Ski Trip Boasts Biggest Attendance in History

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Ski Trip Boasts Biggest Attendance in History The Walrus The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings. - Lewis Carroll Vol LXIII, No. 4 St. Sebastian’s School February 2010 Ski Trip Boasts Biggest Attendance In History BY JOE ALBANESE ‘10 up at the relatively comfortable and Tom ventured into what looked hour of 8 AM, with a full day of ski- like a glade trail (a classic mistake Skiing. Snowboarding. The great ing already out of their system, the which the class of 2010 had already winter pastimes. We have all listened rest of the student body was not so committed on last year’s ski trip). enviously about the many feet of lucky, resolving to get to school to You see, at Stowe and many other fresh powder which is constantly leave by 6:30; yes, 6:30 in the morn- mountains, there are glades which present in the West. We have all ing. I know. But the large convoy are not technically marked as trails, seen the notorious Johnny Tsunami soldiering on at such an early hour but can be identified by the ski and learn to shred up the mountain like a demonstrated the dedication of the snowboard marks. Naturally one surfboard. Dave Barry once said that students to the great sport of the makes the assumption that this trail skiing combines outdoor fun with mountain. Can’t say I blame them, will have an exit somewhere- after knocking down trees with your face. because skiing rocks. Sunday, Mon- all, somebody must have evidently On the St. Sebastian’s Stowe Ski Trip, day and Tuesday were filled with ski- gotten through it, right? Wrong. Ned, this was proven to be a bona fide ing throughout the morning into the Brendan, and Tom eventually found fact, as a record number of students early afternoon. The majority of kids themselves in borderline wilderness, signed up to experience this illustri- remained in the vicinity of Mount but soldiered on nonetheless in the ous sport firsthand, eager to leave Mansfield- the biggest of Stowe’s spirit of exploration. However, this behind the traumatizing week of ex- mountains, with quite a few lifts (at heroism was rewarded with Tom ams beforehand. Around 60 kids of all least three) and a gondola providing “popping” his knee (he actually tore ages, mostly underclassmen, sought access to many various trails. A great a ligament) when he careened into favorite was the glades- ski trails in an unseen ditch/tree/bear/galactoid. a spot for the trip. These were joined The 12 Inductees to the Cum Laude Society with Mr. Burke, Mr. Nerbonne, and Mr. Cornish by Mr. Arms, Mr. Greg Lynch, Mr. Dan the woods, often very steep and icy, But the main trail of the mountain Burke, and Ms. Rynne. Indeed, there which tested the skill of each skier was in sight by then, so the seniors were too many to fit on a single bus, with the threat of being impaled began a trek uphill, with Tom crawl- in fact- an unprecedented occurrence by a tree branch or falling into pure ing, and they reached the exit of St. Seb’s Inducts Twelve in the recent memory of ski trips. For powder which would appear deceiv- the woods. Rendezvousing with the this reason, six of the seniors ended ingly to be solid ground. To some it rest of the seniors, Tom eventually up gassing up the truck, and going was for the intrinsic thrill of testing enjoyed the luxury of a ride down up on their own ski-trip pre-trip to one’s own limits, to others it was for the mountain from the ski patrol in into Cum Laude Society Burke Mountain, spending Friday and the relaxing aura of evergreens. To a the meat wagon. That was the end your relationships with others, on few there was even the misfortune of Tom’s skiing career, although he BY DOUG KINGSLEY ‘12 ing the community about what the Saturday at the Albanese Manor, AKA Society stands for, followed by the the athletic fields, in your relation- Man Town. With this well placed bit of losing their cell phones in the spent the last day in the lodge in the ship with God.” In other words, if you On January 7th 2010, during a morn- actual induction of the twelve new of heroism from the Class of 2010, wilderness (true story). Naturally, company of his fellow ski-cripple, work hard and love others, you will ing assembly, twelve students from members into the society. After the the calamity of turning kids away when faced with the prospect of Nick Cortese. be excellent. the class of 2010 were inducted into inductions had been completed Mr. from the trip was avoided. The epic killing themselves in cold, icy forests, After the first day of skiing, Mr. Kingsley concluded his speech the