University of Minnesota, with Graduate Programs in All but One of These Fields, Ranked Among the Leading Edu­ Cational Institutions in the Nation

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University of Minnesota, with Graduate Programs in All but One of These Fields, Ranked Among the Leading Edu­ Cational Institutions in the Nation minnesotan THE UNIVERSITY STAFF MAGAZINE OCT. 1966 is not due to unique achievement in one or two graduate programs; it is a result of the combined achievements of every discipline within the University. Minnesota's ranking in this exhaustive study should be a source of pride for every member of the University community; but it must not be a source of complacency. In his foreword to the study, A.C.E. President Logan Wilson said, "This inquiry was not intended merely to supply a conversation piece in college and university cir­ cles, but, rather, to be an aid to those departments and institutions ... which are seriously concerned about the improvement of graduate education. To effect improve­ ment, a first step is to appraise existing strengths and weaknesses." Academic excellence is not a hill on which we ean build a smug fortress; it is, rather, an ever-retreating horizon toward which we journey from day to day. While we can be proud of the distance we have so far traveled, we must continue to concentrate our energies on reaching toward that elusive goal. We must seek to strengthen our weak­ nesses, and build upon our strengths. In both graduate and undergraduate programs, our "strong" University is no more than a step away from distinction. I am confident that, with the cooperation and help of the state, this university already possesses the genius and desire that will make possible that other extra The stride upward. President's Page The American Council on Education recently published On the cover . a study, An Assessment of Quality in Graduate Educa­ is the architectural model of the four-tower dormi­ tum, by Dr. Allan M. Cartter, vice president of the A.C.E. tory complex and food service building which are Dr. Cartter's study, made in 1964, rates 106 American planned for the West Bank campus. The coeduca­ colleges and universities on the quality of their graduate tional complex will house a total of 2848 students. faculties and programs in twenty-nine academic fields. The University of Minnesota, with graduate programs in all but one of these fields, ranked among the leading edu­ cational institutions in the nation. VOL. XVII THE MINNESOTAN No. l Publisht>d by the Department of University Relations, In the rating of graduate faculties, Minnesota was con­ 217 Morrill Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. sidered "strong" in twenty-one of the categories covered, William L. Nunn, Director "good" in four, "adequate plus" in two, and "distin­ William T. Harris, Jr., Assistant Director guished" in one. Twelve of our graduate programs were Carol E. Fyrand .. Editor considered "acceptable plus," fourteen as "attractive," Joan E. Strommer Layout and Art Work and two as "extremely attractive." The combined total of Advisory Committee: Members of the University Public our ratings, as compared with the other 105 institutions Information Council in the study, confirmed our belief that the University of The MIN N E S 0 TAN is published monthly October through May with the exception of December. Subscription· Minnesota stands among the top fifteen- and the top five free copies mailed to full-time staff members. Non-staff public- colleges and universities in the United States. member subscription rate: $2.00 per year, 30 cents per copy. Copies of each issue on sale at Coffman Memorial Of great interest in these figures is the fact that, while Union Bookstore. Minnesota was considered "distinguished" in only one Photographs, unless otherwise credited, were taken by members of the University Photographic Laboratory. field, the over-all picture of the University's graduate Second class postage paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota. programs was exceptionally strong. Our position among the leading educational institutions in the country, then, 2 Minnesotan PAN-AMERICAN GAME TRIALS COME Cyclists, high jumpers, swimmers, and gymnasts will be among the hundreds of top amateur athletes coming to the University of Minnesota from all over the United TO THE CAMPUS States next July 1-19. haps even work with them. They will come here to assemble and get in shape for Although there will be ticket admission to the exhibi­ the Pan-American Games, which will be held in Winni­ tions and trials, the University hopes to make a type of peg, Canada, July 21 through August 6. All will be out­ "button pass" available to sports enthusiasts. This pass fitted with uniforms; all will train and condition. Some would let them go to as many workout sessions in the will perform in exhibition games or matches; others will different sports as they wish to attend. Close contact with actually be in trials to select the final team representatives. the training process would give these people- in par­ The Pan-American Games