By Authority: A. C. BROOKS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No. 21.-6424/69.-PRICE 45 rents

To the Honorable the Premier of Victoria.

I furnish for submission to His Excellency the Governor in Council, as required by Section 20 of the Public Service Act 1958, the Annual Report on the Public Service for the year ended 30th June, 1969.

F. E. CAHILL, Chairman, Public Service Board. 3rd December, 1969


SECTION PAGE Recruitment 7

2 The Service 8

3 Training 10

4 Staffing, Classification and Claims 12

5 Organization and Methods 15

6 Electronic Data Processing 18

7 Accommodation and Working Conditions 19

APPENDICES- ·• A" Number of Officers and Employees in the Various Departments and Salaries and Wages Paid 21

,, B" Number of Permanent Officers in Each Division in the Various Departments .. 23

. c, Number of Males and Females (Permanent and Temporary) Employed in the Various Departments 23

D" Number of Officers in each Class of the Administrative and Professional Divisions in the Various Departments 24

"E" Recruitment of Staff 25

"F" Overtime and Penalty Rate Payments 26

"G" Appeals re Promotions 27

"H" Long Service Leave Applications 27

"I" Officers Sent Abroad 28

"J" Charges Referred to the Board 30

"K" Claims by Approved Associations 31

"L" Courses and Conferences Conducted by Departments 32

"M" Officers, Emp1oyees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons to Whom the Provisions of the Public Service Acts have been Declared not to Apply under Section 4 (1) (k) .. 34

"N" Persons or Classes of Persons Employed under Exemption from the Provisions of Section 38 .. 48 MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD 1968-69.

Chairman: F. E. CAHILL

Government Member: General Service Representative: A. H. RIGG K. J. TUTTY (Deputy: E. J. BENNETT)

Mental Hygiene Representative: L. w. REGAN (Deputy: M. D. LYNCH) PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD


1. RECRUITMENT 1. 1. Appendix " A " to this report is a comparative statement showing the number of officers and employees and salaries and wages paid in the Public Service in each of the preceding four financial years. Appendices " B ", " C " and " D " show the numbers of officers and employees employed on the 30th June, 1969. The over-all increase in Service personnel, permanent and temporary, was 720 compared with the figures of 533, 525, and 663 in the previous years. The total number of persons now employed is 21,741. 1.2. Recruitment figures for the Administrative, Professional and Technical and General Divisions are shown in Appendix " E ". 1.2.1. Administrative Division: Entry is by competitive examination with candidates drawn from the school leaving and matriculation levels. Two competitive examinations were conducted with the following results.

Kumber of Successful Candidates Number of Accepted Appointments Examination I Leaving Matriculation Leaving Matriculation

August, 1968 141 43 124 39 April, 1969 219 112 199 108 I

It will be seen that of the total number of persons so appointed in 1968-69, approximately 30 per centum had passed the matriculation examination. At the 30th June, 1968 there were 36 vacancies in Class "E" whereas at 30th June, 1969, there were 68 vacancies. However, when the "reserve establishment" figure of 150 positions is taken into account there are actually 82 positions in excess of the basic authorized establishment. Recruitment in this Division in the year under review can therefore be regarded as having been satisfactory. 1.2.2. Professional Division: Under a new determination for Draughtsmen competitive examinations for appointment to base grade positions of Draughtsman are no longer held. The only competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional Division which is now held is for the base grade position of Librarian. The principal means of recruitment to the Division is by public advertisement for professionally qualified and experienced persons. The number recruited by public advertisement rose from 116 in 1967-68 to 121 in 1968-69. Architects, Engineers, Medical Officers, Social Workers, Surveyors and Quantity Surveyors were difficult to recruit but in most other groups recruitment has been satisfactory, departmental requirements having been met without undue delay. 1 . 2. 3. Technical and General Division: The position in this Division is generally satisfactory. A total of 894 persons were appointed to this Division during the year. 1 . 2. 4. Temporary Employees: Little difficulty was experienced in meeting the requirements of Departments in the general office group except for Stenographers. Recruitment of Stenographers especially during the winter months again proved difficult. This is giving the Board concern and if this position does not improve it may become necessary to re-introduce part-time employment which proved successful some years back. 8

2. THE SERVICE 2.1. Appendix "F" indicates that the increase in overtime payments was $717,565 above the figure for the previous year with main increases being in the Education and Chief Secretary's Departments and the Mental Hygiene Branch. The increase in the Chief Secretary's Department is misleading as the figure returned from the Department for last year's report was understated by $153,431 in respect of the office of the Chief Commissioner of Police. The actual overall increase therefore was $564,134 instead of $717,565. The increase in the Education Department resulted from extensive overtime being worked in connection with the new Teachers' Award. The overtime payments to institutional staff in the Chief Secretary's Department and the Mental Hygiene Branch increased as a result of the more liberal overtime regulations which came into effect from August, 1968 and shortage of staff. A significant decrease occurred in the State Forests Department mainly because the previous year's overtime was well above normal due to the long hours worked as a result of a long dry summer. Decreases also occurred in the Departments of Law and Mines. 2. 2. Penalty rate payments increased by approximately $300,000. As mentioned in last year's report it was expected that penalty rate payments would increase by a substantial amount as this was the first full year that penalty rates had been paid at the increased rates. 2.3. Promotions and Appeals: There were 1,228 positions advertised during the year for which persons from within the Public Service applied and had the right of appeal pursuant to the provisions of Section 32 of the Public Service Act. Appeals against non-recommendation were received in respect of 520 positions of which the Board heard appeals in respect of 328 cases. The Board upheld appeals in 51 cases. Appendix " G " shows the actual figures for the General Service and Mental Hygiene. 2. 4. The number of applications received for long service leave or pay in lieu thereof is shown in Appendix " H ". There was a small increase in the number of officers applying for long service leave and it was noted that more younger officers are taking long service leave as their entitlements become due. As this was the second complete year in which officers were entitled to apply for pay in lieu of long service leave on resignation it is interesting to note that the number of officers who received pay in lieu under this provision rose from 34 in 1967-68 to 65 in 1968-69. 2.5. In the year under review 46 officers and employees were called up for National Service training. The Board has promoted nine of these officers while absent on training. 2. 6. Details of officers sent abroad on official duty are shown in Appendix " I ". Officers sent abroad on assignments included the Permanent Heads of two Departments, Messrs. A. G. Coulthard, Secretary to the Premier's Department and A. 0. Lawrence, Chairman, Forests Commission. 2. 7. Appointments to some of the more senior positions in the Public Service during the year are listed below :- Department of Agriculture- H. L. Hore, Chief of Division of Agriculture, vice W. B. McDonald, retired. E. J. O'Brien, Chief Chemist, vice F. H. Williams, retired. Department of Health- C. W. Crick, Accountant, vice R. R. Coughlan, retired. Department of Labour and Industry- D. C. Duncan, Chief Industrial , vice J. C. Thomas, appointed Chairman of Wages Board. Local Government Department- E. R. Inglis, Secretary, vice P. P. Mithen, deceased. A. J. McGlade, Valuer~General, vice E. R. Inglis, promoted. Premier's Department- F. Carrigan, Senior Public Service Inspector (Claims and Industrial), vice R. L. King, promoted. Treasury- W. H. Breen, Special Duties Accounting Officer, new office. P. W. Merrett, Accountant to the Treasury, vice W. H. Breen, transferred. R. A. Livingston, Assistant Accountant to the Treasury, vice P. W. Merrett, promoted. 9 2. 8. The following honours were awarded :- Mr. R. Duke, Senior Works Staff, National Gallery, was awarded the B.E.M. Mr. C. D. Laycock, Supervisor, National Gallery, was awarded the B.E.M. Miss L. J. Renkin, Senior Field Officer, Social Welfare Branch, was awarded the B.E.M. Miss H. Jenkins, Stenographer, Department of Crown Lands and Survey, was awarded the B.E.M. Mr. R. F. Buchanan, Inquiry Officer, Premier's Office, was awarded the B.E.M. Mr. G. T. Roddick, Lighthouse Keeper, Public Works Department, was awarded the B.E.M. Mr. A. 0. Lawrence, Chairman, Forests Commission, received the award O.B.E.

PERMANENT APPOINTMENT OF MARRIED WOMEN. 2.9. Although the services of married women have been used extensively in a temporary capacity in the Public Service and they are employed in virtually all the female occupational groups, permanent appointments have been restricted to married women who are separated from, and are not being maintained by, their husbands. The number of such permanent appointments has been small. 2. 9. 1. Following representations by the Hospital Employees Federation of Australasia, the Board in 1966 decided that it should recommend that permanent appointment should be opened to married women on the trained psychiatric nursing staff of the various institutions of the Mental Hygiene Branch of the Health Department. 2. 9. 2. The Government, rather than limit consideration of the permanent appointment of married women to one particular group, asked the Board to examine the whole question of the .. Marriage Bar ". After investigation it was the Board's recommendation that Section 37 of the Public Service Act should be retained, but the Board should proceed to consider the permanent appointment of married women in all of the occupational groups in the Professional and Technical and General Divisions. 2. 9. 3. The sanction of the Governor in Council has been obtained to appoint married women permanently in the following cases in the Mental Hygiene Branch of the Health Department- Nurse, Principal Nurse, Head Nurse, Head, Assistant Nurse, Charge Nurse, Ward Nurse, Staff Nursing Advisor (Mental Health) Nursing Education Officer, Senior Nursing Education Officer, Grade 11 Nursing Education Officer, Grade I Tutor 2. 9. 4. Departments will now be asked for the following information on which the Board will base its future recommendations to the Governor in Council- (a) the names and designations of all married women employees who wish to apply for permanent appointment. (b) whether the duties of such employees are of a permanent nature. (c) whether the employees possess the pre-requisite qualifications for permanent appointment. (d) whether permanent appointment is recommended (e) the occupational areas for females where authority to appoint married women is recommended, although no married employees are currently engaged. (f) any occupational areas for females where it is felt that appointment should not be extended to married women. The Board expects to be in a position to make a consolidated report to the Governor in Council towards the end of the year. 10

3. TRAINING 3 .1. In keeping with Board policy, training activities continued to expand during the year. An increased number of Induction courses was held, a new course was added to the central program, and the number of training activities conducted by departments increased steadily.

3. I. 1. Two new five-day courses on the techniques of Conference Leading were included in the Central Program. The program provided considerable opportunity for practical application of the technique and the result was encouraging.

3.1.2. Plans are well advanced for a course on lecturing methods and techniques for those officers required to address large groups of people and for Training and Methods officers.

3 .1 . 3. The application of Clerical Task Training continued in the Motor Registration Branch and was extended to a lesser degree in the Apprenticeship Commission. The Board's Training Section is maintaining liaison in both of these areas with the management consultants in the implementation of the technique.

INTERNAL TRAINING 3. 2. The following are particulars of the 52 central training courses conducted by the Board:- Induction Twelve Induction Courses of four days' duration and 19 courses of three days' duration were held and 534 trainees attended. The shorter courses were adopted in 1969 and followed a similar pattern to the earlier courses. Basic Administration .. The Basic Administration Course was reviewed during the past year and its length reduced from eight to seven days. The first three courses were of eight days' duration and the latter two of seven days. From the experience of the longer course in 1968 it was found possible to reduce the course in some areas by making better use of assignment time. Ninety-five officers attended. Supervision Three courses were conducted and 60 officers from the (Metropolitan Officers) metropolitan area drawn from the Administrative, Professional and Technical and General Divisions attended. Nine officers from organizations outside the Public Service also attended. Supervision One full-time course of a week was held for country officers (Country Officers) and was attended by 27 officers from six departments. Regional Officers The third course for 24 senior officers from regional areas (including 3 from other Government Instrumentalities) was held at Kalorama in July, 1968. The course was residential for ten days and covered matters of managerial concern. Management Conference The theme of the conference this year was " Effective Public Service Management-Present and Future". Twenty­ one officers from ministerial departments and three officers from Government Instrumentalities attended. Public Relations Three courses were held and 47 officers attended. Membership included inspectors in various categories, receptionists and telephonists. Staff Relations One course was held in April, 1969, of three days' duration. Membership was drawn from officers with responsibility for the direction of large staffs. Eighteen officers from ten departments attended. Conference Leading This year two courses were conducted. Membership was drawn from officers with responsibility for large staffs where joint consultation played an important role. Eighteen officers from 11 departments and one officer from a Government Instrumentality attended. 11

Follow-up Conferences Three one-day Follow-up Conferences were held for officers who had attended Supervision Courses and one for officers who had attended the previous year's Management Conference. Regional Study Groups During the year Regional Study Groups at Hamilton and Tatura undertook assignments on Public Relations and Techniques of Work Instruction. The co-operation and participation by Commonwealth Public Service officers continued. 3. 2. 1. During the year, approximately 85 departmental training projects were undertaken. (See Appendix "L ".) Some of these courses were conducted entirely by departments while others were conducted completely by the Training Section or with considerable assistance from the Section. A feature of departmental training has been the Training Section's involvement with Management Consultants in two departmental areas, namely the Apprenticeship Commission and Motor Registration Branch, and in the latter instance, this has necessitated the secondment of a training officer from the Board on a full-time basis. 3.2.2. The Section has continued to sponsor regular meetings of Training and Methods Officers from departments and interested government instrumentalities. EXTERNAL TRAINING 3. 3. The service again took advantage of training available at external organizations and officers attended the Australian Administrative Staff College, The Summer School of Business Administration at the University of Melbourne, The Civil Engineering Construction Management Course conducted by the University of New South Wales and courses conducted 0y other government bodies such as the Commonwealth Public Service Board. 3. 3. I. The number of officers studying courses at external institutions continued at a high rate. Five hundred and seventy-three study leave applications were approved for the 1969 academic year (552 for 1968). The number of officers undertaking university courses decreased by 23 from 251 to 228. This decrease was largely due to students completing courses, particularly Law and post-graduate studies. However, those studying Technical College coursts increased by 44 i.e. from 301 to 345. The increase occurred mainly in the fields of Business Studies, Engineering and Public Administration. In addition, officers of the Land Tax Office studying the Land Valuation Certificate Course were granted study leave for the first time because of the introduction of compulsory day-time lectures in some subjects. The number of officers doing the old Accountancy Course decreased substantially, as this Course is being replaced by the Diploma of Business Studies (Accounting) and is not to be continued after 1971. The total amount of study leave granted was 2,386 hours a week with pay and 992 hours a week without pay-a total of 3,378 hours. Although this figure is lower than the figure for 1968 (4,102 hours) more officers obtained leave in 1969 but in many cases required less time off per week. The following table shows the numbers of officers who were granted leave, either full-time or part-time, and the courses they were studying at Universities of Technical Colleges :- Uni~ersity Technical Colleges Architecture •• 3 Accountancy .. 43 Agricultural Science .. 6 Applied Biology 1 Arts .. 47 Applied Chemistry . . 5 Arts /Journalism 1 Articled Clerks .. 35 Arts /Social Studies .. 1 Architectural Draughting 5 Commerce . . .. 37 Architecture 8 Commerce /Social Studies 1 Art (Industrial Design) 1 Criminology .. 6 Building Construction 1 Economics .. 4 Business Studies (Accounting) . . 63 Economics and Politics 8 Business Studies (Data Processing) 4 Education 1 Cartography .. 1 Engineering .. 1 Chemical Engineering 1 Engineering (Agriculture) 1 Engineering .. 54 Law .. 37 Food Technology 1 Law (S.M.) .. .. 14 Geology 3 Law (Articles) 2 Interior Design 2 Public Administration 3 Land Surveying 5 Science 4 Medical Laboratory Technology 1 Science (Forestry) .. 22 Mining Engineering . . 1 Social Studies 17 Public Administration .. 45 Surveying 1 Quantity Surveying .. 1 Town and Regional Planning .. 2 Sewerage Installation Design Single Subjects 5 Shorthand .. 1 Post Graduate Studies 4 Survey Draughting .. . . 41 Valuation 21 228 345 12

3.3.2. In 1968 the following courses of study were completed by Public Servants granted part-time study leave :- Accountancy 7 Bachelor of Arts 5 Bachelor of Economics and Politics 1 Bachelor of Laws 9 Bachelor of Laws (SM) .. 1 Certificate of Civil Engineering 1 Diploma of Architecture 2 Diploma of Cartography 1 Diploma of Civil Engineering 3 Diploma of Electrical Engineering 1 Diploma of Mechanical Engineering 1 Diploma of Public Administration 1 Doctor of Philosophy .. 1 Survey Draughting Certificate 2 Diploma of Librarianship 1


Thirteen Public Servants who had been granted free places in previous years completed their courses in 1968 in the following categories :- Commerce and Economics 2 Engineering (Mechanical) 1 Engineering (Civil) 1 Law .. 2 Social Studies . . 3 Science 3 Town and Regional Planning 1


3. 3. 3. It is pleasing to announce that, at the request of the Board, the Government has now increased the maximum number of Free Place awards each year from 20 to 30. At the beginning of 1969, 26 Free Places were awarded to officers of the Public Service studying at Melbourne, Monash and Latrobe Universities. Sixty-six officers are currently studying under Free Place awards. 4. STAFFING, CLASSIFICATION AND CLAIMS 4 .1. Claims submitted to the Board during the year by the three approved Associations (namely the Victorian Public Service Association, the Hospital Employees' Federation of Australasia and the Printing and Kindred Industries Union) totalled 41. Details of the claims are listed in Appendix " K " to this report which shows that 25 of the claims related to salary matters and 16 to requests for variations in allowances or conditions of employment. By way of comparison, during the year ended 30th June, 1968, 34 claims were received, with 20 seeking variations in salary rates and 14 relating to allowances and conditions of employment. 4.1.1. During the year the Board made decisions on 41 separate claims although not all of these claims had been received in the current year. Included in the claims that were the subject of Board decisions during the year were three major claims involving officers of all Divisions of the Public Service, as shown hereunder :- • A claim for salary increases for all officers of the Administrative Division which was received on 16th December, 1968. The Board determined salary increases for officers of the Administrative Division, excluding a small number in the higher classifications of Class "Al ", with effect from the 18th May, 1969. • A General Service claim for salary increases for officers of the Technical and General Division and related temporary employees received on 20th December, 1968. Since receipt of this claim the Board has made a number of decisions, effective from different dates, which have determined higher salaries for the great majority of the officers of the Technical and General Division. 13 • A claim for salary increases for officers of the Professional Division which was received on 24th December, 1968. Following receipt of this claim higher salaries were determined for a large number of officers in the Professional Division. Inv~stigations which involve, amongst other things, a review of any salary movements . m rela~ed professional groups outside the Victorian Public Service, are proceeding m relatiOn to Professional Division officers who have not yet been granted salary increases. 4 .1. 2. The Board made determinations on a number of claims for particular occupational groups in the Service in addition to its determinations on the three major claims. Occupational groups which were accorded salary increases as a result of Board determinations on separate claims for particular groups included the following :- • Inspectors of Works, Public Works Department. • Journalists and related offices in various departments. • Geologists, Mines and Water Supply Department. • Reporters, Chief Secretary's and Law Departments. • Therapists, Department of Health. • Veterinary Officers, Department of Agriculture. • Child Care and Youth Officers, Social Welfare Branch, Chief Secretary's Department. • Male Printing Staff, Government Printing Office, Treasury. • Storekeepers, Mental Hygiene Branch, Department of Health. In addition, salary increases ranging from approximately 2 per cent. to 16! per cent. of total salary were determined for the majority of officers in the Technical and General Division and related temporary employees. 4. 2. The Board, under its practice of keeping the salary rates of all occupational categories in the Public Service under constant review, gave consideration to relevant wage and salary variations in a number of areas of outside employment. In many instances, the Board considered these variations in outside rates against the background of an approved Association's overall claim that embraced the occupational groups concerned, while, in other instances, departmental submissions had also been received. The occupational groups which benefited from salary increases as a result of these reviews included the following :- • Health Inspectors, Department of Health • Assistants (Female) • Machinists • Stenographers • Typists • Draughtsmen • Interior Designers, Public Works Department • Agricultural Diplomate Officers • Valuers • Various industrial-type classifications in the Technical and General Division. 4. 2. 1. In regard to salaries for industrial-type classifications in the Public Service, the Board's practice of keeping these under review involves an examination of the rates concerned immediately following wage variations in the relevant Federal Award or State Wages Board Determination. 4.3. Following the decision of 19th June, 1969, of a joint bench of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission in the Equal Pay Cases 1969, announcing acceptance of the concept of " equal pay for equal work " without discrimination based on sex alone, the Board invited the approved Associations to specify those adult female classifications that, in the respective Associations' views, qualified for equal pay in terms of the nine principles enunciated in the above decision. These nine principles are set out in detail in para. 4. 3 .1. below. The adoption of the concept of equal pay by the Board will have immediate salary implications in the Victorian Public Service. The Board has to determine this matter before 1st October, 1969, the date set out in the decision of the full bench as the commencing date for the introduction of equal pay. The decision indicated that the implementation of equal pay should be spread over a period in accordance with the following scale of rates and dates of operation :- Date of Operation Amount of Female Rate to be : Beginning of first pay period to commence on or after- 1st October, 1969 85 per cent. of male rate at that date 1st January, 1970 90 per cent. of male rate at that date lst January, 1971 95 per cent. of male rate at that date 1st January, 1972 100 per cent. of male rate at that date. 14

