Northwest Area Committee OCTOBER 2015

MOSES LAKE / Geographic Response Plan


MOSES LAKE / CRAB CREEK Geographic Response Plan




Required Notifications for Oil Spills & Hazardous Substance Releases Federal Notification ‐ National Response Center (800) 424‐8802* State Notification ‐ Emergency Management Division (800) 258‐5990*

‐ Other Contact Numbers ‐ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington State Region 10 ‐ Spill Response (206) 553‐1263* Dept of Ecology ‐ Washington Ops Office (360) 753‐9437 ‐ Headquarters (Lacey) (360) 407‐6000 ‐ RCRA/CERCLA Hotline (800) 424‐9346 ‐ Central Regional Office (Yakima) (509) 454‐7829 ‐ Public Affairs (206) 553‐1203 ‐ Eastern Regional Office (Spokane) (509) 329‐3512 Dept of Fish and Wildlife ‐ Oil Spill Team (24hr pager) (360) 537‐8233* U.S. Coast Guard ‐ Emergency HPA Assistance (360) 902‐2537* Sector Puget Sound ‐ Eastern (Region 1 ‐ Spokane Valley) (509) 892‐1001 ‐ Emergency (206) 217‐6001* ‐ North Central (Region 2 ‐ Ephrata) (509) 754‐4624 ‐ Watchstander (206) 217‐6002* Dept of Health (Drinking Water) (800) 521‐0323 ‐ Incident Management Division (206) 217‐6214 ‐ After normal business hours (877) 481‐4901 ‐ Port & Waterways Safety (206) 217‐6042 Dept Archaeology & Historic Preservation (360) 586‐3065 13th Coast Guard District (800) 982‐8813 Dept of Transportation (360) 705‐7000 National Strike Force Coordination Center (252) 331‐6000 Washington Parks and Recreation (360) 902‐8613 ‐ Pacific Strike Team (415) 883‐3311 Washington State Patrol ‐ District 4 (Spokane) (509) 227‐6566 ‐ District 6 (Wenatchee) (509) 682‐8090 National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Scientific Support Coordinator (206) 526‐6829 Weather (Spokane) (509) 244‐0110 Tribal Contacts Colville Confederated Tribes (509) 322‐7859 Nez Perce Tribe (208) 843‐2253 Other Federal Agencies Spokane Tribe (509) 258‐4400* U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (pager) (360) 534‐9313* Yakima Nation (509) 865‐5121 x6032 U.S. Department of Interior (503) 326‐2489

Local Government Pipeline Companies, & Railroads Moses Lake (Fire Department) (509) 764‐3848 Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (800) 832‐5452* Odessa (Fire Department) (509) 982‐2424 Yellowstone Pipe Line Company (877) 267‐2290 Grant County (Emergency Management) (509) 762‐1462 Lincoln County (Sheriff) (509) 725‐3501

Response Contractors (OSRO & PRC) Cowlitz Clean Sweep (509) 624‐4949 Clean Harbors Environmental Services (800) 645‐8265 NRC Environmental Services / NRC (800) 337‐7455* * Contact Numbers staffed 24‐hour/day


Before you print this document

Chapter 4 with appendices (Pages 27-194) and Appendix 6A (Page 207) of this document are provided in “landscape” page orientation; all other chapters and appendices are oriented in “portrait.” The appendices in Chapter 4 (Pages 79-194) have been designed for duplex printing (front and back side of paper), “open to top” configuration.


Purpose and Use of this Plan

This Geographic Response Plan (GRP) constitutes the federal and state on-scene coordinators’ orders during the initial phase of an oil spill: from the time a spill occurs until a Unified Command is established. Its main focus is sensitive resource protection. The plan prioritizes tactical response strategies based on locations where spills might occur and the proximity of those locations to natural, cultural, and economic resources at risk of injury. By using this document it’s hoped that immediate and proper action can be taken to reduce spilled oil’s impact on sensitive resources within the planning area.

After a spill occurs, control and containment at, or near, the spill source are top priorities. Beyond those efforts, the tactical response strategies provided in this plan should be implemented using the priority tables in Chapter 4, unless overflight observations, spill trajectory models, or unique circumstances dictate otherwise.

This plan also provides information about the type and location of natural and economic resources in the area. Specific information about the location of cultural sites were taken into consideration in the development of this plan but such information cannot be provided in this document due to the confidential nature of the resources.



Name of Person Date Change Number Summary of Changes Making Change

10/2015 MLCC-001 Update of Purpose and Use, Chapter 1, Chapter 3, H. Chichester Chapter 4, and Chapter 6. Removal of Protection Techniques and GRP Contributors from appendices. Moved Appendix C to 1A.



- INTRODUCTION ...... 11 1.1 GRP Chapters and Appendices ...... 12

1.2 Geographic Response Plan Development Process ...... 12

1.3 Standardized Response Language ...... 13

1.4 Terminology and Definitions ...... 13

Appendix 1A - Comments, Corrections, or Suggestions ...... 15

- SITE DESCRIPTION ...... 17 2.1 Chapter Introduction ...... 17

2.2 Physical Features ...... 17

2.3 Hydrology ...... 18

2.4 Climate and Winds ...... 21

2.5 Tides and Currents ...... 21

2.6 Risk Assessment ...... 22

2.7 References ...... 23


4.1.1 On-site Considerations: ...... 28 4.1.2 Historical River Streamflow Ranges: ...... 30 4.2 Area Overview Maps ...... 34

4.3 Strategy and Response Priorities ...... 40

4.3.1 General Response Priorities ...... 40 4.3.2 Strategy Priorities based on Potential Spill Origin Points ...... 40 4.4 Sector Maps (strategy locations) ...... 48

4.5 Matrices ...... 60

4.5.1 Naming Conventions (Short Names) ...... 60 4.5.2 Response Strategy Matrices ...... 61 4.5.3 Notification Strategy Matrices ...... 76


4.5.4 Staging Area Matrices...... 77 4.5.5 Boat Launch Matrices ...... 78 Appendix 4A - Response Strategy 2-Pagers ...... 79

Appendix 4B - Notification Strategy 2-Pagers ...... 171

Appendix 4C - Staging Area 2-Pagers ...... 175

Appendix 4D - Boat Launch 2-Pagers ...... 189

- (RESERVED)...... 195 - RESOURCES AT RISK ...... 197 6.1 Chapter Introduction ...... 197

6.2 Natural Resources at Risk - Summary ...... 197

6.2.1 General Resource Concerns ...... 199 6.2.2 Specific Geographic Areas of Concern ...... 200 6.3 Cultural Resources at Risk - Summary ...... 203

6.3.1 Discovery of Human Skeletal Remains ...... 203 6.3.2 Procedures for the Discovery of Cultural Resources ...... 204 6.4 Economic Resources at Risk Summary ...... 205

6.5 General information ...... 205

6.5.1 Flight restriction zones ...... 205 6.5.2 Hazing ...... 205 6.5.3 Oiled Wildlife ...... 205 Appendix 6A – List of Economic Resources ...... 207



Figure 3-1: Response Options and Considerations Area ...... 26 Figure 4-1: Historic streamflow for Crab Creek ...... 33 Figure 4-2: Response strategy locations in area ...... 35 Figure 4-3: Notification strategy locations in area ...... 36 Figure 4-4: Staging area locations ...... 37 Figure 4-5: Boat launch locations in area ...... 38 Figure 4-6: Potential oil spill origin points in area ...... 39 Figure 4-7: Sector Map “MLCC-1” ...... 48 Figure 4-8: Sector Map “MLCC-2” ...... 49 Figure 4-9: Sector Map “MLCC-3” ...... 50 Figure 4-10: Sector Map “MLCC-4” ...... 51 Figure 4-11: Sector Map “MLCC-5” ...... 52 Figure 4-12: Sector Map “MLCC-6” ...... 53 Figure 4-13: Sector Map “MLCC-7” ...... 54 Figure 4-14: Sector Map “MLCC-8” ...... 55 Figure 4-15: Sector Map “MLCC-9” ...... 56 Figure 4-16: Sector Map “MLCC-10” ...... 57 Figure 4-17: Sector Map “MLCC-11” ...... 58 Figure 4-18: Sub-Sector Map “MLCC-11a” ...... 59 Figure 6-1: Specific geographic areas of concern within Moses Lake/Rocky Ford Creek...... 201 Figure 6-2: Specific geographic areas of concern along Crab Creek...... 202



Table 4-1: Water Speed Drift Measurement Table ...... 31 Table 4-2: Historic Stream Flow for Crab Creek (USGS Gauge Stations) ...... 32 Table 4-3: Priority Table “MOLK-A” (Moses Lake at I 90 Bridge) ...... 42 Table 4-4: Priority Table “CRABC-A” (Crab Creek in Moses Lake at Hwy 17 Bridge) ...... 43 Table 4-5: Priority Table “CRABC-B” (Crab Creek in Moses Lake at Road 7 NE) ...... 44 Table 4-6: Priority Table “CRABC-C” (Crab Creek in Odessa) ...... 45 Table 4-7: Priority Table “CRABC-D” (Crab Creek near Edwall) ...... 46 Table 4-8: Priority Table “CRABC-E” (Crab Creek near Reardan)...... 47



This plan focuses on sensitive resource protection after an oil spill occurs. It serves as the federal and state on‐scene‐coordinators’ orders during the initial phase of an oil spill response in the Moses Lake/Crab Creek area. It has been approved by Regional Response Team 10 and the Chairs and Co‐ Chairs of the Northwest Area Committee. Changes to this document are expected as more testing is conducted through drills, site visits, and actual use in spill situations. We value your input and hope that you’ll let us know how the plan might be improved. Please submit comments online at Comments may also be emailed to [email protected] or submitted by mail using the form and information provided in the appendix of this chapter.

The Moses Lake/Crab Creek GRP planning area covers all of Moses Lake and Rocky Ford Creek, and 136 miles of Crab Creek extending from the Stratford Road bridge in the city of Moses Lake upstream to the creek’s crossing at State Highway 2 about 2.7 miles west of Reardon. Upstream to downstream, Crab Creek passes through the towns or cities of Odessa, Irby, Krupp, Wilson Creek, Stratford, and Moses Lake. The planning area fully resides within the limits of Grant and Lincoln Counties, and includes portions of Water Resource Inventory Area 41 (WRIA‐41, Lower Crab), WRIA‐42 (Grand Coulee), and WRIA‐43 (Upper Crab‐Wilson). Additional information about the planning area, including physical features, hydrology, climate and winds, and spill risks, can be found in Chapter 2 (Site Description). Information about potential response options in the planning area can be found in Chapter 3 (Response Options and Considerations).

The bulk of this plan is contained in Chapter 4. It provides information on tactical response strategies and the order they should be implemented, based on potential spill origin points and their proximity to sensitive resources. Area and sector maps and information on staging areas and boat launch locations are also provided in that chapter.

Control and Containment of an Oil Spill are a Higher Priority than the Implementation of GRP Response Strategies

If in the responder’s best judgment, control and containment of an oil spill at or near the source of a spill isn’t feasible, or if the source is controlled and contained but oil has spread out beyond initial containment, then the priorities laid out in Section 4.3 of this plan should take precedence until a Unified Command is formed. It’s important to note that spill response priorities, beyond those described in this plan, should rely on aerial observations and spill trajectory modeling. A booming strategy listed as a high priority in Section 4.3 would not necessarily be implemented if a spill trajectory didn’t warrant action in that area; however, the priority tables should be followed until spill trajectory information becomes available. During an incident, modifications to the deployment

CHAPTER 1 11 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 priorities provided in Section 4.3 of this plan may be made if approved by the Incident Commander or Unified Command.

The downstream movement of oil and the time it takes to mobilize response resources to deploy GRP strategies must always be considered when setting strategy implementation priorities. The strategies discussed in this plan have been designed for use with persistent oils that float on water and may not be suitable for other petroleum products or hazardous substances. For hazardous substance spills, refer to the Northwest Area Contingency Plan (NWACP), Chapter 7000.

Information meant to support initial Environmental Unit functions can be found in Chapter 6 (Resources at Risk). That chapter and its appendix provide specific information about the type and location of natural and economic resources in the area. Specific information about the location of cultural sites in the planning area were taken into consideration in the development of this plan but such information cannot be provided in this document due to the confidential nature of the resources.

1.1 GRP CHAPTERS AND APPENDICES Chapter 1 Introduction Appendix 1A GRP Comment Form Chapter 2 Site Description Chapter 3 Response Options and Considerations Chapter 4 Response Strategies and Priorities Appendix 4A Response Strategies (2‐Pagers) Appendix 4B Notification Strategies (2‐Pagers) Appendix 4C Staging Areas (2‐Pagers) Appendix 4D Boat Launch Locations (2‐Pagers) Chapter 5 Reserved Chapter 6 Resources at Risk Appendix 6A List of Economic Resources


GRPs are part of the Northwest Area Contingency Plan, revised and distributed separately. They’ve been developed for the marine and inland waters of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. The plans are prepared through the efforts of, and in cooperation with, Washington Department of Ecology, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho State Emergency Response Commission, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as well as other state and federal agencies, tribal and local governments, response organizations, emergency responders, and communities. GRPs are developed through workshops and meetings with representatives of these organizations as well as local oil spill emergency response experts, industry, environmental and conservation organizations, ports, and pilots, among others. Participants identify resources that may be at risk of

CHAPTER 1 12 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 injury from spills and attempt to develop oil spill response or notification strategies to reduce the chance of injury to those resources.

After compiling information on sensitive resources in the area, site visits are conducted to gather data and determine if spill response strategies near those resources should be added, modified, or deleted. In this, the anticipated effectiveness of existing strategies are reviewed, modifications made as determine necessary, potentially unsafe or ineffective strategies removed, and new strategies added to the plan. Unfortunately, the dynamics of marine and inland water environments and the present limitations of response technology make the development of strategies for all resource locations impracticable. A draft plan is produced after site visits are completed, and made available for public review and comment before a final version of the GRP is produced and published. A responsiveness summary is also published that addresses public comments received during the GRP update process.


In order to avoid confusion in response terminology, this plan uses standard National Interagency Incident Management System, Incident Command System (NIIMS ICS) terminology.


The glossary provided in Section 1910 of the NWACP and other sections of the area plan with glossaries independent of Section 1910 should be used when seeking the meaning of terms used in this plan.


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Appendix 1A - Comments, Corrections, or Suggestions

We value your input and hope that you’ll submit comments on how this plan might be improved. If you have any questions or comments, suggestions for improvement, or find errors in this document please submit comments online at, email them to us at [email protected], or forward them via U.S. Mail to the following agencies: United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 Office of Environmental Cleanup 1200 Sixth Avenue Room ECL-116 Seattle, WA 98101

Washington State Department of Ecology Spill Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (GRPs) P.O. Box 47600 Olympia, WA 98504-7600

The form on the following page of this attachment can be used to submit comments by mail. Contact information is requested so that we can give you a call if more information or comment clarification is needed. Please use the GRP Field Report Form for providing information on GRP strategy field visits or the testing of response strategies. The form is available online at spills/preparedness/GRP/Form-GRPFieldReport.pdf. Additional information on Geographic Response Plans is available at


GRP Comment Form Mail Completed Form to:

US Environmental Protection Agency Today’s Date: Region 10 Office of Environmental Cleanup Your Name: 1200 Sixth Avenue Room ECL‐116 Seattle, WA 98101 Title: Washington State Department of Ecology Company/Agency: Spills Program (GRPs) P.O. Box 47600 Address: Olympia, WA 98504‐7600

City: Olympia, WA 98504-7600 State/Province: Zip:

Email: Ph: GRP Page Number: Section or Paragraph: Comment(s):




This chapter provides a description of the area’s physical features, hydrology, climate and winds, and includes an overview of oil spill risks in the Moses Lake / Crab Creek area. The planning area includes all of Moses Lake and Rocky Ford Creek, and 136 miles of Crab Creek extending from the Stratford Road bridge in the city of Moses Lake upstream to the creek’s crossing at State Highway 2 about 2.7 miles west of Reardon. Upstream to downstream, Crab Creek passes through the towns or cities of Odessa, Irby, Krupp, Wilson Creek, Stratford, and Moses Lake. The planning area fully resides within the limits of Grant and Lincoln counties, and includes portions of Water Resource Inventory Area 41 (WRIA-41, Lower Crab), WRIA-42 (Grand Coulee), and WRIA-43 (Upper Crab- Wilson).


Moses Lake and Crab Creek lie within the Channeled Scablands of east-central Washington, a complex of “vein-like” channels, rock basins, broad coarse‑grained alluvial deposits, and loess islands created by a series of cataclysmic Pleistocene mega-floods.1 The floods originated from the margins of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, particularly Lake Missoula in Montana2 and scoured prominent pathways into the base geology of the Basalt Group.3 Crab Creek flows through one of these scoured pathways. Grand Coulee is another channel where large volumes of flowing water scoured a channel about 1 mi wide. As the flood waters discharged from Grand Coulee and entered the Quincy basin, a structurally controlled depression in central Washington, flood-entrained sediment dropped from suspension and bed-load, thereby emplacing the alluvial Ephrata Fan. The Ephrata Fan is composed of boulders and larger clasts at its northern extent near Grand Coulee and fines progressively southward from boulders to sands and finer material.4

Moses Lake is a shallow, elongated-branched lake, approximately 20 miles in total length and 11 square miles in total area with a mean depth of 18.5 feet.5 It was formed by the natural damming of

1 Baker, V. R. (2008). The channeled scabland - a retrospective. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 37, 6.1-6.19. doi: 10.1146/ 2 Bretz, J. H. (1927). Channeled scabland and the Spokane flood. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 17, 200-211. 3 Baker, V. R. (1973). Paleohydrology and sedimentology of Lake Missoula flooding in eastern Washington. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 144, 79. 4 Magirl, C. S., Cox, S. E., Mastin, M. C. and Huffman, R. L. (2010). Sediment Loading from Crab Creek and Other Sources to Moses Lake, Washington, 2007 and 2008. United States Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report, 2010–5001. 5 Bain, R. C., Jr. (1987). Moses Lake Clean Lake Project, Final Stage 3 Report.

CHAPTER 2 17 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 the Moses Lake dune field; the dune field formed by eolian reworking of the flood deposits at the distal end of the Ephrata Fan.6 The lake lies in topographically lower channels incised into the southern extent of the Ephrata Fan. It has three major arms; the main arm (also called the Rocky Ford Arm) is located to the north, and Parker and Pelican Horns are to the south, separated by an area known as the Lower Peninsula. Lewis Horn is a smaller embayment located on the northern side of Parker Horn. Two main surface tributaries drain to the lake: Rocky Ford Creek to the main arm, and Crab Creek into Parker Horn.7

Crab Creek is a small, perennial creek flowing through the arid and semiarid Columbia Plateau. Between Brook Lake and Moses Lake, the creek follows the eastern edge of the Ephrata Fan, flowing on or adjacent to exposed bedrock as well as over the coarser substrate of the fan. Upstream of Brook Lake, Crab Creek follows an outburst flood coulee flowing over fractured, basaltic bedrock mantled with alluvium.² Some of the surrounding catchment draining into Crab Creek, particularly in the upper watershed, is composed of topographically higher terraces of the Palouse Formation, Quaternary loess deposits that escaped scour and removal by the Lake Missoula floods. Although recruitment of suspended sediment into Crab Creek from the bedrock valley floor and the coarse- grained fan deposits is governed by weathering rates from otherwise immobile surfaces, more fine- grained sediment is presumably supplied by the Palouse Formation uplands when rainfall or snowmelt create runoff. 5

Peatlands: Hundreds of acres of peatlands exist along Crab Creek between the towns of Wilson Creek and Krupp/Marlin. They were formed out of the old bottom of Crab Lake, which was drained by a ditch in 1907. 8 The peatlands extend from a point approximately 2-miles west of Krupp/Marlin and continue west along Crab Creek to a location just south of Wilson Creek. Generally, the peatlands are bounded to the north by the BNSF railroad line and to the south by Highway WA-28 and Road 22 NE.


Moses Lake is shallow with an average depth of 18 ft and a maximum depth of 38 ft under full-pool conditions. The surface area of the lake is 6,800 acres.9 Surface discharge from Moses Lake is controlled by two dams operated by U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), both located at the southern end of the lake and used to convey water from the East Low Canal to .

6 Bandfield, J. L., Edgett, K. S., and Christensen, P. R. (2002). Spectroscopic study of the Moses Lake dune field, Washington - Determination of compositional distributions and source lithologies. Journal Geophysical Research, 107, E11, 15. 7 Pitz, C. (2003). Moses Lake Total Maximum Daily Load Groundwater Study (Publication No. 00-03-005). Olympia, WA. Washington State Department of Ecology. Retrieved from 8 Brigg, G. B. (1958). Peat Resources of Washington (Bulletin No. 44). Olympia, WA. State of Washington Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology. Retrieved from 9 Magirl, C. S., Cox, S. E., Mastin, M. C. and Huffman, R. L. (2010). Sediment Loading from Crab Creek and Other Sources to Moses Lake, Washington, 2007 and 2008. United States Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report, 2010–5001.


The lake surface elevation is manipulated by the USBR throughout the year for irrigation management. Just prior to the irrigation season (normally in mid-March) the lake level is set to an elevation of approximately 1046-1047 feet above mean sea level (AMSL), and remains there throughout the summer. At the end of the irrigation season (typically late October) the lake level is lowered to approximately 1041 feet AMSL to create storage capacity for winter/early spring runoff, and to protect and allow maintenance of shoreline structures.10 Two main surface tributaries drain to Moses Lake: Rocky Ford Creek to the main arm, and Crab Creek into Parker Horn.

Rocky Ford Creek is one of two natural tributaries to Moses Lake. It is unique as a tributary because of its small watershed size (104 km2) and yet relatively large mean annual flow. The creek has an annual average flow of 78.2 cfs.11 The 90th and 10th percentile flows for Rocky Ford Creek are 94 and 46 cfs, respectively. The mean flow for the 2000-01 water year was 57 cfs, nearly a 20th percentile flow for the 1977 to 2001 time period. The flows in Rocky Ford Creek are relatively stable (day to day) and most of the time range between 40 and 100 cfs. There is a slight seasonal variation, with higher flows occurring during the latter half of the year (May – Dec). Rocky Ford Creek originates as a series of springs at the Troutlodge 1 fish hatchery and then flows south from the springs for approximately eight miles, discharging to the north end of the main arm of Moses Lake. The Troutlodge 2 hatchery also uses Rocky Ford Creek about a mile downstream of the headsprings. Most of the flow at the head of Rocky Ford Creek is diverted through both fish hatcheries. Just above the mouth of the creek is a small retention pond created by a dam built in 1987 to retain phosphorus and prevent carp from entering the creek. 12

Crab Creek is the more variable natural tributary to Moses Lake compared to Rocky Ford Creek. Although its watershed area is 2040 square miles, it has a lower annual mean flow to Moses Lake than Rocky Ford. During the summer, much of Crab Creek flow goes underground. Prior to the beginning of the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project (CBIP) in 1952, Crab Creek surface flow was negligible except during periods of heavy winter/spring runoff. Since 1960, the mean annual flow has been 44.5 cfs. However, Crab Creek essentially has two flow regimes (winter and summer). Flow in Crab Creek is highly variable (unpredictable) in January through April, and relatively stable (predictable) from May to December. High flows can occur from January through April and, in some years, large winter/spring runoff events have produced flows greater than the entire annual flow of Rocky Ford Creek. Large winter/spring runoffs (>500 cfs) have occurred during 40% of the last 40 years, with four large events occurring in four successive years in the late 1990s. Between October 2000 and September 2001, there was not a winter/spring runoff event. In fact, the 2000-01 water year flow was the lowest since 1977. There was discontinuous flow below Brook Lake the entire

10 Pitz, C. (2003). Moses Lake Total Maximum Daily Load Groundwater Study (Publication No. 00-03-005). Olympia, WA. Washington State Department of Ecology. Retrieved from 11 Cusimano, R. F., and Ward, W. J. (1998). Rocky Ford Creek TMDL Study (Publication No. 98-326). Olympia, WA. Washington State Department of Ecology. Retrieved from 12 Carroll, J. V. (2006). Moses Lake phosphorus-response model and recommendations to reduce phosphorus loading (Publication No. 06-03-011). Olympia, WA. Washington State Department of Ecology. Retrieved from

CHAPTER 2 19 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 year, until a gradual accumulation of subsurface seepage (and possible irrigation returns) around the Gloyd Seeps area again provided for a small surface flow into Moses Lake. Summer time flows into Moses Lake from Crab Creek initiate from these sub-surface (or return) flows near Gloyd Seeps.11 The Rocky Coulee Wasteway is an engineered canal that enters Crab Creek just upstream of Moses Lake. The wasteway primarily carries releases from the East Low Canal with some intermittent natural runoff from Rocky Coulee.

