MEETING VENUE : Contact: Lynn Eldred Direct Dial: 01775 764626 Council Chamber Council Offices, e-mail: [email protected] Priory Road, Spalding

Date: 7 May 2013

Dear Councillor,

The ANNUAL MEETING of the DISTRICT COUNCIL will be held in Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding on Wednesday, 15 May 2013 , commencing at 6.30 pm at which your attendance is requested.

Yours faithfully,

T HOLDEN Chief Executive


1. The Chairman/Chief Executive will invite nominations for the election of Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.

2. Election of the Chairman for the ensuing year, who will then sign a declaration of acceptance of office.

3. Election of Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year - the Chairman will invite nominations.

4. Apologies for absence.

5. Minutes - To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on (Pages 10 April 2013 (copy enclosed). 1 - 8)

6. Declarations of Interest. - (Members are no longer required to declare personal of prejudicial interests but are to declare any new Disclosable Pecuniary Interests that are not currently included in their Register of Interests.

Members are reminded that under the Code of Conduct they are not to participate in the whole of an agenda item to which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. In the interests of transparency, members may also wish to declare any other interests that they have, in relation to an agenda item, that supports the Nolan principles detailed within the Code of Conduct).

7. Chairman's Announcements.

8. Announcements by Leader and Members of the Cabinet.

9. Chief Executive's Announcements.

10. Appointment of Committees and Panels - To consider the appointment (Pages of members to Standing Committees and Panels (Report of the 9 - 14) Assistant Director – Democratic Services is enclosed).

11. Appointment of Panels and Working Parties - To consider which Panel (Pages and Working Parties to establish for the municipal year (Report of the 15 - 22) Assistant Director – Democratic Services is enclosed).

12. Appointment of Members to Outside Bodies - To review critically the (Pages benefits of making appointments to outside bodies now due and to make 23 - any appointments deemed appropriate (Report of the Assistant Director 104) – Democratic services is enclosed).

13. Committee Minutes - To receive the minutes of the following Committees and Panels:-

a) Performance Monitoring Panel - 26 March 2013 (copy enclosed) (Pages 105 - 112) b) Planning Committee - 17 April 2013 (copy enclosed) (Pages 113 - 118) c) Standards Panel - 24 April 2013 (copy enclosed) (Pages 119 - 122) 14. Questions asked with notice under Council Procedure Rule 10.2.

15. Questions asked without notice under Council Procedure Rule 10.8.

16. Report from the Cabinet meeting held on 7 May 2013 - To consider any recommendations of the Cabinet affecting the budget and policy framework (Report of the Cabinet to follow).

17. Key Decision Plan - To receive the current Key Decision Plan (copy (Pages enclosed). 123 - 130)

18. Items called-in from Cabinet - To consider any matters referred to the full Council under the call-in procedure (Rule 15 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules) (Council Procedure Rules 14.1 – 14.5 (Rules of debate) do not apply to this item.

19. Other issues arising from the Policy Development Panel and Performance Monitoring Panel (Council Procedure Rules 14.1 – 14.5 (Rule of Debate) do not apply to this item).

20. Standards Arrangements - To give consideration to making alterations (Pages to the Standards arrangements approved by Council on 27 June 2012 131 - and also to give consideration to extending the appointment of the 134) current Independent Person (Report of the Assistant Director – Democratic Services is enclosed).

21. Further report of the Local Government Ombudsman (dated 13 March 2013) regarding Complaint No 08 010 396 made by Nestwood Homes Ltd. - To consider and make a decision on the concerns raised by the Local Government Ombudsman as detailed in the further report (dated 13 March 2013) regarding Complaint No 08 010 396 made by Nestwood Homes (Report of the Chief Executive to follow).

22. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent -

NOTE: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the items(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency.

Please note that members are requested stay in the Council Chamber to be present for the following special meetings to be held immediately following the Annual Council meeting:

• Planning Committee • Licensing Committee • Committee of the Licensing Authority • Performance Monitoring Panel • Policy Development Panel • Governance and Audit Committee

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5. - 1 -

Minutes of a meeting of the SOUTH HOLLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding, on Wednesday, 10 April 2013 at 6.30 pm.


M D Seymour (Chairman) R M Rudkin (Vice-Chairman)

G R Aley R Grocock R Perkins D Ashby A Harrison G A Porter M D Booth M Howard P S Przyszlak C J T H Brewis H R Johnson S-A Slade G J Taylor J L King E J Sneath M G Chandler C J Lawton D J Wilkinson R Clark A Miller S Wilkinson R Gambba-Jones A M Newton C N Worth

Apologies for absence were received from or on behalf of Councillors B Alcock, J Avery, S M Booth, A Casson, R J H Creese, G K Dark, A Puttick and A R Woolf,

In Attendance: Deputy Chief Executive and Assistant Director – Democratic Services.


The minutes of the meetings held on 23 January 2013 and 27 February 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Item 14 - Compass Point Business Services Ltd

Councillors Przyszlak and D Wilkinson informed the Council that, although they did not have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, in the interest of transparency they wished it to be noted that they were Directors of Compass Point Business Services Ltd. Mark Stokes, Deputy Chief Executive, also asked that in the interests of transparency it should be noted that he was also a Director of Compass Point Business Services Ltd.


Members were informed that the Chairman’s engagements were available to view on the noticeboard in the Council Chamber, the Members’ Teamsite and on the noticeboard in the Members’ Lounge.


The Leader announced that the flag outside the Council Offices would be flown at half mast on 17 April 2013 to mark the funeral of Baroness Thatcher.

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The Leader also wished good luck to all the candidates standing in the County Council elections on 2 May 2013.

Councillor Worth informed the Council that £2.6 million had been awarded to the Arts Council from the National Lottery to be spent on encouraging greater participation in the arts in the Boston and South Holland areas. The project would be launched in Holbeach on Sunday 5 th May 2013.

Councillor Taylor reported that the Council had retained its Member Development Charter and wished to congratulate all concerned.

Councillor Chandler wished to thank a partnership group made up of the police and Churches Together who had arranged for street pastors to be available in Spalding from the end of July 2013.


Policy Development Panel – 5 March 2013

Consideration was given to the minutes of the Policy Development Panel held on 5 March 2013.


That the minutes be received and adopted

Governance and Audit Committee – 12 March 2013

Consideration was given to the minutes of the Governance and Audit Committee held on 12 March 2013.


That the minutes be received and adopted.

Planning Committee – 20 March 2013

Consideration was given to the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 20 th March 2013.


That the minutes be received and adopted.


There were no questions asked with notice under Council Procedure rule 10.2.

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Question from: Question to: Subject: Councillor Newton Councillor Gambba-Jones Recycling

Councillor Newton congratulated the team that had produced the recently circulated recycling brochure.

Councillor Newton stated that she had been contacted by a market research company asking questions about recycling. Had other Councillors been canvassed and if so how many ? Had members of the public been contacted and how had it been funded ?

Councillor Gambba-Jones replied that the brochure had been produced in-house and printed externally. The market research company would have contacted Councillor Newton as a member of the public, rather than in her capacity as a Councillor. A statistically significant number of people (300) were being asked their opinions of recycling.

Question from: Question to: Subject: Councillor Biggadike Councillor Worth Barrington Gate Post Box

Councillor Biggadike informed the Council that the post box on Barrington Gate, Holbeach had been closed. He asked whether the Council could write to Royal Mail asking them to re-instate the post box as it had been a useful post box in a busy area.

Councillor Worth replied that he would write to Royal Mail asking them to re-instate the post box. Councillor Worth also referred to a perceived decline in service following the re-organisation of the sorting office, with anecdotal evidence that South Holland Now was only being delivered to homes that were already receiving mail on that day. This matter would also be included in the letter.

Question from: Question to: Subject: Councillor M Booth Councillor Worth Emergency Planning

Councillor Booth informed members that Sutton Bridge Parish Council were setting up a group to deal with any emergencies in Sutton Bridge and asked what was in the County Council’s container behind the industrial unit, and whether it contained sand- bags ?

Councillor Worth replied that an Emergency Planning Officer was present at South Holland District Council each week and he would enquire as to the content of the container and let Councillor M Booth know.

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Question from: Question to: Subject: Councillor Newton Councillor Chandler Ambulances

Councillor Newton informed members that she was concerned that the area may lose its new ambulance station based at the Johnson Community Hospital in Spalding. Councillor Newton asked if a letter could be written to the East Midlands Ambulance Service expressing concern at any plans to re-locate the ambulance station.

Councillor Chandler replied that it was a valuable comment and he would investigate and send a letter if appropriate.

Question from: Question to: Subject: Councillor Brewis Councillor Gambba-Jones Fly-tipping

Councillor Brewis asked how many prosecutions the Council had achieved for fly- tipping, how did this compare to neighbouring authorities and whether all enforcement officers had been trained ?

Councillor Gambba-Jones replied that the Council had the use of Breckland Council’s Enforcement Officer one day per week. Although a high-profile case would be good, there were no current prosecutions as the legal system was only used as a last resort due to cost. Tipped material was examined and records were kept. If trends emerged then cases could be pursued. Environment Wardens checked up on fly- tipping to capture data and pass on information to trained officers.

Question from: Question to: Subject: Councillor Newton Councillor Porter Corbo Agreement

Councillor Newton stated that the agreement with Corbo expired on 31 st March 2013 and asked the current position ?

Councillor Porter replied that the matter was confidential and he would update Councillor Newton outside of the meeting.


Members gave consideration to the Key Decision Plan.


That the Key Decision Plan was noted.


There were no items called in from Cabinet.

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There were no issues.


The Council considered a report by the Deputy Chief Executive seeking approval to proceed with the East Midlands Local Growth and Efficiency project. The project would provide capital grant support for small to medium-sized enterprises in the South Holland and Boston areas.

It was noted that there were the following amendments to the recommendations:

• The figure in recommendation 1 should read £3.54 million • An additional recommendation to add a further member to the Strategic Board, the appointment of whom to be delegated to the Leader



1. The Council acts as the accountable body for the £3.54m EM ‐LEGE business support project;

2. The new externally funded posts be recruited to as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;

3. A project board Chaired by the Executive Member for Economic Development is set up to receive regular reports on progress against key milestones/outcomes within the project; and

4. An additional person be appointed to the Strategic Board, the appointment of whom to be delegated to the Leader.


The Council considered a report by the Managing Director of Compass Point Business Services (East Coast) Ltd setting out an Annual Business Plan for the 2013/14 financial year and seeking approval to update the Articles of Association and Shareholders Agreement in line with the recommendations supported by the Governance and Audit Committee on 12 March 2013.

Members noted that the following sentence should be included in paragraph 2 of the Business Plan:

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‘One activity will include a restructure and rationalisation of the existing CPBS Management Team’ .


1. That subject to the following additional sentence being included in paragraph 2:

One activity will include a restructure and rationalisation of the existing CPBS Management Team .

the Compass Point Business Services (East Coast) Ltd Annual Business Plan update be agreed for the 2013/14 financial year; and

2. That the Articles of Association and Shareholders Agreement be updated in line with the recommendations supported by the Governance and Audit Committee on 12 March 2013.


Members considered a report by the Director of Commissioning asking the Council to adopt the Pay Policy Statement 2013/14. It was noted that it was a requirement of the Localism Act 2011 to produce a statement which set out the authority’s policies for the financial year relating to :

• The remuneration of Chief Officers • The remuneration of the lowest paid employees • The relationship between chief officers remuneration and that of other officers

The Leader requested that additional information be included in the Pay Policy Statement including a statement that made it clear that South Holland District Council did not pay any Officer more than £50,000.


That, subject to the inclusion of greater detail regarding the actual amounts paid by South Holland District Council for its staff, the Council’s Pay Policy Statement 2013/14 be adopted.


Members considered a report by the Assistant Director – Democratic Services proposing changes for the arrangements for pre-determined debates and Annual Council procedure.

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In discussing the proposals, members agreed with the proposed changes to pre- determined debates. However, members did not support the proposed changes to the way that Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen were appointed following Annual Council.


That the arrangements set out in the constitution for pre-determined debates are amended as follows: If a Councillor wishes to raise an issue under pre-determined debates they should notify the Assistant Director - Democratic Services at least 10 clear days before the date of the Council meeting. An item would then be placed on the agenda stating that the Councillor has requested a pre-determined debate on a particular subject. At the Council meeting a Councillor willing to put an opposing view is sought. If a Councillor comes forward, the debate is scheduled for the following meeting and requests for information are submitted in accordance with current arrangements.


The Council received a report by the Assistant Director – Democratic Services recommending that a Constitution Review Working Party be established to work jointly with Breckland District Council to review the current constitutional arrangements with the aim of aligning the two constitutions where possible.

Members supported the establishment of such a group and hoped that the revision would result in a simpler document.



1. A Constitution Review Working Group be established; and

2. Councillors Newton, Przyszlak and Worth be appointed as the South Holland District Council representatives on the Working Group.


Members considered a report by the Assistant Director – Democratic Services seeking the appointment of a representative to a vacant seat on the South Holland Internal Drainage Board.

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That Councillor Howard be appointed to the vacant seat on the South Holland Internal Drainage Board.

(The meeting ended at 7.25 pm)

(End of minutes)


Report of Assistant Director Democratic Services

To: Council – 15 May 2013

(Author: Lynn Eldred – Principal Member Services Officer)

Subject: Appointment of Committees and Panels

Purpose: To consider the appointment of members to Standing Committees and Panels


(a) That taking into account nominations submitted by the group leaders appointments be made to the Committees and Panels in accordance with the following

(i) Standards Panel – that 6 members be appointed to the Standards Panel.

(ii) Policy Development Panel – that 16 non-Cabinet members, comprising 11 members of the Conservative Group and 5 members of the Independent Group, be appointed to the Policy Development Panel.

(iii) Performance Monitoring Panel – that 15 non-Cabinet members comprising 10 members of the Conservative Group and 5 members of the Independent Group, be appointed to the Performance Monitoring Panel.

(iv) Planning Committee – that 10 members of the Conservative Group and 5 members of the Independent Group, be appointed to the Planning Committee.

(v) Licensing Committee and Committee of the Licensing Authority – that 10 members be appointed to the Licensing Committee (political group regulations not to apply)

(vi) Governance and Audit Committee – that 7 non-Cabinet members be appointed to the Governance and Audit Committee and that no executive powers and no substitutions be permitted.

(vii) Appointments and Disciplinary Panel – that 4 members be appointed to the Appointments and Disciplinary Panel (political group regulations not to apply – at least 1 member of the Panel to be a member of the Cabinet – no member to be a member of the Appeals Panel or Grievance Panel).

Page 9

(viii) Appeals Panel – that 4 members be appointed to the Appeals Panel (political group regulations not to apply – at least 1 member of the Panel to be a member of the Cabinet – no member of the Appointments and Disciplinary Panel to be a member of the Panel – no member to be a member of the Appointments and Disciplinary Panel or the Grievance Panel)

(ix) Grievance Panel – that 4 members be appointed to the Grievance Panel (political group regulations not to apply – at least 1 member of the Panel to be a member of the Cabinet, with no substitutions permitted – no members appointed to be members of the Appointment and Disciplinary Panel or the Appeals Panel).

(x) Compromise Agreement Sub-Committee – that 4 members be appointed to the Compromise Agreement Sub-Committee by the Group Leaders at the appropriate time when necessary, two appointments to be made by the Leaders of the two largest groups (political group regulations not to apply).

(xi) Joint Appointments Committee – that 4 members be appointed to the Joint Appointments Committee (political group regulations to apply – at least 1 member of the Committee to be a member of the Cabinet.) with one named substitute member.

(xii) Joint Appointment Appeals Committee – that 4 members be appointed to the Joint Appointment Appeals Committee (political group regulations to apply – at least 1 member of the Committee to be a member of the Cabinet) with one named substitute member – no members appointed to be members of the Joint Appointments Committee).

(c) That where appropriate the Constitution be amended accordingly.


1.1 In accordance with the Constitution the Council is required to make appointments to the following Committees and Panels:

• Standards Panel • Policy Development Panel (and pool of substitutes) • Performance Monitoring Panel (and pool of substitutes) • Planning Committee (and pool of substitutes) • Licensing Committee (and Committee of the Licensing Authority) • Governance and Audit Committee • Appointments and Disciplinary Panel • Appeals Panel • Grievance Panel • Compromise Agreement Sub-Committee • Joint Appointments Panel • Joint Appointments Appeals Panel

1.2 This report deals with the appointmentPage 10 of each Committee/Panel in turn.


2.1 The Constitution provides that the Standards Committee shall comprise:

Members Method of appointment

6 district councillors Appointed annually by full Council.


3.1 Both Panels should be appointed in accordance with the political group regulations which means that the seats should be allocated as follows:

Policy Development Panel Performance Monitoring Panel

Conservative Group 11 members Conservative Group 10 members Independent Group 5 members Independent Group 5 members

3.2 Cabinet members may not be members of overview and scrutiny committees with Junior Portfolio holders not to be appointed to the Performance Monitoring Panel.

