South District Council Settlement Community and Planning Services Boundary Topic Paper

LDF June 2016 South Derbyshire Changing for the better THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK Contents Page

Introduction 1

Where are the existing settlement boundaries in South Derbyshire? 1

What are the advantages and disadvantages of settlement boundaries? 1

Another Option 2 South Derbyshire District Councils use of settlement boundaries and reviewing 3 settlement boundaries

What are the aims of the settlement boundary review? 3

Methodology for drawing and updating settlement boundaries 3-5

Methodology 5

Review of settlement boundaries 5-158

Aston on Trent 6-10

Barrow Upon Trent 11-13

Burnaston 14-17

Cauldwell 18-20

Church Broughton 21-23

Coton in the Elms 24-26

Coton Park 27-29

Egginton 30-33

Etwall 34-36

Findern 37-40

Hartshorne 41-45

Hatton 46-48

Hilton 49-52

Kings Newton 53-56

Lees 57-60

Linton 61-64

Long Lane 65-66

Lullington 67-68

Melbourne 69-73 Milton 74-77

Netherseal 78-80

Newton Solney 81-83

Overseal 84-87

Repton 88-91

Rosliston 92-95

Scropton 96-98

Shardlow 99-104

Smisby 105-107

Stanton By Bridge 108-111

Sutton on the Hill 112-114

Swarkestone 115-117

Swadlincote 118-128

Ticknall 129-132

Walton on Trent 133-136

Weston on Trent 137-140

Willington 141-144

Establishing settlement boundaries

Ambaston 145-147 Elvaston 148-150

Castle Gresley 151-155

Thulston 156-158 1 Introduction

The purpose of this topic paper is to set the methodology and principles used upon which the existing adopted 1998 Local Plan Settlement boundaries have been reviewed and updated, and how new settlement boundaries have been formed.

Settlement boundaries define the built limits of a settlement and distinguish between the built form of a settlement and the countryside. Areas outside of settlement boundaries are considered to be countryside. There is a presumption in favour of development (subject to meeting other material considerations) within settlement boundaries, whereas in the countryside a more restrictive policy applies.

2 Where are the existing settlement boundaries in South Derbyshire?

The following town and villages within the 1998 Adopted Local Plan have settlement boundaries:

Aston on Trent Lees Smisby

Barrow Upon Trent Linton Stanton by Bridge

Burnaston Long Lane Sutton on the Hill

Caldwell Lullington Swadlincote1

Church Broughton Melbourne/Kings Newton

Coton in the Elms Milton

Coton Park Netherseal Walton on Trent

Egginton Newton Solney Weston on Trent

Etwall Overseal Willington


Hartshorne Rosliston

Hatton Scropton

Hilton Shardlow

1 Including Woodville

1 3 What the advantages and disadvantages of settlement boundaries?

Advantages of settlement boundaries:

 Settlement boundaries provide certainty over where development is likely to be acceptable.

 Settlement boundaries can allow for development of sites which are too small to be allocated for housing within the Local Plan.

 Settlement boundaries can direct development to specific areas of the District. This can help increase the viability of services and may lead to the increase service and facility provision. In turn this could help improve the sustainability of settlements as the more services and facilities there are, the less need for residents to travel.

 Settlement boundaries provide a strong premise for defining and protecting the countryside from unnecessary encroachment.

Disadvantages of settlement boundaries

 Settlement boundaries can inflate land values for sites within settlement boundaries, as the likelihood of gaining planning permission differs from land outside settlement boundaries.

 Settlement boundaries can lead to the presumption that developments will be high density, in order to make the most from the land. However the District Councils design polices and supplementary planning documents ensures that new development is well designed and has an appropriate layout and density in relation to the existing built development.

 Settlement boundaries can cause pressure for the development of open spaces within settlement boundaries, which provide a valued space to the settlement and residents. This however could be overcome by policies restricting the loss of open space unless exceptional circumstances exist.

 It can be difficult to draw boundaries around settlements which are dispersed. This can be the case for small rural communities.

4 Another option

Settlement boundaries are not the only way of controlling development. Local plan policies can set criterion which is used to determine whether a site is appropriate for a particular development. This method is used within the current 1998 Local Plan, for those smaller settlements which do have a settlement boundary.

The advantages of this option is that it can provide increased flexibility in where development could come forward, however the disadvantage of this option, is that it can provide uncertainty over where development maybe acceptable.

2 5 South Derbyshire’s District Councils use of settlement boundaries and reviewing settlement boundaries

South Derbyshire District Council intends to continue the use of settlement boundaries within its Local Plan Part 2, for those settlements defined as Key Service Villages, Local Service Villages and Rural Villages where there is a compact group of dwellings within a settlement.

Settlement boundaries will be established for the following settlements, which do not have a defined settlement boundary within the adopted 1998 Local Plan:

 Ambaston

 Elvaston

 Thulston

 Castle Gresley (The settlement is included within Urban Area within the 1998 Local Plan)

For settlements without a defined settlement boundary, Local Plan Policies will be used to determine whether a proposed development is acceptable.

6 What are the aims of the settlement boundary review?

The aims are:

 To ensure that settlement boundaries are logical and reflect what’s on the ground

 To identify what land should and should not be included within settlement boundaries

Any proposed changes to existing settlement boundaries and the establishment of new settlement boundaries will undergo consultation and examination by a Planning Inspectorate before adoption.

7 Methodology for drawing and updating settlement boundaries

This topic paper establishes a set of criterion to examine, update and create settlement boundaries to ensure that each boundary is examined in a consistent manner.

The criteria below sets out the principles used in reviewing settlement boundaries:

Principle 1:

Where practical settlement boundaries will be drawn tightly following defined physical features, such as walls, fences, hedges, roads etc.

3 Principle 2:

Settlement boundaries do not always need to be continuous. In some instances it may be more appropriate to define more than one element of a settlement, due to a settlements nature and form.

Principe 3: Settlement boundaries will include

(a) Housing allocations:

Sites which are allocated for housing within the Local Plan Part 1 and 2 will be included within settlement boundaries.

(b) Existing housing and employment commitments, (i.e. unimplemented planning permissions and implemented planning permissions) which are physically/functionally related to the settlement

The settlement boundary review was undertaken on the 31st March 2016. This provides the cut-off date for existing commitments to be included within the settlement boundary review. Any planning permissions granted after this date have not been taken into account.

(c) Curtilage of buildings or other land which closely relate to the character of the built form

(d) Undeveloped land allocated within the 1998 adopted local plan, which relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

(e) Employment allocations:

Sites which are located for employment within the Local Plan Part 1 will be included within settlement boundaries.

Principle 4: Settlement boundaries will exclude:

(a) Curtilage of buildings (e.g. large gardens) or other areas, which if included or are developed have the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the form and character of a settlement

(b) Curtilage of buildings (e.g. large gardens), or other areas which relate more to the open countryside than the settlement

(c) Development which is physically or visually detached from the settlement. This can include singular houses or small areas of development which are not adjacent to the settlement.

(d) Important gaps: For example if a settlement is fragmented, it may be necessary to protect the open gaps from development to protect the settlements character.

(e) Existing caravan sites on the edge of a settlement where they are detached from or periphery to the main built up area.

4 (f) Playing fields and areas of open space at the edge of settlements. This may include buildings if related to education land.

(g) Agricultural buildings and land at the edge of a built form which relate more to the open countryside.

8 Methodology

The principles set out above were applied when reviewing the 1998 settlement boundaries and establishing new boundaries. Aerial photographs, the District Councils Geographical Information System Mapping, Google Street View and site visits, were used/undertaken when applying the principles. The information was collated and reflected upon by Planning Policy Officers and revised and new settlement boundaries were drawn.

9 Review of settlement boundaries

This section of the paper reviews the 1998 settlement boundaries on a site by site basis. For each settlement a map or maps showing the adopted 1998 Local Plan settlement boundary and the proposed boundary are provided. All maps are numbered. A table for each settlement has been produced which lists the recommended changes to the settlement boundaries (corresponding to the numbers on the maps) and the reasons for the proposed change.

The adopted 1998 Local Plan settlement boundaries are illustrated on the maps by a orange line and the proposed settlement boundaries are illustrated by a purple dashed line.

5 Aston on Trent

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Alderslade Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 Agricultural buildings Continue to exclude the agricultural buildings Principle 4g to the rear of 102 which are at the edge of the built framework Road and relate more to the open countryside than Aston on Trent.

3 96-100 Derby Road & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 80Derby Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 1 & 2 Hanger Bank & Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Hanger Bank Cottage reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 Brook Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

6 Moor lane Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a proposed part 2 housing allocation.

7 66 to 63 Little Moor Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Side reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 46-60 Manor Farm Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 5 & 7 Willow Close Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

10 Playground and Continue to exclude the playground and playing Principle 4f Playing Field field, which are located at the edge of the

6 settlement.

11 Park View Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 Shirley Park Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

13 Shardlow Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

14 White Cottage Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c dwelling which relates closely to the character Principle 4a of the built form. Continue to exclude the dwelling of the curtilage, which if included and developed could have the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

15 Rectory Gardens Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c &Hilton Gardens reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Aston Hall Drive Continue to exclude the dwellings along Aston Principle 4c Hall Drive from the settlement boundary, as they are visually detached from the settlement.

16 Allotments Gardens & Exclude the allotment gardens at the edge of Principle 4f 89-63 Weston Road the settlement and redraw the boundary to include the extent of the residential curtilages Principle 3c at 89-63 Weston Road. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 91, 93 & 133a Weston Realignment of boundary, to more accurately Principle 3c Road reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Open Space to the Continue to exclude the open space at the edge Principle 4f west of Aston Hall of the settlement. Drive

18 Housing development Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c off Willow Park Way constructed residential development off Willow

7 & Weston Road Park Drive. The dwellings and their curtilages relate closely to the character of the built form.