Change in Flow Regime: The Bureau of Reclamation identified Crab Creek and Frenchman Hills Wasteway as the preferred alternative to supply additional water to the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District (SCBID). This alternative releases feed water from Billy Clapp Reservoir through a 4ft by 4ft outlet into Brook Lake, a natural waterbody within the Crab Creek channel. The water is then conveyed down Crab Creek into Moses Lake and the Potholes Reservoir. Water is also released from Billy Clapp Reservoir via the Main Canal and West Canal, into the Frenchman Hills Wasteway, and then into Potholes Reservoir. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) requested an option be included for Crab Creek with occasional higher flows in the spring. To accommodate WDFW’s request and meet the water supply demands of the SCBID the following flow targets were devised: approximately 100cfs of base flow released from Billy Clapp Reservoir year-round with a larger spring feed of up to 500cfs occurring between April 1 and June 30. The spring flow regime is implemented with the input of fish and wildlife agencies. This flow regime lasts no longer than two seasons and is expected to reoccur about every decade. Between cycles, perennial flows are resumed.13

Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIAs): Portions of WRIA 41 (Lower Crab), WRIA-42 (Grand Coulee), and WRIA-43 (Upper Crab-Wilson) fall within the planning area. Most of the precipitation within all three WRIAs arrives during the winter months, when water demands are the lowest. During the summer, the snowpack is gone, there is little rain, and naturally low stream flows are dependent on groundwater inflow. This means that groundwater and surface water are least available when water demands are the highest. Only a fraction of the annual precipitation in each area becomes groundwater that’s available for human and economic uses.

WRIA 41 (Lower Crab): The Lower Crab Watershed located in eastern Washington includes the portion of the Crab Creek between Ephrata and its confluence with the Columbia River. In addition, there are numerous tributary creeks and streams of which most are seasonal. Annual precipitation ranges from 7 inches per year in the Beverly area, to somewhat over 10 inches in the higher elevations.14

Water Resource Inventory Area 42 (Grand Coulee): The Grand Coulee Watershed located in eastern Washington includes a number of reservoirs, small lakes and streams. The two reservoirs of note are Banks Lake and Billy Clapp Lake. These are used in part as control

13 Washington State Department of Ecology, Office of Columbia River. (n.d.). Potholes Supplemental Feed Route. Retrieved from 14 Washington State Department of Ecology. (2012). Focus on Water Availability: Lower Crab Watershed, WRIA 41 (Publication No. 11-11-045). Retrieved from


reservoirs for the Columbia Basin Project and are supplied by water diverted from the Columbia River. In addition, many of the smaller streams and some of the lakes are seasonal. The annual precipitation in the Grand Coulee Watershed ranges from 7 inches per year in the Soap Lake area, to 12 inches in the higher elevations.15

Water Resource Inventory Area 43 (Upper Crab-Wilson): The Upper Crab-Wilson Watershed located in eastern Washington includes that portion of the Upper Crab Creek above Stratford and Wilson Creek. In addition, there are numerous tributary creeks and streams of which most are seasonal. The annual precipitation in the Upper Crab-Wilson Watershed ranges from 8 inches per year near Stratford, to 15 inches in the higher elevations.16


The Moses Lake/Crab Creek GRP planning area falls within the Central Basin region of Washington, which has the lowest precipitation rates in Washington State. Annual precipitation averages around 7 inches. Precipitation is commonly associated with summer thunderstorms and winter rains and snowfall. Snowfall depths rarely exceed 8 to 15 inches and occur from December through February. High temperatures in January can range from 30F to 40F degrees with low temperatures between 15F to 25F degrees. Summer high temperatures are usually in the lower 90s (F) with low temperatures in the upper 50s (F).17 The Central Basin is subject to “chinook” winds which produce a rapid rise in temperature.

Prevailing winds in the area are generally from the north in August through April, and south and south-southwest in May through July.18 Average wind speed at the Moses Lake Airport is 7.3mph. The lightest winds are usually experienced in December at 5.9mph. Winds are typically strongest in May and June with average wind speeds of 8.5 to 8.6mph, respectively. 19


Waters within the Moses Lake/Crab Creek GRP planning area are not influenced by tides or tidal currents.

15 Washington State Department of Ecology. (2012). Focus on Water Availability: Grand Coulee Watershed, WRIA 42 (Publication No. 11-11-046). Retrieved from 16 Washington State Department of Ecology. (2012). Focus on Water Availability: Upper Crab-Wilson Watershed, WRIA 43 (Publication No. 11-11-047). Retrieved from 17 Anchor QEA, LLC. (2013). Final Draft Shoreline Inventory, Analysis, and Characterization Report Grant County SMPP Update. Retrieved from 18 Western Region Climate Center. (n.d.). Average Wind Direction (Moses Lake AP, WA (KMWH)). Retrieved from 19 Western Region Climate Center. (n.d.). Average Wind Speeds - MPH (Moses Lake Airport ASOS). Retrieved from



The Moses Lake / Crab Creek area is plentiful in natural, cultural, and economic resources, all at risk of injury from oil spills. Potential oil spill risks include, but aren’t limited to, road transportation, rail transportation, oil pipelines, aircraft, recreational boating, and other oil spill risks. This section briefly discusses these risks and how they could impact the Moses Lake and the greater GRP planning area.

Road Transportation Vehicle traffic on roadways pose an oil spill risk in the area. Commercial trucks can contain hundreds to thousands of gallons of fuel and oil, and almost any kind of hazardous waste or material. An accident involving a fully loaded tank truck on the Interstate-90 Bridge across Moses Lake, or on Highway 17 crossing over Crab Creek or Rocky Ford Creek, could result in a substantial oil spill. Smaller vehicle accidents pose a similar risk, commensurate to the volume of fuel and oil they carry. Spills from vehicles onto roadways could cause fuel or oil to flow from ditches or harden surfaces into streams, creeks, wasteways, or storm water systems ultimately impacting Moses Lake, Crab Creek, Rocky Ford Creek or other streams in the area.

Rail Transportation and Facilities Train locomotives typically hold several thousand gallons of diesel fuel plus large quantities of lube and motor oils. Loaded train tank cars can contain tens of thousands of gallons of crude oil or other petroleum products. Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad’s Columbia River Subdivision crosses the headwaters of Rocky Ford Creek south of Soap Lake and generally runs adjacent to Crab Creek between Adrian and Odessa. Further upstream, the subdivision crosses Crab Creek near Bluestem Road about 4 miles west of Edwall. The Columbia River Subdivision is used for mostly intermodal trains coming from or going to Seattle and empty trains. There are however mixed cargo trains that can also carry Hazardous Materials and Petroleum Products on this line.

Oil Pipelines The Yellowstone Pipeline crosses Crab Creek at three locations; within the cities of Moses Lake and Odessa, and in northeastern Grant County about a mile downstream from the boundary with Lincoln County. The pipeline transports thousands of gallons of refined petroleum products each year; mainly diesel and gasoline. If the pipeline were to leak or rupture, impact to sensitive resources in the area could be significant.

Aircraft Grant County International Airport is located north of the City of Moses Lake, adjacent to the Rocky Ford Arm of the lake, opposite Highway 17. There is always a potential for aircraft failures during inbound and outbound flights that could result in fuel releases to water.


Recreational Boating Accidents involving recreational water craft on Moses Lake could result in spills of a few gallons of fuel oil to several dozen gallons. Accidents could include a vessel grounding, fire, sinking, or explosion. Bilge discharges and refueling operations could also occur (and are likely most common) and also have the potential to impact sensitive resources on Moses Lake and in the area.

Fuel Storage Tanks The storage of fuel in Above Surface Tanks (ASTs) and Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) on lands near or adjacent to Moses Lake, Rocky Ford Creek, Crab Creek, or tributary streams pose an oil spill risk. ASTs with no secondary containment system to catch and contain oil leaking from the primary container/tank are especially concerning. Inadequate or breached secondary containment systems are also a concern since they might not hold the entire contents of an AST if lost. Without detection, oil product seeping from a UST could migrate through soil into nearby waterways. Fuel storage tanks of various sizes and ages exist through most of the planning area. Home heating tanks can hold hundreds of gallons of fuel while tanks used for commercial purposes, including farming and agriculture, can hold thousands of gallons of oil products.

Other Spill Risks Other potential oil spill risks in the area include road run-off during rain events, on-shore or near shore construction activities where heavy equipment is being operated, and the migration of spilled oil through soil on lands adjacent to the lake or along creek/stream banks.


Anchor QEA, LLC. (2013). Final Draft Shoreline Inventory, Analysis, and Characterization Report Grant County SMPP Update. Retrieved from

Bain, R. C., Jr. (1987). Moses Lake Clean Lake Project, Final Stage 3 Report.

Baker, V. R. ( 1973). Paleohydrology and sedimentology of Lake Missoula flooding in eastern Washington. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 144, 79.

Baker, V. R. (2008). The channeled scabland - a retrospective. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 37, 6.1-6.19. doi: 10.1146/

Bandfield, J. L., Edgett, K. S., and Christensen, P. R. (2002). Spectroscopic study of the Moses Lake dune field, Washington—Determination of compositional distributions and source lithologies. Journal Geophysical Research, 107, E11, 15.

Bretz, J. H. (1927). Channeled scabland and the Spokane flood. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 17, 200-211.


Brigg, G. B. (1958). Peat Resources of Washington (Bulletin No. 44). Olympia, WA. State of Washington Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology. Retrieved from

Carroll, J. V. (2006). Moses Lake phosphorus-response model and recommendations to reduce phosphorus loading (Publication No. 06-03-011). Olympia, WA. Washington State Department of Ecology. Retrieved from

Cusimano, R. F., and Ward, W. J. (1998). Rocky Ford Creek TMDL Study (Publication No. 98-326). Olympia, WA. Washington State Department of Ecology. Retrieved from

Magirl, C. S., Cox, S. E., Mastin, M. C., and Huffman, R. L. (2010). Sediment Loading from Crab Creek and Other Sources to Moses Lake, Washington, 2007 and 2008. United States Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report, 2010–5001.

Pitz, C. (2003). Moses Lake Total Maximum Daily Load Groundwater Study (Publication No. 00-03- 005). Olympia, WA. Washington State Department of Ecology. Retrieved from

Washington State Department of Ecology. (2012). Focus on Water Availability: Grand Coulee Watershed, WRIA 42 (Publication No. 11-11-046). Retrieved from

Washington State Department of Ecology. (2012). Focus on Water Availability: Lower Crab Watershed, WRIA 41 (Publication No. 11-11-045). Retrieved from

Washington State Department of Ecology. (2012). Focus on Water Availability: Upper Crab-Wilson Watershed, WRIA 43 (Publication No. 11-11-047). Retrieved from

Washington State Department of Ecology, Office of Columbia River. (n.d.). Potholes Supplemental Feed Route. Retrieved from

Western Region Climate Center. (n.d.). Average Wind Direction (Moses Lake AP, WA (KMWH)). Retrieved from

Western Region Climate Center. (n.d.). Average Wind Speeds - MPH (Moses Lake Airport ASOS). Retrieved from




SPILL RESPONSE OPTIONS Irby Odessa Reardon Stratford MosesLake Highway23 AND CONSIDERATIONS CreekWilson Krupp/ Marlin

Rivers Creeks ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Lakes ● Pool Area formed by Dam Tidally Influenced Areas Waterbody ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Wetland Area(s) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Intermittent Streams (Seasonal Flow)

Source Control and Containment Activities ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Aerial / Vessel Surveillance Activities ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Activities ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Air Boat Use (Areas Recommended) Collection for Skimming Operations (Note:1) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Vessel Based Skimming Operations (Note:2) ● Shore Based Skimming Operations (Note:3) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Shoreside Protection Booming (Note:4) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Shoreside Cleanup Activities (Note: 5) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

PotentialResponse Options In-Situ Burning Dispersant Use

Shoreside Access can be Limited by Geography ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Shoreside Access can be Limited by Private Property ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● State or National Wildlife Refuge / Recreation Area ● ● ● Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas Nearby (IBA) ● Public or Commercial Marina(s) in Area Commercial Vessel Movement / Port Area Recreational Boat Traffic ● Tribal Lands or U and A Interests (Note: 6) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Considerations Historic / Cultural District(s) in Area Dam(s) in Area ● Interstate Highway Corridor ● Oil Movement by Rail in Area ● ● ● ● ● Oil Pipeline(s) in Area ● ●

See the Northwest Area Contingency Plan (NWACP - Section 1900) for more information on the terminology used on this sheet. The NWACP is available online at


Note 1: Collection for Skimming Operations response options should include use of enhanced skimming using a U- boom, V–boom, or J–boom configuration in waters large enough for boats to maneuver (e.g., lake, large river).

Note 2: Vessel Based Skimming Operations response options should include use of advancing skimmers: weir, belt, brush, drum, or other skimmer types.

Note 3: Shore Based Skimming Operations response options should include use of fixed skimmers: weir, belt, brush, drum, or other skimmer types.

Note 4: Shoreline Protection should include the deployment of response strategies (boom) to divert and collect oil off of the water before shoreline areas are impacted, or deflect and exclude oil away from shoreline areas. These strategies include those published in this document (GRP response strategies), those provided in other plans (e.g., facility contingency plans), and “ad-hoc” strategies developed during the spill itself. A culvert block or underflow dam might be installed to aid in the recovery of spilled oil in small streams or those with intermittent flow.

Note 5: Shoreside Cleanup options depend on safe and efficient access to locations and the type of river, creek, or stream bank present. Potential activities could include flooding, flushing, manual removal, vacuum, mechanical removal, sorbents, vegetation cutting, mechanical tilling/aeration, and/or sediment reworking/surf washing.

Note 6: This sheet doesn’t represent all locations where Tribes and Tribal Nations have lands or areas of specific interest (including lands established by treaty or rights to Usual and Accustom areas). Early coordination with tribal governments is highly recommended during a response, regardless of the spill location or potential impact areas.

Figure 3-1: Response Options and Considerations Area





October 2015



This chapter provides information on GRP response strategies and the order (priority) they should be implemented based on Potential Oil Spill Origin Points (POSOPs), and the proximity of sensitive resources to them. Area maps, sector maps, and information on staging areas and boat launch locations are also provided in this chapter. During a spill incident, GRP response strategies should be implemented as soon as possible. Unless circumstances unique to a particular spill situation dictate otherwise, the priority tables in Section 4.3 should be used to decide the order that GRP strategies are deployed. The movement of oil and the time it takes to mobilize response resources to deploy GRP strategies must always be considered when setting implementation priorities. Response equipment type and location information can be found on the Western Response Resource List (WRRL). The WRRL is available online at Information on shoreline countermeasures can be found in the Northwest Area Shoreline Countermeasures Manual (NWACP Section 9420). The Northwest Area Contingency Plan (NWACP) is available online at

The GRP strategies provided in this chapter have been created to reduce spilled oil’s impact on sensitive resources. They are not everything that should or could be done during a response to lessen the chance of injury to natural, cultural, and economic resources at risk from oil spills. Although designed to be implemented during the initial phase of an oil spill, GRP strategies may continue to be used throughout a response at the discretion of the Incident Commander or Unified Command.

4.1.1 On-site Considerations:

Before Deploying a GRP Strategy: (Questions to Ask)

 Are conditions safe? Response managers and responders must first determine if efforts to implement a response strategy would pose an undue risk to worker safety or the public, based on conditions present during the time of the emergency. No strategy should be implemented if doing so would threaten public safety or present an unreasonable risk to the safety of responders.  Has initial control and containment been sufficiently achieved? Source control and containment of the spill at or near the source of a spill are always higher priorities than the deployment of GRP response strategies, especially when concurrent response activities are not possible.  How far downstream or out into the lake or marine environment is the spilled oil likely to travel before response personnel will be ready and able to deploy GRP response strategies?


 Are emergency permits required? Consult the Northwest Area Contingency Plan Permit Summary Table (NWACP Section 9401) for information specific to your location and circumstance.  Will equipment or vehicles need to be staged on or near a roadway? If so, traffic control may be required. Contact the Washington State Patrol or local, county, municipality, or tribal police for assistance. At minimum, Washington Department of Transportation (WADOT) guidelines for work zone traffic control should be followed when working on or near a roadway.

o Washington State Patrol (District 6 - Wenatchee): (509) 682-8090

o Washington State Patrol (District 4 - Spokane): (509) 227-6566

o Washington State Patrol (Moses Lake Detachment): (509) 765-6171

o Grant County Sheriff (509) 762-1160

o Lincoln County Sheriff: (509) 725-3501

o Moses Lake Police Department (509) 762-1160

During Strategy Implementation (Things to Remember)  On-scene conditions (weather, currents, tides, waves, river speed, and debris) may require that strategies be modified in order to be effective. There is a significant chance that weather and conditions experienced at a particular strategy location during an actual spill event will be different from that when data was gathered during field visits. Response managers and responders must remain flexible and modify the strategies provided in this chapter as needed to meet the challenges experienced during an actual response.  Certain strategies may call for access points or staging areas that are not easily reached at all times of the year or in all conditions.  Oil containment boom must be free of twists, gaps, and debris in order to remain effective.  The GRP response strategies provided in this chapter were designed for use with persistent heavy oils that float on water and may not be suitable for other petroleum products or hazardous substances.


After Strategy Implementation (Things to Understand)  Oil containment boom should be maintained and periodically monitored to ensure its effectiveness. Changes in river or current speed will likely require modifications to boom deflection angles (see Table 4-9). Depending on conditions, some booming strategies may require around-the-clock tending.  Although designed for implementation during the initial phase of an oil spill, GRP strategies may continue to be deployed and implemented throughout the entire lifespan of a response, as determined appropriate and necessary by the Incident Commander or Unified Command.

Water Speed and Boom Deflection Angle

Measure the speed that water is moving by anchoring a line with two floating markers/buoys attached that are spaced 100 feet apart. Time the movement of floating debris between the two buoys, and then use Table 4.1 to estimate the water speed based on the travel time of the debris between the two buoys. You can also measure 100 feet along a straight portion of river bank or shoreline, and time the movement of debris between those points, but this method is generally less accurate than using the buoys. The maximum boom deflection angle is also provided in the table, based on the water speed measurements.

4.1.2 Historical River Streamflow Ranges:

Streamflow data from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) was used to determine the mean monthly discharge for rivers and streams in the planning area. Stream discharge is recorded in cubic feet per second (cfs); velocities in miles per hour (mph) or nautical miles per hour (knots) are not available. Table 4.1 provides information that can be used to calculate local river velocities on-site, based on the time it takes a floating object to drift 100 feet downstream from any given point in a river or creek. Additional information for USGS gage stations in the planning area are provided below (hyperlinked column headers), and may include real-time or near real-time streamflow data. The USGS National Water System Mapper is useful for locating gage stations of interest, and is available online at


Table 4-1: Water Speed Drift Measurement Table

Time to Max Boom Drift Deflection Boom required for Anchors needed if Placed Every 50 100 Feet Velocity Velocity Velocity Angle 100-foot Profile to Current feet (seconds) (ft/sec) (m/sec) (knots) (degrees) (feet) (number)

6 16.7 5.1 10.00 4.0 1,429 30

8 12.5 3.8 7.50 5.4 1,071 22

10 10.0 3.1 6.00 6.7 857 18

12 8.3 2.5 5.00 8.0 714 15

14 7.1 2.2 4.29 9.4 612 13

17 5.9 1.8 3.53 11.4 504 11

20 5.0 1.5 3.00 13.5 429 10

24 4.2 1.3 2.50 16.3 357 8

30 3.3 1.0 2.00 20.5 286 7

40 2.5 0.8 1.50 27.8 214 5

60 1.7 0.5 1.00 44.4 143 4

>86 ≤1.2 ≤0.35 ≤0.70 90.0 100 3

Source: Oil Spill Response in Fast Currents. A Field Guide. U.S. Coast Guard Research and Development Center. October, 2001


Table 4-2: Historic Stream Flow for Crab Creek (USGS Gauge Stations)

Monthly average flow in Cubic Feet per Second (cfs)

Crab Creek Crab Creek near Moses Lake at Irby

USGS 12467000 USGS 12465000

Jan 52 93 Feb 103 197

Mar 132 184 Apr 71 98 May 46 48 Jun 46 33 Jul 56 19 Aug 65 12

Sep 68 8.3 Oct 58 7 Nov 35 7.1 Dec 23 16


Figure 4-1: Historic streamflow for Crab Creek



The following maps provide a geographic overview of the Moses Lake/Crab Creek GRP area. Sector maps in Section 4.4 of this chapter provide more detail on the location of response strategies, notification strategies, staging areas, boat launch locations, and potential oil spill origin points. Detailed information for each location can be found in the matrices of Section 4.5 or in the chapter appendices. Priority tables for potential oil spill origin points can be found in Section 4.3.2.

The following area maps are provided for reference:

 Response Strategy Locations

 Notification Strategy Locations

 Staging Areas

 Boat Launch Locations

 Potential Oil Spill Origin Points


Figure 4-2: Response strategy locations in area


Figure 4-3: Notification strategy locations in area


Figure 4-4: Staging area locations


Figure 4-5: Boat launch locations in area


Figure 4-6: Potential oil spill origin points in area



4.3.1 General Response Priorities

The following list provides the order of response priorities after an oil spill.

1. Safety is always the number one priority. Do not implement GRP strategies or take actions that will unduly jeopardize public, worker, or personal safety. 2. Notify local public health and safety personnel. 3. Control and contain the source of the spill; mobilize resources to the spill location. Source control and containment are always a higher priority than the implementation of GRP strategies. 4. Determine the priority or order GRP strategies should be implemented based on the location of the spill or affected area. Priorities based on Potential Oil Spill Origin Points are included in this chapter and should be used unless the situation or circumstances dictate otherwise (see Section 4.3.2). 5. As response resources become available, implement the GRP Strategies in order of priority. 6. In Washington State, if strategy implementation reduces, interrupts, or diverts the flow of water in streams, including the installation of a culvert block or underflow dam, an Emergency HPA must be obtained from WDFW (24-hour pager: (360) 534-8233). Other permits may also be required; see the Northwest Area Contingency Plan (Section 9401) Permit Summary Table for information.

4.3.2 Strategy Priorities based on Potential Spill Origin Points Potential Oil Spill Origin Points (POSOP) are geographic locations that have a defined list of response strategy implementation priorities in a matching table of Section 4.3. The placement of each POSOP is often based on spill risks in the area, including oil pipelines, railways, highways/roadways, tributaries, and vessel movements. Intersections of two or more of these risk locations typically represent a higher spill risk than any one individually, increasing the probability of an oil spill. Occasionally POSOPs are generalized to ensure implementation priorities are developed throughout an entire planning area.

