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Vol. XVII, No. 124, Sunday, August 19, 1979, Assad 28, 1358, S.H. price: Ats. 6

(Independence Issue) Great Leader: Megaieimig of iradepeliesiGe is outcome -- of Moody, urireseryedl 1 struggle people 60TH INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY TODAY

KABUL, Aug. 19, (Ba-- uncil in the DRA deliv- - ' Revolutionary Council' and 1rUnM A i i I.:- - 1 11 iuiwu;, luuaj,J eicu ms vaiuaoie anaJ re- Council of Ministers, Ge-- ad 28 (August 19) coin-- volutionary speech over nerals and officers of the , cides with the 60th an- - Radio Televisidn of the army holding posts of ge- niversary of prideful re--: people of at nerals as well as high ran- - gaining of independence 7:30 p.m. last night. king pfficials, holding of dear Afghanistan and ine ureat Leader m rank two, will, go to . . i ior commemoranon oi parts of his speech said: the First Ministry to re- this auspicious day it has "I am happy to congra- gister their names in the been declared a public tulate the 60th prideful special book from 8 a.m. holiday ' throughout the anniversary of the rega- to 10:30 a.m. and extend country. ' ining of the independence their congratulations to of the 4; country to my the great, beloved and re- The Great Leader of noble v people' and volutionary leader of the1 of the people Afghanis- pray to the souls of mar- people of . Afghanistan, tan, Noor Mohammad tyrs who bravely laid th- Noor ' Mohammad Taraki, Taraki, General Secreta- eir lives in regaining fr- President of the'RC. ry of the PDPA CC, Pre- eedom of their country." Similarly, the heads of sident of ,the RC, Supr- the diplomatic missions eme Commander of the "The regaining of ind- residing in will Armed Forces of People ependence of Afghanistan sign the special book on and President of Home- is the outcome of the the same occasion at the land's High Defence Co-- bloody and unreserved First Ministry to remain iilplMiflil struggles of the people open from 11 a.m. to 12 who in three bloody wars noon. , New library and more than one and half century struggles ga-- AD PQtplporam ve such lesson to the old rlJx VOU51CgIdlIJ opens ' in ' colonial power of Britain which is unforgettable". to TnHiP Spill Helmand "It is a matter of pride " and ss that Afghanistan KABUL, Aug. 18, (Ba- LASHKARGAH, Aug. throughout the eastern land was khtar). The Afghan Red 18, (Bakhtar. The lib- the first country Crescent Society (ARCS) rary of the political enli- which broke the has sent a sympathy te-- ghtenment centre of the ominous and hated chains of th-- legram to the Indian Red Sarandoy Command of, colonialism rough patriotic struggles "iCt on the Occasion.: p.t Helmand province was-open- ed bursting.-o- " ' militant people and'-- " a dam in by FazI Jan Ja-- Mm opened the wav for victorv Gujarat state of India and hesh, secretary of the , r 1 4 prr; of freedom the moral arid material lo- ovincial committee and seeking mo vements . sses ensuing from it, the Governor pf Helmand pro- Information and Liaison vince yesterday. "The historical signal Office of the ARCS rev- ealed this yesterday. Gov- defeat of ; Britishers in At this time the ' the first war which took 18, ernor in a speech said th- HERAT, , Aug. (Ba place between the Afghan at the establishment , of khtar). In order to com- militants aggressors such libraries in the pro- and memorate the memory of vinces will prove highly is an unforgettable event martyrs of the people of of helpful toward improve- history and the future Afghanistan the Middle generation" ', ment of the scientific stan- will always School of Karukh woles- - take pride; of ' dard and political infor- it." wali of Herat province (the fexf of the speech mation of the concerned has been named after Qu-d- us of the Great Leader will officials and other people Shaheed. . be carried ill the next woles-wa- of the country. A source of the . li Monday's issue of the said that Oudus Sha- - At this time present Kabul Times). hed who was a graduate Noor Mohammad Taraki, General Secretary of the PDPA CC, President of the RC and the true were also the command- of the Physical Education protector of the Afghan independence. The Office of Rev- " er of Sarandoy and offi- the Department of the Min-- olutionary rep- cers and personnel of that Council istry of Education was command. orts that on the occas- appointed in the same ion of Ulama, khutaba declare all support to DRA A source of the Saran- the regaining of school as teacher and was independence the mem- Aug. 18, (Ba- Secretary the all doy Command said that martyred in defence of KABUL, adari and Pashtoon , kut ral of PDPA and the measures taken bers of the Politburo at present 200 scientific and the country and the toil- khtar). Ulama, Khutba, vvoleswali of Faryab pro- CCj and President of the by our khalqi state and and political books are Central Committee of ing people of Afghanistan clergymen and Imams of vince, Rustaq, Khuwaja RC as a Moslem and relig: the eight decrees issued by PDPA, of in the library. members the on Hoot 28, 1357. mosques in Kohistan alaq- - Ghar Woleswalis and Bangi ious ruler of Islamic soci- the Revolutionary Council alaqadari of Takhar pro- ety of Afghanistan; they of DRA are compatible vince, Chamtal, Balkh and emphasised that our beloved with the principles of sac- Shulgarah woleswalis of leader has been reared in a red religion of Islam and Balkh province and related Moslem and toiling family teachings of Holy Koran. villages of Andrab woles-wa-li and has high and excellent They also said: Wc have of Baghlan province character. He has always realised with full aware- held on Aug- been the V. patron and ness and confidence the f ' 1 17 18 supported defender of interests of our kh- 1 ust and sacred ohvetives I 1 and confirmed the decla- of the Moslem and alqi state after the victory f" f " ' 1 f ration which has been issu- toiling people of Afghanis- of the Great Saur Revolu- ! I f ed by the Jirgah of Ula-m- tan and has always been, tion and we are confident be 1 Islam of Afghanistan. highheaded, at the front that work done or to - y They have also issued re- for struggle against tyran- carried out by the DRA sta- P-'- r j solutions in this regard and ny and oppression and social te, under the leadership of have expressed their supp- ills. Today, too, he leads, PDPA and scholarly guid- ort and full solidarity with with pride as a ruler of the ance of beloved leader of V n their auspicious regime of country, the struggle and people of Afghanistan, Noor J, , Democratic Republic of our rightful jihad against Mohammad Taraki, Gene- j, Afghanistan under the lea-- Ikhwanush Shayateen, th-- ral Secretary of PDPA CC dership pf esteemed leader ese servants of farangi, and President of the the of the people of Afghan- - and other enemies of our RC and patron and. defend istan," Noor Mohammad country. er of Islamic society and Taraki. The preachers, referring servant of Islamic religion, At the beginning of th- - to thelofty objectives of is in accordance with the ese functions few verses the Great Saur Revoluti- - Shariat of Islam and we con- from the Holy Koran were t on, guaranteeing the high firm the leader of people recited. Afterwards, Ulama, interests of noble and Mos-- of Afghanistan, Noor. Mo- Khutaba and Imams of the lem people of the country, hammad Taraki, as r the mosques delivered speech- s;id: The Democratic Re- ruler and leader of revo- es. public of Afghanistan, und- lutionary state of DRA, In their preachings they er the leadership of our be- on the basis of the 'holy fully tiijijwiWiiiaMiiawiiiirtrffrrrnfffririTt'lrffrT'rwrr"r confirmed the beloved loved leader, has been the verse of Koran which says leader of the people, Noor patron and supporter of your rulers", and obeying ' King Amanullah while declaring the independence of Afghanistan at the Eid Gah mosque, in Kabul. Mohammad Taraki. Gene-- sacred religion of Islam , (Continued on page 4)

