Adopted by NPC
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Vol. 25, No. 50 December 13, 1982 A CHINESE WEEKTY OF NEWS AND VIEWS o New Constitution Adopted by NPC o Chino's Success in the 9th Asion Gqmes HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK records. China did remarkably well, topping all other countries in gold medals tally for the first NPC Adopls China's New Premier Zhao to Visit Atilca time since it participated in the Games in 1974 (p. 30). Constitution Premier Zhao Ziyang will After a 6-month nationwide soon visit 10 African countries. Tibel's Traditional discussion among the people, a This is an important step to- Handicralt new Constitution was adopted wards strengthening China's at the 5th Session of the 5th unity and co-operation with In the 4th of a series of five National People's Congress other third world countries articles, our correspondent gives (p. 3). (p. 5). a report on carpet making in Gyangze, a city known as Peng Zhen. Vice-Chairman of Tibet's carpet centre (p. 28). the Committee for Revision of ln Memory of Dt. Kotnis the Constitution. gave a detail- An article by Jiang Yizhen. a ed explanation of the revised member of the Central Advisory Constitution (pp. 9-23). Commission and former Minister <>f Public Health, in memory oI fargets of 6th Five-Year Dr. D.S" Kotnis. an Indian doc- Plan tor who came to China to help l.he Chinese people in their fight In his report to the NPC. against Japanese aggression Premier Zhao announced the (p. 24). major targets of China's 6th Five-Year Plan for economic Asian Games and social development and put forward the measures taken to The 9th Asian Games cndcd ensure fulfilment of the plan in New Delhi r,r,ith the chalking The Nl'C rneeting hall. (p. 4). up of a number of nerv Asian Photo by Guo Jianshc REVIEW Premier Zhoo to Visit 10 Afri- ln Memory of lnternotionolist BEIJING con Countries Fighter Dr. Kotnis Jiong Yi Zhen - 24 Tibet: An lnside View (lV)- Published every Mondoy by INTERNATlONAL 6-8 Developing troditionol hond- BEIJING REVIEW Beijing icrofts Our CorresPon- 24 Boiwonzhuong Rood, Coll for lmmediote Withdrowol - The People'1 Republic of Chino of Soviet Troops From Af- dent Jing Wei 28 ghoniston Ren Yon - CULTURE & SCIENCE 30-31 Vol,25, No, 50 December 13, 1982 GATT Conference-A Foilure - Zhong Toi CONTENTS New ltolion Government - EE|Jlltc BEVIEW (US$ lto. 650-110) is Zhong Qihuo published weekly for US$ 13.S0 por yoar by Beiiing Roviow, 24 Eaiwanrhuang Bmd, EVENTS & IRENDS 3.5 Boiiing, China. Socond-class postrg. poid ARTICLES & DOCUMENIS at San Fnncisco, CA. Postmastar: Slnd New Constitution Adopted address dranges to China Eook & Re- Mojor Torgets of 6th Five-Yeor Report on the Droft of the Prriodicals, lnc., 2929 24ih Stroot, San Plon vised Constitution of the Francisco, CA 94110. People's Republic of Chino Chino Supports Bonglodesh - Peng Zhen CiIINIA EV[I\'TS & II(ENIDS the course of building a socialist POLITICAL material civilization therebY completing the contents of so- cialist construction. The deputies also stated that New Constitution Adopted people throughout the countrY trxrk part in the discussions of the draft and that oPinions A new Constitution of the founding of the People's Repub- Irom all quarters were canvass- People's Republic of China was lic. particularly since the Third ed. Such extensive democracY adopted by secret ballot at the Plenary Session of the 11th practically has no precedent, fourth plenary meeting of the Party Central Commitee. These they said. Fifth Session of the Fifth Na- experiences are now confirm- tional People's Congress on De- ed in legal form, to the satisfac- At the same meeting, a les- cember 4. The new Constitution tion of the workers, peasants, olution was adopted on the contains 138 articles in four intellectuals and people of all functions and powers of the chapters. walks of life nationwide. Standing Committee of the Pres- ent National People's Congress. After NPC Vice-Chairman Second. the four cardinal It stated: The Constitution of principles of adhering to the so- Peng Zhen reported on the re- the People's Republic of China cialist road, to the people's dem- vision of the Constitution on becomes effective immediatelY ocratic dictatorship, to the lead- November 26, deputies to the upon adoption. Prior to the ership of the Communist Party Fifth Session of the Fifth NPC election of the President and and to Marxism-Leninism and held panel discussions on the Vice-President of the People's Mao Zedong Thought have been First draft and raised many sugges- Republic of China at the incorporated into the Constitu- Session