The meeting was called to order. Present were Mary Galvin, Helen Baur, Kay Cutler, Carol McClintock, Maggie Lamb, Carol Stoetzel, Maxine Schurect, Pam Stephenson, and Hazel Jackson.

The minutes of the April Meeting were read and approved as corrected.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $989.62. The balance in the Ruth and Robe rt Work Park Vund is $6, 960.


Ruth and Robert Work Park Mary Galvin

It was discussed that the Ruth and Robert Work Fund might draw greater interest if housed under the Garden Club of Barrington which•has an I.R.S. number. A motion was made by Carol McClintock to research the best possible way to invest the Fund to yield the maximum income. The motion was seconded and passed.

It was reported that major changes are being made at the Barrington Road InterChange. The Tollway Commission has promised verbally that any plantings destroyed will be replaced in kind. Carol McClintock agreed to contact Dan Harris, of the Barrington Free Press, to take pictures of the park so we will have visual records in our files. Mr. Rose, of the Rose Packing Co., offered to provide space on his property to store any trees that had to be moved. Mr. Cowell is the new man in charge of plantings on the Tollway. It was suggested that a news article with pictures (before and after) be sent to the papers to alert the public.

Arbor Day Maggie Lamb

Maggie Lamb reported that eight different varieties of trees were received from Cook County (no choice was allowed). They arrived on April 19 and were bagged on April 25th. Fourth graders from Roslyn Road, Lyons, and St. Annes schools were supplied with trees including the Learning Disability class -- trees being distributed at the discretion of the principbas

Mr. Ness's trees came to $160.00 plus $16.00 for trucking, They were received on May 1, bagged on May 6 and distributed to the fourth graders -2-

of the remaining Barrington Schools. Mrs. Lamb stated that not all of the bills were in yet. She suggested that all trees be ordered from the same source to facilitate the job next year. All of the trees were beautiful and arrived in excellent condition. A discussion ensued. Each member was to go back to her club and ask that they be assessed proportionately for Arbor Day instead of using remaining Council funds in the future.

It was suggested that Little Garden Club provide a Chairman for next year.

The Council thanked Maggie Lamb for doing a wonderful job. A note from one of the fourth graders was read.


Sam Oliver, President of Country Home and Garden Club, will deliver containers, beddingrit*dlings, etc., donated by members of her club to the Elgin State Hospital to get the program started. Helen Pook from Little Garden Club is also helping with the project.


Carol McClintock suggested that Jean Nadherny and Elizabeth Bollenbeck be appointed to explore plans and ideas and suggestions for a joint meeting of the five clubs.



Maxine Schure.ct and Pam Stephenson, co-chairman of beautification, will work with Mr. Kay, of Hill Nursery and Roy Crumrine, of the Village, on a plan for the Hillside site. The Village has $3,000.00 to spend on beautification and will give money to this project if the Council will oversee it.

B. KUFFEL PROJECT (Triangle at #59 & #68)

The Garden Club Council will give $1,000.00 to the Village for this project. The remainder of the amount for the initial plantings will be supplied by the Village. A letter stating that $1,000.00 was the total commitment of the Council and any further monatery requests would have to be made in person at a regular Council meeting, was sent to Mr. Roy Crumrine and Mrs. Kuffel. -3-

The idea of putting ground cover in the Triangle is being researched.


The Boy Scouts are working on a small nursery to supply trees and plant material to the community in the future. The Village will provide the land.


The Council was asked to come up with a plan for the area in front of the Village Hall with permanent material that will look good in winter as well as summer. No assignment was made.

It was suggested that each Representative ask members of her club to write to Illinois Bell Telephone Co., the Courier, and Commonwealth Edison to clean up the unsightly area along Route 59 and Hart Road, created by their project.

Claudia Mandebach has rules and applications for the Sears award. These could be used for the Hillside Project and the Kuffel Project.

Mildred McAllister, founder of the Council of Barrington Garden Clubs, passed away last week. All were saddened to hear this and asked that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mr. McAllister.

The Meeting was adjourned.

