Around the Green

period as Deputy to Graham Hobbs. In March 1995 he was promoted to The committee have had discussions about the format for the AGM in Head Greenkeeper a position he has held until his recent retirement. I October. We normally run it on the basis of an outing but the attendance am sure all in the Section will join me in wishing John a long and happy figures in the last few years has been poor. We feel it is not viable or retirement. cost effective to send out 250 forms to the members and only get 20

replies. Having the AGM so close to the autumn meeting is not ideal AROUND THE GREEN The new man in charge at Bathgate is Robert Burns who until his either, so this year we are going to have the AGM at Peterhead GC on promotion held the position of Deputy at the club. He commenced his November 1. The format for the day will be arrival at 9.30-10am for a career at Deer Park, where he worked under the guidance of an old bacon roll and coffee. Golf will be available to those who want to play friend of mine, Jim Brown. In 1996 he left Deer Park on a free transfer with the AGM following afterwards with soup and sandwiches available to his present club. Employed as an Assistant he was promoted to as a light lunch. There will be no forms sent out to you, so you just need Deputy Head in 1997. Having worked closely with John during the past to put this date in your diary and turn up on the day for some golf and the 10 years I am sure Robert will prove a worthy successor. Incidentally AGM. This will be free of charge to all members and trade so hopefully for those of you who may not have heard, Jim Brown is now employed it will result in a few more coming on the day. We realise that people as General Manager on a private estate near Carnoustie. are busy or are on holiday so maybe this format will allow people to just turn up on the day if they are available. Colin Noble, Head Greenkeeper at Peebles, married Katy in August. The wedding and reception for 200 guests were held at Kailzie Gardens. It is with regret that I report the death of Alan Holmes, who was Course The guests included greenkeeping staff from Peebles and Colin’s old Manager at Blairgowrie GC. Alan was only 59 but had health problems club at Cardrona. The happy couple’s honeymoon to Mexico had to be for the past few months. Alan went to Blairgowrie in 1991 after being cancelled owing to the hurricanes so they spent one week cruising in on the Kings and Queen’s courses at Gleneagles. He was well known the Mediterranean and another in Majorca. in our industry and will be a sad loss to the green keeping world. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time. There are two golf events to report this month, both being held at West Linton Golf Club which is in magnificent condition at present. The first, Robert Patterson the Willie Woods Tournament was held on Thursday, August 23, when Royal Aberdeen 24 played. The winners aided by a fair amount of inside knowledge were (you’ve guessed it) Chris Yeaman and his Club Captain, David Buchanan. Our thanks go to West Linton for granting us courtesy of the course and to Chris and his team for the excellent preparation of the course. The final plaudit must go to the catering staff, who put on a banquet fit for a king.

Less than 48 hours later a large number of greenkeepers turned up West again at West Linton to swell the and compete in the 6th Annual Christopher Yeaman Junior Charity Tournament. The beneficiaries Welcome to this months report, I would like to thank the West Section of this year’s event were the Birmingham Children’s Hospital Liver team who attended the Harry Diamond Quaich during July, it was a Unit and the Child Brain Injury Trust, which supports children with an great day out enjoyed by all. Well done to Cecil George for organising acquired brain injury and their families. Funds raised from the day are the greenkeeping teams. estimated at £4,200 bringing the total raised during the past six years to almost £27,500. The Yeaman family would like to thank everyone The Norrie Whytoch trophy was held at Aucterarder GC during July, well who contributed financially or otherwise and helped to make the event done to the West team who managed to finish second to last instead such a success. of the usual last, I didn’t manage to play this year so that speaks for itself. In closing, by the time you read this I will be in Crete. However, this year it is more likely to be paint pot and brush in hand, rather than the Archie Dunn and his staff had the course in first class condition and usual beach bed and cold beer! thanks to Peter Boyd for organising the day.

Mike Dooner Job news, Gerry Bruen has returned to Scotland after a couple of years in Ireland. Gerry has taken over from Robert Johnston as Course Manager at Williamwood GC. Robert has taken up a new project, a course being North built in the Ayrshire area and I would like to wish you every success with your new ventures. Here we are in October already. Hope your autumn renovation programmes The match against the club stewards will be played at Clobber GC on are all going well and you’re getting plenty of seed in the ground. Monday, October 15, hopefully we can win back the trophy after losing out last year. The weather through September was slightly better with a few glimpses of the sun. The results from the autumn meeting at Fortrose will be in We hope to have our annual night out at the Comedy Club in Glasgow, next month’s issue.

Greenkeeper International 51 Around the Green

dates and cost have still to be arranged. Members will be contacted month’s calendar sponsor Mark Rayner/Scotts. You can checkout their with details as soon as I know. website for your fertiliser needs etc on: Secondly thanks to Abbey Mowers for sponsoring this month’s calendar. On the football front Brian Hillan is keen to play any other Sections Their website being: Our thanks to both of the

AROUND THE GREEN that are up for a challenge at 11-a-side you can contact Brian on: above for their continued support over many a year. Please consider them 07721610160. in your thoughts; their contribution to our industry is invaluable.

Fairways Group held their open day at Irvine Bogside. It was very well For many years the committee has played for the committee cup annually. attended with a wide range of machinery on view and for demonstration, We were fortunate enough to be invited by David Ward to play this year’s many thanks to David Rae and his team for a first class day. To Derek at the lovely course at Royal Porthcawl. What a course. The winner Wilson, Course Manager and his staff, the course was in first class on the day unsurprisingly being our Chairman, E. Stant. Our thanks to condition as a game of golf was played after the demonstration. Royal Porthcawl and David Ward and his team for affording such a great opportunity. Thank you. Over the winter period we hope to arrange some education courses on manual handling and fire safety and any other subjects may be I would like to congratulate Alan Strachan (C.M.), Eamonn Crawford(Dep) accommodated. We also hope to hold a seminar October/November and their team at Royal County Down for the wonderful condition of and members will be notified in due course. the course there, for the Walker Cup. Never mind Sunningdale Alan, you have the best... The 2008 spring outing will be held over East Renfrewshire Golf Club on April 24, hopefully it will be a well attended day as it’s a first class Sean McDade course. Well that’s all for now see you next month.

Fraser Ross 07970 366 355 Time is running out to book your places on the Irrigation Workshop and the Noise and Vibration Management Seminar. The Irrigation Workshop takes place on October 30 at The Belfry and the Vibration seminar a week earlier on October 24 at Gay Hill GC. The issue of vibration management North East is as clear as mud and we aim to offer guidance to our industry with the help of some expert speakers. Priced at just £15 you really can’t Recently vandals struck twice at Tyneside GC, firstly causing quite a afford to miss out. Book direct with BIGGA HQ. lot of damage to the 6th green over the bank holiday and, in the same week, removed the seats from the club buggies bearing in mind that Paul Woodham they are hinged not like they can just pick them up fortunately they were recovered by the police on the Ryton Willows.