3.3 Members will be aware that the Performance Monitoring Panel is not currently appointed on political group lines. The full Council at its meeting on 14 September 2005 agreed that if a political group fails within a period of 3 weeks to express its wishes for the appointment of its members to seats allocated to it, or indicates that it does not wish to nominate members to fill all of the seats allocated to it, the Council shall make appointments as it sees fit. Requests for nominations were recently invited to allow for appointments to be made at the meeting.

3.4 The Constitution provides that the pools of substitutes for the Policy Development Panel and the Performance Monitoring Panel shall comprise those members who are not members of the appropriate Panel or members of the Cabinet. There is therefore no decision to take with regard to the pool of substitutes.


4.1 The Constitution provides that the Planning Committee shall comprise 15 members.

4.2 Any member of the Planning Committee must attend appropriate training within three months of being appointed.

4.3 Planning decisions are not the responsibility of the Cabinet. However, guidance from the Secretary of State states that “full exchange of information between the executive (Cabinet) and any committee which takes planning decisions is essential. The executive will need to ensure that there is effective two-way communication between them and any such committee and should consult any such committee on successive drafts of the Development Plan while policy is being formulated. In addition, local authorities should consider including a member of the executive, if possible with responsibility for the Development Plan, on one or more committees which take planning decisions Page 11 although she/he should not normally be the Chair”. However this does not prevent the Cabinet member from being the Chairman of the Committee.

4.4 The Planning Committee must be appointed in accordance with political group regulations which means that seats must be allocated as follows:

Conservative Group 10 members Independent Group 5 members

4.5 The Constitution provides that any members who have attended approved training in Planning during the previous 12 months are eligible to attend as a substitute. There is therefore no decision to take with regard to the pool of substitutes.


5.1 The Constitution provides that the Licensing Committee, which is also the Committee of the Licensing Authority for the purposes of the Licensing Act 2003, shall comprise 10 members, however the Committee is not appointed in accordance with political group regulations.

5.2 Although licensing and registration functions must not be the responsibility of the Cabinet, Cabinet members could be appointed to the Licensing Committee. It is suggested that the Chairman of the Licensing Committee should not be a member of the Cabinet. The Licensing Committee will meet as and when necessary.


6.1 The Constitution provides that the Governance and Audit Committee shall comprise 7 non-Cabinet members, excluding the Chairman of the Council, to be appointed in accordance with the political group regulations which means that seats must be allocated as follows:

Conservative Group 5 members Independent Group 2 members

6.2 Terms of reference include no executive powers and no substitutions to be permitted.


7.1 The Constitution provides that the Appointments and Disciplinary Panel shall comprise 4 members who shall not be appointed in accordance with the political group regulations. At least 1 member of the Panel must be a member of the Cabinet.

7.2 No member of the Appeals Panel or Grievance Panel shall be a member of the Appointments and Disciplinary Panel.


8.1 The Constitution provides that the Appeals Panel shall comprise 4 members who shall not be appointed in accordance with the political group regulations. At least 1 member of the PanelPage must 12be a member of the Cabinet.

8.2 No member of the Appointments and Disciplinary Panel or Grievance Panel may be a member of the Appeals Panel.


9.1 The Constitution provides that the Grievance Panel shall comprise 4 members, two members to be appointed from each of the two largest groups on the Council, excluding members appointed to the Appointment and Disciplinary Panel and the Appeals Panel, and not to be appointed in accordance with the political group regulations, with no substitution of members permitted. At least 1 member of the Panel must be a member of the Cabinet.


10.1 The Constitution provides that the Compromise Agreement Sub-Committee shall comprise 4 members; two members to be appointed from each of the two largest groups on the Council as and when required. However appointments were made at the annual meeting of Council held on 19 May 2010.

10.2 Terms of reference include executive powers and no substitutions be permitted.


11.1 The Constitution provides that the Joint Appointments Committee shall comprise 8 members; consisting of 4 members from South Holland District Council and 4 members from Breckland District Council. At least one member of the Committee shall be a member of Breckland District Council’s Executive and at least one member shall be a member of South Holland District Council’s Cabinet. The Joint Appointments Committee has executive powers.

11.2 Appointments to be made in accordance with the political group regulations, which means that seats must be allocated as follows:

Conservative Group 3 members Independent Group 1 member

with one named substitute member appointed each by South Holland and Breckland District Council to act as substitute.


12.1 The Constitution provides that the Joint Appointment Appeals Committee shall comprise 8 members; consisting of 4 members from South Holland District Council and 4 members from Breckland District Council. At least one member of the Committee shall be a member of Breckland District Council’s Executive and at least one member shall be a member of South Holland District Council’s Cabinet. The Joint Appointment Appeals Committee has executive powers.

12.2 Appointments to be made in accordance with the political group regulations, which means that seats must be allocated as follows: Page 13 Conservative Group 3 members Independent Group 1 member

No member shall be appointed to the Joint Appointment Appeals Committee who is a member of the Joint Appointments Committee. One named substitute member to be appointed each by South Holland and Breckland District Council to act as substitute.

Background papers:- None ______

Lead Contact Officer Name/Post: Lynn Eldred – Principal Member Services Officer Telephone Number: 01775 764626 Email: [email protected]


Report of Assistant Director Democratic Services

To: Council – 15 May 2013

(Author: Lynn Eldred – Principal Member Services Officer)

Subject: Appointment of Panels and Working Parties

Purpose: To consider which Panels and Working Parties to establish for the municipal year

Recommendati on:

(a) That the Political Management Arrangements Working Party not be re- established.

(b) That the Spalding Town Forum be re-established for the municipal year without amendment to its terms of reference or composition, but its role, purpose and operation be kept under review;

(c) That the Member Development Steering Group be re-established for the municipal year without amendment to its terms of reference, and members determine the composition.

(d) That the Joint Constitution Working Group be re-established for the municipal year without amendment to its terms of reference, and members determine the composition; and

(e) That the Cabinet be invited to consider whether to re-establish

• the Sustainable Communities Steering Group

• the Housing Allocations Appeal Panel;

• the Discretionary Housing Payments Review Board; • ICT Working Group; • IDB Liaison Arrangements Sub-Group; • Corporate Equalities Working Group

and if so, their terms of reference and composition.


1.1 In accordance with the Constitution the Council at its annual meeting is required to decide, in addition to the Committees and Panels detailed in the previous report, which other Panels and Working Parties etc to establish for the municipal year, and the size and terms of reference of those Panels and Working Parties etc. At its meeting on 16 May 2012 the Council established or re-established for the municipal year a number of Panels and Working Parties etc. Some of the Panels had authority (executive powers) to make decisions, whilst others had no executive powers, and could only submit recommendations back to the Cabinet or Council for consideration. Page 15 2.0 COUNCIL OR CABINET FUNCTION

2.1 Sections 1 and 8 of Part 3 of the Constitution detail which functions of the authority are functions of the full Council, and which are functions of the Cabinet. Where a function undertaken by a Panel or Working Party is a Cabinet function the Panel or Working Party will either submit recommendations to the Cabinet or, if it has executive powers, make decisions effectively under the delegated authority of the Cabinet. Where a function is a Council function the Panel or Working Party will either submit recommendations to the Council or, if it has executive powers, make decisions effectively under the delegated authority of the Council. Bearing this in mind. when determining which Panels and Working Parties to re- establish, the Council at its meeting on 18 May 2011 adopted the following principles:

• where a Panel or Working Party was responsible for making decisions or recommendations in respect of Cabinet functions the full Council invited the Cabinet to determine its terms of reference and composition • where a Panel or Working Party was responsible for making decisions or recommendations in respect of Council functions the full Council determined its terms of reference and composition • where a Panel or Working Party was responsible for making recommendations on matters which are Council functions but upon which the Cabinet is responsible for making recommendations to full Council (ie budget and policy framework issues) the full Council invited the Cabinet to determine its terms of reference and composition.

2.2 It is suggested that the same principles be applied on this occasion.

2.3 Full details of each Panel and Working Party established or re-established by the full Council at its meeting on 16 May 2012, together with any additional Panels and Working Parties since established, the terms of reference and composition of each, whether the function undertaken by the Panel/Working Party is a Council or Cabinet function, and recommendations for the forthcoming municipal year, are set out below.

2.4 Political Management Arrangements Working Party (Council function)

COMPOSITION: 7 councillors to include at least 3 councillors (excluding the Chairman of full Council from the ruling group on the Council, and chaired by the Chairman of the Council). Existing members on this Working Party were: Chairman of the Council (Councillor M D Seymour) and Councillors, B Alcock, G R Aley, M G Chandler, G K Dark, A M Newton and R M Rudkin.

TERMS OF REFERENCE: (No executive powers.) To keep under review and make recommendations to the Council on new political management arrangements and the Constitution.

SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions are not permitted.

RECOMMENDATION : That the Political Management Arrangements Working Party not be re-established due to it being superseded by the Joint Constitution Working Group (see paragraph 2.7).

2.5 Spalding Town Forum (separate body - neither Council nor Cabinet function) Page 16

COMPOSITION: Councillors elected to Spalding wards.

TERMS OF REFERENCE: (No executive powers.) 1. To review the operation of, and expenditure on, the Spalding Special Expenses Account and to make recommendations on the Council's contributions to the Spalding Special Expenses Account. 2. To encourage and broaden consultation and participation in the Council's work on behalf of the Council.

SUBSITUTIONS: All members of the Spalding Town Forum are Spalding members and therefore substitutions are not relevant.

RECOMMENDATION : That the Spalding Town Forum be re-established for the municipal year without amendment to its terms of reference or composition, but its role, purpose and operation be kept under review.

2.6 Member Development Steering Group (Council function)

COMPOSITION: 7 members reflecting cross party membership (existing members were Councillors G R Aley, R Gambba-Jones, C J Lawton, R M Rudkin, M D Seymour, C J T H Brewis and S Wilkinson)

TERMS OF REFERENCE: (Executive powers) To develop councillor training and development that reflects the vision of South Holland District Council and the objectives it is trying to achieve ensuring  A commitment to councillor development  A strategic approach to councillor development  Learning and development is effective in building capacity  Councillor development promotes work life balance and citizenship

SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitution arrangements apply where members form part of a political group subject to (i) substitutions applying for individual meetings only and (ii) the group leader or nominated representative submitting details to the Assistant Director - Democratic Services by noon on the day of the meeting, or at least 3 hours before the meeting, whichever is the sooner.

RECOMMENDATION : That the Member Development Steering Group be re- established in accordance with the terms of reference set out above and that 7 members be appointed to the Steering Group.

2.7 Joint Constitution Working Group (Council function)

COMPOSTITION: 3 Members from South Holland District Council and 3 members from Breckland District Council (existing members were Councillors A M Newton, P S Przyszlak and C N Worth)

TERMS OF REFERENCE: To review the current constitutional arrangements of South Holland District Council with the aim of aligning the two constitutions where possible.


Page 17 RECOMMENDATION: That the Joint Constitution Working Group be re- established in accordance with the terms of reference set out above and that 3 members be appointed to the Working Group.

2.8 Sustainable Communities Steering Group (formerly the Local Development Framework Working Party) (Council function – but Cabinet advises Council)

Cabinet, at its meeting on 20 July 2010 recommended to Council and approved at its meeting on 28 July 2010, for the Local Development Framework Working Party to be reconstituted as the Sustainable Communities Steering Group with the same membership and political group basis.

COMPOSITION: 12 councillors appointed in accordance with the political group regulations (although it is not necessary to appoint in accordance with the political group regulations as the Steering Group has no executive powers and cannot therefore make any decisions, only recommendations) plus appropriate officers with the power to co-opt relevant ward members and portfolio holders in an advisory role. There is no restriction on whether members of the Steering Group must be members of the Planning Committee. Existing members serving on this Steering Group were: Councillors B Alcock, G R Aley, F Biggadike, C J T H Brewis, A Casson, R J H Creese, R Gambba-Jones, M Howard, H R Johnson, S Keeble, R M Rudkin, D J Wilkinson.

TERMS OF REFERENCE: (No executive powers) To work on the Local Development Scheme, and to make recommendations to the Cabinet on any outstanding areas for review within the current South Holland District Local Plan. To assess and advise on the likely planning considerations in respect of significant planning proposals at both pre-application and post-application stages. To provide a forum at which ward members can be informed about significant proposals likely to affect people in their wards and to enable them to consult and report back on such proposals.

SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions are permitted where members form part of a political group subject to (i) substitutions applying for individual meetings only and (ii) the group leader or nominated representative submitting details to the Assistant Director – Democratic Services by noon on the day of the meeting, or at least 3 hours before the meeting, whichever is the sooner.

RECOMMENDATION : As this Steering Group was established by Cabinet and reports to Cabinet then Cabinet should decide whether or not the Steering Group is re-established and, if so, its terms of reference.

2.9 Housing Allocations Appeal Panel (Cabinet function)

COMPOSITION: 3 councillors being the portfolio holder for Housing (where the portfolio is split, the relevant portfolio holder is the Housing Strategic Lead) (or in his/her absence any other member of the Cabinet), the Leader of the opposition group on the Council (or in his/her absence another member of the opposition group as nominated by the Group Leader), and 1 other councillor selected by the appropriate officer (currently the Housing Manager) at the time.

Page 18 TERMS OF REFERENCE: To determine special cases for allocation outside of the allocations scheme or for inclusion on the housing register where a second request for review of a decision is received following an initial review by the Housing Operational Manager, and to hear appeals on homelessness decisions. The Panel has executive powers to determine any appeal within its terms of reference.

SUBSTITUTIONS: The composition caters for the eventuality of the Housing Strategic Lead portfolio holder or the Leader of the opposition group not being available to attend a meeting. The remaining member is selected by the Housing Manager and therefore it is not appropriate for substitution arrangements to apply to this remaining member.

RECOMMENDATION : As this is a Cabinet function Cabinet should decide whether or not the Panel is re-established and, if so, its terms of reference and composition .

2.10 Discretionary Housing Payments Review Board (Cabinet function)

COMPOSITION: 3 councillors selected by the appropriate officer (currently Assistant Director - Democratic Services) at the time from the portfolio holder for Housing (where the portfolio is split, the relevant portfolio holder is the Housing Strategic Lead portfolio holder) (or in his/her absence any member of the Cabinet), the Leader of the opposition group or his/her deputy, a non- group member, and 1 other councillor.

TERMS OF REFERENCE: Executive powers to hear and decide discretionary housing payments appeals from dissatisfied applicants.

SUBSTITUTIONS: The composition already caters for the eventuality of the Housing Strategic Lead portfolio holder or the Leader of the opposition group (if chosen) not being available to attend a meeting. Any remaining members are selected by the Assistant Director – Democratic Services and it is not appropriate for substitution arrangements to apply to these members.

RECOMMENDATION : As this is a Cabinet function Cabinet should decide whether or not the Board is re-established and, if so, its terms of reference and composition.

2.11 ICT Working Group (Group to report directly to the Cabinet)

COMPOSITION: 7 councillors comprising the portfolio holder for Internal Services Performance and Business Development, together with 6 other members based on cross party member involvement, including a member of the Independent Group. The political group regulations do not apply. Existing non-portfolio holder members were Councillors G R Aley, S M Booth, M G Chandler, R Perkins, A Puttick, S Wilkinson.

TERMS OF REFERENCE: (No executive powers) To provide a wider more strategic remit with the following scope: • The role of ICT in the organisation • New technology – strategic positioning • ICT support – general performance, not individual problems • Progress with larger projects • ICT security and Governance Page 19 SUBSITUTIONS: Substitution arrangements apply (including for the portfolio holder for Internal Services Performance and Business Development) where members form part of a political group subject to (i) substitutions applying for individual meetings only and (ii) the group leader or nominated representative submitting details to the Assistant Director - Democratic Services by noon on the day of the meeting, or at least 3 hours before the meeting, whichever is the sooner.

RECOMMENDATION : As this Working Group reports to Cabinet then Cabinet should decide whether or not the Working Group is re-established and, if so, its terms of reference and composition.

2.12 IDB Liaison Arrangements Sub-Group (Sub-Group reports to Cabinet)

COMPOSITION: The portfolio holder for Strategic Finance and Democratic Services, 2 other members (existing members were Councillors A M Newton and E J Sneath), plus appropriate officers.

TERMS OF REFERENCE: (No executive powers) To meet with representatives of the Internal Drainage Boards (IDB’S) on matters of mutual concern, including meeting annually as part of the Council tax setting/consultation process to discuss issue of relevance to each party which could impact on the Council tax, and to report direct to Cabinet and to members appointed as the Council’s representatives to IDB’s.

SUBSITUTIONS: Substitution arrangements apply (including the portfolio holder for Financial Strategy) where members form part of a political group subject to (i) substitutions applying for individual meetings only and (ii) the group leader or nominated representative submitting details to the Assistant Director - Democratic Services by noon on the day of the meeting, or at least 3 hours before the meeting, whichever is the sooner.

RECOMMENDATION : As this Working Group reports to Cabinet then Cabinet should decide whether or not the Working Group is re-established and, if so, its terms of reference and composition. However, Cabinet may wish to consider not re-establishing the Sub-Group as last years meeting did not take place due to there being no issues for discussion. It should be noted that the Boston and South Holland Flood Risk and Drainage Management Group meet bi-monthly and is attended by representatives of the drainage boards, so regular liaison does take place.

