00007-29-2010 ( Pdf )

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00007-29-2010 ( Pdf ) ARGO EADER LVolume XXXIII, No. 1 L July 29, 2010 Opening this week – “Cats and Dogs www.TBNweekly.com – the Revenge of Kitty Galore.” See Entertainment, page 12 for details of upcoming movies. Sales tax holiday returns Largo Retailers get ready for year’s 2nd busiest shopping season Hearing scheduled on labor impasse By SUZETTE PORTER on May 26. follow. LARGO – City officials will hold “Our children deserve to have the resources In general, books, clothing, footwear and certain an impasse hearing regarding the Back-to-school shopping might be a bit less ex- and materials they need to be successful and accessories selling for $50 or less are eligible, as collective bargaining agreement pensive this year, thanks to the return of one of competitive in the classroom,” Crist said in a are certain school supplies selling for $10 or less. between the firefighters’ bargain- Florida’s most popular tax holidays. press release sent out the day he signed the 2010 The state defines books as “a set of printed ing unit and the city Tuesday, The Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday is Aug. holiday into law. “I am confident this tax break sheets bound together and published in a vol- Aug. 31. 13-15. During the three-day period, shoppers will help students, families and businesses as ume.” Newspapers, magazines, other periodicals ... Page 5. won’t be charged sales tax on school supplies, they prepare for a new school year. It is important and audio books are not books and will be taxable books, clothing and footwear priced under a cer- that we continue to alleviate the tax burden on during the holiday. tain dollar amount. Floridians, as well as seek ways to improve the Clothing is defined as any article of wearing ap- County The first back-to-school sales tax holiday was in economic future of our state.” parel, including all footwear (except skis, swim 1998, and it continued until the years 2008 and The tax holiday could save Florida families an fins, roller blades and skates) intended to be worn Project faces 2009 when the state Legislature said no to all estimated $26 million. on or about the body. Clothing does not include funding woes sales tax holidays due to budget constraints. watches, watchbands, jewelry, umbrellas, hand- In 2010, opinions changed and state lawmakers Tax-exempt items kerchiefs or sporting equipment. Staff was asked to summarize voted to reinstate the holiday for school supplies. the rationale for rescoping the The state has a list of eligible items and pub- Gov. Charlie Crist signed House Bill 483 into law See HOLIDAY, page 4 Park Street/Starkey Road, Tyrone lished guidelines that retailers and shoppers must to Bryan Dairy project to include only the key intersection at Starkey and Bryan Dairy roads. Pete Yauch, director of Public 6 candidates Works and Transportation, said A pirate’s because the project was estimated to cost in excess of $34 million, running for sunset staff recommended deferring the project until funding becomes available. city offices Captain Nemo’s pirate ... Page 8. ship sails off into the sunset recently off of Entertainment By TOM GERMOND Clearwater Beach. LARGO – Six candidates have qualified ‘Seafarer’ comes to run for seats on the Largo City Commis- to American Stage sion in the Nov. 3 election. “The Seafarer,” plays through Qualifying ended July 26. Brief bio- Aug. 15 in the Raymond James graphical information on the candidates Theatre, 163 Third St. N., St. Pe- follow. The Leader will provide more details tersburg. on the candidates’ position on the issues Performances are Tuesday, and background as the election approach- Wednesday and Thursday, 7:30 es. p.m.; and Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m. Matinees are Saturday and Seat 5 Sunday, 3 p.m. Robert Avery has lived most of his life ... Page 11. in Largo and is a Largo High School graduate. He currently works for Mease Manor in Dunedin as an activities driver. He teaches first aid, CPR and other skills for Tampa Bay Safety and does other vol- unteer work, such as for breast cancer awareness. He said he will graduate this month with “The Seafarer” is set on Christmas an associate of arts degree at St. Petersburg College. He will start his bachelor of Eve in Baldoyle, a coastal suburb Photo by WAYNE CATHEL north of Dublin. See CANDIDATES, page 4 Sports Rays 11-game City pleased with work homestand under way The Tampa Bay Rays wrap up a four-game home series with the on community center Detroit Tigers Thursday, July 29, By TOM GERMOND Electrical work was under way in before taking on Yankees. almost every room, and ductwork is ... Page 18. LARGO – City officials said the being