19 Aston Hall Hospital Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a housing allocation at Aston Hall Hospital.

20 128-124 Weston Road Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

21 Ellison Avenue Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

22 25-87 Lane Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition realignment of the boundary to be Principle 1 drawn tightly up to the road.

23 Agricultural Buildings Continue to exclude the agricultural buildings Principle 4g to the south of which are at the edge of the built framework Chellaston Lane and relate more to the open countryside than Aston on Trent.

24 Holden Avenue Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

25 1-35 Compton Avenue Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

26 Aston on Trent Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3b Primary School accurately reflect the extent of the school curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

27 73-117 Derby Road Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages which relates closely to the character of the Principle 4b built form. The realignment does not include a

8 large proportion of the gardens, which relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

28 Hillcrest Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

29 135-141 Derby Road Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages.

The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 South Derbyshire Aston on Trent Village Settlement Boundary District Council

1. 9/2015/0264 - 4 dwellings - approved 15/07/15 2. 9/2014/0665 - 1 dwelling - approved 04/09/14 3. 9/2014/0232 - Care home & 74 dwellings - approved 17/09/14


28 1 28 1

27 22

27 D ERBY R 3

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6 6 25 25 7 24 24 7

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18 W IL L O 1818 W P A R 18 K



18 18



Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:10000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

10 Barrow upon Trent

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 68-54, 36a, 34 Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Tywford Road, reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. Wanbut Close, The land relates closely to the character of the Fernello Close & 21 built form. Brookfield

2 12 to 22 Brookfield Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 4 The Nook, 7 The Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Nook & The Old reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. Chapel, Chapel Lane The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 Hill View & 27 Chapel Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Lane reflect the extent of the residential curtilages.

The land relates closely to the character of the

built form. Principle 4c Animal Rescue Centre Continue to exclude the building and its curtilage from the settlement boundary. The development is visually detached from the settlement.

5 31-61 Church Lane Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages.

The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

6 Church Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Church Lane

7 St Wilfrids Church, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Church Street accurately reflect the extent of the curtilage of St Wilfreds Church. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 33 Manor Farm, Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Twyford Road to 20 reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. Church Street The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

11 9 7 Church Lane to Hill Realignment of the boundary to exclude Chapel Principle 1 View, Church Lane Lane. The boundary will be redrawn up to the road.

10 47 Twyford Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 South Derbyshire Barrow on Trent Village Settlement Boundary District Council





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1. 9/2015/0570 - 2 dwellings - approved 19/08/15 & 9/2015/0040 - 2 dwellings - approved 04/03/15 13 2. 9/2015/0433 - CofU of 2 agricultural buildings to 2 dwellings - prior approval refused 13/07/15

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1:5000 at A4 NORTH Burnaston

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Teagairs, Broad Acres, Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Etwall Lane constructed dwelling and the extent of its curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 The Lawns, Etwall Realignment of the boundary at The Lawns to Principle 3c Lane include area of garden which relates to the character of the built form. The realignment Principle 4b does not include all of the curtilage, as this relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

3 Burbage to the Corner Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c House, Etwall Lane reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 Wonersh House and Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Danecastre, Main reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. Street The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 Park Farm, Main Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Street reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

6 Walnut Manor, Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Walnut Close reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. Principle 4 The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

Exclude land which is more related to the open countryside.

7 Walnut Close Realignment of boundary, to more accurately Principle 3c reflect residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

8 Walnut Farm to Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Colten House, Main reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. Street The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

14 9 The Grange, Main Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Street reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

10 The Orchard to Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Wingate House, Main reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. Street The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

11 Strathy, Main Street Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

12 Manor Farm Mews, Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Main Street reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

13 Travali to Elmdene, Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Main Street reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

14 Top Farm, Main Street Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the Principle 4b built form of the settlement. Continue to exclude land which is more related to the open countryside

15 Burnulf Court Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 4b reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement. Continue to exclude land which is more related to the open countryside.

16 Tinderbox Lane Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 Ashlees to Melbury Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c House, Etwall Lane reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the

15 built form.

Exclude land which is more related to the open Principle 4b countryside.

18 Elmfield, Etwall Lane Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c constructed dwelling and the curtilage of the dwelling which relates closely to the character of the built form.

Exclude the buildings and land to the north Principle 4g west of Elmfield, which are located at the edge of the built form and relate more to the open countryside.

16 South Derbyshire Burnaston Village Settlement Boundary District Council





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A E I S N LO C S T 15 T U N R L 15 E A E W T 1414 8 E N 8 LA Y 13 A 13 W L IL M

12 12 9 9 11 11






Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:5000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

17 Cauldwell

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 4-14 Church Street Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 1-15 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4a curtilages of the dwellings, which if included and developed could detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

3 Ivy Cottage Main Realignment of the boundary around the extent Principle 3c Street of the dwelling. The building related closely to the character of the built form. Principle 1 In addition realignment of the boundary up to Main Street.

4 Land at Priory Farm Realignment of the boundary to exclude land Principle 4b which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement Principle 1 In addition realignment of the boundary up to Main Street.

5 Manor Farm Cottages Realignment of the boundary around the extent Principle 3c of the residential dwelling. The dwellings relate Principle 4a closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the curtilage of the dwelling which if included within the boundary and developed could detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

6 Agricultural Buildings Realignment of the boundary to exclude part of Principle 4g at Manor Farm the agricultural buildings at Manor Farm, which relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

7 Manor Farm Realignment of the boundary around the extent Principle 3c of the dwelling. The building related closely to the character of the built form.

8 Pegasus School Realignment of the boundary to draw tightly Principle 1 around the school building.

18 9 7-11 Church Street Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

19 South Derbyshire Cauldwell Village Settlement Boundary District Council


Priory Farm 3


4 2 2 5 5 1 MAIN

S T 1 RE

E T NE LA 6 CH UR CH 6 8 Manor Farm

9 8 77

Pegasus 8 School

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:2500 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

20 Church Broughton

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Peal House, Church Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Road to the Vicarage, accurately reflect the extent of the residential The Chapel Lane. curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 The Gardens to the Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Gables, Chapel Lane. accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages which relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 Melodist Church to Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c the Holly Bush Inn reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 Jalna to Yew Tree Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Cottages, Main Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 Church Broughton Continue to exclude the primary school and its Principle 4a Primary School curtilage from the settlement boundary, which if included are developed have the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the character of the settlement.

6 Houghton House and Realignment of the boundary to include part of Principle 3c Lynwood, Main Street residential curtilage of Lynwood, which relates & 4a closely to the built form of the settlement. Continue to exclude the curtilage of Lynwood which if included and developed has the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the character of the settlement.

7 Knaves Bank Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

8 6 to 32 Hall Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the

21 character of the built form.

9 2 Rose Cottage, Boggy Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Lane to 4 The accurately reflect the extent of the residential Cornways, Old Hall curtilages. The land relates closely to the Lane character of the built form.

10 Copsewood to Potlock Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 Cottage, Boggy Lane tightly up to the road.

11 Hollymead, Ivy Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Cottage, Cromwell residential curtilage of Hollymead House and House Farm The Cromwell House Farm and part of residential Bungalow, Boggy Lane curtilage of Lynwood, which relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 The Croft, Boggy Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c to 2 Broughton accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4g Course curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

Continue to exclude the agricultural buildings to the east of the 1998 adopted settlement boundary, which relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

13 2 to 12 Auden Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c and Nether Green, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Church Farm curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

22 South Derbyshire Church Broughton Village Settlement Boundary District Council

1 1 22









C N H E UR CH RO AD 33 1213

4 E 4 N



11 6 6 L 12 I O T LD T HA L LL E LA F N I E E L 7 D R O A 9 D 10 89 8 7 8

1011 23

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1:2500 at A4 NORTH Coton in the Elms

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 32- 66 Burton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 30 Burton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately the extent of the residential curtilage which relates closely to the character of the Principle 4a built form. Continue to exclude the residential curtilage which if included within the boundary and developed could detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

3 28 Burton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 Rear gardens to Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c dwellings along Mill accurately reflect the extent of the residential Street curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 14 Mill Street Include the residential curtilage which relates Principle 3c closely to the character of the built form and exclude the residential curtilage, which if Principle 4a included within the boundary and developed could detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

Land to the south of Realignment of the boundary to include a site Principle 3b Fallowfield granted planning permission for residential development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

6 Boundaries to the Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c properties at Manor accurately reflect the extent of the residential Croft curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 Manor Barn, Manor Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c

24 Farm, 1a Brookswood accurately reflect the extent of the residential and 1-29 Church curtilages. The land relates closely to the Street character of the built form.

8 Barns Court Realignment of the boundary around the Principle 3c buildings at Barns Court. The buildings relate closely to the character of the built form. Principle 1 In addition realignment of the boundary to be drawn tightly up to the road.

9 41-63 Church Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

Greenacre Park Continue to exclude the existing caravan park Principle 4e at the edge of the settlement, which is pheripheral to the main built up area.

Continue to exclude the playing field to the Principle 4f south east of Church Street

10 Church Farm Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4g agricultural buildings which relate more to the open countryside

11 Properties at Church Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Croft accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Principle 3c Realignment of the boundary to include a constructed dwelling at Church Croft, which is physically related to the settlement.

12 Oak Tree Close Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c constructed residential development at Oak Tree Close. The dwellings and curtilages relate Principle 1 closely to the character of the built form. Realignment of the boundary to be drawn tightly up to the road.

