by Rev. J. Dyer...... 10 0 0 Bradney, Mrs...... 5 0 Satchel, Mr...... 1 1 0 Burls, Mr. and Mrs. Edmonton 3 3 Servants, by Mr. Salter...... 0 3 6 Cabell, Mr. T. S...... 1 0 Sloper, Rev. N . E ...... 2 2 0 Cambet'well Subscriptions, by Mr. Small Sums...... 0 10 6 Alexander Saunders....,...... 55 15 Smith, Frederick, Esq...... 2 2 0 Cattley, Mrs. & Friends, Peckham, 8 10 Smith, Miss M .W ...... 10 0 0 Chandler, Mr. J...... 1 1 Smith, W. L. Esq ...... 5 0 0 Davies, Robert, Esq. Walthamstow 10 Sundries, by Mr. Burchell...... 11 10 0 Deacon, John, Esq...... 50 Tatham, Mr. H ...... 1 0 0 Dyer, Rev. J ...... 1 Thompson, Thomas, Esq...... 5 5 0 Eagle-street. Female Servants, 8tc. 5 Walkden, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 Evans, Mr. Thomas...... 1 Ware, Mrs...... 10 10 0 Family Party, Pluistow...... 2 Walker, Thomas, Esq...... 1 1 0 Flight, Banister, Esq...... 3 Waymouth, Henry, Esq...... 5 0 0 Friends to Negroes, byDr.Newman 6 White, Perceval, Esq...... 3 0 0 Friend, by J. Dyer...... 10 Williams, Thomas, Esq...... 10 0 0 Friend to the Cause...... 2 Wilson, Mrs. Denmark Hill...... 5 0 0 Friend, by Mr. Salter...... 5 Wilson, John Broadley, Esq...... 100 0 0 Friend, by Mrs. Salter ...... 2 Wilson, Mrs. J. fi...... 15 0 0 Friend, by Mrs. Ware...... 3 Wilks, John, Esq...... 5 5 0 Friend, Champion HilL ...... 20 Wittwar, Nicholas, Esq...... 2 0 0 Gordon, Aletander, Esq...... 23 Gosse, Mrs ...... 2 Ashford. Collection...... 6 0 8 Gouldsmith, Mrs. Hackney 5 Friend...... 1 0 0 Gnmey, W . B. Esq...... 25 Jackson, Rev. J...... 0 10 6 Gnrney, Mr. Joseph...... 5 Jackson, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Gwennap, Mrs...... 1 Avening. Collection...... 2 3 © Hankey, W . A. Esq...... 5 Barnstable. Friends.*by Mr. Aveline 6 1 6 Hankey, T. Esq...... 5 Berwick-upon-Tweed Baptist Church 5 0 0 Hankey, Mrs. T...... 1 Well-wisher...... 5 0 0 Hepburn, Mr. John...... 2 Bessel’s Green. Collection!...... 3 16 6 Hewitt, Frederick, Esq 3 Birmingham. King, Mrs...... 6 0 0 Hine, Mr. D ...... 1 Collected by Mr. Showell and Mr. Hollingsworth, S. N. Esq...... 10 Mucklow...... 1 18 6 Horseman, Mrs ...... 5 Boroughbridge, by Rev. John Crook 3 0 0 Hughes, Rev. Joseph...... 1 Brighton. A Friend by post 5 0 0 J. W . and Sisters...... 2 Bristol. Friends at Broadmead, by Jessop, Mr...... 0 10 Mrs. Sherring ...... 3 17 0 Jones, Mr. M .G ...... 2 0 Holland, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Kingsbury, Thomas, Esq...... 2 2 Cambridge. Friend, by the Secretary 3 0 0 Kemble, Henry/ Esq ...... 5 5 Canterbury. Public Collection 3 5 6 Kemble, Edward, Esq...... 5 5 Collected by Miss Lade...... 0 16 9 Lister, D. N. Esq. Hackney 10 0 HowlandyMr...... 1 0 0 JLitUe Girl at School...... 1 1 Chatham. Ac worthy Mr...... 1 0 0 Maitland, Ebenezer, Esq ...... 10 0 Acworth, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Marlborongh, Mr. E ...... <...... 1 1 Bentley, M^jor...... 1 1 0 Marshall, J. Esq ...... 3 3 Booth, Mr...... 0 10 0 Marten, Mr. R. H ...... 1 0 Edmonds, Mr ...... 1 0 0 M aze Pond. Collected at Prayer Ferrier, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Meeting...... 10 0 George, Mr...... 1 1 0 Mileham, Rev. C. T...... 1 1 Giles, Rev. W ...... 1 0 0 Millard, Mr. Paul...... 2 2 Godfrey, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Mortlock, John, Esq...... GO 0 Green, Mrs. and family...... 0 10 0 N.J ...... 1 0 Hollick, Mr...... 0 10 0 Newman, D r...... 1 1 Hopkins, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Nokes, Mrs...... 5 0 Martin, Mr. A ...... 1 0 0 e o

£ s. d. £ s. d. Bbm, Mt /...... 0 10 0 Beeching, Miss ;...... 2 0 0 Pudner, Captain, R. N ...... 1 1 0 Beeqhing, Miss E...... 3 0 0 Pudner, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Bentlif, Mrs. G ...... 1 0 0 Smallman, Mr...... 0 10 0 Bentlif, Mr...... 0 10 0 Small Subscriptions ...... 2 18 0 Bentlif, Mr. James...... 1 0 0 Small Offerings at Brook-street Briggs, Mr. E ...... 0 10 0 Chapel...... 1 7 5 Charles, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 White, Mr...... 0 10 0 Cleaver, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 L'ollingham. Nicholls, Rev. W 5 0 0 Collection at Meeting...... 6 16 6 ■Cranbrook. Olive, Mr...... 1 0 0 Edmett, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Deal. Collection ...... 0 15 6 Green, Mr. G. H ...... 1 0 0 Dersingham and West Newton, by Holland, Mr. Joseph...... 0 10 0 Mr. Clowes...... 2 4 6 Hughes, Mr. J. N ...... 0 10 0 Dover. Collection ...... 1 14 6 Laker, Mr. J...... 1 ] 0 Missionary Box, by Mrs. Knight... 1 17 0 Pierce, Miss...... 0 10 ft Dublin and Waterford, Ruch, Mr. B...... 0 10 0 A few friends, by Rev. J. Sprigg.. 