An Historic Resource Survey of


An Historic Resource Survey of


Prepared for:



MOTLEY DESIGN GROUP, LLC 1114 Grand Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85007

(602) 254‐5599

MDG Project # 11‐004 May, 2012 Introduction

In recent years U.S. Route 66 has become a popular historical‐tourism destination for countless Americans and international travelers. This highway, which “runs from Chicago to L.A.,” has been singled out in the popular imagination as an icon representing American road culture and as a symbol of the freedom afforded by the automobile. In response to this high degree of public interest, in 1999 an act of Congress resulted in the Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program, administered by the National Park Service. Among other activities, the program provides grants to the affected states for the identification and prioritization of Route 66 related resources. In 2010, the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office was awarded such a grant, intended to fund a comprehensive survey of potential Route 66 resources in Arizona, from the state line to the state line. Motley Design Group, teamed with SWCA Environmental Consultants, was retained to perform the survey. The bulk of the field survey was completed in four trips occurring between April, 2011 and August, 2011. This report is a summary of the team’s findings.

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Project Team Historical Architects: Motley Design Group, LLC Robert Graham, AIA, Principal Investigator Roberta L. Graham, Survey Coordinator Historians: SWCA, Inc., James Steely, Architectural Historian First Light Consulting, John Murphey, Historical Research

Field Inventory The initial inventory list was provided to the consultant team by the Arizona SHPO. SHPO staff created the initial list from a combination of windshield surveys and inventory data from prior surveys and National Register nominations. The initial list was refined by the project team in consultation with SHPO to eliminate duplicates and exclude properties that were remote from historic Route 66 alignments. Field inventory by the consultants was preceded by intensive pre‐planning in order to minimize on‐ site time. Each site on the SHPO listing was located on USGS maps and previewed using Google Maps, Google Streetview, and/or Mapquest to the extent possible. Aerial photographs were annotated with locations of target sites. After all sites had been roughly located, inventory numbers were assigned to all target properties, generally ordered starting with #1 at the California line and proceeding east. Within cities and towns, the numbering varied slightly from a strict west‐to‐east regimen in order to group the properties more effectively in the field, particularly in those towns where the highway was split into one‐way pairs. In some areas, particularly between urban centers, the inventory numbering is discontinuous due to the removal or combination of some properties from the initial listing The field inventory was divided into four trips, each of three to six days duration, as follows:  Trip #1: April 22‐27, California line to (but not including) Flagstaff  Trip #2: June 22‐26, Holbrook to New Mexico line  Trip #3: July 27‐31, Winslow east to Holbrook  Trip #4: August 22‐24, Flagstaff east to Winslow The inventory was conducted to Arizona SHPO standards using the Arizona Historic Property Inventory Form. All photographs were taken digitally. Not unexpectedly, additional potential resources were encountered that were not on the initial SHPO listing. At SHPO’s instruction, all non‐residential properties found that occurred on historic Route 66 and appeared older than 1985 were considered. (An earlier cutoff date was used in instances where the highway is known to have been realigned prior to 1985.) Additional inventory numbers were assigned as these resources were encountered, starting with number 900. Following the field work, the inventory was transcribed into a Microsoft Access database system. The use of Access was specified by SHPO. The project team elected to use Access 2007 (or later) version

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 2 because of its improved ability to embed photographic information into the database. This is essential to avoid having to inefficiently paste up or merge photographs into the hard copy form output. Unfortunately, very large database files are the result. As a final product, we have provided the overall Route 66 in Arizona inventory split amongst four database files, divided geographically.

Historic Background Information Each property was researched as to its date of construction and use during the period of significance (1926‐1985) through a combination of field recording data, secondary and primary source material, photographic documentation and telephone inquiries. Data from previous surveys and listed and draft National Register nominations informed much of the current inventory. Newly recorded resources were researched using both popular and scholarly books on Route 66. Information gleaned from non‐scholarly books was employed when it could be verified through another source. Informing much of the background on were commercial postcards, which provided data on building layout, number of rooms, amenities, owner and often manager, and, in some instances, the extent of remodeling or updating of a . To this end, postcard collections in books, personal holdings and online archives were consulted. Some motels have had extensive advertising, allowing the researcher to trace the evolution of the business and its associated buildings. Acknowledging that postcards provide only a snapshot in time of a motel’s appearance and amenities, the researcher selected postcard data that mostly closely reflected the resource recorded in the field. For motels and other travel resources in Flagstaff, Williams, and Winslow, the researcher consulted interval years of a 50‐year span of telephone books and city directories digitized and made available online through the Flagstaff Public Library. Equally, period magazines and travel guides were reviewed for information and advertisements on tourist attractions and related businesses. To a lesser extent, digital newspaper collections were consulted. When no information could be found using these sources, the researcher made telephone inquiries to the local historical society, chamber of commerce, and/or directly to the current business. Given the restricted character count of the inventory’s entry field for this information, the developed background is not definitive.

National Register Status Determination This survey includes recommendations on eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places for individual properties and districts. Our recommendations are limited to historic properties’ relationship to defined Route 66 historic contexts. Historic contexts for Route 66 have been developed and documented in other studies. A Multiple Property Documentation Form for “Historic Route 66 in Arizona” has been completed and later updated (Cleeland, 1989, and Stein, 1996). An MPDF has also been developed nationally. We have relied on these sources in defining eligible property types. The SHPO‐standard Arizona Historic Property Inventory Form includes recommendations on National Register eligibility summarized in check‐box format as:  Previously listed (individually or in a district),

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 Individually Eligible (or not),  Eligible as part of a historic district (or not). Recommendations for eligibility for this survey generally were made conforming to the following guidelines.  Previously listed properties (where the project team was aware of their prior status) are marked with their status as Individually Listed or Listed as Contributor to a Historic District and no further recommendations are given, unless found to be demolished or to have lost integrity, in which case that fact is noted.  Properties constructed 1985 or later (or later than the appropriate date for sections of Route 66 that were decommissioned earlier) are marked Not Individually Eligible and Not Eligible as a Contributor due to age.  Properties that do not appear to meet typical National Register integrity criteria are marked Not Individually Eligible and Not Eligible as a Contributor due to integrity loss.  All properties that are not directly related to the established Route 66 historic contexts (but met age and integrity tests) are marked “Need Additional Study” and “Not Route 66 Context” is marked in the REASON field. Surveyed properties placed in this category include the following: o Theatres o Bowling alleys o Railroad related resources including depots and other facilities o Warehouses o Industrial plants o Retail commercial buildings that were not known to be used as a café or shop o Banks o Office buildings o Post Offices, other public governmental buildings except for ADOT or ADPS offices o Meeting/fraternal halls o Churches o Residences and apartments  Property types appearing in the national Route 66 MPDF context, listed below, were marked as “Individually Eligible” if they met age and integrity tests: o Highway and Road‐Related Structures o Road Bridges o Gasoline/Service Stations o Garages/Dealerships o Diners/Cafes/Restaurants o /Campgrounds/Tourist Courts/Motels o Recreational/Travel Stops/Destinations o Roadside Parks/Picnic Areas o Road Support/Maintenance/Law Enforcement o Districts

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Overview of Inventory A total of 889 properties were inventoried. This includes 741 properties that were on the initial SHPO listing and 147 properties that were added during the course of the inventory. 365 properties were found to be potentially eligible to the National Register as individuals for their associations to Route 66 and not previously listed. 187 properties were found to have been constructed prior to 1985 and appeared to possess historic integrity, but which were not directly related to the Route 66 historic context. These properties are candidates for additional study under other survey efforts. The remaining 225 properties were recommended not eligible due to age or loss of integrity.

SUMMARY TOTALS 102 Previously Listed, Still Eligible 10 Previously Listed (as Individual or Contributor), No Longer Eligible 365 Recommended Individually Eligible 225 Recommended not eligible 187 Need More Information (not Rt. 66 Context) 889 Total Inventory

Statistical Breakdown and Trends Noted Age Distribution The majority of resources inventoried were post‐WWII examples. Prewar buildings were encountered more rarely, with fewer being found in earlier brackets.

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Building Types The Inventory included building types in the following numbers. (Numbers are approximate and do not total up to the number or properties inventoried, in that some properties could be counted in multiple categories.) Gas Stations/Repair Garages/Dealerships 206 Motels/Hotels 176 Restaurants/Taverns 118 Tourist‐Related Retail 22 Engineering Structures 12 Museums 4 Sites, Objects 21 Non‐Route 66 context resources 309 Trends The inventory data revealed several trends that could be further researched through additional recordation, data gathering and comparative analysis. The most evident of these is a long‐term trend of expansion of lodging units, reflecting increased traffic patterns and changes in automobile design and traveling habits. It appears from an examination of period postcards that many motels—especially those in Kingman, Flagstaff, Winslow, and Holbrook—started as small U‐shaped motor courts placed perpendicular to the highway, and automobiles were parked in individual carports. With a postwar increase in traffic volume, motel owners often built a separate integrated block of motel units (without carports) to meet the expanding tourist trade. This block was either added to the exiting motor court or resulted in the demolition of earlier units. Starting in the 1950s, most motels were constructed as a plan of integrated one‐story blocks arranged as a single block or forming an “L” or wide “U” of multiple blocks. To this, depending on the motel’s targeted market, were added amenities such as a pool, lawn, landscaped grounds, play area, or attached café. Later, with a trend to maximize space, a two‐ story block was added to one of the “arms” of the original and/or modified U‐shaped forms. Many U‐ shaped motels recorded in the survey show a mixture of earlier one‐story blocks, flanking a newer two‐story block. Several surveyed motels reveal a multi‐era evolution of expansion, often with a surviving 1920’s motor court unit attached to a later one‐story block, with a separate modern two‐ story block to the side. This trend of multi‐era expansion could be further researched to determine how it compares statewide and with the evolution of motor accommodations in other Route 66 states.