On better news, at Tyneside GC I hear that they have received planning East Midlands permission for staff accomodation not before time as they must have one of the worst facilites in the area and that’s not just my view but Not much to report this month besides the East Midlands Autumn other people further afield. Tournament and AGM which takes place on Thursday, November 1 at Birstall GC, Leicestershire. Tee off Times 10.30am until 12 noon,. If entry I have been informed by Tom Harrison, of Gosforth GC, that three forms have not been received by anyone please contact Dan Rodgers, members of his staff are joining the Section they being John Saunders, Secretary on 07745 227224. Chris Walker and John Lee. It’s been along time since we have had that many greenkeepers from Gosforth. I hear that they liked the benefits Dan Rodgers that are on offer these days. Good luck lads I look forward to meeting at some point.

I see that Parklands GC has re-opened its new driving bays after major East Of England refurbishment and that the new crazy golf is open to the public, or is it called miniature golf these days, I’m not sure. For those who have been using the website I make no apologies for repeating this gem of information: Greenkeepers 3½ Trade 1½. C’mon Jimmy Richardson Boys! Give us a game! Maybe we should all putt left-handed next year to give you a chance. Never mind lads, it was a good day, enjoyed by everyone and the banter was excellent.

MIDLANDS – Midland As I write this, the Rugby World Cup is about to start. Hopefully my beloved Scotland can put up a good show this year. Winning it would Firstly let me apologise for the lack of notes last month. Such was due be good, but there is more chance of the trade winning against the to a technical problem with my broadband provider. Our thanks to last greenkeepers!

52 Greenkeeper International AROUND THE GREEN Mark Day Mark Steve Mason Steve [email protected] Greenkeeper International 53 International Greenkeeper some new faces at the AGM as fresh input and ideas could help us to us help could ideas and input fresh as AGM the at faces new some forward. move Section Mid-Anglia the and you help December on GC Beds South at is Scramble Texas the again, this say will I disappointment. avoid to early in entries those get 6, Mid Anglia by gone and month another already, again time that it’s chaps, Hello continuous the with coped all have you hope I weather. settled no still cutting. endless and downpours Welwyn at held was which Competition Summer the of results the for Now Frappell, M. 2. Stocks,; Whittle, F. 1. August, early in GC City Garden 5. Neots; St Crouch, P. 4. County; and Beds Fenn, G. 3. Lamerwood; City. G Welwyn Cox, B. P. Drive, Longest the Hodkin D. Prize, Trade the won Scotts, Fance, M. for prize a finally and (sorry Pin) Green, the the LarterNearest MowsburyGC. from Saunders, R. by won was Walk Longest the excellent an with us thanks providing for team Also his and Brett to go day. thanks Our whole the for hospitality their for W.G.City to and course to again once and event the sponsoring for Tacit go and Day to Mark shine. or rain come supportdays who our members trade other our all It was nice to hear from the Club Captain, Bill should Williams, that BIGGA You W.G.City. at competitions hold to welcome be always would on GC, Berkhamsted Competition, Autumn the for in entries your have see to good be would It AGM. the by followed be will This 17. October Burhill GC. We wish Rob and his family a smooth move to move a the Surrey Rob and smooth his wish family Burhill GC. We future. the for wishes best and area clan Piggott the namely greenkeepers of family famed a has BB&O The year this recently and years GC many for at Henley reigned have who startedhis Peter died. sadly has Piggott Peter greenkeeper influential father, his alongside worked and – 1989 1966 in GC Henley at career in 1972 retirement his until Greenkeeper Head also was who George, with together and father his with Peter reigns. the over took Peter when world the into family forward the way for the led David and Brian sons and mowers triple first of the on some trained Peter of greenkeeping. overgreen an what sure not are you if and overgreen, the used regularly verygreenkeeper. a old find is, guidance under GC Henley at careers their started both David and Brian Head as years from granddadmany George after and Brian is nowretired Head Greenkeeper atrecently The has who David and Buckingham Piggott’s the of camaraderie The GC. Buzzard Leighton at Greenkeeper at Henley were legendary and Peter was well known throughout the family. the all to out go thoughts Our Region. Allan Walker Allan www.bbo-greenkeepers.

Rob Surgey is leaving Wycombe Heights GC for pastures anew, and will will and anew, pastures for GC Heights Wycombe leaving is Surgey Rob be starting at as Manager Course a position Senior new challenging Joanna on there engagement. there on Joanna night night fortunately to are Jon and not on Congratulations the website. Details of the new dance are available on the website. However, Colin Colin However, website. the on available are dance new the of Details stag the of details dance, new this to instruction specialist offering is Colin Wilson started to hand-mow the dance floor in a Torquay nightclub. has been nightclub. taking the west country by Torquay storm. The craze started a after in floor dance the hand-mow to started Wilson Colin After Jon Ryan’s stag night in Devon a new dance called the Tartan Triple Triple Tartan the called dance new a Devon in night stag Ryan’s Jon After with learning difficulties. Well done Bill. done Well difficulties. learning with not for services to the Scottish whisky Industry, but for Bill’s generous generous Bill’s for but Industry, whisky Scottish the to services for not servicesprojects experience work to community and the local youth attended attended the the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace after a by it and the before you was Queen, say anything invitation personal Congratulations to Bill Patterson, from Beaconsfield GC, who has from the Section website, and hopefully by the time you are reading this this reading are you time the by hopefully and website, Section the from the on posted be will event next the of details Entry forms be can downloaded furtherand events all for information so please support this venue and get your entry forms in early to avoid avoid to early in entryforms your get and venue this support please so disappointment. limited to a maximum of 120 and are on a first come first serve basis, first come first a on are and 120 of maximum a to limited has hosted the US Open Qualifiers and Technical Director Mark Hunt, Hunt, Mark Director Technical and Qualifiers US Open the hosted has are day the for Numbers up. line the make will Amenity, Headland from David MacIndoe, from Killarney Golf & Fishing Club, who has hosted the the hosted has who Club, Fishing & Golf Killarney from MacIndoe, David who GC, Heath from Walton Curtisand Open McMillan, Ian Irish Cup, Ryder Cup and many Smurfit European Opens. European Smurfit many and Cup Ryder be Gerry Byrne, from the K Club, in Ireland, who played host to the 2006 2006 the to host played who Ireland, in Club, K the from GerryByrne, be the order of the day as the Section are hosting an educational seminar seminar educational an hosting are Section the as day the of order the will event this at speakers for up line The GC. Crookham & Newbury at Sharing greenkeeping knowledge and experience on October 31 will be be will 31 October on experience and knowledge greenkeeping Sharing West London Shooting Targets. So, for those last minute entries and entries So, for last minute those Targets. Shooting London West 7636. 999 0790 on: contacted be can Beck Jon details, blunderbuss The next event will be the BB&O Clay Pigeon Shoot on October 18 at 18 October on Shoot Pigeon Clay BB&O the be will event next The Berks/Bucks and Oxon and bring the Trophy home. Trophy the bring and Finally, the team to play at Burton in the Midland Championship will be be will Championship Midland the in Burton at play to team the Finally, lads luck Good Robinson. Brian and MacDonald Graeme Howkins, Les say Gary Cooper. Well done to you all. Next up is the match with the with up is Next match the to all. you done Well Garysay Cooper. Section. the victory for another Hopefully Cotgrave. at Secretaries Burghley Park. U25 Winner Ash Cox, Cleethorpes Golf Club, and, believe believe and, Club, Golf Cleethorpes Cox, Ash Winner U25 Park. Burghley does it Yes, Supplies! STG GaryCooper, was Winner Trade the not, or it The Order of Merit is now finished. Overall Winner was Simon Bosset, Bosset, Simon was Winner Overall finished. is now of Merit Order The Around the Green

educate one troublesome individual at an early stage than to wait until he has told all his friends an exaggerated version of events. South East – Surrey