2.13 Corporate Equalities Working Group (Cabinet function)

COMPOSITION: The Deputy Leader, (Councillor C N Worth) and appropriate officers.

TERMS OF REFERENCE: (No executive powers) To facilitate and co- ordinate the Council’s Corporate Equalities Scheme, to ensure that the Council achieves full integration of equalities issues into its business planning framework and achieves the Equalities Standard for Local Government at Level 3.

SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitution arrangements apply subject to (i) substitutions applying for individual meetings only and (ii) the group leader or nominated representative submitting details to the Assistant Director - Page 20 Democratic Services by noon on the day of the meeting, or at least 3 hours before the meeting, whichever is the sooner.

RECOMMENDATION : As this Working Group reports to Cabinet then Cabinet should decide whether or not the Working Group is re-established and, if so, its terms of reference and composition. However, Cabinet may wish to consider not re-establishing the Working Group as there is no requirement for us to have an Equalities Working group within the Public Sector Equality Duty (under review) or in the Equalities Act, 2010. As a council, we have to demonstrate compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty and we can do this through equalities monitoring, staff profiles, equalities objectives, training, working with local action groups.

Background papers:- None ______

Lead Contact Officer Name/Post: Lynn Eldred – Principal Member Services Officer Telephone Number: 01775 764626 Email: [email protected]

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Page 22 Agenda Item 12.


Report of: Assistant Director Democratic Services

To: Annual Council – 15 May 2013

(Author: Shelley French – Member Services Support Officer)

Subject: Appointment of Members to Outside Bodies

Purpose: To critically review the benefits of making appointments to outside bodies now due and to make any appointments deemed appropriate

Recommendation s:

a) That in view of the financial and staffing/member implications, appointments to outside bodies be justified;

b) That consideration be given to the attached schedules at Appendices A and C and that members make appointments where deemed appropriate; and

c) That consideration is given to the schedule for Member Champions at Appendix B and that members make appointments where deemed appropriate.


1.1 The Council currently appoints nearly 80 representatives to almost 50 outside organisations . Appointments are made to these outside bodies for various reasons, for instance following an invitation by the outside body; in accordance with statute or regulations; or to enable the authority to be represented on national forums and groups.

1.2 The Council’s Constitution, which sets out how the Council operates, provides that appointments to outside bodies will be made at the Annual meeting of the Council except when such appointments have been delegated by the Council or where appointments are exercisable only by the Cabinet and in some instances, should an appointment need to be altered or added during the municipal year, this would be done at an ordinary meeting of full Council.

1.3 Although no appointments have actually been delegated by the Council, the Cabinet does have responsibility for functions which relate to the aims of various outside bodies to which representatives are appointed. However, the Council’s previous practice has not been to appoint representatives based on political group representation, which has allowed representation to be spread across all members of the Council. On that basis it is more practical for the Council to consider appointments.

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1.4 The Council also currently appoints four Member Champions - details of these are attached at Appendix B to this report. In addition to the consideration of appointments of Members to Outside Bodies, members are also requested to give consideration to the appointment of Member Champions.

1.5 Recommendations of the Community Engagement Task Group

1.5.1 In July 2005, the Performance Monitoring Panel appointed the Community Engagement Task Group and one of the areas that the Task Group looked at was the appointment of members to outside bodies. The Task Group felt that the Council should only make appointments to outside bodies where there were clear benefits in doing so and that every prospective appointment should be considered critically and thereafter reviewed regularly. Their proposals which were accepted by Cabinet were:

• That the current appointments are evaluated critically, on the basis of members’ feedback, prior to any further appointments being made; and

• That all future annual appointments to outside bodies be reviewed on the basis of feedback from members before every re-appointment.

1.5.2 A review of all appointments to outside bodies was carried out in 2007 and the results were appended to the annual report. Appointments were made to outside bodies in accordance with this information.

1.5.3 Members also agreed “that on a bi-ennial basis an evaluation process be undertaken in relation to the appointment of representatives to each outside body”. The last evaluation took place in 2011; therefore the next evaluation is currently due, Annual Council 15 May 2013, and is appended to this report at Appendix C. It is requested that consideration be given to the feedback given by members when making appointments to Outside Bodies.

1.6 Schedule

1.6.1 The schedule attached at Appendix A sets out the details of all those organisations to which the Council appoints representatives, and the schedule attached at Appendix B lists South Holland District Council’s Member Champions which although not outside bodies are included so that annual appointments can be made. In most cases reappointments are now due; however some details have been submitted for information in the event that there is a wish to reconsider appointments which are not yet due to expire. The schedule includes the insurance liability of each outside body, if known, and the nature of the role of the representative(s).

1.6.2 The public and employers’ liability insurance held by each organisation has, where appropriate been included within the schedule, but the following should be noted:

• Where the Council’s representative is an adviser or observer only, the role does not include a decision making function so any risk is minimal and public and employers’ liability cover are therefore marked on the attached schedule as N/A;

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• Where the Council’s representative serves in an executive capacity it is suggested that the appropriate indemnity insurance should amount to £5,000,000 public liability and £5,000,000 employer’s liability, the latter being, in any case, a statutory requirement where the organisation concerned is a company;

• Where the outside organisation is controlled or influenced by the Council the individuals serving on the body could look to the Council for indemnity, and details on insurance cover are therefore marked on the attached schedule as N/A;

• Where the outside organisation is established by two or more local authorities for the discharge of their functions the individuals serving on the body could look to the Council for indemnity, and the details of insurance cover are therefore marked on the attached schedule as N/A.

1.6.3 In most cases the recommendations on each schedule page strictly reflect the insurance requirements suggested in paragraph 1.5.2 above, although it is recognised that members may wish to deviate from such recommendations because the nature of some organisations means that the risks are minimal.

1.6.4 All appointments are for one year unless otherwise stated.


2.1 Each year all outside bodies are contacted and asked to provide information on any changes to their organisation. In some instances ` information provided may only be minor, such as change of address. In some instances however, information may be provided informing the Council that the body has disbanded, no longer requires appointments or has changed their name. The information below provides details of any such outside body that has provided information that may be of interest to members and may have an impact on appointments.

2.2 Equality and Diversity Champion

South Holland District Council demonstrates its compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty through Equalities monitoring, staff profiles, equalities objectives, training, working with 2 local Action groups, the Lincolnshire network and Boston College. There is no requirement for an Equalities Working Group, and therefore an appointment is no longer required for an Equality Diversity Champion. Any issues on Equality and Diversity can be raised through the relevant Portfolio Holder.

2.3 Internal Drainage Boards

2.3.1 A Task Group of the Policy Development Panel, the Internal Drainage Boards Liaison Arrangements Task Group, completed its work in March 2006 and made a number of recommendations relating to the appointment of representatives to IDBs:

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• That appointments to IDBs be made primarily on knowledge, interest and commitment of members and secondly preference be given to members from within the particular Board’s area;

• That appointments to IDBs be made on a non political basis and if the need arises non-Council members be considered for appointments where suitably qualified individuals are identified.

• That attendance by the Council’s appointed members at the IDB meetings not be monitored in view of the administrative work which would be involved compared to the limited benefit , but the Drainage Boards be asked to draw it to the Council’s attention where a member is considered to have a poor attendance record;

• That the Council’s representatives on IDBs be encouraged to be more proactive in submitting information reports to Council in accordance with paragraph 2.0 (xv) of the Council Procedure Rules, where matters have an impact on the Council, subject to:

 Representatives on IDBs taking joint responsibility for reporting to Council; and

 Representatives taking responsibility for ensuring that their reports are accurate and correct and, if possible, giving the IDBs an opportunity to comment on proposed reports.

2.4 King’s Lynn Internal Drainage Board

2.4.1 Members did not wish to make an appointment to the King’s Lynn Internal Drainage Board for 2011/12 and 2012/13. Members may wish to make an appointment for 2013/14, should they wish to do so.

2.5 Lincolnshire Playfields Association

2.5.1 At its recent AGM the Lincolnshire Playfields Association Charity decided to cease and wind up its business. All remaining funds have been transferred to the Lincolnshire Community Foundation who will continue to offer grants to community groups in the County who provide opportunities for play. In light of this information appointments are no longer required.

2.6 Lincolnshire Supporting People Commissioning Body

2.6.1 At Council on 28 February 2007, it was agreed that for a 12 month period, the Portfolio Holder for Housing (now the Portfolio Holder for Housing Landlord) be given the delegated authority to make decisions without reference to full Council. Each subsequent year since, this delegated authority has been agreed for a further 12 months.

2.7 South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee

2.7.1 Members are appointed to this body every four years, the last appointments were made in 2011, and therefore no appointments are required until 2015.

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2.8 South Holland Internal Drainage Board

2.8.1 Ex-councillor, Mr P Walls has indicated that he would like to remain as one of South Holland District Council’s representatives to the South Holland Internal Drainage Board.

2.9 Spalding Town Husbands

2.8.1 Members will be aware that by virtue of the Spalding Town Husbands governing document, the Council is entitles to “nominate” two trustees who serve for a period of four years. Once appointed, the trustees act in an individual capacity, and not as the Council’s representative. The Council is unable to terminate appointments. Councillors Newton and Sneath’s nominations were made in 2011 and are for a four year period, the next nominations will be made in 2015.

2.10 LGA Sparse

2.10.1 Information has been received that LGA Sparse is now known as Rural Services Network – SPARSE Rural.


3.1 That members do not appoint representatives to outside bodies.


4.1 To ensure South Holland District Council appoints members to outside bodies/member champions, which have been deemed appropriated for appointment.


5.1 The expected benefits of appointments are that representatives will be able to attend the next scheduled meeting of the body and represent South Holland at their meetings for the length of the appointment.


6.1 Carbon Footprint & Environmental Issues

6.1.1 Members are expected to travel to meetings of outside bodies.

6.2 Constitution & Legal

6.2.1 Full Council has the authority to appoint, nominate or remove representatives to outside bodies unless the appointment is a Cabinet function or has been delegated by the Council.

6.3 Contracts

6.3.1 The implication has been considered and it is in the opinion of the report author that there are none.

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6.4 Crime and Disorder

6.4.1 The implication has been considered and it is in the opinion of the report author that there are none.

6.5 Equality and Diversity & Human Rights

6.5.1 The implication has been considered and it is in the opinion of the report author that there are none.

6.6 Financial

6.6.1 Travel and subsistence allowances are payable in respect of attendance at meetings of all outside bodies, and budget provision has been made for this. Details are set out in the Scheme of Payment of Members’ Allowances at part 6 of the Council’s Constitution.

6.7 Risk Management

6.7.1 The implication has been considered and it is in the opinion of the report author that there are none.

6.8 Staffing

6.8.1 Officers are expected to maintain the database of Outside Bodies and make the necessary preparations each year for the Annual Report, and any changes throughout the municipal year.

6.9 Member

6.9.1 As stated in paragraph 1.4, the Community Engagement Task Group made recommendations in respect of the appointment of members to outside bodies. The Council should review critically the benefits of making such appointments, having regard not only to the capacity in which the representative would serve, but also the overall demands on members’ time. As already stated the Council currently appoints nearly 80 representatives to almost 50 organisations. On average, organisations tend to meet approximately four times a year.

6.9.2 Members will be aware that the Council’s Constitution makes provision for the Council to receive written reports from Councillors who represent the authority on outside bodies. Members who are appointed to outside bodies should note this responsibility and submit reports on matters which have an impact on the Council or which the Council’s stewardship of the district. It is not expected that representatives will report an all matters.

6.9.2 Members are reminded that no information should be disclosed which is confidential to the outside body, unless prior consent has been given. If necessary, members should check with the outside body before submitting a report to full Council.

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6.10 Stakeholders / Consultation

6.10.1 All outside bodies listed within the Schedule at Appendix A are stakeholders and have requested that the authority make appointments, therefore they have a vested interest in the annual appointment of representatives. Each year all outside bodies are written to and asked to provide any information that may have an impact on appointments of representatives.

6.11 Insurance

6.11.1 Following a court decision some years ago affecting the liability of another local authority’s representative on an outside organisation, South Holland District Council requested bodies to which the Council appoints representatives to provide information concerning both the role of the Council’s members on outside bodies, and the amount and nature of liability insurance held, to enable this authority to determine the insurance implications of members serving on outside bodies. The reasoning behind this as that the courts ruled it unlawful for a local authority to indemnify its members when carrying out duties relating to an external body.

6.11.2 Since March 1999 it has been the policy of the Council to appoint or reappoint representatives to outside bodies only in certain circumstances, namely;

• In the capacity of an adviser or observer only; • In an executive capacity where the organisation can produce evidence of adequate insurance to indemnify such representatives; • If the organisation is controlled or influenced by the Council; and • If the organisation was established by two or more local authorities for the discharge of their functions.

6.11.3 Companies have previously been prohibited from exempting directors from liability under legislation, which came into force on 6 April 2005, are now able to take advantage of specific exemption permitting indemnification of directors against liabilities to third parties.

6.11.4 Under the legislation, companies continue to be prohibited from exempting directors from liability but they will be permitted to take advantage of a specific exemption permitting indemnification of directors against liabilities to third parties. As a result, a company will be able to provide to its directors so called “qualifying third party indemnity provisions “. These are essentially any provision to indemnify directors provided that they do not cover.

• A directors liability to the company itself or to other group companies (in other words it can only extend to third party claims e.g. from creditors, employees, investors etc);

• Fines imposed on a director in criminal proceedings or in respect of a sum payable to a regulatory authority by way of penalty for non- compliance with any requirement of a regulatory nature; or

• Liabilities incurred by a director in defending criminal proceedings where convicted, or in defending any civil proceeding brought by the

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company, or an associated company in which judgement is made against such director.

6.11.5 The Act confirms (and continues) the right of a company to purchase insurance for the benefit of its directors against liability in connection with any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust by him in relation to such company. However, indemnity is unlikely to be available where an individual has acted fraudulently or recklessly or for the consequences of a criminal act or omission.


7.1 Appointments may have effect on South Holland as a whole district, however, it is not considered that the appointment itself would have a significant effect on the District; therefore it is not a key decision. ______

Background papers:- None ______

Lead Contact Officer Name/Post: Shelley French – Member Services Support Officer Telephone Number: 01775 764451 Email: [email protected]

Key Decision: No

Exempt Decision: No

Appendices attached to this report: Appendix A – Outside Bodies Information Schedule Appendix B – List of Member Champions Appendix C – Schedule of Member and Officer Evaluation of appointments

Page 30 Appendix A

Advisory and Liaison Committee to the Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire

AIMS To protect, promote, enhance and use Lincolnshire's rich heritage for the benefit of local people and visitors

MEETINGS a) Venue: Heckington and occasionally other District Council offices b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Mr D Start, Director, Advisory and Advisory Committee to the Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire The Old School, Cameron Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9RW


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor E Sneath (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed in an advisory capacity to the Advisory Committee to Heritage Lincolnshire.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 31

Age UK Boston and South Holland


About Age UK Age UK is the UK's largest organisation working for and with older people to enable them to make more of life. Age UK Boston & South Holland are a local partner of Age UK, with common values and standards.

Our mission We believe that ageing is a normal part of life, and that later life should be fulfilling, enjoyable and productive. We enable older people by providing services and grants, researching their needs and opinions, influencing government and media, and through other innovative and dynamic projects.

Helping people of all backgrounds Every day we provide vital services, information and support to thousands of older people — of all backgrounds. Age UK and Age UK Boston & South Holland work with many older people from disadvantaged or marginalised groups, such as those living in rural areas or black and minority ethnic elders.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Boston and South Holland b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Mr Richard Barclay Chief Executive Age UK Boston and South Holland The Community Room 34 Strait Bargate Boston PE21 6LJ


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor S Slade (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed in an observer capacity to Age Concern Lincolnshire - Boston and South Holland Executive.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 32

Air Training Corps - Civilian Welfare Committee (Spalding Squadron)

AIMS To promote and encourage among young people a practical interest in aviation and the RAF. To provide training which will be useful both in the Services and civilian life. To foster the spirit of adventure and to develop the qualities of leadership and good citizenship.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Spalding b) Frequency: 6-8 times per year

ADDRESS Mrs W Davey 5 Millers Close Rippingale Bourne PE10 0TH


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £20,000,000.00 Employers Liability: None

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor A R Woolf (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION As insufficient insurance cover has been provided, 1 representative be appointed to the Air Training Corps - Civilian Welfare Committee (Spalding Squadron) in an advisory capacity only.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 33

Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board


The Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board is an authority set up to control water levels and reduce the riks of flooding within the Board's area, which extends from Boston to South Kyme, Sleaford, Bourne, Pinchbeck and Sutterton.It operates 34 pumping stations and maintains 500 miles of watercourses within its area, and has a policy of undertaking this work with regard to protecting and enhancing the environmental features in these watercourses.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Board Offices, occasional meetings elsewhere b) Frequency: 5 times per year

ADDRESS Chief Executive Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board, Station Road Swineshead BOSTON PE20 3PW


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £2,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor A Puttick (31 March 2013)

Appointees do not have to be District Councillors. Terms of office are for members to decide and can be for one year if members so wish.