25 South Derbyshire District Council Coton in the Elms Village Settlement Boundary C
















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U R C H C 3 8 S H 9 A T R P E E L 3 E S D T T R A E E T




7 6 56







1. 9/2014/0406 - dwelling allowed on appeal

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:5000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

26 Coton Park

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Field House and land Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c to the north east of residential curtilage of Field House, which is Field House adjacent to settlement and relates closely to Principle 3b the character of the built form.

In addition include land to the north west of Field House which has outline permission for up to 3 dwellings.

2 109-75 Coton Park Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 63 Coton Park Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 19-55 Coton Park Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 17 Coton Park Include the land to the south of 17 Coton Park Principle 3c which closely relates to the character of the built form.

6 11-16 Coton Park Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

7 Recreational Ground Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3b existing housing commitment which is physically related to the settlement.

8 1 Coton Park Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

9 1-124 Coton Park Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

27 10 124 Coton Park Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

28 South Derbyshire Coton Park Village Settlement Boundary District Council



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C 9 O T O


P 4 A



5 6

8 7


Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1: 5000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

29 Egginton

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 4-2 Blacksmiths Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 82- 68 Duck Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 Oak Tree Farm, Duck Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4g Street agricultural buildings at the edge of the built Principle 3c form which relate more to the open countryside. Principle 1 The boundary will be redrawn around the building (which is adjacent to the road side and closely relates to the character of the built form) and drawn tightly up to the roadside.

4 42 Duck Street and Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4d Rye Close Farm dwelling and the agricultural buildings. The land provides an important gap within the settlement.

5 32 – 10 Duck Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

6 6 Duck Street Realignment of the boundary to exclude land Principle 4b which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

7 23-27 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

Furthermore the boundary will be realigned to Principle 1 be drawn tightly up to the road.

8 14-20 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential

30 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 Grange Farm, Grange Realignment of boundary to exclude land which Principle 3c Court relates more to the countryside than the settlement. Boundary redrawn around the Principle 4b residential curtilage which relates closely to the character of the built form.

10 4-5 Grange Court & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential 3-5 Church Road curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

11 7 Church Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 Egginton Primary Realignment of boundary around the extent of Principle 3c School the school buildings. The land relates to the character of the built form.

13 23-49 Church Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

14 44-52 Church Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition realignment of the boundary to be Principle 1 drawn tightly up to the road.

15 4 Smedley Court & 40- Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 42 Church Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

16 40-42 Church Street, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 5 -10 Smedley Court & accurately reflect the extent of the residential 10 Church Street curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 2-8 Church Road & 1- Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 19 accurately reflect the extent of the residential

31 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

18 22 Fish pond Lane to Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Oak House, Fishpond accurately reflect the extent of the residential Lane curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

19 1-11 Dove Grove & Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 1 -2 Elmhurst tightly up to the road and include the extent of the residential curtilage which relates closely Principle 3c the character of the built form.

20 3-5 Blacksmiths Labe Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

21 Allotments Continue to the exclude the allotments at the Principle 4f edge of the settlement.

22 William Newton Close Continue to exclude the dwellings from the Principle 4c & 34, The Byre and settlement boundary. The dwellings are Old Granary, Main physically detached from the settlement. Street

32 South Derbyshire Egginton Village Settlement Boundary District Council










21 2 3

1 4 5 EET R

6 IN ST A 22 20 M DU CK ST RE ET 7



C H 18 U 10 R C H R O 17 A D 11 16 12

13 15


Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:5000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

33 Etwall

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Hill Pasture, Ashe Hill, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Rodbourne, Hill accurately reflect the extent of the residential House, Hinton curtilages. The land relates closely to the Grange, - Sutton Lane character of the built form. & Broadlands & Primrose Bank In addition realignment of the boundary to be Principle 1 drawn tightly up to the road.

2 Slade Close & Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 3c Lawnswood Close tightly up to the road.

3 Playing Field Continue to exclude the playing field at the Principle 4f edge of the settlement.

Realignment of the boundary to more Lodge Close accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 3c curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 56-62 Willington Road Realignment of the boundary, to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

5 Land at Willington Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a Road housing allocation at Willington Road.

6 Land to the east of Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a Egginton Road and proposed part 2 housing allocation. north of Jacksons Lane

7 120 Egginton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 76-88 Egginton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 Old Station Close Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c housing development at Old Station Close which was granted planning permission and constructed since the drawing of the adopted

34 1998 Local Plan. The dwellings and curtilage relates closely to the character of the built form

10 Hilton Road & Main Realignment of the boundary, to be drawn Principle 1 Street tightly up to the roadside.

11 Church Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the church curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 Ashwood Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c &Almshouses, Church accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b Hill, curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the residential curtilage.

13 Netherash, Sutton Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Lane & 18-20 Church accurately reflect the extent of the residential Hill curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

35 South Derbyshire Etwall Village Settlement Boundary District Council



14 12 2 T E E R T S IN 2 A M D 13 A O R Y 11 B R E D 6 1 5 A W I LL D IN ROA G TON 3 10 3


11 44








10 O

8 T





6 79 7 8


Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:10000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

36 Findern

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 103-119 Doles Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 Barn Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 59-65,79 & 87 Doles Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 East Lawn and West Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Lawn accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 54-72 Hillside Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

6 Thrushton Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 74-92 Hillside & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Longlands Cottage, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Longlands Lane curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 55-67 Longlands Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 3-45 Longlands Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the

37 character of the built form.

10 Heath Farm, Heath Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4g curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition continue to include the agricultural buildings which relate to the character of the built form and exclude those at the edge of the settlement which relate more to the open countryside.

11 Brook Close & Lower Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Green accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 Common Piece Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

13 Sycamore Avenue & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Beech Drive accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 1 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition redrawn the boundary up to Sycamore Avenue.

14 13 & Corner Realignment of the boundary to accurately Principle 3c Meadows, The Barn reflect the extent of the buildings curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the Principle 4f built form. In addition exclude the open space at the edge of the settlement

15 Willow Farm Court Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

16 34 Doles Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 Wallfield Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the

38 character of the built form.

18 Doles Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

39 South Derbyshire District Council Findern Village Settlement Boundary


1818 1 1 17














L A 2 A B


2 E

3 3 1 16 16

4 1515


H A W T H O R 5 E N 5 C LOS C R L E IL S C 14 M E

N T 14 13 13

E D I S S 6 L Y L C I T A H HE M O




O O L BR 12 A 12 SE LO N C E EY RSL 7 DE L A 11


9 10

9 E N

A 10






H 88

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:5000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

40 Hartshorne

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 124-98 Repton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 94-88 Repton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c &7-17 Brook Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 31-45 Brook Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 Brook House Farm, Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Springhill. In addition realign the 51,53,55 Brook Street Principle 3c boundary to more accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates Principle 4b closely to the character of the built form. Exclude land from the settlement boundary which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

5 Spring Farm Realignment of the boundary to include a site Principle 3b granted planning permission for residential development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

Exclude land which if included and developed Principle 4b have the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

6 58-28 Brook Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 Pear Tree Close and Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 18 Brook Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates which relates more to the open

41 countryside than the settlement.

8 46-48A Repton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 Kendricks Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

10 Millpool Close & 15- Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 29 Ticknall Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

11 37-67 Ticknall Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the Principle 4a character of the built form. Exclude the land which if included and developed has the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

12 Ticknall Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Ticknall Road.

13 The Rodney Inn to Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 1 Hartshorne Primary accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. Principle 3c School The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition realignment of the boundary to be drawn tightly up to Main Street.

14 9-31 Repton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

15 Land to the rear of 43 Realignment of the boundary to include a site Principle 3b Hartshorne Road granted planning permission for residential development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

16 45-67 Repton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential

42 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 Adams Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

18 75-113 Repton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the Principle 4c character of the built form.

In addition continue to exclude the buildings to the south of existing settlement boundary. The development is physically and visually detached from the settlement.

19 Land to the west of Realignment of the boundary to include a site Principle 3b 124 Repton Road granted planning permission for residential development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

20 Gap between the two Due to the settlements nature and form, Principle 2 elements of the continue to define the settlement in two Principle 4d settlement. elements. In addition continue to protect the open gaps between the two elements of the settlement (by excluding the open space from the settlement boundary) to protect the settlements character.

21 32-34 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

22 Land to the rear of St Realignment of the boundary to include a site Principle 3b Peters Close granted planning permission for residential development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

23 7-15 Church Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

24 4, Cherry Leys, Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4c Woodhill, Church dwellings and their curtilages from the

43 Street boundary. The land and dwellings and visually detached from the settlement.

25 Manor Farm Continue to exclude Manor Farm and the Principle 4c agricultural buildings from the settlement boundary. The dwelling is physically detached Principle 4g from the settlement and the agricultural buildings relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

26 2 Main Street & Hall Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage at 2 Main Street. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition realignment of the boundary to be drawn tightly up to the western boundary of the Hall. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

27 3-53 Woodville Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c & 6 Manchester Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

28 44-22 Woodville Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

29 Dinmore Grange & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 22b &c22a Woodville accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. Principle 4b Road The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the countryside than the settlement.

30 Recreation Ground Continue to exclude the recreational ground Principle 4f from the settlement boundary

44 South Derbyshire District Council Hartshorne Village Settlement Boundary

1. 9/2015/0563 - 5 dwellings - granted 10/12/15

5 5 4 R E 4 P T O N



A D 66 33 11 D A T 7 O E 7 R L E L 1 R A 19 1 T N S K P IC K E 4 T A 51 O A R 2 O 2 T 1 R R B



C 8


REPTON S 8 ROAD E 10 10 REP TON RO AD 9 1212 1718 1516 1617 15 14 14 13 13 25 1820 21 23 A 5 19 1 22 4


S 20 T R E 26 E 30 T 24 T E E TR S H C UR H 25 C 29 MORE INS G D R A


G E 22 24 28 26



N D C A H O E R S E T L E IL R V 27 L T D O 23 A W O N E O R E R O W 4 A 1 D 5 A

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:10000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

45 Hatton

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Land to the north east Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a of Hatton housing allocation at land to the north east of Hatton.