AROUND THE GREEN Acknowledgement on a personal level to anyone who wishes to pass Thursday, September 6. The green, green grass of home. The rain in Spain opinion on your golf course is not only polite but vital to maintaining falls mainly on the green, green grass of home. That was August, that regular custom. If complaints are unheeded the golfers can think that was summer and it was wet. But not on August 20, at Tandridge GC the you don’t care. If positive comments are not acknowledged, that can sun shone on this excellent golf course and we thank Neil Baker and his be seen as the greenkeeper being ungrateful. Either way, the golfers greenkeepers for their hard work in producing great conditions for a great will vote with their feet and if they aren’t respected, they will take their days golf. The food, as always, was devoured with gusto by the players business elsewhere. and the injured Mark Harvey could not resist turning up later to enjoy a delicious dinner. The sponsors for the day were Tacit, and they were The key is to listen to your golfers and, wherever possible, give them represented by a Senior Sales person who in remarkable condition for what they want as long as it is beneficial to the golf club. Nobody has his age gave away the prizes to the winner, Les Salmon, who was also in a ‘perfect’ course, ask your members what they would like to see, be remarkable condition for his age. Paul Bacon was runner up with Jason proactive in the development of your club and believe me, you’ll find it Hunt third, followed by Barry Cannon. Iain Dye, Deputy at Tandridge, a lot easier than trying to fight them on a daily basis. won Longest Drive and Roger Tydeman was Nearest the Pin. On to life in Kent. A 10 man strong team of crack Kentish golfers The next event is at Tyrrells Wood GC on December 13 followed by the welcomed a similar number of their Sussex counterparts to Birchwood AGM. Please remember that we need a new Chairman and he, or she, Park for a golf match on August 22. A breezy but, fortunately, dry day, will be voted onto the committee during the meeting. Don’t be shy, put ensured an enjoyable occasion for all involved. Sussex were obviously your name forward, or nominate any intelligent fellow greenkeeper that worried even before the first shot was struck as the format of the match you know. Today at Foxhills GC is the final of the Surrey Bowl knockout was hotly debated. Several different permutations were put forward and competition, sponsored by ETT, Environmental Turf Technology and due then “modified” by various Sussex members purely with the intention of to start at 1.30pm. It is now 9.15am and I am sitting in front of my leaving the Kent team with their heads spinning! By the time the final computer typing this month’s news but as I have not been informed of format of five two man teams playing a Texas Scramble Stableford had any births or marriages the final paragraph in this edition will reveal the been decided upon, and Carol Vorderman had been booked to work out as yet unknown pair who have won that coveted Surrey Bowl Trophy. the scores, our team were pretty flummoxed! The finalists are Derek and Dan Walder against Gareth Roberts and Paul Bacon. The final did start on time and with every type of shot being A great game of golf ensued, not least in my match. Gary Tait and I took demonstrated by the players, the Surrey Bowl trophy was presented by on the Singing Hills duo of Dan and who were in perfect harmony Richard Fortmuller, on behalf of ETT, to Gareth Roberts and Paul Bacon as they clocked up an unbeatable 49 points. Despite playing reasonably together with a voucher for £100 each and entry into the National well ourselves, amassing 44 points, we could not find a way to break Championship. their resolve and, as it turned out, a similar story was unfolding across the other games. Brian Willmott [email protected] The Sussex team won the event by four matches to one with overall points tallies being 221 Sussex to Kent’s 209. Everyone involved had a great day on a great course in a great atmosphere. Many thanks to Rob Hudson and his team for making it such an entertaining day and Kent we look forward to the re-match!

Due to a mix up, the wrong notes were printed for this Section last By the time you read this we shall have played our autumn event at The month. Apologies for this. Wildernesse Club. Look for news and results on our website now!

I’ll start this month’s edition with a question for you all: Feedback. What The Regional seminar is being hosted by us at of this month as does it mean to you and what do you do with it? I’m sure you’re all aware by now. Details are also on the website.

We all get feedback in some shape or form. All too often it is a complaint, Hopefully this month we shall be staging our first paintballing event. sometimes it is a compliment. Either way it is valuable information that Although this will be among our own Kent members, preliminary talks can be used to assess how we are serving our paying customers. We with other Section secretaries suggest that future inter-county events all know that golfers can be a bit naïve when it comes to the intricacies are definitely on the cards! So get to the website now and register your of maintaining a golf course so a complaint is often the result of this interest and we’ll see you on the battlefield! lack of knowledge. Compliments too, can come as the result of good fortune rather than a particularly skilful act of the greenkeeper, either Rob Holland way we need to be appreciative that the golfer has taken time to make his sentiments known and act on them accordingly. It is far easier to

54 Greenkeeper International AROUND THE GREEN

Aaron Percival Aaron Greenkeeper International 55 International Greenkeeper [email protected] Arnold Phipps-Jones Phipps-Jones Arnold [email protected] Thank you to Lee Robinson, his team of greenstaff and all in the clubhouse clubhouse the in all and greenstaff of team his Robinson, Lee to you Thank day. enjoyable thoroughly a with us provided who 2. Northwood; Simpson, Paul 1. are: Trophy Taylor Rigby the went for Pins the Results Nearest The two The Geddes. Bill 3. Lodge; Sandy Playle, Stuart Lodge. Sandy Johnson, Pat and Park, Brookmans Boothby, Ian to Forrester, email: email: Forrester, can Green” the “Around the in inclusion for news any has who Anyone contact me at: or [email protected] on: 01206- address. email new the note Please 852.353 London on its way Autumn and passed just summer an interesting with Well, be may it whatever us, for store in have months following the will what Keep us. at throws nature mother what see to season another just its all. work good the up Millie, of baby arrival the with & Emily to Dave congratulations Firstly on to Matt Plested who was born Also congratulations 18th. August new. pastures to on move his and married getting recently trophy new a was there GC Cross Gerrards at where now golf the to On grabs. for up well done and thank you to Trophy, Joe and The Gareth Rigby Taylor coffeethe forgetting not and prizes great some us with provided who I certainly I I rolls, and which into. bacon know, forwardlook tucked meet. years next to Banks Amenity Products sponsored the day and a big thank you goes goes you thank a big and day the sponsored Products Amenity Banks handed were that prizes fine the for company his and Banks Simon to out. Our thanks go to all the trade members who also helped with their isthe event next The table. support,us a raffle to have fine enabling this reporton full A GC. NorthWeald at Tournament, Stableford Winter month’s in next appear will of at end to September the be held event magazine. of Teams GC. Orsett at 27 November, – AGM Scramble Texas Christmas members Greenkeeper two least at of comprise must team Each Four. Greenkeeper. or Guest Trade, else, anyone of up made be can then and choose and make up your own You team. Antony will not be making official the Kirwan, on Antony to Entries you. to up It’s selections. the entry Antony entryyour contact with forms queries please, Any fees. email: by or 0707887780065 on: Also anything you wish to bring up at the AGM should be with the Martin contact Secretaryof end the October, than no later in writing Rob Hudson Rob robert.hudson77@btinternet.

