RESTRICTED Mike Ashworth Executive Director Economy, Transport and Environment Department County Hall Matlock Derbyshire DE4 3AG Parents of Telephone 01629 536739 Ask for Email
[email protected] Our ref 205 Your ref Date 06 January 2020 Dear Parent/Student IMPORTANT INFORMATION – revised school bus timetables/routes You may be aware that roadworks will be in place on a section of Swarkestone Road near to the Bonnie Prince roundabout from Monday 13th January until 23 February 2020 to facilitate gas main repairs. During the first week of the closure, work will be carried out under two way traffic lights but from Monday 20th January, it may be necessary to close the north-bound carriageway and traffic will have to follow the agreed diversion route (AM only). In anticipation of potential delays and diversions, it has been agreed to bring forward timetables for affected services and information is attached with this letter. The additional time provided is to ensure that services arrive at Chellaston Academy on time and operators have been given permission to follow the agreed diversion route each morning from Monday 13th January if there are significant traffic delays caused by the two-way lights. I hope delays and inconvenience will be kept to a minimum and can assure you that normal arrangements will be reinstated as soon as work is complete. Yours faithfully School Transport Team Derbyshire County Council Copy to: Chellaston Academy Diversion Route for service 205, 207, 208 and 209 King's Newton, Isley Walton, Castle Donnington,