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Struggle People 60TH INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY TODAY I '. ' : THE . Vol. XVII, No. 124, Sunday, August 19, 1979, Assad 28, 1358, S.H. price: Ats. 6 (Independence Issue) Great Leader: Megaieimig of iradepeliesiGe is outcome -- of Moody, urireseryedl 1 struggle people 60TH INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY TODAY KABUL, Aug. 19, (Ba-- uncil in the DRA deliv- - ' Revolutionary Council' and 1rUnM A i i I.:- - 1 11 iuiwu;, luuaj,J eicu ms vaiuaoie anaJ re- Council of Ministers, Ge-- ad 28 (August 19) coin-- volutionary speech over nerals and officers of the , cides with the 60th an- - Radio Televisidn of the army holding posts of ge- niversary of prideful re--: people of Afghanistan at nerals as well as high ran- - gaining of independence 7:30 p.m. last night. king pfficials, holding of dear Afghanistan and ine ureat Leader m rank two, will, go to . i ior commemoranon oi parts of his speech said: the First Ministry to re- this auspicious day it has "I am happy to congra- gister their names in the been declared a public tulate the 60th prideful special book from 8 a.m. holiday ' throughout the anniversary of the rega- to 10:30 a.m. and extend country. ' ining of the independence their congratulations to of the 4; country to my the great, beloved and re- The Great Leader of noble v people' and volutionary leader of the1 of the people Afghanis- pray to the souls of mar- people of . Afghanistan, tan, Noor Mohammad tyrs who bravely laid th- Noor ' Mohammad Taraki, Taraki, General Secreta- eir lives in regaining fr- President of the'RC. ry of the PDPA CC, Pre- eedom of their country." Similarly, the heads of sident of ,the RC, Supr- the diplomatic missions eme Commander of the "The regaining of ind- residing in Kabul will Armed Forces of People ependence of Afghanistan sign the special book on and President of Home- is the outcome of the the same occasion at the land's High Defence Co-- bloody and unreserved First Ministry to remain iilplMiflil struggles of the people open from 11 a.m. to 12 who in three bloody wars noon. , New library and more than one and half century struggles ga-- AD PQtplporam ve such lesson to the old rlJx VOU51CgIdlIJ opens ' in ' colonial power of Britain which is unforgettable". to TnHiP Spill Helmand "It is a matter of pride " and ss that Afghanistan KABUL, Aug. 18, (Ba- LASHKARGAH, Aug. throughout the eastern land was khtar). The Afghan Red 18, (Bakhtar. The lib- the first country Crescent Society (ARCS) rary of the political enli- which broke the has sent a sympathy te-- ghtenment centre of the ominous and hated chains of th-- legram to the Indian Red Sarandoy Command of, colonialism rough patriotic struggles "iCt on the Occasion.: p.t Helmand province was-open- ed bursting.-o- " ' militant people and'-- " a dam in by FazI Jan Ja-- Mm opened the wav for victorv Gujarat state of India and hesh, secretary of the , r 1 4 prr; of freedom the moral arid material lo- ovincial committee and seeking mo vements . sses ensuing from it, the Governor pf Helmand pro- Information and Liaison vince yesterday. "The historical signal Office of the ARCS rev- ealed this yesterday. Gov- defeat of ; Britishers in At this time the ' the first war which took 18, ernor in a speech said th- HERAT, , Aug. (Ba place between the Afghan at the establishment , of khtar). In order to com- militants aggressors such libraries in the pro- and memorate the memory of vinces will prove highly is an unforgettable event martyrs of the people of of helpful toward improve- history and the future Afghanistan the Middle generation" ', ment of the scientific stan- will always School of Karukh woles- - take pride; of ' dard and political infor- it." wali of Herat province (the fexf of the speech mation of the concerned has been named after Qu-d- us of the Great Leader will officials and other people Shaheed. be carried ill the next woles-wa- of the country. A source of the . li Monday's issue of the said that Oudus Sha- - At this time present Kabul Times). hed who was a graduate Noor Mohammad Taraki, General Secretary of the PDPA CC, President of the RC and the true were also the command- of the Physical Education protector of the Afghan independence. The Office of Rev- " er of Sarandoy and offi- the Department of the Min-- olutionary rep- cers and personnel of that Council istry of Education was command. orts that on the occas- appointed in the same ion of Ulama, khutaba declare all support to DRA A source of the Saran- the regaining of school as teacher and was independence the mem- Aug. 18, (Ba- Secretary the all doy Command said that martyred in defence of KABUL, adari and Pashtoon , kut ral of PDPA and the measures taken bers of the Politburo at present 200 scientific and the country and the toil- khtar). Ulama, Khutba, vvoleswali