4.3.1. The Board, in determining this matter, will give weight to all aspects of the decision in the Equal Pay Cases, including the proposal, as referred to above, that equal pay be introduced by progressive steps and the suggestion that nine principles be applied in dealing with claims for granting equal pay to particular classifications. These nine principles are- (1) the male and female employees concerned, who must be adults, should be working under the terms of the same determination or award ; (2) it should be established that certain work covered by the determination or award is performed by both males and females ; (3) the work performed by both the males and the females under such determination or award should be of the same or a like nature and of equal value, but mere similarity in name of male and female classifications may not be enough to establish that males and females do work of a like nature ; (4) for the purpose of determining whether the female employees are performing work of the same or a like nature and of equal value as the male employees, the Arbitrator or the Commissioner, as the case may be, should in addition to any other relevant matters, take into consideration whether the female employees are performing the same work or work of a like nature as male employees and doing the same range and volume of work as male employees and under the same conditions ; (5) consideration should be restricted to work performed under the determination or award concerned ; (6) in cases where males and females are doing work of the same or a like nature and of equal value, there may be no appropriate classifications for that work. In such a case, appropriate classifications should be established for the work which is performed by both males and females and rates of pay established for that work. The classifications should not be of a generic nature covering a wide variety of work ; (7) in considering whether males and females are performing work of the same or like nature and of equal value, consideration should not be restricted to the situation in one establishment but should extend to the general situation under the determination or award concerned, unless the award or determination applies to only one establishment ; (8) the expression of " equal value " should not be construed as meaning " of equal value to the employer" but as of equal value or at least of equal value from the point of view of wage or salary assessment ; (9) notwithstanding the above, equal pay should not be provided by application of the above principles where the work in question is essentially or usually performed by females but is work upon which male employees may also be employed. 4.4. An earlier decision of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission -the decision of 4th October, 1968 in the National Wage Case, 1968-awarded an increase of $1.35 to male and female adults with proportionate increases to juniors. A claim, based on this decision, was received from the Victorian Public Service Association and, following consideration of that claim, the Board determined, with effect from 3rd November, 1968, to increase the salaries of adult officers and employees by $71 a year, with proportionate salary increases for juniors. 4. 5. Under the "Exempt" Employees Service Grants Order in Council, 1969, and the "Exempt" Employees State Incremental Payments Scheme Order in Council, 1969, higher payments, which increased the maximum payments under these schemes by $1.10 per week, were determined for certain employees exempt from the provisions of the Public Service Act. Following these determinations, the Board gave consideration to the salary rates payable to related groups of officers and employees in the Service, and decided to increase the maximum of their salary ranges by an annual amount approximating to $1.10 per week. 4. 6. Investigations relating to departmental establishments and organizations were undertaken in respect of the following Departments and Branches :- • Receipt Duties Section, Stamp Duties Office, Treasury • State Insurance Offices, Chief Secretary's Department e Accounts Section, Social Welfare Branch, Chief Secretary's Department e Motor Registration Branch, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, Chief Secretary's Department. 15

The review of the administrative staff requirements of Teachers' Colleges, Department of Education, referred to in last year's report, was finalized.

An examination of a proposal to transfer the valuation and ancillary staff from the Taxation (Land Tax) Office, Treasury, to the Local Government Department, and to re-organize the Valuer-General's Office, which was commenced at an earlier date, was completed.

4. 7. The number of departmental submissions and individual applications referred to the Inspectorial Branch for attention during the year exceeded 1,400, and this represented an increase of approximately 8 per cent. over the total for the previous year. These submissions and applications related to matters such as classification, allowance, gratuity, establishment and organization.

4. 7. 1. Reference was made in the last annual report to the need for additional staff for investigation of staffing, classification and claims matters. During the year, the necessary approvals to create two additional offices were obtained and two additional Inspectors commenced duty in April. The increase in the number of Inspectors available for investigation work will assist the Board to deal more expeditiously with the many matters of importance to the administration of Departments.

5. ORGANIZATION AND METHODS 5 .1. The Organization and Methods Section continued to provide Departments with a service to improve their management practices and working methods. In providing this service the Section applied a wide range of management services techniques. The practice of working in close collaboration with departmental officers was maintained. Where management consultants have been engaged to assist Departments they have, in most cases, undertaken their reviews in conjunction with 0. & M. Inspectors.

5. 1 .1. For the performance of the Organization and Methods function the current establishment of the Section comprises thirteen officers. The one addition to the establishment during the year enabled the Section to employ a Technical officer to assist on Industrial and Production Engineering investigations.

5. 2. During the year the 0. & M. Inspectors, in conjunction with private management consultants, were engaged in the following reviews :- At the Motor Registration Branch, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, Chief Secretary's Department. • a firm of management consultants was engaged for 8 weeks to undertake a review, now completed, of the Data Processing Division involving various facets of data processing operations including machine usage and operator training. Significant benefits arising from the review included : operator training based on a technique known as Clerical Task Training ; work scheduling to obtain improved machine output on prime shift operation.

• a firm of management consultants was engaged for 18 months to undertake a clerical methods and work measurement review of all Divisions. This review is still in progress. Significant benefits arising from the review to date include : increased effectiveness of man-power through improved supervision at all levels, based on performance standards and periodical control reports that enable early recognition of problems and prompt corrective action ; development of supervisory skills and techniques by officers at various levels of management ; matching both the number of staff and staff structure to work volume and complexity on an hourly basis. Increased objectivity on staffing matters has resulted in a progressive reduction of staff at the Branch. 26 staff had been transferred out of the reviewed Divisions by the 30th June, 1969. It is anticipated that this number will exceed 100 during the coming year. reduction in overtime by approximately 60 per cent. 16 At the Public Works Department- • a firm of management consultants was engaged to undertake an organization review of the Department. Phase 1 of the review was concerned with the overall organization of the Department and recommendations contained in the Phase 1 Report relating to a major re·organization and an enlarged concept of the role of management at various levels are currently being examined and implemented on a progressive basis. The nature of this review does not permit early quantitative and qualitative assessment of benefits. 5 .2.1. In addition the 0. & M. Inspectors have been involved in a series of preliminary studies concerning proposed engagement of private management consultants- At the Law Department- following consideration of the preliminary studies at the Courts Branch, the Board approved the engagement of private management consultants to undertake an operations research review of the administration of circuits for Magistrates and Clerks of Courts. In this instance, the Board did not provide 0. & M. Inspectors for the Review Team or Steering Committee. At the Treasury Department- following consideration of the preliminary studies at the Government Printing Office, the Board approved the engagement of a firm of management consultants to undertake a major review of the Printing Office in conjunction with the 0. & M. Inspectors. The engagement has not yet been effected pending clarification of certain matters relating to the review. At the Motor Registration Branch, Chief Secretary's Department- consideration is being given to the engagement of management consultants to undertake an E.D.P. Systems design review in conjunction with the 0. & M. Inspectors. 5.2.2. The Board received requests from the following Departments for reviews involving management consultants- The Water Supply Department-<:oncerning water distribution. Initial discussions indicated a possible need to gain assistance from private management consultants versed in operation research techniques. The Board advised the Department that the 0. and M. Inspectors were unable, due to other commitments, to assist on the proposed review. The Education Department-{:Oncerning a preliminary survey of the Accounts Branch by private management consultants in conjunction with the 0. and M. Inspectors. This request is still subject to consultation between the Department and the Board. The Chief Secretary's Department-<:oncerning a preliminary survey of the State Motor Car Insurance Office, Third Party Claims Section, by private management consultants in conjunction with the 0. and M. Inspectors. The request was not approved by the Board as it is expected that the proposed review will be included in a programme of investigations to be conducted by the 0. and M. Inspectors at the conclusion of the review at the Motor Registration Branch. 5. 3. In addition to their participation in the reviews undertaken by management consultants, officers of the 0. & M. Section completed during the year, or are currently undertaking the following investigations :- • Education Department : Correspondence School. The 0. & M. Inspectors assisted with various matters associated with relocating the Correspondence School in temporary accommodation at 262 Queen·street, Melbourne. Implementation of the various recommendations contained in reports submitted is proceeding. Further systems studies have been deferred pending appointment of special staff as recommended by the 0. & M. Inspectors. • Education Department : Estates Branch. The review of the organization and procedures of the Estates Branch continued and it is anticipated that a report will be submitted in late 1969. • Education Department : General Correspondence Branch. The review of the typing and duplicating functions of the Branch was completed and recommendations are in process of implementation. 17 • Education Department : Post Primary Branch. The Department sought a review of the Post Primary Branch with a view to the possible introduction of automatic data processing and improved records systems. After an initial investigation, this review was suspended pending consideration of the scope of the review. • Forests Department : Estates Branch. This review was undertaken on a " two stage " basis. The first stage related to the organization of the Branch has been completed and recommendations are in the process of implementation. Stage 2 is scheduled for commencement during the latter part of 1969. • Forests Department : Records Section. A review of the Central Registry of the Forests Commission was commenced during September, 1968, and has been completed. Recommendations are in process of implementation. • The Department of Health : Mental Health Authority. This review of admission proceedures has been suspended due to staffing difficulties in the 0. and M. Section. • Law Department : Companies Office. The Department sought the assistance of the Board to examine a possible computer based consolidated Companies and Business Names Index in conjunction with microfilm systems. This study is proceeding. • Mines Department. An investigation of the equipment required to undertake the task of microfilming bore data was commenced. 5 .4. In addition to undertaking formal departmental reviews and special investigations, the 0. & M. Section has continued to provide :- • an informal enquiry service to departments, • a regular information and investigatory service to the Office Systems and Mechanization Committee, • a monthly Methods Study Group for departmental Training and Methods Officers, • frequent contact with other Public Services and authorities active in the methods field, • association with the Management Services Group-an organization of methods practitioners drawn from governmental departments and private firms, • association with the Microfilm Association of Australia-an organization of systems and records management staff and microfilm industry personnel, including technicians. 5.4 .1. The informal enquiry service to departments dealt with 220 separate requests. In meeting these enquiries, advice was offered on office machines and systems, forms design, layout and production, and seminars were conducted for specialist departmental officers. 5. 5. The 0. & M. Inspectors continued the practice of visiting other Public Services in connection with current reviews and in order to be kept informed of developments in management services techniques. Included in these visits were the following :- • Motor Registration Branch functions. Discussions in Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide on matters arising out of the Review. • Government Printing Office functions. Discussions in Canberra and Sydney on various matters associated with the operations of the Government Printing Office. • Correspondence School functions. Discussions in Adelaide and Sydney on various matters associated with the operations of the Correspondence School. • Microfilm. Discussions and inspections of systems took place in Sydney and arrangements were made for the development of specific microfilm systems by equipment suppliers. 5.6. The 0. & M. Inspectors have continued to work in conjuction with the staff of the Electronic Data Processing Centre on a number of reviews. 6424/69.-2 18

5. 7. A number of applications, which have been received from Departments requesting the assistance of the Board's 0. & M. Inspectors, have been deferred. The deferments of proposed reviews, due to a shortage of 0. & M. Inspectors, include the folJowing : • Chief Secretary's Department : Liquor Control Commission. The Secretary of the Commission has sought assistance to develop a system of mechanization for the collection of fees. The 0. & M. Inspectors, on an earlier review, had proposed that such mechanization be considered in the future after responsibility for such collection had been transferred from the Treasury. • Premier's Department : Tourist Development Authority. An 0. & M. review of the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau has been authorized by the Board. 5. 8. The Board intends to review the functions, establishment and structure of the Organiza­ tion and Methods Section during late 1969, following consideration of the final stage of the review at the Motor Registration Branch, the projected demand arising from the initial stage of the review at the Government Printing Office and other proposed reviews.

6. ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING 6. 1. Planning for the use of electronic computers for data processing for a wide range of departmental activities continued throughout the year. 6.2. A contract was entered into with International Computers (Australia) Pty. Ltd. for the supply and installation of an I.C.L. 1905E computer for the Board's E.D.P. Centre. Tenders for the supply and installation of a suitable computer system had been received from eight interested suppliers during the previous year. 6.2.1. In accordance with the contract, the computer was delivered in late June 1969, and the work of installation commenced immediately. 6.2.2. The computer is housed in the Board's E.D.P. Centre, located in Stage 2 of the New Public Offices, No. 1 Macarthur-street and consists of the following equipment :- • One 1905E Central Processor with 32,000, 24 bit words of core storage capable of multiprogramming and with a floating point unit. • Six magnetic tape units each with a transfer rate of 41,700 characters per second. • One exchangeable disc store unit capable of storing 8 million characters with a transfer rate of 208,000 characters per second. • Two high speed printers each with 160 print positions and each capable of printing 1,350 lines per minute. • One card reader reading 1,600 cards per minute. • One paper tape reader reading 1,000 characters per second. • One card punch, punching at the rate of 300 cards per minute. 6. 2. 3. The Public Service Board will be responsible for the initial operation of the computer and the Board's E.D.P. Centre has been established for this purpose. However, it is envisaged that, at some future date, the E.D.P. Centre will be transferred to another Branch of the Public Service. 6. 3. During the year the Policy Group, composed of the Chairman of the Public Service Board, the Director of Finance and the Auditor-General, met to review the order of priority appropriate for the several functions planned for conversion to computer processing throughout the Service. The Stamp Duties (Bulk Receipt Duty) and Teaching Service Payroll were considered to merit high priority, with early consideration to be given to the Registration of Motor Vehicles. 6. 4. The Education Department continues to use the computer of the State Savings Bank for some aspects of the preparation of the Teaching Service PayrolL While this activity continues, officers of the E.D.P. Centre and the Department are designing a system for the complete processing of the salaries payroll. 6.4.1. Work on systems design was suspended late in 1968 to enable an assessment to be made of the full effect on the processing requirements of the system of the issue of new Teaching Service (Classification, Salaries and Allowances) Regulations. Work on this design was resumed during May, 1969. 6. 5. In consultation with the Comptroller of Stamps, the design and programming of a system to maintain a file of persons electing to pay Stamp Duty on Bulk Receipts was commenced during the year. 19

6. 5 .I. The system produces electors' assessment forms for the appropriate period, issues acknowledgments for the receipt of payments and for the acceptance of new elections. It also issues reminders to electors and supplies statistics relating to Stamp Duty payments. 6.5.2. The first phase of the Stamp Duties' system became operative during June, 1969, when approximately 39,000 assessment forms were produced and issued to electors by the Stamp Duties Office. 6. 6. In conjunction with officers of the Motor Registration Branch, a detailed survey was conducted on the present system of Motor Vehicle Registration which, over the years, has been required to cope with the rapidly increasing number of vehicles on the roads. 6. 6 .1. A suggested computerized system of registration has been detailed in a report for the consideration of the Motor Registration Branch but further development of this system has been deferred until resources become available during next year. 6. 7. Additional systems investigation and design has been undertaken to assist departments interested in converting aspects of their work to E.D.P. including the following :- • Education Department-Further extension of stores records. • Forests Commission-Softwood Royalties.

6.8. During the year the Board established a Data Collection unit within the E.D.P. Centre. 6. 8 .1. The purpose of this unit is to provide a service to Departments that will enable the information contained within existing departmental files to be transferred to computer files. This transfer must take place in advance of the conversion of a system to computer processing. 6.9. To provide staff for the above unit, and for computer operations, systems analysis and programming, the Board appointed sixteen additional officers and employees to the E.D.P. Centre during the year. 7. ACCOMMODATION AND WORKING CONDITIONS 7 .1. During the year, significant advances were made towards attainment of the aim to provide improved standards of departmental accommodation. To this end, a major contribution was the submission of a report by the inter-departmental sub-committee on accommodation, comprising representatives of the Public Service Board, the Public Works Department and the Treasury, on the future of public office development in the city area. 7 .1. 1. The Government, following consideration of the Sub-committee's submissions and recommendations, approved the purchase of properties in Parliament-place and Cathedral-place for the express purpose of the long term development of the Treasury Reserve, for the future accomodation needs of the Public Service. 7. 2. Further substantial progress has been made towards the completion of Stage 11. of the new State Offices located at No. I Macarthur-street, Melbourne. The State Film Centre, the Public Service Board's Electronic Data Processing Centre and the State Audit Office, moved into this new building during the year. To complete the occupation of the Stage Il. building these occupants are to be followed by the Social Welfare Branch of the Chief Secretary's Department, the State Development Division of the Premier's Department and several branches of the Forests Commission organization. 7. 2. 1. Phase I. of the new Laboratories and Car Park Building, located at No. 5 Parliament-place, Melbourne, is nearing completion and the Chemical Branches of the Mines, Agriculture and Health Departments will occupy parts of this building early next year. 7. 3. The Taxation Office at 436 Lonsdale-street, formerly leased to the Commonwealth by the State, has been returned for the use of the State. The space therein has been allocated to the Treasury and the interior is to be remodelled to provide accommodation for the Land Tax, Probate Duties and Stamp Duties Offices. The transfer of the Stamp Duties Office from 283 Queen-street will enable relief to be given to accommodation pressures being experienced by the Titles Office. 7. 4. At 179 Queen-street, the vacation of space by the valuation staff of the Valuer-General's Office and by the Town and Country Planning Board, has allowed extra accommodation to be made available to the Housing Commission in order to meet its growing needs. This benefit to the Housing Commission derived directly from the decision during the year to purchase, for Public Office purposes, a new 11-storey air-conditioned office building situated at the corner of Queen and Lonsdale-streets. This office building is now occupied by the Town and Country Planning Board and the Valuer-General's Branch of the Local Government Department. 20

7. 5. Another large project now proceeding in the metropolitan area is the construction of the new Arthur Rylah Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in Stradbroke A venue, Heidelberg. The Technical and Research Groups of the Fisheries and Wildlife Branch of the Chief Secretary's Office will be accommodated in this Institute. 7. 6. Other accommodation needs of some importance considered by the inter-departmental sub-committee on accommodation during the year concerned the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, Hospital and Charities Commission, Agriculture Department and Public Works Department. 7. 7. Continued and effective progress is also being made to improve the standard of accommodation in the State's country areas. 7. 7 .1. In March, 1969, a new office block was opened at Warragul. This building accommodates the local offices of the Departments of Agriculture, Crown Lands and Survey, Labour and Industry and Public Works, along with the local staffs of the Milk Board, Soil Conservation Authority, and the Apprenticeship, Liquor Control and Rural Finance and Settlement Commissions. In addition, the construction of a new multi-storey State Public Office Block at Horsham commenced, and documentation for the new Shepparton Public Offices is practically complete.