of the Sixth National tions for amending and supple- tion. These provide a guarantee menting it. People's Congress, the functions that our socialist construction and powers of the President of Many agreed that the new will advance akrng the correct the People's Republic of China Constitution is much improved. road. prescribed in the new Constitu- First, it has summed up the Third, it stresses building a tion cannot be carried out. historical experiences since the socialist spiritual civilization in These include: promulgating laws, appointing and removing State Council members, aPPoint- ing and recalling pleniPotenti- ary representatives stationed abroad, ratifying and abrogat- ing treaties and imPortant agreements concluded with foreign states and receiving foreign diplomatic representa- tives in purEuance of the deci- sions of the National PeoPle's Congress and its Standing Com- mittee. During this period, the current NPC Standing Commit- tee and its Chairman and Vice- Chairmen continue exercising their functions and powers as prescribed in the Constitution of 1978. The meeting also passed a res- Depulies casling ballois on lhe nerv Constitulion. olution to restot'e the original December 13, 1982 words of the national an-them. three years. The 1982 budget between credit receipts and the March of the Volunteers will be balanced despite in- payments, between industry and (which were changed at the creases in expenditures, he said. agriculture and between the NPC in Malch 1978). light and heavy industries, and Wang added that the total will maintain stable prices. he revenue expected for 1983 will On December 1. Finance Min- said. 123.200 yuan, which ister Wang Bingqian made a be million report on the implementation of is 11.3 per cent above the esti- China's total industrial and the 1982 state budget and the mated revenue for 1982. Total agriculturql output value in at, draft budget for 1983. expenditure is budgeted 1981, the first year of the 6th 126,200 million yuan. with a Five-Year Plan, went up by 4.5 He said that 1982 saw a re- deficit of 3,000 million yuan. Ef- per cent over 1980 and an in- versal of the trend towards re- forts will be made to reduce crease of 5.7 per cent is expect- duced revenue over the past this deficit. ed in 1982. The Premier said that the country has an increas- ing supply oI commodities. con- siderably easing the shortage of ilajor Targets 0l 6th Five-Year Plan consumer goods. The several- year trend of steady decreases i,n state revenue has started to In the filst half of this decade. Grain: output is expected to change, and the balance of China will strive to achieve reach 360 million tons. an in- foreign exchange has been fundamental implovements both crease of 12.3 pel cent over 1980: favourable for two consecutive financiallS' and economically. years. according to Plemier Zha<t Cotton: 3.6 million tons. up Ziyang. 33 pel cent: Zhao pointed out that shift- ing the focus of all economic The Premier"s statement Coal: 700 million tons. up 12.9 work to improving economic re- pel cent: w:rs part ol his report to the sults is the key to realizing the National Peopie's Congress on Electricity: 362.000 million overall goal of the 6th Five-Year the 6th Five-Yeal P.lan (1981- kwh. up 20.-1 pel cent: iind Plan in the next three years. To 85) f ol economic and ,sociul achieve this. he said. the follow- derrelopment. Steel: 39 million tons. up 5 t ing measules must be taken: per cent. stt'ict control of the scale of in- The t'epolt outlined a sr:r'ics vesiment in fixed assets: careful ol tal'ge1s lor economic con- The Premiel lecalled that in readjustment and all-r-ound con- slruction bef<ilc the end ol the 28 year'.s from 1953 1o 1980. solidation ol' existing enter- 1985: A 21.7 pel cent inclease the. gr'oss output value t>i agli- prise.s; concentration on tech- ovel the 19U0 total industrial cultule greu' at an average pro- nical advances; and acceleration and agricultul'al output value: gressive ratc o[ 3.4 pel cent ir of the pr-ocess of restructuring an a\/efagc pl'ogl'essl\/e lnclease During the 6th Five-Year' ),eal'. the economic system. late ol [i per cenl ir ]'eal in per'- Plan period. the target is 4 to 5 capita net income for tht' pel. cent ii )'ear'. peasants: an a\/erage annual in- The plan (r'('a.s(, oi' -1.9 pel cent irr China s envisages a lowel in- FOREIGN totzrl pa.r'roll: and a planncd dustrial glou'th late than the RELATIONS inct'ease' of 68 per cent o\/er the average rate of the previous 28 5th Five-Yeal Plan in expendi- lveals becausc the task of in- tuLe on education. science. cul- dustrial readjustment remains turc.