2 Hassall Road & Church Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Mews accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition continue to exclude the playing Principle 4f field, which is located at the edge of the settlement.

3 Merica Close and Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Hoon Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 Nestle Realignment of the boundary to include Principle 3b employment commitments which are physically related to the settlement.

5 Marston Old Lane & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Dove Side accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

6 Land to the north of Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c the railway line accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 Castle View Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 163-93 Scropton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 Edgemond, New Continue to exclude the residential dwellings Principle 4c House, Apple Tree which are physically detached from the

46 Farm, Scropton Road settlement.

10 Barehurst Farmhouse, Continue to exclude the residential dwellings Principle 4c Barehurst Farm Barn which are physically detached from the settlement.

11 Oakwood Close & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 72,70c 70a, 58a- 32 accurately reflect the extent of the residential Scropton Road curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 Playground/Recreation Continue to exclude the playground/recreation Principle 4f Ground ground, which are located at the edge of the settlement.

13 Appletree Road, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Bramley Court, Russet accurately reflect residential curtilages. The Close, land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

14 Flaux Croft & Coopers Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Croft accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

15 Yew Tree Court, The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Shieling & Bradshaw accurately reflect the extent of the residential Meadows curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

16 Yew Tree Court and Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Brook Close accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 195a- 199 Station Continue to exclude to the dwellings to the Principle 4c Road and 1-3 north of Derby Road, which are physically Uttoxeter Road detached from the settlement.

18 3-11 Derby Road Continue to exclude to the dwellings to the Principle 4c north of Derby Road, which are physically detached from the settlement.

47 South Derbyshire Hatton Village Settlement Boundary District Council


1616 1 1 1515



D A 14 O R












D 13

13 1

11 51

A 2 2 E U 12 N E 12 V A LD E 9 FI 9 10 11 Y A H W OON H ROA 10 T D A E H 3 SCROPTON ROAD 3 8 4 South D OA R



TA Derbyshire 7 S


ANE LD L N O STO East MAR Staffordshire 5 5

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:10000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

48 Hilton

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Willowbrook Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 70-76 Main Street & 1- Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 2 Dale End Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 West Avenue Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 Grange Cottage and 80 Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Dale End Road & accurately reflect the extent of the residential Shady Grove curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

5 37, 52 Sutton Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

6 Land to the north of Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a Derby Road. proposed part 2 housing allocation

7 Derby Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Derby Road

8 Land to the north of Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3c New Road which has been granted outline planning permission for 9 dwellings. The land is physically related to the settlement.

9 Land to the west of Realignment of the boundary to include Principle 3d Pegasus Road undeveloped land included within the 1998 Principle 3c Local Plan. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement. In addition include land which relates closely to the character of the built form.

49 10 Land and development Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c to the east and south development to the east and south of the Principle 3d of the existing existing settlement, which has been settlement boundary constructed since the adoption of the 1998 settlement boundary. The development relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition realignment of the boundary to include undeveloped land included within the 1998 Local Plan. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

11 Lucas Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Lucas Lane.

12 Development to the Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c south and south west development to the south of Lucas Lane, which of Lucas Lane has been constructed since the adoption of the 1998 settlement boundary. The development relates closely to the character of the built form.

13 Employment Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3e allocations included for employment within the Local Plan Part 1.

14 Land at Hilton Depot Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a housing allocation at land at Hilton.

15 Development to the Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c north of the Mease development to the north of The Mease. The Principle 1 development has been constructed since the adoption of the 1998 settlement boundary. The development relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition the boundary should be drawn tightly up to the road.

16 Humber Street & Farm Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Close accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 The Old Mill, Mill Lane Realignment of the boundary to include a site Principle 3b granted planning permission for residential development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

50 18 Mill Pond Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

51 South Derbyshire District Council Hilton Village Settlement Boundary




9 A A S 50

55 8 1010 LAN 44 9 E 7 6 8 33 6 7 11 11 2


A 5 1 3 2 E G G IN OAD T R O D N N A R L O L A E D W 13







1515 14 14 52

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1:12500 at A4 NORTH Kings Newton

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Main Street.

2 Kings Newton Hall, Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c The Coach House & curtilage of the buildings which closely relate to Principle 4a 59 Main Street the character of the build form. In addition continue to exclude the curtilages of the properties, which if included within the boundary and developed could have the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

3 Chantry Barn & 63a- Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 77 Main Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the Principle 4a character of the built form. Exclude the residential curtilages which could have the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the character and form of the settlement.

4 15-25 Trent Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

5 The Maltings Trent Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

6 35-39 Trent Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Trent Lane.

7 32-14 Trent Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

53 8 12a-10 Trent Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

9 2-4 Trent Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

10 Fairfied Lodge, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Jawbone Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

11 The Barns, Jawbone Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 1 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition realignment of the boundary to be drawn tightly up to Jawbone Lane.

12 Kings Newton House Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c & 82a-58 Main Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

13 54 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

14 Land next to 46 and Continue to exclude the gap between the Principle 4d 54 Main Street settlements which provides important views through the site. It is necessary to protect the gap from development to protect the settlement character.

46 & 44 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to include the two dwelling and their curtilages. The land relates Principle 3c closely to the character of the built form.

15 Newton Wonder Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential

54 Court curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

16 18-20 Main street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 8-12 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c curtilages of the dwellings which relate closely to the character of the built form of Kings Newton. Exclude 2-4 Main Street from the settlement boundary of Kings Newton. The housing development relates more to the character of the built form of Melbourne than Kings Newton.

55 South Derbyshire Kings Newton Village Settlement Boundary District Council





L 5 AN

E 7


L 4 AN E

3 8



L A 2 NE 9





C K 12

H 17 11 O




R Kings Newton was W O 13 B A part of the Melbourne O D 16 N Settlement boundary E L in the 1998 Adopted A

56 N Local Plan 15 E

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1: 2500 at A4 NORTH Lees

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 The School House and Realignment of the boundary to include School Principle 1 Hall House and Hall. The Hall has been constructed since the adoption of 1998 Local Plan and is Principle 3c adjacent to the settlement. As a consequence of the construction of the Hall, The School House is now related to the settlement. The boundary should be redrawn to include the buildings and their curtilages. They closely relate to the character of the built form.

In addition the boundary should be drawn up to the road.

2 Summerfields to Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Somerton accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the Principle 4b character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

3 Maple Croft to Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Holmwood accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the Principle 4b character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

4 Elm Tree Cottage to Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Old Stables accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

5 Top House Farm, The Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4g Orchards agricultural buildings to the rear of top house Principle 3c farm which relate more to the open countryside than the settlement. Redraw the boundary around the residential curtilage of Top House Farm and The Orchards.

6 Havencroft to Cedar Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential

57 Barns curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 Ash Tree House. The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Laurels accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages Principle 4a which relates to the character of the settlement. Continue to exclude part of the Ash Tree House curtilage which if included within the boundary and developed could detrimentally impact upon the form/character of the settlement.

8 Sunningdale Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 Solway to The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Bungalow accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

10 Four Wings, Monston Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c & Pennine Springs dwellings which relate closely to the character Principle 4b of the build form. The boundary will exclude part of the dwellings residential curtilages which if included within the settlement could detrimentally impact upon the form/character of the settlement.

11 Ivy House, The Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Weavers, Marsh Farm extent of the dwellings. The dwellings relate closely to the character of the built form

12 Marsh Farm to Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Inglewood accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

13 Fold Farm to Old Barn Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Cottage accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

14 The Hollie and Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential

58 Lamorna curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

15 Land next to Lamorna Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c to White House accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

16 Allotments Continue to exclude the allotments at the edge Principle 4f of the settlement (to the north of the White House)

17 Talland, Hillsway, Lees Continue to exclude these dwellings and their Principle 4c Bank. Grange View curtilages from the settlement boundary as they are physically detached from the settlement.

59 South Derbyshire Lees Village Settlement Boundary District Council

Cherry Tree Farm




V illa ge Ha ll





Top5 House 14 Farm

13 6

12 7

Marsh Farm 11 9 8


Black Fir Tree Farm

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1: 5000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan) 60 Linton

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Land to the north Realignment of the boundary to include a site Principle 3b east High Street granted planning permission for residential development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

2 53 Cauldwell Road Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c dwelling and its curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 Cauldwell Road & Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 Hillside Road tightly up to the road.

4 66, 81- 97 Hillside Continue to exclude the dwellings to the north Principle 4c Road, Manor Farm of the adopted 1998 settlement boundary. 66 Hillside Road is visually detached from the settlements and properties north of the dwelling and physically detached from Linton.

5 Park Close, 33-65 Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Main Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

6 Linton Primary Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c School school building, which closely relates the Principle 4f character of the built form. Exclude the playing fields at the edge of the settlement. 7 115-123 High Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

8 209 Linton Heath Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 Land adjacent to 209 Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b Linton Health granted planning permission for residential development. The land is physically related to the settlement

61 10 Agricultural buildings Continue to exclude the agricultural buildings at Principle 4g to the east of 30a the edge of the settlement, which relate more Principle 4c Linton Heath and to the open countryside. dwellings to the east of 30a In addition continue to exclude the dwellings to the east of 30a Linton Heath, which are physically detached from the settlement.

