Published for the Members and Friends IN THIS ISSUE: of the Harpers Ferry John Brown 2000 Historical Association Schedule of Events Spring 2000 Author Ann Rinaldi Returns to Harpers Ferry Two Association John Brown 2000 Events Publications Set for May Receive Awards

arpers Ferry National Historical Park A specially designed bicen- H will host a variety of events in com- tennial postal cancellation will memoration of the bicentennial of the birth be unveiled by the United of John Brown. On Tuesday, May 9 at 1:00 States Postal Service and will p.m., the Opening Ceremony will begin on be available at a USPS Cancel- Shenandoah Street with a welcome and lation Station on Arsenal introduction of guests. Dr. Raymond Square throughout the day Dobard of Washington, D.C., will speak from 12:00 Noon - 4:30 p.m. on the Underground Railroad quilt code At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and the significance of this code in helping evening at the Curtis Freewill slaves to escape. Dr. Dobard is the co- Baptist Church (near Mather author of Hidden in Plain View: The Secret Training Center on Camp Stories of Quilts and the Underground Rail- Hill) there will be a public road. Magpie will present musical selections presentation of Sword of the from their new CD, Sword of the Spirit. Mark Spirit, a one- act play featuring McEachern, Director of the Torrington the last days of John Brown, Historical Society in Torrington, Conn.— performed by Terry Leonino the birthplace of John Brown—will give a and Greg Artzner. presentation entitled “Torrington 1800.” On Wednesday, May 10 and Thurs- Actor Fred Morsell will Following the guest speakers there will day, May 11 a guided walking tour, “ In the portray be a formal opening of the John Brown Footsteps of John Brown,” will be offered in during the John Brown 2000 Museum, which has been updated in recent the Lower Town. On Friday May 12, there events at Harpers Ferry. months to include two new multimedia will be a public performance at 2:00 p.m. by exhibits. The “Trail to Harpers Ferry” ex- Magpie. This will include specially written hibit traces the significant geographic musical selections about John Brown from movements and events in John Brown’s life their new CD, Sword of the Spirit. from birth to burial. The “Who’s Who” Presentations will resume again on exhibit highlights over 50 individuals who Saturday, May 13 at 1:00 p.m. with “John were associated with John Brown and the Brown Revisited.” Paul Finkelman, Chap- raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859. Another man Distinguished Professor at the Univer- The picture which appears feature will include reactions to the raid. sity of Tulsa College of Law, will lead the on our newsletter’s nameplate, dating from 1803, is one of the These exhibits will be offered in a CD ROM presentations. Finkelman has completed oldest prints of Harpers Ferry. format for sale by the Association. extensive research in the area of slavery and Twenty years earlier, in 1783, A temporary quilt exhibit Designs for law, and is the editor of His Soul Goes Thomas Jefferson had declared Escape: The Underground Railroad Quilt Marching On: Responses to John Brown and that this view was “worth a Code will also be opened in the Information the Harpers Ferry Raid. Actor Fred Morsell voyage across the Atlantic.” Center. Following these openings there will portraying Frederick Douglass will recreate be a public reception and the Association the “John Brown Day Address.”  will host a book signing for Dr. Dobard. Continued on Page 2 1 John Brown 2000 will host book and audio signings for all continued from Page 1 presenters on Saturday, May 13. Musical selections about the life of All of the above events are open to John Brown will be performed by Magpie, the public. For updates, please refer to followed by a reading from the Park’s Website ( Stephen Vincent Benet’s John home.htm). These programs address John Brown’s Body. “Music and the Brown’s legacy and provide historic and Underground Railroad” will be contemporary insights into one of America’s presented by Kim and Reggie most controversial figures. Please make Harris. plans to join in on some of these exciting The Honorable John activities. Lewis, U.S. House of Represen- tatives representing Georgia’s This project is being 5th Congressional District, will presented by Harpers offer closing remarks. Described Ferry National His- as “one of the most courageous torical Park, spon- persons the Civil Rights Move- sored by the Harpers ment ever produced,” he has Ferry Historical written a first-hand account of Association, the Organization of American his experiences entitled Walk- Historians, the Jefferson County NAACP, the ing with the Wind: A Memoir of John Brown Heritage Association, and Penn the Movement. State University, Mont Alto Campus, with At 7:30 p.m., The Sword of financial assistance from The West Virginia The Honorable John Lewis, the Spirit play will be repeated at the Curtis Humanities Council, a state program of the U.S. House of Representatives Freewill Baptist Church. The Association National Endowment for the Humanities. representing Georgia’s 5th Congressional District, will offer closing remarks. John Brown 2000 Conference Schedule May 15-17, 2000 Wednesday, May 17 (Conference Registration is required for all 8:30 a.m. Concluding session at the Curtis activities listed below. Please see the adjacent Freewill Baptist Church. pullout section of this newsletter). Time to be announced. Tour of Brown- related sites: Charles Town Courthouse, Monday, May 15 Charles Town Museum, the hanging site, 1:00 p.m. Welcome and opening session at and Beallair. the Curtis Freewill Baptist Church. After- noon sessions will conclude at 5:00 p.m. Presentations will take place in the 8:00 p.m. Sword of the Spirit, a one-act play classrooms of the Mather Training Center based on the life and letters of John and in the Camp Hill area of the park. The Mary Brown. papers that have been submitted for presen- tation deal with many aspects of John Tuesday, May 16 Brown’s life and legacy. Subjects include HARPERS FERRY 8:30 a.m. Morning session begins. how John Brown has been portrayed in National Historical Park Afternoon. “In the Footsteps of Brown and poetry, literature, and textbooks; John on the his Men at Harpers Ferry” – a walking tour. Brown’s experiences in Kansas, Ohio, and WORLD WIDE WEB: 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Reception at the Kennedy Pennsylvania; and African American re- Farm in Maryland. sponses to John Brown at the time of the 7:30 p.m. “An Evening in Harpers Ferry.” raid. Presentations will be interspersed with Stroll the quiet streets of the town and tour discussions and on-site activities. selected museums and exhibits. The Book- For information on area lodging, or shop will host authors and book signings, other questions, please call the Association  and a John Brown film will be shown on the at 304-535-6881, or consult the Park’s 2 second floor of the John Brown Exhibit. Website ( ARPERS FERRY istorical Association John Brown Conference Registration May 15-17, 2000