These points are displayed on area overview and sector maps as red boxes. In establishing response priorities during a response, or selecting an appropriate POSOP, the downstream and tidal movement of spilled oil and the time it takes to mobilize and deploy response resources must be considered. Generally, GRP strategies should first be implemented downstream, well beyond the furthest extent of the

CHAPTER 4 40 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 spill, with deployments continuing upstream towards the spill source and in some cases slightly beyond. POSOPs are alphabetically designated.

The following tables provide the strategy implementation order for POSOPs in the Moses Lake/Crab Creek area; points MOLK-A, and CRAB-A through CRAB-E. These priority tables were determined using a combination of variables, including: notification time, travel time for responders and equipment, average and seasonal flow rates, average winds, tides or currents, deployment time, proximity to potential spill sources, and other considerations.

Source control and containment are a higher priority than GRP strategy implementation


Table 4-3: Priority Table “MOLK-A” (Moses Lake at I 90 Bridge)

Sector Strategy Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Priority Strategy Number Map Matrix Priority Strategy Number Map Matrix Details Details Page# Page# Page# Page# Page#

N - Winds from the NORTH E - Winds from the EAST

1 MOLK-39.0 58 74 165 1 MOLK-39.0 58 74 165

2 MOLK-39.3 58 74 167 2 MOLK-39.3 58 74 167

3 MOLK-42.9 58 75 169 3 MOLK-42.9 58 75 169

S - Winds from the SOUTH W - Winds from the WEST

1 MOLK-15.0a 58 73 161 1 MOLK-15.0a 58 73 161

2 MOLK-15.0b 58 74 163 2 MOLK-15.0b 58 74 163

3 CRABC-0.0a 59 61 81 3 CRABC-0.0a 59 61 81

4 MOLK-42.9 58 75 169 4 MOLK-42.9 58 75 169

NE - Winds from the NORTHEAST NW - Winds from the NORTHWEST

1 MOLK-39.0 58 74 165 1 MOLK-42.9 58 75 169

2 MOLK-39.3 58 74 167 SW - Winds from the SOUTHWEST

3 MOLK-42.9 58 75 169 1 MOLK-15.0a 58 73 161

SE - Winds from the SOUTHEAST 2 MOLK-15.0b 58 74 163

1 MOLK-42.9 58 75 169 3 CRABC-0.0a 59 61 81

4 MOLK-42.9 58 75 169


Table 4-4: Priority Table “CRABC-A” (Crab Creek in Moses Lake at Hwy 17 Bridge)

“CRABC-A” (Crab Creek in Moses Lake at Hwy 17 Bridge)

Sector Strategy Strategy Priority Strategy Number Map Matrix Details Page# Page# Page#

1 CRABC-0.0a 59 61 81

2 CRABC-0.0b 59 61 83

3 CRABC-0.2 59 61 85

4 CRABC-0.3 59 61 87

5 CRABC-0.4 59 62 89

6 CRABC_0.5 59 62 91

7 MOLK-15.0a 58 73 161

8 MOLK-15.0b 58 74 163


Table 4-5: Priority Table “CRABC-B” (Crab Creek in Moses Lake at Road 7 NE)

“CRABC-B” (Crab Creek in Moses Lake at Road 7 NE)

Sector Strategy Strategy Priority Strategy Number Map Matrix Details Page# Page# Page#

1 CRABC-0.7a 59 62 93

2 CRABC-0.8 59 63 99

3 CRABC-1.1a 59 64 103

4 CRABC-1.1b 59 64 105

5 CRABC-1.2 59 65 107

6 CRABC-3.9 57 65 109

7 CRABC-1.0 59 64 101

8 CRABC-0.7c 59 63 97

9 CRABC-0.7b 59 63 95


Table 4-6: Priority Table “CRABC-C” (Crab Creek in Odessa)

"CRABC-C" (Crab Creek in Odessa)

Sector Strategy Strategy Priority Strategy Number Map Matrix Details Remarks Page# Page# Page#

1 CRABC-60.2 52 69 135

2 CRABC-60.4 52 70 137

3 CRABC-61.1 52 70 139 Intermittent Stream Flow

4 CRABC-63.7 52 70 141

5 CRABC-54.7 53 69 133

6 CRABC-54.1 53 69 131


Table 4-7: Priority Table “CRABC-D” (Crab Creek near Edwall)

"CRABC-D" (Crab Creek near Edwall)

Sector Strategy Strategy Priority Strategy Number Map Matrix Details

1 CRABC-110.3 49 71 149

2 CRABC-114.8 49 72 151


Table 4-8: Priority Table “CRABC-E” (Crab Creek near Reardan)

"CRABC-E" (Crab Creek near Reardan)

Sector Strategy Strategy Priority Strategy Number Map Matrix Details Remarks Page# Page# Page#

1 CRABC-126.7 48 72 153 Intermittent Stream Flow

2 CRABC-128.4 48 72 155 Intermittent Stream Flow

3 CRABC-128.6 48 73 157 Intermittent Stream Flow



Figure 4-7: Sector Map “MLCC-1”


Figure 4-8: Sector Map “MLCC-2”



Figure 4-9: Sector Map “MLCC-3”


Figure 4-10: Sector Map “MLCC-4”


Figure 4-11: Sector Map “MLCC-5”



Figure 4-12: Sector Map “MLCC-6”


Figure 4-13: Sector Map “MLCC-7”


Figure 4-14: Sector Map “MLCC-8”


Figure 4-15: Sector Map “MLCC-9”



Figure 4-16: Sector Map “MLCC-10”


Figure 4-17: Sector Map “MLCC-11”


Figure 4-18: Sub-Sector Map “MLCC-11a”



4.5.1 Naming Conventions (Short Names)

Each strategy, staging area, and boat launch location in this document has been given a unique “Short Name” which includes one to six letters denoting the associated waterbody. Following the letters are numbers that specify the location. On rivers or other linear waterbodies, the location is named by river mile: the distance from the mouth of the river or creek upstream to the site location. Some short names indicate whether the site is located on river right, river left, or mid-river by an “R”, “L” or “M” after the river mile. On lakes, the numbers indicate the location by shoreline mile, typically starting at the northernmost point and increasing clockwise around the lake. In marine areas, the numbers do not have a geographic meaning. Notification strategies are indicated by an “-N” at the end of the name. Staging Areas and Boat Launches are indicated by an “SA-“ or “BL-“ prefix.

Associated short name designations used within this plan include:

CRABC = Crab Creek N = Notification Strategy LORDC = Lords Creek SA = Staging Area MOLK = Moses Lake BL = Boat Launch


4.5.2 Response Strategy Matrices

Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-0.0a Crab Creek at N Exclusion Boom 200ft Yes Remote Bald Eagle, Transport boom/ 59 81 Stratford Road Freshwater equipment to site from Bridge Stage at SA-CRABC-0.6; Wetlands, staging area (SA- Use Boat Launch at Blue Freshwater CRABC-0.6) using 47.13405 Heron Park (BL-MOLK- Wildlife, workboat from Blue -119.27818 43.2). Habitat and Heron Park (BL-MOLK- Waterfowl 43.2). Modify strategy as needed based on stream flow conditions.

CRABC-0.0b Crab Creek at N Exclusion Boom 100ft Yes Remote Bald Eagle, Culvert has large metal 59 83 Stratford Road Freshwater attachment that (North Culvert) Stage at SA-CRABC-0.6; Wetlands, extends 6ft out into the Use Boat Launch at Blue Freshwater lake and may be 47.13520 Heron Park (BL-MOLK- Wildlife, submerged during -119.27811 43.2). Habitat and high water. Waterfowl

CRABC-0.2 Crab Creek - N Collection Boom 600ft Yes Onsite Bald Eagle, No Information 59 85 Stratford Road Freshwater (Collection 2) Stage equipment onsite; Wetlands, Use Boat Launch at Blue Freshwater 47.13628 Heron Park (BL-MOLK- Wildlife, -119.27666 43.2). Habitat and Waterfowl

CRABC-0.3 Lower Crab Creek Diversion Boom 700ft Yes Remote Bald Eagle, Transport 59 87 (Diversion 2) Freshwater boom/equipment to Stage at SA-CRABC-0.6; Wetlands, site from staging area 47.13737 Use Boat Launch at Blue Freshwater (SA-CRABC-0.6) using -119.27403 Heron Park (BL-MOLK- Wildlife, workboat from Blue 43.2). Habitat and Heron Park (BL-MOLK- Waterfowl 43.2). Modify strategy as needed based on stream flow conditions.


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-0.4 Lower Crab Creek Collection Boom 600ft Yes Remote Bald Eagle, Transport 59 89 (Collection 1) Freshwater boom/equipment to Stage equipment at SA- Wetlands, site from staging area 47.13837 CRABC-0.6; Use Boat Freshwater (SA-CRABC-0.6) using -119.27461 Launch at Blue Heron Wildlife, workboat from Blue Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Habitat and Heron Park (BL-MOLK- Waterfowl 43.2). Modify strategy as needed based on stream flow conditions.

CRABC-0.5 Lower Crab Creek Diversion Boom 600ft Yes Remote Bald Eagle, Transport 59 91 (Diversion 1) Freshwater boom/equipment to Stage at SA-CRABC-0.6; Wetlands, site from staging area 47.13912 Use Boat Launch at Blue Freshwater (SA-CRABC-0.6) using -119.27325 Heron Park (BL-MOLK- Wildlife, workboat from Blue 43.2). Habitat and Heron Park (BL-MOLK- Waterfowl 43.2). Modify strategy as needed based on stream flow conditions.

CRABC-0.7a Crab Creek at Hwy Exclusion Boom 200ft Yes Remote Downstream Call Moses Lake 59 93 17 Bridge Habitat, Trucking for Access; Stage at SA-CRABC-0.7 Downstream 509-765-1387. May be 47.14175 (Moses Lake Trucking Resources, able to launch larger -119.26862 Yard) on creek left near Freshwater workboat during strategy location. Wetlands, periods of high water Freshwater from BL-CRABC-0.9 Wildlife just upstream on creek left.


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-0.7b Crab Creek - Hwy Exclusion Boom 100ft Yes Remote Freshwater Call Moses Lake 59 95 17 (NW of Bridge) Wetlands, Trucking for Access; Stage at SA-CRABC-0.7 Freshwater 509-765-1387. May be 47.14195 (Moses Lake Trucking Wildlife able to launch larger -119.26923 Yard) on creek left near workboat during strategy location. periods of high water from BL-CRABC-0.9 just upstream on creek left.

CRABC-0.7c Crab Creek - Hwy Exclusion Boom 100ft, Yes Remote Downstream Call Moses Lake 59 97 17 (SE of Bridge) Resources, Trucking for Access; Sorbent Stage at SA-CRABC-0.7 Freshwater 509-765-1387. May be 47.14166 200ft (Moses Lake Trucking Wildlife able to launch larger -119.26821 Yard) on creek left near workboat during strategy location. periods of high water from BL-CRABC-0.9 just upstream on creek left.

CRABC-0.8 Crab Creek Collection Boom 300ft Yes Onsite Downstream Call Moses Lake 59 99 upstream of Habitat, Trucking for Access; Highway 17 Stage at SA-CRABC-0.7 Downstream 509-765-1387. May be (Collection) (Moses Lake Trucking Resources, able to launch larger Yard) on creek left near Freshwater workboat during 47.14273 strategy location. Wetlands, periods of high water -119.26724 Freshwater from BL-CRABC-0.9 Wildlife just upstream on creek left.


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-1.0 Crab Creek - Exclusion Boom 300ft, Yes Remote Downstream Hand-launch small 59 101 Unnamed Island Habitat, workboat and (North End) Sorbent Stage at SA-CRABC-1.1 Downstream transport 200ft about 0.1 miles Resources, boom/equipment to 47.14470 upstream. Freshwater site from staging area -119.26619 Wetlands, (SA-CRABC-1.1) about Freshwater 0.1 miles upstream. Wildlife Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to creek banks.

CRABC-1.1a Crab Creek - Collection Boom 300ft Yes Onsite Downstream Must use hand-launch 59 103 Kinder Road Habitat, workboat from this (Collection) Staging Area SA-CRABC- Downstream location to implement 1.1 is onsite; stage Resources, strategy. 47.14589 equipment on dirt Freshwater -119.26484 trail/road. Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife

CRABC-1.1b Crab Creek - Deflection Boom 200ft Yes Onsite Downstream Must use hand-launch 59 105 Kinder Road NE Habitat, workboat from this (Deflection) Staging Area SA-CRABC- Downstream location to implement 1.1 is onsite; stage Resources, strategy. 47.14548 equipment on dirt Freshwater -119.26544 trail/road. Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-1.2 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 600ft Yes Onsite Downstream Notify Property Owner 59 107 Millerville Habitat, before arrival; call Worksite Staging Area SA- Downstream 509-765-8709 (Cherokee Road) CRABC-1.2 is onsite. Resources, (Millerville Rentals). Freshwater Must use hand-launch 47.14729 Wetlands, workboat from this -119.26369 Freshwater location to implement Wildlife strategy.

CRABC-3.9 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 400ft Yes Onsite Freshwater Modify strategy as 57 109 Chapparal Wetlands, needed, based on Drive NE Stage on site after Freshwater stream flow notifying Property Wildlife, conditions. Work with 47.18447 Owner. Grebes - private property -119.26434 Concentrations, owner on creek right Habitat and for access. Waterfowl, Shorebirds

CRABC-4.3a Crab Creek - 7NE Exclusion Boom 100ft, Yes Remote Freshwater Modify strategy as 57 111 Bridge Site #2 Wetlands, needed, based on (Upstream) Sorbent Stage at SA-CRABC-4.3, Freshwater stream flow 100ft gravel lot ~350ft east of Wildlife, conditions. 47.19009 bridge on north side of Grebes - -119.26615 road. Concentrations, Habitat and Waterfowl, Shorebirds


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-4.3b Crab Creek - 7NE Collection Boom 400ft, Yes Remote Freshwater Modify strategy as 57 113 Bridge Site #2 Wetlands, needed, based on (Downstream) Sorbent Stage at SA-CRABC-4.3, Freshwater stream flow 400ft gravel lot ~350ft east of Wildlife, conditions. Work with 47.18925 bridge on north side of Grebes - private property -119.26604 road. Concentrations, owner on creek left for Habitat and access. Waterfowl, Shorebirds

CRABC-7.0 Crab Creek - Moses Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Freshwater Modify strategy as 57 115 Lake-Stratford Wetlands, needed, based on Road Sorbent Stage in dirt/gravel lot Freshwater conditions. Follow 47.22542 200ft to left/west before Wildlife, WSDOT work zone -119.27786 bridge (~220ft before Grebes - traffic control south end of bridge) Concentrations, guidelines if working Habitat and on/near roadway. Use Waterfowl, plywood sheets to Shorebirds safely access river left.

CRABC-16.2 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 200ft, No Onsite Bald Eagle, Modify strategy as 56 117 Road 16 NE Freshwater needed, based on (Moses Lake) Sorbent Stage on shoulder or Wetlands, conditions. Follow 200ft behind guard rail near Grebes - WSDOT work zone 47.31997 NW corner of bridge Concentrations, traffic control -119.35699 (upstream side of Habitat and guidelines for working roadway on creek right) Waterfowl, on/near roadway. Resident Fish


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-21.8 Crab Creek - Road Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Intermittent flow at 55 119 20 NE (Soap Lake) Habitat, this location. Modify Sorbent Stage off roadway Freshwater strategy as needed, 47.38289 200ft at/near SW corner of Wetlands, based on conditions. -119.38483 bridge. Freshwater Follow WSDOT work Wildlife, zone traffic control Sensitive guidelines when Resources working on/near Nearby road/bridge.

CRABC-23.0 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 300ft, No Onsite Downstream Intermittent stream 55 121 Adrian Road NE Habitat, flow at this location. (Soap Lake) Sorbent Stage on dirt/gravel Downstream Modify strategy as 300ft pull-out trail on SE Resources, needed, based on 47.39231 corner of roadway Freshwater conditions. Follow -119.37453 before guard rail. Wetlands, WSDOT work zone Freshwater traffic control Wildlife guidelines if working on/near roadway.

CRABC-32.7 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 200ft No Onsite Freshwater Intermittent stream 54 123 Highway 28 - Site 2 Wetlands, flow at this location. Stage off shoulder of Freshwater Modify strategy as 47.43248 Hwy 28 on small pull- Wildlife, needed, based on -119.21860 off about 200ft west of Habitat and conditions. Follow bridge Waterfowl, WSDOT work zone Migratory traffic control Waterfowl, guidelines if working Shorebirds on/near Hwy.


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-35.8 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 200ft, No Onsite Downstream Intermittent stream 54 125 Highway 28 - Site 1 Habitat, flow at this location. Sorbent Very limited. Stage on Downstream Modify strategy as 47.42061 300ft shoulder of highway Resources, needed, based on -119.16495 behind guardrail (if Freshwater conditions. Follow possible) Wetlands, WSDOT work zone Freshwater traffic control Wildlife guidelines.

CRABC-37.8 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Bald Eagle, Intermittent stream 54 127 Railroad Street Freshwater flow at this location. (Wilson Creek) Sorbent Stage in dirt/gravel lot Wetlands, Modify strategy as 200ft near NE corner of Freshwater needed, based on 47.42275 bridge near BNSF rail Wildlife, conditions. Follow -119.13108 line. Habitat and WSDOT work zone Waterfowl, traffic control Resident Fish guidelines.

CRABC-45.8 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Bald Eagle, Intermittent stream 53 129 Urquhart Avenue Freshwater flow at this location. (Marlin) Sorbent Stage on or near Wetlands, Modify strategy as 200ft roadway. Work from Freshwater needed, based on 47.40988 bridge. Follow WSDOT Wildlife, conditions. Follow -118.98356 work zone traffic Habitat and WSDOT work zone control guidelines. Waterfowl, traffic control Listed IBA, guidelines if working Resident Fish on/near road/bridge.


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-54.1 Crab Creek - N Irby Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Bald Eagle, Modify strategy as 53 131 Road Bridge Freshwater needed, based on Sorbent Stage on or near Wetlands, conditions. Follow 47.36048 200ft roadway. Work from Freshwater WSDOT work zone -118.85033 bridge. Follow WSDOT Wildlife, traffic control work zone traffic Habitat and guidelines when control guidelines. Waterfowl, working on/near Listed IBA, road/bridge. Resident Fish

CRABC-54.7 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 200ft No Onsite Bald Eagle, Before deployment, 53 133 Beyond East End of Freshwater notify BNSF; call 800- Ott Road (Irby) Stage on or near Wetlands, 832-5452. Inform roadway on creek left Freshwater them that you'll be 47.35539 before RR bridge. Wildlife, temporarily working -118.83977 Follow WSDOT work Habitat and near tracks between zone traffic control Waterfowl, rail milepost 1561 & guidelines. Listed IBA, 1562 on the Columbia Resident Fish River sub in Irby, WA.

CRABC-60.2 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 200ft Yes Onsite Bald Eagle, Modify strategy as 52 135 Cemetery Road - Freshwater needed, based on Site 2 Stage on or near Wetlands, conditions. Follow roadway. Follow Freshwater WSDOT work zone 47.34782 WSDOT work zone Wildlife, traffic control -118.76128 traffic control Habitat and guidelines for working guidelines. Waterfowl, on roadway (as Listed IBA, needed). Resident Fish


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-60.4 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Bald Eagle, Modify strategy as 52 137 Cemetery Road - Freshwater needed, based on Site 1 Sorbent Stage on or near Wetlands, conditions. Follow 200ft roadway. Work from Freshwater WSDOT work zone 47.34534 bridge. Follow WSDOT Wildlife, traffic control -118.75873 work zone traffic Habitat and guidelines when control guidelines. Waterfowl, working on/near Listed IBA, road/bridge. Resident Fish

CRABC-61.1 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 100ft, Yes Onsite Bald Eagle, Intermittent stream 52 139 Napier Road Freshwater flow at this location. Sorbent Stage off Napier Road Wetlands, Modify strategy as 47.33863 100ft on dirt driveway/path Freshwater needed, based on -118.74779 into old ranch. Wildlife, stream flow Habitat and conditions. Waterfowl, Listed IBA, Sensitive Resources

CRABC-63.7 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Follow WSDOT work 52 141 Highway 28 Habitat, zone traffic control (Odessa) Sorbent Stage off NE corner of Downstream guidelines if staging on 200ft Hwy 28 bridge behind Resources, shoulder of roadway. 47.33277 guardrail (between Freshwater Modify strategy as -118.69856 guardrail and tracks). Wetlands, needed, based on 4x4 vehicle Freshwater stream flow recommended. Wildlife, Listed conditions. IBA


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-74.6 Crab Creek - Laney Collection Boom 300ft, No Onsite Freshwater Follow WSDOT work 51 143 Brothers Road N Wetlands, zone traffic control 47.31058 Sorbent Stage on shoulder of Freshwater guidelines if staging on -118.48678 300ft roadway or in gravel Wildlife, shoulder of roadway. pullout located ~400ft Habitat and Modify strategy as north of bridge. Waterfowl, needed, based on Herons, stream flow Resident Fish conditions.

CRABC-97.0 Crab Creek - Underflow Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Modify strategy as 50 145 Doerschlag Road Dam Habitat, needed, based on Sorbent Stage off Doerschlag Downstream stream flow 47.33174 200ft Road; gravel pull-out Resources, conditions. Install -118.13697 located on west side of Freshwater Underflow Dam on bridge. Wetlands, downnstream side of Freshwater bridge if time allows. Wildlife

CRABC-100.7 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Staging on shoulder of 50 147 Highway 23 near Habitat, Hwy 23 is very limited; Harding Road Sorbent Stage on shoulder of Downstream follow WSDOT work 200ft Hwy 23 (NE corner of Resources, zone traffic control 47.36038 roadway after Freshwater guidelines. Modify -118.10824 guardrail) Wetlands, strategy as needed, Freshwater based on stream flow Wildlife conditions.

CRABC-110.3 Crab Creek - Canby Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Modify strategy as 49 149 Bridge Road Habitat, needed, based on (Harrington) Sorbent Stage on shoulder of Downstream stream flow 200ft roadway or on roadway Resources, conditions. 47.46572 near bridge; follow Freshwater -118.10074 WSDOT work zone Wetlands, traffic control Freshwater guidelines. Wildlife


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-114.8 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Modify strategy as 49 151 Bluestem Road Habitat, needed, based on (Edwall) Sorbent Stage on shoulder of Downstream stream flow 200ft roadway; follow Resources, conditions. 47.50232 WSDOT work zone Freshwater -118.03804 traffic control Wetlands, guidelines. Freshwater Wildlife

CRABC-126.7 Crab Creek - Collection Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Creek has intermittent 48 153 Detour Road Resources, flow. Modify strategy Sorbent Stage on roadway Freshwater as needed, based on 47.63614 200ft shoulder; follow Wetlands, stream flow -117.94911 WSDOT work zone Freshwater conditions. traffic control Wildlife, guidelines. Sensitive Resources Nearby

CRABC-128.4 Crab Creek - Hwy Underflow Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Creek has intermittent 48 155 231 (Reardan) Dam Habitat, flow. Modify strategy Sorbent Stage at WSDOT SR 231 Downstream as needed, based on 47.65534 200ft Stockpile Site adjacent Resources, stream flow -117.93789 to creek right; call Freshwater conditions. Install WSDOT at 509-999- Wetlands, Underflow Dam if time 1712 in advance. Freshwater allows. Wildlife


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

CRABC-128.6 Crab Creek - Culvert Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Creek has intermittent 48 157 Alexander Road Block Habitat, flow. Modify strategy (Reardan) Sorbent Stage on roadway; Downstream as needed, based on 200ft follow WSDOT work Resources, stream flow 47.65760 zone traffic control Freshwater conditions. Install -117.93529 guidelines. Wetlands, culvert block if time Freshwater allows. Wildlife

LORDC-0.4 Lords Creek - Underflow Boom 100ft, No Onsite Downstream Creek has intermittent 50 159 Harding Road E Dam Habitat, flow. Modify strategy Sorbent Stage on shoulder of Downstream as needed, based on 47.36216 200ft roadway. Resources, stream flow -118.12418 Freshwater conditions. Install Wetlands, Underflow Dam if time Freshwater allows. Wildlife

MOLK-15.0a Moses Lake - Crest Exclusion Boom 700ft Yes Remote Bald Eagle, Stage at Blue Heron 58 161 Island (West) Freshwater Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) Stage at Blue Heron Wetlands, near boat launch. 47.12461 Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) Freshwater Contact Moses Lake -119.30948 Wildlife, Parks and Recreation Grebes - to coordinate the Concentrations, staging of response Waterfowl equipment near boat Concentrations launch; call 509-764-3805. Strategy site is 1.6 miles NW of ramp.