Signed for and on behalf of the Board,

F. E. CAHILL, Chairman.

V. D. SCULLY, Secretary. 21



At 30th June, 1966. At 30th June, 1967, At 30th June, 1968, i At 30th June, 1969. I Department. Salaries and I Salaries and Salaries and I Salaries and Wages Paid Wages Paid Wages Paid Number. for Financial Number. for Financial Number. r!af~!:'~i~l Number. for Financial Year 196S-66. Year 1966-67. Year 1967-68. Year 1968-69.

$ $ $ $ ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS Officers ...... 15 45,687 31 102,459 E mployees ...... 8 8.o?O 18 19,375 ...... 23 53,757- 49 121,834


AGRICULTURE. Officers ...... 993 3,636,749 1,022 4,066,887 1,091 4,369,388 1,180 5,256,751 Employees ...... 383 750,375 424 892,542 448 • 1,033,656 441 • 988,205 1,376 4,387,124 1,446 4,959,429 1,539 5,403,044 1,621 6,244,956

CHII!F SECRETARY'S 0 fficers ...... 1,994 5,566,293 - 2,062 6,333,805 2,290 7,482,300 2,361 8,310,859 E mployees ...... 1,457 2,485,417 - 1,639 3,062,399 ! 1,659 3,220,564 1,828 3,514,587

3,451 8,051,710 3,701 9,396,204 i 3,949 10,702,864 4,189 11,825,446


0 fficers ...... 604 1,941,463 590 2,162,368 610 2,262,403 596 2,375,721 E mployees ...... 123 265,698 156 • 315,420 145 ! 346,949 168 401,077 727 2,207,161 746 2,477,788 755 2,609,352 764 2,776,798


0 fficers ...... 447 1,121,608 468 1,296,354 443 1.411,876 • 475 1,455,696 E mployees ...... 468 770,641 492 901,977 564 1,013,089 _i 577 1,133,984 915 1,892,249 960 2,198,331 1,0071 2,424,965 • 1,052 2,589,680

HEALTH (OTHER THAN I MENTAL HYGIENE). ! 0 fficers ...... 468 1,779,857 I 485 1,976,303 478 2,089.346 469 2,117,235 Employees ...... 674 1,418,976 662 1,546,555 ! 661 1,576,955 667 1,639,110 1,142 3,198,833 1,147 3,522,858 1,139 3,666,301 1,136 3,756,345


Officers ...... 1,728 4,665,153 1,773 5,037,318 1,763 5,357,016 1,825 - 5,648,178 Employees ...... 2,963 5,261,211 3,019 • 5,936,646 3.161 6,602,163 i 3,287 7,124,426 4,691 9,926,364 ! 4,792 10,973,964 ! 4.n4 11,959,179 5,112 12,772,604

LABOUR AND INDUSTRY. i Officers ...... 237 773,751 232 873,468 229 931,693 242 992,432 Employees ...... 33 58,439 48 71,277 51 81,384 43 87,019 270 • 832,190 • 280 944,745 280 1,013,077 285 1,079,451 I LAW.

Officers ...... 985 3,438,986 I 944 3,819,872 975 4,026,195 995 4,254,594 Employees ...... 385 i 610,030 389 738,682 417 822.243 ! 407 802,758

1,370 ! 4,049,016 i 1,333 4,558,554 1,392 I 4,848,438 1,402 5,057,352 22

APPENDIX " A "-continued.

At 30th June, 1966. At 30th June, 1967. At 30th June, 1968. At 30th June, 1969.

Department. Salaries and Salaries and Salaries and Wages Paid Wages Paid Wages Paid Number. for Financial Number. for Financial Number. for Finaneial Year 1965-66. Year 1966-67. . -~:wKf,~J. Year !968-69.

$ $ $

LOCAL GOVERNMENT. I i Officers .. .. 84 284,295 81 321,653 ! 84 343,146 91 388,591 Employees . . .. :: i 21 35,257 24 47,918 21 48,524 I 18 I 42,242 1 319,552 105 369,571 I 105 391,670 I 109 I 430,833 i 105


Officers ...... 161 496,4071 148 564,351 150 560,144 154 611,661 Employees ...... 38 86,936 38 i 89,358 43 91,453 40, 113,830

I 199 583,343 186 I 653,709 193 651,597 194 725,491

PREMIER'S. Officers ...... 472 1,656,940 462 1,860,944 499 2,010,655 491 2,153,391 Employees ...... 121 218,545 147 267,412 149 271,314 173 159,651 593 1,875,485 609 2,128,356 648 2,281,969 664 2,313,042

PUBLIC WORKS. Officers ...... 686 2,451,659 735 2,759,399 771 3,088.810 782 3,396,859 Employees ...... 438 960,503 373 1,022,667 348 876,006 341 874,579 1,124 3,412,162 1,108 I 3,782,066 1,119 3,964,816 1,123 4,271,438

STATE FORESTS. Officers ...... 606 2,179,365 605 2,358,379 607 2,446,709 648 2,591,560 Employees ...... 1121 190,084 125 228,210 llO 242,907 102 221,589 718 2,369,449 730 2,586,589 717 2,689,616 750 2,813,149


Officers ...... 4,922 1 2 6,097 2 5,875 2 6,124 Employees ...... 7,235 3 7,991 3 I 8,661 3 9,170 12,157 5 14,088 5 14,536 5 15,294 I


Officers ...... 3,379,488 1,0841 3,701,795 1,115 3,939,790 1,137 4,269,437 Employees ...... 952,416 569 1,071,269 570 1.123,781 611 1,191,940

4,331,904 1,653 4,773,064 1,685 ! 5,063,571 1,748 ! 5,461,377


Officers ...... 4,004,7581 1,132 4,394,215 1,114 4,593,027 1,124 4,706,106 Employees ...... I 838,165 425 1,008,330 427 1,041,853 414 1,089,732

1,532 4,842,923 1,557 5,402,545 i 1,541 5,634,880 1,538 5,795,838 I TOTALS. Officers ...... 11,698 37,381,694 12,157 41,533,208 12,236 44,964,060 12,603 48,637,654 Employees ...... 8,135 14,909,928 8,201 17,208,633 8,785 18,409,572 9,138 19,413,274

19,833 52,291,622 20,358 58,741,841 21.021 1 63,373,632 21,741 68,050,928 I

Recoups.-Recoups from various sources covering salaries and wages for the financial year ended 30th June, 1969, amounted to $6,107,899. 23


STATEMENT SHOWING THE NUMBER OF PERMANENT OFFICERS EMPLOYED ON 30TH JUNE, 1969, IN EACH DIVISION, AND THE EXPENDITURE ON SALARIES DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1968-69 i First Division. Administrative Division. ; Professional Division. Technical and General Total. Division. Department. Number. Amount. Number.' Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. $ $ $ $ Aboriginal Affairs .. 1 9,368 4 15,562 11 3:,9321 15 44,597 31 102,459 Agriculture .. 1 12,300 151 611,806 401 2.536,757 627 2,095,888 1,180 5,256,751 Chief Secretary's .. 1 13,850 643 2,534,365 261 1,433,589 1,456 4,329,055 2,361 8,310,859 Crown Lands and 1 12,300 147 539,260 153 768,727 295 1,055,434 596 2,375,721 Survey Education .. . . 1 13,850 211 826,362 .. . . 263 615,484 475 1,455,696 Health (other than 1 12,300 78 328,834 127 997,109 263 778,992 469 2,117,235 Mental Hygiene) Health (Mental .. . . 98 413,204 320,398 1,662 4,914,576 1,825 5,648,178 Hygiene) Labour and Industry 1 12,300 144 594,594 ~I 10,086 95 375,452 242 992,432 Law . . .. 1 12,300 414 1,642,139 399 2,131.454 181 468.701 995 4,254,594 ! Local Government .. 1 10,286 33 131,320 15 98,070 42 148,915 91 388,591 Mines . . .. 1 12,300 291 102,975 52 276,336 72 220,050 154 611,661 Premier's . . .. 1 14,650 291 1,390,248 80 420,350 119 328,143 491 2,153,391 Public Works .. 1 12,300 114 485,765 267 1,294,875 400 1,603,919 782 3,396,859 State Forests ...... 78 246 1,246,370 324 1,047,098 648 2,591,560 29.8:092 I Transport ...... 2 6,124 2 6,124

Treasury . . .. 1 14,650 451 1,826,347 i 102 537,610 ! 583 1,890,830 1,137 4,269,437 Water Supply ...... 241 940,188 274 1,602,390 609 2,163,528 1,124 4,706,106

Total . . .. 13 I 162,754 3,127 112,681,061 I 2,455 13,707,053 7,008,22,086,786 12,603 48,637,654


STATEMENT SHOWING THE NUMBER OF MALES AND FEMALES (PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY) EMPLOYED UNDER THE PUBLIC SERVICE ACT, IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS ON 30TH JUNE, 1969. Number of Males. Number of Females. Department. i Permanent Temporary i Permanent Temporary Staff. Staff. Total. Staff. Staff. Total. Aboriginal Affairs ...... 25 2 27 6 16 22 Agriculture ...... 1,086 256 1,342 94 I 185 279 Chief Secretary's ...... 2,006 640 2,646 355 1.188 1,543 Crown Lands and Survey .. . . 576 128 704 20 40 60 Education ...... 281 92 373 194 485 679 Health (other than Mental Hygiene) .. 284 150 434 185 517 702 Health (Mental Hygiene) .. . . 1,595 1,082 2,677 230 2,205 2,435 Labour and Industry ...... 229 15 244 13 28 41 Law ...... 914 176 1,090 81 231 312 Local Government ...... 85 5 90 6 13 19 Mines ...... 145 25 170 9 15 24 Premier's ...... 444 50 494 47 123 170 Public Works ...... 739 211 950 43 130 173 State Forests ...... 608 18 626 40 84 124 Transport ...... 2 1 3 .. 2 2 Treasury ...... 1,042 319 1,361 95 292 387 Water Supply ...... 1,100 283 1,383 24 131 155 11,161 3,453 14,614 1,442 5,685 7.127

Totals­ Permanent­ Males •. 11,161 Females 1,442 12,603 Temporary­ Males .. 3,453 Females 5,685 9,138 21,741 24



Administrative Division. Professional Division. Department. Al. A. Bl. B. i C2. I Cl. c D. I E. I Total. " Special ". I Others. Total.

Aboriginal Affairs ...... 1 1 . . 2 .. . . 4 1 10 11 Agriculture .. .. 2 2 8 8 18 21 49 2 41 151 9 392 401 Chief Secretary's .. 12 12 22 37 80 107 157 1 215 643 7 254 261 Crown Lands and Survey .. 5 1 10 7 19 22 36 .. 47 147 1 152 153 Education . . .. 4 7 6 14 20 36 63 . . 61 211 ...... Health (other than Mental Hygiene) . . .. 4 1 5 3 16 13 14 . . 22 78 33 94 127 Health (Mental Hygiene) .. 3 7 5 8 11 13 29 .. 22 98 . . 65 65 Labour and Industry .. 4' . . 3 9 29 50 29 1 19 144 .. 2 2 Law ...... 19 9 24 26 53 45 61 16 161 414 8 391 399 Local Government .. . . 1 2 l 9 5 7 . . 8 33 1 14 15 Mines ...... 1 1 1 6 1 8 2 9 29 2 50 52 Premier's . . .. 21 12 25 25 54 51 50 1 52 291 1 79 80 Public Works .. .. 5 ' 5 3 6 13 17 37 1 27 114 5 262 267 State Forests .. .. 3 3 . 2 4 9 10 15 4! 28 78 2 244 246 Transport ...... ! Treasury .. . . 20 10 i 20 27 57 73 98 1 154 451 4 98 102 Water Supply . . .. 7 2 10 17 30 42 55 8 70 241 6 268 274 ----1- ---- Total at 30th June, 1969 .. 109 73 146 194 425 506 710 37 927* 3,127 80 2,375 2,455 Total at 30th June, 1968 .. 101 73 145 192 409 492 674 25 921* 3,032 77 2,256 2,333 Total at 30th June, 1967 .. 97 74 141 193 385 472 627 46 871* 2,906 73 2,179 2,252

Total at 30th June, 1966 .. 93 62 145 196 380! 429 599 42 1,147 3,093 .. .. 2,245

• Not including a number of successful candidates from the April examination who had commenced duty but whose permanent appointments had not been finalised. (The number at the 30th June, 1969 was 307.) 25 APPENDIX " E,..

RECRUITMENT OF STAFF. Administrative Division.

Number of Number of Number who Examination Held in- Candidates. Successful Candidates. Accepted Appointment.

August, 1968 359 184 163 April, 1969 556 331 307

Comparative figures relating to recruitment to the Division for the four preceding years and the year under review :-

Number of Number of Number who Year Ended 30th June- Candidates. Successful Candidates. Accepted Appointment. 1965 ...... 1,612 1,012 405 7* - 412 1966 ...... 1,616 992 386 19* 405 1967 ...... 600 364 332 28* - 360 1968 ...... 833 461 429 24* - 453 1969 ...... 915 515 470 25* - 495

• Candidates from earlier examinations whose appointments bad been deferred, or discharged servicemen appointed under Section 36, Public Service Act.

Professional Division. In Higher Classes. Professionally qualified and experienced persons appointed by means of public advertisement totalled 121. Architects 1 Archivists 1 Chemists 10 Engineers 14 Geologists 2 Legal Officers 2 Librarians 14 Medical Officers . . 2 Probation and Parole Officers 8 Reporters 4 Research Officers 18 Scientists 17 Social Workers . . 12 Surveyors 3 Therapists 3 Veterinary Officers 10 Total 121

Foresters. Nine persons were appointed after training and examination pursuant to section 27 of the Forests Act 1958.

Librarians. Examinations for males and females were held on 13th July, 1968 and 22nd February, 1969. Ten candidates were successful and ten have accepted appointment.

Technical and General Division. The number of persons appointed to this Division during the year was 894. 26 APPENDIX "F."

OVERTIME. The total cost of overtime during the year ended 30th June, 1969, was $4,020,992. The following statement shows the cost in respect of each Department compared with the cost in each of the previous three years.

Amount. Department. Year Ended Year Ended I Year Ended Year Ended 30th June, 1966. 30th June, 1967. , 30th June, 1968. 30th June, 1969.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Aboriginal Affairs 830 4,844 Agriculture .. 135,279 145,053 145,550 164,910 Chief Secretary's- Social Welfare Branch (Family Welfare, Youth Welfare Prisons Division, &c.) .• 329,167 366,927 377.087 548,990 Other . . . . . • 191,751 228,658 225,33811 396,184 520,918 595,585 602,4251! 945,174 Crown Lands and Survey .. 22,010 24,810 31,789 32,580 Education ...... 62,128 95,503 72,478 131,058 Health- Mental Hygiene .. . . 1,330,291 1,238,248 1,292,504 1,538,088 Other ...... 84,115 95,675 100,524 104,033 1,414,406 ··-·-- 1,333,923 1,393,028 1,642,121 Labour and Industry .. . . 11,950 12,295 12.400 16,397 Law ...... I 120,609 111,079 126,425 120,299 Local Government .. . . 8,418 8,308 9,243 10,290 Mines ...... 8,611 2,459 2,909 2.496 Premier's ...... 67,676 79,156 80,055 86,445 Public Works ...... 173,828 176,768 158,966 184,340 State Forests ...... 60,000 59,986 142.444 80,278 Ministry of Transport ...... Treasury ...... 281,817 246,653 223,902 260,290 Water Supply ...... 293,895* .299,685t 300,983 339,470t

~ Total .. .. 3,181,545 3,191,263 3,303.42711 4,020,992

• Includes $242,455 commuted overtime. :Includes $258,785 commuted overtime. Includes $266.527 commuted overtime. t Includes $297,808 commuted overtime. 11 Understated by $153,431

PENALTY RATES. The total cost of additional payments for rostered time of ordinary duty performed during week-ends and on public holidays during the year ended 30th June, 1969, was $1,331,299. The following statement shows the cost in respect of each Department compared with the cost in each of the previous three years.

Amount. Department. Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended 30th June, 1966. 30th June, 1967. 30th June, 1968. 30th June, 1969.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Aboriginal Affairs ...... Agriculture ...... 18,926 30,804 26,115 40,636 Chief Secretary's- Social Welfare Branch (Family Welfare, 177.244 179,046 203,047 295,670 Youth Welfare, Prisons Division, &c.) Other ...... 14,035 13,686 21,083 43,841 -- 191,279 ·-- 192,732 -- 224,130 -- 339,511 Crown Lands and Survey ...... Education ...... Health- Mental Hygiene ...... 716,310 666,749 724,301 879,031 Other ...... 50.479 54,027 57,935 70,638 766,789 -- 720,776 -- 782,236 -- 949,669 Labour and Industry ...... Law ...... Local Government ...... Mines ...... Premier's ...... Public Works ...... 580 765 626 1,483 State Forests ...... Minister of Transport ...... Treasury ...... Water Supply ...... ------Total ...... 977,574 945,077 1,033,107 1,331,299

Recoups.-Recoups from various sources covering overtime and penalty rates for the financial year ended 30th June, 1969, amounted to $421,184. 27


PROMOTIONS AND APPEALS. General Mental Total Service Hygiene

Number of positions for which officers from within the Public Service could appeal 1,084 144 1,228 Number of positions where no appeals were lodged 607 101 708 Number of positions where appeals were lodged 477 43 520 Number of positions where appeals were heard 302 26 328 Number of positions where appeals were allowed 47 4 51


LONG SERVICE LEAVE APPLICATIONS. Number of applications for leave granted 383

Number of applications for pay in lieu granted- (a) to officers on retirement and employees on termination of service 326 (b) to legal personal representatives of deceased officers and employees 73 (c) to female officers on termination of appointment on account of marriage 64 (d) to officers and employees on resignation 65 528 911 Number of applications for leave refused Nil

Number of applications for pay in lieu on resignation refused 13 28


OFFICERS SENT ABROAD. Details of the officers and the1r assignments were as follows :-

Name and Position. Countries Visited. Purpose of Visit.