8 1 6 Shirley, Miss...... 0 10 0 Dundee. Baptist Church, Seagate-st. 6 0 0 Small Sums...... 2 18 6 Eastcomhs. Collection...... 3 9 1 Stanger, Mr. James...... 1 0 0 Eynesford. Clark, Mr. R...... 0 10 0 Steer, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Collection at the Meeting...... 7 10 0 Stephens, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Friends, tw o...... 0 10 0 Margate. Collection...... 6 13 1 Hutchinson, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Offering of a Boy...... 0 7 0 . Symonds, Rev. John...... 1 1 0 Sidbury, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Smith, Mxs...... 1 0 0 Northampton. Friend, by Rev. W. Stains, Mr. T...... 1 0 0 Gray...... 1 0 0 W . H. C. Foot's Cray...... 1 0 0 Norwich. Two Friends, by Mr. Jar- Woodfall, Mr. H ...... 0 10 0 rold...... 2 0 0 Eythome. Collections, including Nottingham. Lomax, Mr...... 2 0 0 BarnsweU...... 11 3 1 Olney.- Wilson, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Harvey, Mr. Hammill-court 1 0 0 Oxford. Alden, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Fakenham. FriendsbyMr. Thompson 13 0 0 Collingwood, S. Esq...... 5 0 0 Falmouth. Collected by Rev. W .F . Copley, Rev. W ...... 1 1 0 Burchell...... 14 9 0 Goring, Henry, Esq...... 5 0 0 Folkestone. Collection...... 3 10 0 Penzance. Coll. by Rev. W . Acworth 5 0 0 Hanson, Joseph, Esq...... 2 0 0 Philips Norton. Friends...... 1 6 1 Elliott, J. S. Esq ...... 1 0 0 Reading. Ladies’ Working Society. 6 6 0 Great Missenden. Friends...... 2 0 0 Maitland, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Guildford. Haydon, — Esq 5 0 0 Road Bridge. Ledyard, Miss C 1 0 0 Helstone. Collected by Mr. Read... 1 8 0 Rowley. Coll. by Rev. R. Pengilly . 1 8 9 Ilford. Rev. J. Smith’s Congregation 8 17 6 Scorrier House, near Redruth. Kenninghall, Friends, by Mr. Hum­ Williams, John, Esq...... 1 0 0 phreys...... 1 0 0 Sevenoaks. Collection...... 22 19 4 Kidderminster. Comfort, Mr ...... 7 0 8 Smith, Mr. and Friends...... 1 10 6 Friends to Mission...... 5 1(5 6 Kingsbridge. Shotley Field. Friends, by Mr. Nicholson...... 3 17 7 Collection by Rev. R. Pengilly 1 1 0 Juvenile Society...... 1 0 2 St. Peters. Collection...... 3 6 4 Kingstanley. A Friend...... 1 0 0 Cramp, Rev. J...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 1 7 10 Stroud. Clutterbuck, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 King, Mr. Peter...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 5 1 4 King, Mr. John...... 1 1 0 Friends...... 2 10 0 King, Miss...... 1 1 0 Hawkins, Rev. H...... 1 0 0 King, Mr. Joseph, jun...... 1 0 0 Hawkins, H. Esq. jun...... 1 0 0 Sundry small sums...... 0 13 0 Humphries, Mr. G...... 0 10 0 Langham. Friends, by Mr. Blyth... 11 6 0 Sundry small sums...... 1 1 0 Laverton. Friends at...... 2 0 6 Sutton in the Elms. Burdett, Mr. Liverpool, Birmingham, and Kid­ and Friends...... 5 0 0 derminster. Collected by Rev. Tetbury. A Friend...... 1 0 0 T. Burchell (particulars mislaid).110 9 6 Collection...... 3 11 8 A West Indian, by the Secretary... 5 0 0 Collected by a friend...... 2 0 0 Luton. Friends, by Rev. E. Daniel. 5 0 0 Small sums...... 0 7 6 Lymington. Friends, by Rev. J. Trinkets, by a friend...... ,... 2 0 0 Millard...... 11 0 0 Uley. Collection...... 2 13 1 Maidstone. Barham, Right Hon. Thrapstone. ~ Lord...... 2 0 0 Collected at Prayer Meeting 1 14 0 Beal, Mr...... 1 1 0 Torrington. Coll. by Miss W ills.... 1 10 0 Beeching, Mr...... 2 0 0 Truro. Collected by Rev. E. Clarke 7 0 0 70

£ s. d. £ s. d. W altham A bbey. Friends, by Rev. Swannell, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Mr. Blakeman...... 4 16 0 Wedd, Mrs...... 1 0 0 W atford, by Miss Salter: Various Small Sums...... 2 12 6 A Friend...... 2 0 0 Friend, by Rev. J. Edwards 5 5 0 Edwards, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Smith, Mr. J. Hamper Mill, do.... 3 3 0 King, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Small Sums...... do.... 5 1 3 King, Miss ,...... 1 10 0 Weymouth. Hoby, Rev. James 2 2 0 Paumeir, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Woodchester. Collection...... 1 12 0 Salter, Miss...... 3 0 0 Yeovil. Coll. by Miss Burchell 5 0 0 Smith, M js ...... 0 10 0

WEST INDIA FUND. £ s. d. Singer, Mrs. W estbury...... 5 0 0 Edwards, Miss, do...... 2 0 0 Warmington, Mr. Plaistow...... 1 0 0 W antage, by Rev. W . Glanvill...... 1 10 0 A Friend at Dundee...... 1 0 0 Collins, Mr. San-street...... 0 10 0 Ranyard, Mr. Kingston...... 1 0 0 Collection at Milford...... 3 0 0 Treffry, Mr...... 0 7 6 71

U i s i i o f & i f e jriifcsfrifcrr#

TO THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY, By the Payment of Ten Pounds or upwards at one time.