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed in an executive capacity to the Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board. Although public liability insurance cover of the amount previously determined is not provided it is considered that the insurance risk is minimal

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 34

Boston Women's Aid

AIMS To provide advice, support and temporary accommodation for women and their children in Boston and the surrounding area, including South Holland, where those women and/or children have suffered domestic violence, including physical, emotional or sexual abuse

MEETINGS a) Venue: Boston b) Frequency: every 6 weeks/evenings

ADDRESS Mrs Lynn Mitchell (BWA Manager) Boston Womens Aid P O Box 5 Boston, Lincs PE21 8JP


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £10,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor C Lawton (May 2013)

The Boston Women's Aid exists for the benefit of women and children with the aim of eliminating direct discrimination against women. Its statement of aims and principles provides that both staff and the management group should be women only.

RECOMMENDATION That 1 female representative be appointed in an executive capacity to the Boston Women's Aid

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 35

South Holland in Bloom Advisory Committee

AIMS To provide assistance and support in connection with the Britain in Bloom Competition

MEETINGS a) Venue: Spalding b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Member Services, South Holland District Council, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 2XE

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Executive - Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Chairman of the Council, Councillor M D Seymour (May 2013) • Councillor S Wilkinson (May 2013) • Councillor G J Taylor (May 2013) • Councillor A M Newton (May 2013) • VACANT SEAT (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 5 representatives be appointed to the South Holland in Bloom Advisory Committee.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 36

Campaign To Protect Rural England - Lincolnshire Branch

AIMS To protect the appearance of the countryside and its villages in a way that keeps the communities which it supports viable, and to minimise pollution

MEETINGS a) Venue: Branch Council meetings held in Horncastle. AGM moves around the county, different venue each year. b) Frequency: 3 times per year. Branch Council meetings - one in March and one in September. AGM - July

ADDRESS Fred Fretwell MeriLu Cottage Quadring Bank Gobsberton Westhorpe Spalding Lincs PE11 4LQ


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £2,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor E Sneath (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION Although insurance cover of the amounts previously determined are not provided, the risk is minimal and therefore 1 representative be appointed in an executive capacity to the Council for the Protection of Rural England - Lincolnshire Branch.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 37

Childrens Champion

AIMS To ensure that SHDC abides by its responsibilities under relevant legislation through the various Children's Acts, and in particular the Every Child Matters Agenda.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Not known b) Frequency: Not known

ADDRESS Clive Yates Children's Services - Business Manager Children and Young People's Strategic Partnerhsip Orchard House Room B 4-11 Orchard Street Lincoln LN1 1BA


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: Not known Employers Liability: Not known b) Actual cover Public Liability: Not known Employers Liability: Not known

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor S Wilkinson (May 2013)

South Holland District Council's officer counterpart is the Community Development Manager. This is not an outside body - it is included in the outside bodies booklet so that annual appointments can be made.

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed as the Childrens' Champion.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 38

Citizens Advice Bureau - Board of Trustees

AIMS The aims and principles of the CAB service are to provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. The main areas of advice are benefits, debt, housing, employment, relationship issues and other legal issues. Clients are either seen on a 'one off' basis or if their issue is more complex we can provide casework to specialist level especially in the areas of welfare benfits and debt.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Spalding, Council Offices b) Frequency: 5 times per year

ADDRESS Mr John Willoughby South Holland Citizens Advice Bureau, Council Offices, Priory Road Spalding Lincs PE11 2XE


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £10,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor A Harrison (May 2013) • Councillor A Puttick (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 2 representatives be appointed in an executive capacity to the Citizens Advice Bureau - Management Committee.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 39

Community Lincs

AIMS Rural Community Development

MEETINGS a) Venue: Various venues within Lincolnshire b) Frequency: Once a year

ADDRESS Company Secretary Community Lincs The Old Mart Church Lane, Sleaford, Lincs NG34 7DF


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: Not known Employers Liability: Not known b) Actual cover Public Liability: Not known Employers Liability: Not known

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor A Harrison (May 2013) • Councillor C J T H Brewis (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 2 representatives be appointed in an advisory capacity to Community Lincs.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 40

District Carers Champion

AIMS A District Carer Champion will champion the carers agenda in their District. They will become a point of contact for council employees and the general public to ensure that their district is responsive to the needs of carers. They are all members of the Lincolnshire Carers Partnership and will undertake promotional work and attend events on behalf of the partnership.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Sleaford - The Source b) Frequency: Bi-monthly

ADDRESS Simon Murphy Room 3A, Orchard House Orchard Street Lincoln LN1 1BA

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Non-executive - council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor A Casson (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed as the Carers Champion.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 41

East Community Safety Partnership

AIMS To increase community safety and public reassurance by co- ordinating partner plans for reducing crime and disorder and the fear of crime. Partners to monitor compliance with Section 17 of the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act to ensure the partners are taking into account the crime and disorder implications of their own plans and functions. The Partnership to be a key delivery agent for the Safer Stronger Communities component of the Local Area Agreement.

MEETINGS a) Venue: The Corn Exchange, Bourne b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Community Development Manager Council Offices, Priory Road Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 2XE

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established (under joint arrangements with South Kesteven District Council)

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Portfolio Holder for Localism and Big Society, Councillor C N Worth (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That the Portfolio Holder for Stronger Communities and the Head of Community and Neighbourhood Services be appointed in an executive capacity as representatives to the Community Safety Partnership.

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East Midlands Councils

AIMS East Midlands Council is the consultative forum for all 46 authorities in the region. It provides support to councils to improve their services and is a strong voice for the East Midlands.

MEETINGS a) Venue: East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham b) Frequency: Twice a year

ADDRESS Lisa Bushell Phoenix House Nottingham Road Melton Mowbray Leicestershire LE13 0UL

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Advisory - council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: Employers Liability: b) Actual cover Public Liability: Employers Liability:

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Leader of the Council, Councillor G A Porter (May 2013) • Substitute: Councillor P S Przyszlak (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That the Leader of the Council and one substitute member be appointed to East Midlands Councils

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East Midlands Museum Service

AIMS To improve standards of care of museums and public access to them

MEETINGS a) Venue: Various locations in the East Midlands b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Steve LeMottee, Executive Director East Midlands Museums Service, Centre for Museum and Heritage Management Nottingham Trent University Clifton Campus, Clifton Lane Nottingham NG11 8NS

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor E Sneath (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed to the East Midlands Museum Service.

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Equality and Diversity Champion

AIMS As part of the Corporate Equalities Working Group, to facilitate and co-ordinate the Council's Corporate Equalities Scheme, to ensure that the Council achieves full integration of equalities issues into its business planning framework and so, over time works towards achieving the Equalities Standard for Local Government at Level 3.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Not known b) Frequency: 3 times a year, in January, May and September



INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: Not known Employers Liability: Not known b) Actual cover Public Liability: Not known Employers Liability: Not known

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councilllor C N Worth (May 2013)

South Holland District Council's Equality and Diversity Officer is James Edwards. This is not an outside body - it is included in the outside bodies booklet so that annual appointments can be made.

RECOMMENDATION Appointment no longer required.

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Fairtrade Steering Group

AIMS To support Fairtrade in South Holland and maintain South Holland's status as a Fairtrade Zone.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Council Offices in Spalding b) Frequency: 4 to 5 times per year

ADDRESS Kay King Fairtrade Steering Group 37 Halmer Gate Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2EE


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor E Sneath (May 2013) • Councillor J King (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 2 representatives be appointed to the Fairtrade Steering Group,

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Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire


The Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire is authorised to undertake the following: - - To review and scrutinise any matters relating to the planning, provision and operation of health services which affect the residents of Lincolnshire; - To consider and respond to any consultationsby any local NHS body, which constitute a substational development or substantial variation in the provision of health services in Lincolnshire and where the substantial variation or development (a) would not be in the interests of the health service in Lincolnshire; or (b) that the arrangements put in place by the local NHS body for consultation are inadequate; or (c) the reasons given for not consulting by the local NHS body are inadequate to refer the matter to the Secretary of State - To consider and respond to any health consultations, which affect the residents of Lincolnshire; - To establish time limited task and finish groups in relation to the health service provision; -To make reports and recommendations to any local NHS Body, the County Council, the Executive or relevant Executive Councillor in relation to any of the Committee's functions listed above. Such reports and recommendations to include:- (a) an explanation of the matter reviewed or scrutinised; (b) summary of the evidence considered; (c) a list of participants involved in the review or scrutiny; and (d) any recommendations on the matter reviewed or scrutinised. - To liaise with the Lincolnshire Local Involvement Network in relation to the health care element of the Network's work programme adn to consider referrals from the Local Involvement Network in relation to health care.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Normally County Offices in Lincoln, but occasionally other venues in the County b) Frequency: With effect from May 2006, monthly, with 11 main meetings a year

ADDRESS Mr Simon Evans/ Cheryl Hall Democratic Services Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln. LN1 1YL

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor C J T H Brewis (May 2013)

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 47 Provisions in the Local Authority (Overview and Scrutiny Committee Health Scrutiny Functions) Regulations 2002 apply to this appointment. These provisions mean that any member appointed by South Holland District Council must be a member of any one of South Holland's overview and scrutiny committees or panels, and therefore may not be a member of South Holland's cabinet. The South Holland District Council, at its meeting on 13 September 2006 decided that its representative on the Lincolnshire County Council Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee be authorised to appoint a substitute member to attend meetings of the Committee when they were unable to attend.

RECOMMENDATION That 1 non-cabinet representative be appointed to the Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire.

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Heritage Champion

AIMS Heritage Champions provide leadership, help join up policy and strategy across departments and, by encouraging a greater focus on the historic environment, bring significant benefits for a local authority and its community. Much of this body's advice and guidance to local authorities is disseminated through its Historic Environment: Local Management (HELM) programme and this can be viewed at

MEETINGS a) Venue: Various locations within the East Midlands, plus one national event. b) Frequency: 2-3 times per year

ADDRESS Alice Stacey English Heritage 1 Waterhouse Square 138-142 Holborn London EC1N 2ST


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor E Sneath (May 2013)

This is not an outside body - it is included in the outside bodies booklet so that annual appointments can be made.

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed in an advisory capacity as the Historic Environment Champion

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Ivo Day Centre Management Committee

AIMS To provide an affordable meeting place for groups within the area to meet, with special regard for those people who are disadvantaged or with disability, to meet with ease and with parking close by.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Spalding b) Frequency: 3 times per year

ADDRESS The Honorary Secretary, Ivo Day Centre, c/o 67a Albion Street, Spalding, Lincs. PE11 2AU


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £6,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor H R Johnson (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION Although insurance cover of the amounts previously determined is not provided the risk is minimal, and therefore 1 representative be appointed in an executive capacity to the Ivo Day Centre Management Committee.

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Kings Lynn Internal Drainage Board

AIMS 1) Reduce the flood risk to both people and the developed and natural environment by providing technically, environmentally and economically suitable defence measures within the Drainage District; 2) Enable and facilitate land use for commercial, environmental and recreational purposes by providing a technically environmentally and economically sustainable system of drainage/water level management within the District; 3) Integrate public, private and voluntary sector drainage interests; 4) Guide and regulate activities in and alongside watercourses, discouraging inappropriate development in areas at risk from flooding; 5) Nurture, enhance and maintain the natural habitats, which exist in and alongside watercourses within the Drainage District; and 6) Seek to provide high quality services, cost effectively.

MEETINGS a) Venue: The Board Room at Kettlewell House, Austin Fields Industrial Estate, King's Lynn, , PE30 1PH b) Frequency: 6 times per year

ADDRESS Mr Phil Camamile Water Management Alliance Kettlewell House, Austin Fields Industrial Estate, Kings Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 1PH


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• No appointment made. (May 2013)

The representative will act as an observor on the Kings Lynn Internal Drainage Board.

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed in an observor capacity to the Kings Lynn Internal Drainage Board

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Lincolnshire Forum for Agriculture and Horticulture

AIMS To work with people across all sectors; To be able to consult with the sector and its partners; To drive forward the changing agenda in a way that makes sense to the industry, public authorities and to consumers; To work on themes that help to bridge a gap or add to existing initiatives.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Various b) Frequency: 3-4 times per year

ADDRESS Sara Kendall Lincolnshire Forum for Agriculture and Horticulture, Enterprise Growth Team, Economy and Culture Lincolnshire County Council Floor Zero City Hall, Beaumont Fee Lincoln, LN1 1DD

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Executive - Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor S M Booth (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed to the Lincolnshire Forum for Agriculture and Horticulture in an executive capacity

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Lincolnshire Communtiy Safety Partnership

AIMS To work together on strategic Issues in order to fulfill S17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 obligations.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Not known b) Frequency: Not known

ADDRESS Judy Murray Safer Communities Witham Park House Waterside South Lincoln LN5 7JN

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Portfolio Holder for Localism and Big Society, Councillor C N Worth (May 2013)


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Lincolnshire County Council Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee

AIMS To allow non executive members of the County Council and the seven district councils in Lincolnshire to work together to scrutinise new flood and drainage management responsibilities and ensure these are carried out to the best possible effect for the people pf Lincolnshire

MEETINGS a) Venue: Lincolnshire County Council Offices b) Frequency: 2/3 times per year

ADDRESS Steve Blagg, Democratic Services Officer Chief Executive's Office Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 2PT

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influences/established - full voting rights

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: Employers Liability: b) Actual cover Public Liability: Employers Liability:

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor M D Seymour (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 Representative be appointed to the Lincolnshire County Council Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee

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Lincolnshire Playing Fields Association (AGM)

AIMS To advise on and assist in the promotion and use of recreational facilities throughout the County in consultation with the local authorities and other interested parties

MEETINGS a) Venue: Sleaford Civic Centre or a village hall in the Sleaford area b) Frequency: Once a year (AGM)

ADDRESS Ms Sue Fortune Secretary Lincolnshire Playing Fields Association, 4 Mill House Carre Street Sleaford, Lincs NG34 7TW


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: Nil Employers Liability: Nil

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor S Slade (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION This body has disbanded, therefore no appointments are required.

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Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel


The Functions of the Police and Crime Panel The Police and Crime Panel has a number of powers and responsibilities, including: - Scrutinising the actions and decisions of the Police and Crime Commissioner; -Reviewing the draft Police and Crime Plan to ensure local priorities have been considered; -Scrutinising and commenting upon the Annual Report of the PCC; - Reviewing and reporting on the precept proposed by the PCC. The Panel; has the right to veto the Commissioner's proposed policing precept (the money collected from Council Tax for Policing); and -Holding confirmation hearings fro the proposed appointment of a Chief Constable and senior support staff.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Venues across Lincolnshire b) Frequency: 4-6 times per year

ADDRESS Emma Baldwin, Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel Officer East Lindsey District Council Performance Governance and Commissioning Team East Lindsey District Council Room 107, Tedder Hall Manby Park, Manby Louth, LN11 8UP

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: Employers Liability: b) Actual cover Public Liability: TBC Employers Liability: TBC

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor P Przyszlak (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 member of the authority be appointed to the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel

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Lincolnshire Supporting People Commissioning Body

AIMS The Commissioning Body will provide a strategic oversight of the Supporting People programme in Lincolnshire including (but not solely);Oversight of service review process; Oversight of commissioning and decommissioning process; Oversight of forward strategic planning; Oversight of administration of the programme by the Administering Authority.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Various locations as agreed by Commissioning Body b) Frequency: a minimum of 5 times per year

ADDRESS Ms Sue Cragg Committee Services Section Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Executive - Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Portfolio Holder for Housing Landlord, Councillor C J Lawton (May 2013)

The South Holland District Council, at its meeting on 28 February 2007 decided that for a 12 month period, the Portfolio Holder for Housing be given the delegated authority to make decisions without reference to full Council, and that all decisions be made in consultation with the Interim Head of Housing and Property, Supported Housing Manager and appropriate members to ensure that the best interests of the authority were maintained. At Annual Council on 21 May 2008, and most recently, at the Council meeting of 24 June 2009, it was agreed that this delegated authority be given to the Portfolio Holder for Healthy Communities (formerly the Portfolio Holder for Housing) for a further 12 month period. If the Portfolio Holder for Healthy Communities is unable to attend a suitable elected Member is able to represent the Council.

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative (the Portfolio Holder for Healthy Communities) be appointed to the Lincolnshire Supporting People Commissioning Body.

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Lincolnshire Sports Partnership

AIMS The mission of the Partnership is to support "Lincolnshire's Vision for Sport, to have an active and successful County" by 'Creating, developing, maintaining and promoting a single integrated system for sport for the County.