so if you would like to play any of this events get in touch. in get events this of any play to like would you if so

Eke; Trade Prize - Michael Fance. Michael - Prize Trade Eke; Regiment Way Golf Centre; 2.3 Darren Stuttle, Frinton Golf Club; Nearest Nearest Club; Golf Frinton Stuttle, Darren 2.3 Centre; Golf Way Dan Regiment - Prize Guest Vickery; Adam - Drive Longest Springett; Liam - Pin the Golf Club. 2.1 Craig Serafin, Colchester Golf Club, 2.2 Malcolm Smith, Smith, Malcolm 2.2 Club, Golf Colchester Serafin, Craig 2.1 Club. Golf Roland Hughes, Forrester Park Golf & Tennis Club; 1.2 Jamie Hughes, Hughes, Jamie 1.2 Club; & Tennis Golf Park Forrester Hughes, Roland Club; 1.3 Kirwan,Antony Forrester Park Golf & Tennis Wood Lexden Winners were 37 - Winners pts; Overall as 1.1 Channels, Ray follows: Clarke, words after the dinner and gave praise to Sam and the team for all their their all for team the and Sam to praise gave and dinner the after words same. the felt everyonethere sure I’m work. hard tidy scores being carded. Vice Captain, Roger Robertson, Roger Vice carded. Captain, tidy scores being said a few (in the absence, due to a holiday of Head Greenkeeper, Keith Chinnery). Chinnery). Keith Greenkeeper, Head of holiday a to due absence, the (in very some with received, well and seen be to efforts soon Sam’s were with a course set up to entertain. The course was in excellent condition condition excellent in was course The entertain. to up set course a with Cook, Sam Greenkeeper, Head Deputy by manicured well been had and to eat, it was not as bad as the forecast. Colchester GC, celebrating its its celebrating GC, Colchester forecast. the as bad as not was it eat, to also but weather the with only not proud us done had centenary year, and although the wind did blow and the rain held off till we had started had we offtill held rain the and blow did wind the although and arrived for our Autumn Stableford Tournament at Colchester Golf Club. Golf Colchester at Tournament Stableford Autumn our for arrived players 56 of field the met 26º around of high a with weather sunny Fine On a day with a weather forecast of heavy showers and high winds, we we winds, high and showers heavy of forecast weather a with day a On Essex com My details are mobile: 07776223234 or email: email: or 07776223234 mobile: are details My will be sponsored by Rigby Taylor. so a big to thanks them and mike will be by sponsored Rigby Taylor. possible. this making for ring which we are looking forward to especially as we have a new kit which which kit new a have we as especially to forward looking are we which On the football front, we have got a match verses Surrey in mid October, October, mid in Surrey verses match a got have we front, football the On it! Also there is the Turkey Trot on November 30 which will be held at held be will which 30 November on Trot Turkey the is there Also it! Amenity. Avoncrop by sponsored be will and GC, Worthing There There is no charge for golf or tea so a it encourage few should more support and along come so Section your is it Remember year. last than the AGM starting at 4pm, there will also be a buffet tea after the golf. golf. the after tea buffet a be also will there 4pm, at starting AGM the Things to forwardlook Things to which are before, holes the nine AGM with with start 12.30pm will at golf The GC. Dyke the at 1 November on is great condition and Sussex came out on top winning 4-1. winning top on out came Sussex and condition great hospitality and also Rob Holland for hosting and organising the event. event. the organising and hosting for Holland Rob also and hospitality in was course The dry On it day the stayed windy. extremely was but was was held at Birchwood Park GC. I would like to thank Kent for their The only event we have had is the Sussex verses Kent golf match which which match golf Kent verses Sussex the is had have we event only The deal deal going on and I know you guys would be too busy cutting grass it! read to Hello again, sorry I missed last month’s but there was not a great Sussex Around the Green

I know that Saltex is “not one of ours”, but it was nice to see the big companies back at this exhibition. We were thoroughly well looked after South West on the Ransomes Textron stand, and it was very nice to see a DVD of golf course environmental work being played. Of course, not everyone can Has anyone else had problems with Chafer grubs? The little so-and-so’s spend lots of money every year – particularly this year, but I certainly AROUND THE GREEN really got going at Minchinhampton - Just on the eve of the English Mid took home new ideas and new initiatives from all of them. Also high Amateur over the Cherington Course. I couldn’t believe it, beautifully profile was the Timberwolf stand – “Miss Timberwolf” who was only manicured acres of golf course, and then areas looking like some nerk separated from the elements by a skimpy pair of shorts and a liberal had gone mad with a rotavator. Bring on the Merit Turf next year! The coating of body paint was the obvious star of the show. Disappointingly members had to be informed what was going on, so I produced an A4 however, after 10 minutes of earnest conversation it became glaringly sized print of a chafer (cleverly downloaded from the internet) in all obvious that she knew sod-all about compost making. its glory, big enough detail to see in close-up all its pretty impressive mouth-parts and legs etc, together with an explanation for the damage The Provisional Fixtures for 2008 include: Kingsdown – winter tournament; around the courses. It was only a week later when the first golfer said Clevedon – Spring Tournament; Minchinhampton Old – Greenkeeper something along the lines of “I never realised they were so big” and “no Amateur; The Bristol –Summer Tournament and National Qualifying; wonder they do so much damage”. This was swiftly followed by members Marlborough - AGM & Autumn Tournament; Weston Super Mare of the senior’s section going round the course armed with pool cues – Christmas Tournament. and baseball bats just in case they met one in an enclosed space! - A case of too much information? Thanks to all the greenkeepers who assisted with the arrangements. See you all at Minchinhampton New on October 11 for this year’s My phone has been ringing with queries like “help - what can with my AGM. lawn?” My stock answer is “move house mate – it’s easier”. Apparently the Lawn Thumbs and Green Doctors of this world are recommending Paul Worster Chlorpyrifos at £45 per 100m2 lawn. Obvious experts there then. My [email protected] 01453 837355 personal advice is simply to keep the affected areas as tidy as possible, and re-seed when all is done. We are trying applications of garlic spray and have noticed that applications of gritty top-dressing are to an extent South Coast reducing the pecking and digging activities of birds and badgers etc. We’ve also noticed that the collars of tees are more severely affected How the year has flown by! I think the summer, or the lack of it, has than the tee-tops themselves. Could it be that a single annual application fast forwarded our year. As I put pen to paper I’m preparing for Saltex, of Carbendazim disrupts chafers to an extent? Nematodes seem only the kids are going back to school, the football season is upon us again effective as long as you can keep the area well-watered. Any feedback (come on you Irons!) and the Autumn Tournament at North Hants GC. or observations would be welcomed, and I’ll print them asap. It seems like only yesterday we received our fixture cards for the year. North Hants is a beautiful course and we very much look forward to the The Mid-Amateur Championship, hosted on the Cherington Course, (open day which is October 23. I would recommend booking early. If you want to amateur players over the age of 35), was won by Colin Edwards, of to attend this or any of our Golf Days please contact Chris Sturgess on: Bath GC, with 68, 68, 70, over this tight par 71 course. He won by 6 0777 313 8409 or send a cheque, made out to BIGGA South Coast, shots from Gareth Bradley, of Bramhall. The course, measuring a relatively to Chris direct at his home address: 31 Bay Rd, Sholing, Southampton short 6450 yards really looked after itself in terms of scoring, only giving SO19 8EZ. up 11 sub-par rounds all week; the tournament was played in bright sunshine (for a change) with light winds, and holding (but very fast) Congratulations to all the greenkeeper students who successfully passed greens. Happily, that’s the last big tournament for a while now so I’m their NVQs this year, in particular to George Cooper of Camford Magna looking forward to semi-retirement (or possibly a gap-year) in 2008. GC who attended Sparsholt College and not only passed his NVQ2 in Sports & Amenity, but was also awarded Trainee of the Month for July. I would just like to give congratulations to Dave Rosselli, and Adam The certificate quoted “for his dedication and commitment to his work Matthews (both well-known serial prize-winners in the SW Section events) and employer. Well done George! on their promotion to Acting Deputy Course Manager, and Acting First Assistant Greenkeepers respectively at Minchinhampton. Look forward I would also like to wish Steve Robinson, of Blackmoor GC, all the to working with you guys. best for his new position as Course Manager at Moortown GC near Leeds. Also all the very best to James Norris who will be taking over We’re revving up for the Autumn Maintenance work now with hollow at Blackmoor. tining and verti-draining on the menu. We will probably verti-drain with big tines as deep as possible, and then follow up with a 5mm hollow tine If there are any other pieces of news like the two items above, please operation which will help to close the vertidrain holes at the surface let me know on the number below so they can be included. Remember before overseeding with Bent, and top-dressing. I like to get a 4.0.10 it’s your Section, make use of it. fertiliser on 10 days prior, and add a seaweed soil amendment after we dress. How about some details of your preferred programmes? That’s all for this month and I shall now finish off my packing for Saltex and by the time you have read this it will be a distant memory, and then