IN THE FOLLOWING LIST, 1. Those Persons to whose names no place of abode is attached, reside in or near Londc 2. The donations are inserted without specifying the particular object for which th were given. The contributions for the College are not inserted, as they did not appear the Accounts of the Society. 3. Of the Contributions made for the liquidation of the debt, those only presented, individuals are included. 4. Where several donations htive been given by the same individual, the dates are given the first and the last year, thus: 1793, 1812. 5. The names of anonymous contributors, and of persons known to be deceased, are n inserted.

£ s. d. £ s. Abercrombie, Dr. Edinburgh. Bolton, Mrs. Liverpool...... 1818 15 0 1813—1825 21 0 0 Booth, Mr. R. Coventry 1826 10 0 Acland, SirT. D. M .P..1825—1826 20 0 0 Bos worth, Rev. W . Stajf ord... 1824 10 0 Adkins, Mr. Middleton Cheney, 1812 10 0 0 Bousfield, Messrs...... 1813, 1823 40 0 Adams, Mr. Cambridge 1823 10 0 0 Boyce, Mr...... 1819 10 10 Alexander, D. Esq...... 1811 10 10 0 Brightwell, T. Esq. Norwich...1813 15 0 Allen, Francis, Esq. Frome 1823 10 0 0 Bristol, Very Rev. Dean of. 1819 10 0 Andrews, W. Esq. Olney 1813 10 0 0 Brogden, Mr. T. Norwich 1803 10 10 Angas, Captain, London 1813 20 0 0 Brown, Messrs. James and Son, Angas, Caleb, Esq. Newcastle-upon- Leeds..x...... 1813 20 0 Tyne...... 1823 10 0 0 Burls, Messrs. W . C. and J 1823 15 0 Anti!, Mr. B. Nailsworth 1820 10 0 0 Burls, William, Esq 1813,1823 35 0 Ariel, Mr. Bristol...... 1813 10 0 0 Burls, Mrs...... 1813, 1823 20 0 Arnold, Mr. T. Sevenoaks, 1824 50 0 0 Burn, Mr. —1822 272 7 Ash, Mrs. Eliz. Bristol 1819 10 0 0 Burnell and Dyer, Messrs. P ly­ Ashwin, Mr. James, Bourton...\826 10 0 0 mouth...... 1806 15 0 Aspinall, Mrs. Liverpool 1817 10 0 0 Burnett, J. Esq. Kemnat) 1809,1813 150 0 Barfield, Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 0 Butcher, Mr. R. Frome...1820,1823 30 0 Barclay, R. Esq. Bury Hill.... 18^ 65 0 0 Cabell, Messrs. W . & S 1823 10 0 Baring, Sir T. Bart. M.P 1821 20 0 0 Cadby, Mr. Charles...... 1823 10 0 Barnes, Miss, Liverpool 1818 10 0 0 Cadbury, Miss, Rumhill 1823 10 0 Bartlett, Mr. W . P ...... 1823 10 0 0 Campbell, Rev. II. Salop 1805 10 10 Baylis, Mr. J...... 1823 10 0 0 Campbell, Rev. H. A. M. N ails­ Beasly, Mrs...... 1823 10 0 0 worth...... 1820 10 10 Benwell, Joseph, Esq...... 1813 10 0 0 Carnegie, Miss E. Edinburgh ..1821 10 10 Berkley, Mr. R. Leicester 1823 10 0 0 Carroll, Mrs...... 1820—K25 50 0 Bevan, S. Esq. Fosbury House, Caslon & Catherwood, Messrs..1813 10 10 1820,1823 30 0 0 Cave, S. Esq. 0mfoZ...1813—1819 60 0 Bevan, Charles, Esq...... 1816 10 10 0 Chadwick, Mr. Leeds...... 1813 10 0 Bexley, Right Hon. Lord 1823 10 10 0 Chandler, Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 Bickersteth, Rev. Edward 1822 10 10 0 Cheney, Miss C. Brauns ton....1823 20 0 Bignold, Thomas, Esq. junior, Nor­ Churchill, Mr. R. Sheepshead, wich...... 1816, 1823 40 0 0 1805, 1807 20 0 Blackett, John, Esq...... :..1821 10 10 0 Clark and Collins, Messrs 1823 10 0 Blakeley, Mr. J. R. Norwich. .1824 10 10 0 Clapham, John, Esq. Leeds 1813 10 0 Blather wick, Mr. Nottingham. 1823 10 0 0 Claris, Mr. J...... 1820 10 10 Blyth, Daniel, Esq. Lang ham, Cobb, Francis, Esq. Margate...IRIS 10 10 J798, 1813 30 0 0 Coilingwood, S. Esq. Oxford...1823 10 0 Blyth, Mrs. Langham...... 1798 10 0 0 Colyer, Mr. W . H...... 1813 10 10 72

