ZSL London Zoo - Stocklist January 2017

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ZSL London Zoo - Stocklist January 2017 ZSL London Zoo - Stocklist January 2017 Status at 01.01.2017 Male Female Unknown Invertebrata Porifera sp. Sponges (Colony) 0 0 1 Haliclona sp. Finger sponge 0 0 1 Aurelia aurita Moon jellyfish 0 0 1505 Cassiopea sp. Frilled upside-down jellyfish 0 0 9 Pachyclavularia violacea Purple star coral 0 0 1 Tubipora musica Organ-pipe coral 0 0 9 Coelogorgia sp. Gorgonian 0 0 6 Pinnigorgia sp. Sea fan 0 0 21 Lobophytum sp. Leather coral 0 0 2 Sarcophyton sp. Leathery soft coral 0 0 14 Sinularia sp. Leathery soft coral 0 0 11 Sinularia dura Cabbage leather coral 0 0 2 Sinularia polydactyla Many-fingered leather coral 0 0 3 Anthelia sp. Soft coral 0 0 1 Cespitularia sp. Soft coral 0 0 8 Xeniasp. sp. Yellow star coral 0 0 1 Heliopora coerulea Blue coral 0 0 13 Actinia equina Scarlet anemone 0 0 7 Actinia fragacea Strawberry anemone 0 0 14 Anemonia viridis Snakelocks anemone 0 0 100 Entacmaea quadricolor Bladdertipped anemone 0 0 16 Urticina felina Northern red anemone 0 0 1 Metridium senile Clonal plumose anemone 0 0 87 Epicystes sp. Speckled anemone 0 0 23 Heteractis sp. Elegant armed anemone 0 0 1 Stichodactyla haddoni Grapeshot carpet anemone 0 0 1 Stichodactyla tapetum Mini carpet anemone 0 0 1 Actinodiscidae sp. False coral 0 0 16 Discosoma sp. Umbrella false coral 0 0 20 Ricordea sp. Emerald false coral 0 0 1 Acropora sp. Staghorn coral 0 0 125 Acropora humilis Staghorn coral 0 0 3 Acropora tenuis Staghorn coral 0 0 2 Acropora yongei Staghorn coral 0 0 1 Montipora sp. Montipora coral 0 0 24 Montipora confusa Encrusting coral 0 0 21 Montipora danae Coral 0 0 30 Montipora foliosa Hard coral 0 0 5 Montipora hodgsoni Coral 0 0 2 Pocillopora sp. Cauliflower coral 0 0 18 Pocillopora damicornis Brush coral 0 0 3 Seriatopora hystrix Bird nest coral 0 0 12 Stylophora pistillata Pink cauliflower coral 0 0 28 Catalaphyllia jardinei Elegance coral 0 0 29 Euphyllia ancora Crescent coral 0 0 3 Euphyllia glabrescens Joker's cap coral 0 0 5 Euphyllia paradivisa Branching frog spawn 0 0 16 Euphyllia paraancora Branching hammer coral 0 0 19 Euphyllia yaeyamaensis Crescent coral 0 0 4 Plerogyra sp. Bubble coral 0 0 2 Duncanopsammia axifuga Coral 0 0 9 Tubastraea sp. Coral 0 0 20 Turbinaria sp. Cup coral 0 0 1 Turbinaria mesenterina Vase coral 0 0 1 Turbinaria peltata Yellow cup coral 0 0 4 Turbinaria reniformis Coral 0 0 9 Caulastrea sp. Candycane coral 0 0 18 Echinopora lamellosa Encrusting coral 0 0 4 Favia sp. Star coral 0 0 6 Favites sp. Pineapple coral 0 0 2 Goniastrea sp. Honeycomb coral 0 0 4 Lobophyllia sp. Brain coral 0 0 10 Platygyra sp. Brain coral 0 0 2 Hydnophora sp. Horn coral 0 0 4 Merulina sp. Merulina coral 0 0 2 Merulina ampliata Coral 0 0 8 Acanthastrea sp. Coral 0 0 8 Cynarina lacrymalis Button coral 0 0 1 Scolymia sp. Artichoke coral 0 0 8 Galaxea fascicularis Ivory coral 0 0 14 Echinophyllia sp. Stony coral 0 0 5 Echinophyllia aspera Chalice coral 0 0 1 Leptoseris yabei Lettuce-leaf coral 0 0 2 Pavona cactus Cactus coral 0 0 8 Pavona decussata Cactus coral 0 0 22 Pavona frondifera Cactus coral 0 0 6 Fungia sp. Mushroom