11 7-30a Linton Heath Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 The bungalow, Realignment of the boundary to include to Principle 3b Robinsons House include land to the east of Robinson House and land to the east which was granted planning permission for Principle 3c of Robinson House, residential development. The land is physically Colliery Lane related to the settlement. Consequently include the dwellings Robinson House and The Bunglow which are physically related to the settlement.

13 2-12 Colliery Lane & Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 120 Main Street tightly up to the road.

14 Weathern Field & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 114-94 Main Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

15 92 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

16 76 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4g curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition continue to exclude the agricultural buildings at the edge of the built settlement which relate more to the open countryside.

17 5-10 Emery Close & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 12-18 Patrick Close accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

62 18 Helstone Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

19 8-12 Dutchess Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c & 17-51 Princess accurately reflect the extent of the residential Close curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

20 2-18 The Close & 71- Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 79 The Crest accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

63 South Derbyshire District Council Linton Village Settlement Boundary

1. 9/2015/0426 - outline for residential - refused 05/08/15. Allowed on appeal 22/02/16 2. 9/2015/1111 - 1 dwelling - approved 22/02/16



E D I S L L I 4 4 H




1 IVE E R U D N R 1 E E V T A S ES ES H MA C C IN I T R IN N STREET H P E CLO W D A O S 19 R E R SO 66 D IN 19 W TH EA H N 20 8 LINTO 20 16 77 8 1 9 16 9 10 1717 1515 10 18 18 14 11 11 13 2 13 12 12 E N A L Y SE R IE AL L L O W C OO




E 64

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1:10000 at A4 NORTH Long Lane

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Lilac Cottage & The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Old Forge accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 Public House Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c curtilage of the Pubic House. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 3 & The Shippon Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Glebe Farm,The accurately reflect the extent of the residential Paddock & Glebe curtilages. The land relates closely to the Farm character of the built form.

4 Glebe Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 Sundowns, Peartree Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Cottage, The Vicarage, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Church Cottage & curtilages. The land relates closely to the Green banks. character of the built form.

6 Agricultural buildings Continue to exclude the buildings to the rear of Principle 4g to the rear of the dwellings, which are at the edge of the built Peartree Cottage form and relate more to the open countryside.

7 Foggy Piece, Lantana, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c The White Cottage accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 Buildings to the rear Continue to exclude the buildings to the rear of Principle 4g of Foggy Piece& the dwellings, which are at the edge of the built Lantana form and relate more to the open countryside.

9 Long Lane Street Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

65 South Derbyshire Long Lane Village Settlement Boundary District Council

3 2 4 6 8



O L 7 1 C 5
















S O 66

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1: 2500 at A4 NORTH Lullington

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Creamery Farm Realignment of the boundary to reflect the Principle 3c extent of the buildings. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 South View, Creamery Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Cottage, Forge House, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Garage, Dag Lane curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

3 Dag Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

4 Woodcote to The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Hollies, Main Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

5 Hall Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the Halls curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

6 Mapies & 1& 2 The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Walled Garden, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Clifton Road curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 All Saints Church Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c extent of the Graveyard. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

67 South Derbyshire Lullington Village Settlement Boundary District Council


A 3 D 1









Lullington Hall N I

A 4 M M A IN S T R E E T


Limes Farm 7





Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1: 2500 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

68 Melbourne

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Land to the west of Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Pack Horse Road buildings to the west of Pack Horse Road, which relate closely to the character of the built form. Principle 3b Kingsley, Kings In addition include the land to the west of Pack Newton Lane Horse Road which has been granted planning permission for dwellings. The land is physically related to the settlement. Furthermore include the property and its curtilage (Kingley) which due to the planning permission to the west of Pack Horse Lane, now relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 3-35 Melton Avenue Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c & 144 Derby Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 2 Quaker Close Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

4 91-77 Spinney Hill, 1 Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 & 4 Loake Court & 86 tightly up to the roadside. Commerce Street

5 43-39, West View & Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 34 Hope Street & 1- 3 tightly up to the roadside. Bourne Court

6 43, 33, 29 & 25 Hope Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Street & Hatton Court accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 17 Union Street, 37-1 Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Commerce Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 Orchard Close & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Selina Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

69 9 2-9 Washington Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

10 Land to the rear of 70 Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b Ashby Road which has planning permission for residential development. The land is physically related to the settlement

11 Recreation Ground at Continue to exclude the recreation ground at Principle 4f Cockshut Lane the edge of the village

12 Allotment Gardens Continue to exclude the allotment gardens at Principle 4f the edge of the village.

13 60-86 & Melbourne Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Arms Ashby Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 3b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Principle 1 In addition realignment of the boundary at the Melbourne Arms, to reflect the housing permission granted at the site.

Furthermore redrawn the boundary tightly up to Ashby Road.

14 Dwellings off Calke Continue to exclude the dwellings off Calke Principle 4c Road Road from the settlement boundary. The dwellings are physically detached from the settlement.

15 Land the west of Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b Quarry Edge, Ashby which has planning permission for residential Road development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

16 Penistone Rise Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 Lambert House, Ashby Continue to exclude Lambert House from the Principle 4c Road settlement boundary. The dwelling is physically and visually detached from the settlement.

18 28-32 Penn Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential

70 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

19 40-42 & The Hollow, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Penn Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

20 72-74 & Pennside, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Penn Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

21 Dower House, Tithe Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Barn, Stone House & accurately reflect the extent of the residential The Vicarage, Church curtilages. The land relates closely to the Square character of the built form.

22 Melbourne Hall Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the curtilage of the dwellings, Principle 4a which relate the character of the built form. Continue to exclude a substantial amount of the curtilage of Melbourne Hall. If included within the boundary and developed, the development could detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

23 1-2 Blackwell Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land Principle 1 which relates more to the countryside than the settlement.

In addition redrawn the boundary tightly up to Blackwell Lane.

24 Blackwell Barn, Continue to exclude the building and its Principle 4c Blackwell Lane curtilage from the settlement boundary. The development is physically and visually detached from the settlement.

25 Castle Mews, Castle Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Mills & Castle Farm accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

71 26 Castle Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the buildings curtilages. The land relates closely to the built form.

27 Housing development Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3b off Station Road residential development off Station Road which Principle 3a has been constructed since the adoption of the 1998 Local Plan.

In addition Realignment of the boundary to include land proposed for allocation within the Local Plan Part 2. The land has been granted for housing development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

28 Huntington Court & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Oaklands Way accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the countryside than the settlement.

29 Cemetery Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the cemetery curtilage. The land relates closely to the built form.

30 Land to the east of Include land which has planning permission Principle 3b Smith Avenue & for residential development. The land is Nettlefold Crescent physically related to the settlement

31 11-19 Nellefield Realignment of the boundary of Melbourne Principle 3c Cresent and 1-2 Main around the residential curtilages of 11-19 Street, Kings Newton Nettlefold Crescent, Melbourne and 1-2 Main Street, Kings Newton. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of Melbourne. Exclude the residential development to the east of the proposed boundary. The dwellings relate more to the character of the built form of Kings Newton than Melbourne.

32 Kings Newton Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

72 South Derbyshire Melbourne Village Settlement Boundary District Council

1. 9/2014/0287 - outline for 22 dwellings - approved 13/03/15

Kings Newton Settlement Boundary Melbourne (see separate Settlement map)

Boundary ET STRE 32 MAIN

M A 31 IN S TR E E T 1 30 P A C K

H 2 O R S E


4 28 D E R B 1 Y 27 R O A Y D A




6 7 P OT TER STR 11 EET 8 C 25 12 H E U N R A TREET C L S H T H S U IG T 24 H H R S E K E C T NE O 9 LA C L 23 EL BLACKW

22 18 16 15 17 10 19 20 21




8 7

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:10000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

73 Milton

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Bramcote Lodge, Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Main Street extent of the dwelling and its incidental buildings. The buildings and land relate closely to the character of the built form.

2 Harvest Barn, Main Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Street dwelling and its curtilage which relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the Principle 4a curtilage of the dwelling, which if included and developed could detrimentally impact upon the character of the settlement.

3 1 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 Old Post Office Farm In addition redrawn the boundary tightly up to Principle 1 Main Street.

5 7-21 Main Street & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Brookhouse & The accurately reflect the extent of the residential Dove Cote Main curtilages. The land relates closely to the House character of the built form.

6 The Parlour, Brook Continue to exclude the dwelling and its Principle 4c Farm, Main Stret residential curtilage from the settlement boundary. The dwelling is visually detached from the settlement.

7 The Threshing Barn, Realignment of the boundary around the extent Principle 3c Main Street of the residential building. The building relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 29,31, Woodleigh, 37, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 45, The Old Forge, 47 accurately reflect the extent of the residential & Holly Cottage Main curtilages. The land relates closely to the Street character of the built form.

9 Holly Cottage Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c residential curtilage which relates closely to the character of the built form.

74 10 Swan Inn, Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

11 51-53 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 59 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c dwelling and its curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

13 Hunters Gate, Mealo Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c House, 50-28 Main accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b Street curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

14 Common Farm, Main Continue to include land which has planning Principle 3b Street permission for residential development. The Principle 4g land is physically related to the settlement

Continue to exclude agricultural buildings and land at the edge of the built form which relates more to the open countryside.

15 22-24 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the residential curtilage. The Principle 4b land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land to the west of the proposed boundary, which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

16 Milton Grange Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

17 Walnut Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 4b accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 3c curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition exclude the land which relates more to the open

75 countryside than the settlement.

18 8-4 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 1 curtilages which relates closely to the character of the built form. And realignment of the boundary up to Milton Road.