£ f. £ *. d. Cooper, E. Esq. Dereham 1813 10 10 Flight, Banister, Esq...... 1823 10 10 0 Cooper, Mr. U. Hour ton 1819 10 10 Fludyer, Miss...... 1822 10 0 0 Cooper, Miss...... 1813 10 0 Foote, Miss, B ristol...... 1819 10 0 0 Cooke, I. Esq. Bristol 1812, 1813 CO 10 Forbes, Sir W . Bart. 10 0 0 Collingbourn, Mr. Melksham...1SÌ0 20 0 Foster, J. Esq. Biggleswade... 1821 81 10 0 Collingwood, S. Esq. Oxford... 1826 10 10 Foster, R. Esq. Cambridge.... 1823 10 0 0 Corrie, Adam, Esq. W elling­ Foster, R. jun. Esq. do...... 1823 25 0 0 borough...... 1813 50 0 Foster, E. Esq. do...... 1823 30 0 0 Cort, Mr. James. Leicester 1823 10 0 Foulks, Arthur, Esq. Bristol, Cottle, Robert, Esq...... 1823 10 0 1817, 1819 30 0 0 Conrtnev, II. Esq. Dublin 1822 10 0 Freme, Mr. T. Liverpool 1813 10 0 0 Cowell, Mr. John...... 1813, 1823 30 SO Freme, Mr. William...... 1813 20 0 0 Cox, Mr. O rem ...... 1813 lO'lO Fripp, James, Esq. Bristol 1811 10 0 0 Cox, Rev. F. A. LL.D 1823 10 0 Frearsun, Messrs. J. 8sCo. N otting­ Cozens, -Mr. Janies, Norwich, ham...... 1823 10 0 0 1818.1823 20 0 Fry and Steel, Messrs...... 1813 52 10 D Cozens, Mr. Jolin, do 1813, 1823 30 0 Gardiner, Samuel, Esq. Coombe Cramp, Rev. T. St.P eters 1823 10 10 Lodge...... 1817 30 0 0 Culley, Mr. J. Norwich...... 1818 30 0 Gaviller, George, Esq ....1823 10 10 0 Culley, Mr. J. jun. do...... 1818 20 0 Gee, Mrs. Mary, H ull...... 1813 10 10 0 Culley, Mr. H...... 1823 10 0 Gillespie, W .Esq. Glasgow...1800 10 10 0 Culley, Mr. R. do...... 1818 20 0 GiUrnan, William, Esq...... 1823 25 0 0 Culley, Mr. S. do...... 1818 25 0 Gillman, Mrs ...... 1823 10 0 0 Cunninghame, William, Esq. Lain- Goffe, Miss S. Hoohnorton 1813 21 0 0 shaw...... 1822,1825 31 0 Gordon, Alexander, Esq.1813, 1826 35 10 0 Curling, Mr...... 1810,1811 21 0 Goring, H. Esq. Oxford 1823, 1827 30 0 0 Dalton, John, Esq...... 1823 10 10 Gorst, James, Esq 1821,1827 90 0 0 Davey, Mrs. Norwich...... 1818 20 0 Gotch, J. C. Esq. Kettering, 1811 Davey, Miss, do...... 1818 10 0 1820 71 10 Ó Davidson, Rev. Dr. Edinburgh,1S0S 10 0 Gotch, Mrs. sen. do...... 1813 10 0 D Davies, R. Esq. Walthamstow, Gould, N . Esq. Salford 1813 10 0 0 1813, 1826 470 0 Gouldsmith, Jesse, Esq 1805 10 10 0 Davies, Miss...... 1825 10 10 Gouldsmith, Mrs...... 1823 31 0 0 Davis, Henry, Esq. B ristol 1813 10 10 Gray, Mr. W illiam...... 1812 10 0 0 Davis, Rev. R. Middleton Cheney, Gray, R. Esq. Edinburgh 1818 10 10 0 1812 10 0 Green, P. Esq...... 1800 10 0 0 Dawson, Roger, Esq...... 1822 10 10 Greenwood, John, Esq. Bridge Deacon,’John, Esq 1821,1826 81 10 House...... 1810,1823 81 0 0 Deakin, John, Esq. Birmingham, Greenwood, J. Esq. Oxenhope, 1812,182G 1212 10 1811.1823 43 10 0 Dent, Mr. J. Northampton 1813 10 0 Grey, Hon. Lady, Portsea 1823 10 0 0 Dernier, Miss...... 1821, 1823 30 0 Guinness, Arthur, Esq. Dublin, Dicey, T. E. Esq. Claybrook Hall, 1813, 1823 25 0 0 1822.1823 20 0 Gurney, John, Esq...... 1821,1823 30 10 0 Digby, Mrs. Edinburgh.. 1821 10 0 Gurney, Joseph, Esq. Norwich, Dixon, William, Esq 1817, 1820 30 0 1813,1818 50 0 0 Douglas, John, Esq. Cavers..... 1825 20 0 Gurney, J. J. Esq. do...... 1813 10 0 0 Drummond, H. Esq...... 1821, 1823 30 0 Gurney, John, Esq. do...... 1813 10 0 0 Dunn, Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 Gurney, R. H. Esq. M.P. do. Dunn, Mr. W ...... 1823 10 0 1813.1823 124 10 0 Dyer, Rev. John...... 1823 10 0 Gurney, W . B. Esq...... 1823, 1826 75 0 0 Eaden, Mr. Cambridge 1823 10 0 Gutteridge, Joseph, Esq..l813, 1823 40 0 0 Easthope, John, Esq...... 1817 10 0 Gutteridge, Mrs...... 1823 10 0 0 Edminson, Rev. R ...... 1826 10 0 Gutteridge, Miss...... 1822 10 0 0 Edwards, T. Esq. Caerleon 1823 10. 0 Gutteridge, R. Esq. Dunstable.1823 10 0 0 Edwards, Mrs...... 1824 10 10 Haldane, R. Esq. Edinburgh, Ellis, T. Esq. Sandhurst 1823,1825 21 10 1799, 1823 600 0 0 Ellis, Mrs...... 1825 10 10 Haldane, John A. Esq. do. Erskine,T. Esq. Dundee, 1823,1825 20 10 1798, 1821 54 0 0 Etherington, Sir H. H ull. 1813 10 10 Hale, William, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 EVans, Mr. Thomas...... 1823 10 0 Hall, Mrs. Cheltenham... 1806,1815 160 0 0 Favell, Mrs...... 1823 10 0 Hammond, Mr. Bonham 1805 10 0 0 Fenn, Mr. Sudbury...... 