Hazel Jackson ' / page #3 May 21. 1974 6. Maple Trees at Crab Orchard. Suear maples healed in at Crab Orchard several years ago

after an Arbor Day Planting. Forest Preserve agreed that they might stay but they must be moved this spring. Couldnot be used for Middle School, Village of Barrington could not use them;members of Country Home & Garden agreed to move those belonging to that Club. Mr. Chuck Wettcott assured members that they could be used by the Forest Preserve as some of the ordered nursery stock had not arrived. Hazel Jackson, acting in the cap- acity of Presiident- elect, donated remaining trees, possibly

twenty, to Forest Preserve with understanding that they would be moved at proper transplanting time. Mr. Westcott accepted the trees gratefully.

7. As By-law change. As presidency of Council changes every two years, as well as rotating among member clubs, much ground is as each new president Bones .To keep continuity, the incoming president must

have been a representative to Council. The Club which is to pro- vide new president should double it's representation to Councilso that at least one of the four could be present at all meetings for the year before taking office. Kay Cutler and Carol McClintock agreed to write tip these possible sus gestions and to clar ify sufficently so that a change could be incorporate d into

by-laws. Other suggestions ... A9:00 a.m. meeting time is suggested rather than 10:00. New officers retating every two years. new president will continue with chairmen in position, or may appoint new persons to office at first meeting or as needed. Council is not tightly bound by convention, it is recommended that at of Noveer weting each officer will turn over books and page #4 extra, material to her successor so that she may familiarize herself with material before January Meeting. Roster must be changed as Village Garden Club no longer exists . Discuss Arbor Day funds and suggest a for mula to arrange assessment

Proposed f, ovisions to the ::;01$E It.uOir-L vii TuaCThCIL O LAIIAGTOV GA:L)4N CLUBS

Expansion of sections 6 14.21.11DCE a. Atte, ovember meestin47 of rota ing year, each officer will make private artangements to acquaint her successor with thebooks. reccnds and documents of her office. ,4he turn over saj such matelL: to the new officer, who ia the sopointed custodian.

b. The Janurary meetirT r5hall the Annual meeting an0 rotatton of office Ts hall take he out-r:oing rrevident sh:A1 introduce the new president, secretary and treastmer, lhe meetin will then be conducted by the new officcs. LitT7;ry assiKnrrents for th ar 11 be Oven aces club.

Additior to sootions ',111.9r o, If fr%r. any reason an officer is Lin ble to attend a seetin, she !;hall lake arrangerpents fo-r sorsone to take her place and provide

r reeov with the nftesimaly records.

ibrititted karch 18, 1975 Kay oatier- Jsrol ;i1intock :4-fawn Revision Committee 4 CODE OF PROUNDURE OF THE COTJNCTL OF BARRINGTON GARDEN CLUBS AS REVISED NOVEMBER 1974


The name of this organization shall be Council of Barrington Garden Clubs.

2. PURPOSE It shall be the purpose of this organization to serve as a co-ordinating body to aid inter-club cooperation at the direction of member clubs.

3. MEMBERSHIP Garden Clubs in the Barrington area are eligible for membership.

4. REPRESENTATION The Council shall consist of two members from each Club, preferably the Club president and one other (with the exception of the Club which will, the following year, provide the Council President. That Club will double its representation to the Council with the expectation that one of these representatives shall assume the presidency.) Each member Club shall have one vote. A two thirds majority vote of participating Clubs shall be required for action.


An annual contribution of $10.00 from each member Club, payable in January of each year to a petty caskfUnd, shall constitute dues.


There shall be not less than five meetings a year, to be held on the third Tuesday of January, March, May, September, and November at 9:00 A.M. Each member Club must have representation. Notices of each meeting, or any specially called meeting shall be sent ten days in advance. When possible the purpose of the meeting shall be given in the advance notice.

a. After November Meeting of rotating year, each officer will make private arrangements to acquaint her successor with the books, records, and documents of her office.

b. The January Meeting shall be the Annual Meeting and rotation of officers shall take place; Library decoration assignments for the year will be given to each Club.

c. September Meeting reaffirm Library Christmas assignments. OFFICERS

The officers of the Council shall be rotated alphabetically according to Club names when practical.

a. The rotation of officers shall take place in alternate years, at the Annual Meeting; date, time and place of said meeting as set forth in the above Code of Procedure shall be communicated to all Council members not less than ten days prior to the Annual Meeting.

b. The terms of the officers shall be for two years.

c. The officers shall be a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

d. The duties of the officers shall be as follows: President. To have served as Council Secretary or Council representative the year before assuming office of President; to preside at all Council meetings; to be responsible for conducting the affairs of the Council; to provide each Council member. with business agenda for each Council meeting; to act as liason officer between member Clubs; and to obtain from each member Club two copies of their Club Year Book, including membership lists.