' On the 60th anniversary of regaining of independence the employees i of The Kabul Times extend their congratulations

to the Qreat( Leader Noor Mohammad Taraki, members of the Politburo, CC, RC and the noble people of DRA. ... I .. PAGE 2 THE KABUL TIMES August 19, 1979 (Independence Issue) THE Favourable conditions for national uprising in 1919 King Amanullah reigned Whereas the content of KABUL at a time when feudal, tri- the slogan, "National 'Je- - by Dastagir Panjsheri ' which ' bal and clan relationships, J had'", Amanullah aj Khan introduced, suited the as well as the pre-feud- re- vital interests of the peas- lationships . were predomi- the existence of an absolute from the first honorable ants, shepherds, intellect- - nant in Afghanistan. The monarchy, regime in the demonstration which they ' national han- peasants'; class and the feu- country were the 'factors4 had held. uals, 'traders, arid the guilds, dal class constituted the for inhibiting the develop dicraftsmen, guaranteed,, coijjpre-hensivel- y, main class structure of the ment of a national bourg- When the national war and it the vital interests then society in which these eoisie and national indus- for freedom began in the obviously nt tha antif-- tnilincr rlnc. classes were hos tries. Therefore, the , very Khyber Front and, the poli- Afghanistan, slo-- ', tile towards one another.' weak national and comm- tical relations between Af- ses in the gan accomplished a nation-wid- e The peasants and the guilds ercial' bourgeoisie that then ghanistan and Britain' were by were suffering from - support, extended the existed in the country . was cut off,: the entire- student cruel exploitation Tall the nationalities and bra--- of the ; in a serious controversy population of the Habibia of the country. feudal land owners, heavy with the then absolute feu- High School and those of ve peoples evolution sig- Long live the brotherly unity of the people of Afghan istan government taxation and dal monarchy, as well as the city schools, together Great and collections, nificant changes had tak- -' free and comp with the aristocratic i ruling with the inhabitants of the ulsory en place in the work, dangerous po circles connected with A, the city of Kabul, .held a huge (countries 6oth anniversary of Independence verty, disease and illiteracy. imperialistic forces. The demonstration. To quote the ing of Afghanis The high tan, before the brave upris- ranking officials patriotic and national reli-- ' author of 'Afghanistan in na- , The people of Afghanistan, , eakable. They fought the bbed our wealth and of the Government were gious leaders of Afghanistr the; Course of History', "The ing of Afghan nation. In - regained independ- enemy , gained resources. Our pre- collecting , . Turkey, Mustafa vKamal their and their tural their entire hou-- an. too, were dissatisfied! huge demonstration ; marsh-e- d - ence 60 years ago. independence. cieus wealth was trans- sehold and living needs and with the inexcus-- - angerily towards the took the ppwers; the revo- But their true freedom and After the independence Af- ferred to foreign banks, requirements from the pu- vable foreign domination,, .residence of Hafiz Saifur lutionary movements of independence started sin- ghanistan embarked on kept and desposited down blic in the name of govern- the luxuries and extravag- Rahman, the British Envoy the Arab nations in the Mi- mea- ce the establishment of a number of useful there for their future ment dues, purchases, e, ances of the in Kabul, shouting the fol- ddle East were flourishing; court,, and the " our people's regime. sures in the economic and v life. They knew that their and the like, either, fanciful and indulging pri- lowing slogan "Death to Iran's Constitutional Re- free-bor- n . . .' (1907-191- The people of social areas. The then rule, in our country was free of charge mini- British-favore- Inde-- volution trium- or at vate life of the then d Britain, Long Live ' the Democratic Republic king devoted himself un- illegal and contrary to the mally reduced A prices. The puppet King. .:, pendent Afghanistan". This phed, and Iranian relations of Afghanistan, though tiringly to the cause of will of the people. Thus means of production consis- demonstration was in fact were expanding with the never ruled directly by country, But he stre- . felt one day ano-th- er ted of the this they or primitive yoke, With the establishment of the pioneering national and capitalist world and , her any foreign power, have ssed on the superstructure that they will be ''ispar', shovel and sickle, Habibia High School in democratic movement of foreign trade was' deyelo- -' insult, be " been feeling to rather than infrastructure. ousted from this land. while the strong arms of Kabul and the introduction the peoples of Afghanistan ping. In the period , betw ruled even indirectly by the toiling 1917-192- in nor- peasants ; were of a new system of educa- in which, for the first time, een the ;) an infidel , colonialistic He was sincere but did not The people of Afghanistan the only production na- force tion in Afghanistan, a sm--a- ll the vital interests of. the thern provinces of Iran, course, of the ( power, rrhis, of realise the exact needs as a result of directives time. The production stratum A, consisting of country and the demand of tional freedom movements of the i requirement ; ; relations - . was not the fault and of the r of the People's Democra-- had been very an- progressive intellectuals the'newly risen national and stru-- people of the puppet, Afghan society. The - eco- ; tic Party Afghanistan v cient and ggles but of decrepit. Lords ,', had come up in Kabul and and democratic forces of increased significant ' kings and the then rulers nomic and social situation and the lofty ' guidances and religious ly, which served leaders, 'bays', specially in the court, "f as . Afghanistan , were clearly to weaken as a result or tneir inco- was exactly the same as of our great leader Ge- 'khans', 'arbabs and the well as in the families of and openly expressed; an the British predominant inability per- like, mpetency and that of his father's neral Secretary of the as well as other spon- the aristocrats and the high action which has since en- rule in that country. An- namely iod. gers a foreign power The feudal lords, PDPA CC and Presid- - and parasites, in fact ranking .bureaucrats. The riched the honorable tradi- other peoples', revolution - and oth- - ' all of ' r me meii oi uisu tuiuina- the aristocrats ent of the RC Noor them, like the young Af- took place in Gailan. In ants intellectuals of . Afg- tions of the peoples of groups ana lism found way to rule er pressure were Mohammad Taraki equ- - locusts, were depending hanistan were more dissa- ghanistan for a just and le- Azarbaijan and Khorasan, ' in this land. down there but he was ipped themselves for the on and expecting the toil- tisfied, than any other strata gitimate national struggle too, a national uprising was r ing claiming reform. This day to come; the day in and helpless peasants or classes in the country against imperialism, witnessed in form of TIia mmTwl liincrc citfh : ac . ' to condition led his gov which they determined feed them. Workers en- with the foreign ,dominati- - To continue with the so- in . additi- Mohammad Yaqub and ernment to face a series their