Department of Agriculture. A. D. North, Livestock Research Officer United States of America United To study designs and operations of small Kingdom, Ireland, , Denmark animal houses and feed mills and recent developments in introduction and applications of mineral disease stock and problems in their farm use T. W. Hogan, Principal Entomologist United States of America, India, Israel, To study recent entomological developments Europe, , Canada, in these countries. To attend the Russia International Congress of Entomology

P. T. Jenkins, Senior Plant Pathologist New Zealand, United States of America, To attend the International Plant Pathology Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Conference. To study recent developments Israel relating to fruit trees and vine diseases. R. R. Hedding, Senior Seeds Officer I To attend International Seed Testing E. M. Felfoldi, Seeds Analyst rNew Zealand Association Congress G. R. Easton, Seeds Analyst . . j E. Coster, Plant Pathologist .. United Kingdom To attend the First International Congress of Plant Pathology P. D. Mullaney, Sheep and Wool Officer New Zealand To study recent developments in the Sheep and Wool Industry R. M. Carraill, Senior Beef Industry Officer New Zealand To study developments in the New Zealand beef cattle industry K. E. Flynn, Senior Diary Husbandry New Zealand To study dairy extension services and Officer . . H . the dairy farming industry R. T. J. Webber, Senior Dtstnct ortt- United States of America To study various aspects of vine and cultural Officer citrus growing in the United States D. S. Morris, Senior Entomologist United States of America, Canada, To investigate new approaches and tech­ Europe niques relating to control of deciduous fruit pests T. N. MacLean, Supervisor of Herd New Zealand To study herd recording and artificial Testing breeding services J. K. M. Skene, Deputy Chief Chemist United States of America To attend the International Congress of the society of soil science D. E. Harrison, Senior Plant Pathologist United States of America, Canada, To attend the American Potato Assoc­ Ireland, United Kingdom, Denmark, iation Conference and to study overseas Europe, Greece, Israel, Hong Kong potato research centres

Chief Secretary's Department. V. H. Arnold, Government Statist France, Italy, United Kingdom Having discussions with Government officials and others on the following­ (a) Pension funds for public servants, teachers, etc., and members of Parliament (b) Transferrability of superarmuation benefits as it relates to employ­ ment within Government and statutory bodies and within private industry (c) Expansion of friendly society membership, particularly among industrial workers (d) Third-party insurance problems relating to methods of operation by Government or non­ Government insurance offices and alternatives to lump sum benefits, particularly having regard to changing values of money

J. T. Inkster, Insurance Commissioner.. New Zealand To attend Conference with General Managers of Government Insurance Offices of Australia and New Zealand E. E. Westbrook, Director, National United Kingdom, France Delegate to International Council Gallery of Museums Conference. Negotiating for loans and purchases for National Gallery 29

APPENDIX " I "-continued.

Name and Position. Countries Visited. Purpose of Visit.

W. McCall, Secretary, Council of Trustees United States of America, Canada, Investigating procedures of larger of National Gallery United Kingdom, France, Italy and galleries in those countries and relating Hong Kong such procedures and facilities being offered to the public with those in the National Gallery of Victoria G. A. Thomson, Deputy Director, Malaysia and Indonesia Judge at National Art Competition National Gallery conducted by National Art Gallery of Malaysia Investigating opportunities of purchasing works of Indonesian art and discussing cultural agreement between Australia and New Zealand F. J. E. Kendall, Deputy Director, Mexico To attend a symposium on museum Institute of Applied Science architecture conducted by the Inter· national Council of Museums

Department of Crown Lands and Survey. R. T. M. Pescott, Director, Royal Botanic Hong Kong, Switzerland, , To attend the Fifth International Congress Gardens and Government Botanist Singapore of the International Federation 01 Parks and Recreation Administration and to visit other gardens and parks in overseas countries Department of Health. W. J. Woods, Administrative Member, United Kingdom, Europe, and United Research Mental Health Authority States of America

Law Department. R. M. Armstrong, Professional Assistant Japan, Russia, Denmark, United Kingdom To study the drafting of legislation Canada, United States of America, New Zealand

Premier's Department. A. G. Coulthard, Secretary United States of America, and United Official discussions in San Francisco, Kingdom New York and M. J. Harkins, Director, Tourist Develop­ Thailand Attend the Pacific Area Travel Assoc­ ment Authority iation Conference W. G. Smith, Protocol Officer Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Personal Assistant to the Honorable Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, United the Premier on overseas tour States of America, United Kingdom, Italy, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa

Public Works Department. J. R. Ashworth, Senior District Engineer Japan To study port development currently in progress, particularly in regard to integrated steel works involving large reclamation areas

State Forest Department. A. 0. Lawrence, Chairman New Zealand Forestry Development Conference

Treasury. B. M. Caven, Property Control Officer United Kingdom, Europe, Canada, The study of housing trends overseas United States of America

Water Supply Department.

W. E. Bromfield, Chief Engineer, Rural Ethiopia To attend meeting of Food and Agriculture Water Supplies Organisation of the United Nations to discuss the Awash River Irrigation Project J. H. Standish, Chief Constructional Mexico, United States of America To attend International Conference Engineer on Irrigation and Drainage and International Conference on Arid Lands in a Changing World 30

APPENDIX " I "-continued. ------·-----

Name and Position. Countries Visited. Purpose of V is it.

G. N. Alexander, Designing Engineer .. Canada, United States of America, Awarded special study grant from the Thailand, Russia, United Kingdom, Nuffield Foundation to travel overseas Europe to further research into the study of random processes in hydrology L. D. Jones, Research Officer .. Mexico, United States of America To attend International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage and to carry out investigations D. T. Curry, Senior Geologist United Kingdom, To attend Ninth Commonwealth Mirung and Metallurgical Conference in London



Department. Designation of Officer. Offence, Decision of Board,

Agriculture Veterinary Officer, Misconduct in relation to engaging in Chargeadmitted-reducedinsalary. Class VO-l. private practice of a profession and a commercial business Chief Secretary Prison Officer Misconduct in being negligent in the Charge not proved discharge of his duties Crown Lands and Survey Draughtsman, Class Misconduct in being absent from duty Resigned--charge not heard DR-1 without leave Health Health Inspector Misconduct in being principal or agent Resigned during hearing of charge of a commercial or mercantile business without approval and misuse of a departmental vehicle Treasury Estate Officer Misconduct in relation to public moneys Resigned---charge not heard 31



Date Received Approved Association. Nature of Claim. by Board. ------;--~---·------1----· Victorian Public Service Association I. Request that minors be eligible for appointment to offices of Class 23.7.68 " C ", Administrative Division 2. Increase in salaries of Inspectors of Works, Inspectors of Works Senior, 2.8.68 and Superintendent (Day Labour Work) 3. Increase in salaries of Lifts and Cranes Inspectors, Department of 13.9.68 Labour and Industry 4. Increase in salaries of Geologists, Professional Division, Mines Depart­ 24.9.68 ment 5. Increase in salaries of Ports and Harbours staff, Public Works 30.9.68 Department 6. Amendment to Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 11.10.68 7. Increase in shift allowances payable to Orchard Inspectors, Department 3.12.68 of Agriculture 8. Increase in salaries payable to the Administrative Division .. 16.12.68 9. Increase in salaries payable to the Technical and General Division 20.12.68 10. Increase in salaries payable to the Professional Division .. 24.12.68 1L Change in general conditions of employment of married women 27.12.68 12. Amendment to Public Service (Public Service Board) Sick Leave 14.1.69 Regulations 13. Amendment to Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 209 14.1.69 14. Amendment to hours of duty 3.2.69 15. Payment of allowances to officers for time spent on travelling outside 12.2.69 the normal hours of duty 16. Change of luncheon break from 45 minutes to 1 hour 20.2.69 17. Increase in salaries of Occupational Therapists .. 28.2.69 18. Increase in salaries of District Foresters, State Forests Department 6.3.69 19. Increase in salaries of Agricultural Scientists . . • . . . 16.4.69 20. Officers employed in Tourist Development Authority, Premier's 16.5.69 Department to be paid overtime rates for work performed on Saturdays 21. Amendment to Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 172 (2) 13.6.69 22. Reduction of the qualifying period for assignment of higher class 26.6.69 duties from one month to one week Hospital Employees Federation of L Increase in salaries of Craft Supervisors, Mental Hygiene Branch, 1.8.68 Australasia Department of Health 2. Equal pay in all areas where integration of staff and patients is taking 2.8.68 place, Mental Hygiene Branch, Department of Health 3. Amendment to Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 136 30.8.68 4. Increase in salaries of Trade Instructors, Mental Hygiene Branch, 12.9.68 Department of Health 5. Increase in salaries of Storemen and Storekeepers, Mental Hygiene 1.10.68 Branch, Department of Health 6. Increase in salaries of Firemen, Mental Hygiene Branch, Department 1.10. 68 of Health 7. Increase in salaries of Farm Assistants, Mental Hygiene Branch, 1.10.68 Department of Health 8. Increase in salaries of General Assistants, Mental Hygiene Branch, 1.10.68 Department of Health. 9. Payment of higher duties allowances to be made after three days 1.10.68 10. Amendment to Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 7.10.68 136 28.1.69 9.6.69 11. Gratuities to certain members of the staff employed at Larundel Mental 13.12.68 Hospital, Mental Hygiene Branch, Department of Health 12. Increase in salaries of Supervisors of Catering, Mental Hygiene 28.1.69 Branch, Department of Health 13. Amendment to Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 148 6.2.69 (c) 14. Implementation of Arbitration Commissions "Equal Pay " Decisions 25.6.69 for Student Nurses, Ward Assistants and Cooks, Mental Hygiene Branch, Department of Health Printing and Kindred Industries 1. Increase in rates payable to females Government Printing Office, 4.10.68 Union Treasury, as a result of an increase in the Graphic Arts Award rates 2. Increase in salary of Officer in Charge, "Small Offset" Section, Gov­ 21.11.68 ernment Printing Office, Treasury 3. Increase in salaries as a result of Graphic Arts Award variations, 22.10.68 Government Printing Office, Treasury 4. Increase in salaries, staff, Government Printing Office, Treasury 5.2.69 5. Increase in salaries Ticket Printers Assistants, Government Printing 14.5.69 Office, Treasury ··---·------''------32



AGRICULTURE- Administrative Staff Meetings held monthly. Administrative Officers' Induction Course. Conferences for Victorian Plant Research Institute. Dairy Supervisors' Conference. Extension Training Conference. Graduate and Diplomate Induction Courses. Letter Writing Course. Orchard Inspectors' Course. Regional Administrative Officers' Course. Typists' Course. Various conferences of a technical nature were conducted for specialized groups of officers. Vegetable Branch Conference.

CHIEF SECRETARY- Head Office- Letter Writing Course. Fisheries and Wildlife- Conference of Fisheries and Wildlife Officers. Motor Registration Branch- Analytical Training in Several Branches and Sections, Induction Courses. Lecture/Discussions on Branch Procedures. Lecture/Discussions on Entitlements and Obligations. Lecture/Discussions on Functions and Organization of Branches Public Relations Lectures. Traffic Commission- Orientation Course for newly appointed professional staff. Police- Session on Functions and Procedures of Sub-sections. An Induction Course. State Insurance Office­ Induction Courses. An E.D.P. Information Course for new staff members. A series of tutorials to prepare staff members for insurance. Institute examinations. Public Relations Courses. A Safety Course for Supervisors. Various Conferences of Administrative Officers, Inspectors, Investigators and Assessors.

EDUCATION- Attendance Officers' Course.

FoRESTs- Critical Path Scheduling Course. Decision-making Seminar. Induction Course for Creswick Graduates. Technical Report Writing Course.

LABOUR AND INDUSTRY- Induction Course for newly appointed Administrative Division Officers. Letter Writing Course. Course for recruit Inspectors of Factories and Shops.

LANDS- A Basic Administration Training Course. A Rotation Schedule for Trainee Survey Draughtsmen Arurual Conference of Inspectors of Land Settlement. Annual Conference of Land Officers. Arulual Conference of Surveyors. 33

APPENDIX "L "-continued.

LAW DEPARTMENT­ Courts Branch- Induction Courses for junior officers. Crown Solicitor's Office- A series of lectures on the procedures for instructing Court Prosecutors. Public Trustee- A Trust Officer's training course for new staff. Training for Accounting Machinists. Titles Office- A course in records and filing for Attendants. Induction Courses. A series of lectures on Titles Office Practice and Procedure. A series of tutorials on Conveyancing. A comprehensive training program for junior Draughtsmen.

PREMIER- Soil Conservation Authority- A Residential Staff Conference. An Irrigation Course for Regional Conservation Officers. An Efficient Reading Course. A Farm Water Supply Course. A Farm Budgeting Course. A Surveying Course for Works Assistants, and practical Follow-up Course. An Induction Course for Works Assistants. A Survey School for newly appointed Conservation Officers.

PUBLIC WORKs- A series of Communication and Management Development Courses for senior staff. Critical Path Scheduling Courses. Job Safety Lectures. A series of courses for Painting Supervisors.

TREASURY­ Land Tax- Report Writing sessions for the Valuation Branch.

WATER SUPPLY- A Residential Seminar for senior staff. A series of Efficient Reading Courses. A series of Effective Lecturing Courses. Induction Courses. Critical Path Scheduling Courses. Water Bailiff's Training Scheme. Weeds Control Course.

6424/69.-3 34


Particulars of declarations made under paragraph (k) of sub-section (l) of section 4 of the Public Service Act 1958 by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Board that the provisions of the Public Service Act shall not apply to the under-mentioned officers, employees or persons or classes of officers, employees or persons :-

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Aboriginal Affairs . . One General Farm or Station Hand at Lake Tyers, at a weekly rate of pay as from time to time prescribed lst July, 1968, to 30th June, by the Determination of the Agricultural and Pastoral Workers Wages Board 1969 One (I) female person as a Housekeeping Advisor at Lakes Entrance and surrounding districts of twenty 1st December, 1968, to 30th (20) hours a week to be worked over five (5) days at the annual salary prescribed from time to time for June, 1969 Grade F 23 (Females) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus the appropriate amount prescribed by Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, pro­ rata One (I) female person as a Housekeeping Advisor, Morwell and surrounding districts at a gross rate of 1st July, 1968. to 2nd pay of $2,269 a year November, 1968 and at the annual salary prescribed from time to time for Grade F 23 (Females) in the Second Schedule 3rd November, 1968, to 30th to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus the appropriate amount prescribed by June, 1969 Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 One (1) female person as a Housekeeping Advisor in the Metropolitan area at a gross rate of pay of $2,269 1st July, 1968, to 2nd a year November, 1968 and at the annual salary prescribed from time to time for Grade F 23 (Females) in the Second Schedule to 3rd November, 1968, to 30th the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus the appropriate amount prescribed by June, 1969 Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87

Agriculture One (1) person employed as a Public Relations and Merchandising Officer, Milk Board at a gross rate of pay of $4,736 a year One person employed as an Assistant Public Relations and Publicity Officer, Milk Board, at a gross rate of pay of $3,281 a year One person employed as a Public Relations and Publicity Officer, Milk Board, at a gross rate of pay of $4,611 a year 1st July, 1968, to 2nd One person as an Assistant (Male), Milk Board, at the under-mentioned yearly gross rates of pay November, 1968 Junior-Age Rates Adult $ First year of adult experience .. 2,510 Second year of adult experience 2,586 Third year of adult experience .. 2,662 Fourth year of adult experience and thereafter 2,770 and (A) One Public Relations and Merchandising Officer at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to 3rd November, 1968, to 30th time for the Third Subdivision of Class OP-14 in Part B of the Third Schedule ; Professional June, 1969 Officers of the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations (B) One Publications Officer at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for the Second Subdivision of Class OP-14 in Part B of the Third Schedule, Professional Officers of the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations (C) One Assistant Public Relations Officer at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for the Fourth Subdivision of Class OP-3 in Part B of the Third Schedule, Professional Officers of the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations (D) One Assistant, Publications (i) in the case of a junior at the annual rate of salary prescribed for Grade E, Junior Males. in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations (ii) in the case of an adult :- (a) for the first year of such employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 22 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations (b) for the second year of such employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 24 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations (c) for the third year of such employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 26 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations (d) for the fourth and any subsequent year ofsuch employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 27 (Males) in the Second Scbedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations The employment of Dr. D. T. Oxer as a Veterinary Officer, at a gross rate of pay of $7,258 a year 8th July, 1968, to 2nd November. 1968 and At the annt:.al rate of salary prescribed from time to time for a Veterinary Officer Class V0-3 in Part B of 3rd November, 1968, to the Third Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus any additional amount 30th June, 1969 payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Seven persons employed as Fruit Inspectors on the" Southern Aurora", at a rate of pay of $100 a year, 1st July, 1968, to 30th eacb June, 1969 One adult female person as a Caretaker-Caterer, Ellinbank Dairy Research Station, at a rate of pay of 1st July, 1968, to 2nd $1,732 a year plus the additional amount prescribed in Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation November, 1968 87 and At the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for Grade FIO (Females) in the Second Schedule 3rd November, 1968, to to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus any additional amount payable under 30th June, 1969 Public Service {Public Service Board) Regulation 87 . (1) All classes of persons classified under any of the following Commonwealth Awards or State Wages lst July, 1968, to 30th Board Determinations, at the appropriate marginal rates of pay prescribed by the relevant award June, 1969 or determination in addition to the Basic Wage for Melbourne as from time to time declared by award of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission

(a) COMMONWEALUl AWARDS Australian Workers Union (Pastoral) ; Australian Workers Union Construction and Maintenance ; Builders Labourers (Construction on Site) ; Carpenters and Joiners ; Engine Drivers and Firemen's (General); Metal Trades ; Transport Workers (General) ; Wool­ classers and Shearing Staff Employees 35