installed. Light fixtures also construction of the community cen- are being installed. ter is on schedule and is expected Once glass is complete and other The Inkwell to be completed in December. work completed, the finish subcon- Alexandra “The Community Center is on tractors will be in a position to start Caldwell track for substantial completion in work. Subcontractors have been on November and final completion in site to conduct moisture tests on December. We are very satisfied the concrete slab. Other crews have Columnist gets friend back. with both the progress and quality been on site to lay out and measure ... Page 7. of the work to date,” Assistant City for the reception desk in front of the Manager Henry Schubert said July staff offices. Features 22. The installation of the under- Inside the structure, located off ground sanitary system has been Business . 19 Alternate Keene Road, workers were completed and the last of the storm Classified . 23-27 finishing the drywall mud applica- system were expected to be finished Community . 16 tion and sanding all the walls last in days. Crews are excavating the week. The first coats of primer were final retention ponds on the north County . 8-10 still being applied throughout the end of the property and grading and Entertainment . 11-14 complex, a Web site on the con- shaping what will eventually be the Just for fun . 22 struction progress said. Colored main parking lot. Health & fitness . 20 glass for the accent wall also has Photo by BOB McCLURE See CENTER, page 4 Largo . 2-3, 5 arrived on site. The Largo Community Center is scheduled to be completed in December. Outdoors . 17 Sports . 18 Facials Full Set 20% OFF or Spa 42210 Viewpoints . 6-7 Not valid with Lolly’s Wigs any other offer. Mani-Pedi Expires 8/15/10 $ 00 Call 397-5563 20% OFF in stock wigs only. 12046 Indian Rocks Road, Largo • 727-595-1222 • www.VONailsAndSpa.com 5 OFF For News & Advertising Not valid with any other offer. 727-723-5255 • 9148 Seminole Blvd., Seminole FACIALS • SPA THERAPY • WAXING • NAILS AND MORE Expires 8/15/10 2 Largo Leader, July 29, 2010 Business promises 55 new jobs under program By SUZETTE PORTER of operations. mission: Course. The cost is $11.50 for The city can lease new golf opment order amendments. The tax refund requested • Approved the second 18 holes. The average annual carts for about $37,500 a The city of Largo annexed LARGO – If everything goes by the company is based on a reading of an ordinance that revenue from golf cart rentals year. Sufficient funds are in the ICOT Center property in according to plan, a Tampa program award of $4,000 per amends the building permit is $220,000. the golf course budget for the 2000 and adopted the DRI Bay business will be relocat- job for the 55 new jobs, fee ordinance to comply with Joan Byrne, recreation, remainder of 2010. Funding order shortly thereafter. The ing to Largo, bringing with it $3,000 as the QTI base allo- state law. The building permit parks and arts director, said will be requested for future property was zoned Industrial 55 new positions. cation and a bonus of $1,000 surcharge changes go into ef- three bids were received and years. Limited. However, Map H was City commissioners ap- because the average wage, fect on Oct. 1. the lease-purchase option of- The only catch involves in- not consistent with the Indus- proved on July 20 project $57,897, is 150 percent over • Approved the purchase of fered by Agricredit Acceptance surance, Byrne said. Agri- trial Limited zoning, and city #0607-10 for participation in Pinellas County’s average a $34,966 forklift for the En- was most cost effective. credit doesn’t understand amended its future land use the Qualified Target Industry wage of $38,598. vironmental Services. At the end of the lease government liability rules. map to include educational Tax Refund Program. The total QTI amount for • Approved nine separate term, the carts will be sold to County Attorney Alan Zim- uses for St. Pete College’s EPI According to staff notes, the project is $220,000. annexations. Jeffrey Allen, the company met said the insurance prob- Center and residential uses the company, currently locat- Largo is responsible for that provides maintenance for lem could be resolved. for Aluna Largo Apartments. ed in Hillsborough County, is providing 10 percent of the Looking ahead the Club Car carts, for “We just need to get to the According to staff notes, al- classified as being in the busi- amount approved by the Commissioners approved $57,600. right person and get them to though the DRI expired on ness sector, life sciences. It is state, or a maximum of on first reading a number of Commissioner Mary Black understand,” he said.
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