destiny and fate. gaged in handicrafts, and ' on, the captivity of their cial injustices of the time, on to Colonel Mohammad he Shah Shuja and others of difficulties. As a result city guilds were also peoples, the various nati- the armed forces, too, were Taqi's revolt. The daily - mal-treate- view of these difficulties d n are wellknown in of and At last this day .came; it and suffering onal and social class opp-- inadequately paid and this Payk of Iran, the publica-tio- incapbility our unrests the colonialists A in their in was the 7th of Saur of ., the hands of the func- : ressioos, and the stubborn- powerful group, like all the organ of the toilers of oth- -' and agents, history. There were their who had 1957.j Our. heroic fr- tionaries of the decrepit sta- ness of their British favor- other classes and strata in Gailan, for the first time pu kings were acting received blows by te r er who hard iends in the armed for- and the ruling class. ed puppet King, the obedi- the;society, were also diss- blished the workers' ..slog- as the friends of God the heroic people of this ces and our faithful com- The Government of Afg- ent servant of the imperia- atisfied with the circums- an: "Wake up, the ' poor country, launched plotting but in reality were the rades out of the armed hanistan, and its puppet lism. Eventhough this con- tances. peasants!" "Syndicate mo- sworn servants of the and aggression against' forces with the command King, 'the ever energetic', scious stratum, as the loyal A number of local feuds vements increased and the Afghanistan. were ' ui mail njiuniansis iuu. of Hafizullah Amin the protecting, more than protectors of Afghanistan's i whose fathers had suffered effects of workers' strikes They were paid by the loyal student and follow- anything else, the interests interests, had once fought during the First and Second in Iran expanded, special- ' As result the British authority and a of this collusion er of our Great Leader, of British imperialism and the cruel oppressors, they Anglo Afghan wars, but th- ly in the year 1918, .whten it were totally ser the country fell at the at the the .staged a general upris- local bases of the old had a very weak social ba- - ey remained loyal to the made specific accomplish- po- hand, vice of the colonial of the treacherous ing. This was the war of colonialism. National ind- sis and support for obvious tradition of their ancestors ments. Anti revolutionary wer own Nader, sworn serv- weak-mac- rather than their the death and life and i the ustries were very hine reasons because they we- in seeking for a just and movements, and anti gove- people. of ant the colonialism. war of independence of production plants re isolated from the people, fair war with Britain, once rnment forces in the Soviet The heroic people of this Thereafter, even our po- the people of v Afghanis- in the country did not ex- in fact they lived away again joined in a national Union were destroyed by - from country from the outset litical independence,- of tan." Nader-Daou- ceed The rule of d ten the stems o a the people. Therefore, at armed and the heroic peoples and wo- have been keen enough which we were proud, was getting so wprkmg classjiad just grown- the very beginning of the rise, together with the rkers of the Soviet Union, to these questions. But became a tool at the v old and decayed that it -up,, but they had riot people,,' national liberation national peasants, for the particularly by the Bolshe- how , hand of they did not know the servants of did not resist the power as yet formed' a powerful movement this stratum con- purpose of safeguarding the viks. The Bolsheviks were v and by what means to the colonialism. A real of people for more than 'and organised force in the fronted the imperialised national honor and obtain- steadily organising and ' str- stagnation deal with the colonialists was observed ten hours. The monar- society, To quote the author king's killing blows. Nev- - ing the national independen- engthening their forces in , in all aspects of our life. ' and their servants. chal system was fully of ''Afghanistan in the Co- ertheless, the patriotic in- ce of the motherland. More- Turkistan; they were supp- ; Nader-Daou- d . The family urse ' anti-Britis- uprooted and the treach- of History", the num--' tellectuals remained freed- over, the internal injustices orting h for- " the Lastly, came a king took care of their own Nader-Da- there erous oud fa- - ber of workers "did not ex-- . om loving, more interested within the feudal society of ces in the region, and abo- . into power who, unlike his benefits. It was "a tool V- - mily was wiped out for ceed a few thousands". Bro- in the political independen- Afghanistan the controv- ve all. the national ' freed in m " father and grandfather, first the hand of ever. The imperialists and ker traders and Indian money-- ce of the country, as well ersy between the national movement' of . cause imper- changers was sincere to the and later black reaction will no ; stationed in as more desirous for the peasants and the oppressing the peoples of Afghanistan. of Afghanistan and wan- ialism. They were doing more have any chance to Afghanistan enjoyed offi- declining' and downfall of feuds the controversy The Soviet Central Asia ; ted to rule honourably all kinds of dealing on play with our destiny and cial privileges. The influen- puppet King, - ' the than any the , Afghan nation became a safe and depend- '; - ' ' being a pup- poor people of Af- ce middle-me- n rather than the exploite us. As a result of foreign other strata or classes ex- and the British imperialism . pnt ahnHp anil shpltor fnr i r , " jrei auu seivmii ui uic ghanistan with the imper-- of this revolution, the capitalists, the restrictions isting in the country. Their resulted in an armed na- the Indian and Turkistan , aliens. ialist powers of the world. Great Saur Revolution, , imposed by the Customs Ho- anxiety and passion for stru- tional uprising which re- patriots and freedom lov- The Denote of Afghanistan. our people enjoyed the uses, the numerous domes- ggle and fighting, their lo- belled to break the first ers, as well as a center for upon seeing determi- - Nader , family - ' the The Daoud real freedom and indepen- -' tic collection- stations, and ve for a national indepen- weak chain series of the the freedom seeking mo- nnHnn nf thpir hintr va. lac- WK.va w hub..- av.a.gy, . u its relatives and y dence and proceeded to- above all, the decrepit feu- dence and their burning British decrepit imperial- vements of the oppressed lorously joined hand to keys regarded themselv- ward construction of a dal production relations and emotions can be sensed ism. nations of the East.. i secure their independence es the masters of our ' society ' void of exploita- honourably. The determ- oppressed people. With tion of man by man. long ination of our heroic peo- k the help of colonialists live the true freedom of The war of Independence of Afghanistan ple was firm and unbr-- and imperialists they ro the people. The real Heroes of the to further their intrigues BY A STAFF WRITER Afghan independence ha- in Afghanistan. Four hu- ve been the people of this ndred Afghans were ki- ullah endence of Afghanistan country. But Nader the had proclaimed war lled by the enemy '. against the British colo- was proclaimed by Ama-- traitor and later on his t despite this the A Gl ance at Kafml Press nialists. was on 19-1- 9. i the time nuallah February, successors not only viola- It Afghans made progr- ted this fact to the inter- .' the independence of Afg- As it was not accepted , ess toward enemy's front. est and honour of