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Priorities for Future National Register Nominations 365 properties have been identified which are, in the opinion of the surveyors, eligible to the National Register of Historic Places under the Route 66 context, and which are not previously listed either as individuals or as contributors to a historic district. Some of these properties would be considered borderline as to their significance or integrity. Others are both highly significant and good, intact examples of their property types or of well developed architectural design. We have divided the recommended‐eligible properties into three priority categories: low, medium, and high, which are noted in the summary inventory table at the end of this document. Low‐priority properties are noted in the resource listing table as “Individually Eligible” but without further highlighting. Properties were placed in this classification for a number of reasons, including:  Borderline historic integrity in one or more integrity categories  Relatively common building type of uninteresting character  Properties occurring within potential low‐priority historic districts and not otherwise classified in a higher priority as an individual property Medium‐priority properties are noted in the resource listing table as “Individually Eligible” and are further highlighted with green shading. These are properties that were not classified as either low‐ or high‐priority. High‐priority properties are noted in the resource listing table as “Individually Eligible” and are further highlighted with red shading. These properties were noted for being one or more of the following:  Excellent example of its property type and strong Route 66 character  Particularly rare property due to age, type, construction, or architectural style  Properties additionally significant under NR Criteria B, C, or D  Good, intact properties which appear endangered due to deterioration or redevelopment  Properties occurring within potential high priority historic districts (see below)

Potential Historic Districts In addition to being individually eligible to the National Register, a number of properties occurred in groups or collections which appear to form potential historic districts. Areas which may deserve consideration include: HIGH PRIORITY; Strong Route 66 associations, good overall integrity: Hackberry: The site consists of inventory numbers 167‐170, and includes a store, motel, café, and minor accessory structures in a rural setting. Truxton: The hamlet of Truxton once served auto travelers with gas stations, restaurants, and motels. Now largely abandoned, the site is owned by the Indian tribe. Inventory numbers 175‐ 177 and 903‐908 comprise 9 potential contributing properties. Park Motel ( Caverns): This site (#185) was inventoried as a single property, but includes motel, restaurant, gas station, and site features spread across a large area. Pine Springs: Located on the western fringe of Flagstaff, this abandoned site on State land was once a tourist stop and includes a motel, gas station, restaurant, and storage/warehouse buildings in deteriorating condition. Inventory numbers 1029‐1033 are included. The district might also be

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stretched to include the Trail Riders Motel (Woody Mountain Campground), #292, which lies across the highway. Two Guns: Inventoried as numbers 429 and 430, this potential district flanks Canyon Diablo where it is crossed by the historic Route 66 alignment. The site includes a gas station, campground, concrete bridge, and numerous stone ruins of an early tourist stop. LOW PRIORITY; partial Route 66 associations, lesser historic integrity: Ash Fork: Inventory numbers 207‐228 and 918‐923 include many older properties, some directly related to Route 66 contexts and others not. The question of whether or not a historic district is feasible in this town deserves further study. Joseph City: Route 66 was Main Street through Joseph City, and there are numerous commercial buildings along its route, many related to the Route 66 context. Several tourist‐related sites are located on the western edge of town, in deteriorating condition. Inventory numbers 965 through 980 are potential contributors.

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Bibliography Arizona Daily Sun (Flagstaff, Arizona, 1946‐1963, 1971‐1977). Arizona Good Roads Association, compiler, Arizona Good Roads Association Illustrated Road Maps and Tour Book (Phoenix, Arizona Highways Magazine, (1913) 1987). Cleeland, Teri A., “Historic U.S. Route 66 in Arizona,” National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form, USDA Forest Service, 1989. Cline Library, University. Illinois Digital Archives (digital collection of the U.S. 66 postcards). Jakle, John A., “Motel by the Roadside: America’s Room for the Night,” Journal of Cultural Geography, 1 (1981), 34‐49. Jakle, John A., and Keith A. Sculle, The Gas Station in America (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994). ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐, Fast Food: Roadside Restaurants in the Automobile Age (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999). Jakle, John A., Keith A. Sculle, and Jefferson S. Rogers, The Motel in America (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996). Johnson Publishing Co., “Flagstaff, Arizona City Directory” (Loveland, : Johnson Publishing Co., various editions, 1955‐1965). Jones, Dwayne W., “A Field Guide to Gas Stations in ,” Historic Studies Report No. 2003‐03, Texas Department of Transportation, Environmental Affairs Division, Historical Branch. Leppke, Cliff, “Vanishing Points: Phillip’s Postwar “New Look” Service Stations,” Society of Commercial Archeology Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, Spring (2005), 4‐11. Mangum, Richard and Sherry, Route 66 Across Arizona: A Comprehensive Two‐Way Guide for Touring Route 66 (Flagstaff: Hexagon Press, Inc., 2001). Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, “Telephone Directory” (Flagstaff, Williams, Winslow), various editions, 1926‐1954, 1966‐1977). Navajo County Historical Society, Holbrook, Arizona. Olsen, Russell A., The Complete Route 66 Lost & Found (Minneapolis: Voyageur Press, 2008). Repp, Thomas Arthur, Route 66: The Romance of the West (Lynnwood, Washington: Mock Turtle Press, 2002). Rittenhouse, Jack D., A Guide Book to Highway 66 (Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, (1946) 1989). Russell, Tim, Fill ‘er Up!: The Great American Gas Station (St. Paul: Voyageur Press, 2007). Scott, Quinta, Along Route 66 (Norman: University of Press, 2000). Sonderman, Joe, Route 66 in Arizona (Charleston, South Carolina: Arcadia Publishing, 2010).

Steely, James W. and Jennifer Levstick, “Holbrook Transportation Corridor Historic District,” National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (draft), 2006.

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Stein, Pat, “Historic Route 66 in Arizona,” Amended Submission, Multiple Property Documentation Form, (1996). “Vehicular Bridges in Arizona,” National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form, Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, 1988. Vieyra, Daniel I., “Fill’er Up!: An Architectural History of America’s Gas Stations (New York: Collier Books, 1979). Wallace, Norman G., “Arizona 66: The Scenic Wonderland Highway,” Arizona Highways, Vol. XXXI, No. 5, May (1955), 12‐29. Ward, Michael, personal postcard collection. Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Arizona, Arizona: The Grand Canyon State, A State Guide (New York: Hastings House, 1940). Telephone conversations with various business owners.

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Resource Listing Low‐Priority Medium‐priority High‐priority Location NR Status Recommendation

City or Construction Date Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County REASON for INELIGIBILITY Golden Shores (Hooch's Barn & 1 5035 E Powell Lake Road Topock Mohave c. 1960 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Grill) 2 Riverside Court appr. MP 18.1 Mohave 1972/1980-C X X DEMOLISHED 7 Buildings, Residential and 3 140-150 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1926, c. 2005 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Commercial Commercial Building (The Leather 4 160 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1981 X X AGE Shop) Commercial Building (The Leather 5 162 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1989 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Shop) Commercial Building (Jack Ass 6 164 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1988 X X AGE Treasures) Commercial Building (Olive Oatman 7 170 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 2001 X X AGE Restaurant) DEMOLISHED OR RADICALLY 8 Commercial Building 180 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 2000 X X ALTERED Central Commercial (Oatman 9 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave c. 1908 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT General Store) Commercial Building (Ore 10 194 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave c. 1940-1989 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT House/Gold Dollar) Commercial Building (Ace In Da 11 220 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 2005 X X AGE Hole Gifts) Commercial Building (Outlaw 12 240 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1980 X X AGE Willie's) Commercial Building (Judy's 13 262 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave c. 1940, 1976 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Saloon) Lee Lumber Co. (Oatman 14 280 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1926/56 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Mercantile) 15 Commercial Building (Tackyshack) W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave c. 1935 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Commercial Building (Making 16 88 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave Unknown X X INTEGRITY LOSS Memories)

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Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 17 Oatman Drug (Gold City ) W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1925 X 18 Commercial Site 121 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave unknown X X DEMOLISHED 19 Commercial Site 131 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave unknown X X DEMOLISHED Commercial Building (Dust Witch 20 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1951 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Gallery/Fast Fanny's) 21 Commercial Building (Fast Fanny's) 152 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1926 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Dodge Brothers Motor Garage 22 171 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave c. 1940, 1982 X X INTEGRITY LOSS (Yellowhammer's) 23 Durlin Hotel (Oatman Hotel) 181 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1924 X 24 Commercial Building (Classy Ass) W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1926 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Commercial Building (Jackass 25 219 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave c. 1925; 1987 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Junction) 26 Oatman Theatre 233 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1912/1980 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Commercial Building (Creative 27 241-3 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave c. 1925, 1981 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Edge) 28 Oatman Post Office 251 W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave 1985 X X AGE 29 Mine Tailings W. Oatman Hwy. Oatman Mohave X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 30 Ed's Camp MP 32.5 Route 66 Mohave c. 1925 X 31 Cool Springs MP 34.5 Route 66 Mohave c. 1925, 2007 X Whiting Brothers Service Station 32 2043 Miami Ave Kingman vic Mohave c. 1950 X (Dan's Auto Parts) 33 Office Building 420 S Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1968 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 34 Shell Service Station 418 S Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1967 X X INTEGRITY LOSS NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 35 Office/storage building 416 rear W Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1967 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 36 Service station 416 S Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1956 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 37 Office Building 400 W Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1971 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 38 Mohave Museum 400 W Beale St Kingman Mohave 1968 X 39 424 W Beale St Kingman Mohave 1984/1985 X X AGE

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Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY Shamrock Service Station (Canada 40 210 W Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1959 X Mart) 41 Electrical Equipment Lot 120 W Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X X n/a Desert Power & Water Co. Electric 42 120 W Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1906 X Power Plant Improvements 43 Locomotive Park 310 W Beale Ave Kingman Mohave X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT c. 1960 44 Shell Service Station (Mr. D'z) 105 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1940/1958 X 45 Dunton Motors 119 E AndyDevine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 1946 X 46 Garage 123 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 1910 X 47 Service Station 201 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1939 X 48 Commercial Building 207 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1915 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

