Area: Crab Creek
Draft Crab Creek Subbasin Summary March 2, 2001 Prepared for the Northwest Power Planning Council Subbasin Team Leader Mark Quinn, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Contributors (in alphabetical order): Paul Ashley, WDFW Tom McCall, WDFW Dan Blatt, WDFW Michell Mazolla, Foster Creek Tim Cullinan, Washington State Audubon Conservation District Eric Cummins, WDFW Matt Monda, WDFW Lance Davisson, Washington Department of John Pierce, WDFW Natural Resources Timothy Quinn, WDFW Gary DeVore, Adams County Conservation Elizabeth Rodrick, WDFW District Rod Sayler, Washington State University Jenene Fenton, WDFW Michael Schroeder, WDFW Jim Fisher, US Bureau of Land Management Lisa Shipley, Washington State Ron Friesz, WDFW University Joe Foster, WDFW Shelly Snyder, WDFW Marc Hayes, WDFW Jim Tabor, WDFW Dave Hays, WDFW Kate Terrell, US Fish and Wildlife Jerry Hickman, WDFW Service Randy Hill, US Fish and Wildlife Service Todd Thompson, Bureau of Land Steve Herman, Evergreen State University Management John Jacobson, WDFW Chris Thompson, WDFW Robert Kent, WDFW Stefanie Utter, US Bureau of Reclamation Jeff Korth, WDFW Matt Vander Haegen, WDFW Dave Koller, Upper Grant and Warden Nancy Warner, The Nature Conservancy Conservation District Jim Watson, WDFW DRAFT: This document has not yet been reviewed or approved by the Northwest Power Planning Council Crab Creek Subbasin Summary i Crab Creek Subbasin Summary Table of Contents FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES .................................................................. 1 Subbasin Description..........................................................................................
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