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Agriculture­ (b) STATE WAGES BOARD DETERMINAT!ONS continued. Boarding School Employees ; Bricklayers ; Caretakers ; Cleaners ; Commercial Clerks ; Dairy Farm Workers ; Frozen Goods ; Garden Employees ; Hospital and Benevolent Asylum Attendants ; Laundry Workers ; Painters ; Plasterers ; Plumbers ; Poultry Farm Workers ; Quarry ; Shop Board No. 3 ; Watchmen's ; Hospital Nurses at Longernong Agricultural College (2) Engine Drivers, Greasers and Firemen, employed at the Government Cool Stores in accordance with the rates and conditions of the agreement made in the Commonwealth Arbitration Court between the Federated Engine Drivers and Firemen's Association and the Cold Storage Associa­ tion of Victoria, operative from the I st March, 1951 (3) Grain and Forage Inspectors at the appropriate rate of pay prescribed in the Clerks (Shipping) Award (4) (a) the under-mentioned classes of persons employed in connexion with the eradication of fruit 1st July, 1968, to 30th fly, at the marginal rates of pay set out hereunder in addition to the basic Wage as prescribed June, 1969 in Clause (I) above :- (i) Persons engaged in spraying at the marginal rate of pay prescribed for Classification No. 14 in the A.W.U. Construction and Maintenance Award, 1966 (ii) Leading Hands in charge of persons described under (1) above at the marginal rates of pay additional to and cumulative with those provided for under (I) above prescribed for Classification No. 4 of Part 4 of Clause to of the A.W. U. Construction and Maintenance Award. 1966 (iii) Persons employed as Operators, hand, motor driven, portable, spray pumps at the marginal rate of pay prescribed for Group 2 in Part 2 of Clause I 0 of the A. W. U. Construction and Maintenance Award, 1966 (iv) Persons employed on labouring work, including the picking of fruit, at the marginal rate of pay prescribed for Classification No. I in the A.W.U. Construction and Maintenance Award, 1966 (b) Engagement oflabour under the authority of this clause shall be on an hourly basis under Clause 8 (c) of the A.W.U. Construction and Maintenance Award, 1966 (5) Persons engaged at Burnley Horticultural College as Junior Gardeners who hold the Diploma of 1st July, 1968, to 30th Horticulture of the Burnley Horticulture College, at age rates June,1969 (6) Farmhands, Experienced Farmhands and Senior Farmhands at the following appropriate weekly wage rate:- (a) Farmhand- Weekly Wage Rate Weekly Wage Rate Grade Male Female Grade ,Wale Female $ $ $ $ I 37.45 26.83 10 39.80 31.63 2 37.45 27.33 11 40.30 32,13 3 37.45 27.83 12 40.90 32.73 4 37.45 28.43 13 41.40 33.23 5 37.45 28.93 14 42.10 33.93 6 37.60 29.43 15 42.60 34.43 7 38.10 29.93 16 43.10 34.93 8 38.60 30.43 17 43.60 35.43 9 39.30 31.13 18 44.10 35.93 1st July, 1968, to 2nd (b) Experienced Farmhand- November, 1968 Weekly Wage Rate Weekly Wage Rate Grade Male Female Grade Male Female $ s $ $ 1 44.70 36.53 3 45.70 37.53 2 45.20 37.02 4 46.40 38.23 Senior Farmhand- Weekly Wage Rate Weekly Wage Rate Grade Male Female Grade Male Female $ $ $ $ 1 47.40 39.23 6 52.70 44.53 2 48.60 40.43 7 53.70 45.53 3 49.60 41.43 8 54.70 46.53 4 50.60 42.43 9 55.80 47,63 5 51.60 43.43 and 3rd November, 1968, to (a) Farmhand- 12th November, 1968 Weekly Wage Rate Weekly Wage Rate Grade Male Female Grade Male Female $ $ $ $ 1 38.80 28.18 lO 41.15 32.98 2 38.80 28.68 ll 41.65 33.48 3 38.80 28.68 12 42.25 34.08 4 38.80 29.78 13 42.75 34.58 5 38.80 30.28 14 43.45 35.28 6 38.95 30.78 15 43.95 35.78 7 39.45 31.28 16 44.45 36.28 8 39.95 31.78 17 44.95 36.78 9 40.65 32.48 18 45.45 37.28 (b) Experienced Farmhand- Weekly Wage Rate Weekly Wage Rate Grade Male Female Male Female $ $ $ s 1 46.05 37.88 3 47.05 38.88 2 46.55 38.38 4 47.75 39.58 Senior Farmhand- Weekly Wage Rate Weekly Wage Rate Grade 1\1ale Female Grade Male Female $ $ $ s 1 48.75 40.58 6 54.05 45.88 2 49.95 41.78 7 55.05 46.88 3 50.85 42.78 8 56.05 47.88 4 51.95 43.78 9 57.15 48.98 5 52.95 44,78 and (6) Agricultural Farm Workers and Senior Agricultural Farm Workers at the appropriate weekly wage 13th November, 1968, to rate prescribed in this Clause 30th June, 1969 Agricultural Farm Worker- Weekly Wage Rate Grade A1afe Female $ $ 1 41.30 33.13 2 43.90 35.73 3 47.15 38.78 4 49.70 41.53 5 53.80 45,63 36

APPENDIX "M"-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Agriculture­ (b) Senior Agricultural Farm Worker­ continued. Weekly Wage Rate Grade 111ale Female $ $ 1 56.90 48.73 2 60.00 51 .83 3 63.10 54.93 Junior Rates- According to their age junior employees shall be paid the following percentages of the rate prescribed for male or female Agricultural Farm Worker Grade I as the case may he- Age Percentage oj Adult weekly rate Under 16 years 50 per cent At 16 years 55 per cent At 17 years 65 per cent At 18 years 75 per cent At 19 years 85 per cent At 20 years 95 per cent

(7) (a) Inspectors of Stock at the under-mentioned locations at the yearly rates of pay indicate~- Apsley 52 Barham 104 l Barmah . . 52 Cann River . . 104 Cobram 104 Crib Point 1000 Delegate 104 Gelantipy 52 Goon .. 52 Gooramadda 104 Jingellic 104 Mildura ...... 104 Mount Gambier (South Australia) 130 1st July, 1968, to 30th Nyah .. .. 52 June, 1969 Pinnaroo (South Australia) 52 Portland . . . . 1000 Renmark (South Australia) 52 Serviceton 150 Swan Hill 150 Tintaldra 104 Tocumwal 200 Tooleybuc 52 Towong . . 150 Wahgunyah . 200 Wentworth . . 104 Wymah 52 Yarrawonga 150 (b) Inspectors of Fruit at the under-mentioned locations at the yearly rates of pay indicated­ $ Mount Gambier (South Australia) 70 Nyah 100 Spewar lOO

Persons employed temporarily at Research Stations and Agricultural Colleges as Typists (Female) at rates 1st July, 1968, to 30th of pay fixed by the Public Service Board : Provided that no such person shall be employed June, 1969 continually for any period in excess of forty-two (42) days Chief Secretary's One Police Surgeon, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, at a gross rate of pay of $7,230 1st July, 1968, to 30th a year with the right of private practice plus any additional amount payable under Public Service June, 1969 (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Persons employed temporarily in Penal Institutions, Social Welfare Branch, as Prison Officers (Male 1st July. 1968, to 30th or Female), at the rates of pay provided in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's Regulations : Provided June, 1969 that no such person shall be employed continuously for any period in excess of twenty-one (21) days Five apprentice MotorMechanics, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, at a rate of pay as prescribed lst July, 1968, to 30th June in the Federal Metal Trades Award 1969 One Police Surgeon, Office of tbe Chief Commissioner of Police. at the rate of pay of $200 a year, plus 1st Jul{:, 1968, to 30tb professional fees, and with the right of private practice, subject to being available on call, as required June, 969 One Domestic (Female), part-time, Sunshine Boys' Hostel, Youth Welfare Division. Social Welfare 1st July, 1968, to 30th Branch, on the basis of sixteen hours a week, to be worked on two days each week, at a pro rata rate June, 1969 of pay as prescribed for Domestic (Female) in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's Regulations plus the additional amount prescribed in Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Two (2) persons, Workers Compensation Board who are employed as Associates to County Court 1st July, 1968, to 30th Judges who act as Chairmen to boards constituted under the Workers Compensation Act 1958-at June, 1969 the annual rate prescribed from time to time in the fifth subdivision in Class " D " in Part A in the Third Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus the additional mount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 One (I) Police Surgeon, part-time,Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police at a gross rate of pay of $500 1st July, 1968, to 30th a year plus professional fees, and with the right of private practice June, 1969 15th February, 1968, to 30th June, 19611 Twenty (20) Adult Male Persons as Licence Testing Officers, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police at the rates of pay indicated- Yearly Gross Rate of Pay $ 1st year of service 2,800 1st July, 1968, to 2nd 2nd year of service 2,878 November, 1968 3rd year of service .. 2,956 } Subsequent years of service 2,995 and Yearly Gross Rate of Pay $ 1st year of service 2,748 13rd November, 1968,~ to 2nd year of service .. 2,826 31st December, 1968 3rd year of service .. 2,904 Subsequent years of service 2,943 J 46 employees at- and Yearly Gross Rate of Pay $ l 1st year of service 2,833 1st January, 1969, to 30th 2nd year of service 2,914 June, 1969 3rd year of service •. 2,994 Subsequent years of service 3,035 J 37

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Chief Secretary's- Persons employed temporarily at "Turana ", Parkville, "Winlaton" Youth Training Centre, Nuna- 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, continued wading, "Sutton Grange", Mornington, Family Group Homes Scheme, "Hillside Home, 1969 1 Wheeler's Hill, Sunshine Boy's Hostel, ' Pirra " Girls' Home~ Lara~ " Allambie n Re Centre. Burwood, Ballarat and Mildura Regional Reception Centres, " Home, Kew, Malmsbury Youth Training Centre, Ivanhoe Girls' Hostel, "Illoura" Children's Home, Balwyn, Langi Kal Kal Youth Training Centre, and "Aschendene" Boys' Home, Olinda, as Ward Sister, Youth Officer and Child Care Officer (Male), Child Care Officer (Female), Youth Officer (Female). Kitchenman, General Reliever, Cottage Mother, Cook (Male), Cook (Male) Assistant, Cook (Female), Cook (Female) As,istant, Domestic, Laundress, General Assistant and Patrolman and Gardener, Labourer, Hostel Assistant at Jvanhoe Girls' Hostel and Hostel Manager, Sunshine Boys' Hostel, and at the rates of pay provided in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's Regulations, plus the additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 :provided that no such person shall be employed continuously for any period in excess of forty-two (42) days

Persons employed on cleaning duties for the weekly hours specified below, at the under-mentioned 1st July, 1968, to 30th Police Stations, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, at rates of pay in accordance with the June, 1969 Determination of the Cleaners Board Police StatiOn. Weekly Hours. Bairnsdale IS Ballarat .. 25 Ballarat East 10 Brighton 35 Broadmeadows Central 30 Burwood .. IS Camberwell 25 Caulfield 15 Coburg .. 15 Colac .. 20 Elsternwick 20 Essendon . . . , ...... 10 Fishermen's Bend Motor Registration Branch, and Licence Testing Station 20 Footscray 20 Franks ton 20 Hawthorn 20 Horsham 20 Ivanhoe .. 15 Kingsville 15 20 Malvern .. 20 Mildura .. 20 Moe .. 20 Moonee Ponds 20 Newport 10 Niddrie .. 20 Northcote • . . . 35 North Carlton and Fitzroy 30 North Melbourne 20 Oakleigh 35 Port Melbourne 20 Preston . , 20 Reservior 20 Ringwood 20 Sale , , 15 Sebastopol 10 Shepparton 35 Sunshine 30 Swan Hill 20 St. Albans 15 St. Kilda 20 Victoria Dock 20 Warracknabeal 10 Warrnambool 30 Werribee 10 West Heidelberg 10 Williamstown 25 Wodonga jg lst July, 1968, to 8th Mount Waverley October, 1968, {20 9th October, 1968, to 30th June, 1969

One Gardener, part-time, Mildura Reception Centre, Family Welfare Division, Social Welfare Branch, 1st July, 1968, to 30th ]uno, for one day a week, eight hours a day, at the rate of $8 a day 1969

Persons employed temporarily in the Fisheries and Wildlife Branch, classified under and paid in accordance 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, with the Australian Workers Union Construction and Maintenance Award, 1966, or the Builder's 1969 Labourers (Construction on Site) Award, 1962

Relieving Manager, Sunshine Boys' Hostel, Youth Welfare Division, Social Welfare Branch, not 1st July, 1968, to 30th exeeding two days a week, for ten hours a day, at a gross rate of pay of $2,662 a year September, 1968 and At the maximum rate of pay prescribed in the Sixth Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) 1st October, 1968, to 30th Regulations for Youth Officer (Male), plus the appropriate amount prescribed from time to time by June, 1969 Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, pro rata

One locum tenens, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, at the rate of pay of $5,536 a year, pro rata, 1st August, 1968, to 16th to relieve the Police Medical Officer August, 1968, and 2nd September, 1968, to 13th September, 1968 One Relieving Cottage Mother, part·time, at the Ballarat Reception Family Welfare Division. Ist July, 1967, to 30th June, Social Welfare Branch, up to four days a week when the Centre more than twelve children in 1968 residence at a gross rate of pay of $2,759 a year and At the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for the position of Cottage Mother, Social 3rd November, 1968 to 30th Welfare, Family Welfare Division, in the Sixth Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) June, 1969 Regulations, plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, pro rata

Classes of persons named below employed temporarily at the State Library, National Gallery, National lst July, 1968, to 30th June Museum and Institute of Applied Science-- 1969

Carpenters at the rate of pay prescribed by the Carpenters and Joiners Award Painter at the rate of pay prescribed by the Determination of the Painters Wages Board 38

APPENDIX "M"--continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Chief Secretary's- One General Reliever (Female), part-time, at the Mildura Reception Centre, Family Welfare Division, 1st July, 1968, to 2nd continued Social Welfare Branch, up to four days a week, when the Centre has more than twelve children in November, 1968 residence, at the under-mentioned rates of pay, plus the additional amounts prescribed in Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87- Junior-Age rates. Adult-$!,768 a year and At the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for the position of General Reliever (Female), 3rd November, 1968, to under Chief Secretary's Department, Social Welfare, Family Welfare Division, in the Sixth Schedule to 31st December, 1968 the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations, plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, pro rata, provided that the rate payable to an adult shall be the minimum so prescribed Wai Tong Chew as an Assistant, Department of Oriental Art in the National Gallery, on one day a week 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, at a rate pay of $16 a week 1969

One Physical Education Instructor (Female), part-time, Social Welfare Branch, for a maximum of 20 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, hours a week, at an hourly rate of pay of $1.90 1969 One Gardener, Family Group Homes, Ararat, Family Welfare Division, Social Welfare Branch, at 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, the rate of $4 a home a visit, each visit to be not less than three hours to each house a week 1969 Activities Officers, part-time, in the Family Welfare Division, Social Welfare Branch, at the rate of 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, pay of $6 a session of two and one-half (2tl hours provided that the number of hours worked a week 1969 does not exceed forty hours ( 40) Two Assistant Instructors, National Gallery, each at a gross rate of pay of $3,994 a year with the right 1st July, 1968, to 2nd of private practice and provided that the number of hours worked a week by each shall be not less November, 1968 than thirty-two (32) and At a gross rate of pay of $4,053 a year 3rd November, 1968 to 30th June, 1969 Head of the Art School, National Gallery, at a gross rate of pay of $5,116 a year with the right 1st July, 1968, 2nd of private practice and provided that the number of hours worked a week shall be not less than November, 1968 thirty-two and a half (32!) and At a gross rate of pay of $7,550 a year (with the right of private practice) provided that the number of 3rd November, 1968, to 30th hours worked per week shall not be less than 32! June, 1969 Two Cooks, three Housemaid-Waitresses, and three Labourers at the Police Officers' College, Office 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, of the Chief Commissioner of Police, at a gross rate of pay as prescribed in the Determination of 1969 the Boarding School Employees Wages Board One Typing Instructress, Police Depot, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, at the rate of pay 1st July, 1968, to 17th May, of $1.60 an hour provided that the number of hours worked a week does not exceed 35 in the aggregate 1969 and At an hourly wage rate of $1.70 18th May, 1969, to 30th June, 1969 One Restorer, National Gallery, at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time in the Third 1st July, 1968, to 30th Subdivision of Class OP-16, in Part B, Professional Officers of the Third Schedule to the Public Service June, 1969 (Public Service Board) Regulations, plus the appropriate additional amount prescribed by Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, pro rata (with the right of private practice). One Domestic (Female) at the Ballarat Reception Centre, Family Welfare Division, Social Welfare 1st July, 1968, to 2nd Branch, up to twelve hours a week at the following rates of pay, plus the additional amount prescribed November, 1968 in Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87- Junior-Age rates. Adult-$1,509. and At the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for the position of Domestic under Chief Secre­ 3rd November, 1968, to 31st tary's Department, Social Welfare, Family Welfare Division, in the Sixth Schedule to the Public Service December, 1968 (Public Service Board) Regulations, plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, pro rata, provided that the rate payable to an adult shall be the minimum rate so prescribed One Building Supervisor, Dhurringile Rehabilitation Centre, Social Welfare Branch, at a weekly wage 1st July, 1968, to 2nd rate of pay of $62.55 in addition to the basic wage for adult males for Melbourne as from time to time November, 1968 declared by award of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission and At the rate of $63.90 3rd November, 1968, to 3rd April, 1969 One Assistant Police Medical Officer, part-time, on week-ends, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, 1st July, 1968, to 30th at a rate of pay of $600 a year June, 1969 The under·mentioned persons and classes of persons employed full-time or part-time as Chaplains in Youth Welfare Division, Social Welfare Branch, at the rates of of pay and, in the case of part-time employees, for the weekly periods shown :- (i) Full-time Denomination. No. of Rate of Pay Chaplains. Gross Church of England I Roman Catholic $3,953 a year on the basis of 1st July, 1968, to 2nd } 36 hours a week November, 1968 Presbyterian-Methodist and At the rate of $3,901 a year plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service 3rd November, !968, to 30th Board) Regulation 87 on the basis of thirty-six (36) hours a week June, 1969 (ii) Part-time Location. Denomination. No. of Hours of Chaplains. Employment. Langi Kal Kal Church of England .. I Roman Catholic I Presbyterian­ ~:~::~ 1 Methodist 5 a week $3,953 a year on the basis of 1st July, 1968, to 2nd 36 hours a week November, 1968 Malmsbury .. Church of England .. 5 a week J Roman Catholic 5 a week Other Protestant- Denominations 5 a week and At the rate of $3,901 a year plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service 3rd November, 1968, to 30th Board) Regulation 87 on the basis of thirty-six (36) hours a week June, 1969 39

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Chief Secretary's­ The under-mentioned persons and classes of persons employed full-time or part-time as Chaplains in continued the penal establishments of the Prisons Division, Social Welfare Branch, at the rates of pay and in the case of part-time employees, for the weekly periods shown :- ' (i) Full-time Denomination. Church of England .. Roman Catholic Presbyterian­ Methodist

