AGENDA MEETING VENUE : Contact: Lynn Eldred Direct Dial: 01775 764626 Council Chamber Council Offices, e-mail: [email protected] Priory Road, Spalding Date: 7 May 2013 Dear Councillor, The ANNUAL MEETING of the DISTRICT COUNCIL will be held in Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding on Wednesday, 15 May 2013 , commencing at 6.30 pm at which your attendance is requested. Yours faithfully, T HOLDEN Chief Executive A G E N D A 1. The Chairman/Chief Executive will invite nominations for the election of Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. 2. Election of the Chairman for the ensuing year, who will then sign a declaration of acceptance of office. 3. Election of Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year - the Chairman will invite nominations. 4. Apologies for absence. 5. Minutes - To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on (Pages 10 April 2013 (copy enclosed). 1 - 8) 6. Declarations of Interest. - (Members are no longer required to declare personal of prejudicial interests but are to declare any new Disclosable Pecuniary Interests that are not currently included in their Register of Interests. Members are reminded that under the Code of Conduct they are not to participate in the whole of an agenda item to which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. In the interests of transparency, members may also wish to declare any other interests that they have, in relation to an agenda item, that supports the Nolan principles detailed within the Code of Conduct). 7. Chairman's Announcements. 8. Announcements by Leader and Members of the Cabinet. 9. Chief Executive's Announcements. 10. Appointment of Committees and Panels - To consider the appointment (Pages of members to Standing Committees and Panels (Report of the 9 - 14) Assistant Director – Democratic Services is enclosed). 11. Appointment of Panels and Working Parties - To consider which Panel (Pages and Working Parties to establish for the municipal year (Report of the 15 - 22) Assistant Director – Democratic Services is enclosed). 12. Appointment of Members to Outside Bodies - To review critically the (Pages benefits of making appointments to outside bodies now due and to make 23 - any appointments deemed appropriate (Report of the Assistant Director 104) – Democratic services is enclosed). 13. Committee Minutes - To receive the minutes of the following Committees and Panels:- a) Performance Monitoring Panel - 26 March 2013 (copy enclosed) (Pages 105 - 112) b) Planning Committee - 17 April 2013 (copy enclosed) (Pages 113 - 118) c) Standards Panel - 24 April 2013 (copy enclosed) (Pages 119 - 122) 14. Questions asked with notice under Council Procedure Rule 10.2. 15. Questions asked without notice under Council Procedure Rule 10.8. 16. Report from the Cabinet meeting held on 7 May 2013 - To consider any recommendations of the Cabinet affecting the budget and policy framework (Report of the Cabinet to follow). 17. Key Decision Plan - To receive the current Key Decision Plan (copy (Pages enclosed). 123 - 130) 18. Items called-in from Cabinet - To consider any matters referred to the full Council under the call-in procedure (Rule 15 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules) (Council Procedure Rules 14.1 – 14.5 (Rules of debate) do not apply to this item. 19. Other issues arising from the Policy Development Panel and Performance Monitoring Panel (Council Procedure Rules 14.1 – 14.5 (Rule of Debate) do not apply to this item). 20. Standards Arrangements - To give consideration to making alterations (Pages to the Standards arrangements approved by Council on 27 June 2012 131 - and also to give consideration to extending the appointment of the 134) current Independent Person (Report of the Assistant Director – Democratic Services is enclosed). 21. Further report of the Local Government Ombudsman (dated 13 March 2013) regarding Complaint No 08 010 396 made by Nestwood Homes Ltd. - To consider and make a decision on the concerns raised by the Local Government Ombudsman as detailed in the further report (dated 13 March 2013) regarding Complaint No 08 010 396 made by Nestwood Homes (Report of the Chief Executive to follow). 22. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent - NOTE: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the items(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. Please note that members are requested stay in the Council Chamber to be present for the following special meetings to be held immediately following the Annual Council meeting: • Planning Committee • Licensing Committee • Committee of the Licensing Authority • Performance Monitoring Panel • Policy Development Panel • Governance and Audit Committee This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5. - 1 - Minutes of a meeting of the SOUTH HOLLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding, on Wednesday, 10 April 2013 at 6.30 pm. PRESENT M D Seymour (Chairman) R M Rudkin (Vice-Chairman) G R Aley R Grocock R Perkins D Ashby A Harrison G A Porter M D Booth M Howard P S Przyszlak C J T H Brewis H R Johnson S-A Slade G J Taylor J L King E J Sneath M G Chandler C J Lawton D J Wilkinson R Clark A Miller S Wilkinson R Gambba-Jones A M Newton C N Worth Apologies for absence were received from or on behalf of Councillors B Alcock, J Avery, S M Booth, A Casson, R J H Creese, G K Dark, A Puttick and A R Woolf, In Attendance: Deputy Chief Executive and Assistant Director – Democratic Services. 