which are held every four ticular, the young athletes of the community- a better years, attract amateur athletes from North, South, and idea of the intense concentration of effort and energy Central America. United States participation is under the which precedes the final match, the final game. direction of the United States Olympic Committee. This "While the University is at the center, we want to committee also is working closely with the University to marshal and coordinate the amateur sports facilities of handle the myriad of details involved in the trial and the Twin Cities area so people in the suburbs will be able training activity. to take advantage of the opportunities. We also hope to Earlier this year, University officials heard that the give fresh enthusiasm for sports participation to aspiring USOC was considering the possibility of bringing the athletes," Mr. Finlayson commented. United States competitors in the 1967 Pan-American During the training period, the University will feed Games together for trials, training, and assembly. Presi­ and house the athletes, their coaches and trainers. Mr. dent 0. M~redith Wilson then extended an invitation to Hermann Rusch, USOC Chairman of Food and Housing the USOC to utilize the facilities of the University of for the Games, outlined the rigid requirements for the Minnesota for such a training center. accommodations of the athletes. He stressed their need On September 22, Mr. Douglas F. Roby, President of for a high-protein diet and plenty of rest. After inspect­ the USOC, officially accepted Minnesota's invitation. This ing the University of Minnesota, he said, "Your facilities made USOC history as it marked the first time a univer· are so remarkable- I have never seen anything like it." sity campus has been designated as a site for some of the (continued on page 10) final trials and as an asEembly and training center for the entire team. Mr. Roby commented, "We think this is an ideal and efficient arrangement and are most happy to accept." The University set up a Games Policy Committee to coordinate plans and policies on the local scene and with USOC officials. Chairman of this group is Mr. Marshall F. Ryman, University Director of Athletics. University staff members who are working with Mr. Ryman are Mr. Stanley J. Wenberg, Vice President for Educational Re­ lationships and Development; Mr. William L. Nunn, Di­ rector of University Relations; and Mr. Don L. Finlay­ son, Director of Housing. Representing other schools in the Twin Cities area on the committee is Mr. Clarence A. Nelson, Director of Athletics at Hamline University. Mr. Norman A. McGrew, Manager of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Ervin A. Timm, Manager of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, are also committee members. Secretary for this group and Executive Director for the entire event is Mr. John Dewey, Assistant Commis­ sioner of the Big Ten Conference. On loan from the Big Ten office, he will come here to work full-time from Feb­ ruary until after everything is over in early August. This trial and training period will present a virtual gold mine of opportunities. The University hopes to make these outstanding visitors as accessible as possible to the young amateur athletes in the Twin Cities and surround­ ing area. Mr. Finlayson said that the University plans to present these athletes to members of amateur sports groups, serv­ ice clubs, and other Twin Cities organizations in what­ ever ways are possible. This would give Twin Citians a better chance to meet the visiting athletes . and per- October, 1966 3 July 27, 1966 "Unless something completely unforeseen develops, I have decided to ac­ cept the Directorship of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, beginning July l, 1967. I am writing this now because the decision, if made, will be announced while I am away from the city. "I find this letter not only very hard to write but even much harder than imagined. No board has ever been kinder to an officer; no chairman of a board, more considerate than you have been. I have an increasing pride in the University and its faculty and a deep attachment to the Minnesota com­ munity which supports the entire enterprise. Whether I am correct or not, my decision has rested on what seems to me a rather hard analysis of the way in which my energies could be be~t invested during the next ten years. A great determinant in this instance was that, by an earlier decision, I had limited my career at Minnesota to an additional three years. In the new post I am able to contemplate ten years at work which is very attractive to me and which, by men to whose opinions I have normally listened, is considered the most important thing I could do now for education. The opportunity to think The two documents appearing on and speak for and about education, with detachment and with time available these pages recently became an im­ to me, after having spent thirteen exciting years in administration, is attrac­ portant part of the history of the Uni­ tive.
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