(ii) Part-time Prison. Denomination. No of Hours of Chaplains. Employment. Pentridge Church of England .. 15 a week Roman Catholic 15 a week Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 15 a week Bendigo Church of England .. 3 a week Roman Catholic 3 a week Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 3 a week Beechworth . . Church of England .. 3 a week Roman Catholic 3 a week Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 3 a week Castlemaine . . Church of England .. 3 a week Roman Catholic 3 a week Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 3 a week Geelong Church of England .. 3 a week Roman Catholic 3 a week Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . a week Cooriemungle Church of England .. a week $3,953 a year on the basis of 1st July, 1967, to 2nd Roman Catholic a week 36 hours a week November, 1968 Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 5 a week Dhurringile . . Church of England .. 4 a week Roman Catholic 4 a week Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 4 a week McLeod Church of England .. 12 a fortnight Roman Catholic 6 a week Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 6 a week Morwell River Church of England .. 4 a week Roman Catholic 8 a fortnight Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 4 a week Sale Church of England .. 3 a week Roman Catholic 3 a week Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 3 a week Won Wron .. Church of England .. 4 a week Roman Catholic 4 a week Presbyterian- Methodist . . . . 4 a week Ararat Church of England .. 3 a week Roman Catholic 3 a week 1tst July, 1967, to 2nd Presbyterian­ J November, 1968 Methodist .. it a week and At the rate of pay of $3,901 a year plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public 3rd November, 1968, to 30th Service Board) Regulation 87 on the basis of thirty-six (36) hours a week June, 1969

The part-time employment on cleaning duties for twenty (20) hours a week at the Castlemaine Police 1st August, 1968, to 30th Station, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, at the rate of pay in accordance with the Deter­ June, !969 mination of the Cleaner's Board The part-time employment of a General Reliever (Female) "Sutton Grange" Children's Home, Social 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, Welfare Branch, at the rate 0f pay calculated, pro rata, based on the salary ranges set out hereunder, 1969 plus the appropriate amounts payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 provided that the hours of employment shall not exceed sixty-four (64) a fortnight- Junior-Age rates Adu/t-$!,768 The part-time employment of a Police Medical Officer, Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, at 1st October, 1968, to 30th the rate of pay of $5,536 a year June, 1969 The temporary employment of five (5) adult (Male) persons as Fish Measurers, Fisheries and Wildlife 1st December, 1968, to 30th Branch, for not more than sixteen (16) hours a week each on a pro rata rate of salary based on the June, 1969 annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for Grade 26 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 The temporary employment at the Immigration Reception Centre, 41 Kinkora Road, Hawthorn, Immigra­ 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, tion Branch, at the rates of pay prescribed in the Determination of the Boarding Houses Board of two 1969 (2) Kitchen Hands (Male or Female), two (2) Domestics (Female), two (2) Cooks (Male or Female) Crown Lands and Persons employed temporarily as Vermin and Noxious Weeds Employees (Rabbit Control Research) 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, Survey at a weekly wage rate prescribed in Classification No. 14, Class 10, Australian Workers Union 1969 Construction and Maintenance Award, 1966 One (I) Apprentice Gardener in the Royal Botanic Gardens at the rate of pay as prescribed by 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, the Apprenticeship Commission of Victoria 1969 Labourers employed temporarily at the Buchan Caves, at a weekly wage of $37.98 1st July, 1968, to 2nd November, 1968 and at the weekly wage rate prescribed for a Construction and Maintenance Worker, Grade I. in the 3rd November, 1968, to 30th Australian Workers' Union Construction and Maintenance Award 1966 June, 1969 The classes of persons named below employed temporarily- !. (a) Chainmen- At the weekly wage rate prescribed by the Australian Workers Union Construction and 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, Maintenance Award, 1966 1969 (b) Junior Chainmen-Age rates 40

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Crown Lands and 2. (a) Field Assistants (Survey)-At the following weekly rates of pay­ Survey--continued. $42.30 1st July, 1968, to 2nd November, 1968 $43.65 2nd November, 1968, to 8th February, 1969 $45.00 9th February, 1969, to 30th June, 1969 (b) Junior Field Assistants (Survey)-Age rates 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969

Education School Cleaners at rates of pay and conditions of employment as determined by the Department 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Typists (Female), Schools, at one hundred training schools classified in the special class in the Primary 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, Schools Division at the rates of pay provided in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's Regnlations calculated 1969 on a pro rata basis provided that in each case a maximum of20 hours shall not be exceeded in any week and also provided that in each case a maximum of 280 hours shall not be exceeded in any year The classes of persons named below employed temporarily at Teachers' Colleges and Hostels, and at l the Hostels attached to the Glendonald School for Deaf Children and State School No. 4647, Somers Health and Recreation Camp (1) All classes of persons except persons employed as Cooks at hostels attached to the Ballarat Teachers' College, classified under any of the following State Wages Board Determinations in accordance with the wage rates and conditions of the relevant Determination :- Boarding School Employees Cleaners Board Garden Employees Board Provided that deductions for board or board and lodging, where received, shall be in accordance with the Determination of the Boarding School Employees Board, and where an employee is not provided with board over a full week, the following charges shall be made for individual meals :- Breakfast 25c Lunch or tea .. 25c 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, Dinner 30c 1969 (2) Persons employed as Cooks at hostels attached to the Ballarat Teacher's College whose conditions of employment shall be as described in paragraph (I) be classified in the following categories prescribed by the Boarding School Employees Wages Board Determination and paid the wage rates as prescribed by that Determination :- (a) First Cook, where the number of persons employed in the kitchen is Four or less (Male or Female). (b) Cook employed alone (Male or Female). (c) Second Cook, where the number of persons employed in the kitchen is Four or less (Male or Female). In addition the following amounts shall also be paid to both male and female persons employed as Cooks at hostels attached to the Ballarat Teachers' College : First Cook .. $1.75 week Cook employed alone $1.10 week Second Cook .• $1.10 week Domestic Arts Maids at the rates of pay and conditions of employment prescribed for female Cleaners lOth October, 1968, to 30th in the Determination of the Cleaners Wages Board June, 1969

Health Medical Officers at the under-mentioned Penal Establishments, at the rates of pay indicated- Penal Establishment. Rate of Pay. $ Her Majesty's Gaol, Castlemaine .. 500 a year Her Majesty's Training Prison, Bendigo 300 a year l Her Majesty's Gaol, Geelong .. 300 a year Cooriemungle Prison Camp .. 250 a year McLeod Prison Farm .. 300 a year ~1st July, 1968, to 30th Langi Kal Kal Training Centre 300 a year June, 1969 Morwell River Reforestation Prison 280 a year j Won Wron Reforestation Prison 300 a year Her Majesty's Prison, Ararat 400 a year Her Majesty's Goal, Sale 540 a year 600 a year 1st July, 1968, to 31st Fairlea Female Prison .• August 1968 { 800 a year 1st September, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Persons employed temporarily in Mental Hospitals, Mental Hygiene Branch, as Ward Assistants (Male lst July, 1968, to 30th June, or Female), at the rates of pay provided in the Fifth Schedule to the Board's Regulations : Provided 1969 that no such person shall be employed continuously for any period in excess of twenty-one (21) days Two Dentists (part-time) and two (2) Dental Nurses (part-time), Ararat Mental Hospital, Mental Hygiene 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, Branch, at a rate of pay of $17.00 a session of not less than three (3) hours for a Dentist and Dental 1969 Nurse with fees to be charged for dentures and denture repairs not to exceed the rates prescribed by the Repatriation Department Edward Joseph Calnan as a Dentist Beechworth Mental Hospital, Mental Hygiene Branch, at a rate 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, of pay of $14.00 a sess1on of not than three (3) hours each month with fees to be charged for 1969 dentures and denture repairs not to exceed the rates prescribed by the Repatriation Department Persons employed temporarily in State Sanatoria, Tuberculosis Branch, as Boiler Attendent ; Cook lst July 1968, to 30th June, Assistant ; Cook (Female) Assistant ; Cook, Second Assistant and Housemaid ; Gardener ; General 1969 Hand ; Kitchenman ; Laundryman : Laundress ; Laundress Assistant and Housemaid ; Maid ; Nurse Charge (Male) ; Nursing Orderly ; Nursing Aide ; Nurse Assistant ; Seamstress and Housemaid ; Sister ; Wardsman ; Wardsmaid ; at the rates of pay fixed by the Public Service Board : Provided that no such person shall be employed continually for any period in excess of twenty-one (21) days Robert Southby, as Consultant Physician, Maternal and Child Welfare Branch, at a gross rate of pay of­ lst July_ 1968, to 2nd $9852 November, 1968

and at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for the office of Superintending School Medical 3rd November, 1968, to Inspector under Maternal and Child Welfare Branch on the First Schedule to the Public Service 30th June, 1969 (Public Service Board) Regulations, plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 41

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Health-continued • . Persons and classes of persons employed full-time or part-time as Chaplains in Mental Hospitals, Mental Hygiene Branch, at the rates of pay and in the case of part-time employees for the weekly hours shown:- (i) Full-time Number Mental Hospital. Denomination. of Yearly Rates Chaplains. of Pay Mont Park. Larundel, Janefield, and Roman Catholic Pleasant View Kew and Children's Cottages .. f Church of England LRoman Catholic .. Sunbury .. . . Church of England Ballarat •. Church of England 1st July, 1968, to 2nd L.,~.and November, 1968 Royal Park and Pleasant View Church of England $3,901 plus the Mont Park, Larundel, Janefield, f Church of England appro­ Bundoora and Pleasant View •. -) Methodist .. priate l Presbyterian .. amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regul­ ation 87 (ii) Part-time Number of "'>fen tal Number Weekly Hospital. Denomination. of Hours of Rates of Pay. Chaplains. Employment. Kew Methodist 3 Congregational 3 Roman Catholic 2! Ararat Methodist 2! Roman Catholic 4! Presbyterian .. 2!- Church of England 9 Salvation Army 2!- Beech worth Presbyterian Roman Catholic .. i! Church of England 18 Methodist 2.1: Salvation Army 2t $3,953 a year on the basis of lst July, 1968, to 2nd Sunbury Presbyterian 9 36 hours a week November, 1968 Roman Catholic 9 and $3,901 a year plus the 3rd November, 1968 30th Ballarat Methodist 6 appropriate amount pay­ June, 1969 Congregational 6 able under Public Service Roman Catholic 2t (Public Sertice Board) Presbyterian 9 Regulation 87 Bundoora , . Church of England 9 Roman Catholic 4!- Royal Park Presbyterian Methodist ~t Roman Catholic 9 Greek Orthodox 4!- Pleasant View Church of England 2! Bendigo Church of England 2t Roman Catholic .. 2t Warmambool Church of England 4! Presbyterian and 2! Methodist Roman Catholic .. 2! Dorothea Victoria Church as Clinical Tuberculosis Officer, Prahran Clinic, Tuberculosis Branch, for 1st July, 1968, to 31st two half-day sessions a week at a gross rate of pay of S1,500 a year December, 1968 One (I) retired police officer to carry out investigations in the Mont Park, Larundel and Bundoora areas, Mental Hygiene Branch, at a rate of pay of- $2,528 a year gross lst July, 1968, to 2nd November, 1968 and $2,476 a year ...... 3rd November, 1968, to 30th plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 June, 1969 One Typing Instructress, Heatherton Sanatorium, Tuberculosis Branch, for five thre4!-hour sessions a week at the rate of pay of-

$1.60 an hour lstt/6JY· 1968, to 17th May, and $1.70 an hour 18th May, 1969, to 30th June, 1969 Law One (1) Senior Government Pathologist, Coroner's Court, at the rates of pay shown below with­ (a) the right to lecture in Pathology at the University of Melbourne and to accept and retain the fees payable therefor ; (b) the power to issue Cremation certificates arising out of post-mortem examinations performed by him and to accept and retain any fees payable therefor ; (c) the right, when a subpoena ad test is served upon him, to give evidence in any of the higher Courts or before the Workers Compensation Board, and accept and retain any fees payable therefor ; (d) the right to perform. when required by a private person or private persons, post-mortem examinations (not required by the Coroner) and to accept and retain fees therefor ; and (e) the right to be paid travelling expenses and be reimbursed for personal expenses at rates determined from time to time by the Public Service Board for officers of the State Public Service $10,456 a year gross 1st July, 1968, to 2nd November, 1968 and

$10,404 a year plus the appropriate amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) 3rd November, 1968, to 30th Regulation 87 June, 1969 42

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Law-continued. Persons employed as Associates to County Court Judges at the annual rate of salary prescribed lst July, 1968, to 30th June, from time to time for the fifth subdivision in Class "D " in Part A in the Third Schedule 1969 to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations, plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 provided that the Associate to the Chairman of the County Court Judges shall receive the annual rate prescribed for the first subdivision in Class " C " in Part A in the Third Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 : Provided that the annual salary rate so prescribed shall be reduced in accordance with the provisions of Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations 83 and/or 89(4) in any case where an adult female or a junior male or female is appointed after 1st June, 1968 Persons employed as Associates to Supreme Court Judges, at a salary for the Associate to the 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, Cbief Justice at the rate of $4,555 a year : 1969 , Provided that the annual salary rate so prescribed shall be reduced in accordance with the provisions of Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations 83 and/or 89 (4) in any case where an adult female or a junior male or female is appointed after lst June, 1968, and at a salary for Associates to other Judges at the rate of $4,277 a year in addition to the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Mrs. Vera May Austen as a second Associate to the HonorabletheCbief Justice at a rate of pay of 1st July, 1968, to 30th June $2,500 a year plus the amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 1969

Mines Classes of persons named below employed temporarily at weekly rates herein- 1st July, 1968, to 30th June 1969 Battery Assistants at the weekly wage rate prescribed by classification No. 1 of clause Labourers 10 of the Australian Workers Union Construction and Maintenance Award, 1966 Cooks .. at the appropriate weekly wage rate prescribed by the Australian Cooks' Offsider Workers Union Construction and Maintenance Award, 1966 Camp Orderly Drill Assistants at the appropriate weekly wage rate prescribed by the Engine Drivers' Tractor Operators and Firemen's (General) Award

Premier's .. One adult male person for not more than 180 days to act as Ranger, Glenaladale National Park, National Parks Authority, at a wage rate of­ $8.89 a day 1st July, 1968, to 2nd and November, 1968 $9.16 a day 3rd November, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 One adult male ferson as Ranger, Grade II., Fraser National Park, National Parks Authority, at a weekly rate o pay of­ $47 .25 1st July, 1968, to 2nd and November, 1968 $48.60 3rd November, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Adult male persons in the under-mentioned categories in Wilson's Promontory, Churchill and Fern lst July, 1968, to 30th June. Tree Gully National Parks, National Parks Authority, at the weekly wage rates shown- 1969 Classification. Weekly Wage Rate of- From From Wilson's Promontory 1.7.68 3.11.68 $ $ Not more than one Ranger. Grade IV. 54.53 55.90 Not more than three Rangers, Grade J_ 44.45 45.80 Churchill National Park Not more than one Ranger, Grade I. 44.45 45.80 Fern Tree Gully National Park Not more than one Ranger, Grade II. 47.25 48.60 Clive Lester Tingate as Engineer, National Parks Authority, for up to thirty-eight hours a fortnight, at a salary at the rate of $5,488 a year pro rata plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Two (2) adult male persons as Rangers, one such ferson to be employed at Mount Richmond 1st July. 1968, to 2nd Natronal Park and one at Mount Eccles Nationa Park, National Parks Authority, at a wage November. 1968 rate of- $8.89 each a day and 3rd November. 1968, to 30th } June, 1969 $9.16 each a day Not more than six (6) male persons who, having retired from the Railways service are employed 31st March, 1969. to 30th as General Assistants in the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau, Melbourne, the salary of June, 1969 such persons being as follows- (a) for the first year of such employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 26 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations ; (b) for the second year of such employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 29 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations ; (c) for the third or any subsequent year of employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 32 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations ; (d) in addition the approJ?riate additional amount prescribed from time to time by Regulation 87 of the Public Servrce {Public Service Board) Regulations One {l) person as Secretary to the Leader of the Parliamentary Labour Party, at the rate of pay 22nd April, 1969, to 14th set out below in addition to the amount prescribed under Public Service {Public Service Board) June, 1969 Regulation 87 :- $4,165 a year .. and } 15th June, 1969, to 30th $4,590 a year .. June, 1969 Not more than 20 male persons who, having retired from the Railways service, are employed as 1st July, 1969, to 2nd General Assistants in the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau, Melbourne. the salaries of such November, 1968 persons being as follows :- (a) For the first year of employment, at the rate of $2,610 a year (b) For the second year of employment, at the rate of $2,724 a year (c) For the third or any subse9uent year. at the rate of $2,838 a year in addition to the amount prescrrbed under Public Service (Public Service Board) RegUlation 87 and (a) for the first year of such employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to 3rd November. 1968, to 30th time for Grade 26 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service June, 1969 Board) Regulations ; 43

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Premier's-continued. (b) for the second year of such employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 29 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations ; (c) for the third or any subsequent year of employment at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 32 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations ; (d) in addition the appropriate additional amount prescribed from time to time by Regulation 87 of the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations

One (I) person as Research Officer for the leader of the Country Party at the rates set out 1st July, 1968, to 2nd below- November, 1968 Yearly Rate. $ (a) first year of employment 4,986 (b) second year of employment . • ...... 5.141 (c) third and subsequent years of employment ...... 5,297 in addition to the amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 and

(a) for the first year of employment at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time 3rd November, 1968, to 30th in Part B of the Third Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) June, 1969 . Regulations for the first subdivision of Class "OP-17" for Professional officers ; (b) for the second year of employment at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time in Part B of the Third Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations for the second subdivision of Class "OP-·17" for Professional officers; (c) for the third or any subsequent year of employment at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time in Part B of the Third Schedule to the Public Service {Public Service Board) Regulations for the third subdivision of Class "OP-17" for Professional officers ; (d) in addition the appropriate additional amount prescribed from time to time by Regulation 87 of the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations

One (I) person as Research Officer for the Leader of the Parliamentary Labor Party at the rates set 1st July, 1968, to 2nd out below- November, 1968 Yearly Rate. $ (a) first year of employment 4,986 (b) second year of employment , . . . 5,141 (c) third and subsequent years of employment •• 5,297 in addition to the amount prescribed under Public ·Service (Public Se~vice Board) Regulation 87 and

(a) for the first year of employment at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time 3rd November, 1968, to 30th in Part B of the Third Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations June. 1969 for the first subdivision of Class "OP-17" for Professional officers ; (b) for the second year of employment at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time in Part B of the Third Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations for the second subdivision of Oass "OP-17" for Professional officers; (c) for the third or any subsequent year of employment at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time in Part B of the Third Schedule to the Public Service {Public Service Board} Regulations for the third subdivision of Class "OP-17" for Professional officers ; (d) in addition the appropriate additional amount prescribed from time to time by Regulation 87 of the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations One (l) Housekeeper at the rate of pay of $2,180 a year in addition to the amount prescribed under 1st July, 1968, to 31st Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 December, 1968 The under-mentioned persons as Secretaries (part-time) of the Regional Committees shown, Central Planning Authority, at the rate of pay of $400 a year each . Name. Regional Committee. Elvey, G. L. Loddon 1st December, 1968, to 30th November, 1970 Harvey, R. D. Mallee ls\j e, 1968, to 31st May, 70 Ray, J. R. East Gippsland 19th February, 1969 to 18th February, 1971 ' Henshaw. B.. C. Barwon Learmonth, H. D. H. Corangamite lst July, 1968 to 30th June B.aldy, N. W ... Glenelg 1970 • ' } Lovelt, K. H. Wimmera Two adult male persons as Park Assistants, one such person to be employed at Hattah Lakes National Park and one at Fraser National Park, National Parks Authority, each ata weekly wage rate of-

$43.00 1st July, 1968, to 2nd November, 1968 and

$44.35 3rd November, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Adult male persons employed as Rangers, Grade I .. National Parks Authority, at the under-mentioned locations each at weekly wage rate of-

$44.45 1st July, 1968 to 2nd and November, 1968 $45.80 3rd November, 1968. to 30th June, 1969 Location. Port Campbell National Park. East Gippsland National Parks. Hattah Lakes National Park. Little Desert National Park.