76 South Derbyshire Milton Village Settlement Boundary District Council





18 4

L UT C 5 17 LN A W

6 16



I N 15 STR 7



Mill Farm

Common Farm 14 8

Village Hall



11 13 12

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:2500 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

77 Netherseal

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Old Orchard House, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Plumtree Cottage, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Hunts Lane curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 Land to the east of Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Cherry Blossom, accurately reflect the extent of the field Cottage, Hunts Lane boundary. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 2-26 Hawthrone Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Avenue accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 48-98 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 Newlands House, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Main Street & St accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b Peters Church, Church curtilage. The land relates closely to the Street character of the built form. In addition exclude the woodland area, which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

6 21 & 32 Church Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 Netherseal Old Hall Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 2-42 Church Street Realignment of the boundary to exclude Principle 4a curtilage of dwellings, which if included and Prinicple 4b developed could detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement. The land relates more to the open countryside. 9 Hall Farm Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c

78 accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilage which relates closely to the character of the built form. Continue to exclude the land/curtilage to the south west of the proposed boundary which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

10 11, 32, 34 Dog Lane & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 16, 18 Blacksmiths accurately reflect the extent of the residential Close curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

11 2-12 Stanley Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 37-41 & The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Smallholding, Clifton accurately reflect residential curtilages at 37-41 Road Clifton Road. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition realignment of the boundary at the Smallholdings to include the curtilage of the dwelling which closely relates to the character of the built form.

13 40, Highfields, The Old Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Sweet Shop, Clifton accurately reflect the extent of the residential Road curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

14 43 Hunts Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

79 South Derbyshire District Council Netherseal Village Settlement Boundary


1 1 2 2 3 3 1414 E ENU AV HUNTS N R O M H LANE T A IN ST W







AD Y O 12 N R 12 C IFTO L CL O S E 1111






T V RE 10 I R E 6 D T R 6 MANO 7


8 8

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:5000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

80 Newton Solney

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 The Cottage & The Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Hawthorns, Main curtilage of the dwelling, which relates closely Street & Beehive to the character of the built form. Cottage, Church Lane Continue to exclude the residential garden at Principle 4b The cottage which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

2 36, 40-42 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c & Trent Cottage, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Trent Lane curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 High Bank, Trent Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Trent Lane.

4 Saint Marys Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the Principle 1 character of the built form. In addition realignment of the boundary, to be drawn tightly around the road.

5 Newton Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 1 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition realignment of the boundary, to be drawn tightly around the road.

6 Cricket Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 Mill Close Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 Trent Farm, Repton Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4g Road agricultural buildings and land at the edge of the built form which relates more to the open

81 countryside.

9 Blairgarth to Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Homelands, Repton accurately reflect the extent of the residential Road curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

10 The Grange to The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Poplars, Repton Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

11 Land to the west of Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b Courtlands House which has been granted for housing development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

12 Grange Farm, Repton Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4g Road agricultural buildings and land at the edge of the built form which relate more to the open countryside.

13 Peel Cottage, Newton Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

14 1-7 & The Green Main Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Street & 1,2 & Hill accurately reflect the extent of the residential Bank, Newton Lane curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

15 11-31 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

16 1-4 The Square Realignment of the boundary to exclude land Principle 3b from the settlement boundary which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

17 37, 41 & Park Lodge Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Main Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

82 South Derbyshire District Council Newton Solney Village Settlement Boundary


SE CLO ON WT 66 44 NE 7










3 M S 10

3 K 10


A L B 11

T C R E H N U T R L C A H N L E A 22 12 NE 11 1312 1 1

N E ET WT RE ST ON AIN M 13 L 8 AN B500 14 1415 E 15

D N ROA NEWTO 16 16 17









T 83



Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1:5000 at A4 NORTH Overseal

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 110-70 Burton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the Principle 1 character of the built form. In addition realignment of the boundary to be drawn tightly up to Burton Road.

2 Allotment Gardens Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4f allotment gardens.

3 Edward Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 Alexandra Road & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Alexandra Court accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 Forest View Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

6 Stanleigh Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 93-155 Woodville Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Road accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages Principle 4b and land boundaries. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside then the settlement.

8 Rosedene View Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. Principle 4b The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside then the settlement.

84 9 Land to the west of Realignment of the boundary to include to Principle 3c 183 Woodville Road include land which relates closely the character and 110 Woodville of the built form. Road

10 110 Woodville Road Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3c relates closely to the character of the built form.

11 40 to 106 Woodville Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Road & Harley Court accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 Overseal Primary Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c School accurately reflect the extent of the buildings Principle 4f curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Continue to exclude the playing field at the edge of the settlement

13 Woodville Road Realignment of the boundary, to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

14 Hallcroft Avenue Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

15 Poplars Farm Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b which has been granted for housing Principle 3c development. The land is physically related to the settlement. principle 4g Realignment of the boundary to more accurately reflect the Farms curtilage which relates to the character of the built form. In addition continue to exclude those agricultural buildings which relate more to the open countryside.

16 Poplars Farm Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c buildings and land which relate closely to the character of the built form.

17 Land at Acresford Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b Road proposed for allocation within the Local Plan Principle 3a Part 2. The land has been granted for housing development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

85 18 10-18 Acresford Road Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c residential curtilage which relates closely to the Principle 4a character of the built form. Continue to exclude land to the west of the proposed boundary which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

19 Squirrel Walk Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

Valley Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

20 Valley Road Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b proposed for allocation within the Local Plan Principle 3a Part 2. The land has been granted for housing development. The land is physically related to the settlement.

21 77- 105 Lullington Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Road accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

22 Land to the west of Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b 105 Lullington Road which has been granted for housing development and is currently undergoing construction. The land is physically related to the settlement.

23 Land to the west of 70 Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3b Lullington Road existing housing commitment which is physically related to the settlement.

24 14-70 Lullington Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

25 9-73 Burton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

26 Land south of Continue to exclude the playing fields at the Principle 4f Woodville Road. edge of the settlement

86 South Derbyshire Overseal Village Settlement Boundary District Council

A 4 4 4


R 4 O 8 A 4 D 8 33 77 99 1 10 55 66 AD RO 10 2 LE 2 VIL OD WO REET ST ON TI 11 NA 11 ORO 25 C 13 1212 13 26

D A O R 25 E L IL V D O O W 14 14



ET 2424 D SHOR A O 15 R N 15 TH O E GT A LIN T LUL H AD O 23 R IRA 23 O 20 M 22 16 2121 19 22 20 18 1617 19 1718


4 4 4









D 87

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1:10000 at A4 NORTH Repton

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Latham House, The Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Garden, Field House, buildings and their curtilages, which relates Taners Lane closely to the character of the built form.

2 Tanners Lane and Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Sports Pitches dwellings and the sports pitches which relate closely the character of the built form.

3 Repton School, Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Willington Road school buildings which relate closely to the character of the built form.

4 St Wystans Church Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c and Repton School, accurately reflect the buildings curtilages. The Principle 4f Willington Road land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude land previously included within the boundary which relates more to the playing field at the edge of the village than the settlement itself.

5 Sports Ground Continue to exclude the sports ground which is Principle 4f located at the edge of the settlement. Brook End Principle 1 Realignment of the boundary to be drawn tightly up to the road.

6 Brook Farm, Brook Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c End & 3-17 Monsom accurately reflect the buildings curtilages, which Principle 4g Lane relate to the character of the built form. In addition exclude the agricultural buildings which relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

7 Monsom Farm & 29 – Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 45 Monsom Lane accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 Cemetery and Continue to exclude the allotment gardens from Principle 4f Allotment Gardens, the settlement boundary, which are located at Monsom Lane the edge of the settlement.

88 In addition continue to exclude the cemetery which relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

9 42-58 Monsom Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. Principle 1 The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition realignment of the boundary to be drawn tightly up to the road.

10 Land to the north of Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a Milton Road proposed Part 2 housing allocation.

11 Land at Longlands Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a housing allocation at land at Longlands.

Realignment of the boundary to include the proposed Part 2 allocation. Principle 3a

12 Wystan Court Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

13 Shakespeare Realignment of the boundary at Shakespeare Principle 3c Meadows & 27-81 Meadows to include curtilages which relate Main Street closely to the character of the built form. And Principle 4b exclude part of the curtilages which relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

Realignment of the boundary at 27-81 Main Street to more accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

14 34-36 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the residential curtilages which relates to the character of the built form.

15 8-10 Broomhills Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the residential curtilages which relates to the character of the built form.

16 Field Gate, Bowerhill Realignment of the boundary to include to the Principle 3c Coattge Danesgate, dwellings and the curtilages which relate closely The Coach House, The to the character of the built form. Walled Garden,

89 17 The Pastures Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the residential curtilages Principle 4c which relates to the character of the built form. In addition continue to exclude 44 The Pastures from the boundary as the dwelling is physically and visually detached from the village.

18 Chestnut Way Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. Principle 1 The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition redraw the boundary tightly up to Burton Road.

19 Burton Road Continue to exclude the ribbon development Principle 4c along Burton Road from the settlement boundary. The development is physically detached from the settlement.

20 Askew Lodge, Skew Continue to exclude the dwellings which relate Principle 4b House, High Medows more to the open countryside than the settlement.

90 South Derbyshire Repton Village Settlement Boundary District Council

B 5 0 0 8 W IL L IN G TO N

RO A D 4 6 6 9 8 7 108 5 NE M LA 119 3 7 MONSO 5

M IL TO 4 N 10 2 R O AD 12 11 VE GRO D KEW 3 A AS O 20 R 2 N TO R BU 8 00 B5 H I G


S R T I R N E G E T F IE L CH D ES TN R U O T W A A Y D 13 19 11 1824 21 17 23 1620 22 M 14 A I 12 24 N 19 S TR E E T 15 15 16 18 13 1714

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:10000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

91 Rosliston

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Holden Croft & The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Chase accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 Land to the north of Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3b The Chase existing housing commitment which is physically related to the settlement.