1807 10 0 Hammond, George, Esq 1823 10 0 0 Ferrier & Co. Dublin 1813,1822 31 7 Hanbury, —, Esq...... 1813 10 0 0 Finlay, K. Esq. Glasgow 1813 10 10 Hankey, W . A. Esq...... 1820 10 10 0 Fleming, R. Esq. do...... 1807 20 0 Hanson, Joseph, Esq...... 1825 60 0 0 Fletcher, Messrs. H. and Son, Harford, J. Esq. Bristol, 1818,1820 20 0 0 1813.1823 55 0 Hardcastle, A .E sq ...... 1817 JO 10 0 £ d.\ £ s. d. H ardí as tie, Reyner, and Co. 1795, ] Manfield, W. Esq...... 1821, 1825 6b 10 0 1802 94 0 0 Mackenzie, Mr. Birmingham...l833 10 0 0 Hargraves, Rev. J. Ogden...... 1816 10 10 0 Macleod, Mrs...... „1823 10 0 0 Hartley, T. Esq. Roscrow...... 1824 10 10 0 Maitland, Eben. Esq...... 1813, 1826 30 0 0 Harvey and Napier, Messrs...... 1813 10 10 0 Marlborough, Mr...... 1823 10 0 0 Haynes, R Esq. Westbury...... 1823 20 0 0 Marsh, Rev. W . A .M . Colchester, Hawkins, Mr. Norwich 1818 10 0 0 1822 10 10 0 Hayes, P. L. Esq...... 1818 21 0 0 Marshall, John, Esq...... 1823 20 0 0 Haydon, Messrs. Guildford 1823 15 0 0 Marston, W. Esq...... 1814 10 0 0 Head, Mrs. Bradford .....1823 10 0 0 Martin, Mr. Chilton...... 1821 10 0 0 Heard, Messrs. & Co. Nottingham, Matthews, Miss, Bristol 1813 10 0 0 1823 10 0 0 M‘Dowell, L t Gen. Stranraer, 1825 10 10 0 Hird, Mrs. S. Liverpool 1813 10 1J 0 M'Neil, Mr. P. Cairff. 1813 10 0 0 Hird, Miss A. D itto...... 1810 10 10 0 Meacher, G. Esq. Ivinghoe 1807 10 0 0 Hemming, J. Esq...... 1801 10 0 0 Meyer, G. Esq...... 1809,1823 51 0 0 Hepburn, Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 0 Millard, Mr. P ...... 1823 10 0 0 Hepburn, Mrs...... 1823 10 0 0 Millar, Mr. A. Edinburgh 1813 21 0 0 Heskins, Barnard & Co. Nailsworth, Mills, Samuel, Esq 1813,1823 20 0 0 1823 10 0 0 Milligan, Mr. Hinldey...... 1804 10 10 0 Heyworth, L. Esq. Liverpool..1826 10 0 0 Moncrieff, W . S. Esq. Edinburgh, Hoby, Rev. James...... 1823 10 10 0 1815,1825 130 0 0 Hodges, Mrs. Bristol 1816, 1823 100 0 0 Moncrieff, R. S. Esq 1810,1815 90 0 0 Hogg, Rev. H.Kimbolton, 1810,1823 80 0 0 Morris, R. Esq. Craig...... 1815 10 0 0 Hogan, W . C. Esq. Dublin 1813 10 0 0 Mortlock, John, Esq 1821,1826 81 0 0 Holland, Mrs. Bristol 1819, 1823 60 0 0 Moreton, Mr. sen. Amersham..lÿ23 10 0 0 Hollick, Eben, Esq. Cambridge, Nash, W . W. Esq. J£oysfon....l823 10 10 0 1815,1823 30 0 0 Newman, Rev. Dr...... 1823 10 0 0 Hollingsworth, S. N. Esq 1826 10 0 0 Nice, Mr. B. Colchester, 1823,1825 83 0 0 Hope, Mr. W . jun. Liverpool..1817 20 0 0 Nichols, Rev. W . Collingham, 1823 10 0 0 Hope, Sam nel, Esq. Ditto 1813,1823 110 0 0 Nicholson, Rev. J.Kingsbridge, 1811 10 0 0 Hughes, Mr...... 1810 10 0 Ó Nicholson, Mr. J. Leeds 1813 10 0 0 Hughes, Rev. Joseph...... 1823 10 0 0 Noel, Hon. C. N ...... 1820 10 0 0 Hull. Mrs. S. Uxbridge 1819 10 0 0 Noel, Hon. and Rev. G...... 1818 10 0 0 Hull, Mr. J. Ditto...... 1815 10 10 0 Norton, Mr. Norwich 1818, 1823 20 0 0 Inglis, Sir R. H ...... 1819,1823 41 10 0 Nutter, JameB, Esq. Cambridge, Ireland, S. Esq...... 1826 10 10 0 1811, 1823 20 0 0 Ivimey, Rev. Joseph...... 1823 10 0 0 Nutter, James, jnn. do...... 1811 10 0 0 Jeffs, Mr. Diss...... 1807,1813 210 0 0 O'Brien, Lady, Dublin 1813-14 20 0 0 Jenkins, E. Esq. Pontnewydd..1815 20 0 0 Oddy, Rev. Miles, Haworth....18‘2A 10 0 0 Jenkins, S. Esq. D itto...... 1815 20 0 0 Oldfield, J. B. Esq...... 1824 10 10 0 Johnson, Mr. O. Birmingham. Page, Rev. H. Worcester. 1823 10 0 0 1813, 1823 30 10 0 Patterson, John, Esq. Glasgow, Johnson, Messrs. & Son, Liverpool, 1798,1802 30 0 0 1813 10 10 0 Patterson, Mrs. do...... 1802 10 10 0 Keck, T. A. Esq. Leeds,.„ 1822 10 0 0 Patterson, Samuel, Esq. DaVcieth, Kelly, Rev. Mr. Dublin 1805 21 0 0 1822 25 0 0 Kelsall, Mr. Rochdale...... 1825 10 0 0 Paynter, Francis, Esq...... 1822 10 10 0 Kemble, Henry, Esq ...... 1823 10 0 0 Percival, Dr. Dublin...... 1813 25 6 0 Kennard, J. Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Pewtress, Mr. John.. 1807,1813 20 0 0 Kennaway, Sir John, Escot 1820 10 10 0 Phillips, T. M. Esq. Garrington Kennerly, Mr. J.,...... 1826 10 0 0 Hall!...... 1813, 1819 30 0 0 King, Mr. Birmingham, 1813,1823 30 10 0 Phillips, Richard, Esq. Swansea, King, Mrs. Ditto. *------1823,1824 40 0 « y 1819,1822 20 0 0 Kinghorn, Rev. J. Norwich 1823 10 0 0 Phillips, Edward, Esq. Melk&ham, Key, Thomas, Esq. Water Fulford, F 1822,1823 20 0 0 1814, 1826....1905 0 0 Phillips, Mr. Leicester...... 1820 10 0 0 Lang, Mr. John, Liverpool 1813 10 10 0 Pirie, John, Esq...... 1823 20 0 0 Leigh, Mr. T. Earith...... 1825 10 0 0 Pittam, Mr. Buckingham 1815 10 10 0 Lidgould, Miss...... 1826 21 0 0 Platt, Thomas, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Linaeman, Mr...... 1813 10 0 0 Ponton, R. Esq. Edinburgh 1818 10 0 0 Lister, Daniel, Esq 1807,1826 60 10 0 Pope, H. Esq. Manchester 1814 10 0 0 Little, Benjamin, Esq. Bristol..1815 20 0 0 Potts, Mr. T. Birmingham 1813 10 10 0 Lloyd, Mr. W . P ...... 1818 10 10 0 Prance, R. Esq...... 1825 10 0 0 Lomax, Mr. J. Notlingham....lffi& 10 0 0 Pritt, Mr. James, Nottingham..1813 10 0 0 Loraine, Mr. Edinburgh 1813 10 0 0 Protheroe, J. Esq. Bristol 1816 105 0 0 Lorimer, Mrs. do...... 1813 10 0 0 Protheroe, P. Esq. d“ 1803, 1808 41 0 0 Ludlow, Mr. R. S. Bristol 1819 10 10 0 Paddicombe, Rev. T. Branscomb, Lnnell, Mr. do...... 1813 31 0 1823 25 0 0 K £ s. d. £ s. d. Radford, Mr. Leeds...... 1813 20 0 Q Thompson, T. Esq...... *....1822 10 10 Ö Ransford,T. Esq. Bristol, 1803,1814 40 0 0 Thompson, M. Esq. Hull, 1811,1824 21 10 0 Rawson, G. Esq. Leeds...l813,1818 31 0 0 Thompson, Mr. T. Newcastle-under- Reade, T. S. B. Esq. do 1813 20 0 0 line...... 1823, 1825 20 0 0 Rippon, Rev. Dr. 1813,1823 20 10 0 Theobald, Mr. T. Norwich, 1818 Risdon, B. Esq. Birlingham....1825 30 0 0 1823 25 0 0 Rixon, Mr...... 1812 20 0 0 Thorburn, W . Esq. Leith 1821 10 0 0 Robarts, N . Esq...... 1813, 1823 40 0 0 Townsend, W. Esq...... 1822 10 0 0 Robinson, S. Esq 1813,1823 30 0 0 Trevelyan, W . B. Esq. Leeds...1813 20 0 0 Robinson, Mrs...... 1819 10 0 0 Tritton, Henry, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Rushton, Mr. W . Liverpool... .1813 10 0 0 Trotter, Mr. G. Coleford 1827 10 0 0 Russell,Messrs. A.C. and Son, 1822 10 10 0 Trueman, Joseph, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Salter, Mr. S...... 1823,1826 75 0 0 Tucker, Benjamin, Esq...... 1823 10 0 0 Salter, Mr. S. Trowbridge 1823 10 10 0 Turner, Mr. Cambridge 1823 10 0 0 Salter, Mr. jtm...... 1826 10 0 0 Vansittart, Right Hon. N . ( now Scott, John, Esq...... 1815 10 10 0 Lord Bexley J ...... 1815,1821 61 0 0 Sevier, James, Esq...... 1823 20 0 0 Vansittart, Miss...... 1815,1821 61 0 0 Sharp, Mr. A. Leeds...... 1813 10 0 0 Vansittart, Mrs...... 1815,1819 41 0 0 Sharp, Mr. W . do...... 1813 10 0 0 Ware, Mrs...... 1821,1826 31 0 0 Shepherd, H. Esq. Maidstone..1820 10 10 0 Ware, Miss...... 1825 10 10 0 Shepherd, J. Esq. Frome 1820 35 0 0 Ware, John, Esq...... 1824 10 0 0 Sherring, Messrs. J. & R. Bristol... 10 0 0 Walkden, Mr. John...... 1823 10 0 0 Shewell, J. Esq...... 1819 10 0 0 Waldren, Mrs. Leicester 1814 20 0 0 Shipman, T. Esq...... 1819 10 10 0 Walker, T. Esq...... 1822, 1823 20 10 0 Shaw, Benjamin, Esq 1821, 1825 125 0 0 Walker, Miss, Dairy...... 1825 10 0 0 Simpson, Mr. Diss...... 1813 10 0 0 Waller, Mr. Edmund, Luton...1823 10 10 0 Sing, Messrs. Bridgenorth 1823 10 0 0 Warmington, Mr. Joseph 1823 10 0 0 Skinner, William, Esq. Bristol, Warner, Mr. T. Leicester 1823 10 0 0 1804,1823 282 100 Waymouth, H. Esq...... 1813, 1820 50 0 O' Sloper, Rev. N. E...... 1823 20 0 0 Weare, Mrs. Bristol 1816,1823 355 0 0 Smith, Miss, Bradford...... 1805 52 10 0 Whitchurch, Messrs. S. & W..1823 10 0 0 Smith, Opie, Esq. B ath 1812 10 0 0 Whitchurch, Misses...... 