56 Greenkeeper International AROUND THE GREEN wales & & HenryStead west east

by the 5th of Ken Henderson Ken 07889792190 Tel: 01737 819343 01737 Tel: Jones Jane south 270850 01454 Tel: Clive Osgood Clive south Greenkeeper International 57 International Greenkeeper [email protected] orthern midland & & & N & [email protected] tland ireland 3440 616 0141 Tel/Fax: Larter Peter northern 550115 01476 Tel: Peter Boyd Peter SCO Section Notes - Can all notes be emailed to: the month prior to publication please. Suggested word guide: 500 BIGGA’s Regional Administrators That’s it from me hope you are not to stressed out and remember always always remember and out stressed to not are you hope me from it That’s now. for Bye off life! side bright the on look Northern Ireland Conditions 31. May on GC Kilkeel at Competition Golf Spring our held We the day. throughout were and with blue skies hot temperatures ideal superb in course thank the had staffbig his A and Gerry Bruen, success. Greenkeeper, a Head Kilkeel to visit our made combined which condition all provided who Group, Turfcare The sponsors, competition our to you Irwin, Kyle Representative, Sales NI thank to like would We prizes. the staffat catering and bar the to go also must Praise support. his all for service. excellent and hospitality their all for GC, Kilkeel Eamonn 2. 35pts; Down, County Royal King, Michael 1. were: results The 3. Gary 34pts; County Down, Royal County Royal Crawford, Crawford the Nearest Adair; John – Prize Non-Member Greenkeeper 33pts. Down, Kennedy Michael – Drive Longest GC; Park Allen Henderson, Ken – Pin Down. County Royal on August 21 with 14 links staff from England & Wales in attendance attendance in & Wales staff England from links 14 with 21 August on R&A. Isaacs, Steve was also Management; offLinks aspect all cover and informal are meetings The anyone interested in attending should contact one of the above for more information. The R.T tournament Knockout is making progress with having been the G. matches & decided: following Humphries R. & Lacey P. bt Rees J. & Thomas C. Jones; C. & D.Jones bt McDonagh, & Roach A. Wade; I. & Sellick L. bt Curtis J. & Campbell C. Morgan; H. M.Wilshire bt Davis & R. P.Williamson Davis; & L. Bray D. bt Davis M. Jones K. Lunn; L. & Nickels E. bt Thoma P. & Anderton; S.Jones M. & Knight. G. & Blum G. Probert bt J. & golf a charity having suggested has Amenity, Avoncrop Richards, Ceri anyone If Grove. the at October in charity cancer wife’s my of aid in day be teams it would or myself, Ceri contact please be interested would Mike Mr and prizes some sponsor would trade day. the good hopefully a and four be of would it course, the use us let’s would GC, Grove Thomas, Science, Amega Baldwin, Neil thank to like I would least not but Last efforts and time his for trying sortto Dave dry my also out and patch both. you thank R.T, Carvey,

Joe Crawley Joe Steve Evans Steve 07721 389200 07721 [email protected] 07815 827902 827902 07815 ales