49 Commercial Building 217 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1959 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 50 Post Office 229 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1981 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 51 Public Park 301 Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 2000 X X AGE 52 Old Trails Garage 307 Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1915 X X X INTEGRITY LOSS 53 Arizona Stores Company Building 311 Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1915/1912 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 54 Hotel Brunswick 313 Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1907 to 1909 X

55 Lovin Building 317 Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1906 X 1899, 56 Hotel Beale 319 Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X 1916/1919-C 57 Vacant Lot 329 Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1899 X X X DEMOLISHED S side Andy Devine 58 AT&SF Railroad Depot Kingman Mohave 1907 X between 4th & 5th 59 Multi Tenant Commercial Building E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 1925 X 60 Commercial Building 4?? E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 1950 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 61 Service Station (66 Auto Fix) 425 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 1970 X Water Tower, Two Silos, Railroad 62 5?? E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 1920-1940 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Building

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Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY Casa Linda Restaurant (Commercial 63 511 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1933 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Building) 64 Two Commercial Buildings 523-5 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1938/1959 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 65 TNT Car Care 535 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1963 X 66 Commercial Building 5?? E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1950 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 67 Commercial Building 543 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1935 X 68 Service Garage 601 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 2000 X X AGE Commercial Building 69 6?? E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X X DEMOLISHED [DEMOLISHED] 70 Commercial Building 602 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1946 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 71 Warehouse 700 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 2000 X X AGE 72 Service Station 707 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1935 X X DEMOLISHED Lockwood Café (St. Michael 73 711 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1937 X Catholic Church) 74 Indian Curio Shop 713 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1940 X 75 Mobil Station (Comp Auto Works) 731 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1951 X 1966/1973/ 76 Two Commercial Buildings 809 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1996 77 Laundromat 825 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1975 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 78 White Rock Court 8?? E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1935 X 79 Arcadia Lodge 909 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1938 X 80 Commercial Building 927 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1974 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 81 Commercial Building 937 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1951 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 82 Service Station 941 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1954 X 83 (Ramblin Rose Motel) 1001 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1958 X Shell Service Station (Mr. C's 84 1100 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1964/1974 X Machine Shop) 85 Commercial Office Building 1200 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1967 X X INTEGRITY LOSS

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Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 86 Kingman Station Apartments 1212 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1987 X X AGE c. 1940, 87 Commercial Office Building Kingman Mohave X X INTEGRITY LOSS c. 1995 1964/1965/ 88 Inn (Quality Inn) 1400 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X 1970 89 Taylor Motors 1401 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1945 X 90 Coco's Restaurant 1410 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1968 X Service Station (Andy Devine Auto 91 1420 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1968 X Sales) 1938, c. 1955, 92 El Trovatore Motel 1440 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X c. 1975 93 Commercial Building 1415 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1976 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1963-C, 94 Service Station (R & R Body Shop) 1423 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X X INTEGRITY LOSS c. 1990 95 Hill Top Motel 1901 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1953/1959 X Commercial Building (Audio-Visual 96 1912 E Andy Devine Kingman Mohave 1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Source) 97 Service Station (Mohave Muffler) 1918-20 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1939 X 98 Siesta Motel 1926 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1929 X 99 Big O Tires 1942 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1972/1979 X 100 KJ's Food Mart 1945 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1965 X X DEMOLISHED Commercial Building (Just Like 101 1955 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1953 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Home Laundry) 102 Astro Motel (Orchard Inn Motel) 1967 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1964 X 103 Village Inn Pizza/Motel Restaurant 1967 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1972 X 104 Service Station 1983 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1979 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 105 Stromboli's 1968 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1961 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 106 Sonic Drive-In (Village Auto West) 1976 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1977 X Bell's Motel (Desert Lodge 107 2010 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1945 X Apartments)

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Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 1935/1950/ 108 Hillcrest Motel 2018 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X 1985 109 Denny's Restaurant 2011 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1964 X 110 Service Station 2015 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1950 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 111 Club 66 2032 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1955 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 112 Lewis Kingman Park 2201 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1966 X 113 Fire Station No. 2 1605 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1977 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 114 Arizona Department of Public Safety 2319 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1969 X 115 Two Commercial Buildings 2701 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1972/2003 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 116 Ranchito Motel (High Desert Inn) 2803 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1940, 1955 X 117 Commercial Building 2813 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1962 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 118 Wayfarer's Inn 2815 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1976 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 119 Parking Lot to Wayfarer's Inn 2815 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 120 Uptown Drug 2820 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1973/1990 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 121 Coffee Shop 2890 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1964 X 122 Coffee Shop 2906 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1964 X 123 King's Inn Motel 2930 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1965/1997 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 124 Shell Service Station 2901 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1967 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 125 Commercial Building (LBJ Liquor) 2915 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1968 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 126 Gas Station 2931 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1982 X 127 Pony Soldier Motel (Route 66 Motel) 2939 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1963 X 128 Big Boy (JB's) Restaurant 2940 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1979 X 129 Office Building 3001 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1978 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 130 Service Station 3030 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1968 X 131 3016 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1963/1977 X 132 Motel (Magnuson Hotel) 3100 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1966/1971 X X INTEGRITY LOSS

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Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 133 Mobil Service Station 3041 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1983 X 134 Lido Motel 3133 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1952/1965 X 135 Shell Service Station 3137 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1969 X 136 Burger King 3250 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1978 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 137 Silver Queen Inn - South 3285 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1983 X 138 Denny's Restaurant 3255 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1973 X 139 Silver Queen Inn - North 3285 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1973/1990 X 140 Arby's Restaurant 3265 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1982 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 141 Travelodge 3275 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1982 X 142 Pizza Hut 3395 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1982 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 143 1st Value Inn 3270 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1968 X 144 Tire World of Kingman 3311 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1979 X 145 Motel 6 3351 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1984 X 146 Kmart 3340 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1983 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 147 Bashas 3360 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1983 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 148 Kingman Plaza 3358-3356 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1980 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 149 Taco Bell 3350 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1985 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 150 Medical Offices 3535 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1964 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 151 Mohave County Public Works 3700 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave c. 1990 X X AGE 1955/1960/ 152 Skyline Motel 3801 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave X 1973 Industrial Yard (Kingman Auto 153 3800 E Route 66 Kingman Mohave 1975 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Recycling) 154 City Towing 3860 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1994 X X AGE 155 Arizona Furniture 3857 E Andy Devine Ave Kingman Mohave 1979 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 156 Commercial Building 3865 E. Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1966 X X INTEGRITY LOSS

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 17

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 157 Apartment 3875-9 N Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1962 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 158 Two Commercial Buildings 3880 E Rt. 66 Kingman Mohave 1968/1975 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 159 Kingman Pic A Part 3920 N Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1940/1976 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1942/1954/ 160 Kingman Self Storage 3939 N Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1989/1991/ X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1995 161 Service Station (ABF Trucking) 3980 N Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1967 X 162 Commercial Building 3785 E Diagonal Wy Kingman Mohave 1993 X X AGE 163 Service Station 4535 N Hwy 66 Kingman Mohave 1954 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 166 Ranchero Motel 9855 E. Route 66 Anteres Mohave c. 1965 X 167 Hackberry Motel Route 66 Hackberry Mohave c 1935 X X Northside Grocery (Hackberry 168 11255 E Route 66 Hackberry Mohave 1934 X X General Store) 169 Café Route 66 Hackberry Mohave c 1920 X X 170 Kiln Route 66 Hackberry Mohave c 1920 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 171 76 Gas Station MP 83 Route 66 Valentine Mohave c 1960 X 172 Chief's Motel 12607 E. Route 66 Valentine Mohave c 1930s-50s X Route 66 near MP 173 Gas Station Valentine Mohave 1941 X 83 174 Gas Station (Gas N Grub) 16277 E Route 66 Truxton Mohave c 2006 X X AGE 175 Barker Hotel E Route 66 Truxton Mohave c 1953 X X 176 Truxton Café and Gas Station ??? Route 66 Truxton Mohave c 1951 X X 177 Truxton Station 16063 Route 66 Truxton Mohave c 1940 X X 178 Victor Bracke Rental 857 Route 66 Peach Springs Mohave c 1941 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 179 Peach Springs Trading Post 863 Route 66 Peach Springs Mohave 1928 X 180 Osterman Gas Station 865 Route 66 Peach Springs Mohave 1928 X 181 BIA Building behind 865 Route 66 Peach Springs Mohave c 1940 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 18

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 182 BIA Maintenance Shop 869 Route 66 Peach Springs Mohave c 1936 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 183 Osterman Shell Gas Station Route 66 Peach Springs Mohave 1929 X Hualapai Lodge (Peach Springs 184 SEC Route 66 & Wallapai Peach Springs Mohave 2000 X X AGE Auto Court site) Park Motel (Grand Canyon Caverns 185 MP 115 Route 66 Coconino c. 1965 X X and Inn) 186 Pica Motel MP 122 Route 66 Coconino c 1946 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 187 Motel 22695 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c. 1934 X Exxon Station (Seligman Fire 188 22590 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1966 X X INTEGRITY LOSS District) 189 Supai Motel 22450 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1962 X 190 Studebaker Agency 22425 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1931-35 X 191 Seligman Sundries 22395 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1905 X 192 La Tienda Grande 22350 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1925 X Canyon Shadows Motel (Canyon 193 22340 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1963 X Lodge) 194 Chevrolet Agency (Roadrunner) 22330 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1933 X Thunderbird Indian Store (The 195 22345 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1955 X X X INTEGRITY LOSS Rusty Bolt) Miller's Dry Cleaners (The Rusty 196 22345 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1933 X X X INTEGRITY LOSS Bolt) Shell Gas Station (Return to the 197 22325 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1966 X 50s) 198 Deluxe Inn 22295 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1932 X Delgadillo's Barber Shop & Visitor's 199 22265 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai 1916 X Center Donovan's 1-Stop Garage (B&B 200 22250 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1936 X X X X Auto) Richfield Gas Station (J&R's 201 22255 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1940 X X X INTEGRITY LOSS Minimart) 202 Sno Cap Drive In 22225 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai 1953 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 19