MEETINGS a) Venue: various locations across Lincolnshire b) Frequency: 2 times per year

ADDRESS Janet Inman Chief Executive Officer Lincolnshire Sports Partnership Unit 9, Allenby Business Village Crofton Road Lincoln LN3 4NL


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor C N Worth (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed to the Lincolnshire Sports Partnership

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Lincolnshire Waste Partnership

AIMS To establish a waste management strategy to promote sustainability and regional self-sufficiency in waste management practices; to promote best practicable environmental options and Best Value; to promote waste minimisation and recycling through practical means, information and education; to engage the community in waste management implementation; to integrate land use and waste management planning

MEETINGS a) Venue: County Offices, Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YS b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Mr Sean Lincolnshire County Council, City Hall, 4th Floor Beaumont Fee Lincoln, LN1 1DN

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Relevant Portfolio Holder to be determined by the Leader upon receipt of each agenda (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That the Corporate Director, Mr Andrew Petcher and one other representative (the relevant portfolio holder, who will be determined by the Leader upon receipt of each agenda) be appointed to the Lincolnshire Waste Partnership.

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Local Government Association - General Assembly

AIMS To protect, promote and support democratic local government in England and . The General Assembly is the only LGA decision making forum at which all authorities in membership are eligible to attend and vote. The General Assembly is the one gathering of the whole of local government in England and Wales, and the one opportunity for membership at large to determine LGA policy. The role of the General Assembly is to consider strategic policy of national significance to local government, as well as deal with membership issues such as the budget and Constitution of the Association

MEETINGS a) Venue: The summer meeting is held at the same venue as the Annual Conference. b) Frequency: Once a year

ADDRESS Cathy Boyle, Member Services Manager Local Government Association, Local Government House, Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Leader of the Council, Councillor G A Porter (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed to the Local Government Association - General Assembly.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 60 Local Government Association - Rural Commission


The Rural Commission shall provide the foroum within the LGA for member authorities with an interest in rural affairs. The Rural Commission will act in a way that complements the prinicples of the LGA as a whole.

The purpose of the Commission shall be to: i. provide the forum in which rural authorities can discuss matters of common concern and exchange good practice and experience ii. ensure that LGA takes into account the needs, priorities and aspirations of rural authorities in formulating and promoting its policies iii. help the LGA to promote the role and interests of rural authorities and the ability of those authorities to meet the needs of the communities they serve.

The Commision will achieve these objectives by: i. brining togther representatives or rural authorities twice a year and arranging other meetings, conferences and seminars as appropriate ii. making statements on behalf of the LGA on rural affairs iii. establishing a Rural Policy Review Group to act as its decision making body.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Local Government House, London and a Rural Location b) Frequency: Twice a year

ADDRESS Ms Marion Stribling, Local Government Association, Local Government House, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor C N Worth (May 2013) • The Chief Executive, Mr Terry Huggins (May 2013)

Authorities are entitled to appoint up to two representatives to attend meetings of the Commission. The two representatives can either be two elected members or one elected member and one officer, however only the first named elected member will be allocated the authority's vote on the Commission, and his/her political affiliation will be used to calculate the political balance of the Rural Policy Review Group.

RECOMMENDATION That consideration be given to the appointment of up to two representatives to the Local Government Association - Rural Commission

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Rural Services Network - SPARSE Rural

AIMS To advise the association concerning matters which are applicable to the most rural areas of the county; and to give detailed consideration to issues and problems facing the most rural areas and the local authorities which represent them.

MEETINGS a) Venue: 3 times per year at Local Government Association Offices, Smith Square, London and once per year at the venue for the Rural Conference b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Wendy Cooper Group Secretary, SPARSE West Devon Borough Council, Drake Road, Kilworthy Park, Tavistock, Devon, PL19 0BZ

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor C N Worth (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed to the Local Government Association - Sparse

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National Association of British Market Authorities

AIMS To constitute a medium of communication between Members and others, and between the Association and Departments of the government and other public bodies on matters of common interest affecting the administration of markets, fairs, abattoirs, etc.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Venues within the UK b) Frequency: 6 times per year

ADDRESS Mr David Preston Clerk to the Oswestry Town Council The Guildhall Oswestry SY11 1PZ

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor A M Newton (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed to the National Association of British Market Authorities.

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North Level District Internal Drainage Board

AIMS To provide satisfactory drainage to 33,682 hectares of land within the North Level District. Drainage via a strategic network of watercourses and pumping stations protecting agricultural land, residential and industrial properties along with the general infrastructure necessary for habitation in . Water management providing water for irrigation, enhancement of the wildlife environment and for leisure activities.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Thorney b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Mr S H Morris Clerk & Chief Executive, North Level District Internal Drainage Board Drainage Office, Thorney, Peterborough, PE6 OQE


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor M D Seymour (31 March 2013) • Councillor F Biggadike (31 March 2013) • Councillor C J T H Brewis (31 March 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That members give consideration to the appointment of 3 respresentatives to the North Level District Internal Drainage Board.

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South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee


(a) the formulation, submission, adoption, monitoring and review of joint local development documents identified in the joint development scheme; (b) the formulation, submission, adoption, monitoring and revision of the joint local development scheme in respect of joint local development documents; and (c) the formulation, submission, adoption, monitoring and review of joint local development documents identified in any revised joint local development scheme. Members of the Joint Committee and their nominated substitutes also sit on the South East Lincolnshire Local Planning Steering Group, which is a private meeting and meets, on average, 4 times per year.

The organisation is currently responsible for the preperation of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan, which will cover the combined areas of Boston Borough and South Holland District.

MEETINGS a) Venue: South Holland and Boston b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Mr Gary Alexander, South East Lincolnshire Joint Policy Unit Team Manager, Council Offices, Priory Road Spalding, Lincs PE11 2XE

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Council controlled/influenced/established

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor R Gambba-Jones (May 2015) • Councillor R Rudkin (Substitute May 2015) • Councillor H R Johnson (May 2015) • Councillor F Biggadike (Substitute May 2015) • Councillor B Alcock (May 2015) • Councillor C J T H Brewis (Substitute May 2015)

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the three SHDC appointments should be drawn from persons with experience of membership of SHDC’s Development Control Committee and/or the Sustainable Communities Steering Group. Members should be appointed in accordance with Political Group Regulations. Substitutions: Each appointed member shall have appointed a named substitute to act as a substitute member with full voting rights for individual meetings only.

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South Holland Internal Drainage Board

AIMS To achieve an efficient and acceptable standard of land drainage throughout the internal drainage district. Further information can be accessed from the website at - www.wlma/

MEETINGS a) Venue: Holbeach b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Mr Phil Camamile, South Holland Internal Drainage Board, Kettlewell House, Austin Fields Industrial Estate, King's Lynn Norfolk. PE30 1PH


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor F Biggadike (31 March 2013) • Councillor A Casson (31 March 2013) • Councillor A Harrison (31 March 2013) • Councillor P S Przyszlak (31 March 2013) • Councillor R M Rudkin (31 March 2013) • Councillor M D Seymour (31 March 2013) • Councillor E Sneath (31 March 2013) • Councillor S M Booth (31 March 2013) • Councillor D J Wilkinson (31 March 2013) • Councillor M Howard (recently appointed at full Council 10 April 2013) • Mr P Walls (31 March 2013)

Appointees do not have to be District Councillors. Terms of office are for members to decide and can be for one year if members so wish.Mr P Walls has indicated that he wishes to continue as one of SHDC's representatives to the South Holland Internal Drainage Board.

RECOMMENDATION That members give consideration to the appointment of 11 respresentatives to the South Holland Internal Drainage Board

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South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Scheme

AIMS To provide transport for the elderly people and handicapped people to visit hospital etc and to get to MIND and PHAB clubs

MEETINGS a) Venue: Usually at AP Sales Offices, Spalding b) Frequency: 3 times per year, in March, June and November

ADDRESS Mr P Clark 70 Seagate Road Long Sutton Spalding, Lincs, PE12 9AD


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: Nil

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor A M Newton (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That, as insufficient insurance cover has been provided, 1 representative be appointed in an advisory capacity only to the South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Scheme.

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South Lincolnshire Blind Society

AIMS To enable visually impaired people to lead independent lives. The committee aims to provide guidance and support to the employed and volunteer staff.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Boston b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Mr Malcolm Swinburn, Chief Executive Officer, South Lincolnshire Blind Society, Elmer House, Finkin Street, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6QZ


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor R Clark (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That members give consideration to the appointment of 1 representative in an executive capacity to the South Lincolnshire Blind Society.

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Spalding & District Access Group

AIMS To improve "access" in Spalding and the District for the whole community, particularly for those with disabilities and to also help mothers with buggies have better access.

MEETINGS a) Venue: South Holland District Council Offices b) Frequency: 12 times per year

ADDRESS Ros Mulholland-Gullick, Chairman, Spalding & District Access Group (address to be confirmed)


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor G K Dark (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That consideration be given to the appointment of 1 representative in an executive capacity to the Spalding and District Access Group.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 69

Spalding Energy Project - Community Liaison Group

AIMS The prime purpose of the group is to facilitate communication and the flow of information between Spalding Energy Company Limited and the local community

MEETINGS a) Venue: As close as possible to the power station site b) Frequency: at least 4 times per year

ADDRESS Mrs Carole Riley, Pendragon PR, 24 Exchange Quay, Salford M5 3EQ


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Richard Fidler (May 2013) • Councillor G J Taylor (May 2013)

Officer representative must be a senior planning officer.

RECOMMENDATION That members give consideration to the appointment of a local ward member representative and a Senior Planning Officer (the Development Control Team Leader) to serve on the Spalding Energy Project - Community Liaison Group.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 70

Spalding Town Husbands

AIMS Provision of almshouse accommodation coupled with a relief in need charity

MEETINGS a) Venue: Spalding b) Frequency: 6 times per year

ADDRESS Richard Knipe Solicitor & Clerk, Spalding Town Husbands, Dembleby House, 12 Broad Street, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 1ES

ROLE OF REP(S) OR NATURE OF ORGANISATION Executive - but SHDC has no liability for trustees

INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 (but see below*) Employers Liability: None

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor E Sneath (May 2015) • Councillor A M Newton (May 2015)

*By virtue of the Spalding Town Husbands governing document the Council is entitled to "nominate" two trustees who serve for 4 year periods. Once appointed trustees act in an individual capacity and not as the Council's representative. The Council is unable to terminate appointments. If trustees act prudently, lawfully and in accordance with their governing document then any liabilities they incur as trustees can be met from the Charity's resources. But if they act otherwise they may be personally liable for any loss incurred.

RECOMMENDATION That the position regarding the appointment of trustees, set out above, be noted. No further appointments to be considered until May 2015.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 71

Spalding Water Taxi Company Limited

AIMS To manage the operation of the Water Taxi service.

MEETINGS a) Venue: South Holland District Council Offices and Broadgate Homes offices b) Frequency: 2 times per year

ADDRESS Mr I Canham, Chief Executive, Broadgate Homes Limited, Broadgate House, Broadgate, Weston Hills, Spalding Lincolnshire, PE12 6DB


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £10,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor A Harrison (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 representative be appointed in an executive capacity to the Spalding Water Taxi Company Limited

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 72

Sutton Bridge Power Station Liaison Committee

AIMS To provide a local focus for the development of the Sutton Bridge Power Station, in particular to ensure that the operation of the Power Station is carried out with due consideration to the local environment

MEETINGS a) Venue: Sutton Bridge b) Frequency: 4 times per year

ADDRESS Mr Murray Paterson, General Manager, Sutton Bridge Power Station, Centenary Way, Sutton Bridge, Spalding, Lincs PE12 9TF


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor D J Wilkinson (May 2013)

The constitution of the Liaison Group requires members to serve for a period of 2 years, after which they may be eligible for re-appointment for a further 2 year period. Councillor C B Jackson was first appointed in May 1999. The most recent 2 year appointment was made in 2011.

RECOMMENDATION The constitution of the Liaison Group requires members to serve for a period of 2 years, after which they may be eligible for re-appointment for a further 2 year period. Appointments are therefore due, 2013.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 73

The Wash and North Norfolk Coast European Marine Site Management Group

AIMS To ensure that favourable conditions are maintained on and North Norfolk Coast European Marine Site. 1.1 Safeguarding marine wildlife and habitats designated under EU and UK law, in the Wash and North Norfolk Coast European Marine Site 1.2 Encouraging sustainable use Aim: meeting statutory obligation on relevant authorities to achieve favourable condition, or improving condition status, of designated features.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Kings Lynn b) Frequency: 2 times per year

ADDRESS Miss Sharron Bosley Project Manager, Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, 6 North Lynn Business Village, Bergen Way, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 2JG


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor D J Wilkinson (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That consideration be given to the appointment of two representatives to serve on the Wash and North Norfolk Coast European Marine Site Management Group

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 74

Wash Shoreline Management Plan - Elected Members' Forum

AIMS Following the successful completion of the Wash SMP in December 2010, the focus of work has now shifted to implementing the actions set out in the SMP action plan. This is likely to involve supporting the Client Steering Group with prioritising actions, discussions on funding, and incorporating the new Flood and Watre Management Act.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Either Spalding or Kings Lynn b) Frequency: 1 or 2 times per year

ADDRESS Duncan Campbell, Coastal Advisor Partnerships and Strategic Overview Team, Anglian Regional Office, Kingfisher House, Goldhay Way, Orton Goldhay, Peterborough, , PE2 5ZR


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor D J Wilkinson (May 2013) • Councillor M D Booth (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That consideration be given to the appointment of two representatives to serve on the Wash Shoreline Management Plan - Elected Members' Forum and that these be the same representatives as serve on the Wash Estuary Strategy Group

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 75

Welland & Deepings Internal Drainage Board

AIMS The provision of land drainage

MEETINGS a) Venue: Spalding b) Frequency: 5 times per year

ADDRESS Mrs K M Daft Welland & Deepings Internal Drainage Board, Deeping House, Welland Terrace, Spalding, Lincs. PE11 2TD


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £5,000,000.00 b) Actual cover Public Liability: £5,000,000.00 Employers Liability: £10,000,000.00

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor G R Aley (31 March 2013) • Councillor R Clark (31 March 2013) • Councillor C J Lawton (31 March 2013) • Councillor A Casson (31 March 2013) • Councillor E Sneath (31 March 2013) • Councillor A M Newton (31 March 2013) • Councillor R Perkins (31 March 2013)

The Drainage Board has asked that knowledge of the following be considered when making appointments: a) The Developed Environment: domestic property; industrial and commercial property; highways; service infrastructure (eg power, gas etc); surface and foul drainage systems; b) The Natural Environment: Conservation and habitats; water based recreation (navigation and angling); general recreation and amenity. Appointments to the Drainage Board do not have to be restricted to elected members Terms of office are for members to decide and can be for one year if members so wish.

RECOMMENDATION That members give consideration to the appointment of 7 representatives to the Welland and Deepings Internal Drainage Board.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 76 Wisbech Market Town Transport Strategy Member Steering Group


The Member Steering Group has been established to assist in the review and development of the Wisbech Market Town Transport Strategy. The existing strategy for Wisbech has reached the end of its life span and therefore a new strategy is needed. To reflect the localism agenda of the current government and to provide a more up to date and achievable strategy, the new strategy will have a different format and emphasis to the last one. A new formulation process has been agreed by Members and it is expected that the new strategy will take a more holistic approach, placing a greater emphasis on the accessibility of local services, and may include schemes that are not entirely transport based.

This note sets out the roles that the Group will fulfil during this process. The main role of the Group will be to provide guidance regarding the general direction of the Strategy, representing the concerns of their constituents within the limitations of the strategy remit. The group will also be asked to input their local knowledge of transport and other issues, particularly regarding access to services within Wisbech and the surrounding area. The Group will comment and provide guidance on the content of the consultation material, draft strategy and final strategy but will not be responsible for decision making on the final Strategy. The Fenland Traffic Management Area Joint Committee will make recommendations on the strategy, which when completed, will be adopted as policy by the County Council’s Cabinet. To ensure that the County, District and Town Councils are all involved in the development of the Strategy, the Group will represent their respective authorities and play a role in disseminating information back to fellow Members where appropriate. A representative from CPALC, Norfolk County Council and West Norfolk and Kings Lynn Borough Council will also be invited to sit on the Group. The Group will have the remit to co-opt with members from other Authorities including Norfolk and Lincolnshire.

MEETINGS a) Venue: Wisbech or March b) Frequency: Quarterly

ADDRESS Karen Kitchener Lead Transport & Infrastructure Officer Transport & Infrastructure Policy & Funding, Cambridgeshire County Council Shire Hall, Castle Hill Cambridgeshire CB3 0AP


INSURANCE a) Requirements Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A b) Actual cover Public Liability: N/A Employers Liability: N/A

CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES (including date of expiry of appointment)

• Councillor C J T H Brewis (May 2013)

RECOMMENDATION That 1 Representative who has local knowledge of the area be appointed.

Date Printed: April 2013 Page 77 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 78 APPENDIX B List of Current Member Champions

Champion Title Role of Champion Name of current member champion

Children’s Champion To ensure that SHDC Councillor S Wilkinson abides by its responsibilities under relevant legislation through the various Children's Acts, and in particular the Every Child Matters Agenda.

District Carers Champion A District Carer Councillor A Casson Champion will champion the carers agenda in their District. They will become a point of contact for council employees and the general public to ensure that their district is responsive to the needs of carers. They are all members of the Lincolnshire Carers Partnership and will undertake promotional work and attend events on behalf of the partnership.

Equality and Diversity Appointment no longer Councillor C N Worth Champion required.