131. MINUTES The minutes of the meetings held on 23 January 2013 and 27 February 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 132. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Item 14 - Compass Point Business Services Ltd Councillors Przyszlak and D Wilkinson informed the Council that, although they did not have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, in the interest of transparency they wished it to be noted that they were Directors of Compass Point Business Services Ltd. Mark Stokes, Deputy Chief Executive, also asked that in the interests of transparency it should be noted that he was also a Director of Compass Point Business Services Ltd. 133. CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. Members were informed that the Chairman’s engagements were available to view on the noticeboard in the Council Chamber, the Members’ Teamsite and on the noticeboard in the Members’ Lounge. 134. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY LEADER AND MEMBERS OF THE CABINET. The Leader announced that the flag outside the Council Offices would be flown at half mast on 17 April 2013 to mark the funeral of Baroness Thatcher. Page 1 - 2 - SOUTH HOLLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL - 10 April 2013 The Leader also wished good luck to all the candidates standing in the Lincolnshire County Council elections on 2 May 2013. Councillor Worth informed the Council that £2.6 million had been awarded to the Arts Council England from the National Lottery to be spent on encouraging greater participation in the arts in the Boston and South Holland areas. The project would be launched in Holbeach on Sunday 5 th May 2013. Councillor Taylor reported that the Council had retained its Member Development Charter and wished to congratulate all concerned. Councillor Chandler wished to thank a partnership group made up of the police and Churches Together who had arranged for street pastors to be available in Spalding from the end of July 2013. 135. COMMITTEE MINUTES Policy Development Panel – 5 March 2013 Consideration was given to the minutes of the Policy Development Panel held on 5 March 2013. DECISION: That the minutes be received and adopted Governance and Audit Committee – 12 March 2013 Consideration was given to the minutes of the Governance and Audit Committee held on 12 March 2013. DECISION: That the minutes be received and adopted. Planning Committee – 20 March 2013 Consideration was given to the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 20 th March 2013. DECISION: That the minutes be received and adopted. 136. QUESTIONS ASKED WITH NOTICE UNDER COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 10.2. There were no questions asked with notice under Council Procedure rule 10.2. Page 2 - 3 - SOUTH HOLLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL - 10 April 2013 137. QUESTIONS ASKED WITHOUT NOTICE UNDER COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 10.8. Question from: Question to: Subject: Councillor Newton Councillor Gambba-Jones Recycling Councillor Newton congratulated the team that had produced the recently circulated recycling brochure. Councillor Newton stated that she had been contacted by a market research company asking questions about recycling. Had other Councillors been canvassed and if so how many ? Had members of the public been contacted and how had it been funded ? Councillor Gambba-Jones replied that the brochure had been produced in-house and printed externally. The market research company would have contacted Councillor Newton as a member of the public, rather than in her capacity as a Councillor. A statistically significant number of people (300) were being asked their opinions of recycling. Question from: Question to: Subject: Councillor Biggadike Councillor Worth Barrington Gate Post Box Councillor Biggadike informed the Council that the post box on Barrington Gate, Holbeach had been closed. He asked whether the Council could write to Royal Mail asking them to re-instate the post box as it had been a useful post box in a busy area. Councillor Worth replied that he would write to Royal Mail asking them to re-instate the post box. Councillor Worth also referred to a perceived decline in service following the re-organisation of the sorting office, with anecdotal evidence that South Holland Now was only being delivered to homes that were already receiving mail on that day.
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