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 203 Aztec Motel 22200 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1955 X 204 Gas Station 22200 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Bil-Mar-Den Motel (Stagecoach 66 205 21455 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1964 X Motel) 206 Gulf Station 21400 W Old Highway 66 Seligman Yavapai c 1971 X 207 Stage Coach Motel 823 W. Park Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1939 X 208 Shamrock Station 800 W Park Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1965 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 209 Richfield Station 487 W Park Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1954 X

210 Methodist Church 47194 N Fifth St Ash Fork Yavapai c 1914 X X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 211 Fire Station 47202 Lewis Ash Fork Yavapai c 1945 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 212 Boarding House 47199 N Fifth St Ash Fork Yavapai c 1915; 1951 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 213 Office Building 47199 S 5th St Ash Fork Yavapai c 1900; 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 214 White House Hotel 389 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1907 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 215 Standard Oil Service Station 372 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1928 X X DEMOLISHED 216 Drug Store (Ash Fork Hardware) 47198 N Fourth St Ash Fork Yavapai c 1922 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Northern Ariz. Commercial Co. 217 47243 N Fourth St Ash Fork Yavapai c 1920 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT (Emmanuel Trinity Methodist) 218 The Big Store 47193 N Fourth St Ash Fork Yavapai c 1905 X X DEMOLISHED Green Door Bar (Ash Forks Route 219 424 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1925 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 66 Grill & Ice Cream Shoppe) 220 Texaco Station 314 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1957 X 221 Bar and Brothel 47210 N Third St Ash Fork Yavapai c 1903 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 222 Thomas Cooper Lewis Store 47219 Railroad Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1890 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 223 Ash Fork Auto Repair 268 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1954 X 224 Zettler's Market 242 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1937 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 225 First Southern Baptist Church 171 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1930 X X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 226 Yavapai Trading Post 154 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1933 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 20

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 227 Hi-Line Motel 127 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1935 X 228 Copper State Motor Court 99 W Lewis Ave Ash Fork Yavapai c 1934 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 229 Loma Vista Court ~1001 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1935 X X DEMOLISHED 230 Old Smoky Barbeque 602 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1950 X 231 Highlander Motel 533 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1953 X 232 Ferguson, Fred R., House 437 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1912 X Repair Garage (Custom Designs 233 424 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1915 X Autobody) Windmill Café (American Flyer 234 326 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1936 X Coffee) 235 9 Arizona Motor Hotel 315 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c. 1965 X 1901 / late 236 Babbitt-Polson Company 314 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino X 1930s, 1974 237 Sultana Building 301 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1912 X 238 Pollock Building 242 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1901 /1927-28 X 239 Circle K Food Store 222 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1972 X X 240 Rounseville Drug Store 218 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1915 X 241 Red Cross Garage 214 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1915 X 242 Dial's Market 206-212 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1929 / 1946 X 243 Citizens Bank Building 202 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1917 X Bennett's Auto Service / Exxon 244 241 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1940 / 1945 X (Café 66) 245 Telegraph Office 233 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1910 X 246 Commercial Building 229 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1910 X 247 Rittenhouse Haberdashery 225 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1910 X 248 Grand Canyon Drug Company 221 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1912 X

249 Old Parlor Pool Hall 217 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1910 X 250 Lebsch Confectionery 213 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1914 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 21

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 251 Commercial Building 209 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1912 X 252 Duffey Brothers Grocery Store 201 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1912 X 253 Boyce Building 144 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1912 / 1940 X 254 Tailor Shop 138 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1910 / 1945 X 255 Shen's Photos 130 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1947 X X X DEMOLISHED 256 El Charro Restaurant (Canyon Club) 132 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1932 / 1945 X 257 Bowden Building 114 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1946-47 X 258 Grand Canyon Hotel 145 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1891 / 1929 X 259 Bowden, B.B., Building 135 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1910 / 1928 X 260 Boyce Building (Old Post Office) 133 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1907 X Boyce-Belgard Building (Black and 261 129 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1907 X White Cleaners) 262 Warehouse (Adam's Grocery) 125 W Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1907 X 263 Coffee Pot Café 117 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c. 1950 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Bowdon's Garage (Perfection 264 135/140 E Railroad Williams Coconino c 1940-43 X Automotive) c.1915, 265 Hull's Hotel Cottages (Route 66 Inn) 128 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c.1940, X c. 1960 Mount Williams Court (Downtowner 266 201 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1940-41 X Motel, Roadway Inn) 267 Gateway Court (Gateway Plaza) 217 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino c 1943 X 268 Sundial Court (The Lodge) 200 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1938 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 269 Del Sue Motor Inn (Grand Motel) 234 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1936 X 270 Rod's Steak House 301 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1946 X 271 Williams Motel 321 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1941 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 272 Harmon House 341 E Railroad Williams Coconino 1927 X X INTEGRITY LOSS

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 22

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 273 Indian Trading Post 341 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1932 X 274 El Coronado Motel () 302 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1947-48 X 275 Red Bluff Motel (Rodeway Inn) 334 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1953 X 276 El Rancho Motel 617 E Bill Williams Ave Williams Coconino 1953 X 277 Kaibab Motor Lodge (Canyon Motel) E end of Rodeo Rd Williams Coconino c 1944 X 278 Fireside Inn 11961 E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino c 1938; 1946 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 279 Garage 12102 E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino c 1950 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 280 Service Station 12193 E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino c 1945 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 281 Three Bears Café 12193 E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino c 1948 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Louie Long Apartments (Maurice's 282 12260 E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino c 1950 X Motel) Louie Long Steakhouse (Maurice's 283 12360 E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino c 1950 X Motel) 284 Café 12431 E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino c 1935 X Pine Springs Camp (Parks Post 285 12963 E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino 1933 X Office and Store) 286 Garage N side E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino c 1935 X Maine Consolidated School 287 12913 E OLD ROUTE 66 Parks Coconino c. 1912-40 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Buildings 289 Pine Breeze Inn & Richfield Station 11700 W Route 66 Bellemont Coconino c. 1940 X W East Bellemont 290 Roadhouse Bar & Grill 12000 Bellemont Coconino 1996 X X AGE Rd Service Station (Bellemont 291 Route 66 Bellemont Coconino c. 1955 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Schoolhouse Site?) Trail Riders Motel (Woody Mountain 292 2727 W Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1952 X Campground) 293 1000 W Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1963 X X INTEGRITY LOSS French Quarters Motor Hotel 294 822 W Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c 1950 X (Hidden Village Inn) 295 Saga Motel 820 W Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c 1950 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 23

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 296 Arizonan Motel 910 S Milton Rd Flagstaff Coconino 1954 X 297 Starlite Motel (Canyon Inn Motel) 501 S Milton Rd Flagstaff Coconino c 1950 X 298 Flagstaff Armory 503 S Milton Rd Flagstaff Coconino 1920 X Motel (Highland 299 223 S Milton Rd Flagstaff Coconino c 1965 X Country Inn) 300 L Motel (Parkside Family Inn) 121 S Milton Rd Flagstaff Coconino 1949 X DEMOLISHED OR RADICALLY 301 C & M Garage 204 S Milton Rd Flagstaff Coconino 2000 X X X ALTERED 302 Spur Motel (Economy Inn) 224 Mikes Pike Flagstaff Coconino c 1950 X 303 Double Circle Garage 204 S Mikes Pike Flagstaff Coconino 1926 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 304 Commercial Building 11 Milton Rd Flagstaff Coconino 1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 305 Coconino Apartments 15 E Phoenix Ave Flagstaff Coconino 1926 X 306 Sierra Vista Motel 1 E Phoenix Ave Flagstaff Coconino 1937-42 X 307 Auto Storage Garage 8 E Cottage Ave Flagstaff Coconino 1935-1943 X X X INTEGRITY LOSS 308 Riverside Court 3 E Cottage Ave Flagstaff Coconino c 1935 X 309 Hiway Diner #7 208 W Santa Fe Flagstaff Coconino X X DEMOLISHED Town House Motel (Westerner 310 122 W Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1955 X Motel) 311 Bank Hotel (McMillan Building) 2 W Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino 1886 X X 312 Aubineau Building 2 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino 1912 X X INTEGRITY LOSS c 1888 / c 313 Black Cat Café (Berry Building) 6 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino X 1930 / c 1955 c 1899 / c 314 Brown Building 8 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino X X NOT RT. 66 CONTEXT 1935 / c 1962 315 Coconino Chop House 10 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino 1898 X X X INTEGRITY LOSS 316 Aubineau Building (liquor Store) 16 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino 1893 X 317 Andreatos Building, El Patio Café 18 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino c 1952 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 24

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 1888;rebuilt 318 Bender Building 20 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino c1927;rem X c1961 1888; remod c 319 Rose Tree Café (Donahue Building) 22 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino X 1931, c 1950 c. 1888, c 320 Vail Building 24 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino X 1939 / c 1950 1883 / 1886 / 321 Brannen Babbitt Block 102 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino remodeled X 1927 c 1887 / mod 322 Nackard's New York Market 104 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino X c1918, 1955 c 1886 / mod 323 Brannen/Nackard Building 106 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino X X X INTEGRITY LOSS c1918, 1955 c 1928 / mod 324 Grand Canyon Café Building 108,110 E Santa Fe Ave Flagstaff Coconino X c 1955 325 Commercial Building 112 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1920 X San Francisco Street 326 Two Spot Logging Train SEC Flagstaff Coconino 1911 X and Route 66 327 Commercial/Industrial 408 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1950 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT DEMOLISHED OR RADICALLY 328 Gas Station 402 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1980 X X ALTERED NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 329 Baskin-Robbins 418 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 330 Pizza Hut 522 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 331 Circle Q Western Ware 618 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 2000 X X AGE 332 Walker Chevron Station 620 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 333 Gas Station 622 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X 334 Robertson Texaco Service 624 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1959 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 335 Commercial Building 654 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 336 Kerley's Trading Post 698 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1959 X 337 Commercial 700 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 25