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

MOLK-15.0b Moses Lake - Crest Exclusion Boom 800ft Yes Remote Bald Eagle, Stage at Blue Heron 58 163 Island (East Side) Freshwater Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) Stage at Blue Heron Wetlands, near boat launch. 47.12642 Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) Freshwater Contact Moses Lake -119.30434 Wildlife, Parks and Recreation Sensitive to coordinate the Resources staging of response Nearby, equipment near boat Waterfowl launch; call 509-764-3805. Strategy site is 1.8 miles NW of ramp.

MOLK-39.0 Moses Lake - Sand Exclusion Boom 300ft, No Onsite Bald Eagle, Ensure Moses Lake 58 165 Dune Road Freshwater Irrigation District has (South Outlet) Sorbent Stage in parking area at Wetlands, been notified before 200ft south side of outlet Freshwater implementing this 47.07997 channel off Dune Road. Wildlife, strategy; call -119.33335 Grebes - 509-765-8716. Concentrations, Gates/Outlet Structure Listed IBA, leads to Potholes Waterfowl Reservoir. Concentrations

MOLK-39.3 Sand Dune Road Exclusion Boom 300ft, No Onsite Bald Eagle, Ensure Moses Lake 58 167 (North Outlet) Freshwater Irrigation District has Sorbent Stage in parking area at Wetlands, been notified before 47.08386 200ft south side of outlet Freshwater implementing this -119.33318 channel off Dune Road. Wildlife, strategy; call Grebes - 509-765-8716. Concentrations, Gates/Outlet Structure Listed IBA, leads to Potholes Waterfowl Reservoir. Concentrations


Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Resources At Location Staging Area Comments Map Details Name Type Length Req? Risk (Page#) (Page#)

MOLK-42.9 Moses Lake - Exclusion Boom 400ft Yes Remote Freshwater Stage at Blue Heron 58 169 Interstate 90 Wetlands, Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) Bridge Stage at Blue Heron Freshwater near boat launch. Park (SA-MOLK-34.2) Wildlife Contact Moses Lake 47.10311 near Boat Ramp Parks and Recreation -119.32295 to coordinate the staging of response equipment near boat launch; Call 509-764- 3805. Strategy site is 0.3 miles SSE of ramp.


4.5.3 Notification Strategy Matrices

Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Location Resources at Risk Implementation Comments Map Details Name Type (Page#) (Page#)

MOLK-0.0-N Moses Lake Notification Economic Resource, Call 509-765-8716. Moses Notify Moses Lake Irrigation 58 173 Irrigation District Other, Water Intakes Lake Irrigation District District about oil impacting or email is [email protected] potentially impacting the lake 47.13146 -119.26190


4.5.4 Staging Area Matrices

Sector Strategy Strategies Number Location Position Nearest Address Contact Comments Map Details Served (Page#) (Page#)

SA-CRABC-0.6 Lower 47.14131 1005 N Stratford Rd No Information CRABC-0.3, Small gravel/dirt lot that 59 177 Crab Creek -119.27159 Moses Lake, WA CRABC-0.0a, can be used to stage Staging 98837 CRABC-0.4, equipment and possibly Area CRABC-0.5, hand-launch a small work CRABC-0.0b boat. Hwy 17 southbound, turnoff immediately before bridge and railroad tracks.

SA-CRABC-0.7 Crab Creek - 47.14204 3644 East Broadway Moses Lake Trucking CRABC-0.7a, Site located on Moses Lake 59 179 Moses Lake -119.26759 Avenue Property Owner CRABC-0.7c, Trucking property Trucking Moses Lake, WA 3644 East Broadway CRABC-0.8, adjacent to Crab Creek Staging 98837 Avenue CRABC-0.7b (creek left); call 509-765- Area Moses Lake, WA 98837 1387 for access. 509-765-1387

SA-CRABC-1.1 Crab Creek - 47.14574 10288 Kinder Rd NE No Information CRABC-1.1b, Dirt/grass road from east 59 181 Kinder Road -119.26563 Moses Lake, WA CRABC-1.0, end of Kinder Road NE Staging 98837 CRABC-1.1a leads to creek. Stage Area equipment on road/trail near creek.

SA-CRABC-1.2 Millerville 47.14700 10804 Road 4 NE Millerville Rentals CRABC-1.2 Dirt/Grass field on creek 59 183 Worksite -119.26302 Moses Lake, WA Moses Lake, WA 98837 left off Cherokee Road Staging 98837 509-765-8709 Area

SA-CRABC-4.3 Crab Creek - 47.18998 10715 Road 7 NE No Information CRABC-4.3a, Gravel lot on north side of 57 185 7NE Road -119.26434 Moses Lake, WA CRABC-4.3b road about 350ft east of 98837 bridge over creek.

SA-MOLK-43.2 Moses Lake 47.10659 111 Westshore Drive City of Moses Lake MOLK-15.0a, Contact City of Moses lake 58 187 Blue Heron -119.32768 Moses Lake, WA Parks and Recreation MOLK-15.0b, Parks and Recreation at Park 98837 411 S Balsam Street MOLK-42.9 509-764-3805. See: Moses Lake, WA 98837

509-764-3805 index.aspx?NID=538


4.5.5 Boat Launch Matrices

Sector Strategy Strategies Number Name Position Nearest Address Contact Comments Map Details Served (Page#) (Page#)

BL-CRABC-0.9 Crab Creek 47.14410 3644 East Broadway Moses Lake Trucking CRABC-0.7a, Site located on Moses Lake 59 191 Moses Lake -119.26502 Ave Property Owner CRABC-0.7c, Trucking property; call Trucking Moses Lake, WA 98837 3644 East Broadway CRABC-0.8, 509-765-1387 for access. Boat Launch Ave CRABC-0.7b May be able to launch Moses Lake, WA 98837 <19ft workboat during 509-765-1387 periods of high water. At low water, hand-launch workboat recommended.

BL-MOLK-43.2 Moses Lake 47.10659 111 Westshore Drive City of Moses Lake CRABC-0.3, Boat Launch provides 58 193 Blue Heron -119.32768 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Parks and Recreation CRABC-0.0a, good access to most areas Park 411 S Balsam Street MOLK-15.0a, of Moses Lake north of Moses Lake, WA 98837 CRABC-0.2, Interstate 5. Contact City 509-764-3805 MOLK-15.0b, of Moses lake Parks and CRABC-0.4, Recreation at MOLK-42.9, 509-764-3805. See: CRABC-0.5, CRABC-0.0b index.aspx?NID=538


Appendix 4A - Response Strategy 2-Pagers



CRABC-0.0a CRABC-0.0b CRABC-0.2 CRABC-0.3 CRABC-0.4

CRABC-0.5 CRABC-0.7a CRABC-0.7b CRABC-0.7c CRABC-0.8

CRABC-1.0 CRABC-1.1a CRABC-1.1b CRABC-1.2 CRABC-3.9

CRABC-4.3a CRABC-4.3b CRABC-7.0 CRABC-16.2 CRABC-21.8

CRABC-23.0 CRABC-32.7 CRABC-35.8 CRABC-37.8 CRABC-45.8

CRABC-54.1 CRABC-54.7 CRABC-60.2 CRABC-60.4 CRABC-61.1

CRABC-63.7 CRABC-74.6 CRABC-97.0 CRABC-100.7 CRABC-110.3

CRABC-114.8 CRABC-126.7 CRABC-128.4 CRABC-128.6 LORDC-0.4

MOLK-15.0a MOLK-15.0b MOLK-39.0 MOLK-39.3 MOLK-42.9

APPENDIX 4A 80 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek at N Stratford Road Bridge CRABC-0.0a * 1 CRABC_0_0a Position - Location: 47° 8.043', -119° 16.691' 47° 8' 2.6", -119° 16' 41.4" 47.13405, -119.27818 Moses Lake aStrategy4A-3 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil out of Moses Lake Implementation: Using workboat from Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2) transport 200ft boom to site from SA-CRABC-0.6. Secure one end of boom to bank near NE corner of N Stratford Rd Bridge at Point A (47.13421, -119.27828). Then extend boom south 130ft, securing the remaining boom end to bank near the SE corner of the bridge at Point C (47.13382, -119.27824). Pull center point of boom east, about 80ft east of bridge, and anchor near Point B forming chevron. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Use anchoring system to keep boom apex secure in water.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-0.6; Use Boat Launch at Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Low Clearence for Workboats under Bridge. Field Notes: Transport boom/equipment to site from staging area (SA-CRABC-0.6) using workboat from Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Modify strategy as needed based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 4 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 1 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 200 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (jet drive) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 81 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek at N Stratford Road Bridge CRABC-0.0a

CRABC-0.0a Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with boom configuration depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.6) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 176 (WA-171 N toward I-90 BUS/Moses Lake) Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto Lakeshore Dr/Hwy 171 3. After 2.9mi turn left onto N Stratford Rd 4. After 0.8mi turn right to merge onto WA-17 S toward Othello Pasco (stay in right lane) 5. After 0.3mi turn off hwy onto gravel/dirt roadway before railroad tracks and bridge over Crab Creek. Nearest Address 6. Follow road to water. Stage trucks and equipment on gravel/dirt roadway.

1005 N Stratford Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 82 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek at N Stratford Road (North Culvert) CRABC-0.0b * 2 CRABC_0_0b Position - Location: 47° 8.112', -119° 16.687' 47° 8' 6.7", -119° 16' 41.2" 47.13520, -119.27811 Moses Lake bStrategy4A-5 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil away from north culvert Implementation: Using workboat from Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2) transport 100ft boom to site from SA-CRABC-0.6. Secure end of boom to shore on east side of N Stratford Rd about 25ft north of the north culvert near Point A (47.13525, -119.2782). Extend boom south 50ft, securing the remaining boom end to shore about 25ft south of the culvert. Pull center point of boom out from shore about 40ft to the east until a chevron boom configuration is formed, then anchor in place. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Use anchoring system to keep boom secure in water.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-0.6; Use Boat Launch at Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Low Clearence for Workboats under Bridge. Field Notes: Culvert has large metal attachment that extends 6 ft out into the lake and may be submerged during high water.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 4 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 1 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 100 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (jet drive) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 83 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek at N Stratford Road (North Culvert) CRABC-0.0b

CRABC-0.0b Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with boom configuration depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.6) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 176 (WA-171 N toward I-90 BUS/Moses Lake) Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto Lakeshore Dr/Hwy 171 3. After 2.9mi turn left onto N Stratford Rd 4. After 0.8mi turn right to merge onto WA-17 S toward Othello Pasco (stay in right lane) 5. After 0.3mi turn off hwy onto gravel/dirt roadway before railroad tracks and bridge over Crab Creek. Nearest Address 6. Follow road to water. Stage trucks and equipment on gravel/dirt roadway.

1005 N Stratford Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 84 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - N Stratford Road (Collection 2) CRABC-0.2 * 3 CRABC_0_2 Position - Location: 47° 8.177', -119° 16.599' 47° 8' 10.6", -119° 16' 36.0" 47.13628, -119.27666 Moses Lake c4AStrategy-7 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 600ft length of boom to bank on creek right at/near Point B (47.13598,-119.27771). Using workboat set anchor at/near Point A (47.13662, -119.27557, about 400ft upstream from Point B and 350ft out from creek right). Then extend boom from shore using workboat and secure remaining end to anchoring system at Point A. Use additional anchoring systems (as needed) to keep boom secure in water. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to creek bank. Vac-truck or skimmer collection.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage equipment onsite; Use Boat Launch at Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Low Clearence for Workboats under Bridge. Field Notes: No Information

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 2 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 6 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 600 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (jet drive) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 3 Laborer Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 85 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - N Stratford Road (Collection 2) CRABC-0.2

CRABC-0.2 Photo: Aerial view of strategy location on creek right with boom depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 176 No Information 2. At end of exit turn left onto Lakeshore Drive (I-90h^ͬtͲ171) Not Determined : 3. After 2.9mi turn left onto N Stratford Road 4. After 0.3 miles (immediately after passing over Crab Creek) turn right into vacant lot adjacent to creek, next to 515 N Stratford Road.

Nearest Address

515 N Stratford Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 86 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Lower Crab Creek (Diversion 2) CRABC-0.3 * 4 CRABC_0_3 Position - Location: 47° 8.242', -119° 16.442' 47° 8' 14.5", -119° 16' 26.5" 47.13737, -119.27403 Moses Lake dStrategy4A-9 Objective: Diversion : Divert oil moving downstream to collection strategy on creek right Implementation: Secure end of 700ft length of boom to bank on creek left at/near Point A (47.13763, -119.27264). Using workboat set anchor system at/near Point B (47.13716, -119.27521, about 500ft downstream from Point A and 400ft out from creek left). Then extend boom from shore using workboat and secure remaining end to anchoring system at Point B. Use additional anchoring systems (as needed) to keep boom secure in water. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to creek bank.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-0.6; Use Boat Launch at Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Low Clearence for Workboats under Bridge. Field Notes: Transport boom/equipment to site from staging area (SA-CRABC-0.6) using workboat from Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Modify strategy as needed based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 2 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 7 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 700 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (jet drive) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 87 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Lower Crab Creek (Diversion 2) CRABC-0.3

CRABC-0.3 Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with partial boom line depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.6) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 176 (WA-171 N toward I-90 BUS/Moses Lake) Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto Lakeshore Dr/Hwy 171 3. After 2.9mi turn left onto N Stratford Rd 4. After 0.8mi turn right to merge onto WA-17 S toward Othello Pasco (stay in right lane) 5. After 0.3mi turn off hwy onto gravel/dirt roadway before railroad tracks and bridge over Crab Creek. Nearest Address 6. Follow road to water. Stage trucks and equipment on gravel/dirt roadway.

1005 N Stratford Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 88 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Lower Crab Creek (Collection 1) CRABC-0.4 * 5 CRABC_0_4 Position - Location: 47° 8.302', -119° 16.477' 47° 8' 18.1", -119° 16' 28.6" 47.13837, -119.27461 Moses Lake e4AStrategy-11 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 600ft length of boom to bank on creek right at/near Point B (47.13871, -119.27335). Using workboat set anchor at/near Point A (47.13871, -119.27335, about 480ft upstream from Point B and 300ft out from creek right). Then extend boom from shore using workboat and secure remaining end to anchoring system at Point A. Use additional anchoring systems (as needed) to keep boom secure in water. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to creek bank. Vac-truck or skimmer collection.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage equipment at SA-CRABC-0.6; Use Boat Launch at Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Low Clearence for Workboats under Bridge. Field Notes: Transport boom/equipment to site from staging area (SA-CRABC-0.6) using workboat from Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Modify strategy as needed based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 2 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 6 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 600 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (jet drive) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 89 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Lower Crab Creek (Collection 1) CRABC-0.4

CRABC-0.4 Photo: Aerial view of strategy location on creek right with boom depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.6) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 176 (WA-171 N toward I-90 BUS/Moses Lake) Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto Lakeshore Dr/Hwy 171 3. After 2.9mi turn left onto N Stratford Rd 4. After 0.8mi turn right to merge onto WA-17 S toward Othello Pasco (stay in right lane) 5. After 0.3mi turn off hwy onto gravel/dirt roadway before railroad tracks and bridge over Crab Creek. Nearest Address 6. Follow road to water. Stage trucks and equipment on gravel/dirt roadway.

1005 N Stratford Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 90 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Lower Crab Creek (Diversion 1) CRABC-0.5 * 6 CRABC_0_5 Position - Location: 47° 8.347', -119° 16.395' 47° 8' 20.8", -119° 16' 23.7" 47.13912, -119.27325 Moses Lake f4AStrategy-13 Objective: Diversion : Divert oil moving downstream to collection strategy on creek right Implementation: Secure end of 600ft length of boom to bank on creek left at/near Point A (47.13943, -119.27095). Using workboat set anchor system at/near Point B (47.13914, -119.27325, about 400ft downstream from Point A and 400ft out from creek left). Then extend boom from shore using workboat and secure remaining end to anchoring system at Point B. Use additional anchoring systems (as needed) to keep boom secure in water. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to creek bank.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-0.6; Use Boat Launch at Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Low Clearence for Workboats under Bridge. Field Notes: Transport boom/equipment to site from staging area (SA-CRABC-0.6) using workboat from Blue Heron Park (BL-MOLK-43.2). Modify strategy as needed based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 2 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 6 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 600 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (jet drive) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 91 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Lower Crab Creek (Diversion 1) CRABC-0.5

CRABC-0.5 Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with partial boom line depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.6) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 176 (WA-171 N toward I-90 BUS/Moses Lake) Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto Lakeshore Dr/Hwy 171 3. After 2.9mi turn left onto N Stratford Rd 4. After 0.8mi turn right to merge onto WA-17 S toward Othello Pasco (stay in right lane) 5. After 0.3mi turn off hwy onto gravel/dirt roadway before railroad tracks and bridge over Crab Creek. Nearest Address 6. Follow road to water. Stage trucks and equipment on gravel/dirt roadway.

1005 N Stratford Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 92 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek at Hwy 17 Bridge CRABC-0.7a * 7 CRABC_0_7a Position - Location: 47° 8.505', -119° 16.117' 47° 8' 30.3", -119° 16' 7.0" 47.14175, -119.26862 Moses Lake g4AStrategy-15 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil out of area downstream of Hwy 17 Bridge Implementation: Hand-launch small workboat from staging area (SA-CRABC-0.7) and transport 200ft of boom to site. Secure one end of boom to shore near NW corner of Hwy 17 Bridge at Point A (47.14173, -119.26888). Then extend boom across creek about 80ft to opposite side of span and secure remaining boom end to shore near SE corner of bridge at Point C (47.14161, -119.26851). Pull center point of boom upstream, about 90ft NE of bridge, and anchor near Point B forming chevron. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Use anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-0.7 (Moses Lake Trucking Yard) on creek left near strategy location. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Low Bridge/Overhead Hazard Field Notes: Call Moses Lake Trucking for Access; 509-765-1387. May be able to launch larger workboat during periods of high water from BL-CRABC- 0.9 just upstream on creek left.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 4 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 3 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 200 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 93 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek at Hwy 17 Bridge CRABC-0.7a

CRABC-0.7a Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with boom depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.7) at Moses Lake Trucking No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.2mi turn right onto East Broadway Avenue. Moses Lake Trucking is on the left. 5. Gain Entry into yard at Moses Lake Trucking; Call 509-765-1387. Nearest Address 6. From gate, follow yard road back towards Crab Creek (NW about ~1200ft). Stage Equipment adjacent to creek. 3644 East Broadway Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 94 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Hwy 17 (NW of Bridge) CRABC-0.7b 8 CRABC_0_7b Position - Location: 47° 8.517', -119° 16.154' 47° 8' 31.0", -119° 16' 9.2" 47.14195, -119.26923 Moses Lake hStrategy4A-17 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil out of area NW of bridge Implementation: Hand-launch small workboat from staging area (SA-CRABC-0.7) and transport 100ft boom to site. Secure one end of boom to shore near SE corner of unnamed island (in creek) at Point A (47.142008, -119.2691, ~130ft NW from NW corner of Hwy 17 Bridge). Then extend boom across creek channel about 80ft, and anchor to shore near Point B (47.14187, -119.26937), adjacent to Hwy 17 (northbound). Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-0.7 (Moses Lake Trucking Yard) on creek left near strategy location. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Shallow Water. Field Notes: Call Moses Lake Trucking for Access; 509-765-1387. May be able to launch larger workboat during periods of high water from BL-CRABC- 0.9 just upstream on creek left.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 4 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 100 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 95 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Hwy 17 (NW of Bridge) CRABC-0.7b

CRABC-0.7b Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with boom depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.7) at Moses Lake Trucking No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.2mi turn right onto East Broadway Avenue. Moses Lake Trucking is on the left. 5. Gain Entry into yard at Moses Lake Trucking; Call 509-765-1387. Nearest Address 6. From gate, follow yard road back towards Crab Creek (NW about ~1200ft). Stage Equipment adjacent to creek. 3644 East Broadway Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 96 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Hwy 17 (SE of Bridge) CRABC-0.7c * 9 CRABC_0_7c Position - Location: 47° 8.499', -119° 16.093' 47° 8' 30.0", -119° 16' 5.6" 47.14166, -119.26821 Moses Lake i4AStrategy-19 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil in ditch out of Crab Creek, and oil in creek out of ditch. Implementation: Hand-launch small workboat from staging area (SA-CRABC-0.7) and transport 100ft boom to site. Secure one end of boom to shore on creek left about 100ft NE of Hwy 17 roadway (northbound shoulder) at Point A (47.14174, -119.26811). Extend boom southeastward towards Hwy 17 about 40ft and secure to creek bank near Point B. Finally, extend remaining over outflow from ditch to creek bank adjacent to Hwy 17, about 70ft SE of bridge. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to creek banks.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-0.7 (Moses Lake Trucking Yard) on creek left near strategy location. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Busy Roadway Nearby. Field Notes: Call Moses Lake Trucking for Access; 509-765-1387. May be able to launch larger workboat during periods of high water from BL-CRABC- 0.9 just upstream on creek left.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 6 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 100 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 97 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Hwy 17 (SE of Bridge) CRABC-0.7c

CRABC-0.7c Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with boom depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions

Moses Lake Trucking To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.7) at Moses Lake Trucking Land/Property Contact : Property Owner 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) 509-765-1387 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N Nearest Address 4. After 2.2mi turn right onto East Broadway Avenue. Moses Lake Trucking is on the left. 5. Gain Entry into yard at Moses Lake Trucking; Call 509-765-1387. 3644 East Broadway Avenue 6. From gate, follow yard road back towards Crab Creek (NW about ~1200ft). Stage Equipment adjacent to Moses Lake, WA 98837 creek.