Secretary. To maintain minutes of meetings; to provide President with copy of same as soon as possible after each meeting; carry on ordinary Council correspondence; send out notices of meetings; notices for . January meeting shall include "Dues Payable"; provide each representative with a name tag.

Treasurer. To handle funds of the Council and keep financial records covering receipts and expenditures. The signature of the President or Treasurer shall be sufficient on any Council check. Major expenditures shall require approval by two thirds majority of participating clubs.


The chairman of these committees shall be appointed by the Council Presi- dent whenever necessary. Each committee is required to have a Council representative serving as its chairman.

With the exception of the one Council representative serving as Chairman of each committee, it is not required that individual members be repre- sentative of the Council.

a. Ruth and Robert Work Park Project. This committee shall be responsible for periodic inspection of the Park; reporting findings to the Council; shall maintain Project's records; and shall be responsible for the handling of all correspondence pertaining to Project.

b. Beautification. This committee shall cooperate, whenever possible, with the village or any other organization seeking to develop plans for beautifying the Barrington area.

c. Historian. This committee shall keep a loose leaf record of Council related projects as reported in newspapers and/or other sources.

d. Conservation. This committee will provide the Council representa- tives at each meeting with information about or copies of pending State and National legislation which is conservation oriented. Arbor bny. Thn rommiLLt , o, nfLrr nn nnnunl voto of approvnt by Council members, will arrange for and handle acquisition and distribution of trees to fourth grade children in Barrington schools.


Committees shall be appointed for special projects and members shall be selected from the Clubs participating in the particular project.


a. Each member Club shall appoint designated number of representatives to the Council and provide alternates in the event the regular representative is unable td attend meetings.

b. Each member Club shall contribute $10.00 annually to a petty cash fund; said contribution to cover operating expenses, postage, telephone.

c. Each member Club shall provide the Council with two copies of their year book including current membership list. These shall be used by the Council officers, also being available to those Clubs which may be interested.

d. Participation in Council projects shall be at the discretion of individual member Clubs.

e. Each member Club shall provide committee personnel for all projects in which that Club has elected to cooperate.


All meetings of both the Council and of the committees shall be conducted in accordance with the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, except insofar as the same may be succeeded by Councils Code of Procedure.


Amendments to this Code of Procedure may be proposed at any Council meeting. Proposed changes shall be submitted to member Clubs for approval to permit action at the succeeding Council meeting.

Submitted by: Mrs. John Cutler Mrs. David McClintock

* Code of Procedure, adopted May 19, 1959 tt it * amended March 15, 1960, in accordance with "Amendments" II II II II ti II II II * May 18, 1965, it It II II * tt tt tt October 1, 1970, " * It It tt November, 1974, " II It tt COUNCIL OF BARRINGTON GARDEN CLUBS

MEETING MONDAY, S-E44Y111404 -40‘ 1974


Reading of Minutes

Treasuret's Report

Committee Reports 1. Arbor Day

2. Elgin State Hospital

3. Joint Meeting of Garden Clubs

4. Barrington Beautification

A. Kuffel Project B. Village Project C. Hillside Project

5. Ruth and Robert Work Park

6. By-Law Changes

Old Business

New Business ay 21, 1974

Dear Mr. McAllister,

Today ::t the reular meetin of The Counci Of Barrin7tor Garden Clubs, those present -;ere reretfully notified that Mildred had passed away. The Council eytends to you, and all her beloved family, their very sincere syrathy.

Organization of the Council was one of the rlAny contributions i,ildred made to the :2arrin.t.onrc.a. Her enthusiasm for environmental and conservation r-;wareness continues to function throuji the efforts of Garden Club menbers. In memory of Mildred, the Council rededicates itself to these principles.

Sincerely yours,

Mary Galvin (Mrs. Robert ) President Hazel Jackson ( 1!.rs. Charles ) Secretary