held held at club Burnham Richard’s Berrow; took place the last meeting put together by Dave, Peter Lacey and Richard Wyman, and has been been has and Wyman, Richard and Lacey Peter Dave, by together put to some of you comes from our Vice Prez, Dave Ward, Royal Porthcawl) Porthcawl) Royal Ward, Dave Prez, Vice our from comes you of some to was forum The formed. been has which Forum Links a of me informs He On with the report and one piece off information that maybe of interest interest of maybe that information off piece one and report the with On for one will be sorry to see this wash out of a summer over, although it it although over, summer a of out wash this see sorry to be will one for watering). hand (no compensations its have did Finals weekend for us at the Grove this weekend (Sept 8) that followed followed that 8) (Sept weekend this Grove the at us for weekend Finals I say I fortnight can’t Autumn, the be it and into will by maintenance South W I think that will do for now. See you all at Elfordleigh on October 10. October on Elfordleigh at all you See now. for do will that think I these organisations should be reading this, please give me a ring and I and ring a me give please this, reading be should organisations these help. can you how you tell will together and create a big enough voice. Assistance from organisations organisations from Assistance voice. enough big a create and together with associated anyone if and great be would STRI and R&A the as such halved. We can only do something about this “speed” problem if we join join we if problem “speed” this about something do only can We halved. important thing is not to suffer in silence. I have done this many times times many this done have I silence. in suffer to not is thing important problem a is shared problem a that now you tell can I and years the over to contribute, then please contact me. If we get enough replies we can can we replies enough get we If me. contact please then contribute, most to The other. each help maybe and problems our discuss and up meet out there who are suffering problems in relation to this or to if this have you are who there out in suffering relation problems useful something have or you might feel you just problems overcome term without ruining your bent-fescue surfaces. If there are any of you you of any are there If surfaces. bent-fescue your ruining without term our old enemy Green Speed. Demands from golfers for fast greens are greens fast for golfers from Demands Speed. Green enemy old our at best unrealistic and at worst outright impossible to achieve long A red hot topic at the moment, which has raised its head yet again, is is again, yet head its raised has which moment, the at topic hot red A the STRI, and George Sheils, one of the country’s leading Agronomists. Agronomists. leading country’s the of one Sheils, George and STRI, the season. our start to fantastic a is this that agree will you sure am I this year’s we have secured the services of Ecologist, Bob Taylor, from from Taylor, Bob Ecologist, of services the secured have we year’s this Our aim this year is to get the best speakers our industry can offer and and offer can industry our speakers best the get to is year this aim Our - Meeting and Educational Talk; Tuesday, November 15 November - South West Tuesday, Talk; - and Educational Meeting World” Commercial the in “Golf - Seminar Cannington best to sortbest I will in attendance, it. If we 60 get more members than Club Golf 7 - Killiow November Tuesday, a drink! all you get personally with something please speak up and I promise you we will do our very our do will we you promise I and up speak please something with and AGM - please make every effort to come along. It is your chance to to chance your is It along. come effort everyto make please - AGM and happy not are you If run. being is Section your way the in say your have Some important dates for this autumn: Wednesday, October 10 - Elfordleigh Elfordleigh - 10 October Wednesday, autumn: this for dates important Some Devon and Cornwall we can start thinking about (dare I say it) Christmas & Harrogate (BTME (BTME Harrogate & Christmas it) say I (dare about thinking start can we 2008) January 20-24 January;Education 22-24 Exhibition dates: BUYERS’ GUIDE

SPEEDCUT AERATION ARTIFICIAL GRASS LAND UNIT CONTRACTORS LTD CONSTRUCTION LIMITED SPORTSTURF Sportsground and Golf Construction 4#0"#1.-021 Course Construction Drainage *'+'2#" Renovation BUYERS GUIDE For better penetration Hanslope, Milton Keynes, MK19 7BX Tel: 01254 831666 Fax: 01254 831066 Telephone: (01908) 510414 Sandslitting Fax: (01908) 511056 Contact: Kevin Smith TINES‘R’US L VERDE TEE TURF web: Sand & Rubber Filled Artificial Grass e-mail: [email protected] OXFORD 01865 331479 Order on-line: - Allows you to tee up from any position L PATHWAYS Specialists Spike Resistant Verdeturf & Super Verdegrass in Golf PHILIP DIXON email:[email protected] L TEES Course SPORTSTURF DRAINAGE Tel: 0114 2513344 Driving Mats & Various Options Construction Golf Course • Sportsfield Drainage • Construction • Renovation L PUTTING Sand Slitting • Gravel Banding Adventure Golf, Mini Golf & Putting Greens JOHN GREASLEY LIMITED Blec Ground Breaker • Sand Master Chorley,Lancashire,PR6 8SW Vertidraining • Overseeding HYDROJECT “Ashfield House” • 1154 Melton Road Top Dressing • Spraying AERATION AND CHEMICAL email:[email protected] Syston • Leicester • LE7 2HB INJECTION SERVICE Please call for samples & information Tel: 01772 877289 (WITH NO SURFACE DISTURBANCE) Tel: 0116 269 6766 KEITH DRIVER Mobile: 07836 553899 Fax: 01772 877479 (SPORTSTURF CONTRACTOR) Fax: 0116 269 6866 Preston, Lancashire Tel:01273 679994 Mobile:07958 532008 124 Warren Road, Woodingdean, Brighton BN2 6DB Supatee Tee-Line Turf No sand in-fill No compaction DRAINAGE No maintenance Accepts a tee F Woodward & Sons. Turf Care It plays just like real turf! Sisis Aer Aid System, Vertidraining, The BEST solution for: WORTH Hollow Coring & Collecting. Herbicide, Practice ground tee-line DRAINING Pesticide, Fungicide & Fertiliser Par 3 tees VERTI-DRAIN HIRE 2.5 & 1.6M Application. Top Dressing, Overseeding, Winter tees 2M & 1.5M GROUNDBREAKER FOR HIRE Stoneburying, Laser Levelling 01780 781249 • 07932 037733 SAND SPREADING & OVERSEEDING Tel Phil or David on: [email protected] TOP DRESSING • SPRAYING 01455 220767 or 07747 864677 Distance no object Wolvey, Nr Hinckley, Leicestershire Tel/Fax: 01476 550266 Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07855 431120 Email: [email protected] CLOTHING / FOOTWEAR

Golf Course Drainage Specialist For fast and friendly UK service call: Melvyn Taylor on 01283 551417 or 07836 259133

AGRONOMY CONSTRUCTION B Jamieson Golf Advisors Ltd Sportsturf Drainage Specialists QUALITY LAND DRAINAGE Bruce Jamieson Golf Advisors Ltd, is an Piped Drainage Systems established company offering expert advice on; Sand Slitting • Vertidraining DESIGN & INSTALLATION L Golf Course maintenance Topdressing • Overseeding PRIMARY SYSTEMS L Tournament preparation & presentation Construction Remodelling Design • Installation • Maintenance L Machinery selection Water Features SAND SLITTING L Budgeting Appley Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire WN6 9DT L Staff recruitment Tel: 01604 468908 L Soil & turf analysis t: GRAVEL BANDING L Establishment of new golf courses Fax: 01604 474853 01257 255321 Contact: Bruce Jamieson f: 01257 255327 Dinton•Salisbury•Wiltshire SP3 5EB Forth House, Bracknell Lane, Hartley Wintney, Hants, RG27 8QP 180 Ruskin Road, Kingsthorpe, e: [email protected] Tel: 01722 716361 • Fax: 01722 716828 Telephone: 01252 844847 Northampton NN2 7TA w:

58 Greenkeeper International DRIVING RANGE EQUIPMENT GOLF MATS UK HYDROSEEDING All weather mat in framework

GOLF DRIVING RANGE EQUIPMENT • Unique Behind Wall & Integrated Ball BUYERS GUIDE Dispensing Systems • Golf Ball Cleaners & Elevators For better seed germination with • Golf Ball Collectors Tel: 01580 892 002 • UtilityVehicles & Mowers Fax: 01580 891 918 HYDROSEEDING • Edel “Green” Range Mats [email protected] CONTACT Richard on • Fiberbuilt Range Mats 0118 9629962 / 07771 986745 • Range Balls or