Heritage Champion Heritage Champions Councillor E Sneath provide leadership, help join up policy and strategy across departments and, by encouraging a greater focus on the historic environment, bring significant benefits for a local authority and its community. Much of this body's advice and guidance to local authorities is

Page 79 disseminated through its Historic Environment: Local Management (HELM) programme and this can be viewed at

Page 80 Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary?

Having a representative on this Advisory and committee gives us a strong Liaison voice on heritage matters in the Committee to county. We are informed of Cllr E Sneath YES YES N/A the Heritage funding opportunities for local Trust of projects and the Heritage

Page 81 Lincolnshire Champion raises awareness by sharing information she receives through being on the trust.

Enables me, and therefore Age UK Boston SHDC, to focus on specific and South Cllr S Slade YES YES N/A needs of older people in the Holland area ensure we provide relevant services. Air Training Corps – Civilian Shows that South Holland Welfare District Council’s Commitment to Cllr A Woolf YES YES N/A Committee supporting local organisation s (Spalding within the District. Squadron) Black Sluice Internal Cllr A Puttick Drainage Board Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? Boston Cllr C Lawton YES YES N/A Women’s Aid Campaign to As we are such a rural district it Protect Rural is very important that we are England – Cllr E Sneath YES YES N/A represented on an organisation Lincolnshire that solely exists to support and

Page 82 Branch protect the countryside. Children’s Cllr S Wilkinson Champion The CAB are currently based in the SHDC building and provide an invaluable service to the residents of South Holland. I feel that we can learn a lot of Citizens Advice Cllr A Harrison how our constituents are coping Bureau - Board YES YES YES with life within our local towns of Trustees and villages, through the work Citizens Advice that they are doing. This will be Bureau - Board especially useful when the new of Trustees Welfare Reforms come into force.

Cllr A Puttick

Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? Community Cllr C Brewis Lincs Cllr A Harrison YES YES NO Yes, it is a very worthwhile committee to be on, to know the District Carers needs and to help where I can. Cllr A Casson YES YES N/A Champion There is meeting monthly and I attend when I can.

Page 83 The East CSP sets the local priorities for community safety in East Lindsey, Boston and South East Community Holland. It is the local working Safety Cllr N Worth YES YES N/A arm of the County CSP and Partnership currently its priorities are anti- social behaviour, domestic violence and community cohesion. This is a Cllr G Porter statutory appointment. East Midlands I am a Councils substitute Cllr P Przyszlak member and (Substitute) have not attended. Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? ‘EMMS’ provides us with a vast amount of useful information regarding the care and promotion of our museums and East Midlands Cllr E Sneath YES YES N/A heritage attractions. South Museum Service Holland’s Heritage profile is

Page 84 raised by the involvement of our Heritage Champion and her attendance at their meetings. Equality and Diversity Cllr N Worth Appointments are no longer required. Champion As a council in a multi racial area I feel that SHDC should be seen to be supportive of Fairtrade. I have been unable Cllr J King YES YES to attend any meetings but stay in contact by phone and email. Fairtrade Meetings are in the evening Steering Group time and I rely on public transport. Recently supporters have worked hard to retain Fairtrade Cllr E Sneath YES YES YES status for South Holland and this reflects well for the Council Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? at local, national and international levels. There are no direct cost to the Council and there us a lot off support locally and especially in Senior Town Schools for Fairtrade so we should continue to be

Page 85 represented, 2 representatives is enough. Health Scrutiny Committee for Cllr C Brewis Lincolnshire Having a Heritage Champion ensures that we have strong and effective relationships with various local and national heritage groups and organisations. The Heritage Heritage Cllr E Sneath YES YES N/A Champion is able to share Champion information and good practice between these bodies which helps improve the historic environment of South Holland and promotes our businesses and local tourism. Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? The appointee is able to ensure Ivo Day Care the facility is well run, well Centre maintained, that the facilities Cllr H Johnson YES YES N/A Management provided are adequate, and that Committee the prices charged are reasonable.

Page 86 King’s Lynn Internal Currently no appointments Drainage Board Lincolnshire Forum for Cllr S Booth Agriculture and Horticulture It is a statutory function and has a duty to set the county wide Community Safety Plan and sets the priorities of community Lincolnshire safety for the county which are YES – Its is a Community drug and alcohol harm, anti Cllr N Worth YES statutory N/A Safety social behaviour, domestic function Partnership abuse and road safety. The newly elected Police and Crime and the CSP have a duty to co- operate to reduce crime and disorder and re-offending. Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? Lincolnshire County Council – Flood and To have a voice on flood and Drainage Cllr M Seymour YES YES N/A drainage of SHDC Management Scrutiny Committee

Page 87


Playfield This body has disbanded. Association


Lincolnshire Police and Cllr P Przyszlak This appointment is statutory Crime Panel

Lincolnshire Supporting Cllr C Lawton People (Portfolio Holder Commissioning YES YES N/A for Housing Body Landlord)

Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? Although it only meets formally once or twice a year, the LSP now has a Service Level Agreement to deliver Sports Development in South Holland. Formal meetings give the

Page 88 Lincolnshire opportunity to steer future Sports Cllr N Worth YES YES N/A direction and policy. We also Partnership now have quarterly monitoring meetings to ensure they are delivering our priorities and achieving the desired outcomes particularly around the health agenda and issues such as obesity.

Lincolnshire Waste Partnership

Local Government Cllr G Porter Association – (Leader of the This is a statutory appointment. General Council) Assembly Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? The Rural Commission meets annually and attracts speakers (often Ministers) from Defra and DCLG to speak about topical issues and plans for the future that affects rural councils such as South Holland. It also gives

Page 89 the opportunity to question Ministers and Civil Servants on rural issues such as windfarms, Local Cllr N Worth YES YES NO metal thefts, and high speed Government broadband and local issues. Association – Being the Council’s Rural representative also enable me Commission to put my name forward for the Rural Policy Review Group (LGA appointment) to look at rural policy issues in more detail, that group also sets the agenda for the Rural Commission.

Mr T Huggins, Chief Executive This officer has left the authority.

Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? National The legal and other information Association of Cllr A Newton YES YES N/A we get back from NABMA more British Market than justifies the fees. Authorities The rate levied by the Drainage Board on SHDC residents has North Level Cllr F Biggadike YES YES YES

Page 90 implications for the Council District Internal when setting a precept. Drainage Board Cllr C Brewis Cllr M Seymour YES YES YES Voice on the drainage board. Sparse as an operating area of the Rural Services Network has and continued to lobby MP’s through the All Parliamentary Group on Rural Affairs to get a fairer deal for rural Councils Rural Services especially in regard to the Network – Cllr N Worth YES YES N/A Government’s funding formula SPARSE Rural and scarcity factors, this has brought in an additional £16k to this Council this coming year and is still lobbying for more. Becoming more influential in government circles.

Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary?

Cllr B Alcock

Promotes joint working with neighbours necessary to be Cllr F Biggadike YES YES YES Page 91 able to comply with government statutory requirement.

South East Cllr C Brewis

Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Cllr R Gambba- This is a statutory body. Committee Jones South East Lincs Joint Strategic Planning Committee is the body responsible for ensuring that South Holland’s (and Boston’s) planning policies and processes Cllr H Johnson YES YES YES etc are current, relevant, deliverable and robust; In planning terms we have a duty to co-operate with other authorities etc. Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? The benefits and advantages to working jointly are impeccable. Liaison with Boston is essential. The two Councils have so much Cllr R Rudkin YES YES YES in common. The sharing of ideas and strategies is valuable

Page 92 and the social interaction with members of great significance. The committee co-ordinates all the Bloom Groups in South Holland. The individual groups Cllr A Newton YES YES Not sure make a tremendous difference to all the towns in that they organise all the hanging baskets and floral displays. South Holland in Cllr M Seymour Bloom Advisory (Chairman of the YES YES YES Pride in South Holland. Committee Council) This Group benefits the whole community and encourages Cllr G Taylor YES YES YES residents to volunteer in their community.

Cllr S Wilkinson

Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? The rate levied by the drainage board on SHDC residents has Cllr F Biggadike YES YES YES financial implications for this council when setting a precept. Cllr S Booth I think it is very important to have the same percentage, as Cllr A Casson YES YES YES Page 93 we have had in the past, to help keep our feet dry. Drainage of our land in South Holland is of paramount South Holland importance, as the Fens were Internal originally reclaimed land from Cllr A Harrison YES YES YES Drainage Board the sea. With extensive flooding throughout the UK, it is due to their work that we have manages to stay dry.

Cllr M Howard

Cllr P Przyszlak This appointment is statutory. Representation on this body is vital particularly when Cllr R Rudkin YES YES YES considering the rateable values and subsequent financial implications for the rate payers. Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? The various council members of the board are extremely knowledgeable and much valued information is obtained from them. Their years of experience and in-depth

Page 94 awareness of this area permeates, enlightens us and informs council members in a way they would not otherwise have experience of. Need to represent SHDC as Cllr M Seymour YES YES YES large amount of public money goes toward this. Being such a rural district and low-lying district the work of our residents. Having Councillors on the Board gives the public confidence that their elected Cllr E Sneath YES YES YES members are involves in such important work, as well as monitoring any changes to the Drainage Rates and ensuring they are kept at a reasonable level. Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? Potential for flood risk particularly from rising ground water levels. Priority funding under new flood risk management structures is for sustainable urban drainage systems. High ground water

Page 95 levels across South Holland can only increase ground water levels - there is little gravity flow. Water management requires additional investment to Mr P Walls YES YES YES continually maintain and enhance existing systems to cope with increased upland run off, extreme weather, breach of defences – worryingly department of environment do not classify rising ground water as a flood risk. In an age of austerity cutting capital investment rather than services is always a short team solution allowing shortfalls in capital investment to accumulate wit Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? increasing potential very dangerous consequence; flood defence expenditure can result in failure of flood defence insurance to protect property owners. Recent analysis by D

Page 96 of E indicates to large a proportion of flood defence infrastructure would fail in the event of significant flooding.

SHIDB receives significant funding from SHDC, the current Cllr D Wilkinson YES YES YES level of representation is proportionate to the numbers of board members as a whole.

This fantastic organisation South Holland provides transport for thousands Parish Voluntary Cllr A Newton YES YES N/A of people each year who could Car Scheme not reach hospitals and other facilities using public transport.

Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? The Body also has representatives from Boston Borough Council and North Kesteven District Council. The Body is active, giving South appropriate help in South Lincolnshire Cllr R Clark YES YES N/A Holland District Council area. Blind Society Page 97 Advice in funding and assistance in assessing representation at county are appreciated.

It is essential that the Council needs to be well briefed as to the problems being experienced by persons with Spalding and disabilities particularly in relation District Access Cllr G Dark YES YES N/A disabled toilet and changing Group facilities in our area, and from their community contacts we can be kept informed where Councillors Support and SHDC action can have a positive effect and improve access. Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary?

I am appointed as a ward councillor. Important as the new Cllr G Taylor YES YES YES power station is constructed on Spalding Energy this site. Project –

Page 98 Community Liaison Group Mr R Fidler It was agreed at the last meeting of the group that it be suspended until there is (Development further progress on the second power station. Manager)

Next to the Council, The Town Husbands are next biggest provider of bungalow accommodation for people in Cllr A Newton YES YES YES need. This appointment to the Town Husbands is a 4 year Spalding Town appointment running from May Husbands 2011 to 2015. The Town Husbands provide a great service to the Council by Cllr E Sneath YES YES YES housing 55 local residents (mainly elderly) and of limited means in quality, mainly Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? purpose built accommodation in Pinchbeck and Spalding. Their relief in needing Charity gives away thousands of pounds in goods to struggling local families therefore reducing their burden on the authority.

Page 99 This is a joint venture between SHDC and Broadgate Homes. Spalding Water Without a representative from Taxi Company Cllr A Harrison YES YES N/A the Council it would just be run Limited by Broadgate Homes. I am not just a representative but a Joint Director. The power station has a significant impact on this part of the District, I feel it important that a member should be part of Sutton Bridge this committee, I believe SHDC Power Station Cllr D Wilkinson YES YES N/A also have an officer assigned to Liaison the same committee who very Committee seldom manages attend perhaps there appointment is unnecessary.

Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary?

I believe SHDC has a statutory obligation to ensure the coast within the District is managed correctly as it is a SSSI, we contribute to this group as it is Page 100 the most cost effective way to deal with this issue. Again there is an Officer also assigned to this group, I am not sure what The Wash and benefits there are with both North Norfolk officer and member attending. Coast European Cllr D Wilkinson YES YES N/A There needs to be some Marine Site discussion between Management management and the relevant Group PFH for this area. The group has experienced some difficulties recently with its management however the newly appointed manager is making great strides to get the group on track.

Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? I believe SHDC has a statutory obligation to ensure the coast within the District is managed correctly as it is a SSSI, we contribute to this group as it is the most cost effective way to deal with this issue. Again there

Page 101 is an Officer also assigned to this group, I am not sure what benefits there are with both Cllr D Wilkinson YES YES officer and member attending. Wash Shoreline There needs to be some Management discussion between Plan – Elected management and the relevant Members Forum PFH for this area. The group has experienced some difficulties recently with its management however the newly appointed manager is making great strides to get the group on track.

Cllr M Booth

Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? We need representation and a Cllr G Aley YES YES YES voice on the board. I think it is very important to have the same percentage, as Cllr A Casson YES YES YES we have had in the past, to help keep our feet dry. Page 102 With District Councillors being appointed to the board, gives a wider spread of representation particularly from the public, Cllr R Clark YES YES YES whereas it would other wise be Welland and predominately from the Deeping Internal agricultural community. This is Drainage Board especially so in the setting of

rates etc.

Cllr C Lawton YES YES YES

Without local Council input the authority would have no say on Cllr A Newton YES YES YES policy and financial matters that affect our council taxpayers. The drainage of our low lying Please see fen area is of tantamount Cllr R Perkins YES YES comment. importance to avoid flooding and it is good to have input. Appendix C Name of Is the work of Should the More than one What are the benefits of making appointee(s) to the body Council representative appointments to this body? body relevant to continue to appointed by this make this Council to authority? appointments the body, do to this body? you think it’s necessary? The efficiency of the board is reflected in the rates so relevant to the Council and our residents. Personally I believe the Council’s representation is over the top. One from each party would suffice.

Page 103 The work of the I.D.B’s is vital for the safety and welfare of ours residents. The public need to see that their Councillors are Cllr E Sneath YES YES YES involved in the management of the large sums of money paid by SHDC to the I.D.B’s ensuring that their work can continue to protect the District. Wisbech Market Town Transport Strategy Cllr C Brewis Member Steering Group

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Page 104 - 51 - Agenda Item 13.a)

Minutes of a meeting of the PERFORMANCE MONITORING PANEL held in Meeting Room 1, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding, on Tuesday, 26 March 2013 at 6.30 pm.


B Alcock (Chairman) D J Wilkinson (Vice-Chairman)

C J T H Brewis R Perkins S Wilkinson A Casson R M Rudkin J L King R Clark M D Seymour M Howard E J Sneath

In Attendance: The Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, Green Spaces and Operational Planning, the Director of Information Technology and the Principal Member Services Officer.

Apologies for absence were received from or on behalf of Councillors S-A Slade and A C Tennant


The minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2013 were signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

The Chairman requested that definitive answers to the issues raised in minute 53, in relation to the Gypsy and Traveller Sites, be available for the next meeting of the Panel.



Consideration was given to a report outlining the response of the Cabinet to the recommendations from the interim report of the re-convened Effectiveness of CCTV Task Group.

The Chairman of the Task Group, Councillor D J Wilkinson, had attended the meeting of the Cabinet on 19 February 2013, and had presented the interim report which contained the recommendations of the Task Group, as agreed by the Performance Monitoring Panel on 29 January 2013.

All of the Task Group’s recommendations were accepted by the Cabinet, with the exception of the first recommendation – ‘That Officers secure a further yearly contract with GTS’. Cabinet had not agreed to this recommendation as a meeting of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) was due to be held shortly to discuss the future of CCTV provision within Lincolnshire.

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Members commented that they were disappointed that no feedback had been received on the outcomes from the CSP meeting, and that if this was not forthcoming, consideration should be given to presenting a further interim report of the Task Group at the next meeting of the Cabinet.

As there was no meeting of the Performance Monitoring Panel before Cabinet on 7 May 2013, the Panel delegated authority to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to agree an interim report if required.


a) That the responses of the Cabinet to the recommendations of the Panel be noted; and

b) That if the outcome of the recent CSP meeting was not forthcoming or satisfactory, that authority be delegated to the Chairman and Vice Chairman to agree an interim report to the next meeting of the Cabinet in May.


Consideration was given to the current Key Decision Plan, which had been issued on 15 March 2013.


That the current Key Decision Plan be noted.


The Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, Green Spaces and Operational Planning attended the meeting to provide an update on the recommendations made by the Carbon Management Plan Task Group. Previous updates had been received at Panel meetings held on 7 December 2011 and 6 March 2012.

Updates on each of the Task Group’s recommendations, and additional information, was provided as follows:

1. That a Carbon Reduction policy, together with performance indicators for individual buildings, vehicle emissions etc, be formally adopted.