their hanistan, as a result of ap-- by the British colonialism .But KIIALQ: erged in which we see no- perience shows that it has the retreat of Saleh own family but even ch- proach of the Afghan side, the war of independence wild-nes- s. Mohammad left everyth- "Humanitarianism of im- thing but terror and failed in this aim as the his- was already was launched by the Afg- anged the real date of se- recognised by ing , Under such condi- tory does not turn back. ' in the interests of perialism" is the title of an - the Soviet Union. hans. curing our independence ; - published tions millions of people live the enemy. editorial in the Explaining the shortcom- - as well. The Proclamation of indep- in deprivation and it is why Soviet Union, in The people of 'Jalalab- latest issue of Khalq perio- ingof imperialism and its The in- been-- national liberation fact is that our effect, was the first coun- endence had gre- ad and the surrounding dical. Under this title the the and shameful policies toward dependence was , officia- ty in the world which ex- at motive to the .people areas gathered to periodical explains imper- workers movements of the human beings defend the paper says lly proclaimed . of world are being expanded as a resu- tended recognition to the Afghanistan. Thousan- their lands, despite the re- ialism. It adds that imper- that it takes into considera- of by lt Rawalpindi negoti- independence of Afghan- ds of free born Afghans treat of Saleh Mohamm- ialism means centralisation day day and all toiling tion only own its benefits ation. The Af- ; in' people the world have delegate of istan on March 27, 1919. various parts of the ad. The people of this pr- - of, of ' the resources of millions and rejoices at the cost of ghanistan, headed by Ali Having an desire country showed ardent their f ovince with the help of of deprived people in the begun to strengthen theirt all human beings. Ahmad, reached Rawal- rec- readiness : struggle against anti hu- for independence being and willingness some persons from Kabul hands of a small group. Im- ' . pindi on August 8, J.919. ognised by a progressive and for war. The people of and other places ousted perialism is nothing but the man policies of imperialism. But wherever imperial- As Ghubar, in his , book revolutionary regime, Tashtoon and Baluch did the British army from prolonged struggle of mo- ism ha.4 hppn nnehort mil- Iks Afghanistan in the Curr- - the Soviet Union, the 'not 'lag behind in this itheir land and safguarded nopoly of resources and the The liberation movements people have got a prosper- ent of History says v the Afghan people 'took full venture and cause either. the borders of their ' land. area. of Asia, Africa and Latin ous life. For instance in ' treaty was signed on Au- preparations for the war The elders and - chieftains In the front America have unitedly stood our dear country after the (P-7- 76), gust 19,1919 wh- of independence. had tried to organise Af- the role of the people was - After further explainin against imperialism and victory of the Great Saur, ich corresponds to the 28 ghans against their ene-- too. fr- imperialis- At that time, the Bri- dominent In this the aims and objectives of are condemning Revolution our toiling peo- of Assad. . ., my," the colonialists. ,; ont the of ene- imperialism men- wo- tish army was equipped attack the the paper tic acts throughout the ple got rid of imperialism, ' my . During; ten years rule of , Now the war had been on , the military tions that in fact imperiali rld. But imperialism has with different kinds of ' once and for all, are now base Spin Amanullah, 19th of August arms including planesMt , declared in three fronts, of Boldak and sm has blocked all roads of been desperately attempt making successful prog- - ' had been continually ob- was greater - nu- Eastern front in Khybar, the defeat of Spin- - Bold- progress and development. ing to turn back the wheel ress toward a classless soc-- in ' served as the day of our mber many . tim- 'southern front in Paktia ak front left a bad effect Instead a situation has em of history. However, ex- - iety, independance. Further- es than the Afghan army. and western front in on the people of. Kanda- more 19th of Aucust f28 Meanwhile, the British Spin Boldak.of Karida-- - har. The people' of this lof Assad) is clearly reco ar. , province, before the assi- EDITOR-- colonialists had under .V IN CHIEF RATES . as gned rded the day of our not ; only . India The" role of Khalq, that is commander' Reached ,KAEM AHANG BADS -- there,- L.iassi;iea: o Lines per coi umn 9 point independence in "Taai but Iran and many Mother the people, of this cou- had proclaimed a ' general letters Afs. 20. Zafar", Arch of Triumph, places too. ntry ' was ' obvious in . mobilisation;, un- Tel. 26847 s each : der Classified 6 Lines per colu mn 9 point oi raghman. Thus the "British' army of these fronts. In the their commarider. Afs. 40. f letter It has to be mentioned was concentrated in our . Khybar front Saleh Mo- . ' The people diff- Editorial Tel. 26848 Display: Column cm. Afs. 30. that Anianullah, after from borders from Chitral to hammad and his aid de erent classes and assassination of his-- - strata SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' father v Baluchistan. Further mo- camp, Mohammad Gui; had gathered Circulation 2G859 and 2685155 Ext. 42 Habibullah - in Karfdah-- Yearly in Laghman re, a British general was who- were in Khy-- . ; Afs. 1600 ' : ar city to defend their la- ' in the end of Afghan ye- ' seeking to attack 'Afgh- s Address enquires to the Kabul Times Yearly Afs. 900 'bar 'front returned to nd and the honour of the- ar 1297 ascended to the anistan from Mashhad, Jalalabad due to a ir country. The names of Ansari Watt, Kabul, the Democratic SHalf FOREIGN throne of Kabul on Hoot Iran n case Afghanistan minor, injury , in the those who just headed - ' 9. 1297. At the beeinnini? declared Republic of Afghanistan. Dollar 100 'War against 'the finger of Saleh 'Moham- - the people for the holy of . .iii-uts- Half Yearly Dollar 50 the Afghan Year 1298, India. macL. This gave A retreat malt" WA.nL.Jicttvueu. tens ana11 that is April 1919, Aman-- i Apparently, the indep-- the British an upper hand on Page 3;

; A PAGE 3 L TIIE KABUL TIMES August 19, 1979 (Independence Issue) Afghan people compelled British w leave our beloved homeland

Afghanistan has an an- BY II. FARAHMAND religion and under other na- cient and adventurous his- mes. They sent their spies, tory. The regaining of our cal conditions of Afghanis- like Lawrence and other independence is a golden tan entered a new phase. luckeys, to Afghanistan to page in the history of the The nucleus of economic create unrest and rebellion. world and the region. The independence was incorp- Consequently Amanullah Kh- independence was achieved orated in the political inde- an left the country and af- as a result of patriotic stru- pendence declaration. Am- ter about nine months in X: ggle of our brave and figh- anullah Khan in the decla- 1929 colonialism entered t U ting people. In those days ration of 28th Feb. had Afghanistan in the guise when the people in the said: "Our government in of Nader brothers. Nader ient were living under ' the Afghanistan will introdu- brothers were the devoted colonial domination and the ce such reforms which will servants ami' slaves of feu- sound of the chains of im- enable our nation and '.he dal class and colonialists. prisonment were echoeing country to obtain an appro- The Yahya dynasty and its from all sides, nevertheless priate place among the civi- puppets unleashed terrors the d men of lised nations of the world". for fifty years in Afghanis- Afghanistan rose against The state from the tan and looted the national

