Official Report-1944
OFFICIAL REPORT-1944 THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS A Department of the X.nJoml Education As.sociation of the United St;ucs 57^,. WARTIME CONFERENCES ON EDUCATION r H E M E /fvy Tk Pt'oplc'5 Scliools m War awA Peace Seattle • Atlanta • Islew York • Chicago • Kansas City UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA LIBRARIES EDUCATION LIBRARY OFFICIAL REPORT Wartime Conferences on Education STATE ri^T ;Vf '• ^^ "^^ AND «-**—— ••*- >»Aii>i£SV|iajB, ^^j^ FLA. SEATTLE January 10-12, 1944 ATLANTA February 15-17, 1944 NEW YORK February 22-24, 1944 CHICAGO February 18-March 1, 1944 KANSAS CITY March 8-10, 1944 THE.AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS A Department of the National Fducation Association of the United States 1201 SIXTEENTH STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON 6, D. C. March 1944 PRICE, $1 PER COPY : J 7^. Cr rDOCATIOS LfBBlil N FEBRUARY 1940, the railroad yards at St. Louis were filled with the special trains and extra Pullmans handling the convention travel of the American Associa- tion of School Administrators. Special trains and extra Pullmans for civilians were early war casualties. In February 1941, two hundred and eighty-two firms and organi- zations participated in the convention exhibit of the American Association of School Administrators in the Atlantic City Audi- torium. Today, the armed forces are occupying that entire audito- rium, one of the largest in the world. In February 1942, the official count showed that 12,174 persons registered at the San Francisco convention. The housing bureau assigned 4837 hotel sleeping rooms. *Now every night in San Francisco, long lines of people stand in hotel lobbies anxiously seeking a place to sleep.
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