• The Performance Management Team had advised against undertaking a policy, but to incorporate information into the Performance Management System. The general corporate view and steer was not to have separate policies when there was already a plan in place.

• Data was collected for each of the buildings however, targets had not been set. There would need to be specific targets for each of the separate buildings as some had already made reductions.

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• The potential for reduction for each building would need to be assessed if specific targets were to be set for each one. This would depend how much had already been done to reduce energy consumption and how the energy was used there.

2. That the Policy be made a corporate priority with overall responsibility identified at Director level.

• Carbon Reduction was a priority in the corporate plan. The Assistant Chief Executive (at Director level) and the Joint Community Development Manager had now taken over responsibility for carbon reduction, and the Carbon Management Officer had also been given more authority within her role.

3. That an authority wide awareness of the need to reduce energy consumption and consequently cost be created and enforced.

• As part of the Big Energy Saving Week in October 2012, an e-bulletin was produced giving energy saving tips for work and home situations, and ‘The Green Office’ set up to show how an office could be more environmentally friendly. The branding used for this would also be used to distribute the message further across the organisation and could be used to get the message out to wider audiences, including community groups and businesses.

4. That the data required be identified, to be collected so that energy performance for individual buildings (or part of buildings where these were sublet) could be properly monitored.

• Some additional sites were now having meter readings taken annually. There had been difficulties with the automatic metering project run through Lincolnshire County Council, and data had not yet been made available by the software provider.

• With regard to service charges for rented areas, these were based on running costs of the building at the time and then apportioned for their occupied areas and fixed for the terms of their leases.

5. That the thermal efficiency of all of the Council’s buildings and housing stock be brought up to the highest modern standards, subject to consideration of the cost implications.

• At the Priory Road offices, the roof space of the ‘new’ building was insulated, and quotes had been received by the Property Team for insulation of the roof space and cavity walls for the ‘old’ building.

• In addition, a quote had been received for the insulation of the roof space at Ayscoughfee Hall Museum.

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• Housing stock did not form part of the Carbon Management Plan and had not been part of the Carbon Management Officer’s monitoring, however, the following requested update was provided:

o There was an ongoing programme with the housing stock to improve the insulation as well as the efficiency of the heating within the houses. o Most of the solid wall properties had either been internally or externally insulated. Thirty were to be undertaken by the end of April. o The majority of cavity wall insulation had been put into suitable properties. Any outstanding were done as an ongoing project. o Loft insulation was present in all of the Authority’s properties but not up to 270mm. The majority had now been topped up but this was an ongoing project.

• The work programme was now out of date, as it was put together in late 2011. A business planning day had taken place on 7 March 2013 to renew the work programme.

6. That the authority engage with companies, at no additional cost, to find ways of replacing lighting, for example, and equipment to reduce energy costs.

• An LED lighting trial had been carried out for the 600mm fittings at Priority Road offices, with the rest of the fittings due to be installed, starting within a month. Lighting at the Castle Sports Centre was also being investigated, to upgrade to LED if possible.

7. That preparations be made for the delivery of a Carbon Reduction policy, to be the responsibility of one Portfolio Holder or Champion.

8. That the East Lindsey Carbon Management Plan be reviewed, to see what could be learnt from it.

• Project ideas and best practice across the districts were discussed at county carbon management meetings.

• A number of projects had been jointly run through the county-wide group – Voltage Optimisation (information found from the Lincolnshire-wide schemes was used to implement SHDC’s own installation), Automatic Metering (still be to completed as there were problems with the software company) and PV installations (the Authority was not in a position to take up the installations, due to work being done on the roof of the South Holland Centre at the time of tender).

9. That a joined up approach to carbon management between South Holland District Council and Breckland District Council be ensured.

• There were few comparisons that could be made between the energy requirements at South Holland District Council and Breckland District Council,

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due to the nature of the buildings and the way the two councils worked. Dialogue had been taking place between Breckland and South Holland Officers, and information shared. Whilst any information was readily exchanged between the two districts, there were many differences between the ways buildings and vehicles, for example, were managed.

• The Waste Collection, Street Cleansing and Grounds Maintenance Services were outsourced at Breckland District Council, but the equivalent services were provided in-house at South Holland District Council. The Breckland leisure centres were provided under a private finance initiative and therefore little control was available to the Council. The decision on the future of the Castle Sports Complex in South Holland had been deferred for two years.

10. That the Council’s ‘Climate Change Reserve’ be used to fund suitable carbon management projects and other related work for example, better roof insulation or inner lobbies to the entrance doors at Priory Road; and

• There was still money in the Climate Change Reserve (£67,000 as at the end of March 2012), some of which (£24,610) had been allocated to upgrade the lighting at the Priory Road offices.

11. That the use of alternative fuels for Council vehicles, in particular refuse collection vehicles as a means of improving energy efficiency and costs and reducing emissions, be considered.

• Weekly Collection Support Scheme funding was secured, part of which was for new, more efficient vehicles, the procurement of which started in 2013/14. A total of 14 vehicles would be purchased over the 2 years.

In addition to the Task Group’s recommendations, updates were received on issues raised at a previous meeting:

• Solar panel project – A display panel had now been installed in the atrium at the Priory Road offices, a few issues were to be resolved for it to be in full working order. • Update of the heating system at the Priory Road offices – A heating engineer, from a different company than the usual engineers used, had been contacted by the Carbon Management Officer. As the boilers had to work too hard as only two of them were firing, heat could not be supplied effectively for the building, resulting in cold areas. This had been rectified but was likely to result in an increase in gas use. It was hoped that as a result, there would be less need for the use of electric fan heaters.

During the update, members of the Panel raised the following issues:

• Recommendation 4 – It was important that relevant officers communicated with the appropriate department at Lincolnshire County Council with regard to the automatic metering project, in order for this to move forward.

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• Recommendation 4 - With regard to service charges for rented areas within the Priory Road offices, these should not be set and fixed at the start of the period. A cost escalator needed to be built in to allow for probable rises in the cost of fuel and reduction in fuel usage when energy was saved. Rental arrangements needed to be looked at more closely to ensure that neither party was disadvantaged by changes in cost/usage. • Recommendation 5 - With regard to insulation of the roof space and cavity walls for the ‘old’ building, the Panel asked how it could help to progress this. The Portfolio Holder advised that at the Panel’s request, he could request the Carbon Management Officer to pursue this project, and the Panel agreed that this should be done. • Recommendation 5 – There should be a work plan for carbon management improvements to the council housing stock similar to existing improvement schemes such as kitchen replacements. • Recommendation 5 – Thermal imaging should be undertaken at the Castle Sports Centre and the bowls hall to ascertain its levels of carbon efficiency and to identify areas for improvement. • Members suggested that a visit to the recycling centre used by the Authority could be useful to members, to provide an understanding of processes involved.


a) That the update provided by the Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, Green Spaces and Operational Planning be noted;

b) That the issues raised by the Panel during the update be noted and actioned where appropriate; and

c) That the Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, Green Spaces and Operational Planning, and the Joint Community Development Manager, be requested to attend a meeting in six months time to provide the Panel with a further update on progress.

(The Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, Green Spaces and Operational Planning left the meeting following discussion of the above item.)


At its meeting on 11 December 2012, the Panel had raised concerns regarding their IT provision, and at the Panel’s next meeting on 29 January 2013, the Director of IT had attended to answer members’ concerns. The Director of IT was again in attendance to provide a further update on these issues.

• Passwords - Single sign-on for all Councillors was the long term solution as it would make it easier for Councillors to sign on to their laptops. Single sign-on would ultimately be available to members, wherever they were logging in (not only when in the Council Offices) and the Juniper 2 Factor Authentication devices

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would no longer have to be used as part of the log-in process. The re-encryption of Councillors’ laptops would be undertaken remotely. Councillor R Perkins had volunteered at the last meeting to undertake the single sign-on trial, and IT was currently undertaking this on his laptop. Councillor S-A Slade and Councillor C J T H Brewis had also volunteered for the trial and it was hoped to include testing on their laptops also. If the trial was successful, it was hoped to roll this out to all Councillors in two months time. The Director of IT confirmed that Councillors would still be required to change their passwords every 90 days, but that they would be able to do this themselves.

• Laptop build – Once the password issue was resolved, the IT Director advised that he wished to have Councillors’ agreement with regard to laptop build, and which applications should be on them as standard. Currently, additional applications had been added to some Councillors’ laptops and ultimately the aim was to remove all non-standard applications from laptops provided by the Authority for Councillors’ use.

• Diversion of emails – Although some Councillors had requested diversion of email from their South Holland account to their private email account, the IT Director was unwilling to accommodate this. He advised that there were a number of reasons why this would not be possible, firstly, it could pose a potential breach in security, and secondly, when responding to emails that were diverted, the Councillors private email address rather than the official SHDC email address would be shown. The IT Director did however report that the possibility of diverting emails to personal devices, where a secure application could be added to facilitate viewing, was possible and being looked into.


a) That the update from the IT Director be received; and

b) That the IT Director provide a further update to the Performance Monitoring Panel at its meeting on 24 July 2013.


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director (Democratic Services) which set out the Work Programme of the Performance Monitoring Panel. The Work Programme consisted of two separate sections, the first setting out the dates of future Panel meetings along with proposed items for consideration and the second setting out the Task Groups that had been identified by the Panel.

Members asked that with regard to Appendix 1 and the item scheduled for 28 January 2014 (Crime and Disorder – Update report on community safety and how it was being delivered through the various tiers of Group and Panels), that the recently elected Police and Crime Commissioner be requested to attend to answer questions alongside discussion of this item.

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With regard to an item on the Work Programme at Appendix 2 (To look at the decision to review the position with regard to leisure facilities in two years time and whether the business plan on which the decision was based was robust), members questioned the quality of the leisure facilities. It was reported that the current facilities were fit for purpose until the issue of whether or not to replace them was next reconsidered. Members felt that the contract performance for the facilities should be looked into, and it was an area that could potentially be considered by a task group jointly made up of members of both the Performance Monitoring and Policy Development Panels. It was agreed that the Chairman of the Policy Development Panel should be contacted for their views on this proposal.

DECISION: a) That both sections of the Panel’s Work Programme, as set out in the report of the Assistant Director (Democratic Services) be noted; b) That the Policy and Crime Commissioner be requested to attend the meeting of Performance Monitoring Panel on 28 January 2014 to answer members’ questions, alongside discussion on an update being received on community safety and how it was being delivered through the various tiers of Groups and Panels; and c) That the views of the Chairman of the Policy Development Panel be sought with regard to a proposed joint Task Group to look at contract performance at the leisure facilities within South Holland District Council. If in agreement, the Task Group should consist of members of both the Performance Monitoring Panel and the Policy Development Panel.

(The meeting ended at 8.25 pm).

(End of minutes).

Page 112 Agenda Item 13.b) - 38 -

Minutes of a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding, on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 at 6.30 pm.


R Gambba-Jones (Chairman) A Casson (Vice-Chairman)

B Alcock R Grocock R M Rudkin D Ashby M Howard E J Sneath J Avery H R Johnson A C Tennant C J T H Brewis C J Lawton P E Coupland R Perkins

Planning Manager, Development Manager, Principal Planning Officer, Charlotte Lockwood (Legal Services Lincolnshire) and the Member Services Officer.

In Attendance: Councillor M D Booth (Ward Member), Joint Communications Team Leader and the Press.

Apologies for absence were received from or on behalf of Councillors R J H Creese and D J Wilkinson.


Charlotte Lockwood reported that notification had been received that Councillor R J H Creese had been substituted by Councillor P E Coupland, and Councillor D J Wilkinson had been substituted by Councillor M Howard, as members of the Committee for this meeting only.


The minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2013 were signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

(Moved by Councillor H R Johnson and seconded by Councillor R Grocock.)


Councillor C J Lawton declared an interest in agenda items 7 (Millfield Gardens, Crowland (H02-0176-13)) and 8 (Land rear of 1 to 17 Coalbeach Lane South, Surfleet (H17-0179-13)), as Portfolio Holder for Housing Landlord, although she did not consider herself as having a disclosable pecuniary interest. She therefore advised that she would remain in the meeting for the debate but would not take part in the vote.


No questions were asked under Council Procedure Rule 10.3.

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Plan No. and Applicant Proposal

H18-0723-12 Full – Proposed development of renewable Energy Park Sutton Bridge Ltd energy park to include process building, fuel storage, vehicle stores, administration building/visitors centre, hard standing areas, weighbridges, tank farm zones, roads, car parking spaces and associated hard and soft landscaping

Consideration was given to the report of the Planning Manager upon which the above application was to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had been previously circulated to all members.

Members held a fulsome debate and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance; which included taking into account the views expressed by both the applicants and public speakers. That debate was not repeated here as Planning Committees were web-cast and could be viewed in full at for a limited period of time following which the recording could be made available by request.


That, contrary to the recommendation of the Planning Manager, planning permission be deferred to enable officers to clarify the arrangements for the implementation and enforcement regarding the provision of a discounted electricity supply to local residents; the guaranteed provision of a supply to occupiers of the Wingland Enterprise Park; details of arrangements for vehicle tracking to be added to condition 21 and an additional condition requiring the submission of an ecological management plan and to clarify the arrangements for safe delivery of the biomass fuel stock and for members of the Committee to be made fully aware of them when the matter is reported to a future Planning Committee meeting.

(Moved by Councillor H R Johnson and seconded by Councillor R Grocock.)

(The Development Manager reported that nine additional representations had been received since the publication of the report.)

(Oral representations were received in respect of the above application in accordance with the Council’s scheme of public speaking at Planning Committee meetings:

Supporter: (i) Mr C Williams (Agent)

Objectors: (ii) Mrs S Wheeler (Residential Objector)

(iii) Cllr J Rowe (Parish Council (Statutory Consultee) objector)

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(Councillor M D Booth, as ward member, objected and spoke on behalf of residents who objected to the application.)

(The majority of members advised that they had been lobbied on the matter.)

(The Chairman requested a short recess, which commenced at 8.48 pm until 8.51 pm.)

(Councillor M D Booth left the meeting at 8.48 pm, following consideration of the above item.)


Plan No. and Applicant Proposal

H14-0992-12 Full – Residential development – Mr I Healey re-submission of H14-0768-12

Consideration was given to the report of the Planning Manager upon which the above application was to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had been previously circulated to all members.


That in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Manager planning permission be granted.

(Moved by Councillor C J Lawton and seconded by Councillor A Casson.)


Plan No. and Applicant Proposal

H02-0176-13 District Council Reg 3 – Erection of 2 South Holland District Council affordable houses

Consideration was given to the report of the Planning Manager upon which the above application was to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had been previously circulated to all members.


That in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Manager planning permission be granted, subject to the amendment of Condition 2 to refer to the most up-to-date plan received and the addition of a further condition requiring the submission of details confirming that mitigation measures set out in the submitted contaminated land survey are carried out.

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(Moved by Councillor B Alcock and seconded by Councillor C J T H Brewis.)

(The Principal Planning Officer reported that late observations had been received from the Council’s Environmental Health Team.)

(Councillor C J Lawton had declared an interest in the above item, as Portfolio Holder for Housing Landlord, although she did not consider herself as having a disclosable pecuniary interest. She therefore remained in the meeting for the debate but did not take part in the vote.)


Plan No. and Applicant Proposal

H17-0179-13 District Council Reg 3 – Proposed residential South Holland District Council development comprising 4 two-bed semi-detached houses including parking and landscaping. ‘General Needs’ housing for rent

Consideration was given to the report of the Planning Manager upon which the above application was to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had been previously circulated to all members.


That in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Manager planning permission be granted.

(Moved by Councillor A Casson and seconded by Councillor R Perkins.)

(The Principal Planning Officer reported that the Council’s legal department had advised that there were no legal impediments that would prevent the proposed development going ahead.)

(Councillor C J Lawton had declared an interest in the above item, as Portfolio Holder for Housing Landlord, although she did not consider herself as having a disclosable pecuniary interest. She therefore remained in the meeting for the debate but did not take part in the vote.)


The report of the Planning Manager provided members with an update on recent appeal decisions received since the last report to the committee.

Since the last report (20 March 2013) 1 planning appeal decision had been received which was dismissed.

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Since 1 April 2012 there had been 22 appeals determined, with 17 dismissed and 5 allowed which equates to a success rate of 77%.


That the report be noted.

(The meeting ended at 9.34 pm)

(End of minutes)

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Page 118 Agenda Item 13.c) - 1 -

Minutes of a meeting of the STANDARDS PANEL held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 at 6.30 pm.


G R Aley M Howard R Perkins M G Chandler A M Newton

Apologies for absence were received from or on behalf of Councillor R J H Creese

In Attendance: Monitoring Officer, Principal Member Services Officer and Member Services Officer (Regulatory)


Councillor Aley was appointed Chairman of the Panel.


Councillor Newton was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Panel.


The Panel considered a report by the Assistant Director – Democratic Services setting out the Standards Annual Report - 2012/2013.

At the meeting of full Council on 27 June 2012, the arrangements for dealing with complaints against members were adopted in line with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. The report provided information relating to work undertaken since the implementation of the new standards regime on 1 July 2012 and up to 31 st March 2013.