1823 10 0 0 Smith, Mrs. Bristol 1813,1814 10 0 0 Whittuck, J. Esq. Bristol, Smith, Mr. Northampton 1813 10 0 0 1807, 1815 20 0 » Smith, Messrs. T. J. and S 1823 10 0 0 Smith, Mr. W .L ...... 1823 10 0 0 £010-, 10^0 U V Smith, Mr. Crayford ...... 1823 10 0 0 Wilberforce, W . Esq. M.P 1813 10 0 0 Smith, Miss M. W . Clapham...1826 10 0 0 Wilkin, Mr. S. Norwich, 1812,1813 100 0 0 Southampton, Lady...... 1819 10 0 0 Wilks, Rev. Matthew...... 1822 10 0 0 Spencer, Right Honourable Earl, Wilks, J. Esq...... 1822,1823 21 0 0 1802, 1821 130 0 0 Williams, Mr. by Dr. R 1812 10 0 0 Sperling, H. P. Esq. Henley....1822 20 0 0 Williams, Thomas, Esq. .1823,1826 30 0 0 Spragg, Mr...... 1818 50 0 0 Williams, William, Esq. M.P..1823 10 0 0 Sprot, Mrs. Edinburgh...... 1813 10 0 0 Wilson, J. B. Esq 1817, 1826 570 0 0 Stancomb, Mr. J. Trowbridge, 1818 10 10 0 Wilson, Mrs...... 1821,1826 25 10 0 Stancomb, Mr. W. do...... 1818 10 10 0 Wilson, Joseph, Esq .....1822 20 0 0 Steven, Mrs. S...... 1808 10 0 0 Windsor, Hon. T...... 1820 10 10 0 Stock, Dr. Bristol 1817,1818 20 0 0 Winterbotham, Rev.W. Naüsworth, Swinburne, Mrs. Derby 1823 20 0 0 1823 10 0 0 Sykes, J. Esq. H ull...... 1808 10 10 0 Winterbotham, R. L. & L do. 10 0 0 Tall, Rev. J. Simvesey 1822 10 0 0 Wontner, Joseph, Esq...... 1824 10 10 0 Taylor, James, Esq...... 1826 10 0 0 Wontner, Thomas, jun. Esq 1824 10 10 0 Thackrey, G. Esq. Leeds 1818 10 10 0 Woodhill, Mr. Birmingham....1823 10 0 0 Thackrey, M. Esq 1813,1826 60 0 0 Wright, Rev. Dr. StirRng 1827 10 10 0 Thomas, Mr. Thomas...... 1823 10 0 0 Wylie,Miss,Birmingham, 1818,1825 20 0 0 Thompson, J. Esq...... 1814 21 0 0 75 LEGACIES. N.B. The sum stated is that actually received by the Society. 1796 £ s. d. 1819 £ s. d. Trinder, Mr. Northampton...... 400 0 0 Hill, Miss Rupertia, London 100 0 0 1803 Maddocks, Mrs. N antw ick...... 180 0 0 Poole, Mr. Esq. Woodford...... 47 0 0 Phillips, Rev. W . Leicestershire.... 20 0 0 Trinder, Mr. Northampton—Ba­ Walmsley, W . Esq. London 180 0 0 lance...... 88 14 3 Williams, Mrs. Hitchin...... 45 0 0 1805 1820 Etheridge, Mr. London...... 94 0 0 Anonymous, London...... 100 0 0 1806 Manns, Mrs. do...... 5 0 0 Douglas, Miss C. Bristol...... 35 7 5 White, Miss, do...... 10 0 0 Douglas, Miss S. do...... 73 11 0 Williams, Mrs. B ristol...... 18 0 0 1808 1821 Ludlow, Dr. Bristol...... 100 0 0 Auld, Mr. J. Dairy...... 5 0 0 Robertson, W . Esq. Maybole, N.B. 44 18 0 Dawson, Mrs. V. Dublin...... 13 17 5 Wren, Mr. C. Rochdale...... 45 0 0 Fletcher, Miss, Bessel’s Green 5 0 0 1809 Palmer, Miss Ann, Hackney 203 5 0 Dodkin, Mrs. Basing bourne 89 13 4 Rogers, Mr. W . Barby...... 45 0 0 Harford, Miss M. Blaize Castle 360 0 0 Smith, J. J. Esq. W atford...... 90 0 0 MCL. Mrs. Edinburgh...... 21 0 0 Young, Mrs. Edinburgh...... 25 0 0 Scott, Mrs. Matlock...... 269 10 0 1822 1810 Davis, Mrs. Lucy, London...... 5 0 0 Chandler, Mr. B. London...... 45 0 0 Elston, Mr. John, do'...... 210 0 0 Coles, Rev. W . Kettering...... 10 0 0 Morrison, Mr. J. St. Ninians 5 0 0 Greenwood, Mrs. Ann, York 200 0 0 Puplatt, Mr. M. Ramsgate...... 40 0 0 Stringer, Mrs. W atlineton...... 450 0 0 Roper, F. Esq. Herne H ill...... 225 0 0 1811 Salter, W . Esq. Norwood...... 270 0 0 Bundy, Mrs. Bristol...... 90 0 0 Sawkins, Mrs. M. London...... 10 0 0 Gillespie, Mr. Down, N . B...... 17 4 0 Thornton, Mrs. M. Hull...... 71 13 4 Hankinson, John, Esq. London 90 0 0 Tomkins, Mrs. R. London...... 524 9 7 Lamb, Mrs. Clapton...... 45 0 0 1823 1812 Cattel, Mrs. Elspet, Elgin...... 5 0 0 Gordon, Mrs. Liverpool...... 90 0 0 Cockbum, Mr. T. Edinburgh 266 8 9 Taylor, W; Esq. London...... 90 0 0 Erskine, Miss H. do...... 92 6 2 1813 Etheridge, Mr. Hackney...... 101 14 0 Douglas, Mrs. S. J. Btnstol...... 31 7 9 Mann, Mr. Thomas, London 71 6 0 King, Mrs. do...... 19 19 0 Oldham, James, O.SEsq. do...... 401 5 0 Holmes, J. Esq. Stanbury...... 