Public Works John Foley and John Patrick Hardiman. as Cost Clerks, each at a weekly wage rate as follows-

$48.90 1st July, 1968, to 2nd November. 1968 $50.25 3rd November, 1968, to 25th $56.35 January, 1969 26th January, 1969, to 30th June 1969 44

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Public Works- The temporary employment of three Technical Teacher Trainees, at weekly rates of pay as set out continued hereunder :- Trainee Trainee Trainee Aged 19 Aged 20 Aged 21 Years. Years. and over. $ $ $ 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, First year of experience as a Technical 1969 Teacher Trainee .. 41.26 46.97 50.79 Second year of experience as a· ·Technic~i Teacher Trainee 46.97 50.79 50.79 Provided that a married Technical Teacher Trainee who is in his first year of experience and is twenty years of age, shall be paid at the rate of $49.44 a week All classes of persons classified under any of the following Commonwealth Awards or State Wages Board Determination& at the appropriate wage rate prescribed in the relevant Award or Determination, or, as to apprentices, at the rate prescribed by the Apprenticeship Commission

CoMMONWEALTH AWARDS, AS VARIED Australian Workers Union Construction and Maintenance ; Engine Drivers and Firemen's (General) ; Municipal Employees (Victoria); Transport Workers' (General) ; Builders' Labourers (Construction on Site) ; Waterside Workers ; Ship Painters and Dockers; Shipwrights (Shore) ; Timber Workers ; Carpenters and Joiners ; Merchant Service (Department of Public Works, 1st July, 1968, to 30th June Victoria Dredges) Margins ; Marine Engineers (Department of Public Works, Victoria) Margins ; 1969 Metal Trades ; Marine Cooks ; Marine Stewards and Pantrymen's

STATE WAGES BOARD DETERM!NATIONS Bricklayers ; Caretakers ; Cleaners ; Construction or Roadworks ; Garden Employees ; Fibrous Plasterers ; Painters ; Plasterers ; Plumbers ; Seamen's ; Quarry Slaters and Tilers ; Stone Cutters ; Storemen, Packers and Sorters ; Watchmen's ; Wharfs and Jetties ; Sewer Builders ; Furniture ; Tile Layers ; Cement Articles ; Boarding House Employees ; Sports Ground Maintenance and Motor Drivers One Floral Decorator (Female) employed at Government House, at the following weekly wage rates:- $32.53 1st July, 1968. to 2nd November, 1968 and $33.88 3rd November, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Loaders (Mixed Functions) at the following weekly wage rates :- $39.40 1st July, 1968. to 2nd November, 1968 and $40.75 3rd November, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 The classes of persons named below employed temporarily- Persons wherever working employed in the following classifications and at the respective weekly wage rates therefor- Weekly Wage Rate. Classification. From From From 1.7.68 3.11.68 26.1.69 $ $ $ Supervisor, Grade 5 74.05 75.40 81.50 4 68.85 70.20 76.30 3 62.55 63.90 70.00 tst July, 1968, to 30th June, 2 56.45 57.80 63.90 1969 l 51.00 52.35 58.45 J

The classes of persons named below employed temporarily­ !. Junior Chainmen-Age rates 2. (a) Field AsslsttllltS (Survey)-At the following weekly rates of pay :­ $42.30 1st July, 1968, to 2nd November, 1968 $43.65 2nd November, 1968, to 8th February, 1969 $45.00 9th February, 1969, to 30th June, 1969 (b) Junior Field Assistants (Survey)-Age rates 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 One (I) person as Shipmaster, Mornington Slipway, at the rate of pay of $400 a year 1st July, 1968, to 30th June 1969

State Forests Up to fifteen (15) persons as either Typists (Female) or Assistants (Female), in district offices from which 1st July, 1968, to 31st drought rehef employment activities were administered in Shires proclaimed as drought areas at the December, 1968 rates of pay prescribed in the Second Schedule to the Board's Regulations plus the appropriate amount in Pubhc Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Phil!ip Leonard Day as a Lecturer in Geology, School of Forestry, Creswick, at a fee of $9.00 a lecture 1st July. 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Typists (Female) or Assistants (Female) at any time of the year for temporary replacements and during 1st July, 1968, to 30th fire season for additional staff, at rates of pay prescribed in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's June, 1969 Regulations : Provided that no such person shall be employed continually for a period in excess of 42 days Three (3) adult female persons as Attendants, William Rickett's Sanctuary at the hourly gross rate of 1st July, 1968, to 30th pay as shown below- June, 6961 (a) $1.10 an hour for the the first 20 hours (b) 82 • 5 cents an hour thereafter One (I) adult male person as Warden, William Rickett's Sanctuary, at a weekly wage of $47.25 1st October, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 45

APPENDIX " M "-continued. ------,------···--··--,------

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

State Forests- The classes of persons employed temporarily under any A ward or Determination named below- continued I. (a) Chainmen- At the rate of pay prescribed in the Australian Workers Union Construction and Maintenance 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, A ward 1966 1969 (b) Junior Clwinmen-Age rates 2. (a) Field Assistants (Survey)-At the following weekly rates of pay:- $42.30 1st July, 1968, to 2nd November, 1968 $43.65 2nd November, 1968, to 8th February, 1969 $45.00 9th February, 1969, to 30th June, 1969 (b) Junior Field Assistants (Survey)-Age rates 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 3. COMMOJ-g ·ng Officer, Grade Ill. 46.20 47.55 53.65 Gravel Checking Officer . . • • 46.20 47.55 53.65 Warden (Mount Buller Alpine Resort) Grade (a) 52.70 54.05 60.15 Grade (b) 51.00 52.35 58.45 Warden (Sherbrooke Forest Park) Grade (c) 49.55 50.90 57.00

Treasury .. The temporary employment of fifty-one (51) persons as Clerks of Works, Office of the Housing Commission, at the weekly wage rate provided hereunder- Classification. Weekly Wage Rate. $ Four Supervising Clerks of Works 72.70 1st July, 1968, to 2nd Forty-seven Clerks of Works 66.50 November, 1968 Four Supervising Clerks of Works 74.05 3rd November, 1968, to Forty-seven Clerks of Works 67.85 22nd February, 1969 Four Supervising Oerks of Works 82.65 23rd February, 1969, to 7th Forty-seven Clerks of Works 76.15 June, 1969 Four Supervising Clerks of Works 85.00 8th June, 1969, to 30th Forty-seven Clerks of Works .. 78.20 June, 1969

Classes of persons named below employed temporarily, Office of the Housing Commission- I. Classification. Weekly Wage Rate. From From 1. 7.68 3.11.68 $ $ Assistant Superintendent of Gardens 59.04 60.39 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, Sub-Foreman (Site Development) 56.16 57.51 1969 Foreman Gardener . . . . 48.08 49.43 Foreman, Grade II. (Site Development) 59.37 60.12 Sub-Foreman ...... 53.56 54.91 Foreman, Grade ll, (Unpinning Gang) 61.59 62.94 Foreman, Grade Ill. 59.37 60.72 Sub-Foreman Painter 58.29 59.64 2. Lift Driver/Cleaners at the weekly wage rate of pay prescribed in the Determination of the Lift Board and under the conditions ofemployment prescribed in the Determination ofthe Oeaners Board 3. Attendant, City Car Garage, at weekly wage rates of- $42.48 1st July, 1968, to 2nd November, 1968 and $43.85 3rd November, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 46

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Treasury-continued 4. Oasses of persons employed under the following Commonwealth Awards and State Wages 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, Board Deterrninations : 1969

COMMONWEALTH AWARDS, AS VARIED Australian Workers Union Construction and Maintenance ; Carpenters and Joiners ; Builders' Labours ; Engine Drivers and Firemen's (General) ; Transport Workers (General)

STATE WAGES BOARD DETERMINATIONS Painters ; Garden Employees ; Cleaners ; Bricklayers

Water Supply Persons wherever working employed in the following classifications and at the respective weekly wage 1st July, 1968, to 2nd rates therefor :- November, 1968 Classification. Weekly Wage Rate. $ Supervising Foreman 77.95 Foreman, 1st Class 71.05 Foreman, 2nd Class 65.70 Foreman, 3rd Class 62.55 Foreman, 4th Class 59.50 Foreman, First Aid 57.20 Ganger, lst Class 53.40 Ganger, 2nd Class 51.95 Ganger, 3rd Class 49.85 Ganger, 4th Class 48.50 and Classification. Weekly Wage Rate. $ Supervising Foreman 79.30 3rd November, 1968, to 25th Foreman, 1st Class 72.40 January, 1969 Foreman, 2nd Oass 67.05 Foreman, 3rd Class 63.90 Foreman, 4th Class 60.85 Foreman, First Aid 58.55 Ganger, 1st Class 54.75 Ganger, 2nd Class 53.30 Ganger, 3rd Oass 51.20 Ganger, 4th Class 49.85 and Classification. Weekly Wage Rate. $ Supervising Foreman 85.40 26th January, 1969, to 30th Foreman, lst Class 78.50 June, 1969 Foreman, 2nd Oass 73.15 Foreman, 3rd Class 70.00 Foreman, 4th Class 66.95 Foreman, First Aid 64.65 Ganger, 1st Class 60.85 Ganger, 2nd Oass 59.40 Ganger, 3rd Class 57.30 Ganger, 4th Oass 55.95

All classes of persons wherever working (other than those working in or around Public Offices in the city area of Melbourne) and classified under any of the following Commonwealth Awards or State Wages Board Determinations at the appropriate weekly wage rate prescribed by the relevant Award or Determination

COMMONWEALTH AWARDS, AS VARIED Australian Workers Union Construction and Maintenance, Engine Drivers and Firemen's (General), Transport Workers' (General), Metal Trades, Builders' Labourers, Carpenters and Joiners (Interim), Timber Workers

STATE WAGES BoARD DIITERMINATIONS Bricklayers, Oeaners, Plasterers, Painters, Plumbers. Storemen, Packers and Sorters, Fuel and Fodder, Watchmen, Sewer Builders, Vehicle Building Industry, Wharfs and Jetties, Canteen Workers 1st {9J~· 1968, to 30th June, Part-time employees, wherever working, under the following classifications and at rates of pay prescribed by the Department, the amount of pay in the case of any individual employee not to exceed $750 a year :- Caretakers, Diversion Officers, Gauge Readers, Pump Attendants, Turncocks, and persons employed as Firemen and Engine Drivers on part-time operated plants and pump and windmill installations Persons engaged as Rangers for the currency of a season and persons engaged during an irrigation season to replace Water Bailiffs who, for any are absent from duty, at rates of pay determined by the Department Persons wherever working (other than those working in or around Public Offices in the city area of Melbourne) under the following classifications, at rates of pay prescribed by the Department :-

Patrolmen, Timekeeper~ Junior Labourer, Reservoir Keeper, Newlyn Reservoir

One Canteen Supervisor (Female), at a weekly wage rate of $34.32 1st July, 1968, to 2nd November, 1968

One Cook (Female) Six Attendants (Female) "l.. ~At the appropriate weekly wage rate prescribed in the 1st f9~~· 1967, to 30th June, Two Attendants (Female) as relieving j Detern,ination of the Canteen Workers Wages Board staff

Two third-year students in Instituti ~nal Management at the Emily McPherson College of Domestic Economy on one day a week as Attendants (Female) and One (I) Canteen Supervisor (Female)-at a weekly wage rate of $35.67 3rd November, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 47

APPENDIX " M "-continued.

Department. Officers, Employees or Persons or Classes of Officers, Employees or Persons. Period of Exemption.

Water Supply- The classes of persons named below employed temporarily- 1st July, 1968, to 2nd continued November, 1968 Chainmen- At the weekly wage rate prescribed by the Australian Workers Union Construction and Maintenance Award 1966 Junior Chainman-Age rates Field Assistants (Survey)-At a weekly wage rate of pay of $42.30 Junior Field Assistants (Survey)-Age rates and Field Assistants Survey at a weekly wage rate of $43.65 3rd November, 1968, to 8th February, 1969 and Field Assistant Survey at a weekly wage rate of $45.00 9th Febuary, 1969 to 30th June, 1969 48


Particulars of employment which the Board has exempted from the provisions of section 38 of the Public Service Act 1958 pursuant to its powers under sub-section (5) of section 38 of such Act.

D11partment. Particulars of Employment Exempted. Period of Exemption.

Aboriginal Affairs . . One (l) Assistant to the Property Officer at the rate of pay of $1.50 an hour .. 1st July, 1968, to 31st August, 1968 One (I) Assistant Welfare Officer (part-time), Warrnambool-Framlingham area at a rate of pay of 1st July, 1968, to 30th $15 a week June, 1969 Charles Percy Huggard as Supervisor at Mooroopna at a rate of pay of $24 a week 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Hector Wakefield Dominey as Supervisor at Orbost at a rate of $8 a week 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Victor Raymond Hicks as Supervisor at Robinvale at a rate of pay of $12 a week 1st July, 1968, to 7th October. 1968 Alan Baxter as Supervisor at Robinvale at a rate of pay of $12 a week .. 8th October, 1968 to 3rd June, 1969 Mrs. Phylis Hildebrandt as Nurse, Lake Tyers Aboriginal Station at a gross rate of pay of $2,611 a year 1st July, 1968, to 30th October, 1968 and At the annual rate of salary prescribed for Grade F32 (Female), in the Second Schedule to the Public 1st October, 1968 to 30th Service (Public Service Board) Regulations, plus any additional amount payable under Regulation 87 June, 1969

Agriculture Actors, Actresses and Commentators at the rates prescribed by the Commonwealth Actors, &c., 1st July, 1968, to 30th (Television) Award 1957 was varied June, 1969 Typist (Female) (part-time) Longerenong Agricultural College, at a pro rata hourly rate based on the lst July, 1968, to 30th June, minimum of the strandard salary range prescribed for the position of Typist (Female), Grade L, in 1969 the Sixth Schedule of the Board's Regulations, plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 One (I) Assistant (Female), Dookie, Agricultural College for 32 hours a week at pro rata 1st July, 1968, to 30th hourly rate based on the minimum of the standard salary range prescribed for the position of June, 1969 Assistant (Female) in the Sixth Schedule of the Board's Regulations plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Ten (10) University Students at the rates of pay as set out hereunder plus the additional amounts 1st November, 1968, to 31st prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 :- March, 1969 JUnior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 Female $1,948

Chief Secretary's Relieving Matron (part-time), Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police, at the rate of pay of­ $1 18 an hour for duty performed on days other than Sundays and $1.48 an hour for duty 1st July, 1968, to 2nd performed on Sundays November, 1968 and At a rate based on the minimum rate for the position of Relieving Matron, City Watch House, plus 3rd November, 1968, to 30th an additional amount- June, 1969 (a) for duty performed on all days other than Sunday at one-quarter of the hourly rate (b) for duty performed on Sunday at one-half of the hourly rate Sister, "Winlaton ", Social Welfare Branch, not exceeding 32 hours a fortnight, at a pro rata rate of 1st July, 1968, to 30th pay based on the minimum rate prescribed for Sister, "Winlaton ", in the Sixth Schedule to the June, 1969 Board's Regulations, plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Three (3) Child Care Officers (Female), Family Welfare Division, Social Welfare Branch- 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 At the rates of pay provided in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's Regulations for Child Care Officers (Female), plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Two (2) female persons who hold a degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science or a degree of Bache!o of Science to conduct a Benthic Survey of Western Port Bay for the Fisheries and Wildlife Branch, not exceeding thirthy-eight (38) hours a week at a pro rata hourly rate based on the rates of pay shown hereunder plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Agricultural Professional experience since obtaining qualification in Science Science Agricultural Science or Science. Graduate. Graduate $ $ In first year . . . . 3,145 2,803 After completion of one year 3,508 3,145 After completion of two years 3,758 3.508 list July, 1968, to 30th After completion of three years 4,133 3,758 I June, 1969 After completion of four years .. 4,560 4,133 After completion of five years .. 4,560 .) One (I) Machinist (Female) in the Victorian Licensing Court at a gross rate of pay of $43 30th September, 1968, to 11th a week October, 1968 One (I) Machinist in the Liquoc Control Commission at a gross salary of $8.60 a day .. On the 22nd October, 1968 One (I) University Student in the Fi ;heries and Wildlife Branch at tbe rates of pay as set out 1st November, 1968, to 31st hereunder plus the additional amou:Jt prescribed u:>Jer Public Service (Public Service Board) March, 1969 Regulation 87 :- Junior .. Age Rates Adult .. Male $2,374 a year Female $!,948 a year Robert Henry Chamberlain as an Actuary in the Office of the Government Statist at a gross rate 7th October, 1968, to 13th of pay of $8,000 a year June, 1969 Three (3) Adult Assistants (Female), Fisheries and Wildlife Branch at the rate of pay provided 20th January, 1969, to 30th in the Sixlh Schedule of the Board's Regulations for Assistant (Female) Grade 1., plus the additional May, 1969 amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 49

APPENDIX "N "-continued.

Department, Particulars of Employment Exempted. Period of Exemption.