APPENDIX 4A 98 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek upstream of Highway 17 (Collection) CRABC-0.8 * 10 CRABC_0_8 Position - Location: 47° 8.564', -119° 16.035' 47° 8' 33.8", -119° 16' 2.1" 47.14273, -119.26724 Moses Lake j4AStrategy-21 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Hand-launch workboat from staging area (SA-CRABC-0.7) and secure end of 300ft boom to shore on east side of unnamed island at/near Point A (47.14309, -119.26717), about 650ft upstream of Hwy 17 bridge. From Point A, extend boom SE, across creek and downstream, securing remaining boom end to bank on creek left at/near Point B (47.14232, -119.26734). Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Use anchoring systems as boom is being deployed to keep it secure in water.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage at SA-CRABC-0.7 (Moses Lake Trucking Yard) on creek left near strategy location. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable Banks; Heavy Vegetation Possible; Mud/Muddy Banks. Field Notes: Call Moses Lake Trucking for Access; 509-765-1387. May be able to launch larger workboat during periods of high water from BL-CRABC- 0.9 just upstream on creek left.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 4 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 3 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 300 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 99 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek upstream of Highway 17 (Collection) CRABC-0.8

CRABC-0.8 Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with boom depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.7) at Moses Lake Trucking Moses Lake Trucking 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) Land/Property Contact : Property Owner 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N 3644 East Broadway Avenue 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N Moses Lake, WA 98837 4. After 2.2mi turn right onto East Broadway Avenue. Moses Lake Trucking is on the left. 509-765-1387 5. Gain Entry into yard at Moses Lake Trucking; Call 509-765-1387. Nearest Address 6. From gate, follow yard road back towards Crab Creek (NW about ~1200ft). Stage Equipment adjacent to creek. 3644 East Broadway Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 100 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Unnamed Island (North End) CRABC-1.0 * 11 CRABC_1_0 Position - Location: 47° 8.682', -119° 15.971' 47° 8' 40.9", -119° 15' 58.3" 47.14470, -119.26619 Moses Lake kStrategy4A-23 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil out of side channel on creek right. Implementation: Hand-launch small workboat from staging area (SA-CRABC-1.1) and transport 300ft boom to site (about 450ft downstream from staging area). Secure end of boom to bank on creek right near small channel at Point A (47.1448, -119.26658). Extend boom SE across channel about 60ft to east side of unnamed island, securing boom near Point B. Continue to deploy boom SE ~60ft along contour of island, securing it near Point C and then ENE about 170ft to Point D (47.14463, -119.26572). Deploy remaining boom around north/upstream end of island and slightly downstream, securing to shore near Point E.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-1.1 about 0.1 miles upstream. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Shallow Water; Heavy Vegetation; Partially Submerged Obstruction. Field Notes: Hand-launch small workboat and transport boom/equipment to site from staging area (SA-CRABC-1.1) about 0.1 miles upstream. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to creek banks.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 12 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 300 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 101 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Unnamed Island (North End) CRABC-1.0

CRABC-1.0 Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with boom depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-1.1) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17ƚŽǁĂƌĚDŽƐĞƐ>ĂŬĞͬKƚŚĞůůŽͿ Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90h^ͬtͲ17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake Nearest Address 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 0.1mi turn right onto Kinder Road NE 10288 Kinder Rd NE 7. After 0.4mi continue strait on Kinder Road NE (pavement will turn to dirt/grass) Moses Lake, WA 98837 6. Follow road ~0.2mi to water. Stage trucks and equipment on dirt/grass road/trail; hand-launch small workboat from shore.

APPENDIX 4A 102 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Kinder Road (Collection) CRABC-1.1a * 12 CRABC_1_1a Position - Location: 47° 8.753', -119° 15.890' 47° 8' 45.2", -119° 15' 53.4" 47.14589, -119.26484 Moses Lake l4AStrategy-25 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Using workboat, secure end of 300ft length of boom to bank on creek left near Point A (47.1461, -119.26437, ~200ft upstream from staging on creek left). From Point A, extend boom downstream and across to Point C (47.1457, -119.26538) and secure to bank. At Point B (~50ft from boom end at Point C) attach line and secured to shore upstream so collection pocket between Points B & C can be adjusted; use anchoring system if needed. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to banks. Use additional anchoring system between Points A & B to keep boom secure in water.

Staging Area: Onsite: Staging Area SA-CRABC-1.1 is onsite; stage equipment on dirt trail/road. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation. Field Notes: Must use hand-launch workboat from this location to implement strategy.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 4 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 300 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 103 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Kinder Road (Collection) CRABC-1.1a

CRABC-1.1a Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with boom depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-1.1) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17ƚŽǁĂƌĚDŽƐĞƐ>ĂŬĞͬKƚŚĞůůŽͿ Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90h^ͬtͲ17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd Nearest Address 6. After 0.1mi turn right onto Kinder Road NE 7. After 0.4mi continue strait on Kinder Road NE (pavement will turn to dirt/grass) 6. Follow road ~0.2mi to water. Stage trucks and equipment on dirt/grass road/trail; hand-launch small 10288 Kinder Rd NE workboat from shore. Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 104 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Kinder Road NE (Deflection) CRABC-1.1b * 13 CRABC_1_1b Position - Location: 47° 8.729', -119° 15.926' 47° 8' 43.7", -119° 15' 55.6" 47.14548, -119.26544 Moses Lake mStrategy4A-27 Objective: Deflection : Deflect oil towards creek left Implementation: Secure 200ft length of boom to shore on creek right at Point A (47.14571, -119.26541). Using workboat, tow remaining end of boom southward ~200ft and anchor in place near center of creek at Point B (47.14516, -119.26546). Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to creek banks. Use additional anchoring system (as needed) to keep boom secure in creek.

Staging Area: Onsite: Staging Area SA-CRABC-1.1 is onsite; stage equipment on dirt trail/road. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation. Field Notes: Must use hand-launch workboat from this location to implement strategy.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 6 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 200 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 105 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Kinder Road NE (Deflection) CRABC-1.1b

CRABC-1.1b Photo: Aerial view of strategy location with boom depicted on photograph.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-1.1) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd Nearest Address 6. After 0.1mi turn right onto Kinder Road NE 7. After 0.4mi continue strait on Kinder Road NE (pavement will turn to dirt/grass) 6. Follow road ~0.2mi to water. Stage trucks and equipment on dirt/grass road/trail; hand-launch small 10288 Kinder Rd NE workboat from shore. Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 106 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Millerville Worksite (Cherokee Road) CRABC-1.2 * 14 CRABC_1_2 Position - Location: 47° 8.837', -119° 15.821' 47° 8' 50.2", -119° 15' 49.3" 47.14729, -119.26369 Moses Lake nStrategy4A-29 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Using hand-launch workboat, secure end of 300ft length of boom to bank on creek right at Point A (47.14757, -119.26388). Then extend boom SE ~215ft securing it to bank on creek left at Point B (47.147075, -119.26346). From Point B, extend boom upstream on creek left ~40ft to Point C, allowing collection pocket to be formed. Deploy second 300ft segment of boom between Points D & E in same manner as Points A & B, with ~30ft separation between boom segments. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Use anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water.

Staging Area: Onsite: Staging Area SA-CRABC-1.2 is onsite. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Notify Property Owner before arrival; call 509-765-8709 (Millerville Rentals). Must use hand-launch workboat from this location to implement strategy.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 10 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 4 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 600 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 2 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 4 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 107 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Millerville Worksite (Cherokee Road) CRABC-1.2

CRABC-1.2 Photo: At strategy location on creek left looking west towards creek right with strategy being deployed.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17ƚŽǁĂƌĚDŽƐĞƐ>ĂŬĞͬKƚŚĞůůŽͿ No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90h^ͬtͲ17 N Not Determined : 3. After 1.0mi, take slight right onto WA-17E;ƐŝŐŶƐĨŽƌƉĂŚƌĂƚĂͬ^ŽĂƉ>ĂŬĞͿ 4. After 2.2ŵŝ͕ƚƵƌŶƌŝŐŚƚŽŶƚŽƌŽĂĚǁĂLJǀĞͬƌŽĂĚǁĂLJdžƚĞŶĚĞĚE 5. After 0.5mi, turn left onto Rd 4EͬŚĞƌŽŬĞĞZĚ 6. After 0.2mi, within the curve of the road to the right, turn left onto unnamed road. Nearest Address 7. After 125ft, there is a gate that leads to the field where staging can be established adjacent to creek. 8. Check with property owner in advance; call 509-765-7809. 10804 Road 4 NE Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 108 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Chapparal Drive NE CRABC-3.9 * 15 CRABC_3_9 Position - Location: 47° 11.068', -119° 15.860' 47° 11' 4.1", -119° 15' 51.6" 47.18447, -119.26434 Moses Lake oStrategy4A-31 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Using hand-launch workboat, secure 200ft boom segment to bank on creek left at/near Point A (47.18479, -119.26412). Extend boom SW ~200ft securing it to bank on creek right at/near Point B (47.18442, -119.26458). Deploy second 200ft boom segment between Points C & D in same manner, about 80ft downstream of first boom segment. Secure boom to banks using anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures. Use anchors & lines to keep boom secure in water (as needed).

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on site after notifying Property Owner. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions. Work with private property owner on creek right for access.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Grebes - Concentrations, Habitat and Waterfowl, Shorebirds Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 10 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 400 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 2 Each Heaving Line(s) 300 Feet Line - ´poly line 2 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 109 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Chapparal Drive NE CRABC-3.9

CRABC-3.9 Photo: View of strategy location on creek right with boom deployed.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N Not Determined : 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 3.0mi, turn right onto Kory Ln NE Nearest Address 7. After 0.5mi continue straight onto Walker Rd 8. After 0.2mi turn left onto Chapparal Dr NE 9. After 270ft, strategy location will be on the right. Stage in field near creek. Locate and notify property 6549 Chapparal Dr NE owner. Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 110 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - 7NE Bridge Site #2 (Upstream) CRABC-4.3a * 16 CRABC_4_3a Position - Location: 47° 11.405', -119° 15.969' 47° 11' 24.3", -119° 15' 58.1" 47.19009, -119.26615 Moses Lake pStrategy4A-33 Objective: Exclusion : Keep wind driven oil out of upstream areas. Implementation: Hand launch workboat on north/upstream side of Road 7NE Bridge. Secure end of 100ft length of boom to bank on creek right at/near Point A (47.19007, -119.26637), located about 130ft upstream from the bridge. Using workboat transport remaining end of boom strait across to creek left, securing it to the bank at/near Point B (47.1901, -119.266). Use anchoring system (if needed) to keep boom secure in creek. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to creek banks. Line downstream side of hard boom with 100ft sorbent boom.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-4.3, gravel lot ~350ft east of bridge on north side of road. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Grebes - Concentrations, Habitat and Waterfowl, Shorebirds Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 4 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 1 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 100 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 111 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - 7NE Bridge Site #2 (Upstream) CRABC-4.3a

CRABC-4.3a Photo: No photograph available.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-4.3) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17ƚŽǁĂƌĚDŽƐĞƐ>ĂŬĞͬKƚŚĞůůŽͿ Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90h^ͬtͲ17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd Nearest Address 6. After 3.1mi turn right onto Road 7 NE 7. After 0.6mi turn left into gravel parking lot (~350ft east of bridge over Crab Creek); stage equipment in parking lot. 10715 Road 7 NE Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 112 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - 7NE Bridge Site #2 (Downstream) CRABC-4.3b * 17 CRABC_4_3b Position - Location: 47° 11.355', -119° 15.963' 47° 11' 21.3", -119° 15' 57.8" 47.18925, -119.26604 Moses Lake qStrategy4A-35 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Using hand-launch workboat, secure 200ft boom segment to bank on creek right at/near Point A (47.18946, -119.26622), ~70ft downstream from bridge. Extend boom SE ~115ft securing it to bank on creek left at/near Point B (47.18923, -119.26591), ~150ft downstream from bridge. Extend remaining boom upstream on creek left to form collection pocket. Deploy second 200ft boom segment between Points C & D, ~40ft downstream of first boom segment. Back both segments with sorbent boom. Secure boom to banks using anchoring posts or existing structures. Use anchors & lines to secure boom in water.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at SA-CRABC-4.3, gravel lot ~350ft east of bridge on north side of road. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions. Work with private property owner on creek left for access.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Grebes - Concentrations, Habitat and Waterfowl, Shorebirds Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 400 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 400 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 2 Each Heaving Line(s) 300 Feet Line - ´poly line 2 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 113 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - 7NE Bridge Site #2 (Downstream) CRABC-4.3b

CRABC-4.3b Photo: On river right on downstream side of Road 7NE bridge over Crab Creek looking east to creek left.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-4.3) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17ƚŽǁĂƌĚDŽƐĞƐ>ĂŬĞͬKƚŚĞůůŽͿ Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90h^ͬtͲ17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd Nearest Address 6. After 3.1mi turn right onto Road 7 NE 7. After 0.6mi turn left into gravel parking lot (~350ft east of bridge over Crab Creek); stage equipment in parking lot. 10715 Road 7 NE Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 114 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Moses Lake-Stratford Road CRABC-7.0 * 18 CRABC_7_0 Position - Location: 47° 13.525', -119° 16.672' 47° 13' 31.5", -119° 16' 40.3" 47.22542, -119.27786 Moses Lake r4AStrategy-37 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 100ft length of hard boom to bank on creek right at Point B (47.22529, -119.27781; about ~65ft upstream from bridge). Fasten line to remaining boom end and transport to creek left using bridge. Use line to pull boom tightly into place and secure at/near Point A (47.22551, -119.27796, ~130ft upstream of bridge). Back downstream side of hard boom with multiple lengths of sorbent boom. Use shoreside anchoring posts or existing structures to secure boom to banks. Vac-truck or skimmer collection near Point B if site encountering oil.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage in dirt/gravel lot to left/west before bridge (~220ft before south end of bridge) Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Power Lines; Muddy/Unstable Banks; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines if working on/near roadway. Use plywood sheets to safely access river left.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Grebes - Concentrations, Habitat and Waterfowl, Shorebirds Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 8 Each Plywood sheets (4ft x 2ft) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 115 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Moses Lake-Stratford Road CRABC-7.0

CRABC-7.0 Photo: At strategy location on Crab Creek, looking upstream towards creek right from creek left.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N Not Determined : 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 5.6mi turn left/west into dirt/gravel parking area located about 220ft before south end of small bridge Nearest Address over Crab Creek. Stage as close to creek as possible.

8357 Stratford Rd NE Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 116 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Road 16 NE (Moses Lake) CRABC-16.2 * 19 CRABC_16_2 Position - Location: 47° 19.198', -119° 21.419' 47° 19' 11.9", -119° 21' 25.2" 47.31997, -119.35699 Moses Lake s4AStrategy-39 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 200ft length of boom to bank on creek left at Point C (47.31994, -119.35679) on upstream side of culvert system. Walk remaining boom end upstream and secure to creek left near Point A (47.32009, -119.35714; ~120ft upstream of roadway). Fasten line to boom ~80ft from boom end at Point C. Transport line to creek right using roadway and pull boom tightly into position; securing at Point B (47.31986, -119.35709).Use shoreside anchoring posts or existing structures to secure boom to banks. Place lines of sorbent between roadway/culverts and hard boom. Vac-truck or skimmer collection.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on shoulder or behind guard rail near NW corner of bridge (upstream side of roadway on creek right) Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable Banks; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines for working on/near roadway.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Grebes - Concentrations, Habitat and Waterfowl, Resident Fish Recommended Equipment

5 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - 1/2" poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) 1 Each Winch - Come-A-Long Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 117 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Road 16 NE (Moses Lake) CRABC-16.2

CRABC-16.2 Photo: At strategy location looking upstream/north on Crab Creek from Road 16 NE.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N Not Determined : 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 12.4mi, turn left onto Road 16 NE Nearest Address 7. After 4.0mi you have reached the strategy location. Stage equipment off roadway on flat dirt area on right/north side of roadway behind guardrail, immediately after crossing over Crab Creek. 6751 Road 16 NE Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 118 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Road 20 NE (Soap Lake) CRABC-21.8 * 20 CRABC_21_8 Position - Location: 47° 22.973', -119° 23.090' 47° 22' 58.4", -119° 23' 5.4" 47.38289, -119.38483 Soap Lake t4AStrategy-41 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 100ft hard boom to shore near NE corner of bridge (creek left; upstream side of bridge) at/near Point A. Fasten line to remaining end of boom and use bridge to walk line across to creek right (upstream side of bridge). From creek right, pull boom tight across creek and secure at/near Point B (47.38293, -119.38509). In same manner, place multiple lines of sorbent boom across creek on upstream side of hard boom. Secure boom to shore using anchor posts, trees, or existing structures. Use vac-truck or skimmer from bridge if oil is collecting at site.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage off roadway at/near SW corner of bridge. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Power Lines; Wildlife. Field Notes: Intermittent flow at this location. Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines when working on/near road/bridge.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Sensitive Resources Nearby Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 100 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 119 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Road 20 NE (Soap Lake) CRABC-21.8

CRABC-21.8 Photo: No photograph is currently available for this location.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) Nearest Address 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4718 Road 20 NE 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake Soap Lake, WA 98851 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 16.3mi, turn left onto Road 20 NE 7. After 5.0mi you have reached the strategy location. Stage equipment off roadway on flat dirt area on left/south side of roadway behind guardrail, immediately after crossing bridge over Crab Creek.

APPENDIX 4A 120 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Adrian Road NE (Soap Lake) CRABC-23.0 * 21 CRABC_23_0 Position - Location: 47° 23.539', -119° 22.472' 47° 23' 32.3", -119° 22' 28.3" 47.39231, -119.37453 Soap Lake uStrategy4A-43 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 300ft length of boom to bank on creek right at Point C (47.39238, -119.3747; ~25ft upstream of guardrail). Secure remaining boom end to bank on creek right near Point A (47.39241, -119.37423; ~140ft from guardrail). Fasten line to boom ~150ft from boom end at Point C. Transport line to creek left using roadway and pull boom into position, securing it at Point B (47.39207, - 119.37468). Use shoreside anchoring posts or existing structures to secure boom to banks. Place lines of sorbent between roadway/culverts and hard boom near Points B to C. Vac-truck or skimmer collection.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on dirt/gravel pull-out trail on SE corner of roadway before guard rail. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable Banks; Wildlife. Field Notes: Intermittent stream flow at this location. Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines if working on/near roadway.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

5 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 300 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 300 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Winch - Come-A-Long Recommended Personnel

Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 121 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Adrian Road NE (Soap Lake) CRABC-23.0

CRABC-23.0 Photo: At strategy location on creek right at Adrian Road NE, looking south across to creek left. Flow is intermittent at this location.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N Not Determined : 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 16.3mi, turn left onto Road 20 NE Nearest Address 7. After 4.9mi, turn right onto Adrian Rd NE 8. After 0.8 miles, about 200ft beyond RR tracks, you have reached the strategy location. Stage equipment off roadway on small pulloff/dirt trail before guardrail on upstream side of Crab Creek (creek left). 20535 Adrian Rd NE Soap Lake, WA 98851

APPENDIX 4A 122 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Highway 28 - Site 2 CRABC-32.7 * 22 CRABC_32_7 Position - Location: 47° 25.949', -119° 13.116' 47° 25' 56.9", -119° 13' 7.0" 47.43248, -119.21860 Wilson Creek v4AStrategy-45 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 200ft length of boom to bank on creek left near Point A (47.43245, -119.21876, ~35ft downstream from Hwy 28 bridge over creek). From Point A, extend boom downstream (towards bridge) about 30ft and secure to bank at/near Point B (47.43252, - 119.21883). From Point B, attach line to remaining end of boom and use bridge to walk line over to creek right. On creek right about 70ft upstream of bridge, use line to pull boom tight across creek and secure at/near Point C (47.43239, -119.21822). Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to banks.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage off shoulder of Hwy 28 on small pull-off about 200ft west of bridge Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Intermittent stream flow at this location. Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines if working on/near Hwy.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl, Migratory Waterfowl, Shorebirds Recommended Equipment

3 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 123 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Highway 28 - Site 2 CRABC-32.7

CRABC-32.7 Photo: No photograph is currently available for this location.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N Not Determined : 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 20.4mi, turn right onto Hwy 28 Nearest Address 7. After 2.4mi you have reached the strategy location. Stage equipment on small pulloff about 200ft before west side of bridge. 12166 Washington 28 Wilson Creek, WA 98860

APPENDIX 4A 124 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Highway 28 - Site 1 CRABC-35.8 * 23 CRABC_35_8 Position - Location: 47° 25.236', -119° 9.897' 47° 25' 14.2", -119° 9' 53.8" 47.42061, -119.16495 Wilson Creek wStrategy4A-47 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 200ft hard boom to shore near SE corner of bridge (creek left; downstream side of bridge) at/near Point A. Fasten line to remaining boom end and use bridge to walk line across to creek right (downstream side of bridge ʹ SW corner). From creek right, pull boom tight across creek and secure at/near Point B (47.42055, -119.16518). In same manner, place multiple lines of sorbent boom across creek on downstream side of hard boom. Secure boom to shore using anchor posts, trees, or existing structures. Use vac-truck or skimmer from bridge if oil is collecting at site.

Staging Area: Onsite: Very limited. Stage on shoulder of highway behind guardrail (if possible) Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Intermittent stream flow at this location. Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 300 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 125 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Highway 28 - Site 1 CRABC-35.8

CRABC-35.8 Photo: At strategy location, looking downstream at dry creek bed from Hwy 28 bridge over Crab Creek. Intermittent stream flow at this location.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N Not Determined : 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 20.4mi, turn right onto Hwy 28 Nearest Address 7. After 5.2mi, at bridge over Crab Creek, you have reached the strategy location. Limited Staging on shoulder behind guardrail after bridge 12166 Washington 28 Wilson Creek, WA 98860

APPENDIX 4A 126 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Railroad Street (Wilson Creek) CRABC-37.8 * 24 CRABC_37_8 Position - Location: 47° 25.365', -119° 7.865' 47° 25' 21.9", -119° 7' 51.9" 47.42275, -119.13108 Wilson Creek x4AStrategy-49 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 100ft hard boom to shore near NE corner of bridge (creek right; downstream side of bridge) at/near Point A. Fasten line to remaining boom end and use bridge to walk line across to creek left (downstream side of bridge ʹ NW corner). From creek left, pull boom tight across creek and secure at/near Point B (47.42281, -119.13118). In same manner, place multiple lines of sorbent boom across creek on downstream side of hard boom. Secure boom to shore using anchor posts, trees, or existing structures. Use vac-truck or skimmer from bridge if oil is collecting at site.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage in dirt/gravel lot near NE corner of bridge near BNSF rail line. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway & Rail Hazards; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Intermittent stream flow at this location. Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl, Resident Fish Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 127 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Railroad Street (Wilson Creek) CRABC-37.8

CRABC-37.8 Photo: At strategy location, looking downstream at dry creek bed from bridge over Crab Creek on Railroad Street. Intermittent stream flow at this location.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N Not Determined : 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 20.4mi, turn right onto Hwy 28 Nearest Address 7. After 6.7mi, turn left onto Kappel Rd 8. After 0.3mi, turn right onto Railroad Street; strategy location is about 400ft ahead. Stage in dirt/gravel lot on left immediately after crossing bridge over Crab Creek. 213 Railroad St Wilson Creek, WA 98860

APPENDIX 4A 128 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Urquhart Avenue (Marlin) CRABC-45.8 * 25 CRABC_45_8 Position - Location: 47° 24.593', -118° 59.014' 47° 24' 35.6", -118° 59' .8" 47.40988, -118.98356 Marlin y4AStrategy-51 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 100ft hard boom to shore near SW corner of bridge (creek left; downstream side of bridge) at/near Point A. Fasten line to remaining end of boom and use bridge to walk line across to creek right (downstream side of bridge). From creek right, pull boom tight across creek and secure at/near Point B (47.41, -118.98364). In same manner, place multiple lines of sorbent boom across creek on downstream side of hard boom. Secure boom to shore using anchor posts, trees, or existing structures. Use vac-truck or skimmer from bridge if oil is collecting at site.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on or near roadway. Work from bridge. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Wildlife. Field Notes: Intermittent stream flow at this location. Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines if working on/near road/bridge.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl, Listed IBA, Resident Fish Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 129 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Urquhart Avenue (Marlin) CRABC-45.8

CRABC-45.8 Photo: At strategy location, looking downstream at dry creek bed from bridge over Crab Creek on Urquhart Avenue. Intermittent stream flow at this location.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Go east on I-90 and take exit 188 (Warden/U Rd NE) No Information 2. At end of ramp turn left onto U Rd SE Not Determined : 3. After 3.2mi, turn right onto Rd 3 NE 4. After 2.0mi, turn left onto Rd W NE 5. After 19.3mi, continue onto Urquhart Avenue 6. After 0.3mi, you have reached the strategy location (at bridge). Stage equipment on or near roadway, or off Nearest Address roadway on left side of road before bridge.