1II the oppression of the Bri- beginning of politi- treasure of the country. Th- Tt tish colonialists. They sta- cal independence had in ey caused the delay of wor- ged such uprising off and on view to stand on its feet king class movement and and every time gave cru- from economic point of view persistently tried to crush shing blows to the colon- and realise economic free- them, lhey maintained the ialists and their reactionary dom. In the first decade of state of affairs for fifty allies. independence, reforms we- years. The Yahya dynasty The haughty British co- re introduced in different administration was infested : f. .mwiM--- f lonialists had an intention of economic sectors. A number with all They imposing their rule on us of industrial plans were es- thrived by embezzlement, to control economic, politi-(ci- l tablished. Irhe reformists of nepotism, despotism and and cultural developm- those days used to consume lawlessness. The law of the ent of Afghanistan goods great pri- jungle was the rule of the I and on local with the other hand to nip in the de and considered the im- day. They brought to knees bud the national liberation ported goods illegal for th- the economy of the coun- movement in the region, emselves. try. Whatever plans and lhey had a design to turn projects were drawn succ- The of independence in Paghman which was always held on Asad 28th. celebration Afghanistan into a base ag- The state drafted a num- umbed due to lack of funds ainst revolution and prog- ber of plans for bringing re- which were funnelled into Asad 28-re- al date of regaining Independence ress but the brave Afghan forms in various walks of their private accounts. nation, men and women, life covering, political, so- , The historical Asad 28 is BY OUR OWN REPORTER tan and finally the recogni-- true to their blood shatter- cial and cultural fields. It During their rule all mal- the real date of regaining of tion of independence of ed the hopes of the enemies. initialled a number of ag- practices were the order of independence of Afghanis- of patriotic religious scho- in Moscow between Afghan- Afghanistan by our north- They fought selflessly and reements with friendly co- the day. The poor became ' tan. lars such as Maulawi Abd-urazi- q istan and the young regime ern neighbour, that is the so daringly that it sent wa- untries. poorer with the passage of Sayed Qasim Rishtya, an Indar, and his sons in Turkey, (under the lead-- ' newly established Soviet ves of shivering in the rank In those days when the every day. Hunger and po- eminent historian of the Maulawi Abdurrahim and ership of Mustafa Kamal) state of workers and peas- of enemies. Although the great Socialist October Re- verty had arrested the poor wh- country opines on this iss- Maulawi Abdurrab, against by Mohammad Wali and ants was another cause enemy used modern arms volution had triumphed and people of our country. Un- ue as follow: the enemies of people of Af- representative of Turkey. ich made the British to lea- of those days against the its illuminous torch was employment oppression and ghanistan in regaining the Afterward the extraordi- ve Afghanistan. freedom fighters but the shedding light all over the tyranny were in full cry. The apparent reason for independence. Even in the nary delegation of Afghan- Afghans inspired by the world giving the good news This led to the exodus of a changing the date of anni- later years they were eng- istan was despatched to Po- When the Afghans laun- love of freedom, curtailed Qf toppling of rusted sys- large number of our com- versary of regaining of in- aged in this activity among land, Germany, France, ched their independence the activities of the enemy. tem and beginning of a new patriots from the country, dependence of Afghanist- - ' the" tribes. Belgium, Italy, Britain and movement the boundries of They became a fist against era, at this time Afghanist- they remained for years as ' an was to make it coincide United States to establish the British Empire were so their enemy and as a Da- an signed an agreement wi- vagabonds, wandering from with date Thai was conquer- Mirza Ghulam Haider the political, economic and apart that sun never set vid fought against the Go- th the proletariat govern- one place to the other. The ed, and thus the conquer Wardak, the director of cultural relations with the in the colonies of Britain. liath paving the way for ment of Soviet Union. This local industry enjoyed no of Thai be considered as Afghan Post in Peshawar said countries and with the Besides they had modern victory. paved the way for all sided patronage. Foreign exch- weapons of those inc- the day of regaining of in- was another freedom figh- exception of Britain and day cooperation in political, eco- ange drain by the influen- dependence. However, le- ter who has rendered com- the United States, other luding planes. But the det- On 19th, August, 1919 co- nomic, technical and cultu- ce was an open secret. Ev- gally and historically spea- mendable service in indep- countries happily welcom- ermination of Afghans co- rresponding to 28th Assad ral fields between Afgha- erywhere looting and dacoi-tr- y king the conquer of Thai endence war". Ghulam Hai- ed the Afghan delegation. uld not be subjugated by 1298 the British were com- nistan and Soviet Union. was committed by the cannot be considered the der published articles, ad- The impact of independ- weapons and planes of Bri- pelled to recognise the in- The British, the sworn ruling clans and those aff- day' of regaining of indepen- vertisements and publicity ence of Afghanistan on tain, instead they became dependence of Afghanistan. enemies of the people and iliated to them. The mo- dence. The actual date for literatures on independence neighbouring countries was firmer in their resolve to fi- After the political indep- our soil, who envied the pro- nopolists and the compra- regaining of independence of Afghanistan in the bord- very profound. For instan- ght for freedom and ulti- endence and the national gress and development of dors had reserved everyth- won diver-se- was Asad 28 (August 19) er and inside India and was ce it intensified the freed- mately their freedom. liberation revolution the eco- our country, hatched d ing for themselves. when the Britishers offic- eventually arrested by Bri- om movement in India wh- nomic, cultural and politi- - intrigues in the name of However the heroic peo- ially recognised the indep- tish government. ich was launched by the ple of Afghanistan, as their endence of Afghanistan and Mohammad Wali has ma- National, Congress Party The war independence Afghanistan historical mission, did not the truce between the de praiseworthy efforts in at the end of past century. of of sit idle, and amid this state Afghanistan introducing the independ- It also strengthened the in- of helter and skelter (Continued from Page 2) real cammanders of the fact that Afghan histor- the signed in ent Afghanistan. He and dependence seeking move- ' heroic PDPA was establish- and Britain was ndered. (Ghubar; pp. front. Many people rem- ians believe in this feet. the delegation accompany- ments in Iran, Turkey, Eg- ed by the true and patriotic Rawalpindi. 