Cum Laude Society. For those of Nerbonne introduced the keynote exploits of the seniors at Burke Moun- the seniors brought their novice the students headed back to the by leaving the community with you who are not familiar with it, The speakers for the day, Mr. Douglas tain are certainly worthy of their own skier, Tom “Wounded Knee” Kelly, Mountaineer Inn to unload their these words to ponder: “Perhaps Cum Laude Society is an organiza- Kingsley who is a father of four St. separate article- representing a bold along with them on their many stuff from the bus and find their Arête, reaching your highest human tion which is dedicated to honoring Sebastian’s Students, two of which new chapter in American history. For glades expeditions (we all know how rooms/suites. What, you didn’t potential, really means to succeed as student’s academic achievements in had been just been inducted. Mr. now, it will suffice to move on to the that turned out; but I will tell you all get a suite? But even at the hotel, a human by building relationships secondary schools across the United Kingsley, who is also a trustee at the actual trip at Stowe. anyway). there was no shortage of activity. with others.” He is right. If everyone States. The motto of the Cum Laude school, “exemplifies the qualities of a While most the seniors woke On one such expedition strives to succeed both inside and Continued on Page 2 Society is simple, yet profound. It St. Sebastian’s Student” said Mr. Ner- Ned Kingsley, Brendan Ecclesine, outside classroom, they will succeed consists of the three Greek words: bonne in his introductory remarks in life. areté, diké, and time (tim-ay) which about Mr. Kingsley. These twelve seniors, who stands for, excellence, justice, and In his address to the stu- were inducted into the Cum Laude honor. These three words embody dent body, Mr. Kingsley began by Society, have accomplished this goal. the characteristics of a quintessen- congratulating the New inductees, They have put in the effort, and in tial inductee. Every student who is and continued to speak eloquently, return, they have been rewarded. inducted has demonstrated their reminding everyone, to be the best Before he left, Mr. Kingsley ability to lead and succeed in and they can be, and to work hard. He made a point to address the under out of the classroom. Because of mad a paint to encourage everyone classman by encouraging them to their persistent academic endeavors, to be a leader, and help each other continue to work hard, to be excel- these twelve students of the senior succeed. Mr. Kingsley also made a lent, and strive to love God every class have been recognized by the point to discus in depth each part of day, because it is the person who is Society, and have been given the the Society’s motto, focusing mainly able to do these things who will be privilege of joining it. on the topic of Excellence. He said rewarded in the end. Once again he Mr. Cornish and Mr. that, “You need to strive every day congratulated the inductees before Nerbonne, presided over the induc- for Arête, for excellence in every- leaving. tion ceremony, by briefly enlighten- thing you do. Your school work, Andy Wadsworth ‘10, Tom Kelly ‘10, and Tom Smail ‘10 assemble at the top of the mountain. Seb’s Hosts St. Andrew’s Dinner and St. Julia’s (Weston) attended this should he call us to the priest- BY B. ECCLESINE ‘10 event. It was an excellent turnout, hood. Obviously, this lifestyle St. Sebastian’s recently held the St. and it was great to see so many Seb’s is not for everyone, but those Andrew’s Dinner on Wednesday, faces. Prior to the dinner program, who are called should certainly January 27. Each year, beginning everyone convened in the chapel for embrace God. Meanwhile, Joe and in 2004, the Archdiocese of Boston a session of prayer. Father Michael Raffi prepared a delicious dinner sponsors the St. Andrew’s Dinner Harrington, who serves as the As- that Father Harrington called “the with the hope of possibly inspiring sistant Director of Vocations for the best yet.” I especially enjoyed the young men to answer the call from Archdiocese of Boston, initiated the ravioli, although the chicken was God. It is a vocational dinner where call-and-response. The program then equally appetizing. Refreshments nearly a dozen or so priests, in ad- shifted downstairs to Ward Hall. were also served, and many of dition to Cardinal Seán O’Malley, St. Sebastian’s students those in attendance grabbed come to share their thoughts and were divided among the many either a cup of tea or coffee before ideas about the priesthood.
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