Volume 8 Number 19 Fourth Quarter, 2018 Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) House No.: 425, Road No.: 07, DOHS, Baridhara Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh Telephone: 8419516-17 Fax: 880-2-8411309 E-mail:
[email protected] URL: www.bipss.org.bd Copyright © Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored, in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, or otherwise, without permission of the Editor of the Journal. ISSN 1994-2052 Subscription Rates (including air mail charge) Single Copy: Tk. 500.00/ US$ 40.00 Annual: Tk. 2000.00/ US$ 160.00 Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) Produced and Printed by NAM Printers, 1/1 Sheikh Shaheb Bazar Road, Azimpur, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh Peace and Security Review Vol. 8, No. 19, Fourth Quarter, 2018, p.iii Contents Editor’s Note v The Islamic State in the Philippines After the Liberation of Marawi Rommel C. Banlaoi, PhD 1 Social Media and Authenticity: Global Security Challenges Aamna Rafiq 12 Understanding the Concept and Vision of BRI: The Economic, Cultural and Historical Aspects Professor Lailufar Yasmin 24 Brexit: A Revolt of the ‘left behind’ by Globalization and Europeanization Raian Hossain 40 Peace and Security Review Vol. 8, No. 19, Fourth Quarter, 2018, p.v Editors Note In a world of globalization and modern state interconnectedness, both devel- opment as well as crime know no boundaries and are essentially transnation- al. The doors of globalization, trade liberalization, exclusive dynamics of tech- nology and the endless role of the internet and media have opened passages for endless opportunities, and also contemporary transnational crimes that take full advantage of both national and international structures and systems.