761 762). ember that a great But for years it has been ing him first of all paid a ypt and Arab nations and the country. The In the southern front, number of Afghan kept hiden by the treach- sons of years inde- - visit to neighbouring count- soon each of them followed PDPA made history as the In early after though apparently Nader sodiers were killed in that erous Nader Daoud fam- Asad 28 was be ry Soviet Union where a suit. In Iran the rotten and first working class party to pendence, the traiter and his bro- front but the Nader did ily just for the sake of th- observed as the anni- socialist regime was newly old Qajar regime was top- stage the khalqi revolution ing thers were assigned as not care much about th- eir own interest and pri- indep- established. On 13 October pled and in Egypt and' Iraq is the Great Saur Re- versary date of the commanders of the front em. In effect, the traitor de. that 1919 he presented his cre- the first step for freedom volution in a record time gi- endence and it was celebra- to carry on the war but in Nader wanted to use our Up to the establishment in dentials in Moscow to new was taken. In Turkey the ving a new follow- ted on the same day reality the war was carr- people against the enemy of our people's regime thesis. It Paghman during leaders of the working class corrupt Osmani dynasty fell ed the popular working class Kabul and ied out by the people and this way without himself Nader Daoud were pre- unfortu- state in Russia. on 21 and the Kamali republic was epoch-makin- g ideology. Its Amani era. But, Then their real representatives taking part in this war. tending as if they were in Na- February 1921 he signed established. Finally the my- thesis has become an ex- nately during despotic drawn from various parts When Pinin Beg Khan reality the heroes of the independence the friendship and cooper- th of invincibility of Great ample to all the workers of der rule the of the country. and Mubarak Shah independence war of was changed to Sixth ation treaty, the first treaty Britain, which was weaken- the world specially the un- day As an example Pinin Khan realised this Afghanistan. of Jauza (May 25), which is between independent Afg- ed in the first and second derdeveloped world. Beg Khan Chitrali, Mu- fact they took Kh-al- qi the day of conquer of Thai, hanistan and a foreign sta- Anglo Afghan wars, was The dawn of the barak Shah Khan Nuris-tan- i, the initiation and started The Great Saur Revolu- the independence celebra- te. by now shaken totally and revolution and the Abdul Qayum Kh- war in the related fronts. tion toppled the towers of being held on First Among the freedom figh- the British colonies rose ag- establishment of the De- tion was an Paghmani, Mohammad Our people fully believe tyranny and broke apart the of Sunbula. ters one should also recall ainst it one after another. mocratic Republic of younus Khan Logari, Na-wa- b that these two .persons shackle of imprisonment. It the role of Mohammad k Afghanistan have chang- The main reasons the Ah-am- Khan Panjsheri, d were the real heros of - transferred the political po- Since the Nader dynasty Khan, Abdul Hadi Kh- British were compelled to ed the- whole thing in Jan Khan Kabuli, the Thai and Vana and wer from the oppressors to was not a popular and khal-q- i an Dawi, Mirza Mohammad leave our sacred soil was this land. It wiped out the Mohammad Yar Khan other places of the south- tyrant the the oppressed, the real regime, thus the facts Yaftali and Ghulam Sidiq the British realised th- monarchal regime. that Gardezi and a great num- ern front. It provided, owners of this country. The were concealed from the Charkhi. at the Afghans have iron for the first ' ber of pedple from Pak-ti-a The noble stand of the revolutionary and the wor- people, as the Asad 28 his-- will and this reality was pr- time, our people with the and other parts of people 'of Pashtoon and kers class state of Afgha- day changed to Talking about relati- prev- power to wield authority torical was the oved to them in the Baluch had been of great duty, distor- the country actively took at their own hand. It fu- nistan, as its foremost Jauza 6, an obvious ons pf independent Afgha- ious Anglo Afghan wars. importance at this war, part and carried out the with gr- is working for smoothing tion of an historical fact. with foreign cbunt-rie- s The British saw how the Af- rnished us the nistan war of independence aga- not only in one front but the way toward the society Fortunately, with the vie-- Rishtya said: ghans are determined to ound to establish a soc- inst our enemies, the col- in all other fronts. void of exploitation of man tory of the great Saur Re- "Following the signing of regain their, independence. ial and economic order onialists. Their participation has totally in the interest of by man. To attain this ob- volution, this historical err-- friendship cooperation At the same time the su- and jective revolutionary decr- ' been the manifestation of the people of this country. or was corrected and the . treaty with Union of Soviet pport of our Pashtoon and From amongst the nam- the fact though the It furnished our people ees have been issued one anniversary of regaining of Socialist Republics, the Baluchi people and the so- es mentioned above Pin-i- n that of re- after the other, concurrent independence was changed first mutual recognition and lidarity of brother Muslims Beg Khan and Mubar- people Pashtoon and with a democratic land Baluch were regarded with the implementation of back to Asad 28, its actual friendship treaty and mutual and Hindus in India with ak Shah Khan, though forms which is not only the five year socio-econom- real date. also signed independent Afghanis seper ate from the people unprecedented in this and assistance was the under Nader, were the development plan is being Talking about the fight- of Afghanistan they nev- land but in the whole re- er regarded themselves gion and other parts of carried out. The socio-econom-ic ers of . freedom, Rishtya separate from the people ci- plan of DRA ' will said : the world with similar undubiously elevate the Iri addition to Amanullah of Afghanistan. They ha- rcumstances. living standard of our peo- Khan himself, who took ve been and are brothers to each they ple. It will raise the moral the initiative and some other, And for the first time have ca- - and material standards of commanders of the war the same in our history it recover- our people. numb-- use;, and the same ed our historical honour, ; fronts, there were a ' stand against ' whatever is honour the All these decrees - and, so- er of other , people behind that the tf power may arise or mig- peoples who had given th- cio economic changes are the front who had active ' ' - ht have cc- taking place on the initiative role and they were : Mah- arisen in the - eir lives for the freedom 7 r-- u urse of histriry. They have and independence of this of that great man of the history of Afghanistan Noor reign affairs, Mohammad been and are aware of country. The Great Saur the collusions of the colo- Revolution under guid- Mohammad Taraki, Gene- De- ral Secretary of the PDPA ving ambassador extraord- - nialism in .the past and ances of the People's CC and President of the RC nary of Afghanistan, Mir are aware of the interfer- mocratic Party of ences of lof- of the DRA. It was this ge- - ; Laghmani, ed the imperialism Afghanistan and the ' Sayed Qasim ( i nius who chalked out the al now. ,'. .. ty directives of our great itor oi Amani Aignan ' Ab- At any rate, the role of leader Noor Mohammad plan for the revolution and and his assistant ' - the Secret- the delivery of the toiling durrahman Ludin and a- people of this country Taraki, General ' people of Afghanistan from number of other writers and and .the people of 'Pash- - ary of the PDPA CC and tyranny and oppression. To- journalists were engaged toon and Baluchis has be- President of the RC, has en! fr- day the toilers of Afghanis- ' on the publicity front wni-.c- h predominent in all provided us with such' - tan are moving with pride had a great role in the onts of the war of indep- ty gains that the rank " toward a society void of final outcome. They were endence against the Br- and file of this country exploitation of man by man. struggling, with a number The Afghan soldiers making preparation for the war of independence. itish . colonialism. It is a are proud of them. r THE KABUL TIMES August 19, 1979 : , , PAGE 4 (Independence issue) Davi's views on regaining of independence