Plus a full range of Accessories Approved stockist for Visit STANDARD GOLF course products HONEYCOMB MATS and check out the • Non slip in all weathers latest chat Bucklesham, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP10 0DN • Grass Protection from the AGRONOMY Tel: 44 (0) 1473 659815 • Muddy areas greenkeeping Fax: 44 (0) 1473 659045 Slippery wood or concrete industry Email: [email protected] • Gravel containment • Wheelchair friendly Choice of types and sizes for specific applications GOLF COURSE ACCESSORIES Fieldguard Ltd IRRIGATION Norley Farm, Horsham Road, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8EH T el: 01483 275182 Fax: 01483 275341

THIS SPACE Our Lowest Ever Prices for 2007 COULD BE YOURS APPROVED U.K. STOCKISTS £720 - B&W Fast Nationwide Delivery IRRIGATION £840 - colour SOLUTIONS Feb 07 - 68pp_v4 2/8/07 7:55 PM Page 63 (for 12 months) For all your Call Lely: 01480 226858 or Golf Course & Size: 4 x 1 email: [email protected] Call: 01347 833800 IRRIGATION Range Supplies to book your space now Suppliers of Irrigation Equipment to Golf Courses Bowling Greens, Landscapes, Horticulture. Existing systems renovated and upgraded DESIGN • INSTALLATION • SERVICE GRINDERS BS EN ISO 9001 Registered Company Bucklesham, Ipswich, IP10 0DN Telephone: +44 (0) 1425 474614 Fax: +44 (0) 1425 471296 Tel: 44 (0) 1473 659815 http:// Fax: 44 (0) 1473 659045 e mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] AUTOFLOW SYSTEMS LTD GOLF MATS Tel: 01207 270 316 TURF WASTE/WASH WATER email: [email protected] Fineturf The independent choice for irrigation: Producers of quality Top dressings, DESIGN : SUPPLY : INSTALLATION Specialist sands, Rootzone soils, Dedicated to Growing Grit, Gravel and Pathway materials Quality Sportsturf Tel: 01603 759701 for Golf Courses, Playing Fields HIRE and Sports Pitches Custom Grown Root Zone Turf Effective wash water [email protected] recovery systems for Cowbog, New Pitsligo, Fraserburgh, Install n Playball Turf Tiles remote washing and full Aberdeenshire, AB43 6PR Tel 01400 250796 environmental compliance Independent Professional Irrigation Tel: •Competitively priced 01771 653777 Golf Courses,Bowling Greens,Sports,Racecourses,Gardens +++ Fax 01400 251606 •No drainage required Fax: 01771 653527 •Reduced water costs SPECIALISTS IN: Design/Advice Servicing •Low maintenance The Fastest Growing Name in Turf •Clean recycled water The ENZYMATIC15 wash GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION New Installations Service Contracts •Small footprint water recycler. Designed & Contracting System Upgrades •Indoor/outdoor option built in the UK by ByWater REMODELLING & RENOVATION Shirley Aldred & Co.Ltd Supply & Sales PC Systems Tel: 01530 833469 Fax: 01530 810795 RESERVOIR CONSTRUCTION Suppliers of high quality Email: [email protected] WATER ENGINEERING Telephone B granular charcoal for over 200 years Web: 01765 602175 T 01765 690598 ■ Use one of the oldest ■ Totally organic product L Dinton•Salisbury•Wiltshire SP3 5EB Fax 01765 603488 I products known to man Area Dealer Email:[email protected] ■ Large stock levels Tel: 01722 716361 • Fax: 01722 716828 A to treat black layer of all grades Hydrotech Solutions ■ Prevent thatch build up BT LIA 2 0 0 1 C E R T IFICA T E OF M E RIT AWAR D ■ Delivery anywhere in 20 years of golf turf experience ■ Improve drainage mainland UK within •Golf Machinery Wash Water Treatment and rootzone 3-4 days 5 golf grades including high bent Visit •Positive Filtration - Non-Biological greens on USGA rootzone, RTF for and check out the •200+ systems Installed Worldwide Tel: 01433 620003 •Simple, Low Cost Installation Fax: 01433 620388 stabilisation and drought tolerance, latest chat Greenkeeper International 59 and new Wildflower Turf from the AGRONOMY •Low running Costs Tel: 01904 448675 greenkeeping industry Tel: 01925 758099 TREES Fax: 01925 757519 TYRES E-mail: [email protected] FAST-GROWING THIS SPACE TREES WASTEWATER Growth of 6-8 feet per year COULD BE YOURS TREATMENT SYSTEMS For rapid improvement to new £600 - B&W and developing Golf Courses The Latest in Biological Hybrid Poplars used for specimen and group plantings £720 - colour Wastewater Treatment to make handsome trees and perimeter windbreaks. (for 12 months) TEL: 01425 476261 Hybrid Willows used for screens, hedges, CALL 01564 824343 wind-breaks, and dense cover on course. FAX: 01425 472380 Size: 4 x 1 E-mail [email protected] Both are tolerant of poor soils and sites and require little post-planting care. Visit Our Website: All sizes available from 12 inch slips to Call: 01347 833800 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● 8 foot well-rooted trees. to book your space now ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Prices including delivery to most areas from VERTIDRAINING HIRE ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● £48 per 100, plus VAT or £439 per 1000, plus VAT ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Free information pack and advice without obligation Phone John or Monica Spanton-Coates on 01404 812229 or Fax on 01404 815800 PETER MANNINGTON Bowhayes Trees Ltd, Lowlands Farm, Toadpit Lane, Ottery, St Mary, Devon EX11 1LQ or visit BIOLOGICAL VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT WASH-OFF SYSTEMS Specialist Growers of Professional Verti-Drain and TREE MOVING Turf for Golf Courses Earthquaking Contractor ESD Waste2Water Europe Ltd. Experienced operator, competitive prices and reliable service Tel: 01782 373 878 Garstang Golf Club Rootzone Turf for Greens Tel/Fax Peter on 01580 861211 Fax: 01782 373 763 Grown on USGA rootzone, or Mobile 07850 612061 E-mail: [email protected] top-dressed throughout the year, 1 White Horse Cottages, Silverhill, Hurst Green, TREE MOVING and mown at 6mm. Etchingham, East Sussex TN19 7QA SERVICES Predominantly bent sward Turf for Tees, Surrounds, WEED CONTROL Call John today on: Approaches and Fairways NATIONWIDE 07718 782 146 Various mixtures including VERTIDRAIN HIRE ryegrass/fescue, 100% fescue, SELF OPERATED and bent/fescue grown OR WITH OPERATOR on sandy loam topsoil. BIGGA TRACTOR WITH 1.6m NEW FOR 2006/2007 £500 PER WEEK Weed Control MEMBERSHIP RTF - tough turf for •Total •Selective •Aquatic HANDBOOK drought and wear tolerance. TRACTOR WITH 2m Moss Control Fantastic results on £700 PER WEEK Fertiliser Application A comprehensive guide pathways and bunker banks Disease & Pest Control to the fine turf industry TEL: 01522 869100 Grass Growth Control Tel: 01652 678 000 Freephone 0800 783 2884