299 Urquhart Ave Marlin, WA 98832

APPENDIX 4A 130 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - N Irby Road Bridge CRABC-54.1 * 26 CRABC_54_1 Position - Location: 47° 21.629', -118° 51.020' 47° 21' 37.7", -118° 51' 1.2" 47.36048, -118.85033 Odessa z4AStrategy-53 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 100ft hard boom to shore near SW corner of bridge (creek left; downstream side of bridge) at/near Point A. Fasten line to remaining end of boom and use bridge to walk line across to creek right (downstream side of bridge). From creek right, pull boom tight across creek and secure at/near Point B (47.3606, -118.85024). In same manner, place multiple lines of sorbent boom across creek on downstream side of hard boom. Secure boom to shore using anchor posts, trees, or existing structures. Use vac-truck or skimmer from bridge if oil is collecting at site.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on or near roadway. Work from bridge. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines when working on/near road/bridge.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl, Listed IBA, Resident Fish Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 100 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 131 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - N Irby Road Bridge CRABC-54.1

CRABC-54.1 Photo: View from bridge over Crab Creek at N Irby Road, looking downstream.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Go east on I-90 and take exit 206 (WA-21 towards Lind/Odessa) No Information 2. At end of ramp turn left onto WA-21 Not Determined : 3. After 18.1mi, turn left on W 1st Ave/Hwy 28 4. After 7.6mi, turn right onto Irby Road N 5. After 2.3mi continue strait to stay on Irby Road N 6. After 0.7mi,you have reached the strategy location (at bridge). Stage equipment on or near roadway, or off Nearest Address roadway at edge of field near left-hand side of road before bridge behind guardrail.

5655 Wraspir Rd E Odessa, WA 99159

APPENDIX 4A 132 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Beyond East End of Ott Road (Irby) CRABC-54.7 * 27 CRABC_54_7 Position - Location: 47° 21.324', -118° 50.386' 47° 21' 19.4", -118° 50' 23.2" 47.35539, -118.83977 Odessa aaStrategy4A-55 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: From creek left, secure line to boom end. Walk line upstream on creek right using flooded roadway and tracks; hip waders recommended for road. Using line, pull boom upstream and across creek, securing boom below rail ballast on creek right at/near Point A (47.35537, -118.83945, ~100ft upstream of rail bridge). From Point B (47.35537, -118.83993), pull boom tight and secure to bank on creek left. Using line, extend ~60ft of remaing boom from Point B to creek left. Secure boom below rail ballast at/near Point C (47.35548, -118.83973; near SE corner of bridge). Vac-truck or skimmer collection.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on or near roadway on creek left before RR bridge. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Rail Line; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Before deployment, notify BNSF; call 800-832-5452. Inform them that you'll be temporarily working near tracks between rail milepost 1561 & 1562 on the Columbia River sub in Irby, WA.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl, Listed IBA, Resident Fish Recommended Equipment

3 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

APPENDIX 4A 133 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Beyond East End of Ott Road (Irby) CRABC-54.7

CRABC-54.7 Photo: From roadway on creek left, immediately downstream of strategy location, looking across roadway to creek right and Railroad Bridge in background.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Go east on I-90 and take exit 206 (WA-21 towards Lind/Odessa) No Information 2. At end of ramp turn left onto WA-21 Not Determined : 3. After 18.1mi, turn left on W 1st Ave/Hwy 28 4. After 7.6mi, turn right onto Irby Road N 5. After 2.3mi continue strait to stay on Irby Road N 6. After 0.4mi, turn right onto Ott Road Nearest Address 7. Follow Ott Road for 0.5mi (through what might appear as private property but is still Ott Road) to creek before railroad underpass. Stage on or near roadway (as needed). 5655 Wraspir Rd E Odessa, WA 99159

APPENDIX 4A 134 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Cemetary Road - Site 2 CRABC-60.2 * 28 CRABC_60_2 Position - Location: 47° 20.869', -118° 45.677' 47° 20' 52.1", -118° 45' 40.6" 47.34782, -118.76128 Odessa bbStrategy4A-57 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure 200ft length of boom to bank on creek right at Point A (47.34783, -118.76117; ~100ft downstream from RR bridge). Extend boom along creek right and secure remaining boom end to bank at/near Point C (47.34802, -118.76133; ~150ft from bridge). Secure line to boom at point ~70ft from Point A, and use kayak or hand-launch workboat to transport line to creek left near bridge. Using line, pull boom to Point B (47.34767, -118.76134) and secure to bank (near RR bridge). Use anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. vac-truck or skimmer collection at Points A and C.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on or near roadway. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Rail Line; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines for working on roadway (as needed).

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl, Listed IBA, Resident Fish Recommended Equipment

3 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 135 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Cemetary Road - Site 2 CRABC-60.2

CRABC-60.2 Photo: At strategy location on Crab Creek (creek right) just downstream of Railroad Bridge.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Go east on I-90 and take exit 206 (WA-21 towards Lind/Odessa) No Information 2. At end of ramp turn left onto WA-21 Not Determined : 3. After 18.1mi, turn left on W 1st Ave/Hwy 28 4. After 0.8mi, turn right onto Cemetery Road 5. After 1.7mi, Cemetery Road becomes Napier Road. 6. Stay on Napier Road for 1.5mi (about 0.2mi past bridge over creek & 150ft beyond RR underpass). Stage Nearest Address equipment on or near roadway. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines (as needed).

108 Napier Rd Odessa, WA 99159

APPENDIX 4A 136 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Cemetary Road - Site 1 CRABC-60.4 * 29 CRABC_60_4 Position - Location: 47° 20.720', -118° 45.524' 47° 20' 43.2", -118° 45' 31.4" 47.34534, -118.75873 Odessa ccStrategy4A-59 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 100ft boom to upstream side of bridge at/near Point A (47.34527, -118.75885). Extend boom across upstream side of bridge (about ~65ft) securing it to the NE end of bridge at/near Point B (47.34541, -118.75868). Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Use vac-truck or skimmer/storage to collect oil near Point B. Use multiple lengths of sorbent boom along downstream side of bridge for secondary collection and sheen reduction.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on or near roadway. Work from bridge. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Rail Line; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on conditions. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines when working on/near road/bridge.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl, Listed IBA, Resident Fish Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 2 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 137 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Cemetary Road - Site 1 CRABC-60.4

CRABC-60.4 Photo: At strategy location on bridge over Crab Creek on Napier Road looking upstream.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Go east on I-90 and take exit 206 (WA-21 towards Lind/Odessa) No Information 2. At end of ramp turn left onto WA-21 Not Determined : 3. After 18.1mi, turn left on W 1st Ave/Hwy 28 4. After 0.8mi, turn right onto Cemetery Road 5. After 1.7mi, Cemetery Road becomes Napier Road. 6. Stay on Napier Road for 1.3mi to bridge over Crab Creek. Stage equipment on or near bridge/roadway as Nearest Address needed. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines (as needed).

108 Napier Rd Odessa, WA 99159

APPENDIX 4A 138 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Napier Road CRABC-61.1 * 30 CRABC_61_1 Position - Location: 47° 20.318', -118° 44.867' 47° 20' 19.1", -118° 44' 52.0" 47.33863, -118.74779 Odessa ddStrategy4A-61 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 100ft boom to bank on creek left at/near Point B (47.338543, -118.747913; ~130ft downstream of RR Bridge). Secure line to remaining boom end and transport to creek right using kayak/hand-launch work boat. Using line, pull boom upstream and across to creek right and secure near base of RR Bridge earthen support at Point A (47.33873, -118.74768). Avoid using anchoring posts on creek right other than at Point A; sensitive resources along creek right could be injured. Back hard boom with multiple lengths of sorbent boom. Vac-truck or skimmer collection at Point B if needed.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage off Napier Road on dirt driveway/path into old ranch. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Rail Line; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Intermittent stream flow at this location. Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl, Listed IBA, Sensitive Resources Recommended Equipment

5 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 1 Each Bolt Cutters 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 100 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 2 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


CRABC-61.1 Photo: On creek left looking down (north) towards strategy location from Napier Road.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Go east on I-90 and take exit 206 (WA-21 towards Lind/Odessa) No Information 2. At end of ramp turn left onto WA-21 Not Determined : 3. After 18.1mi, turn left on W 1st Ave/Hwy 28 4. After 0.8mi, turn right onto Cemetery Road 5. After 1.7mi, Cemetery Road becomes Napier Road. 6. Stay on Napier Road for 0.5mi. Pull off road onto dirt road of old ranch and follow through gate to creek left Nearest Address (~380ft from Napier Road) . Attempt to notify unknown property owner and stage equipment near creek.

100 Cemetery Rd Odessa, WA 99159

APPENDIX 4A 140 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Highway 28 (Odessa) CRABC-63.7 * 31 CRABC_63_7 Position - Location: 47° 19.966', -118° 41.913' 47° 19' 58.0", -118° 41' 54.8" 47.33277, -118.69856 Odessa eeStrategy4A-63 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of 100ft boom to bank on creek right at/near Point B (47.33287, -118.698680). From creek left at or near Point A (47.33265, -118.69849), float line under bridge and over to Point B; hip waders may be needed. Attach line to remaining boom end and pull upstream to creek left, securing it to bank at/near Point A. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Use vac-truck or skimmer/storage to collect oil near Point B. Back hard boom with multiple lengths of sorbent boom for secondary collection and sheen reduction.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage off NE corner of Hwy 28 bridge behind guardrail (between guardrail and tracks). 4x4 vehicle recommended. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Rail Line; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines if staging on shoulder of roadway. Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Listed IBA Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 2 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 2 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 141 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Highway 28 (Odessa) CRABC-63.7

CRABC-63.7 Photo: On creek left of Crab Creek looking downstream towards railroad bridge and across to strategy location on creek right, slightly obscured by tall grass.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Go east on I-90 and take exit 206 (WA-21 towards Lind/Odessa) Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad 2. At end of ramp turn left onto WA-21 Land/Property Contact : 3. After 18.1mi, turn left on W 1st Ave/Hwy 28 4. After 0.3mi, before bridge over creek, pull off Hwy 28 to the right (behind guardrail) and follow level ground WA ~180ft to creek right. Stage off roadway at this location. 800-832-5452 Nearest Address

215 W 1st Ave Odessa, WA 99159

APPENDIX 4A 142 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Laney Brothers Road N CRABC-74.6 * 32 CRABC_74_6 Position - Location: 47° 18.635', -118° 29.207' 47° 18' 38.1", -118° 29' 12.4" 47.31058, -118.48678 Ritzville ffStrategy4A-65 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure one end of boom to bank near NE corner of bridge over Crab Creek on creek right at/near Point A (47.31071, -118.48694) on upstream side of bridge. Extend boom upstream about ~125ft, along bank on creek right, and secure remaining end to bank at/near Point C (47.31068, -118.48643). Secure line to boom (at point about 105ft from end at Point A) and pull into position from bank on river left near bridge; secure at/near Point B (47.31042, -118.48697). Use skimmer with portabl storage for collection. Use lines of sorbent boom on downstream side of bridge for secondary collection.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on shoulder of roadway or in gravel pullout located ~400ft north of bridge. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife; Power Lines. Field Notes: Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines if staging on shoulder of roadway. Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Habitat and Waterfowl, Herons, Resident Fish Recommended Equipment

5 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 300 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 300 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 2 Each Heaving Line(s) 300 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Skimmer (appropriately sized) with Portable Storage 1 Each Winch - Power Winch Recommended Personnel

3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 143 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Laney Brothers Road N CRABC-74.6

CRABC-74.6 Photo: At strategy location looking east/upstream on Crab Creek from bridge on Laney Brothers Road.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Go east on I-90 and take exit 215 (N Paha Packard Rd) No Information 2. At end of ramp turn left onto N Paha Packard Rd Not Determined : 3. After 10.4mi, turn right onto E Davis Rd 4. After 0.3mi, turn left onto Laney Brothers Rd 5. After ~3.4mi you have reached the strategy location. Stage on shoulder of roadway or in gravel pullout located about ~400ft north of bridge. Nearest Address

3136 Laney Brothers Rd N Ritzville, WA 99169

APPENDIX 4A 144 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Doerschlag Road CRABC-97.0 * 33 CRABC_97_0 Position - Location: 47° 19.904', -118° 8.218' 47° 19' 54.3", -118° 8' 13.1" 47.33174, -118.13697 Sprague ggStrategy4A-67 Objective: Underflow Dam : Install Underflow Dam to Collect Oil and Prevent Downstream Movement of Product Implementation: If time allows, build underflow dam at this location on south/downstream side of roadway. If not, deploy one length of river boom (hard boom) on downstream side of bridge. Then deploy multiple lines of sorbent boom across creek, upstream of the river boom. Secure hard boom and sorbent to banks using anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures. Use lines to keep boom secure in water (as needed). Use vac-truck or skimmer & storage for collection (if site is collecting oil).

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage off Doerschlag Road; gravel pull-out located on west side of bridge. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions. Install Underflow Dam on downnstream side of bridge if time allows.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Assort Equipment (shovels, pickaxes, tamper bars, sledge hammers) 1 Assort Fill material (sand, earth, gravel, sandbags) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 10 Each Pipe(s), PVC (8 inch x 8ft) 1 Roll Plastic Sheeting 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 145 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Doerschlag Road CRABC-97.0

CRABC-97.0 Photo: At strategy location looking south/downstream on Crab Creek from roadway bridge.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 245 for WA-23 toward Sprague/Harrington No Information 2. At end of ramp, turn left onto WA-23 N (signs for Edwall/Harrington) Not Determined : 3. After 9.3mi, turn left onto Harding Rd E 4. After 1.7mi, turn left onto Platter Rd N 5. After 1.6mi, turn left onto Doerschlag Rd E 6. After 0.7mi (before bridge) pull off roadway onto small gravel pull-out/field road. Stage equipment at this Nearest Address location, about 150ft west of bridge.

39322 Doerschlag Rd E Sprague, WA 99032

APPENDIX 4A 146 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Highway 23 near Harding Road CRABC-100.7 * 34 CRABC_100_7 Position - Location: 47° 21.623', -118° 6.494' 47° 21' 37.4", -118° 6' 29.7" 47.36038, -118.10824 Sprague hhStrategy4A-69 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek using Sorbent Implementation: Secure end of boom to bank near NE corner of bridge (upstream side) on creek right at/near Point A (47.36052, -118.10825). Use line to pull boom across to creek left, securing boom tight at/near Point B (47.36034,-118.1081). Deploy multiple lines of sorbent boom upstream of hard boom in same manner.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on shoulder of Hwy 23 (NE corner of roadway after guardrail) Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Staging on shoulder of Hwy 23 is very limited; follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 6 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 147 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Highway 23 near Harding Road CRABC-100.7

CRABC-100.7 Photo: At strategy location on creek right, looking at Crab Creek (upstream) from north side of Hwy 23 bridge.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 245 for WA-23 toward Sprague/Harrington No Information 2. At end of ramp, turn left onto WA-23 N (signs for Edwall/Harrington) Not Determined : 3. After 9.1mi, you have reached the strategy location (at small bridge over creek); stage on shoulder of roadway after bridge beyond guardrail. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines.

Nearest Address

40114 Harding Rd E Sprague, WA 99032

APPENDIX 4A 148 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Canby Bridge Road (Harrington) CRABC-110.3 * 35 CRABC_110_3 Position - Location: 47° 27.943', -118° 6.045' 47° 27' 56.6", -118° 6' 2.7" 47.46572, -118.10074 Davenport iiStrategy4A-71 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure end of boom to bank near NE corner/upstream side of bridge on creek left at/near Point A (47.46567, -118.10068). Extend boom upstream about ~60ft, along bank on creek left and secure remaining end to shore at/near Point C (47.46584, -118.10068). Secure line to boom (at point ~40ft from end at Point A) and pull into position from bank on river right on upstream side of bridge; secure at/near Point B (47.46569, -118.10082). Use vac-truck or skimmer from bridge for collection. Use lines of sorbent boom on downstream side of bridge for secondary collection.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on shoulder of roadway or on roadway near bridge; follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring Post Driver(s) 10 Each Anchoring Post(s) - (shoreside) 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 100 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 149 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Canby Bridge Road (Harrington) CRABC-110.3

CRABC-110.3 Photo: At strategy location looking upstream from small bridge over Crab Creek on Canby Bridge Road E.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 245 for WA-23 toward Sprague/Harrington No Information 2. At end of ramp, turn left onto WA-23 N (signs for Edwall/Harrington) Not Determined : 3. After 12.2mi, turn right onto Oestreich Rd N 4. After 3.2mi, turn right onto Gilliland Rd E 5. After 2.9mi, turn left onto Bly Rd 6. After 300ft, turn right onto Canby Bridge Rd E Nearest Address 7. After 0.5mi, you have reached the strategy location (at small bridge); stage on or near roadway. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. 11603 Bly Rd N Davenport, WA 99122

APPENDIX 4A 150 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Bluestem Road (Edwall) CRABC-114.8 * 36 CRABC_114_8 Position - Location: 47° 30.139', -118° 2.282' 47° 30' 8.4", -118° 2' 16.9" 47.50232, -118.03804 Edwall jjStrategy4A-73 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure one end of boom to bank near NW corner of small bridge over Crab Creek on creek right at/near Point A (47.50231, -118.03827) on upstream side of bridge. Extend boom upstream about ~80ft, along bank on creek right, and secure remaining end to bank at/near Point C (47.50237, -118.03797). Secure line to boom (at point about 40ft from end at Point A) and pull into position from bank on river left near bridge; secure at/near Point B (47.50227, -118.0381). Use vac-truck or skimmer for collection. Use lines of sorbent boom on downstream side of bridge for secondary collection.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on shoulder of roadway; follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

5 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 151 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Bluestem Road (Edwall) CRABC-114.8

CRABC-114.8 Photo: At strategy location looking upstream on Crab Creek from bridge on Bluestem Rd. Railroad bridge in background.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 245 for WA-23 toward Sprague/Harrington No Information 2. At end of ramp, turn left onto WA-23 N (signs for Edwall/Harrington) Not Determined : 3. After 0.6mi, turn right onto WA-231 N 4. After 15.9mi, turn left onto Hall Avenue 5. After 0.2mi, road becomes "Westerberg St N" (after curve to the left) 6. After 0.1mi, road becomes "Bluestem Rd E" (after curve to the right) Nearest Address 7. Continue on Bluestem Rd E for 4.1 miles. Strategy location will be on your right before bridge over Crab Creek. Stage in field off roadway or on shoulder. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines if staging on or near roadway. 43998 Bluestem Rd E Edwall, WA 99008

APPENDIX 4A 152 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Detour Road CRABC-126.7 * 37 CRABC_126_7 Position - Location: 47° 38.168', -117° 56.947' 47° 38' 10.1", -117° 56' 56.8" 47.63614, -117.94911 Edwall kk4AStrategy-75 Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Crab Creek Implementation: Secure one end of boom to bank near NW corner of small bridge over Crab Creek on creek right at/near Point A (47.63618, -117.94924) on upstream side of bridge. Extend center point of boom across creek to opposite side of bridge, securing it to bank on creek left at/near Point B (NE corner of bridge). Secure remaining boom end back at/near Point A. Place multiple lines of sorbent boom on upstream side of bridge, on upstream side of hard/river boom. Replace sorbents as needed. Use vac-truck or skimmer/portablle storage for collection (if needed).

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on roadway shoulder; follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Creek has intermittent flow. Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Sensitive Resources Nearby Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 100 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


CRABC-126.7 Photo: No photograph available.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 245 for WA-23 toward Sprague/Harrington No Information 2. At end of ramp, turn left onto WA-23 N (signs for Edwall/Harrington) Not Determined : 3. After 0.6mi, turn right onto WA-231 N 4. After 26.3mi turn left onto Detour Rd E 5. After 0.5mi, the strategy location will be on your left. Stage on shoulder of road and follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Nearest Address

47215 Detour Rd E Edwall, WA 99008

APPENDIX 4A 154 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Hwy 231 (Reardan) CRABC-128.4 * 38 CRABC_128_4 Position - Location: 47° 39.320', -117° 56.273' 47° 39' 19.2", -117° 56' 16.4" 47.65534, -117.93789 Edwall llStrategy4A-77 Objective: Underflow Dam : Install Underflow Dam to Collect Oil and Prevent Downstream Movement of Product Implementation: If time allows, build underflow dam at this location on west/downstream side of roadway. If not, deploy one length of river boom (hard boom) on west/downstream side of Hwy 231, and multiple lines of sorbent boom across creek, upstream of the river boom. Secure hard boom and sorbent to banks using anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures. Use lines to keep boom secure in water (as needed). Use vac-truck or skimmer & storage for collection (if site is collecting oil).

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage at WSDOT SR 231 Stockpile Site adjacent to creek right; call WSDOT at 509-999-1712 in advance. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife; Barb Wire. Field Notes: Creek has intermittent flow. Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions. Install Underflow Dam if time allows.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 1 Each Bolt Cutters 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Assort Equipment (shovels, pickaxes, tamper bars, sledge hammers) 1 Assort Fill material (sand, earth, gravel, sandbags) 8 Each Pipe(s), PVC (8 inch x 8ft) 1 Roll Plastic Sheeting 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 155 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Hwy 231 (Reardan) CRABC-128.4

CRABC-128.4 Photo: At strategy location looking west from shoulder of Hwy 231 near Reardan.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 245 for WA-23 toward Sprague/Harrington WSDOT Hazmat (Spokane) 2. At end of ramp, turn left onto WA-23 N (signs for Edwall/Harrington) Primary Contact : Property Owner 3. After 0.6mi, turn right onto WA-231 N 2714 North Mayfair St 4. After 27.6mi (about 0.35mi south of Hwy 2) the strategy location will be on your left. Stage on shoulder of Spokane, WA 99207-2090 road or south end of gravel pit. Follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines if staging on roadway 509-999-1712 shoulder. Nearest Address

25541 Washington 231 Edwall, WA 99008

APPENDIX 4A 156 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Alexander Road (Reardan) CRABC-128.6 * 39 CRABC_128_6 Position - Location: 47° 39.456', -117° 56.117' 47° 39' 27.4", -117° 56' 7.0" 47.65760, -117.93529 Reardan mmStrategy4A-79 Objective: Culvert Block : Install Culvert Block to Collect Oil and Prevent Downstream Movement of Product Implementation: If time allows, install culvert block at this location on north/upstream side of roadway. If not, deploy one length of river boom (hard boom) on upstream side of culvert (blocking the culvert). Then place multiple lines of sorbent boom immediately upstream of the hard boom. Secure boom (including sorbent boom) to banks using anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures. Use lines to keep boom secure in water (as needed). Use vac-truck or skimmer & storage for collection (if site is collecting oil).

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on roadway; follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Creek has intermittent flow. Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions. Install culvert block if time allows.

