Received: 1 September 2017 Accepted: 4 October 2017 DOI: 10.1002/reg2.92 REVIEW Mechanisms of urodele limb regeneration David L. Stocum Department of Biology, Indiana University−Purdue University Indianapolis, Abstract 723 W. Michigan St, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA This review explores the historical and current state of our knowledge about urodele limb regen- Correspondence eration. Topics discussed are (1) blastema formation by the proteolytic histolysis of limb tissues David L. Stocum, Department of Biology, Indiana to release resident stem cells and mononucleate cells that undergo dedifferentiation, cell cycle University−Purdue University Indianapolis, 723 W. Michigan St, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA. entry and accumulation under the apical epidermal cap. (2) The origin, phenotypic memory, and Email:
[email protected] positional memory of blastema cells. (3) The role played by macrophages in the early events of regeneration. (4) The role of neural and AEC factors and interaction between blastema cells in mitosis and distalization. (5) Models of pattern formation based on the results of axial reversal experiments, experiments on the regeneration of half and double half limbs, and experiments using retinoic acid to alter positional identity of blastema cells. (6) Possible mechanisms of distalization during normal and intercalary regeneration. (7) Is pattern formation is a self-organizing property of the blastema or dictated by chemical signals from adjacent tissues? (8) What is the future for regenerating a human limb? KEYWORDS limb, mechanisms, regeneration, review, urodele 1 INTRODUCTION encouraged the idea that mammals have retained a latent ances- tral genetic circuitry for appendage regeneration that might be Evidence from the fossil record indicates that urodeles (salaman- activated by appropriate interventions and applied to the goal of ders and newts) of the Permian period (the last period of the Pale- regenerating a human limb.