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 338 Wilson Motors 820 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1959 X 339 Restaurant 914 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 340 Whispering Winds Motel 922 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1953 X 341 Motel 1003 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1975 X Town & Country Restaurant (Inn 342 1106 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1959 X Suites Breakfast Room) 343 Walk-In Medical Care 1110 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1990 X X AGE 344 Commercial Building 1116 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 345 Hedges Independent Oil 1120 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959, c. 1970 X Country Treasures & Grand Total 346 1200 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Rental Old Storage Buildings (South Side 347 1235 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1940 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT of Route 66) 348 Grocery Store 1268 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1990 X X AGE 349 Der Wienerschinzel 1302 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X DEMOLISHED OR RADICALLY 350 Gas Station 1322 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1990 X X ALTERED 351 Grocery Store 1416 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 2000 X X AGE 352 Blue Spruce Motel 1500 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c 1965 X 353 Merv's Central Shamrock 1508 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X 354 Skyline Motel (Red Rose Motel) 1526 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1948 X Kings House Motor Hotel (Cliff 355 1560 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c 1950 X Shadows Motel) 356 Western Hills Motel 1580 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1953 X 357 Frontier Motel 1700 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1955 X X DEMOLISHED 358 Village Shopping Center 1768 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 359 Bob's Big Boy Restaurant 1802 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1985 X X AGE 360 Diamond Auto Glass 1808 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1985 X X AGE

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 26

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 361 Meineke Car Care Center 1830 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1995 X X AGE 362 Sherwin Williams Paint 1848 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1995 X X AGE 363 ICI Paints 1864 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1995 X X AGE 364 Lodge 1990 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c 1960 X 365 Denny's Restaurant 1996 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1965 X 366 Wonderland Motel 2000 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1956 X 367 Drive-In Restaurant 2004 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1990 X X AGE 368 Gaslite Motel 2010 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1937 X DEMOLISHED OR RADICALLY 369 Flagstaff Datsun-Subaru 2020 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X X ALTERED 370 Gas Station 2040 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X 371 66 Motel 2100 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1945 X 372 Denyer's Thunderbird Mobil Service 2108 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X 373 Restaurant 2116 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X 374 Whiting Brothers Station #24 2136 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Site of earlier motel, now 375 2138 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 2009 X X AGE demolished Whiting Brothers Motor Hotel (Royal 376 2140 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X Inn Motel) 377 Stan's American Service 2160 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X 378 Flag Texaco Service 2202 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 379 Flagstaff Motel 2204 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X 380 Blocker Motors 2220 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino X X INTEGRITY LOSS 381 Trails Lounge 2290 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 382 KFC Restaurant 2300 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 383 Flagstaff Animal Hospital 2308 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 384 Flagstaff Interstate Realty 2310 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1920 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 27

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY Southwest Rocks & 385 2332 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Minerals/Arizona Flim Service 386 Hodge Podge 2340 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1980 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 387 Kimball's Mt. Elden Pharmacy 2400 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT DEMOLISHED OR RADICALLY 388 Mt. Elden Hardware 2410 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 2000 X X ALTERED 389 Del Webb's Hiway House 2610 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1958 X 390 Americana Motel 2650 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1960 X 391 Viola's Flower Garden 2654 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1990 X X AGE 392 Lazy Lou's Fish & Chips 2708 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 393 Blakely Service Station 2710 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 394 Boice-Baker Firestone 2740 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 395 Boice-Baker Retread Plant 2742 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 396 Veasey's Auto Parts 2750 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 397 Pine Crest Court 2818 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X Stanley's Auto Repair (CC Auto 398 2822 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X Repair) 399 EZ Cash Super Pawn 2916 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 2000 X X AGE 400 Carousel Inn 2918 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1975 X 401 Dixie Red Bluff Service 2920 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X 402 Miz Zip's Cafe 2924 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X 403 Arrow Liquors 2930 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 404 Stahl's (Duran's) Richfield Station 2932 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 405 Hamilton Furniture Co. 3012 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino X X INTEGRITY LOSS 3030- 406 Pony Soldier Inn E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1962 X 3050 407 Geronimo Motel 3100 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 28

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 408 El Pueblo Motor Court 3120 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1936 X 409 Flagstaff 66 Oil Co. (Victory Bikes) 3122 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X Humble Oil & Refining Co. Enco 3200- 410 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X Station 3210 411 Mack's Flying A Service 3220 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X 412 Crown Motel 3300 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1970 X 413 Eldredge, Dean, Museum 3404 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1931 X 414 Starlite Lanes Bowling Alley 3406 E Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1959 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 425 Walnut Creek (Winona) Bridge Winona Coconino 1924 X Twin Arrows (Canyon Padre) 427 Exit 219 Eastbound I-40 Coconino c. 1950 X Trading Post 428 Toonerville Trading Post 100 Toonerville Coconino 1940 X X INTEGRITY LOSS

429 Two Guns Exit 230 S side of I-40 Coconino 1970 X X

430 Canyon Diablo Bridge & Ruins Exit 230 S side of I-40 Coconino 1930 X X 431 American Meteorite Museum Exit 233 S side of I-40 Coconino 1946 X DEMOLISHED; evaluate for 432 Site of Rimmy Jim's Trading Post Exit 233 N side of I-40 Coconino X archae. 433 Meteor City Trading Post Exit 239 S side of I-40 Coconino 1938, 1979 X Service Station/Restaurant (Joe's 434 2125 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo c. 1950-1957 X Café) 435 Service Station 2101 W. 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1973 X 436 Burger King (Patty's Pharmacy) 2640 W Hwy 66 Winslow Navajo 1980 X 1968/1972/ 437 Motel 1020 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1973 Shell Service Station/Restaurant 438 2015 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1970/1972 X (Randy's Auto Repair) 439 Service Station 1961 W. 3rd St. Winslow Navajo 1959 X 440 Service Station (Ken's Appliance) 1927 W 3rd St. Winslow Navajo 1958 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 29

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 441 Motel (Winslow Ranch Apartments) 1925 W Highway 66 Winslow Navajo 1962 X 442 Bar/Tavern 1942 W. Hwy 66 Winslow Navajo 1969 X 443 Entre' Restaurant 1919 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1957 X 444 Motel 1916 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1984 X 1957/1960/ 445 Town House Motel (The Lodge) 1914 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo X 1963/1975 446 Almost Home Buffet 1912 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1977 X 447 Motel (Rest Inn) 1901 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1946/1951 X 448 Convenience Store 1805 W. Rt. 66 Winslow Navajo X X DEMOLISHED 449 Winslow Indian Health Care Center 500 Indiana Ave Winslow Navajo 1932-1947 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 450 Motel 1800 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1952 X 451 Residence 1608 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1952 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 452 Undefined Building W 3rd St Winslow Navajo c. 1930 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 453 Restaurant 1418 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1962 X 454 Barber/Beauty Shop 1401 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1952 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 455 Commercial Building 1323 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1944 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 456 Carport 1311 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 1940 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 457 Duplex 1309 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 1925 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 458 Church 1301 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1930 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 459 Commercial Building 1214 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1942 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 460 Commercial / Motel 1200 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1926/1950 X 461 Catholic Church 1119 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1969 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT c 1930 462 Warehouse 1120 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT (1910-C) NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 463 Apartment Building 1104 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1942 X INTEGRITY LOSS

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 30

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 464 Multi-Residential Building 1100 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1943 X INTEGRITY LOSS 465 Building 1013 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo X DEMOLISHED 466 Restaurant 1005 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1942 X 467 Car Wash 1012 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1971 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 468 Winslow Laundry Center 1000 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1968 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Motel not eligible due to integrity 469 Service Station 915 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1933/1938 X loss 470 Joe's Glass & Locksmith Shop 624 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1978 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 471 Hubbell Trading Post 523 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1916 X 472 El Zaribah Winslow Shrine Club 511 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1929 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1916-27 473 Warehouse 522 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT (1920-C) Post-1940, NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 474 The Family Store 500-504 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo X 1941 INTEGRITY LOSS Post-1927 475 Dalton Motor 421 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo X X INTEGRITY LOSS (1965-C) 476 Gas Station 401 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo Post-1927 X NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 477 Apartments 414-420 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1905/1929-C X INTEGRITY LOSS 478 Commercial Building 406 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1936-C X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Post-1910 479 Gas Station 402 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo X INTEGRITY LOSS (1939-C) 480 Commercial Building 309 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 1965 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 481 Gas Station 316-322 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1927-35, 37 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 482 Service Garage 213 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1983 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 483 Service Station 201 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1955 X c. 1920, NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 484 Office Building 115 N Warren Winslow Navajo X X 1980s INTEGRITY LOSS 485 St. Joseph's Catholic Church 222 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1921 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 31

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 486 Bank Building 210 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1962 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 487 Retail Store 204 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1959 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 488 Commercial Building 200 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1946 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 489 Navajo County Bank Building 121 N Kinsley Winslow Navajo 1904 X 490 Commercial Building 117-119 N Kinsley Winslow Navajo 1904 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 491 Rialto Theater 115 N Kinsley Winslow Navajo 1920-1927 X NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 492 Hubbard Building 120 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1914 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1892-1901 493 Russell Building 114 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo X X DEMOLISHED and 1914 494 Drumm, J.B., Building 110 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1912 (1920-C) X 495 Vacant Lot 104 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1916-1927 X X DEMOLISHED 496 Stand'n on a Corner Park 100 N Kinsley Ave Winslow Navajo 1988 X X X DEMOLISHED Post-1940 497 Winslow Visitors Center 101 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT (1968-C) Winslow Elks Home Association 498 100 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1912 X Building 499 Dye, T.E., Building #2 104 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1912 (1910-C) X 500 Dye, T.E., Building #X 108 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1910 (1915-C) X 501 Lathrop Opera House 110-112 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1912 X 502 Campbell & Hubbard Building 114 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1911 (1915-C) X 503 LaPrade, F.T., Building #2 116 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1912 (1915-C) X X X DEMOLISHED 1914-15 504 Hunter Garage/Old Trails Garage 118 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo X (1935-C) NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 505 Commercial Building 118 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1935 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 506 La Prade Building 120 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1898 (1935-C) X E 2nd St at 507 Gas Station 200-206 Winslow Navajo 1927-40 X Williamson Ave 508 Harvell Hotel 210 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1916-27 X X INTEGRITY LOSS