90 0 0 Trigg, John, Esq. Melboum Bury.. 90 0 0 1814 Woolston, Mr. John, Banbury 37 16 0 Fauntleroy, T. Esq. London 100 0 0 1824 Mauter, Mrs. Ann, Sunderland 45 0 0 Bult, Mr. John, London...... 90 0 0 Pain, Miss Mary, Thame...... 10 0 0 Sharp, Mrs. Jane, Maryport 8 17 2 1815 Sutcliff, Mr. D. Hebden-bridge 257 17 0 Dares, Mr. London...... 27 0 0 Wallis, Mrs. B. Kettering...... 35 0 0 Donne, Rev. J. Trologod, Radnor... 90 0 0 1825 Goff, Mr. E. London...... 100 0 0 Bennet, Mr. William, Birmingham. 90 0 0 Renard, J. Esq. Hull ...... 20 0 0 Berridge, Mr. T. Northampton 643 5 5 Wallis, Mrs. B. Kettering...... 355 0 0 Calwell, Mrs. B ath...... 1000 0 0 1816 Child, Miss, London...... 45 0 0 Pasco, Mrs. Frome...... 20 0 0 Clift, Mrs. W . Westbury Leigh 5 0 0 Turland, Miss, Bugbrook...... 30 0 0 Colman, Mr. J. M. Norwich 161 4 6 Ward, Mr. J. Liverpool...... 19 19 0 Cooper, Mrs. A. M. Dublin... 18 Wigg, Mr. E. Norwich...... 10 0 0 Creighton, Mr. W . Kilwinning 50 Wrights, Mrs...... 41 10 0 CuniDghame, Mrs. Kilmarnock 43 15 11 1817 Harris, Mr. Robert, Trowbridge 180 0 0 Adams, Mr. Napton...... 41 0 0 Harris, Mr. J. M. do...... 180 0 0 Fuller, Rev. Andrew, Kettering.... 27 0 0 Hayes, Mrs. London...... 58 14 0 Green, Miss Lydia, B ath...... 20 0 0 Moore, Mr. R. Alcombe...... 45 0 0 Thrupp, Mr. J. London...... 45 0 0 Palmer, Rev. John, Shrewsbury 9 9 6 1818 Smith, Rev. W . do...... 101 11 6 Gleanes, Mr. J. Stoclcpm-t...... 266 9 0 1826 Hall, Mrs. A m sby...... 40 0 0 Arnold, Rev. T. Reading...... 25 0 0 Law, Mr. Birmingham...... 20 0 0 Follett, Rev. J. Tiverton...... 15 0 0 Lind, Mr. J. Dewsbury...... 10 0 0 Poole, Mr. Bristol...... 45 0 0 Morgan, Rev. B. Bridgwater 10 0 0 Urry, Mr. J. London...... 10 0 0 1 JUNE, 1826, t o 31 MAY, 1827. Dr. The Baptist Missionary Society Per Contra.

£ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance from Last Year...... 582 17 8 To Foreign Expenditure. Sale of Exchequer Bill...... 1033 13 9 SerampoSe, on account of Translations and Schools.. 1256 8 11 for Missionary Stations...... 1000 0 0 _------2256 8 11 Contributions, as under: Calcutta, Remittance to Alexander 8t Co...... 1000 0 0 General purposes of the Mission...... 9238 12 2 Paid on aceount of Premises ...... 1000 0 0 Translations^...... 1262 16 10 Shipments on account, to be repaid 1376 7 6 Schools...... 121 19 8 Balançeof Outfit, Messrs.Thomas&Pearce 114 12 6 Female Education...... 407 12 9 ------3491 0 0 Widow and Orphan’s Fund...... 52 2 0 Monghyr, paid for Goods sent...... J jj 6 Montego Bay Chapel...... 1209 7 5 Ceylon, including Salaries of Native Assistants and Schoolmasters 738 6 10 West India Fund...... 12 Q « Java ...... ••»•••••» 280 0 0 £13921 2 3 Sumatra...... 510 1 6 J amaica, including payments on account of the Chapels at Spanish ! T own and Montego Bay...... 3209 14 7 H onduras (for more than two years)...... 588 6 4 Mr. Daniel Schlatter, travelling expenses...... 85 0 0 T o H om e E x p e n d it u r e . Widows and Orphans of Missionaries...... 208 15 0 Expenses of returned Missionaries...... 231 « « Board and Education of Missionary Students...... "17 9 4 Books for Missionaries Students...... »8 1 2 Printing and Stationery...... i? a Carriage, Postage, and Porterage...... 104 17 3 Freight and Shipping Expenses...... 41 16 9 Salaries ...... 400 0 0 Rent, Taxes, and House Expenses...... ;...... •••••• 162 o i l Journeying, and other Incidental Expenses, including those paid by Auxiliary Societies...... 553 16 5 Interest of Money...... 129 11 2 Investment of Receipts for Widow and Orphans’ Fund...... 52 2 0 July 25, 1827. Examined and found the Balance of Do. of Money received for that purpose from D. C. H...... 26 0 0 £179. 0s. '¿d. correct. Bulance in favour of the Society...... *79 ** 3 WM. BURLS, Jniv. £13921 2 3 JOHN DANFORD.