v , Afghanistan. Tur ' V. By Our Own Reporter, , ce of if: The decoration ot the V V key and Iran welcomed ' and SHdnjilSd beguiled during 'the hilent and its final reg-- bur independence -, exchanged ambassadors. awakVd more than .six- aining notUof mount roie Thousands of Muslims onlv the neighbours of ty years besides all their, ijjgj changed he liberation moyemen migrated from India to but wh--. deceptions even ,, Pasht-u-n (:.g??nl..- rpal Hat of our noli-- in a number of countries Afghanistan. The - j L iha se- .a - in Asia and the world and Baluch people . tical independence, in- under colonial dominate During the first r world lflessly joined hands ,!, i ev ireacnerousiy nwuui , Afghan ; soldiers ced sixth of Jauza as the war the Asian countries with impregnated with and Mujaheds. Num- an day of independence. Th- were Abdul Hadi Davi liberation' love. Iran erous Afghan .soldiers of Afgha-.- ., us after the great Saur the eminent writer was in' a helter and 'skilt-e- r left the English ; this grand and , reminicing about Revolution H nistan state. The British sol side and officers and : day was rest- . experience dur- -' honourable th- - his own diers had occupied the Afghan officers, independence da-- ored. V .. 'i ing the of Iran as the police ey attacked the British some quest--, south ys replied to ar-a- npnr of u in innv.wr nnst-" the border Throwing light on so- Vl wic; o Thot (- " - ions of the Kabul. Times, t. Wo- Afghanistan. A number me of the national pers- the fire was burning. reporter. v'T "vr revolution had be- of Pashtun and Baluch his nineties, onalities who faught rkers , , Davi, in lovers migrated indep- en triumphed in Soviet freedom X witness of decl-arati- on for the it and living Union. In India people to Afghanistan. of independence .; endence of Afghanistan , son were waging political I '! and pxe signing of , the, he said: Habibullah ; was i'1 l 4 Abdurrahm- and all sided war against Thus Afghanistan "if treaty with the British, and heir ot Asia the British. : the first country In 1 said an Khan had bargained ' in reply to a question decla- - to declare its independe- of Afgh At this time the ' is day of independence r ; Asad 28th the given by C-rv- of independence of nce. The lead t- independence. This anistan in return to neutr-- ration illi T" ; our was a scvc.c. Afghanistan was followed "Taqi-Zafa- r" alitv during the First Aignamsian date is inscribed in - 'of friendly blow to the British col- by a number Asian and of Paghman "arch World War, His and th- ulf-ille- oniaiisfti. not only aff- African countries ti- - unf d It , During the jesture remained ; of victory". immediate neighb- ey began serious camp- Khan ," because before the ected me of Amanullah a cause aign. The independence anniv-- reply to his letter could ours but became ; pur independence of Afghanistan became come Habibullah was as- of joy for the whole of ersary .was celebrated on inodel throughout the sassinated. Asia.' The Soviet Union a I . this day. '., British lf: was the first country to world against the recognise the independent imperialism. )y The treaty ion the reg-- . Amanullah, the son and heir of Habibullah, aining ; of independence by Mo--1 was the only one. among . was signed in .1921. People rap enemies hmoud Tarzi who headed numerous children of his the Afghan delegation wi- -, father who kindled the th Sir. Henry Waposa who love of independence of of Saur Revolution represented the British. Afghanistan in his heart. Mahmoud Tarzi son of (Bak-htar).-T- he of The treaty was inked in , KABUL, Aug. 18, enemies of the people Ghulam Mohammad Kh- gre- . Paghrrian. The signing of noble and Afghanistan and the ITaqi Zafar (arch of triumph) which was constructed in the memory of regaining nlaw sounded, the de- an Tarzi, the father -i- of Afgh- at Saur Revolution to st- in the treaty patriotic people ''of. independence , of Afghanistan Paghman summer resort. cline of the British Em- of Ghazi Amanullah anistan have consciously op such inhuman acts ag- pire and loosing' of its waged a great battle on realized the real nature of ainst their khalqi state hold on Afghanistan all the information front for the great and irreversible otherwise, they will infl- Af- khutaba declare support due. to the valorous and the independence of Saur Revolution which ict such fatal blows to Ulama, ghanistan. His pen war even im- fighting sons of Afghani- ensures the interests of them that their (Contiriued from Page D lam and we have, certainly crees and statements of our stan,, was very effective. Ma- of Afghanistan perialist masters cannot . ( the toilers your ruler", and obeying and objectively, realised khalqi state has been com- hmoud iTarzi's brothers dream of. and decisively support and taking his orders is the DRA under the leader- patible with the teachings ' rememb-e- Aman and Davi added: I r Mohammad gains of the auspici- gui- ! the 'Farz' to all members of ship of PDPA and wise of Holy Koran and sacred very day nin-- Abdul Khaliq also played Republ- Bakhtar adds that the well the ous Democratic our Islamic society. dance of the Great Leader Shariat of Islam. They once 'th in a significant role. Thous- of Thursday and of Hoot when I was ic marches of Afghanistan, is the de- more sirongiy conaemnea my house and was newly ands of patriotic people Friday were held by the Ulama, and Khutaba fun- fender of interests of Is- the plots and . conspiracies arr- - also took part in the su- while addressing these released from house Tue toilers of Afghani- officials and employees of of servants of imperia- res- ctions condemned the plots lamic society and servant the on the recommendati- ccess of this national condemn criti- of the Bank Milli, Afgh- .'est stan and allegations of religion of Islam and oppr- lism and Ikhwanul Shaya- Amanullah urrection. pl- and false on of Amir cize every conspiracy, an with their families in ' co- ' lo- enemies of the people of essed people of the coun-- ' teen, with the and was appointed edit- The supporters and ot shameless interf- Kabul and by the noble and Afghanistan and based on try, and we confirm our operation of reacti- Afghan ma- vers of independence in people of Siahgird, Hoq-- ul or of Amani erence of the enemies of Great Leader as the ruler onary circles - of Pa- On day I was all the provinces of Af- vi- the verses of Holy Koran gazine. this the people of Afghanistan and Hussain Khail kistan and narrow-minde- d out pu- and Nabawi hadiths and in and leader of DRA. We also summoned urgently to ghanistan carried and the great Saur Rev- llages of Nahre' Shahi against our Briti- confirmity with the1 decla- reject the plots, conspirac- fanatics of Iran Salamkhana. Putting on blicity against the in holding of gr- woleswali of Balkh pro olution Ulamai ies and false' allegations of Great Leader and our khal my dress I soon headed sh who were already a khalqi vince; Mirza Shams vil- - ration of Jirgah of and meetings and enemies of the toiling peo- qi state. as a result wol-pro-- of Afghanistan, they toward the palace. force everyday. lage of, the Khulm of Islam marches ag- ple of