REPUBLIC OF KENYA MINISTRY OF LANDS, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INTEGRATED STRATEGIC URBAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BUSIA TOWN (2010-2030) Prepared By: Syagga and Associates Limited Kampus Towers, 5th Floor, P.O Box 26060-00504, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (+254) 20 312557 Cell: (+254) 722 777598 / 721 233970 Fax: 224010 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: November, 2013 i | P a g e PLAN APPROVAL This Plan has been prepared, publicized and circulated as per the requirements of the Physical Planning Act Cap 286 of the Laws of Kenya. The plan has fulfilled all the statutory requirements and is hereby approved. CERTIFIED Director of Physical Planning Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPROVED Cabinet Secretary of Lands, Housing and Urban Development Date------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Approved Development Plan N0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii | P a g e PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS This plan was prepared by a team of professionals from Syagga and Associates. The names of the team members are:- Prof. Grephas P. Opata - Project Director Mr. Moses Kola - Project Planner Mr. Maurice Lishenga - Project Surveyor Dr. Grace Cheserek - Sociologist Prof. Paul Syagga - Housing/Informal Settlement Expert Prof. Washington H.A. Olima - Investment/Economic Expert Eng. Dr. Tom Opiyo Odago - Transport Expert Dr. Benjamin