Chief Secretary's- Twenty-six (26) Child Care Officers (Female, Family Welfare Division, Social Welfare Branch ·. continued and

One (I) Domestic, Family Welfare Division, Social Welfare Branch- ' 16th December, 1968, to 9th February, 1969 At rates of pay provided in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's Regulations for Child Care Officers (Female) and Domestic, respectively, plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service {Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Relieving Stenographers and Typists (Female), at Ringwood, Ballarat, Bendigo, Hamilton, Geelong, 1st July, 1968, to 30th Mildura, Footscray, Morwell, Bairnsdale, Dandenong, Shepparton and Frankston, Social Welfare June, 1969 Branch, at rates of pay provided in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's Regulation plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, provided that no such person shall be employed for more than 42 days One {I) Adult Professional Assistant, State Accident Insurance Office at a rate of pay of $4,309 1st July, 1968, to 22nd plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 October, 1969 Carolyn Ann Dean as Welfare Officer (Female), Social Welfare Branch, at a gross rate of pay of­ $1,461 a year 1st July, 1968, to IIth March, 1969 $1,532 a year , . 3rd November, 1968, to IIth March, 1969 One {I) Typist {Female), Traffic Commission. at a gross rate of pay of $55.20 a week 31st October, 1968, to 14th November, 1968 One (1) Machinist in the Social Welfare Branch on the basis of 7 hours a day, 4 days a week at a 8th October, 1968, to 3rd rate of pay of $39. 05 November, 1968 Mrs. Alison Mathew as a Training Officer (Female), Institute of Social Welfare, Social Welfare 5th August, 1968, to 6th Branch, at a gross salary of $5,434 a year. September, 1968

Crown Lands and Eric Duncan Woodgate, as an Engineer Mechanic, Buchan Caves, at a gross rate of pay of $1.26 1st July, 1968, to 30th Survey an hour June, 1969 Up to four (4) persons at any one time as Assistant Research Officers (Male) or (Female) who hold a degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science or a degree of Bachelor of Science and up to eight (8) persons at any one time to conduct or assist in (as the case be) research and extension work for the Vermin and Noxious Weeds Destruction Board, at rates of pay in accordance with the scales set out hereunder- Gross Rate of Pay. Male Female $ $ Graduate in Agricultural Science 3,571 3,145 Graduate in Science 3,229 2,803 Other persons- 1st July, 1968, to Juniors 2nd Adult } November, 1968 Plus the additional amounts prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 and At the rates of pay in accordance with the scale set out hereunder, plus the appropriate amounts 3rd November, 1968, to 30th payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87. June, 1969 (a) Graduates in Agricultural Science--at the rate of pay prescribed for the Third subdivision for Scientific Officer in Class " SO-l ". in Part B of the Third Schedule to the Board's Regulations {b) Graduates in Science-at the rate of pay prescribed for the Second subdivision for Scientific Officer in Class "SO-l ", in Part B of the Tbird Schedule to the Board's Regulations Provided that where female graduates in Agricultural Science or Science are employed, the above described rates of salary shall reduce by the amount prescribed by Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 92 (iii) (c) Other persons shall be paid :- (i) in the case of juniors at the annual rate of salary prescribed for Grade K, Junior Males in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations (ii) in the case of adults at the minimum annual rate of salary prescribed under Department of Crown Lands and Survey for the position of Technical Assistant (Male) Adult in the Sixth Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations Albert Christian Hellisen as Caretaker, Yanakie Agistment Run at a rate of pay of $2,382 a year plus 1st July, 1968, to 2nd the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 November, 1968. and At the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for Grade 20 (Males), in the Second 3rd November, 1968, to 30th Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations, plus any additional amount June, 1969 payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, Fifteen (15) University Students or Technical College Students in Civil Engineering and Surveying at 1st November, 1968, to the rates of pay in accordance with the scale set out hereunder, plus the additional amounts 31st March, 1969. prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 Female $1,948 Two (2) Female University Students, Survey Branch, at the rates of pay as set out hereunder plus the 1st November, 1968, to additional amounts prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 31st March, 1969 Junior Age Rates Adult $1,948 Up to four (4) Laboratory Assistants (Female), at any one time to assist in research work at the 1st February, 1969, to 30th Keith Turnbull Research Station, Frankston, at the rates of pay set out hereunder plus the June, 1969 appropriate amounts payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87- (a) in the case of juniors at the rates of pay prescribed for junior Laboratory Assistants (Female), Grade I in the Sixth Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations (b) in the case of adults at the minimum rate of pay prescribed for an adult Laboratory Assistant (Female), Grade I in the Sixth Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations

Education Relieving Typists (Female), Teachers' Colleges and Schools at the rates of pay provided in the Sixth lst July, 1968. to 30th Schedule to the Board's Regulations plus the additional amounts prescribed under Public Service June, 1969 (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, provided that no such person shall be employed continuously for a period in excess of 42 days and that the total period of such employment in a period of twelve months shall not exceed sixty (60) working days in each Teachers' College 6424/69.-4 50

APPENDIX " N "-continued. -·------

Department. Particulars of Employment Exempted. Period of Exemption.

Health Part-time Pharmaceutical Chemists at Ararat and Beechworth Mental Hospitals, Mental Hygiene 1st July, 1968, to 30th Branch, at the under-mentioned rates of pay :- June, 1969 Mental Hospital. Rates of pay an hour or portion thereof spent at Institution. Beechworth .. $5 (which includes provtSton for travelling time and car mileage) Ararat $5. 50 (which includes provision for travelling time and car mileage) Jennifer James as Nursing Research Consultant at a gross rate of pay of $3,700 a year 30th June, 1968, to 30th September, 1968 and At a gross rate of pay of $4,000 a year 1st October, 1968. to 31st March, 1969 Pharmaceutical Chemist (part-time), Mental Hygiene Branch .. 30th June, 1968, to 1st (a) for two three-hourly sessions week at the Pentridge Gaol ; and July, 1969 (b) for one •hree-hourly session week at the Alexandra Clinic Pharmaceutical Chemist at the Ambermene Centre, Shepparton, Social Welfare Branch, on the basis 1st November, 1968, to of three three hourly sessions a week at a rate of pay of $13.50 a session 3 I st December, 1968 Physiotherapist Assistant (Male), at the annual rate of pay of $2.374 plus the appropriate amount 18th November, 1968, to prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 31st March, 1969

Law Female Jury Keepers at the following rates of pay :- 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 (a) $1.00 an hour for the first 8 hours of duty on week days and at the rate of $1.50 an hour thereafter (b) $1.25 an hour for the first 8 hours of duty on Saturdays and Public Holidays and at the rate of $1 . 50 thereafter (c) $1.50 an hour for all time worked on Sundays Provided that there shall be no payment in respect of " eight hours' sleeping time " in a full day of twenty four hours, where the Jury Keeper is required to remain with the jury over night Expenses- All expenses for meals and accommodation be reimbursed by the Department on presentation of appropriate receipts William John Taylor, to examine applications to bring land under the Transfer of Land Act 1st July, 1968, to 30th 1958, at a gross rate of pay of $20 an application, provided that this amount may be increased June, 1969 by an amount not exceeding $20 in any one case that is regarded as an involved and difficult application John Luscombe Pollard, as a Search Clerk, Office of Titles, at a rate of pay of $2.50 an hour 1st July, 1968, to 31st December, 1968 Fifteen (15) University Students in Surveying or Engineering, in the Office of Titles at the rate of pay 1st November, 1968, to 31st as set out hereunder plus the additional amounts prescribed under Public Service (Public Service March, 1969 Board) Regulation 87- Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 Fe»Ulle $1,948 Four (4) University Students, Companies Registration Office, either part or full time at the rates lst December. 1968, to 31st of pay as set out hereunder plus the additional amounts prescribed under Public Service (Public March, 1969 Service Board) Regulation 87-rates to be pro rata where services are part-time and in the case of part-lime employment the minimum period of continuous duty to be performed by a student on any one day to be three (3) hours--- Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,428 Female $1,840 Mines Six (6) University Engineering or Science Students at the rates of pay as set out hereunder plus the 1st November, 1968, to additional amounts prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 :- 31st March, 1969 Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 Female $1,948

Premier's . ~ Labourers employed intermittently at the Hattah Lakes National Park, National Parks Authority, 1st July, 1968, to 30th at rates of pay not higher than those ruling in the district for similar work June, 1969 Labourers employed intermittently at the East Gippsland National Parks, National Parks Authority, 1st July, 1968, to 30th at rates of pay not higher than those ruling in the district for similar work June, !969 Four (4) persons employed intermittently as labourers at Port Campbell National Park, National Parks lst July, 1968, to 30th Authority at rates of pay not higher than those ruling in the district for similar work June, 1969 Four (4) Telephonists (Female), on Sundays and public holidays, at the Victorian Government 1st July, 1968, to 30th Tourist Bureau at the following hourly rates of pay :- June, 1969 Adult-at a pro rata hourly rate based on the minimum of the standard salary range prescribed for the position of Telephonist (Female) in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's Regulations, plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Junior-at a pro rata hourly rate based on the appropriate age rate (as above)

Not more than one (I) Telephonist (Female), at any one time in the Tourist Development Authority, lst July, 1968, to 30th at the rate of pay prescribed in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's Regulations, plus the additional June, 1969 amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 provided that any period of continuous employment shall not exceed twenty-one (21) days Conditions of employment for Telephonist as for employees at T.D.A. Not more than four (4) Typists (Female) at any one time .. Not more than two (2) Telephonists (Female) at any one time Not more than two (2) Inquiry Clerks (Female) at any one time and to 30th June, 1969 Not more than two (2) Shorthand Writers and Typists (Female) at any one time in the Victorian Government Tourist Bureaux, at the rates of pay prescribed in the Sixth Schedule to the Board's l'" .., "~ Regulations plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87, provided that any period of continuous employment shall not exceed twenty-one (21) days 51

APPENDIX " N "-continued.


Department. Particulars of Employment Exempted. Period of Exemption.

Premier's-continued One (1) adult Relieving General Assistant Victorian Government Tourist Bureau, Tourist 1st July, 1968, to 2nd Development Authority, at a pro rata rate of pay, of $2,126 November, 1968 and At the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for Grade 12 (Males), in the Second 3rd November, 1968, to 30th Schedule to the Public Serv1ce (Pubhc Service Board) Regulations plus any additional amount June, 1969 payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 pro rata Three (3) persons as Labourers at the Kiata Lowan Sanctuary Reserve, Little Desert, National 1st July, 1968, to 30th Parks Authority at rates of pay not higher than those ruling in the district for similar work. June, 1969 The conditions of employment shall be as prescribed by the Department The under-mentioned categories of persons who, having retired from the Railways Service, are employed temporarily as General Assistants in the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau, at the gross rate of pay of:- $2,610 a year One (I) male person 3rd November, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Thirteen (13) male persons 18th November, 1968, to lOth March, 1969 At the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for Grade 26 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Re!!ulations, plus the appropriate additional amount prescribed from time to time by Public ServJce (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 $2,610 a year Two (2) male persons 29th July, 1968, to 14th September, 1968 and 12th August, 1968, to 14th September, 1968 and At the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 26 (Males) in the Second Schedule 14th April, 1969 to lOth to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations, plus the appropriate additional amount May, 1969 prescribed from time to time by Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Twelve (12) male persons at the annual salary rate prescribed from time to time for Grade 26 11th May, 1969, to 12th (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Re~lations, plus April, 1969 the appropriate additional amount prescribed from time to time by Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 The under-mentioned categories of persons in National Parks, National Parks Authority, to relieve existing employees during absences on recreation leave~ skk leave, or long service leave as shown- $ Rangers, Grade I. at a weekly wage rate of 44.45 I July, 1968, to 2nd Park Assistants at a weekly wage rate of 43.00 .JlstNovember, 1969 and Rangers, Grade I. at a weekly wage rate of $45.80 3rd November, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Park Assistants at a weekly wage rate of $44. 35 One Relieving Machinist from Manpower (Australia) Pty. Ltd. in the Tourist Development Authority, 1st July, 1968, to 30th at the hourly rate of pay of $1.65 June, 1969 Max Joshua Clark, as Co-ordinator of Civil Defence, at a gross rate of pay of $4,345 . , 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 John McLauchlan Adams and Charles Norman Peters as Civil Defence Officers at a gross rate of 1st July, 1968, to 30th pay of $4,116 a year June, 1969 Andrew Elsbury Arthur as a Civil Defence Officer at a gross rate of pay of $4,116 a year. lst July, 1968, to 30th June, 1969 Thirteen (13) University Agricultural Science, Engineering or Science Students in the Soil Conservation 1st November, 1968, to Authority, at rates of pay in accordance with the scale set out hereunder plus the additional 31st March, 1969 amounts prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 :- Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 a year Female $! ,948 a year Relieving Typists (Female) in the Adelaide Branch of the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau, Tourist Development Authority, at the rate of pay of- $44.45 a week 1st July, 1968, to 30th June, !969 Fourteen (14) Labourers employed intermittently in the Frazer, Mount Richmond, Port Campbell 1st July, 1968, to 30th and Mount Eccles National Parks, National Parks Authority at a weekly rate of $41.30 for the September, 1968 periods indicated hereunder- 6 Labourers at Frazer National Park for a period of ll weeks 2 Labourers at Mount Richmond National Park for a period of 9 weeks 4 Labourers at Port Campbell National Park for a period of 7 weeks 2 Labourers at Mount Eccles National Park for a period of 9 weeks. The intermittent employment of persons as Labourers at the Mount Richmond National Park, 1st July, 1968, to 30th National Parks Authority, at rates of pay not higher than those in the district for similar June, 1969 work The employment of the under-mentioned categories of persons at the Frazer National Park, National Parks Authority- (!) Not more than two (2) Labourers at any one time-at rates of pay not higher than those ruling in the district for similar work (2) Not more than two (2) Drovers at any one time-at rates of pay not higher than those ruling in the district for similar work (3) Not more than two (2) Assistants at any one time-at rates of pay not higher than those ruling in the district for similar work Six (6) persons as Labourers at the Frazer National Park, National Parks Authority, at rates of pay lst July, 1968, to 30th not higher than those ruling in the district for similar work June, 1969 The intermittent employment of persons as Labourers at the Mount Eccles National Park, National lst July, 1968, to 30th Parks Authority, at rates of pay not higher than those ruling in the district for similar work June, 1969 Temporary employment of a male University student in the National Parks Authority, at the rate of lst December, 1968, to 31st pay in accordance with the scale set out hereunder- March, 1969 Junior Age rates Adult $2,581 52

APPENDIX " N "-continued.

Department. Particulars of Employment Exempted. Period of Exemption.

Premier's-cominued The employment of Mrs. Betty Jope as a Librarian at the State Film Centre on a part-time basis 9th April. 1969, to 30th of four hours per day, five days a week at a rate of pay of $1.60 an hour. June, 1969 The employment of Albert Christian Hellisen as Ranger/Herdsman, Yanakie Agistment Run, lOth March, 1969, to 30th National Parks Authority, at the annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for Grade June, 1969 20 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87

The employment of Albert Christian Hellisen as a Caretaker, Yanakie Agistment Run, at the annual 30th June~ 1968, to 2nd rate of pay of $2,382, plus an amount equal to the amount prescribed from time to time by November, 1968 Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 and The employment of Albert Christian Hellisen as a Caretaker, Yanakie Agistment Run, at the 3rd November, 1968, to 9th annual rate of salary prescribed from time to time for Grade 20 (Males) in the Second Schedule March, 1969 to the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus any additional amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 Thirteen (13) University Agricultural Science, Engineering or Science Students in the Soil Conservation lst November, 1967. to Authority, at rates of pay in accordance with the scale set out hereunder plus the additional 31st March, 1969 amounts prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 :- Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 a year Female $1,948 a year Relieving Typists (Female) in the Adelaide Branch of the Victorian Government Tourist Bureau. Tourist Development Authority, at the rate of pay of- $43 .45 a week 1st July, 1968, to 30th June. 1969

Public Works •• 1 Persons engaged as members of the crew of the Queenscliff Lifeboat, Ports and Harbors Branch. at 1st July, 1968, to 30th the rates of pay and allowances in ae<:ordance with the scale set out hereunder:- June, 1969 Engine driver or coxswain of the lifeboat $52 a year (Provided that in no case is the gratuity to be paid to more than two persons in each category) Attending boat and rocket practice An attendance allowance of $4 (Provided that payment be not made for practices a !tended in excess of 12 a year) Coxswains Call·out allowance of $1.05 an hour with a minimum payment of 6 hours Engine drivers and other crew members Call-out allowance of 90c an hour with a minimum payment of 6 hours Relieving Typists (Female), at Country Offices, at the rates of pay provided in the Sixth Schedule lst July, 1968, to 30th to the Board's Regulations plus the additional amount prescribed under Public Service (Public June. 1969 Service Board) Regulation 87. Provided that no such person shall be employed continuously for any period in excess of forty-two (42) days Twenty-nine (29) University or Technical College students in Surveying Architecture or Engineering, 1st November, 1968. to at rates ot pay in accordance with the scale set out hereunder, plus the additional amounts 31st March, 1969 prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 :- Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 a year Female $1 ,948 a year One (I) Motor Truck Driver and Coxswain. Ports and Harbors Branch, at the annual rate of 3rd December. 1968, to salary prescribed from time to time for Grade 20 (Males) in the Second Schedule to the Public 30th April, 1969 Service (Public Service Board) Regulations plus the appropriate amount payable under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87. Two (2) adult (Males) as Motor Truck Driver and Coxswain, Ports and Harbors Branch, at a rate 3rd December, 1968, to 30th of pay of $2,382 a year each plus the appropriate amount payable under Public Service (Public April. 1969 Service Board) Regulation 87, The employment of Lorne Philip Riley as a Works Inspector at a rate of pay of $83 a week . . 5th February, 1969, to 30th June, 1969 State Forests The under-mentioned classes of persons :- 1. Herdsmen and Musterers employed on the annual muster of cattle agisted in the Barmah l Forest District :-tst July, 1968, to 30th 2. Students employed as Assistants during university or school vacations ' June, 1969 Females engaged at pricking off seedlings or preparing them for transit at rates of pay and on the lst September, 1968. to conditions of employment prescribed in the Determination of the Nurserymen's Wages Board 15th March, 1969 Two (2) students in Surveying (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) at the under-mentioned 1st November, 1968, to yearly rates of pay plus the additional amounts prescribed under Public Service (Public Service 31st March, 1969 Board) Regulation 87 :- Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 a year Female $1,948 a year The employment of one (I) adult male person as Warden, William Ricketts' Sanctuary, at a weekly 3rd November, 1968, to wage of $48. 60 30th June, 1969 Conditions of Employment The Public Service Board further recommends that Regulation 136 of the Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulations should apply for rostered time of ordinary duty performed at weekends and on public holidays and that, subject to the terms governing long service leave,annualleave,sickJeave. special leave due to war disabilities,leave with pay for jury service and leave for defence training as set out in Schedule " A " to the Order in Council dated the 19th September, 1967, the conditions of employment shall be as prescribed by the Department The employment of not more than eight (8) females at pricking off seedlings or preparing them for 1st April, 1969, to 30th transit, picking seeds, staking plants in pots, cleaning cuttings, or weeding, at the rates of pay June, 1969 and on the conditions of employment prescribed in the Determination of the Nurserymen's Wages Board Treasury .. Four (4) Engineering or Architecture students from either the Melbourne or Monasb University or 1st November. 1968, to the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in the Office of the Housing Commission, at rates 31st March, 1969 of pay in accordance with the scale set out hereunder, plus the appropriate amount prescribed under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 :- Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 a year Female $1,948 a year Six (6) Typists in the Stamp Duties Office at a rate of pay of $1.45 an hour each 1st July, 1968, to 31st December. 1968 Water Supply Fifty (50) University or Technical College students in Engineering, Agricultural Science, Science lst November, 1968, to 31st or Land Surveying, at the under-mentioned rates of pay, plus the additional amount prescribed March. 1969 under Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 :- Junior Age Rates Adult Male $2,374 a year Female $1,948 a year The employment of Oswald Miller on the duties of processing of applications for inclusion of 15th February, 1969, to 30th properties in the Goulburn Murray District at a rate of pay of $3,199 a year plus the appropriate June, 1969 amount prescribed from time to time by Public Service (Public Service Board) Regulation 87 ------·------····--- By Authority: A, C. BRooKs, Government Printer, Melbourne.