of Faryab pro- CCj and President of the by our khalqi state and and political books are Central Committee of ing people of Afghanistan clergymen and Imams of vince, Rustaq, Khuwaja RC as a Moslem and relig: the eight decrees issued by PDPA, of in the library. members the on Hoot 28, 1357. mosques in Kohistan alaq- - Ghar Woleswalis and Bangi ious ruler of Islamic soci- the Revolutionary Council alaqadari of Takhar pro- ety of Afghanistan; they of DRA are compatible vince, Chamtal, Balkh and emphasised that our beloved with the principles of sac- Shulgarah woleswalis of leader has been reared in a red religion of Islam and Balkh province and related Moslem and toiling family teachings of Holy Koran. villages of Andrab woles-wa-li and has high and excellent They also said: Wc have of Baghlan province character. He has always realised with full aware- held on Aug- been the V. patron and ness and confidence the f ' 1 17 18 supported defender of interests of our kh- 1 ust and sacred ohvetives I 1 and confirmed the decla- of the Moslem and alqi state after the victory f" f " ' 1 f ration which has been issu- toiling people of Afghanis- of the Great Saur Revolu- ! I f ed by the Jirgah of Ula-m- tan and has always been, tion and we are confident be 1 Islam of Afghanistan. highheaded, at the front that work done or to - y They have also issued re- for struggle against tyran- carried out by the DRA sta- P-'- r j solutions in this regard and ny and oppression and social te, under the leadership of have expressed their supp- ills. Today, too, he leads, PDPA and scholarly guid- ort and full solidarity with with pride as a ruler of the ance of beloved leader of V n their auspicious regime of country, the struggle and people of Afghanistan, Noor J, , Democratic Republic of our rightful jihad against Mohammad Taraki, Gene- j, Afghanistan under the lea-- Ikhwanush Shayateen, th-- ral Secretary of PDPA CC dership pf esteemed leader ese servants of farangi, and President of the the of the people of Afghan- - and other enemies of our RC and patron and. defend istan," Noor Mohammad country. er of Islamic society and Taraki. The preachers, referring servant of Islamic religion, At the beginning of th- - to thelofty objectives of is in accordance with the ese functions few verses the Great Saur Revoluti- - Shariat of Islam and we con- from the Holy Koran were t on, guaranteeing the high firm the leader of people recited. Afterwards, Ulama, interests of noble and Mos-- of Afghanistan, Noor. Mo- Khutaba and Imams of the lem people of the country, hammad Taraki, as r the mosques delivered speech- s;id: The Democratic Re- ruler and leader of revo- es. public of Afghanistan, und- lutionary state of DRA, In their preachings they er the leadership of our be- on the basis of the 'holy fully tiijijwiWiiiaMiiawiiiirtrffrrrnfffririTt'lrffrT'rwrr"r confirmed the beloved loved leader, has been the verse of Koran which says leader of the people, Noor patron and supporter of your rulers", and obeying ' King Amanullah while declaring the independence of Afghanistan at the Eid Gah mosque, in Kabul. Mohammad Taraki. Gene-- sacred religion of Islam , (Continued on page 4) ' On the 60th anniversary of regaining of independence the employees i of The Kabul Times extend their congratulations to the Qreat( Leader Noor Mohammad Taraki, members of the Politburo, CC, RC and the noble people of DRA. ... I .. PAGE 2 THE KABUL TIMES August 19, 1979 (Independence Issue) THE Favourable conditions for national uprising in 1919 King Amanullah reigned Whereas the content of KABUL at a time when feudal, tri- the slogan, "National 'Je- - by Dastagir Panjsheri ' which ' bal and clan relationships, J had'", Amanullah aj Khan introduced, suited the as well as the pre-feud- re- vital interests of the peas- lationships . were predomi- the existence of an absolute from the first honorable ants, shepherds, intellect- - nant in Afghanistan. The monarchy, regime in the demonstration which they ' national han- peasants'; class and the feu- country were the 'factors4 had held. uals, 'traders, arid the guilds, dal class constituted the for inhibiting the develop dicraftsmen, guaranteed,, coijjpre-hensivel- y, main class structure of the ment of a national bourg- When the national war and it the vital interests then society in which these eoisie and national indus- for freedom began in the obviously nt tha antif-- tnilincr rlnc. classes were hos tries. Therefore, the , very Khyber Front and, the poli- Afghanistan, slo-- ', tile towards one another.' weak national and comm- tical relations between Af- ses in the gan accomplished a nation-wid- e The peasants and the guilds ercial' bourgeoisie that then ghanistan and Britain' were by were suffering from - support, extended the existed in the country .
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