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 32

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 1916-27 509 City Hall 212 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT (1931-C) NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 510 Public Market 220 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1901-10 X X INTEGRITY LOSS X Quasi-public; X Commercial; X 511 310 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 1990 X X AGE Residence 512 Brown Mug Café 308 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1946 X 513 The Lodge 312 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1946 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 514 Bar/Tavern 318 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1916 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 515 Highway Diner 320 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1946 X 516 Fourplex 201-205 N. Colorado Winslow Navajo 1935 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 517 La Posada Hotel 303 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1929 X Post-1940, 518 Gas Station (Upholstery Shop) 400 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1958 519 Storage Building 202 N Colorado Ave Winslow Navajo c. 2000 X X AGE 520 Commercial Building 410 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo Post-1940 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 521 Santa Fe Garage 422 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1927-35 X NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 522 Commercial Building 508 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 1940 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs 523 516 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1980 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Witnesses 524 Garage 722 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 1930, 1957 X 525 Residence, Service Station 812 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1924, c. 1950 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 526 Gas station 901 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1937/1969 X 527 La Siesta Motel No. 2 921 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1946 X 528 Gabrielle's Kitchen and Curios 918 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1964 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 529 Bel Air Motel 1003 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1958 X 530 Community Counseling Center 1015 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 2000 X X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT, AGE 531 Commercial Building 1111 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1972 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 33

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 532 Carquest Auto Parts 1121 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1972 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 533 Motel 1205 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1951 X 535 Gas Station 1313 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 1960 X 536 Dairy Queen 1302 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1946/1948 X 537 Trading Post 1401 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1941 X 538 Bruchman Indian Trading Post 113-117 W 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1923 (1936-C) X 539 Building 1503 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo X X DEMOLISHED 540 Unknown 15__ E 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 1950 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 541 Roadside Park 15__ E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1954 X 542 Motel 1502 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1967/1988 X 543 Industrial, Gas Station 1600 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1977 X X INTEGRITY LOSS NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 544 Commercial Property 1520 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo c. 1950 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 545 Industrial 1510 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1955 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 546 Sonic 1520 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo c. 2000 X X AGE 1500- 547 Service Station E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1955 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1508 DEMOLISHED OR RADICALLY 548 PT's Motel 1488 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo c. 1980 X X ALTERED 549 Whting Bros. Gas Station 1402 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1954 X 550 Restaurant 1308 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1972 X 1975/1977/ 551 Apartments/Commercial Building 1304 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1979 552 Imperial '400' Motel 1221-0 E 3rd St, E 2nd St Winslow Navajo 1962 X 553 Travelodge Motel 1216 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1959 X 554 Falcon Restaurant 1113 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1955 X 1940/1953/ 555 Budget Motel 1121 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo X 1960

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 34

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 556 Desert Sun Motel 1000 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1953 X 557 Auto Dealership 1001 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1962 X 558 Service Station 1014 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1954 X 559 Fire Station 900 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 560 Gas Station 813 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1963 X 561 Motel 719 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1962 X 562 Oasis Liquor 707 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1958 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 563 Service Station 700 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1953 X 564 Navajo County Health Building 2 619 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1979 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 565 Navajo County Health Building X 619 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1962 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Arizona Electric Power Company 566 688 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1927 (1930-C) X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Building Pre-1927 567 Residence 600 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT (1935-C) 568 Industrial Building 51 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1964 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Post-1940 569 Westerner Motel 500 E 2nd St Winslow Navajo X (1948/1952-C) 570 Earl's Motor Court 512 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1948-C X 407, 409, 571 Office Building E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1979-C X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 411 572 Office Building 401 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1976-C X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 573 Gas Station 420 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1954 X 574 Department of Economic Security 319, 321 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo c. 1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 575 Commercial Business 301 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1920/1963 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 576 Residence 212 N Apache Ave Winslow Navajo 1900 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 2 Commercial, X Residence, X 1901 to Post- 577 320, 322 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Industrial Buildings 1940 (1935-C) Post-1927 NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 578 Commercial building 219 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo X X (1957-C) INTEGRITY LOSS

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 35

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 579 Commercial building 211 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1925 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 580 Commercial Buildings 222 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo Post-1950 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 581 Bank of the West 300 N Williamson Ave Winslow Navajo 1952 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 582 Winslow Post Office 223 N Williamson Ave Winslow Navajo 1935 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 583 U.S. Post Office Parking Lot 215 N Williamson Ave Winslow Navajo 1916-27 X 584 Clark Building 101 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1958 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 585 J.W. Marley & Son Building 214 N Kinsley Ave Winslow Navajo 1907 (1908-C) X 1920-27 586 Bank of Winslow Building 212 N Kinsley Ave Winslow Navajo X (1925-C) NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 587 Commercial Building 114 E 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1958 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 588 Commercial Building 101 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1960-C X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 589 Retail Store 213 Kinsley Ave Winslow Navajo 1932 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 591 Commercial Building 115 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1922 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 592 Mountain Bell Building 301 N Kinsley Ave Winslow Navajo Post-1950 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 593 Vacant Lot 114 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo c 1940 X X DEMOLISHED 594 Dental Office 122 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1945 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 595 Drive-in Restaurant 201 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1955/1956 X Post-1950 NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 596 Three Commercial Buildings 211 Warren Winslow Navajo X X (1918-C) INTEGRITY LOSS 597 BPOE Lodge of Winslow 307 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1923 (1932-C) X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 598 Commerical Building 417 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1990 X X AGE 599 Gas Station 500 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1963 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 600 Circle K 520 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1969 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 601 Motel 10 701 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1977 X 602 Restaurant 723 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1969 X 603 Astro Motel 725 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1966 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 36

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 604 Shopping Center 701 W 4th St Winslow Navajo 1963 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 605 Shopping Center 721 W 4th St Winslow Navajo 1963 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 606 Sand N Sage Motel 912 W 3nd St Winslow Navajo 1954 X 607 Service Garage 902 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1991/2005 X X AGE, INTEGRITY LOSS 608 Auto Shop 908 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1960 X X INTEGRITY LOSS NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 609 Commercial Building & House 1015 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1901/1979 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 610 Dental Clinic 1121 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1973 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 611 Service Garage 1100 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1963 X 612 Body Shop 1201 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1970 X 613 Immanual Indian Mission 1223 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1928/1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 614 Duplex 1404 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1956 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 615 Norvel Owens Mortuary 1505 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1974 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1515, 616 Residence W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1964 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1517 617 Commercial 1520 W 3rd St Winslow Navajo 1973 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 618 Curio Shop 8952 AZ Hwy 87 Winslow Navajo 1985 X X AGE 619 Minnetonka Trading Post 1058 Hwy 66 Winslow Navajo 1939 X 641 Jack Rabbit Trading Post Exit 269 S side of I-40 Nr. Joseph City Navajo 1949 X 642 Jackrabbit Gas Station 3367 OLD US 66 Nr. Joseph City Navajo 1971 X 643 Two Commercial Buildings 1508 W Joy Nevin Ave Holbrook Navajo 1980 X X NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, AGE 644 Kentucky Fried Chicken 1251 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1965 X 645 Commercial Building 1302 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Texaco Service Station (Kester's 646 ~ 1274 W Hopi Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1970 X Volkswagonwerks) 647 Commercial Building W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 2000 X X DEMOLISHED 648 Bradco S 11th Ave Holbrook Navajo 1990 X X AGE

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 37

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY Commercial Building (Calvary 649 1202 W Hopi Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1975 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Chapel) Service Station (Tag's Power 650 1109 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1955 X Equipment) 651 West End Liquor Store 1101 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1960 X 652 Wayside Drive In 1150 W Hopi Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1960 X 653 Commercial Building !1118 W Hopi Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1960 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 654 Desert View Motel (Star Inn) 1009 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1960 X 655 The Plainsman Restaurant 1001 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1966 X 656 Commercial Building 10__ W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1945 X X DEMOLISHED 657 Commercial Building 1010 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1958 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 658 Chief Motel (Sand Man Motel) 1008 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1956 X 659 Restaurant (Mr. G's) 1002 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1956 X Sundown Coffee Shop (Quality 660 915 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1952 X Design) 661 Sundown Motel 911 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1949/1963 X 662 Commercial Building 905 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1945 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Sun n' Sand Motel (Globetrotter 663 902 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1956 X Lodge) 664 Wigwam Village #6 811 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1950 X 665 Repair Garage (Rt. 66 Tire & Auto) 822 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1952 X 1943/1945/ 666 Welding Services & Supply 728 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1946 667 Mobil Service Station 711 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1940 X NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 668 Safeway 702 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1969 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 669 Adobe Inn 615 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1966 X 670 Butterfield Stage Co. Steakhouse 609 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1948/1950 X Sea Shell Motel (Golden Inn Motor 671 612 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1947 X Hotel)