coral 0 0 43 Lithophyllon sp. Coral 0 0 5 Trachyphyllia geoffroyi Brain coral 0 0 13 Alveopora sp. Coral 0 0 12 Porites sp. Coral 0 0 6 Porites cylindrica Finger coral 0 0 5 Psammocora sp. Cat's paw coral 0 0 9 Zoanthidea sp. Anemones 0 0 2 Protopalythoa sp. Colonial anemone 0 0 1 Zoanthus sp. Mat anemone 0 0 38 Patella vulgata Common limpet 0 0 11 Calliostoma zizyphinum Painted topsnail 0 0 11 Margarites pupillus Puppet margarite 0 0 35 Tectus fenestratus Turban snail 0 0 15 Trochus sp. Snail 0 0 3 Trochus histrio Actor top shell 0 0 13 Pomacea canaliculata Apple snail 0 0 200 Cypraea annulus Ring-top cowrie 0 0 12 Cypraea moneta Money cowrie 0 0 4 Clea helena Whelk 0 0 1 Berghia verrucicornis Nudibranch 0 0 9 Partula dentifera Partula snail 0 0 104 Partula hebe bella Partula snail 0 0 225 Partula hyalina Poe tree snail 0 0 20 Partula mirabilis Partula snail 0 0 4 Partula mooreana Partula snail 0 0 425 Partula suturalis vexillum Partula snail 0 0 103 Partula taeniata nucleola Partula snail 0 0 200 Partula tohiveana Partula snail 0 0 966 Partula tristis Partula snail 0 0 85 Bertia cambojiensis Vietnamese giant magnolia snail 0 0 52 Achatina fulica Giant East African snail 0 0 174 Archachatina marginata West African land snail 0 0 4 Pachnodus fregatensis Fregate Island enid snail 0 0 2 Poecilozonites circumfirmatus Bermuda land snail 0 0 556 Poecilozonites bermudensis Bermuda land snail 0 0 255 Mytilus sp. California mussel 0 0 3 Tridacna crocea Dwarf giant clam 0 0 1 Tridacna derasa Bluegreen giant clam 0 0 9 Tridacna maxima Small giant clam 0 0 1 Spirobranchus giganteus Feathered Christmas tree worm 0 0 1 Hirudo verbana Medicinal leech 0 0 28 Pandinus imperator Common emperor scorpion 3 0 11 Damon diadema Giant banded tailless whipscorpion 0 0 2 Acanthoscurria geniculata Whiteknee tarantula 0 0 6 Avicularia versicolor Antillean pink-toed tarantula 0 1 10 Brachypelma albopilosum Curlyhair tarantula 2 0 27 Brachypelma smithi Red-kneed tarantula 3 6 29 Lasiodora parahybana Brazilian salmon tarantula 0 1 11 Poecilotheria metallica Gooty sapphire ornamental tarantula 0 0 4 Poecilotheria regalis Indian ornamental tarantula 1 0 15 Pholcus phalangioides Long-bodied cellar spider 0 1 0 Latrodectus mactans Black widow spider 0 6 0 Steatoda grossa False black widow spider 0 1 0 Nephila edulis Golden orb-weaver 1 15 5 Nephila inaurata madagascariensis Golden silk spider 2 9 55 Dolomedes plantarius Great raft spider 2 4 5 Tegenaria sp. House spider 0 0 4 Heteropoda venatoria Huntsman spider 8 6 5 Phidippus regius Regal jumping spider 0 0 13 Gonodactylus sp. Common rock mantis shrimp 0 0 1 Stenopus hispidus Banded coral shrimp 1 1 0 Atyopsis sp. Bamboo shrimp 0 0 1 Caridina multidentata Yamato shrimp 0 0 2 Palaemon serratus Common prawn 0 0 8 Lysmata wurdemanni Redlined cleaner shrimp 0 0 36 Homarus gammarus European lobster 0 0 1 Astacus leptodactylus Narrow-clawed crayfish 0 0 1 Calcinus sp. Left-handed hermit crab 0 0 1 Clibanarius sp. Striped hermit crab 0 0 1 Paguristes cadenti Red reef hermit crab 0 0 1 Pagurus bernhardus Bernhard's hermit crab 0 0 5 Pagurus prideauxi Brown-legged hermit crab 0 0 2 Trizopagurus strigatus Orange-banded hermit