3 Burton Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

4 24 Burton Road to St Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Marys Church accurately reflect the extent of the curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 15 to 41 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

6 43 to 57 Main Street Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

7 67 Main Street Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

8 71-81 Main Street, Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c Beighton Bungalow, accurately reflect the extent of the residential New Street curtilage. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

9 New Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

10 Field next the west of Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential

92 Strawberry Lane curtilages. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

11 8 Strawberry Lane & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c 9-19 Linton Road accurately reflect the extent of the field boundary. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

12 21-31 Linton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the field boundary. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

13 33-63 Linton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the field boundary. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

14 Linton Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

15 Land at Linton Road Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a proposed Part 2 allocation

16 Land at Linton Road Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a proposed Part 2 allocation

17 Land off Coton Lane Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3b and Main Street existing housing commitment which is physically related to the settlement.

18 Willow Farm Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c residential curtilage of the property which relates closely to the character of the built form

19 80-90 Main Street Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

20 1-3 Chapel Croft Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

21 Paying Field Continue to exclude the playing field which is Principle 4f located at the edge of the settlement.

93 22 11-29 Yew Tree Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Gardens accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

23 46-42 Yew Tree Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c & 8-2 Vicarage Walk accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

24 16,18 Catton Lane & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c The Glebe accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

94 South Derbyshire District Council Rosliston Village Settlement Boundary








2 3

B U 4 R T O




A 1 D 5 6 7




E A 24 D I





R E E 22 N 21 20 D OA 11 R N TO 19 13 LIN

LIN 17 TON R 18 O AD 12 14 15 16





C 95

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1:10000 at A4 NORTH Scropton

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Barley Croft Cottage, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Elwood P Dowd, The accurately reflect the extent of the residential Firs, Amberley, curtilages. The land relates closely to the Jacando, Halfield, character of the built form. Church View, Lathersley Lane & Chasey Croft, Watery Lane

2 Scropton Equestrian Continue to exclude the buildings which are at Principle 4g Centre the edge of the settlement and relate more to the open countryside than Scropton.

3 Church Farm Cottage Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c and Dove Court accurately reflect the extent of the buildings, Bungalow, Watery which relate closely to the built form of the Lane settlement.

4 The Old Hall, Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c Westview Cottage, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Main Street curtilages. The land relates closely to the built form of the settlement.

5 Hawthorn Farm Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a proposed part 2 allocation.

6 Ivy House Farm Realignment of the boundary, to include Ivy Principle 3c House Farm. The dwelling is adjacent to the existing settlement boundary. The property and Principle 4g curtilage relate closely to the character of the built form.

Continue to exclude the agricultural buildings to the rear of the dwelling which relate more the open countryside than the settlement.

7 The Old Post Office Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 1-6 Scropton Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential

96 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 Foresters Arms Realignment of the boundary to include Principle 3c Foresters Arms. The Public House is adjacent to the existing settlement boundary and relates closely to the character of the built form.

10 Church Lea, Main Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

11 Church Lea, Regal Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c House, School House, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Main Street curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 Deo Gartias, Dovelea, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Brook House, The accurately reflect the extent of the residential Gbales, Newton curtilages. The land relates closely to the Cottages & The Villa, character of the built form. Leathersley Lane

97 South Derbyshire Scropton Village Settlement Boundary District Council

2 3 LE A TH E R 1 S L EY LA 5 NE 4

12 10 6 8 S CR 9 OP TON 11 ROAD 7






ROO M B 98

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1: 2500 at A4 NORTH Shardlow

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 London Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to London Road.

2 31-39 London Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 The Coppice Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 2-18 Ambaston Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c & 51-53 London Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 London Road Realign the boundary to be drawn tightly up to Principle 1 London Road.

6 81 London Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 83 London Road & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Wakelyn Close accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 120-126 London Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 London Road Realign the boundary to be drawn tightly up to Principle 1 London Road.

10 110 London Road & Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c Telephone Exchange accurately reflect the extent of the buildings curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

99 11 Cowlishaw Close Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the buildings curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

12 Cowlishaw Close 9 1- Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c 27 Aston Lane accurately reflect the extent of the buildings curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

13 West End Drive Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the buildings curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

14 Alts Nook Way & Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c Glenn Way accurately reflect the extent of the buildings curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

15 Cheal Close Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the buildings curtilages and the car park. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

16 Play Area Continue to exclude the play area from the Principle 4f settlement boundary, which is located at the edge of the settlement.

17 Manor Farm House Continue to exclude the buildings which are Principle 4c physically detached from the settlement.

18 Moor Farm Continue to exclude the buildings at Moor Principle 4f Farm. The agricultural buildings and land at the relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

19 The settlement boundary does not need to be Principle 2 continuous. Due to the settlement nature and form there are two elements to the settlement.

20 The Wharf Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

21 Playing Field Continue to exclude the playing field from the Principle 4f

100 settlement boundary, which is located at the edge of the settlement.

22 33 & 37 The Wharf Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

23 39-47A The Wharf Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

24 Cavendish Close Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

25 Long Row Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

26 Allotment Gardens Continue to exclude the allotment gardens at Principle 4f the edge of the settlement.

27 53 Wilne Lane Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

28 Millfield Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

29 44-66 Wilne Lane Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c dwellings and their curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

30 Wilne Lane Realign the boundary to be drawn tightly up to Principle 1 the road.

31 6-8 Wilne Lane & Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c Willow Mews, London accurately reflect the extent of the residential Road curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

101 32 Cavendish Court Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 1 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

In addition realignment of the boundary to be drawn tightly up to London Road

33 171 London Road Continue to exclude 171 Shardlow Road from Principle 4c the settlement boundary; the dwelling is visually separate detached from the settlement.

34 London Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to London Road

35 Canal Bank Continue to exclude the buildings along Canal Principle 4c Bank which are physically detached from the settlement.

36 Caravan Park Continue to exclude the existing caravan park at Principle 4e the edge of the settlement, which is periphery to the main built up area.

102 South Derbyshire District Council Shardlow (West) Village Settlement Boundary

B50 10 33 LONDON 22

A 4 M R B OA 18 A 4 S TO D N R O A 19 D 11 18

17 C


15 E




L G 17 O LE 5 NN W 6 S AY 1 E 5 6 6 7 7 16

15 L C N Y WE EL 8 K ST A END E W N 15 DR 14 IVE N LA O T S A 14 B50 10 LOND C ON O ROAD 13 W L IS E H S 9 A O W CL 10 13 9 8 12 1110


E N A L N O ST A 103

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1:5000 at A4 NORTH South Derbyshire Shardlow (East) Village Settlement Boundary District Council

26 27

E LANE N L WI 2625

25 24



E G S 28 O




S I 27



23 24 V

22 23 A C

THE WHA D RF IEL MILLF 20 2928 21 S G N 22 TI L 30 A 29 21 M E TH

F R A WH 30 E TH 31

19 B5010 E LONDO N RO AN AD L E 32 N IL 31 36 W 37 36 35 35

K T N UR BA O L C A H N IS A 34 D C EN 33 V A C 32

34 33



Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1:5000 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan)

104 Smisby

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Mount House Farm. St Realignment of the dwelling to exclude the Principle 4a James’s Church, buildings and there curtilages from the Manor Farm, The settlement boundary. If the land was included Courtyard at Smisby and developed, it has capacity to Manor detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement. 2 Chapel Street Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to London Road

3 Mycliffe & Rondamy, Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c Chapel Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

4 The Gables & Rose Realignment of the boundary to include parts of Principle 3c Cottage, Chapel Street the properties residential curtilage which relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

5 17-33 Chapel Street Realignment of the boundary, to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

6 Long Acre Farm Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up the road.

7 Derby Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to London Road

8 Walnut Cottage Realignment of the boundary to ensure that the Principle 3c settlement boundary includes the whole dwelling. The building relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

9 Ivanhoe House, Main Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Street accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the settlement.

10 Childrens Nursery Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage which relates closely to the character

105 of the settlement.

11 Pool Croft, The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Beaches, Ivy House, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Main Street curtilages which relate closely to the character of the settlement.

12 Myrtle Lodge Farm, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Cherry Tree Croft, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Main Street curtilages which relate closely to the character of the settlement.

13 The Poplars Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilage. The land relates closely to the character of the built form of the settlement.

14 Annwell Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1. tightly up to Annwell Lane.

106 South Derbyshire Smisby Village Settlement Boundary District Council








1 4








C 7


13 NE 8 L LA WEL 11 ANN 12 10

B 9 5 0










D 107

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1: 2500 at A4 NORTH Stanton by Bridge

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Manor Farm, Ingleby Continue to exclude Manor Farm agricultural Principle 4g Road buildings from the settlement boundary. The buildings are at the edge of the built form and relate more to the open countryside.

2 Delta & The Lindens, Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Ingleby Road reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 Half-Acre, 106 &104 Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Ingleby Road reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

4 100-102 Ingleby Road Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c & 98-84 Church Close reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 The Walnuts, Little Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Homestead, Farm accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4 View, Mill House, The curtilages. The land relates closely to the g Barn, Ingleby Road character of the built form. In addition exclude the agricultural buildings and land at the edge of the built form, which relate more to the countryside.

6 The Old Granary, Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Meadow Croft, Ain reflect the extent of the residential curtilages Principle 4a Garth, Glebe House & which relates closely to the character of the Brook House, Ingleby built form. In addition condition to exclude the Road residential curtilage to the rear of Glebe House and Brook House, which if included and developed could have the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement.