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 38

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 672 Motel (Route 66 Self Storage) 517-21 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1956/1949 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 673 Karges Construction 4?? W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1963 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 674 Mitchell's Country Cobbler 427 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1949 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 675 Pizza Hut Restaurant (Offices) 518 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1977 X 676 Walt's Hardware 516 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1967 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 677 Motel? 405 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo X X DEMOLISHED 678 Giant 410 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1979 X Mobil Service Station (Wilkinson 679 404 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1959/2000 X Graphics & Auto) 680 Texaco Service Station 317 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1966 X 1915/1940/ 681 House/Commercial Building 311-15 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1945 682 Brad's Desert Inn 301 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1961/1968 X 683 Hiway House Hotel (Royal Motel) 310 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1956 X Woods Inn (Pope's Inn, Holbrook 684 235 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1968 X Inn) 685 Sapp, Sidney, House 215 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1911 X 686 Northland Pioneer College 103 First Ave. Holbrook Navajo 1958 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 687 Circle K (Arizona Auto) 222 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1968 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 688 Commercial Building 218 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1946 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 689 Radio Shack (The Print Place) 200 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1971 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 690 Commercial Building 165 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1945 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 691 Dahl Chiropractic Clinic 163 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo c 1960 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 692 Roxy Theater 153 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1953 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 693 Ivah's 151 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo c 1940 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 694 Romo's Mexican & American Food 121 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo c 1940 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 695 Commercial Building 107-111 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1940/1942 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 39

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY c 1970 696 Service Station/Convenience Store 101 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo X (1986-C) 697 Valley Bank (Bank of the West) 156 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo c 1965 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 698 Cactus Café (Joe & Aggie's Café) 120 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo 1943 X 699 Vacant Lot 1?? W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo c 1930 X X DEMOLISHED 700 Park NWC Navajo Blvd & Hopi Holbrook Navajo c. 2000 X X AGE 701 Southwest Accents 152 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c 1930 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 702 Kachina Dolls Indian Jewelry 154 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c 1930 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 703 Commercial Building 160 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1925 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT c 1930 704 Commercial Building 605 W Hopi Dr Holbrook Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT (1945-C) c 1930 705 Rustic Touch Cabinet Shop 200 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT (1935-C) 706 Commercial Building 206 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1935 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 707 Pat's House of Originals 208 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1939 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 708 Commercial Building 222 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1924 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT c 1916 709 Masonic Lodge 252 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT (1936-C) 710 Wells Fargo Bank 266 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Commercial Building (Movie 711 261 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 1928 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Gallery) 712 Commercial (Hudson's Furniture) 265 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1928 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 713 Navajo County Courthouse 100 E Arizona St Holbrook Navajo 1898 X 714 The Shoe Box 305 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1947 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Maxwell's Automotive Machine 715 311 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1970 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Shop 1925/1945/ 716 Motel & Commercial Building 357 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo X 1955 717 Mini Mart 404 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1957 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 718 Moen Kopi Motel 464 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c.1960 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 40

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 719 Winners Circle Bar 466 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1963 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 720 Commercial Building 405 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 1960 X Service Station (Petrified Rock 721 459 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1958 X Garden) Mr. Maestas American-Mexican 722 502 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1958 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Food Tonto Motel (Budget Inn, Knights 723 602 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1940 X Inn) 724 Texaco Station (Golightly Insurance) 503 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1905/1945 X 725 Arizona Pawnman 601 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1952/1955 X Motel/Restaurant (America's Best 726 720 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1955 X Value Inn) 1917/1928/ 727 Pow Wow Trading Post 752 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo X 1960 728 Southwest Transmission 705 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 2000 X X AGE Mustang Service station (Jack's 729 755 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1958 X Service Center) 730 Commercial Building 810 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1920 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 731 Super Convenience Store 866 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 1970 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 732 Young's Corral Lounge 865 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1944 X 733 El Rancho Restaurant & Motel 867 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1968/1973 X 734 Commercial Building 902 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1977 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 735 Woody's Exxon 950 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1974 X 736 El Rancho Parking Lot Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 1970 X 737 Tate Ford Used Cars 1001 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 1990 X X AGE 738 Holbrook Cemetery NEC Navajo Blvd & Iowa Holbrook Navajo c. 1900 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 739 Heward Mobile Home Park Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1967/1985 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 740 Tate's Auto Center 1001 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1971 X 741 Heward Motor Co. Super Service 1051 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo C. 1980 X X AGE

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 41

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 742 Dairy Queen 1004 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1960 X 743 Burger King (Aliberto's) 1440 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1981 X X AGE 744 Holbrook Shopping Plaza 1501 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1979 X X AGE 745 Super 8 Motel 1989 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 1980 X X AGE 746 Restaurant 2102 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1963 X 747 Tepee Curios 2106 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1955 X 748 Commercial Building 2108 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 1970 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 749 Commercial Building 21?? Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo X X DEMOLISHED 750 McGee's Indian Art 21?? Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1978 X 751 Car Wash 21?? Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1978 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 752 Commercial Building 2120 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1979 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 753 66 Motel 2105 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1948 X 754 America's Best Inn 2211 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1977 X 755 Commercial Building 2208 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1977 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 756 Saloon 221? Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1977 X 757 Restaurant (Mandarin Beauty) 2218 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1977 X 758 Whiting Brothers Service Station 2222 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1939 X 759 Elsa's Premier Hair Salon 2226 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1969 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 760 Hatch's Quick Stop 2310 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 1975 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 761 Commercial Structure 2312 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1985 X X AGE Commercial Building (Mesa 762 2314 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1965 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Mercantile) 763 Mesa Italiana Restaurant 2318 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1960 X Whiting Brothers Motor Hotel 764 2402 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1966 X (Sahara Inn) 765 Shell Service Station 24?? Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1965 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 42

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 766 Tire shop (Future Tire) 24?? Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1980 X 1978/1980/19 767 Arizonian Inn 2508 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo X 84 768 Motel 6 2514 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo c. 1980 X 769 Comfort Inn 2602 Navajo Blvd Holbrook Navajo 1986/1989 X X AGE 771 Stuckey's (Knife City) 7699 Sun Valley Rd Sun Valley Navajo c. 1960 X 772 Hamilton Trading Post 8563 Sun Valley Rd Sun Valley Navajo c. 1960 X 773 Painted Desert Motel 7635 Riverside Ave Sun Valley Navajo c. 1960 X Painted Desert Community Complex Painted Desert 775 Apache c. 1966 X Historic District National Park 776 Painted Desert Trading Post Pinta Rd, N of I-40 Apache c. 1930 X 778 Chieftain Inn 33300 I-40 Chambers Apache 1959 X Abandoned Route 779 Puerco River Steel Bridge Sanders Apache 1922 X 66, E of SR 191 Arizona Park Estates Manuf. 1946, 780 Route 66 Diner Sanders Apache X X INTEGRITY LOSS #26 1988 781 Service Station Exit 339 N side of I-40 Sanders Apache c. 1965 X White Mound Trading (Fort Courage 782 N side I-40, Exit 338 Houck Apache c. 1960 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Trading Post) 900 Old Trails Arch Bridge Mohave 1916 X S. Yucca Frontage 901 Joshua Café 12248 Yucca Mohave c. 1955 X Rd. S. Yucca Frontage 902 Joshua Motel & 3 Signs 12248 Yucca Mohave c. 1955 X Rd. 903 Frontier Motel and Restaurant 16118 E. Rt. 66 Truxton 1952 X X 904 Service Station 16102 E Rt. 66 Truxton c. 1960 X X 905 Orlando Motel 16213 E. Hwy 66 Truxton c. 1960 X X 906 Bell Gas and Frontier Lounge 16094 E. Route 66 Truxton c. 1950 X X 907 Small Service Station E of Truxton Café Truxton c. 1950 X X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 43

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY Texaco Station (Truxton Auto 908 Truxton c. 1960 X X Service) Crozier Canyon Ranch (V-Bar) 909 Valentine 1923 X X Tourist Cabins Truxton Canyon Training School 910 Valentine 1901 X Schoolhouse Truxton Can. Training. Sch. 911 Valentine 1901 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Administration Building 912 Stuckey's 6347 E Hwy 66 c. 1960 X 913 Historic Route 66 Automotive 22900 W Old Hwy 66 Seligman Yavapai 1965 X 914 Exxon Station 22895 W. Old Hwy 66 Seligman Yavapai 1967 X 915 Westside Lilo's Café 22855 W Old Hwy 66 Seligman Yavapai 1964-67 X Navajo Motel (Historic Route 66 916 22750 W Old Hwy 66 Seligman Yavapai 1966 X Motel) 917 Copper Cart 22385 W Old Hwy 66 Seligman Yavapai 1950 X Highway Maintenance Camp (Ash 918 Ash Fork Yavapai 1926-7 X Fork Museum) 919 Service Station (Chevron?) 451 W. Park Ave Ash Fork Yavapai 1955 X 920 Hume's Mobil Station 56 W Lewis Ash Fork Yavapai c. 1950 X 921 Drive in Restaurant 424 W Lewis Ash Fork Yavapai c. 1950 X 922 Warehouse (Dunbar Truck) Ash Fork Yavapai c. 1920 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 923 Santa Fe Office & Water Tower 518 W. Lewis Ave. Ash Fork Yavapai c. 1920 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

924 Wagoner's Gas 811 W ROUTE 66 Williams Coconino c. 1960 X 925 Dairy Queen 603 W ROUTE 66 Williams Coconino c. 1970 X 926 Belaire Motel ( Inn) 620 W ROUTE 66 Williams Coconino c. 1960 X 927 The Westerner Motel 530 W Bill Williams Williams Coconino c. 1965 X 928 The Outdoor Store 400 W ROUTE 66 Williams Coconino c. 1965 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 929 Office Bldg 100-102 S 1ST ST Williams Coconino c. 1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 930 Pete's Gas Station Museum 101 E ROUTE 66 Williams Coconino c. 1955 X X INTEGRITY LOSS