On 1 July 2012, at the time the new standards arrangements were implemented, the Monitoring Officer had 4 complaints in the system. The Regulations allowed for existing complaints to be considered under the new arrangements. Members noted that 1 complaint was still ongoing but that the other 3 had been concluded.

Since the introduction of the new regime on 1 July 2012, 4 complaints had been received. It was noted that 1 complaint did not relate to a breach of the code, 1 had been resolved under informal resolution, 1 complaint was referred to the police and 1 was in the process of initial information being sought.

No conflicts of interest had been raised regarding the Monitoring Officer or Independent Person.

DECISION: That the Standards Annual Report for 1 July 2012 – 31 March 2013 is noted.

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STANDARDS PANEL - 24 April 2013


The Panel considered a report by the Assistant Director – Democratic Services seeking approval to the changes to the Standards arrangements and suggesting extending the appointment of the current Independent Person.

Members noted that following the implementation of the new Standards regime on 1 July 2012, lessons had been learnt and potential refinements to the arrangements had been identified.

The Panel supported the Monitoring Officer seeking authority in the following areas:

• To seek further resolution or other action where appropriate to resolve the complaint without a hearing, when an investigation has been conducted and a breach has been found • To not pursue a complaint at any stage if it is deemed to no longer merit consideration under the arrangements • That on receipt of a complaint against all or the majority of members of a parish council, the Monitoring Officer be granted authority to notify the members named within the complaints and seek their comments as per current arrangements, but be authorised to refer the complaints back to the parish council to be dealt with under its own complaints procedure.

However, Members felt that the above should be subject to consultation with the Independent Person.

Members noted that the Localism Act 2011 introduced a new role of Independent Person to provide advice and guidance to the Monitoring Officer and members who were the subject of an allegation. It was agreed at the meeting of full Council on 27 June 2012 that Mr Tony Wicks would be appointed as the Independent Person from 1 July 2012 until the annual meeting in May 2013. The appointment was for an initial term of one year to enable a review of the arrangements for this role to take place.

Members supported the extension of the Independent Person’s contract until the Annual meeting of Council in May 2015. Members also suggested that any subsequent appointment should be on a 4 yearly basis to mirror the electoral term.

DECISION: That it be recommended to Council that

(a) The following alterations be made to the Standards Arrangements as previously approved by Council on 27 June 2012:

i) That the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be granted the authority to seek further resolution or other action where appropriate to resolve the complaint without a hearing, when an

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STANDARDS PANEL - 24 April 2013

investigation has been conducted and a breach has been found.

ii) That the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be granted the authority to not pursue a complaint at any stage if it is deemed to no longer merit consideration under the arrangements.

iii) That on receipt of a complaint against all or the majority of the members of a parish council, the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be granted authority to notify the members named within the complaints and seek their comments as per current arrangements, but be authorised to refer the complaints back to the town / parish council to be dealt with under its own complaints procedure: and

b) That Council agree to extend the appointment of the current Independent Person, Mr. Tony Wicks, until the Annual Meeting of Council in May 2015 and that further appointments be on a 4 yearly basis, co-terminus with Councillor membership.

(The meeting ended at 7.30 pm)

(End of minutes)

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Page 122 KEY DECISION PLAN Issued – 19/04/2013

Representations in respect of all the matters shown should be sent in writing, at least one week before the date or period the decision is likely to be made, to: Shelley French, Member Services Support Officer, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2XE Telephone: 01775 764451 Fax: 01775 711253 Email: [email protected] .

The Key Decision Plan shows all key decisions that the Council is likely to make over the next twelve months

The Key Decision Plan is updated on a rolling basis and shows the decisions that will be considered and the date when the decision is expected to be made. Some of the decisions will be recommendations to full Council, particularly if they impact on the Budget and the Policy Framework (comprising of statutory plans and strategies).

The definition of a “key decision” is:

Page 123 “A decision which, in relation to an executive function, has a significant effect on communities in two or more Wards of the Council and /or is likely to result in the Authority incurring expenditure, generating income or making savings in any single financial year above the threshold of £67,900 in respect of revenue expenditure and £167,500 in respect of capital expenditure.”


Lawton Housing Landlord, 01/05/2013 Agenda Item17. clawton@sholl Housing Manager The above date is a guide line Informal meetings and It is likely that this decision Council House and discussions will be taken by the end of April Asbestos 2013 or early May 2013. Removal Contract

1 PORTFOLIO PURPOSE OF DECISION CONSULTEES AND SUPPORTING LIKELY DATE OF DECISION HOLDER / METHOD OF DOCUMENTS AND WHO WILL MAKE SUBJECT CONSULTATION DECISION Councillor C J To award a works contract for development of Portfolio Holder for HRA refinancing Officer (Duncan Hall) Lawton a site Housing Landlord report, full 01/05/2013 clawton@sholl and Housing Council 7 March Clarkson Avenue, Cowbit (2 dwellings) Manager 2012, The above date is a guide line Minutes and and It is likely that this decision Council House Informal meetings report PDP 12 will be taken by the end of April Building and discussions, June 2012, 2013 or early May 2013. PDP meeting 12 June 2012 Councillor C J To award a works contract for development of Portfolio Holder for HRA refinancing Officer (Duncan Hall) Lawton a site Housing Landlord report, full Page 124 clawton@sholl and Housing Council 7 March May 2013 Wrights Lane, Sutton Bridge (3 dwellings) Manager 2012, Minutes and report PDP The above date is a guideline Council House Informal meetings 12 June 2012. and it is likely that this decision Building and discussions, will be taken by the end of May PDP meeting 12 2013. June 2012 Councillor C J To award a works contract for development of Portfolio Holder for HRA refinancing Officer (Duncan Hall) Lawton a site Housing Landlord report, full clawton@sholl and Housing Council 7 March May 2013 Broadgate, Whaplode Drove (2 dwellings) Manager 2012, Minutes and report PDP The above date is a guideline Council House Informal meetings 12 June 2012. and it is likely that this decision Building and discussions, will be taken by the end of May PDP meeting 12 2013. June 2012

2 PORTFOLIO PURPOSE OF DECISION CONSULTEES AND SUPPORTING LIKELY DATE OF DECISION HOLDER / METHOD OF DOCUMENTS AND WHO WILL MAKE SUBJECT CONSULTATION DECISION Councillor H Approval for S106 application scoring and Finance, Portfolio Project Cabinet* 07/05/2013 Johnson approval process Holder, Stakeholders Mandate, Proposal hjohnson@sh Email consultation Assessment process, Project Assessment Proposal Matrix, Proposal Assessment Assessment Process – Criteria, Springfields Expression of S106 Funding Interest Form

Page 125 Councillor C J To award a works contract for development of Portfolio Holder for HRA refinancing Officer (Duncan Hall) Lawton a site Housing Landlord report, full 03/06/2013 clawton@sholl and Housing Council 7 March A further scheme for 4 dwellings which a site is Manager 2012, The above date is a guide line yet to be determined Minutes and and It is likely that this decision Council House Informal meetings report PDP 12 will be taken by the end of May Building and discussions, June 2012, 2013 or early June 2013. PDP meeting 12 June 2012 Councillor C J To award the works contract (subject to Portfolio Holder for As detailed in Officer (Duncan Hall) Lawton matters relating to the Holbeach site having Assets and Property, report By the end of June 2013 clawton@sholl been resolved by this time) Procurement Lincolnshire

Sutton Bridge Portfolio Holder Gypsy and briefings – ongoing. Traveller Site

3 PORTFOLIO PURPOSE OF DECISION CONSULTEES AND SUPPORTING LIKELY DATE OF DECISION HOLDER / METHOD OF DOCUMENTS AND WHO WILL MAKE SUBJECT CONSULTATION DECISION Councillor P To approve recommendations Corporate To follow Cabinet* 11/06/2013 Przyszlak Management Team, pprzyszlal@sh Executive Board. Meetings Quarterly Finance Report: Quarter 4

Page 126

4 PORTFOLIO PURPOSE OF DECISION CONSULTEES AND SUPPORTING LIKELY DATE OF DECISION HOLDER / METHOD OF DOCUMENTS AND WHO WILL MAKE SUBJECT CONSULTATION DECISION Councillor M The decision will be to determine /adopt and District Councillors, Policy and Council** 19/06/2013 G Chandler implementation of Sex Establishments and Police, Fire Service, conditions will Sexual Entertainment Venues Policy for South Planning, Community be appended to mchandler@s Holland District Council Safety Team, the report once Environmental the consultation Protection Team, process has Sex Food Safety and been Establishment Licensing Team, completed. s and Sexual Licensing Authority, Entertainment Children’s Venues Policy Safeguarding Unit, LCC, Lincolnshire Trading Standards, Page 127 Local Residents, Businesses and any representations the Authority may receive.

Letters posted to those listed and information provided on the website, responses to consultation

5 PORTFOLIO PURPOSE OF DECISION CONSULTEES AND SUPPORTING LIKELY DATE OF DECISION HOLDER / METHOD OF DOCUMENTS AND WHO WILL MAKE SUBJECT CONSULTATION DECISION Councillor C J To award a works contract Portfolio Holder for To follow Officer (Duncan Hall) Lawton Housing Landlord, 15/07/2013 clawton@sholl Housing Manager and Policy The above date is a guide line Development Panel and It is likely that this decision Council House will be taken around this time in Kitchen and Informal meetings July 2013. Bathroom and discussions Replacement Contract

Page 128 Councillor H To utilise existing ring fenced budget to Chief Executive, None Cabinet* 23/07/2013 Johnson enhance the Council’s asset base and increase Section 151 Officer, hjohnson@sh rental income from the Pinnacle Close Assistant Director Business Units. Democratic Services/Monitoring To consider Officer, Portfolio the use of the Holder for Finance £265,000 ring and Democratic fenced for Services, Economic Development Development Manager, Asset and at Pinnacle Property Manager Close, Crease and Accounting Drove Technician Crowland, to build a unit for Email a start up children’s nursery business.

6 PORTFOLIO PURPOSE OF DECISION CONSULTEES AND SUPPORTING LIKELY DATE OF DECISION HOLDER / METHOD OF DOCUMENTS AND WHO WILL MAKE SUBJECT CONSULTATION DECISION Councillor R To consider the findings of an organisational Staff, Trade Unions, Environmental Cabinet* 5/11/2013 Gambba- and service review of Environmental Services. Human Resources, Services Council ** 13/11/2013 Jones Finance, Economic Organisational Rgambba- Not for Publication by virtue of Paragraph 4 of Development Unit & Services jones@sholla Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local and Portfolio Holder Review Report Government Act 1972. for Waste and consultation Management, Green documents Spaces and Environmental Operational Planning Services Organisational Formal Consultation & Services Process, Individual Review Staff 1:2:1’s, Team Page 129 Briefings, Trade Union Briefings.

*Cabinet Membership Councillor G A Porter – Leader of the Council Councillor C N Worth – Deputy Leader of the Council (Portfolio Holder for Localism and Big Society) Councillor P S Przyszlak – Deputy Leader (Portfolio Holder for Strategic Finance and Democratic Services) Councillor M G Chandler (Portfolio Holder for Regulatory Services) Councillor R Gambba-Jones (Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, Green Spaces and Operational Planning) Councillor H R Johnson (Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Commercial Assets and Strategic Planning) Councillor C J Lawton (Portfolio Holder for Housing Landlord) Councillor G J Taylor (Portfolio Holder for Internal Services, Performance and Business Development)

7 **Council Membership Councillor B Alcock Councillor G K Dark Councillor P S Przyszlak Councillor G R Aley Councillor R Gambba-Jones Councillor A Puttick Councillor D Ashby Councillor R Grocock Councillor R M Rudkin Councillor J E Avery Councillor A Harrison Councillor M D Seymour Councillor F Biggadike Councillor M Howard Councillor S Slade Councillor M D Booth Councillor H R Johnson Councillor E Sneath Councillor S M Booth Councillor J King Councillor G J Taylor Councillor C J T H Brewis Councillor C J Lawton Councillor A C Tennant Councillor A Casson Councillor A Miller Councillor D J Wilkinson Councillor M G Chandler Councillor A M Newton Councillor S Wilkinson Councillor R Clark Councillor R Perkins Councillor A R Woolf Councillor P E Coupland Councillor G A Porter Councillor C N Worth Councillor R J H Creese

Page 130 If you have any comments or queries regarding any of the entries in the Key Decision Plan please contact:

Shelley French, Member Services Support Officer, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2XE Telephone: 01775 764451 Fax: 01775 711253 Email: [email protected]

8 Agenda Item 20.


Report of: Assistant Director – Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer

To: Council – 15 May 2013

(Author: Vicky Thomson, Assistant Director – Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer)

Subject: Standards Arrangements

Purpose: To seek approval to changes to the Standards arrangements and to seek to extend the appointment of the current Independent Person.



(a) The following alterations be made to the Standards Arrangements as previously approved by Council on 27 June 2012:

i) That the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be granted the authority to seek further resolution or other action where appropriate to resolve the complaint without a hearing, when an investigation has been conducted and a breach has been found.

ii) That the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be granted the authority to not pursue a complaint at any stage if it is deemed to no longer merit consideration under the arrangements.

iii) That on receipt of a complaint against all or the majority of the members of a parish council, the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be granted authority to notify the members named within the complaints and seek their comments as per current arrangements, but be authorised to refer the complaints back to the town / parish council to be dealt with under its own complaints procedure: and

b) That Council agree to extend the appointment of the current Independent Person, Mr. Tony Wicks, until the Annual Meeting of Council in May 2015 and that further appointments be on a 4 yearly basis, co-terminus with Councillor membership.

Page 131


1.1 At the meeting of full Council on 27 June, 2012, the arrangements for dealing with complaints against members were approved in line with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. This report details requested amendments to those arrangements as agreed by the Standards Panel at its meeting on 24 April 2013.

1.2 As the new Standards regime is implemented, lessons have been learnt and potential refinements identified. The Monitoring Officer therefore offers the following recommendation for Council’s consideration:

(a) The following alterations be made to the Standards Arrangements as previously approved by Council on 27 June 2012:

i) That the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be granted the authority to seek further resolution or other action where appropriate to resolve the complaint without a hearing, when an investigation has been conducted and a breach has been found.

ii) That the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be granted the authority to not pursue a complaint at any stage if it is deemed to no longer merit consideration under the arrangements.

iii) That on receipt of a complaint against all or the majority of the members of a parish council, the Monitoring Officer (in consultation with the Independent Person) be granted authority to notify the members named within the complaints and seek their comments as per current arrangements, but be authorised to refer the complaints back to the town / parish council to be dealt with under its own complaints procedure:

1.3 The Localism Act 2011 introduced a new role of Independent Person to provide advice and guidance to the Monitoring Officer and members who are

the subject of an allegation. It was agreed at the meeting of full Council on 27 June 2012 that Mr Tony Wicks would be appointed as the Independent Person from 1 July 2012 until the annual meeting in May 2013. The appointment was for an initial term of one year to enable a review of the arrangements for this role to take place. This report seeks to extend the appointment of the current Independent Person.

b) That Council agree to extend the appointment of the current Independent Person, Mr. Tony Wicks, until the Annual Meeting of Council in May 2015 and that further appointments be on a 4 yearly basis, co-terminus with Councillor membership.

Page 132 2.0 OPTIONS

2.1 Members are invited to provide any recommendations on changes to the arrangements.

2.2 Members are also invited to reappoint Mr Tony Wicks as the Independent Person until the Annual meeting of Council in May 2015.

2.2.1 To reappoint for an alternative time period.

2.2.2 To not reappoint and to re-recruit to the position of Independent Person.


3.1 It is recommended that the changes to the arrangements be agreed to ensure they minimise bureaucracy and maintain fairness.

3.2 It is recommended that the Independent Person, Mr Tony Wicks, is reappointed until the Council’s Annual meeting in May 2015 to ensure stability and retain the experience accumulated to date.


4.1 It is expected that the changes will minimise bureaucracy and retain the experience already accumulated by the Independent Person.


5.1 Carbon Footprint & Environmental Issues

5.1.1 There are no direct implications.

5.2 Constitution & Legal

5.2.1 The Localism Act 2011 received Royal Assent on 15 November, 2011. Part 1, Chapter 7 sets out the law on Standards.

5.3 Contracts

5.3.1 There are no direct implications.

5.4 Crime and Disorder

5.4.1 There are no direct implications.

5.5 Equality and Diversity & Human Rights

5.5.1 There are no direct implications.

5.6 Financial

Page 133

5.6.1 There are no direct implications.

5.7 Risk Management

5.7.1 There are no direct implications.

5.8 Staffing

5.8.1 There are no direct implications.

5.9 Stakeholders / Consultation

5.9.1 There are no direct implications.

5.10 Other

5.10.1 None


6.1 All wards in the District are affected by this report


Background papers:- None. ______

Lead Contact Officer Name/Post: Lynn Eldred, Principal Member Services Officer Telephone Number: 01775 764626 Email: [email protected]

Key Decision: No.

Exempt Decision: No.

Appendices attached to this report: None.

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