7 Hollies Farm Close, Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Ingleby Road reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

108 8 Yew Tree Cottage, Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Corinda Cottage, reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. Principle 1 Sandstones, Quarry The land relates closely to the character of the Hill Barn, Swallow built form. Barn, Stanton Lodge, In addition redraw the boundary tightly up to Ingleby Road the road.

9 Quarry Hill Cottage, Realignment of boundary up to dwellings, which Principle 3c High Standing, Hill relate closely to the character of the Top Cottage, Sunny settlement. In addition exclude the rear Principle 4a Hill, Hill View, Rose residential curtilages of the dwelling, which if Cottage included and developed could have the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement

10 Magnolia House, Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c Caherelly, Stoney dwellings, which relate closely to the character Brook, Meadowside of the built form. Exclude the rear residential Principle 4a Barn curtilages from the settlement boundary, which if included and developed could have the capacity to detrimentally impact upon the form and character of the settlement. Principle 1 In addition redraw the boundary tightly up to the road.

11 Greenwood, Hilcot, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Stable Cottage, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Woodlands, Ferndale curtilage which relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 Cherry Tree, The Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Retreat & Daisy reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. Principle 4g Cottage, Hills Lane & The land relates closely to the character of the Ivy House Farm & built form. In addition continue to exclude the Stone Cottages agricultural buildings which relate more to the ,Ingleby Road countryside than the settlement.

13 Aingarth Cottage & Continue to exclude the dwellings from the Principle 4c Hills Cottage, Hills settlement boundary. The dwellings are visually Lane detached from the settlement.

14 Old Barn House, Realignment of boundary to more accurately Principle 3c Ingleby Road reflect the extent of the residential curtilages.

The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

109 In addition redraw the boundary tightly up to Principle 1 the road.

15 Ingleby Road Redraw the boundary tightly up to the road. Principle 1

110 South Derbyshire Stanton by Bridge Village Settlement Boundary District Council

Gravel Pit Lake






7 8 6 5 4

INGLE BY RO 14 AD 3 15 9

13 2 12 11

Manor Farm

H IL 10 1 L S L A N E


4 1 5 111 A B5 87

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1: 5000 at A4 NORTH Sutton on the Hill

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 1-2 Marlpit Cottages, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Nonesuch, Longdale accurately reflect the extent of the residential House curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

2 Rectory Cottages, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Rectory Farm, accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 Field View & Hall Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 1 curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition redraw the boundary tightly up to the road

4 Cheetham Arms Farm Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 The Byre Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 4b curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

6 Dish Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

7 Lower Fieldgate Farm Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the land which relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 Bramley, Greystones, Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Peppledene, Orchard accurately reflect the extent of the residential End curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

112 9 The Croft, Meadow Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Side, Brook House, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Brrok Lane curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

10 Bnak House, The Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3b Birches, Fieldgate accurately reflect the extent of the residential House curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

11 Land adjacent to Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b Willow Tree Cottage which has planning permission for 2 dwelling. The land is physically related to the settlement

12 The Mill, Mill Continue to exclude the small group of Principle 4c Farmhouse, Millers dwellings from the settlement boundary, which Farm, Common Farm are not physically attached to the Sutton on The Hill

13 The Hall Farm and its Continue to exclude The Hall Farm and the Principle 4c agricultural buildings agricultural buildings relating to the farm. The Principle 4g house is physically detached from the settlement and the agricultural buildings relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

14 Fieldgate Farm and its Continue to exclude Fieldgate Farm and the Principle 4c agricultural buildings agricultural buildings relating to the farm. The Principle 4g house is physically detached from the settlement and the agricultural buildings relate more to the open countryside than the settlement.

113 South Derbyshire Sutton on the Hill Village Settlement Boundary

District Council E

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Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 100019461 2014. Scale: 1: 2500 at A4 NORTH

Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary (1998 Adopted Local Plan) 114 Swarkestone

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Barrow Lane Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Barrow Lane.

2 Land adjacent to the Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3b Nook land to the north of the Nook, which relates closely to the character of the built form.

3 The Nook and Trent Realignment of the boundary to up to road, to Principle 1 Side Cottages, Trent the east of the dwellings. Side

4 Bridge Farm Hotel Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3b extent of the residential curtilage. The land Principle 4b relates closely to the character of the built form. Exclude land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

5 Bridge Farm, House, Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 Old Beams, Crewe tightly up to the road. and Harpur Arm & In addition realignment of the boundary to The Crows Nest more accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

6 Trent View Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c extent of the dwelling. The dwelling relates closely to the character of the built form.

7 Meadow Farm & 3 Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c The Water Meadows accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

8 The Birches and Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Ingleby View, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Woodshop Lane curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

9 The Roaches, & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 1 Woodshop House accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 3c. Woodshop Lane and curtilages. The land relates closely to the

115 character of the built form.

In addition realignment of the boundary tightly up to the track to the east of the Roaches.

10 Gaps between the Due to the settlements nature and form define Principle 2 two elements of the the settlement into two elements. settlement.

11 Cobster Cottage Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c residential curtilage of the property which relates closely to the character of the built form.

12 Holybish Cottage to Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c land to the rear of accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 3b Trent Cottage. curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Continue to include land to the rear of Trent Cottage which was granted permission for a dwelling.

13 Mullberry Barn, Trent Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Side accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

14 St James Court, Trent Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Side accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form

15 The Reading Room & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Church House, accurately reflect the extent of the residential Church Lane curtilages. The lane relates closely to the character of the built form.

16 Hall Farm Cottages Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c curtilages of Hall Farm Cottages, which relates to the character of the built form.

17 Trent Side Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to Trent Side. Exclude the land to the Principle 4b north of the proposed boundary which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

116 South Derbyshire Swarkestone Village Settlement Boundary District Council





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7 TRE 17 NT SID 6 E 16

Rive r Tr ent







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Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Existing Village Settlement boundary Proposed Settlement boundary 100019461 2014. (1998 Adopted Local Plan) Scale: 1: 2500 at A4 NORTH Swadlincote

Reference Description of Recommendation Criteria Location

1 Ashby Road East Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

2 Business Park Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

3 Bretby Hollow Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c constructed residential development off Willow Bretby Hollow. The dwellings and their curtilages relate closely to the character of the built form.

4 39-41 Rose Tree Lane Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

5 29-33 Rose Tree Lane Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4b land which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

6 71-119 Sunnyside Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c dwellings and their curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. Principle In addition realignment of the boundary to be 1 drawn tightly up to the road.

7 70 Sunnyside Realignment of the boundary at 70 Sunnyside to Principle 3c more accurately reflect the extent of the curtilage which closely relates to the character Principle 4b of the built form. The realignment does not include a proportion of the garden, as which relates more to the open countryside than the settlement.

8 The William Allit Realignment of the boundary around the extent Principle 4f School of the school buildings. The buildings relate closely to the character of the built form. Principle 3c Exclude the playing field which is located at the edge of the settlement.

118 9 19 Chesterfield Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Avenue accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

10 Woodville Road Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3b housing allocation at William Nadin Way.

In addition include the land, dwellings and their Principle 3C curtilages which as a result of the allocation, relate closely to the character of the built form.

11 Woodville Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

12 William Nadin Way Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b granted permission for 158 dwellings. In addition realignment of the boundary to include Principle 3a the housing allocation at William Nadin Way.

13 William Nadin Way Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c business units at Willima Nadin Way, Cadley Hill. The curtilage of the buildings relates closely to the character of the built form.

14 Castle Gresley Realignment of the boundary to exclude land to Settlement the west of Burton Road which relates more to Castle Gresley. This land will be incorporated into the Castle Gresley settlement boundary. Burton Road Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

15 Castle Gresley Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 1 settlement settlement of Castle Gresley. A separate boundary is established for the settlement of Principle 3c Castle Road Castle Gresley. Realign the boundary up to the edge of Castle Road.

16 1-5 Castle Road Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

17 Land to the south of Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3c Station Street which relates closely to the character of the built form.

119 18 173, 190 Station Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 Street & 2 Bank Street tightly up to the road.

19 Church Street Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

20 Land at Church Street Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a housing allocation at Church Street.

21 Thorpe Downs Road & Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Deepdale Lane accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

22 Land at Bridge Street Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c land which relates closely to the character of the built form. 23 Woodville Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3b, Regeneration Area Woodville Regeneration Area which is allocated 3e within the Local Plan Part 1 for employment and housing. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

24 Moira Road & Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c, Occupation Lane residential development accessed off Moira 3e Road and Occupation Land. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

In addition include the land to the west of Arliston Drive which has been granted for (permission implemented) for employments, the land relates closely to the character of the built form.

25 Excelsior Drive Realignment of the boundary to be drawn Principle 1 tightly up to the road.

26 South Street Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3c constructed housing development off South Street. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

27 Radleigh Grange Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 4a accurately reflect the extent of the residential Principle 3c curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition exclude the land which relates more to the open countryside than the built form.

120 28 122-130 Hartshorne Realignment of the boundary to exclude the Principle 4b Road, The Cutting, land which relates more to the open Principle 3c Limestone Close, countryside than the settlement. Redrawn the Bentley Dale, Vale boundary around the extent of the built form. Principle 1 Road The land relates closely to the character of the built form. In addition redraw the boundary to The Cutting and Vale Road.

29 59 Gosely Avenue, 1 Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Mount Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

30 Broomy Farm Realignment of the boundary to include the Principle 3a allocation at Broomy Farm.

31 10 The Sandlands Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

32 554-576a Burton Realignment of the boundary to more Principle 3c Road accurately reflect the extent of the residential curtilages. The land relates closely to the character of the built form.

33 Land adjacent to Realignment of the boundary to include land Principle 3b 567a Burton Road which has planning permission for 2 dwellings. The land is physically related to the settlement.