Watercourse: Creek - Crab Creek Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Assort Equipment (shovels, pickaxes, tamper bars, sledge hammers) 1 Assort Fill material (sand, earth, gravel, sandbags) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Roll Plastic Sheeting 4 Each Plywood sheets (4ft x 4ft) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 157 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Alexander Road (Reardan) CRABC-128.6

CRABC-128.6 Photo: At strategy location looking north/upstream on Crab Creek from roadway. Culvert runs under roadway.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 245 for WA-23 toward Sprague/Harrington No Information 2. At end of ramp, turn left onto WA-23 N (signs for Edwall/Harrington) Not Determined : 3. After 0.6mi, turn right onto WA-231 N 4. After 27.8mi, turn right onto Alexander Rd E 5. After 0.1mi Alexander Rd E, you have reached the strategy location. Stage on roadway; follow WSDOT work zone traffic control guidelines. Nearest Address

49282 Alexander Rd E Reardan, WA 99029

APPENDIX 4A 158 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Lords Creek - Harding Road E LORDC-0.4 * 40 LORDC_0_4 Position - Location: 47° 21.730', -118° 7.451' 47° 21' 43.8", -118° 7' 27.0" 47.36216, -118.12418 Sprague nnStrategy4A-81 Objective: Underflow Dam : Install Underflow Dam to Collect Oil and Prevent Downstream Movement of Product Implementation: If time allows, build underflow dam at this location on north/upstream side of roadway. If not, deploy one length of river boom (hard boom) on north/upstream side of bridge. Then deploy multiple lines of sorbent boom across creek, upstream of the river boom. Secure hard boom and sorbent to banks using anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures. Use lines to keep boom secure in water (as needed). Use vac-truck or skimmer & storage for collection (if site is collecting oil).

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage on shoulder of roadway. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable/Muddy Banks; Heavy Vegetation; Wildlife. Field Notes: Creek has intermittent flow. Modify strategy as needed, based on stream flow conditions. Install Underflow Dam if time allows.

Watercourse: Creek - Lords Creek (Tributary to Crab Creek) Resources at Risk: Downstream Habitat, Downstream Resources, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Assort Equipment (shovels, pickaxes, tamper bars, sledge hammers) 1 Assort Fill material (sand, earth, gravel, sandbags) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 8 Each Pipe(s), PVC (8 inch x 8ft) 1 Roll Plastic Sheeting 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage (if collection) Recommended Personnel

3 Laborer 1 Supervisor


LORDC-0.4 Photo: At strategy location, looking SSW and downstream on Lords Creek from roadway bridge.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 245 for WA-23 toward Sprague/Harrington No Information 2. At end of ramp, turn left onto WA-23 N (signs for Edwall/Harrington) Not Determined : 3. After 9.3mi, turn left onto Harding Rd E 4. After ~0.8mi, Lords Creek runs under roadway; stage on shoulder of roadway near bridge.

Nearest Address

40114 Harding Rd E Sprague, WA 99032

APPENDIX 4A 160 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Crest Island (West) MOLK-15.0a * 41 MOLK_15_0a Position - Location: 47° 7.477', -119° 18.569' 47° 7' 28.6", -119° 18' 34.1" 47.12461, -119.30948 Moses Lake ooStrategy4A-83 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil out of Lewis Horn Implementation: Using workboat secure one end of 700ft length of boom to shore in Moses Lake near west entrance to Lewis Horn at Point A (~47.124596, -119.31089). Then extend boom eastward 700ft, securing the remaining boom end to shore near SW corner of Crest Island at Point B (~47.12461, -119.30813). Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Use anchoring systems (as needed) to keep boom secure in water.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at Blue Heron Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable Banks; Heavy Vegetation near shore. Field Notes: Stage at Blue Heron Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) near boat launch. Contact Moses Lake Parks and Recreation to coordinate the staging of response equipment near boat launch; Call 509-764-3805. Strategy site is 1.6 miles NW of ramp.

Watercourse: Lake - Moses Lake Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Grebes - Concentrations, Waterfowl Concentrations Recommended Equipment

3 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 700 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 161 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Crest Island (West) MOLK-15.0a

MOLK-15.0a Photo: Aerial view of strategy location and west end of Crest Island.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-MOLK-43.2) No Information 1. Head East on Interstate 90 Unknown : 2. Take exit 174ƚŽǁĂƌĚDĂĞsĂůůĞLJͬ,ĂŶƐĞŶZĚ 3. Turn right towards S Frontage Rd NW 4. After 0.1mi, take right onto S Frontage Rd 5. After 0.1mi, take right onto Hansen Rd Nearest Address 6. After 0.2mi, take right onto Westlake Rd 7. After 0.7mi, turn left onto Westshore Dr NE; Park will be on your right-hand side. 8. After 0.1mi, turn right into the park and travel 0.3mi east to boat ramp. Stage in parking area. Notify Moses 111 Westshore Drive Lake Parks Department; call 509-764-3805. Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 162 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Crest Island (East Side) MOLK-15.0b * 42 MOLK_15_0b Position - Location: 47° 7.585', -119° 18.260' 47° 7' 35.1", -119° 18' 15.6" 47.12642, -119.30434 Moses Lake ppStrategy4A-85 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil out of Lewis Horn Implementation: Using workboat, secure one end of 800ft length of boom to shore in Moses Lake near east end of Crest Island near Point A (47.12579, - 119.30562). Then extend boom ~800ft NE (north of small unnamed island) and secure remaining boom end to private dock north of east entrance to Lewis Horn at/near Point B (47.12701,-119.30316). Sensitive resources exist near Point B so don͛t use anchoring posts. Use shoreside anchoring posts (Point A only), trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Use anchoring systems (as needed) to keep boom secure in water.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at Blue Heron Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Unstable Banks; Heavy Vegetation near shore. Field Notes: Stage at Blue Heron Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) near boat launch. Contact Moses Lake Parks and Recreation to coordinate the staging of response equipment near boat launch; Call 509-764-3805. Strategy site is 1.8 miles NW of ramp.

Watercourse: Lake - Moses Lake Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Sensitive Resources Nearby, Waterfowl Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 800 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 163 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Crest Island (East Side) MOLK-15.0b

MOLK-15.0b Photo: No photograph currently available for this strategy location.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-MOLK-43.2) No Information 1. Head East on Interstate 90 Unknown : 2. Take exit 174 toward Mae Valley/Hansen Rd 3. Turn right towards S Frontage Rd NW 4. After 0.1mi, take right onto S Frontage Rd 5. After 0.1mi, take right onto Hansen Rd Nearest Address 6. After 0.2mi, take right onto Westlake Rd 7. After 0.7mi, turn left onto Westshore Dr NE; Park will be on your right-hand side. 8. After 0.1mi, turn right into the park and travel 0.3mi east to boat ramp. Stage in parking area. Notify Moses 111 Westshore Drive Lake Parks Department; call 509-764-3805 Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 164 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Sand Dune Road (South Outlet) MOLK-39.0 qq4A-87 Position - Location: 47° 4.798', -119° 20.001' 47° 4' 47.9", -119° 20' .1" 47.07997, -119.33335 Moses Lake

Strategy Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil away from lake outlet gates. *Implementation: 43 MOLK_39_0 Secure boom to shore on south side of outlet channel near Point A (~47.07976, -119.33351). Connect line to remaining boom end and use Roadway Bridge to transport line across channel. Pull boom across channel and secure to shore around boom͛s mid-point (150ft) at Point B. Use line again to transport remaining boom across channel from Point B to Point C. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Deploy sorbent boom as needed to reduce small concentrations of product or sheen.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage in parking area at south side of outlet channel off Dune Road. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Wildlife Hazard; Unstable Banks; Vegetation. Field Notes: Ensure Moses Lake Irrigation District has been notified before implementing this strategy; call 509-765-8716. Gates/Outlet Structure leads to Potholes Reservoir.

Watercourse: Lake - Moses Lake Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Grebes - Concentrations, Listed IBA, Waterfowl Concentrations Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 300 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line Recommended Personnel

3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 165 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Sand Dune Road (South Outlet) MOLK-39.0

MOLK-39.0 Photo: At strategy location on south side of outlet channel, looking NW toward gates and Sand Dune Road.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head East on Interstae 90 Moses Lake Irrigation District 2. Take exit 174ƚŽǁĂƌĚDĂĞsĂůůĞLJͬ,ĂŶƐĞŶZĚ Primary Contact : 2. Turn right towards S Frontage Rd NW 932 E. Wheeler Road 3. After 0.1mi, take a sharp left onto S Frontage Rd NW. Moses Lake, WA 98837 4. After 0.3mi, turn right onto Sand Dune Road 509-765-8716 5. After 1.6 miles parking area at strategy is on left. Stage in parking area. Notify Moses Lake Irrigation District; Nearest Address Call 509-765-8716.

911 Sand Dune Road Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 166 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Sand Dune Road (North Outlet) MOLK-39.3 * 44 MOLK_39_3 Position - Location: 47° 5.032', -119° 19.991' 47° 5' 1.9", -119° 19' 59.4" 47.08386, -119.33318 Moses Lake rrStrategy4A-89 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil away from lake outlet gates. Collect oil at site as needed. Implementation: Secure boom to shore near SW corner of outlet channel near Point A (~47.08379, -119.33353). Connect line to remaining boom end and use Roadway Bridge to transport line across channel. Pull boom across channel and secure to shore around boom͛s mid-point (150ft) at Point B. Use line again to transport remaining boom across channel from Point B to Point C. Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore. Vac truck or skimmer collection; sorbent boom use for collection is acceptable for small concentrations of product and sheen.

Staging Area: Onsite: Stage in parking area at south side of outlet channel off Dune Road. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Roadway Hazard; Wildlife Hazard; Unstable Banks; Vegetation. Field Notes: Ensure Moses Lake Irrigation District has been notified before implementing this strategy; call 509-765-8716. Gates/Outlet Structure leads to Potholes Reservoir.

Watercourse: Lake - Moses Lake Resources at Risk: Bald Eagle, Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife, Grebes - Concentrations, Listed IBA, Waterfowl Concentrations Recommended Equipment

3 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 300 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Hand (appropriately sized for boom) 2 Each Heaving Line(s) 200 Feet Line - ´poly line 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

3 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 167 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Sand Dune Road (North Outlet) MOLK-39.3

MOLK-39.3 Photo: At stratgy location on south side of outlet channel, looking NNW toward gates and Sand Dune Road.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head East on Interstae 90 Moses Lake Irrigation District 2. Take exit 174ƚŽǁĂƌĚDĂĞsĂůůĞLJͬ,ĂŶƐĞŶZĚ Primary Contact : Chris Overland 2. Turn right towards S Frontage Rd NW 932 E. Wheeler Road Moses Lake, 3. After 0.1mi, take a sharp left onto S Frontage Rd NW. WA 98837 509-765-8716 4. After 0.3mi, turn right onto Sand Dune Road 5. After 1.3 miles parking area at strategy is on left. Stage in parking area. Notify Moses Lake Irrigation District; Nearest Address Call 509-765-8716.

911 Sand Dune Road Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4A 168 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Interstate 90 Bridge MOLK-42.9 * 45 MOLK_42_9 Position - Location: 47° 6.186', -119° 19.377' 47° 6' 11.2", -119° 19' 22.6" 47.10311, -119.32295 Moses Lake ssStrategy4A-91 Objective: Exclusion : Keep oil out of southern end of lake Implementation: Use workboat to transport 400ft boom to site. Secure boom to shore along trail near NW corner of I-90 bridge over Moses Lake at Point A (~47.10307, -119.32359). Secure remaining end to shore along trail on eastern part of bridge at Point C. Near boom midpoint, use workboat to pull boom north into the lake creating a chevron (north pointing apex) after anchoring near Point B (~47.1033, -119.32282 - ~150ft north of trail bridge over Moses Lake). Use shoreside anchoring posts, trees, or existing structures to secure boom to shore.

Staging Area: Remote: Stage at Blue Heron Park (SA-MOLK-34.2) near Boat Ramp Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Pedestrian Trail; Bank Condition Unknown. Field Notes: Stage at Blue Heron Park (SA-MOLK-43.2) near boat launch. Contact Moses Lake Parks and Recreation to coordinate the staging of response equipment near boat launch; Call 509-764-3805. Strategy site is 0.3 miles SSE of ramp.

Watercourse: Lake - Moses Lake Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Freshwater Wildlife Recommended Equipment

1 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 400 Feet Boom - B3 (Contractor Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 2 Each Heaving Line(s) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor

APPENDIX 4A 169 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Interstate 90 Bridge MOLK-42.9

MOLK-42.9 Photo: No photograph currently available for this strategy location.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-MOLK-43.2) No Information 1. Head East on Interstate 90 Unknown : 2. Take exit 174ƚŽǁĂƌĚDĂĞsĂůůĞLJͬ,ĂŶƐĞŶZĚ 3. Turn right towards S Frontage Rd NW 4. After 0.1mi, take right onto S Frontage Rd 5. After 0.1mi, take right onto Hansen Rd Nearest Address 6. After 0.2mi, take right onto Westlake Rd 7. After 0.7mi, turn left onto Westshore Dr NE; Park will be on your right-hand side. 8. After 0.1mi, turn right into the park and travel 0.3mi east to boat ramp. Stage in parking area. Notify Moses 111 Westshore Drive Lake Parks Department; call 509-764-3805. Moses Lake, WA 98837


Appendix 4B - Notification Strategy 2-Pagers




APPENDIX 4B 172 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake Irrigation District MOLK-0.0-N * 46 MOLK_0_0_N Position - Location: 47° 7.888', -119° 15.714' 47° 7' 53.3", -119° 15' 42.8" 47.13146, -119.26190 Moses lake ttStrategy4B-3 Objective: Notification : Notify Moses Lake Irrigation District about oil impacting or potentially impacting the lake Implementation: Call 509-765-8716. Moses Lake Irrigation District email is [email protected]

Field Notes: No Information

Watercourse: Lake - Moses Lake

Resources at Risk: : Economic Resource, Other, Water Intakes Communication Process and Action:

Moses Lake Irrigation District (MLIRD) controls the gates/outlet structures to the Potholes Reservoir, located on sw end of the lake south of the I-90 Bridge. Other project responsibilities include the Parker Horn Pump Station, Moses Lake North Dam, aquatic weed treatment, and dredging on Moses Lake.

In the event of a spill, contact MLIRD by calling Call 509-765-8716 and/or email [email protected] so information about the incident can be distributed, and actions taken to reduce impact to the resources they control.

APPENDIX 4B 173 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake Irrigation District MOLK-0.0-N

MOLK-0.0-N Photo: No photograph is currently available for this location.

Site Contact Driving Directions

Moses Lake Irrigation District To Moses Lake Irrigation District Office Primary Contact : 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) 932 E. Wheeler Road 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N Moses Lake, WA 98837 3. After 1.2mi, turn right onto WA-17 N 509-765-8716 4. After 1.5mi, turn left onto E Wheeler Rd 5. After 0.3mi, the office for Moses Lake Irrigation District will be on your right at 932 E Wheeler Road (brown single story brick structure with arched entryways). Nearest Address

932 E Wheeler Road Moses lake, WA 98837


Appendix 4C - Staging Area 2-Pagers





APPENDIX 4C 176 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Lower Crab Creek Staging Area SA-CRABC-0.6 * 47 SA_CRABC_0_6 Staging Area uu4C-3 Position - Location: 47° 8.479', -119° 16.295' 47° 8' 28.7", -119° 16' 17.7" 47.14131, -119.27159 Moses Lake Comments: Small gravel/dirt lot that can be used to stage equipment and possibly hand-launch a small work boat. Hwy 17 southbound, turnoff immediately before bridge and railroad tracks.

Location Information

Asset Type/Status Amount/Number Boat Dock(s) No None Available Boat Ramp(s) None None Available Boathouse No Cell Phone Coverage Unknown Estimated Lot Size 12,000 SqFt Lot Cover (Primary) Dirt/Gravel Dirt/Gravel Parking - Car Gravel 6 Parking - Trailer Gravel 2 Power No None Available Restroom None Telephone No None Available User Fee Unknown Waste Disposal None None Available Water (potable) No None Available GRP Response Strategies Served:

CRABC-0.3, CRABC-0.0b, CRABC-0.0a, CRABC-0.4, CRABC-0.5


SA-CRABC-0.6 Photo: Aerial view of Staging Area location off of Hwy 17 in Moses Lake.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 176 (WA-171 N toward I-90h^ͬDŽƐĞƐ>ĂŬĞͿ No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto Lakeshore Dr/Hwy 171 Not Determined : 3. After 2.9mi turn left onto N Stratford Rd 4. After 0.8mi turn right to merge onto WA-17 S toward Othello Pasco (stay in right lane) 5. After 0.3mi turn off hwy onto gravel/dirt roadway before railroad tracks and bridge over Crab Creek. 6. Follow road to water. Stage trucks and equipment on gravel/dirt roadway.

Nearest Address

1005 N Stratford Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4C 178 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Moses Lake Trucking Statging Area SA-CRABC-0.7 * 48 SA_CRABC_0_7 Staging Area vv4C-5 Position - Location: 47° 8.522', -119° 16.055' 47° 8' 31.3", -119° 16' 3.3" 47.14204, -119.26759 Moses Lake Comments: Site located on Moses Lake Trucking property adjacent to Crab Creek (on creek left); call 509-765-1387 for access.

Location Information

Asset Type/Status Amount/Number Boat Dock(s) No Not Available Boat Ramp(s) None Not Available Cell Phone Coverage Unknown Estimated Lot Size 30,000SqFt Lot Cover (Primary) Grass Dirt/Grass (50%) Parking - Car Other 20 Asphalt, Grass, Dirt Parking - Trailer Other 5 Asphalt, Grass, Dirt Power No Not Available Restroom None Not Available Telephone No Not Available User Fee No Waste Disposal None Not Available Water (potable) No Not Available

GRP Response Strategies Served:

CRABC-0.7a, CRABC-0.7c, CRABC-0.8, CRABC-0.7b

APPENDIX 4C 179 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Moses Lake Trucking Statging Area SA-CRABC-0.7

SA-CRABC-0.7 Photo: Staging Area on Moses Lake Trucking property. On river left at location, looking downstream towards Hwy 17 bridge. Crab Creek at low water.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-0.7) at Moses Lake Trucking Moses Lake Trucking 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) Land/Property Contact : Property Owner 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N 3644 East Broadway Avenue 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N Moses Lake, WA 98837 4. After 2.2mi turn right onto East Broadway Avenue. Moses Lake Trucking is on the left. 5. Gain Entry into yard at Moses Lake Trucking; Call 509-765-1387. 509-765-1387 6. From gate, follow yard road back towards Crab Creek (NW about ~1200ft). Stage Equipment adjacent to creek.

Nearest Address

3644 East Broadway Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4C 180 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Kinder Road Staging Area SA-CRABC-1.1 * 49 SA_CRABC_1_1 Staging Area ww4C-7 Position - Location: 47° 8.744', -119° 15.938' 47° 8' 44.6", -119° 15' 56.3" 47.14574, -119.26563 Moses Lake Comments: Dirt/grass road from east end of Kinder Road NE leads to creek. Stage equipment on road/trail near creek.

Location Information

Asset Type/Status Amount/Number Boat Dock(s) No None Available Boat Ramp(s) None None Available Cell Phone Coverage Unknown Estimated Lot Size 4500 SqFt Lot Cover (Primary) Grass Grass 95% Parking - Car Other 6 Dirt/Grass Parking - Trailer Other 2 Dirt/Grass Power No None Available Restroom None None Available Telephone No None Available User Fee Unknown Water (potable) No None Available

GRP Response Strategies Served:

CRABC-1.1b, CRABC-1.0, CRABC-1.1a

APPENDIX 4C 181 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Kinder Road Staging Area SA-CRABC-1.1

SA-CRABC-1.1 Photo: View of dirt/grass roadway leading to staging area beyond east end of Kinder Road NE.

Site Contact Driving Directions To Staging Area (SA-CRABC-1.1) No Information 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17ƚŽǁĂƌĚDŽƐĞƐ>ĂŬĞͬKƚŚĞůůŽͿ Not Determined : 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90h^ͬtͲ17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 0.1mi turn right onto Kinder Road NE 7. After 0.4mi continue strait on Kinder Road NE (pavement will turn to dirt/grass) 6. Follow road ~0.2mi to water. Stage trucks and equipment on dirt/grass road/trail; hand-launch small workboat from shore. Nearest Address

10288 Kinder Rd NE Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4C 182 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Millerville Worksite Staging Area SA-CRABC-1.2 * 50 SA_CRABC_1_2 Staging Area xx4C-9 Position - Location: 47° 8.820', -119° 15.781' 47° 8' 49.2", -119° 15' 46.9" 47.14700, -119.26302 Moses Lake Comments: Dirt/Grass field on creek left off Cherokee Road

Location Information

Asset Type/Status Amount/Number Boat Dock(s) No None Available Boat Ramp(s) None None Available Cell Phone Coverage Unknown Covered Spaces No None Available Estimated Lot Size 25000 Open Field (25,000sqft) Lot Cover (Primary) Dirt/Gravel Grass/Dirt (100%) Parking - Car Other 10 Open Field Parking - Trailer Other 10 Open Field Power No None Available Restroom None None Available Telephone No None Available User Fee Unknown Prrivate Property Waste Disposal None None Available Water (potable) No None Available GRP Response Strategies Served:


APPENDIX 4C 183 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Millerville Worksite Staging Area SA-CRABC-1.2

SA-CRABC-1.2 Photo: Aerial view from creek right, looking east across Crab Creek towards staging area.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17ƚŽǁĂƌĚDŽƐĞƐ>ĂŬĞͬKƚŚĞůůŽͿ Millerville Rentals 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90h^ͬtͲ17 N Land/Property Contact : Property Owner 3. After 1.0mi, take slight right onto WA-17E;ƐŝŐŶƐĨŽƌƉĂŚƌĂƚĂͬ^ŽĂƉ>ĂŬĞͿ 4. After 2.2ŵŝ͕ƚƵƌŶƌŝŐŚƚŽŶƚŽƌŽĂĚǁĂLJǀĞͬƌŽĂĚǁĂLJdžƚĞŶĚĞĚE Moses Lake, WA 98837 5. After 0.5mi, turn left onto Rd 4EͬŚĞƌŽŬĞĞZĚ 6. After 0.2mi, within the curve of the road to the right, turn left onto unnamed road. 509-765-8709 7. After 125ft, there is a gate that leads to the field where staging can be established adjacent to creek. 8. Check with property owner in advance; call 509-765-7809.

Nearest Address

10804 Road 4 NE Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4C 184 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - 7NE Road SA-CRABC-4.3 * 51 SA_CRABC_4_3 Staging Area yy4C-11 Position - Location: 47° 11.399', -119° 15.861' 47° 11' 23.9", -119° 15' 51.6" 47.18998, -119.26434 Moses Lake Comments: Gravel lot on north side of road about 350ft east of bridge over creek.

Location Information

Asset Type/Status Amount/Number Boat Dock(s) No None Available Boat Ramp(s) None None Available Cell Phone Coverage Unknown Estimated Lot Size 10,000SqFt Lot Cover (Primary) Gravel Gravel (90%) Parking - Car Gravel 10 Parking - Trailer Gravel 6 Power No None Available Restroom None None Available Telephone No None Available User Fee Unknown Waste Disposal None None Available

GRP Response Strategies Served:

CRABC-4.3a, CRABC-4.3b


SA-CRABC-4.3 Photo: No photograph available.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17ƚŽǁĂƌĚDŽƐĞƐ>ĂŬĞͬKƚŚĞůůŽͿ No Information 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90h^ͬtͲ17 N Not Determined : 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N 4. After 2.7mi take the Stratford Rd exit toward Moses Lake 5. At end of exit ramp, turn right onto N Stratford Rd 6. After 3.1mi turn right onto Road 7 NE 7. After 0.6mi turn left into gravel parking lot (~350ft east of bridge over Crab Creek); stage equipment in parking lot.