The year 2000 marks the bicentennial of the birth of John Brown. Almost a century and a half after his death, John Brown remains one of the most controversial figures in American history. Beginning May 9, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park will host a variety of free, public events, including commemorative, educational, dramatic presentations and interpretive activities highlighting John Brown’s life within the larger context of the slavery issue, his influence, and his place in history. Included among the many partners sharing in the sponsorship of this event are the Harpers Ferry Historical Association, the Organization of American Historians, the Jefferson County NAACP, the John Brown Heritage Association and Penn State University, Mont Alto Campus.

On Monday, May 15, a 3-day conference on John Brown will begin. The conference will be held in the Camp Hill district of the Park. In addition to the presentation of papers there will be guest speakers, panel discussions, musical and dramatic pre- sentations, tours, interpretive exhibits and book displays.

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All attendees must register for the John Brown Conference. The registration fee includes all educational ses- sions, programs and performances, and the opening reception. The park entrance fee will be waived for partici- pants during the conference.

Please Complete: Number of People Total Amount Conference Pre-registration (deadline May 8) – $50.00 per person ______(Onsite Registration is $65.00 per person) Do you plan to attend the reception on Tuesday evening, May 16? ❏ Yes ❏ No

Payment Type: ❏ Check or money order enclosed (payable to Harpers Ferry Historical Association) ❏ Please charge to my: ❏ MasterCard ❏ Visa ❏ Discover ❏ American Express Card Expiration Date ______Card # ______Signature ______

Please fold, tape closed with address label facing out, add proper postage, and return to the Harpers Ferry Historical Association. If sending a check or money order, please be sure to tape both ends as well. You may also fax us this form at (304) 535-6749. For more information, please call the Association at (304) 535-6881. PLACE STAMP HERE


s2542501975s Author Ann Rinaldi Returns to Harpers Ferry

Joining in the commemoration of John research to get the flavor of the period and NATIONAL PARK Brown 2000, the Bolivar-Harpers Ferry everyday lifestyles, and then begins exten- SERVICE Library, with the support of the West Vir- sive character sketches. ginia Library Commission, will host Ann Her most recent book is Amelia’s War. Department Rinaldi at the Library on May 20 at 3:00 Based on documented history of the ransom of the Interior p.m. Ms. Rinaldi, a popular of Hagerstown, Maryland, and award-winning author in July 1864, the characters of historical fiction for in this book are a blend of young adults, attended the fact and fiction. The story Harpers Ferry Park Association’s Author Fest portrays young people deal- Schedule of Events two years ago after the ing with the Civil War in a Earth Day publication of her book, strife-torn border state. As April 29 Mine Eyes Have Seen, about in her other works, Rinaldi John Brown 2000 John Brown’s daughter, adds an author’s note to sort May 9-17 Annie. Rinaldi’s books, reality from fiction. To Defend and Protect based on fact and carefully Please plan to attend May 27-28 researched, usually feature Ann Rinaldi’s book talk and Freedom’s Birth a young girl at some signifi- reception at the Library in July 1 cant time in history. Bolivar. The Association Election Day 1860 For each book, the will host a book signing October 14 author spends about one week doing on-site featuring many of Ann’s titles following the Keeping Christmas research, about a month on background presentation. December 1-3