Afghanistan and Other Ulamas in Nangar- of First World war. The eswali of Samangan considered the Jihad Thousands of our noble we express har, Kunduz and Takhar ;' the people wanted the elimin- ainst these traitors of re- our unreserved In the Salamkhana and patriotic people also vince; in the center also expressed their full ' ation of Habibullah Kh- ligion and homeland as support and backing for our ministers, (who were held grand meetings and Keshm woleswali and support to khalqi sta- an and ultimately it ha- "Farz", and proclai- great and beloved leader, their known 'as nazer at that khalqi marches for supp- Khambak village primary declaration ppened so. med that the kil- Noor Mohammad Taraki, te and recent time) the courtiers and orting and backing the school of the center of Is- ling of these and the sincere defender of sa- of the jirgalj of Ulamai the high ranking civil se- state- Badakhshan : province traitors ' DRA's government religion of the lam of Afghanistan and rvants and also the Brl-- The clandestine politi- and Jui'm woleswali and servants of foreign enemies cred Islam, ment in the center and Revolution and condemned all kinds of pl- cal gatherings like Maj- Ju-r- as insurgents against the Great Saur tish Indian Ambassador provinces and condemned Dashtak Nava, Asal ots of enemies of faith and were out- -. ' leadership and state of Is- its gains. The Ikhwanush "to Kabul were present. lis etc., though Deh Sangan, Khara-nda- b, the shameful and treache- Moslem-lookin- g people of Afghanistan, th- ' He-sar- Afghanis- Shayateen, these military lawed by Habibullah and ak lamic society of The welcoming ' rous acts of the reaction- Nawjurm and rough issuing resolutions. guard were its important members pr- tan is legal and permissible-an- farangis and other band and the ary Itfrcles of villages of that They to the meas- ' elements related to inter- referred in a ready position. " Mo-- 1 were imprisoned or sent ovince; Salang alaqadari, eliminating of them is and the narrow minded foreign enemies of ures taken by our khalqi ment3 later the voice of to gallows yet had a lar- school of )Jabul Seraj wot the religious and national nal and religious fanatics of Iran the people of Afghanistan state which are in accordan- the guard of honour gave ge following who worked leswali of Parwan prov- duty of all individuals of on Friday. who are plotting against our ce with the Shariat of Is- us the news that Aman-ulla- h for the independence and ince arid Lakiha, lator, our society. khalqi at the instiga- lam, ensuring social justi- was coming. All of arose people against the Friday's khalqi march- Panjshiriha and Raees Similar functions were state tion of aliens, are not Mos-lim- s ce and freeing the oppress- us stood up and paid res- British for jihad. es and meetings which Guljan villages of the held in Parwan, some is on the basis of teach- ed from the clutches of op- pect. Amanullah clad in were held in a number of center of Deh Qalat; pr- of Kunduz, Acheen exh- ings of Shariat of Islam and pressors and they said ob- military uniform with The British were villages of the country imary schools of Yuch etc. woleswali of Shinwar Loi dec- eying such state and leader naked a sword' hanging austed and weak after our toilers while carrying Nangarhar in confirmity with the Woleswali of help of his answered the First World War, th- the photos of the great and laration of the Jirgah of is a to the religion from waist province, Taluqan, centre be- invit-- , they came out wi- - Ulamai Islam of Afghanis- Islam, its performance to the Salam of the ough genius leader of the peop- Machinery of Takhar province in whi- they were unable tan and they are rebels and ing in accord with the ees at Slamakhana. Aft- nners, le of Afghanistan, Noor ch they confirmed obeying another war. insurgents and their killing' Mohammadan Shariat. er a few minutes' he got to stand Mohammad Taraki, Gen- the ruler and declaration of a spee- The .'freedom fighters eral Secretary of the PD-P- A from USSR is legal and permissible. up and delivered ' the Jirgah of Jamiat Ula- which said: "Af- of Afghanistan had ban- CC and President of ch in he mai Islam of Afghanistan. KUNDUZ, Aug. ; 18, on this point, there- KABUL, Aug. 18, (Bak- ter thi3 Afghanistan will ked the RC, prideful national IThe Ulama, Khutaba and The religious ulama of (Bakhtar). Mohammad the British soon ag- htar )-.- The agreement be an independent coun- fore flags and revolutionary of the mosques in Parwan province said that Akbar Shafaq, president to to the pertaining to delivery Imams try." He then turned his reed ceasefire slogans shouted the slog- the province issued a the Democratic Republic of of the trade unions ins- Th- - equi- Parwan face toward the British iihad of Afghanistan. ans of: Long live - and of the machines and is patron Organ- ' resolution in which they Afghanistan the pected the khalqi ey put up no opposition pment needed for the fl- Indian Ambassador to Ka healthy be the Great Lea- said all the measures taken and supporter of sacred isations for Afghan .You- amb- - against the recognition ot our mill and isilo of bul and said: "Mr. der Noor Mohammad by our khalqi state since the religion of Islma and our th and Afghan Women in det-- Afghanistan and establ-- and Puli assador convev this Taraki,, Success to the victory of the great Saur Great Leader' is Moslem Imam Sahib woleswali ishment of its political re- et- Khumri was signed in ermination of the nation PDPA; Long live and Revolution are in accordan- and the son of this sacred and issued necessary instru- court of Afghanistan lations with the neighbo- be ord-- Kabul last Thursday be- and ernal the khalqi of Is-- land, and so far the RC de ctions. . European co- Procure- ce with the Shariat to your government". uring and er in the country; Death tween the Food ' "rr-- . T s The British ' Indian en- untries and America. Ho- to the enemies of the pe- - ment Department and - voy who was an Indian wever Afghanistan wa3 nnlp nf Afghanistan- Hps. the . economic section of Muslim bowing his head aware that if the British th to Ikhwanul Shayate - the Soviet Embassy in said. "I will convey as so- had courage to do so they en, the Moslem looking Kabul. on as' possible about this would have protested on farangis and down with t to my government".' the initiative of Afghan- the reactionary elements r. The agreement was si- ' ' Davi, further said that istan.' Abdul Hadi Davi of Iran and Pakistan. gned for Afghanistan by the Af- - pres-lide- nt voluptuary Yahya dyn .maintained that They also warned , the Nasrullah Ghafari, asty," these unmatched ghan Independence mov- - of the Food Procu rement ..and Coo peratives Department - . - , and for the Soviet Un ion by Chogonov, Econo- mic counsellor of the So- viet Embassy. v; - w ' On the basis of this ag- ml V reement Jhe Soviet - side Viit will deliver the above V machines and equipment m to the Afghan side with- in two years from the of agreement. signing the - With the completion of AM- W a- the above project. Mazar-i-Shar- if silo will . handle 20,000 tons flour while the flour mill will have

a capacity of sixthy , tons flour every 24 hours. The total, cost of : the above projects is estima- ted afs. 60S million of wh- Department and the ich afs. 303 million will President of the Food'Procurernent and Cooperative In signing , agree- greatmosque in Kabul from wb--' Economic Counsellor of the Soviet Embassy Kabul the . Thousands of Kabul people thronging outside the be financed from the ' ' ' ' m,i . .1 i i t i 'jHMfl4iiNM nf A f crfiflnfctan v ment. . ere lUng Amanuuan ueciar eu .iuie uiucycuucju Soviet credit.