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 44

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY Bethel's Tourist Court (Starkey's 931 134 E ROUTE 66 Williams Coconino c. 1955 X Motel, Royal American Inn) 932 Gas Station (Twisters Soda Ftn) 417 E ROUTE 66 Williams Coconino c. 1955 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 933 Denny's (Route 66 Diner) 425 E Bill Williams Williams Coconino c. 1960 X 934 Phillips 66 Station (JJs Auto Repair) 441 E Bill Williams Williams Coconino c. 1960 X 935 Travelodge 430 E ROUTE 66 Williams Coconino c. 1960 X Service Station (La Mexicana 936 514 E Bill Williams Williams Coconino c. 1955 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Minimarket) 937 Dairy Queen (I-40 Fleet Rentals) 517 E. Bill Williams Williams Coconino 1955 X 938 Thunderbird Motel - Best Western 642 E. Bill Williams Williams Coconino 1957 X 939 Joe's Pool Hall 109 W. Railroad Williams Coconino c. 1915 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

940 Tetzlaff Bldg (Red Garter B&B) 137 W. Railroad Williams Coconino 1897 X 941 Cabinet Saloon 141 W Railroad Williams Coconino 1893 X 942 Grand Canyon Railway Station W. Railroad Williams Coconino c. 1900 X 943 Babbitt Polson Warehouse W. Railroad Williams Coconino c. 1910 X 944 Valley Bank 106 S. 4th St. Williams Coconino c. 1955 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 945 Stuckey's (JJs Auto) 808 E ROUTE 66 Williams Coconino c. 1960 X 946 Trading Post 1861 Petrified Wood Dr Holbrook Navajo 1979 X 947 Service Station 7618 Riverside Ave Holbrook Navajo 1963 X 948 Sun Valley Motel & Restaurant 7631 QUARTZSITE ST Holbrook Navajo 1962-3 X 949 Painted Desert Indian Center 9345 Old Us Highway 66 Adamana Navajo 1976 X 950 Dead Wash Concrete Bridge E of Petrified Forest Apache c. 1930 X 951 Marty's Trading Post Navajo Apache X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Newpoint Helium Plant, Mike's Road 952 Navajo Apache 1961 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Service 953 Indian Market & Gas Station Lupton Apache c. 1970 X Querino Rd. W of 954 Good News Mission Houck Apache c. 1930 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Houck

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 45

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY Querino Rd. W of 955 Querino Canyon Bridge Houck Apache 1929 X Houck Ortega Road E of 956 Indian Center Trading Post Sanders Apache c. 1965 X Sanders I-40 Frontage Rd E 957 Red Mesa Garage Chambers Apache c. 1950 X of Chambers 958 New Lands Range Office 115 County Road 7060 Sanders Apache c. 1950 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 959 BIA Related House County Road 7060 Sanders Apache c. 1920 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 960 Garage & Gas Station I-40 Frontage Road Chambers Apache c. 1955 X 961 ADOT Office Holbrook 1961 X 962 ADPS Office Holbrook 1975 X 963 Travelodge 2418 E NAVAJO Blvd. Holbrook c. 1965 X 964 Geronimo Trading Post 5372 GERONIMO RD. Nr. Joseph City Navajo 1974 X 965 Adobe Repair Garage 4467 W MAIN ST Joseph City Navajo 1930 X X 966 Gas Station 4471 MAIN ST Joseph City Navajo 1974 X X 967 Café 4501 W. Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1950 X X 968 Pacific Courts 4500 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1947 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 969 Commercial Building 4506 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1900 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

970 Commercial Building 4508 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1903 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

971 Grocery 4510 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1910 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

972 Commercial Building 4509 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1957 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

973 Midway Commercial Building 4514 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1957 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

974 Hansen's Auto Repair 4521 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1980 X X 975 Strip Shopping Center 4526 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1975 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

976 Norma's RV Park 4568 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1973 X X 977 Post Office 4592 Main St. Joseph City Navajo 1975 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT

Hopi Village / Howdy Hank's Trading 978 4302 OLD US 66 Joseph City Navajo 1941 X X Post

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 46

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY US 66 West of 979 Big Arrow Campground Joseph City Navajo c. 1950 X X Joseph City San Diego's (Ella's) Frontier Trading 980 4285 OLD US 66 Joseph City Navajo c. 1930 X X Post 982 Jackrabbit Campground 3367 OLD HWY 66 Nr. Joseph City Navajo 1971 X 983 Lone Wolf Trading Post Annex 3488 Jackrabbit Rd. Nr. Joseph City Navajo 1920 X Meteor Crater Road 984 Geodesic Dome Gas Station Meteor Crater Navajo c. 1975 X S. of I-40 985 Church 1530 E 3rd St c.1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 986 Moore's Pawn Shop 1020 W. 3rd St. Winslow Navajo 1969-75-87 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 987 Stuckey's 3000 W. Hwy 66 Winslow 1961 X 988 Tavern (Curell's Bargain Barn) 2971 W. Hwy 66 Winslow 1965 X 989 Delta Motel 2141 W. Hwy. 66 Winslow 1963 X 990 Winslow Ponderosa Apts (Motel) 1921 W. 3rd Winslow 1976, 80 X 991 2-unit Commercial Building 1213 W. 2nd St. Winslow 1955 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT NOT RT 66 CONTEXT, 992 3-unit Commercial Building 1209 W. 2nd St. Winslow 1940, 1944 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 993 Bazell Modern Court 800 W. 2nd St. Winslow 1921 X 994 Motel (Joe's Lock) 624 W. 2nd St. Winslow 1920/25, 63 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 995 M & J Smoke Shop 410 W. 2nd St. Winslow 1905, C. 1950 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 996 Municipal Building 115 E. 2nd St. Winslow 1973 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Williamson S of 2nd 997 ATSF Underpass at Williamson Winslow c. 1930 X St. 2nd & 3rd St. W of 998 Ruby Wash WPA Bridges Winslow c. 1935 X Cottonwood Ave 999 Maytag Coin Op Laundry/Indian Arts 1300 E. 2nd St. Winslow 1946 X 1000 Gas Station 1452 E. 2nd St. Winslow 1954 X 1001 Canyon Padre Bridge Abandoned Rt. 66 Nr. Winona Coconino 1914 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 47

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY Flagstaff Truck Center - Repair 1002 4200 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X Garage 1003 Flagstaff Truck Center - Motel 4240 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino C. 1960 X Townsend-Winona 1004 Mountain View Quick Stop 9500 Winona Coconino c. 1930 X Rd. 1005 Elden Pueblo N. Hwy 89 Flagstaff Coconino c. AD 1070 X 1006 ATSF Oil Depot Two Buildings 426 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1940 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT Robidoux's Richfield Service (Anna 1007 306 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X Labenz Photography) 1008 Gas Station (Randy's Garage) 302 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X Babbitt E. D. Motor Co. (Repair 1009 224 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X Garage) 1010 Commercial Building 204 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1940-60 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1011 Absolute Bikes 200 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1012 Arizona Music Pro 122 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1930-70 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1013 Flagstaff Freight Depot 101 E Rt 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1889 X 1014 Flagstaff Passenger Depot 1 E ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino 1926 X 1015 Bus Terminal 114 W ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X 1016 Industrial Building 2 S BEAVER ST Flagstaff Coconino c. 1925 X 1017 Motel Du Beau 19 W PHOENIX AVE Flagstaff Coconino 1929 X Biffs Bagels& 2 Commercial 1018 107 W PHOENIX AVE Flagstaff Coconino c. 1925 X Buildings 1019 Industrial Building 210 W PHOENIX AVE Flagstaff Coconino c. 1925? X 1020 B&M Auto Camp 100 W COTTAGE AVE Flagstaff Coconino 1896-26 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1021 Stone Commercial Building 401 W SANTA FE AVE Flagstaff Coconino c. 1940 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1022 ATSF Underpass at Milton Flagstaff Coconino 1934 X 1023 Mike & Ronda's Restaurant 21 S MILTON RD Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X 1024 Gas Station (Safelite Auto Glass) 203 S MILTON RD Flagstaff Coconino c. 1965 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 48

Location NR Status Recommendation

City or

Site Number Historic Name(s) Street Address Town County Date Construction Listed Individually as Contributor Listed as Non-Contributor Listed Eligible Individually Not Eligible Contributor R District Non-Contributor District needed More information REASON for INELIGIBILITY 1025 Dairy Queen 603 W ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1970 X 1026 Shell Service Station 970 W ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1975 X University Enco Service (Pinnacle 1027 1080 W ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1975 X Automotive) 1028 Gas Station (Recycling Business) 1880 W. Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1925 X 1029 Motel & Restaurant W. Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X X 1030 Pine Springs Gas Station W. Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X X 1031 Pine Springs Vehicle Sheds W. Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1940-70 X X 1032 Pine Springs Warehouse W. Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1940 X X 1033 Pine Springs Industrial Building W. Route 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1980 X X 1034 Gas Station (Kit Carson RV Park) 2101 W. Rt 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1945 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1035 Gas Station 1111 W. Rt. 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X 1036 Commercial Building 1101 W. Rt. 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1037 Malone's Enco Products Service 1080 W. Rt. 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1965 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1038 Arizona Lumber & Timber Co. Office 821 W. Riordan Rd. Flagstaff Coconino 1900 X 1039 Galaxy Diner 931 W ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1965 X X INTEGRITY LOSS 1040 Gas Station (Tyrrell Marxen Thrift) 805 W ROUTE 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1960 X 1041 Travel Lodge (Travel Inn) 801 W. Rt. 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X Hickey's Bill Texaco Service (Repair 1042 799 W. Rt. 66 Flagstaff Coconino c. 1955 X X INTEGRITY LOSS Garage) 1043 NAU Administration Building 601 Knoles Dr. Flagstaff Coconino 1958 X 1044 NAU Blome Building 307 W DUPONT AVE Flagstaff Coconino c. 1935 X 1045 Gas Station (Brake Masters) 6 S. Milton Rd Flagstaff Coconino c. 1965 X 1046 Ruffs Sporting Goods 2 S. Milton Rd. Flagstaff Coconino c. 1965 X NOT ROUTE 66 CONTEXT 1047 Service Station 2494 S. Hwy 66 Kingman c. 1965 X

Route 66 In Arizona Historic Resource Survey 49