Minnesota Alumni Weekly •
73he MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY • ·1 2 THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI WEEKLY LELAND F. PETERSEN Editor and Manager Some of Our Completed Buildings CECIL PEASE .... Associate Editor HORACE T. SIMERMAN, Assistant Board of Education, Duluth, Minn., liscellaneous Schooh .... $ 850,000 ELBRIDGE BRAGDON, Sport Editor HUGH HUTTON ........ Cartoonist Northern Packing Co., G ra nd Fork. , N. D., leat Packing Plant 400,000 Board of Education, Cloquet, Minn., H igh School................ .... 220,000 ADVISORY COMMITTEES EDITORIAL: Ray P. Chase, Wil Board of Com., St. Loui. Co., Virginia, Minn., Court Hou. e.. .. 325,000 liam W. Hodson, Rewey Belle Reinhard Bros.. Minne.polis, Business Building ........................ 150,000 I nglis, Agnes Jacques, James Board of Education, Renville, Minn., High and Grade School.... 300,000 H. Baker, chairman. Board of Education, Lewiston, Minn .. High and Grade School.... 120,000 ADvERTISING: Joseph Chapman. Lafayette Investment Co., Minneapoli., Bu.ine .. Building........ 150,000 Wesley King, Horace Klein, Albert B. Loye, Wm. B. Board of Education, Columbia Height., Minn., Grade School.... 80,000 Morris. Board of Education, Bellingham, Minn., High and Grade School 60,000 FACTS FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS Harper & McIntyre Co., Ottumwa, Ia ., Whole •• le Hdw. Bldg. 160,000 Subscription: Life (with life mem Board of Education, Mason City, Iowa, Two Schools ................ 160,000 bership) $50, at $12.50 a year. Yearly (without membership) $3. Subscribe Board of Education, Ottumwa, Iowa, High School .................... 850,000 with central office or local .ecretaries. Eighth Street Holding Co., Minneapolit, Busineu Building........ 150,000 The Minnesota Alumni Weekly is published by the General Alumni As J. R. Kingman, Minneapoli., Bu.ine .. Building ........ ................ 60,000 sociation of the University of Minne sota, 202 Library Building, University Campus, on Tuesday of each week during the regular ,ellions.
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