crab 0 0 2 Neopetrolisthes oshimai Anemone porcelain crab 0 0 1 Cardisoma armatum Rainbow crab 1 0 0 Mithrax sp. Crab 0 0 5 Periplaneta americana American cockroach 0 0 350 Gromphadorhina oblongonata Madagascar hissing cockroach 45 53 343 Archimandrita tesselata Bullshead cockroach 0 0 300 Hierodula membranacea Sri Lanka mantis 0 7 300 Gryllus bimaculatus Black field cricket 0 0 300 Phaeophilacris bredoides Cricket 0 0 800 Schistocerca gregaria Desert locust 0 0 1000 Heteropteryx dilatata Giant thorny walkingstick 43 37 0 Phyllium philippinicum Leaf insect 0 9 18 Peruphasma schultei Black Beauty stick insect 7 11 4 Oreophoetes peruana Peruvian fire walkingstick 0 0 1 Eurycantha sp. Giant stick insect 0 0 130 Extatosoma tiaratum Giant prickly stick insect 0 0 100 Tirachoidea jianfenglingensis Giant walkingstick 0 0 10 Platymeris biguttata Two-spotted assassin bug 0 0 54 Thermonectus marmoratus Sunburst diving beetle 0 0 80 Dynastes hercules Western hercules beetle 2 0 0 Mecynorrhina polyphemus Polyphemus flower beetle 1 1 8 Pachnoda sinuata Garden fruit chafer 0 0 21 Eleodes armata Pinnacate beetle 0 0 24 Polposipus herculeanus Fregate Island giant beetle 0 0 113 Calliphora vomitoria Bluebottle 0 0 500 Battus polydamas Polydamus swallowtail 0 0 1 Papilio demoleus Checkered lime swallowtail 0 0 1 Papilio lowi Great yellow mormon swallowtail 0 0 6 Papilio nephelus Black-and-white helen swallowtail 0 0 5 Papilio rumanzovia Scarlet swallowtail 0 0 8 Papilio thoas Giant swallowtail 0 0 2 Parides arcas Cattleheart butterfly 0 0 4 Greta oto Costa Rica clearwing butterfly 0 0 12 Danaus chrysippus Lesser wanderer butterfly 0 0 1 Danaus limniace Butterfly 0 0 1 Euploea core Oleander butterfly 0 0 3 Idea leuconoe Chinese kite butterfly 0 0 4 Caligo atreus Owl butterfly 0 0 5 Caligo eurilochus Owl butterfly 0 0 12 Caligo memnon Giant owl butterfly 0 0 10 Morpho peleides Morpho butterfly 0 0 5 Dryadula phaetusa Halloween longwing 0 0 1 Heliconius hecale Golden helicon butterfly 0 0 2 Heliconius melpomene Postman butterfly 0 0 7 Heliconius sara Small blue Grecian butterfly 0 0 1 Athyma perius Common sergeant butterfly 0 0 2 Cethosia biblis Ruby-red butterfly 0 0 1 Cethosia cyane Lacewing butterfly 0 0 1 Hypna clytemnestra Butterfly 0 0 2 Kallima inachus Dead-leaf butterfly 0 0 8 Myscelia cyaniris Royal blue butterfly 0 0 1 Parthenos sylvia Brown clipper 0 0 2 Siproeta stelenes Malachite butterfly 0 0 2 Argema mittrei Moth 0 0 1 Attacus atlas Atlas moth 0 0 2 Samia ricini Moth 0 0 3 Atta cephalotes Leafcutter ant (Colony) 0 0 1 Oecophylla smaragdina Green tree ant (Colony) 0 0 1 Ampulex compressa Emerald cockroach wasp 10 4 30 Apis mellifera Honeybee (Colony) 0 0 2 Epibolus pulchripes Mombassan train millipede 0 0 9 Spirostreptidae sp. Millipede 0 0 48 Archispirostreptus gigas Giant African millipede 0 0 14 Ommatoiulus moreletii Black Portuguese millipede 0 0 160 Archaster typicus Sea star 0 0 1 Linckia multifora Comet sea star 0 0 1 Asterina gibbosa Cushion star 0 0 309 Henricia oculata Bloody Henry starfish 0 0 3 Asterias rubens Red sea star 0 0 2 Marthasterias glacialis Spiny starfish 0 0 4 Ophiolepis sp.
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