Greenkeeper International 63 Feb 07 - 68pp_v4 2/8/07 7:55 PM Page 63

TURF WASTE/WASH WATER TREATMENT Fineturf Producers of quality Top dressings, Specialist sands, Rootzone soils, Dedicated to Growing Grit, Gravel and Pathway materials Quality Sportsturf for Golf Courses, Playing Fields and Sports Pitches Custom Grown Root Zone Turf Effective wash water recovery systems for Cowbog, New Pitsligo, Fraserburgh, Install n Playball Turf Tiles remote washing and full Aberdeenshire, AB43 6PR Tel 01400 250796 environmental compliance Tel: 01771 653777 •Competitively priced GreenkeeperFax 01400 251606 International Classifieds 2007•No drainage required Fax: 01771 653527 •Reduced water costs •Low maintenance The Fastest Growing Name in Turf •Clean recycled water The ENZYMATIC15 wash BUYERS’ GUIDE water recycler. Designed & •Small footprint Shirley Aldred & Co.Ltd •Indoor/outdoor option built in the UK by ByWater Tel: 01530 833469 Fax: 01530 810795 Suppliers of high quality Email: [email protected] granular charcoal for over 200 years buyers guide:Layout 1 04/04/200 OAKDALE July 07 Aug 07PUMPS TijsmfSeptz!BmeW eb:07!'!Dp/Mue ■ Use one of the oldest ■ Totally organic product Tvqqmjfst!pg!ijhi!rvbmjuz! products known to man IRRIGATION to treat black layer ■ Large stock levels hsbovmbs!dibsdpbm!gps!pwfs!311!zfbst of all grades CONSULTANTS NVtf!pof!pg!uif!pmeftHydrotechu N Tpubmmz!pshboj Solutionsd!qspevdu ■ Prevent thatch build up ■ Delivery anywhere in qspevdut!lopxo!up!nbo 20 years of golf turf experience up!usfbu!cmbdl!mbzf•Golfs MachineryN Mbshf!tupdl!mfwf Wash Watermt! Treatment ■ Improve drainage mainland UK within Lowara pg!bmm!hsbeft and rootzone 3-4 days 5 golf grades including high bent Visit NQsfwfou!uibudi!cvjme!•Positivevq Filtration - Non-Biological NEfmjwfsz!bozxifsf!jo irgreensritech on USGA li rootzone,mite RTFd for and check out the NJnqspwf!es•bjobhf200+! systemsnbj oInstalledmboe!VL!xjui Worldwidejo!

BUYERS GUIDE Lowara Quality Pumps & Tel: 01433 620003 stabilisation and drought tolerance, latest chat boe!sppu{po•fSimple, Low 4.5Cost!ebz tInstallation Fax: 01433 620388 Independent Irrigation Consultants Variable Speed Drives. Phone: 01427 874200 and new Wildflower Turf from the AGRONOMY •Low running Costs Specialising in:- Ufm;!12544!731114 Tel: 01904 448675 greenkeepingT: 01297 630230 Fax: 01427 875333 L Existing system evaluation Gby;!12544!731499Tel: 01925 758099 industryF: 01297 630270 TREES L System design & upgrade E: [email protected] Fax: 01925 757519 L Project management TYRES E-mail: [email protected] FAST-GROWING ContactTHISRoge rSPACEDavey on: 01823 690216 WASTEWATER TREES Growth of 6-8 feet per year COULD BE YOURS TREATMENT SYSTEMS For rapid improvement to new £600 - B&W and developing Golf Courses Grundfos Pumps Ltd The Latest in Biological Hybrid Poplars used for specimen and group plantings £720 - colour Wastewater Treatment to make handsome trees and perimeter windbreaks. Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4TL Oct 07 MOWERS(for 12 months) Nov 07 Dec 07TEL: 01425 476261 Hybrid Willows used for screens, hedges, CALL 01564 824343 wind-breaks, and dense cover on course. FAX: 01425 472380 Size: 4 x 1 E-mail [email protected] Both are tolerant of poor soils and sites and require little post-planting care. Tel: 01525 775450 Visit Our Website: All sizes available from 12 inch slips to Call: 01347 833800 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● 8 foot well-rooted trees. to book your space now Fax: 01525 775224 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Prices including delivery to most areas from VERTIDRAINING HIRE TREE●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● MOVING £48 per 100, plus VAT or £439 per 1000, plus VAT Web: ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Free information pack and advice without obligation Grundfos offering a wide range Phone John or Monica Spanton-Coates on 01404 812229 or Fax on 01404 815800 of PETERquality pump MANNINGTON solutions Bowhayes Trees Ltd, Lowlands Farm, Toadpit Lane, Ottery, St Mary, Devon EX11 1LQ for all applications or visit BIOLOGICAL VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT WASH-OFF SYSTEMS Specialist Growers of Professional Verti-Drain and IrrigationTREE MOVING Systems RUBBER CRUMB Turf for Golf Courses Earthquaking Contractor ESD Waste2Water Europe Ltd. Professional Design, Supply, TheExperienced use of operator,RUBBER competitive CRUMB prices and on reliable service Tel: 01782 373 878 Rootzone Turf for Greens GarstangInstallation and Golf Maintenance Club grass asTel/Fax top d Peterressing on has01580 been 861211 Fax: 01782 373 763 Grown on USGA rootzone, granted a PAorTENT Mobile in 07850 the UK 612061 and E-mail: [email protected] Visit our new online store top-dressed throughout the year, Ireland 1under White Horse Number Cottages, EP0788301BI Silverhill, Hurst Green, TREE MOVING Etchingham, East Sussex TN19 7QA at and mown at 6mm. TEBBUTT ASSO. MANAGEMENT SERVICES Predominantly bent sward ARE THE LICENSEES Turf for Tees, Surrounds, SOFTWARE Call John today on: PEST CONTROL with CROWNNATIONWIDE III rubber crumb Turf WEED CONTROL Ocmis Limited Approaches and Fairways Reinforcement, the licensed product SOLUTION T 0870 600 5131 F 0870 600 5132 Various mixtures including VERTIDRAIN HIRE E [email protected] 782W 146 ContactTebbutt Asso. ryegrass/fescue, 100% fescue, SELF OPERATED PROVIDER on 01253 342003OR WITHor Fax OPERATOR01253 346644 SCRAPand bent/fescueEAW grownA Y e-mail: [email protected] on sandy loam topsoil. BIGGA A New Organic Rabbit Deterrent TRACTOR WITH 1.6m NEW10 years FOR in the 2006/2007 making £500 PER WEEK Weed Control MEMBERSHIP RTFNon-toxic - tough turf for STORM SHELTERS •Total •Selective •Aquatic HANDBOOK droughtBiodegradable and wear tolerance. TRACTOR WITH 2m Moss Control £700 PER WEEK Fertiliser Application AVFAIantasticLABLE results NOW on BESPOKE STORM & SMOKING SHELTERS A comprehensive guide pathways and bunker banks Disease & Pest Control For further details, brochure & sample FOR GOLFERS & SPECTATORS to the fine turf industry Email: [email protected] TEL: 01522 869100 Grass Growth Control TWebsite:el: 01652 www.scrapeawa 000 Freephone 0800 783 2884 07881 782975

TURFGreenkeeper International 63



60 Greenkeeper International