Nys 2100 Commission
NYS 2100 COMMISSION Recommendations to Improve the Strength and Resilience of the Empire State’s Infrastructure Table of Contents 4 List of Commissioners 7 Foreword 9 Executive Summary 19 Background 29 Recommendations 31 Cross-Cutting 43 Transportation 79 Energy 111 Land Use 145 Insurance 159 Infrastructure Finance 171 Conclusion 173 References PAGE 3 NYS 2100 COMMISSION List of Commissioners Co-Chairs Fred Krupp, President, Environmental Defense Fund Judith Rodin, President, The Rockefeller Foundation Sylvia Lee, Water Manager, Skoll Global Threats Felix G. Rohatyn, Special Advisor to the Chairman and CEO, Joe Lhota, Chair and CEO, Metropolitan Transit Authority Lazard Frères & Co. LLC Miho Mazereeuw, Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Members Guy J.P. Nordenson, Partner, Guy Nordenson and Associates Richard Anderson, President, New York Building Congress Robert Puentes, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute Dan Arvizu, Director and CEO, U.S. Department of Energy’s Gil Quiniones, President and CEO, New York Power Authority National Renewal Energy Laboratory Jack Quinn, President, Erie Community College Walter Bell, Director and Former Chairman, Swiss Re America Holding Company Scott Rechler, Vice-Chair, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey James Brennan, Assemblymember, New York State Assembly Jonathan F.P. Rose, President, Jonathan Rose Companies Isabel Dedring, Deputy Mayor, Office of the Mayor, London, England Lisa Rosenblum, Executive Vice-President for Government and Public Affairs, Cablevision Lloyd Dixon, Senior Economist, RAND Corporation John Shinn, USW District 4 Director, United Steelworkers Mortimer L. Downey, Vice Chair, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Mark Tercek, President and CEO, The Nature Conservancy Clark W. Gellings, Fellow, Electric Power Research Institute Robert D.
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