Nearest Address

10715 Road 7 NE Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4C 186 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Blue Heron Park SA-MOLK-43.2 * 52 SA_MOLK_43_2 Staging Area zz4C-13 Position - Location: 47° 6.395', -119° 19.661' 47° 6' 23.7", -119° 19' 39.6" 47.10659, -119.32768 Moses Lake Comments: Contact City of Moses lake Parks and Recreation at 509-764-3805. See:

Location Information Asset Type/Status Amount/Number Boat Dock(s) Yes 1 Boat Ramp(s) Asphalt 2 Cell Phone Coverage Yes Estimated Lot Size 123000 SqFt Lot Cover (Primary) Asphalt Asphalt Parking - Car Other 250 Parking - Trailer Other 25 Power Yes Restroom Restroom - Flush 1 Telephone No User Fee No Water (potable) Yes

GRP Response Strategies Served:

MOLK-15.0a, MOLK-15.0b, MOLK-42.9

APPENDIX 4C 187 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Blue Heron Park SA-MOLK-43.2

SA-MOLK-43.2 Photo: No photograph currently available.

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head East on Interstate 90 City of Moses Lake Parks and Recreation 2. Take exit 174ƚŽǁĂƌĚDĂĞsĂůůĞLJͬ,ĂŶƐĞŶZĚ Land/Property Owner : 3. Turn right towards S Frontage Rd NW 411 S Balsam Street 4. After 0.1mi, take slight right ono S Frontage Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837 5. After 0.1mi, take right onto Hansen Rd 6. After 0.2mi, take right onto Westlake Rd 509-764-3805 7. After 0.7mi, turn left onto Westshore Dr NE; Park will be on your right-hand side. 8. After 0.1mi, turn right into the park and travel 0.3mi east to boat ramp. Stage in parking area. Notify Moses Lake Parks Department; call 509-764-3805. Nearest Address

111 Westshore Drive Moses Lake, WA 98837


Appendix 4D - Boat Launch 2-Pagers




APPENDIX 4D 190 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Moses Lake Trucking Boat Launch BL-CRABC-0.9 * 53 BL_CRABC_0_9 Boat Launch Location aaa4D-3 Position - Location: 47° 8.646', -119° 15.901' 47° 8' 38.7", -119° 15' 54.1" 47.14410, -119.26502 Moses Lake

Comments: Site located on Moses Lake Trucking property; call 509-765-1387 for access. May be able to launch <19ft workboat during periods of high water. At low water, hand-launch workboat recommended.

Location Information

Asset Type/Status Amount/Number Boat Dock(s) No None Available Boat Ramp(s) Natural (Grass/Dirt) 1 Cell Phone Coverage Unknown Estimated Lot Size 1000SqFt Lot Cover (Primary) Grass Grass/Dirt (100%) Parking - Car Other 3 Dirt Trail Parking - Trailer Other 1 Dirt Trail Power No None Available Restroom None None Available Telephone No None Available User Fee No Waste Disposal None None Available Water (potable) No None Available

GRP Response Strategies Served:

CRABC-0.7a, CRABC-0.7c, CRABC-0.8, CRABC-0.7b

APPENDIX 4D 191 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Crab Creek - Moses Lake Trucking Boat Launch BL-CRABC-0.9

Photo: Natural boat launch on Moses Lake Trucking property. On river left at location, looking downstream towards Hwy 17 bridge. Crab Creek at low water. Site Contact Driving Directions Moses Lake Trucking To Boat Launch (BL-CRABC-1.0) at Moses Lake Trucking Land/Property Contact : Property Owner 1. Head east on I-90 and take exit 179 (State Route 17 toward Moses Lake/Othello) 3644 East Broadway Avenue 2. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto I-90BUS/WA-17 N 3. After 1.2mi turn right onto WA-17 N Moses Lake, WA 98837 4. After 2.2mi turn right onto East Broadway Avenue. Moses Lake Trucking is on the left. 509-765-1387 5. Gain Entry into yard at Moses Lake Trucking; Call 509-765-1387. 6. From gate, follow yard road back towards Crab Creek (NW about ~1200ft), then turn north and follow dirt/grass trail (adjacent to creek) ~1000ft to boat launch at bend in creek. Nearest Address

3644 East Broadway Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837

APPENDIX 4D 192 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Blue Heron Park BL-MOLK-43.2 * 54 BL_MOLK_43_2 Boat Launch Location bbb4D-5 Position - Location: 47° 6.395', -119° 19.661' 47° 6' 23.7", -119° 19' 39.6" 47.10659, -119.32768 Moses Lake

Comments: Boat Launch provides good access to most areas of Moses Lake north of Interstate 5. Contact City of Moses lake Parks and Recreation at 509-764-3805. See:

Location Information

Asset Type/Status Amount/Number Boat Dock(s) Yes 1 Boat Ramp(s) Asphalt 2 Cell Phone Coverage Yes Estimated Lot Size 123000 SqFt Lot Cover (Primary) Asphalt Asphalt

Parking - Car Other 250 Parking - Trailer Other 25 Power Yes Restroom Restroom - Flush 1 Telephone No User Fee No Water (potable) Yes

GRP Response Strategies Served:

CRABC-0.3, CRABC-0.0b, CRABC-0.0a, MOLK-15.0a, CRABC-0.2, MOLK-15.0b, CRABC-0.4, MOLK-42.9, CRABC-0.5

APPENDIX 4D 193 MOSES LAKE/CRAB CREEK GRP OCTOBER 2015 Moses Lake - Blue Heron Park BL-MOLK-43.2

CH4 End SA-MOLK-43.2 Photo: No photograph currently available.

Site Contact Driving Directions City of Moses Lake Parks and Recreation 1. Head East on Interstate 90 Land/Property Owner : 2. Take exit 174ƚŽǁĂƌĚDĂĞsĂůůĞLJͬ,ĂŶƐĞŶZĚ 411 S Balsam Street 3. Turn right towards S Frontage Rd NW 4. After 0.1mi, take slight right ono S Frontage Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837 5. After 0.1mi, take right onto Hansen Rd 509-764-3805 6. After 0.2mi, take right onto Westlake Rd 7. After 0.7mi, turn left onto Westshore Dr NE; Park will be on your right-hand side. 8. After 0.1mi, turn right into the park and travel 0.3mi east to boat ramp. Stage in parking area. Notify Moses Nearest Address Lake Parks Department; call 509-764-3805.

111 Westshore Drive Moses Lake, WA 98837




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This chapter provides a summary of natural, cultural, and economic resources at risk in the Moses Lake/Crab Creek area. It provides general information on habitat, fish, and wildlife resources, and locations in the area where sensitive natural resource concerns exist. It offers a summary of cultural resources that includes fundamental procedures for the discovery of cultural artifacts and human skeletal remains. General information about flight restrictions, hazing, and oiled wildlife can be found near the end of this chapter. A list of economic resources in the area is provided in the chapter’s appendix.

This chapter is purposely broad in scope and should not be considered comprehensive. Some of the sensitive resources provided in this chapter are listed because they could not be addressed in Chapter 4 (Response Strategies and Priorities). Additional information from private organizations or federal, state, tribal, and local government agencies should also be sought and considered during spills.

The information provided in this chapter can be used in:

 Assisting the Environmental Unit (EU) and Operations in developing additional response strategies beyond those found in Chapter 4 of this plan.

 Providing resource-at-risk “context” to responders, clean-up workers, and others during the initial phase of a spill response in the area.

 Briefing responders and incident command staff that may be unfamiliar with sensitive resource concerns in the Moses Lake/Crab Creek area.

 Providing background information for personnel involved in media presentations and public outreach during an oil spill incident.


Most biological communities are susceptible to the effects of oil spills. Plant communities on land, eelgrass and marsh grasses in estuaries, and kelp beds in the ocean; microscopic plants and animals; and larger animals, such as fish, amphibians and reptiles, birds, mammals, and a wide variety of invertebrates, are all at potentially at risk from smothering, acute toxicity, and/or the chronic long- term effects that may result from being exposed to spilled oil.


The Moses Lake / Crab Creek sub-basin affords a wide variety of aquatic, riparian, and upland habitats. These varied habitats support a complex diversity of wildlife species, including large and small mammals; songbirds, birds of prey, upland birds, and waterfowl; reptiles; and amphibians. Some species are resident throughout the year; others are migratory either within the subbasin or, in many cases, seasonally migrate outside the subbasin. Many wildlife species found in the subbasin are classified as threatened, endangered, sensitive, or of special concern under the federal Endangered Species Act or under Washington State guidelines.

Classification types are listed below, with the abbreviation of each type provided in the brackets (to the right of the classification).

 Federal Endangered (FE)  Federal Threatened (FT)  Federal Candidate (FC)  Federal Species of Concern (FCo)  State Endangered (SE)  State Threatened (ST)  State Candidate (SC)  State Sensitive (SS)

Sensitive species that may occur within this area, at some time of year, include the following federal and state listed species:

Birds:  Bald Eagle [FCo/SS]  Burrowing Owl [FCo/SC]  Clark’s Grebe [SC]  Common Loon [SS]  Ferruginous Hawk [FCo/ST]  Greater Sage-Grouse [FC/ST]  Loggerhead Shrike [FCo/SC]  Peregrine Falcon [FCo/SS]  Sagebrush Sparrow [SC]  Sage Thrasher [SC]  Western Grebe [SC]  White Pelican [SE]  Yellow-Billed Cuckoo [FT/SC]


Mammals:  Gray wolf [FE/SE]  Pygmy Rabbit [FE/SE]  Washington Ground Squirrel [FC/SC]  White-Tailed Jackrabbit [SC]

Shellfish:  California Floater [FCo/SC]

Amphibian/Reptile:  Columbia Spotted Frog [SC]  Northern Leopard Frog [FCo/SE]  Sagebrush Lizard [FCo/SC]

Plants:  Northern Wormwood [FC]  Spalding’s Catchfly [FT]  Ute ladies-Tresses [FT]

6.2.1 General Resource Concerns

6.2.1a - Habitats:

 Wetlands in this region are all freshwater and range from seasonal open marshes to forested swamps along rivers and streams. All wetland types support a diverse array of amphibian, bird, insect, fish, and wildlife species.

 Riparian Areas serve as transitional zones between the uplands and the rivers and consequently are heavily used by a variety of wildlife. They also contribute to fish habitat by providing shade, cover, and food.

 Side Channels and Impounded Areas provide feeding and resting areas for waterfowl and herons and are important rearing areas for juvenile fish.

 Islands provide important nesting habitat for a variety of bird species, as well as habitat for a variety of mammals.

 Stream Mouths are concentration areas for fish and are feeding areas for a variety of birds.

6.2.1b - Fish and Shellfish

 California Floaters (freshwater mussels) are found throughout most of the region.

 Resident Fish present year-round in lake and streams include Largemouth bass, Crappie, Perch, Bullheads and Rainbow trout.


6.2.1c - Wildlife

 Waterfowl Concentrations (significant) exist throughout this GRP region from fall through spring. Hundreds of thousands of geese, swans and dabbling ducks may occupy this region during peak periods. Resident and migratory waterfowl heavily utilize the islands, backwaters, wetlands and adjacent uplands of the region from fall through spring. Numerous islands in this sub-region also provide nesting habitat for resident waterfowl.

 Bald Eagles and Great Blue Herons nest throughout the region and forage year-round.

 Resident and Migratory Songbirds heavily utilize riparian habitats year-round and are susceptible to oiling if riparian vegetation and shorelines become contaminated.

 Other Small Mammals common to the region include beaver, muskrat, river otter, mink and raccoon. All of these small mammals are vulnerable to contact with spilled oil because of their habitat preferences. Larger mammals are also present throughout this area.

6.2.2 Specific Geographic Areas of Concern

Moses Lake/Rocky Ford Creek: (see figure 6-1)

1) Pelican Horn: Large concentrations of waterfowl, primarily occurring fall through spring particularly in the northeastern part of the horn with high densities of Canada goose and duck nests on Marsh Island, Goat Island, and Gailey’s Island. Bald eagle wintering. Western grebes [SC] and Clark’s grebes [SC] breeding area. California floaters present. Wetland habitat in northeastern end of Pelican Horn.

2) Parker Horn: Large concentrations of waterfowl, primarily occurring fall through spring particularly in the northeastern part of the horn to the confluence with Crab Creek. High densities of Canada goose and duck nests present on small islands. Bald eagle wintering. Wetland habitat throughout.

3) Lewis Horn: Large concentrations of waterfowl, primarily occurring fall through spring particularly west of Cascade Park. Crest Island provides nesting habitat for Western grebes [SC] and Clark’s grebes [SC], in addition to large numbers of Canada geese and various ducks. Bald eagle wintering. Common loons present in this area. Wetland habitats exist on Crest Island and northwest end of Lewis Horn.

4) Southwest Moses Lake from Moses Lake State Park to Cascade Valley: Very large concentrations of migrating/nesting waterfowl (up to 50,000 ducks of various species and 20,000 Canada geese) present in this area fall through spring. Burrowing owls [SC] present along western shore. Northern leopard frogs [SE] present.

5) Northwest Moses Lake from Connolly Park to the mouth of Rocky Ford Creek: Very large concentrations of migrating waterfowl (up to 50,000 ducks of various species and 10,000 Canada geese) present throughout this area, fall through spring. Bald eagle concentrations in winter. Nesting area for Long-billed curlews. Extensive wetland and shrub-steppe habitats along creek.


Figure 6-1: Specific geographic areas of concern within Moses Lake/Rocky Ford Creek.

Crab Creek: (see figure 6-2)

6) Crab Creek (Moses Lake to Gloyd Seeps Wildlife Unit): Large waterfowl migration concentration area (up to 2,000 geese and 5,000 ducks). Significant shorebird concentration area during late summer and fall. Clark’s grebe [SC] nesting area. Bald eagle [FCo/SS] and dabbling duck nesting occurs on the lower reaches of the creek. Burrowing owl [SE] and Long-billed curlew nesting in uplands to the west. Winter habitat for Ring-necked pheasants. Resident warm-water fish and Rainbow trout. Riparian, wetland, and shrub- steppe habitats.

7) Gloyd Seeps Wildlife Unit: Major migration, wintering, and nesting site for geese and dabbling ducks. Resting/foraging area for American white Pelican [SE]. Nesting sites for Clark’s grebe [SC], Greater sage-grouse [FC/ST], and Long-billed curlew nesting is also occurring in this area. Other species present in this area include Bald eagle [FCo/SS], Loggerhead shrike [FCo/SC], Northern leopard frog [FCo/SE], Peregrine falcon [FCo/SS], Sagebrush sparrow [SC]. Resident warm-water fish and Rainbow trout. Riparian, wetland, and shrub-steppe habitats.

8) Brook Lake: Very large waterfowl migration/concentration area (up to 60,000 Lesser Canada geese in fall). Area regularly used by American white pelicans [SE] and by Tundra swans in the spring. Associated wetland habitat provide important habitat for waterfowl, songbirds, shorebirds and upland species. Resident warm-water fish and Rainbow trout. Nearby uplands support Washington ground squirrel [SC], American badger, White-tailed jackrabbit [SC], Mule deer, Ferruginous hawks [FCo/ST], and Peregrine falcons [FCo/SS]. Riparian, wetland and shrub-steppe habitats.


9) Wilson Creek to Odessa: Very large waterfowl concentration area during spring floods (up to 100,000 ducks, 50,000 Canada geese, 2,000 Tundra swans). Area also regularly used by American white pelicans [SE], Bald eagle [FCo/SS], Ferruginous hawks [FCo/ST]. Resident warm-water fish and Rainbow trout. Nearby uplands support American badger, Washington ground squirrel [SC], White-tailed jackrabbit [SC], Mule deer, Burrowing owl [SE], Greater sage-grouse [FC/ST], Loggerhead shrike [FCo/SC], Peregrine falcons [FCo/SS], Prairie falcon, Sage thrasher [SC], Sagebrush sparrow [SC],and Sagebrush lizard [FCo/SC]. Riparian, wetland, and shrub-steppe habitats.

10) Sylvan Lake: Waterfowl concentration/breeding area for ducks, swans, and geese. Nesting area for Great blue and Black-crowned herons. Resident warm-water fish and Rainbow trout. Nearby uplands support White-tailed jackrabbit [SC], Long-billed curlew, Sagebrush lizard [FCo/SC]. Riparian, wetland and shrub-steppe habitats.

Figure 6-2: Specific geographic areas of concern along Crab Creek.



Culturally sensitive sites are present within the Moses Lake / Crab Creek GRP area. Due to the sensitive nature of this information, details regarding the location and type of cultural resources present are not included in this document. However, in order to ensure that tactical response strategies do not inadvertently harm historical and culturally sensitive sites, Washington Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation (WDAHP) should be consulted before disturbing any soil or sediment during a response action. WDAHP may assign a person to monitor cleanup operations, or provide a list of professional archeologists that can be hired to monitor response activities.

Information on the location of culturally sensitive sites is maintained by WDAHP and made available to Washington Department of Ecology for oil spill preparedness and response planning. The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Spokane Tribe of Indians, Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakima Nation, and Nez Perce Tribe may also be able to provide information on cultural resources at risk in this GRP area and should be consulted. After the Unified Command is established, information related to specific archeological concerns will be coordinated through the Environmental Unit.

WDAHP (360) 586-3065 [email protected] (Rob Whitlam)

Confederated Tribes of (509) 634-2695 [email protected] the Colville Reservation (Guy Moura)

Spokane Tribe of Indians (509) 258-4315 [email protected] (Randy Abrahamson)

Confederated Tribes and (509) 865-5121 [email protected] Bands of the Yakima Nation Ext. 4840 (Kate Valdez)

Nez Perce Tribe (208) 621-3851 [email protected] (Pat Baird)

6.3.1 Discovery of Human Skeletal Remains

Any human remains, burial sites, or burial-related materials that are discovered during a spill response must be treated with respect at all times. Refer to Section 9403 of the Northwest Area Contingency Plan for National Historic Preservation Act Compliance Guidelines during an emergency response.


6.3.2 Procedures for the Discovery of Cultural Resources

All work must be stopped immediately and the Incident Commander and Cultural Resource Specialist notified if any person monitoring work activities or involved in spill response believes that they have encountered cultural resources. The area of work stoppage must be adequate to provide for the security, protection, and integrity of the material or artifact(s) discovered.

Prehistoric Cultural Resources: (May include but not limited to any of the following items)

 Lithic debitage (stone chips and other tool-making byproducts)

 Flaked or ground stone tools

 Exotic rock, minerals, or quarries

 Concentrations of organically stained sediments, charcoal, or ash

 Fire-modified rock

 Rock alignments or rock structures

 Bone (burned, modified, or in association with other bone, artifacts, or features)

 Shell or shell fragments

 Petroglyphs and pictographs

 Fish weirs and traps

 Culturally modified trees

 Physical locations or features (traditional cultural properties)

Historic cultural material: (May include any of the following items over 50 years old)

 Bottles, or other glass

 Cans

 Ceramics

 Milled wood, brick, concrete, metal, or other building material

 Trash dumps

 Homesteads, building remains

 Logging, mining, or railroad features

 Piers, wharves, docks, bridges, dams



Socio-economic sensitive resources are facilities or locations that rely on a body of water to be economically viable. Because of their location, they could be severely impacted if an oil spill were to occur. Economically sensitive resources are separated into three categories: critical infrastructure, water dependent commercial areas, and water dependent recreation areas. Appendix “6A” of this chapter provides a list of economic resources for this GRP area.


6.5.1 Flight restriction zones

Flight restriction zones may be recommended by the Environmental Unit (Planning Section) for the purpose of minimizing disturbance that could result in injury to wildlife during an oil spill. By keeping a safe distance or altitude from identified sensitive areas, pilots can minimize the risk of aircraft/ bird collisions, prevent the accidental hazing of wildlife into oiled areas, and avoid causing abandonment of nests. Implementation of Flight Restriction Zones will take place within the Air Operations Branch (Operations Section) after a Unified Command is formed. The Planning Section’s Environmental Unit will work with the Air Ops Branch Director to resolve any potential conflicts with flight activities that are essential to the spill response effort. Typically, the area within a 1,500 ft radius and below 1,000 ft in altitude is restricted to flying in areas that have been identified as sensitive. However, some areas have more restrictive zones. In addition to restrictions associated with wildlife, Tribal authorities may also request notification when overflights are likely to affect culturally sensitive areas within reservations. See Section 9301.3.2 and Section 9301.3.3 of the Northwest Area Contingency Plan for more information on the use of aircraft and helicopters during response operations.

6.5.2 Hazing

After a Unified Command is formed, the Wildlife Hazing Group within the Wildlife Branch (Operations Section) manages wildlife hazing operations. These are actions intended to minimize injuries to wildlife by keeping animals away from the oil and cleanup operations. Hazing includes acoustic or visual deterrent devices, boats, aircraft or other tools. The Wildlife Branch works with state and federal agencies, and the Environmental Unit (Planning Section), to develop hazing plans as appropriate. For more information see the Northwest Wildlife Response Plan (NWACP Section 9310) and Northwest Area Wildlife Deterrence Resources (NWACP Section 9311). Usually, the use of boats and watercraft are restricted within 200 yards of National Wildlife Refuges and other sensitive locations.

6.5.3 Oiled Wildlife

Attempting to capture oiled wildlife can be hazardous to both the animal and the person attempting to capture the animal. Response personnel should not approach or attempt to recover oiled wildlife.


Responders should report their observations of oiled wildlife to the Wildlife Branch so appropriate action can be taken. Information provided should include the location, date, and time of the sighting, and the estimated number and kind of animals observed. Early on in the response, before a Unified Command is established, oiled wildlife sightings should be reported to Washington Emergency Management Division. For more information see the Northwest Wildlife Response Plan (NWACP Section 9310).


Appendix 6A – List of Economic Resources

Category Resource Location Latitude Longitude Contact Phone Email

A3 - Federal or Moses Lake Outlet Moses Lake 47.08388 -119.33323 Moses Lake Irrigation 509-765-9716 State Water Channel (North) District

A3 - Federal or Moses Lake Outlet Moses Lake 47.07997 -119.33335 Moses Lake Irrigation 509-765-9716 State Water Channel (South) District

B6 - Fish Rocky Ford Upper Rocky Ford Creek 47.32417 -119.44038 WDFW Region 2 509-754-4624 [email protected] Hatcheries Fish Hatchery #1 "Troutlodge 1"

B6 - Fish Rocky Ford Upper Rocky Ford Creek 47.30964 -119.44682 WDFW Region 2 509-754-4624 [email protected] Hatcheries Fish Hatchery #2 "Troutlodge 2"

C2 - Public Gloyd Seeps Crab Creek 47.28144 -119.3373 WDFW Wildlife Area 509-765-6641 [email protected] Recreation Areas Wildlife Recreation Manager Area

C4 - Parks & Cascade Park Moses Lake 47.14049 -119.3138 City of Moses Lake 509-764-3805 Beaches Parks and Recreation

C4 - Parks & Connelly Park Moses Lake 47.18692 -119.35256 Moses Lake Irrigation 509-765-8716 Beaches and Rehabilitation District

C4 - Parks & Lower Peninsula Moses Lake 47.09179 -119.31152 City of Moses Lake 509-764-3805 Beaches Park Parks and Recreation

C4 - Parks & McCosh Park Moses Lake 47.125 -119.2802 City of Moses Lake 509-764-3805 Beaches Parks and Recreation

C4 - Parks & Montlake Park Moses Lake 47.10633 -119.285 City of Moses Lake 509-764-3805 Beaches Parks and Recreation

C4 - Parks & Moses Lake - Blue Moses Lake 47.10471 -119.32894 City of Moses Lake 509-764-3805 Beaches Heron Park Parks and Recreation