Association Publications Receive Awards

On March 9, 2000, two association publica- A series of eight bookmarks featuring tions were awarded Honorable Mention at Harpers Ferry’s interpretive themes was the National Park Service Cooperating recognized in the theme-related product Association Awards for Interpretive Excel- category. These bookmarks were designed lence competition in Anchorage, Alaska. for the Association by Linda Weisler, Recent Donations Waterpower: Mills, Factories, Machines, & VisComm Publishing. Cooperating Associa- Floods at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, 1762- tions entered a total of 165 media products Melvin T. Strider Colonial 1991, by David T. Gilbert, was one of three into this year’s competition, highlighting Funeral Home books receiving recognition in the category their continued creativity and commitment F&M-Blakeley Bank of Human History. to producing quality educational material. Jefferson Security Bank Charles Town Races Rich Gillespie and the Loudoun Valley History Association Members Win in Photography Contest Club Marsha Starkey, Cooperating Association re-enactment can be found on the CWPT Coordinator for Harpers Ferry NHP, re- web page. ceived two first place, one second place, and Another association member, Noah one third place award for her entries to the Mehrkam, was awarded third place in the Civil War Preservation Trust Annual Pho- scenic category with his photo of “Harpers tography Contest. Marsha’s “Sunrise at Ferry from Loudoun Heights.” Both Marsha Antietam” is featured on the cover of the and Noah are members who attended the recent issue of Hallowed Ground, the Trust’s association-sponsored photography work- first issue since their merger with APCWS. shop in February 1998, taught by award- Her vivid photograph of the Cedar Creek winning photographer Jim Clark.  3 The Harpers Ferry Historical Harpers Ferry Historical Association Non-Profit Organization Association operates the Post Office Box 197 Bulk Rate National Park Bookshop in Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 U.S. Postage Lower Town Harpers Ferry. PAID Profits from sales are returned to Permit No. 12 the park to support interpretive Harpers Ferry, WV and educational programs to 25425 enhance your visit. You are invited to join this unique organization and be a part of Harpers Ferry’s special family. For more information call (304) 535-6881 or send e-mail to: [email protected]

ARPERS FERRY istorical Association

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Deborah K. Piscitelli Artists-in-Residence Schedule June 20-July 20 – Robert Solywoda, a photog- August 30-September 30 – Jean Loy- EDITOR rapher from New York City accomplished in Swanson, a photographer and sculptor from David T. Gilbert the technique of flat plate photogravure. He Rogers, Minn. She plans to create photo BOARD OF DIRECTORS plans to create a photo album of the local collages from images she will take of the Douglas Perks, President town’s people and offer photography work- historic landscape and offer workshops in June Newcomer, Treasurer shops. Quilting as Inspiration for Photographic Collages. James Castleman Bruce Davidson July 25-August 25 – Germaine Curry, a writer October 5-November 5 – Karen Bell-Hanson, Bruce Hopkins and poet from Houston, Texas. She plans to a stained-glass artisan from Hancock, Mich. Mike Musick write a children’s book placed in Harpers She plans to interpret the historical scene Jim & Suzanne Silvia Ferry, write a collection of poems, and con- through a three-dimensional or low relief Heather Walters duct creative writing workshops. panel and offer workshops on stained glass technique.

Harpers Ferry Historical Association Membership Application ❏ I want to join the Harpers Ferry Historical Assn. ❏ I’m already a member; Please enroll me in the following member category: please note my new address below. ❏ $10 Basic Member – (includes The View newsletter and a By notifying us of your change of address, you’ll continue 15% discount on all items sold in the Park Bookshop). to receive this newsletter at your new location. ❏ $27 Basic Plus Member – (includes The View newsletter and a 15% discount on all items sold in the Park Book- ______shop, plus a 12-month Harpers Ferry Park entrance pass). Name ❏ $50 Contributing Member – (includes The View news- ______letter and a 15% discount on all items sold in the Park Address Bookshop, plus a 12-month Harpers Ferry Park entrance ______pass and the Back to Harpers Ferry video). City State Zip ❏ $100 Patron Member – (includes The View newsletter and a 15% discount on all items sold in the Park Bookshop, Please clip and mail to: plus a 12-month Harpers Ferry Park entrance pass, an Harpers Ferry Historical Association Association Totebag, and member recognition in our P.O. Box 197 ■ Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 newsletter and at our Annual Meeting). Phone: (304) 535-6881 ■ Fax: (304) 535-6749