Dear Friends, Hello and welcome to our first monthly newsletter aimed at providing news from both Ottawa and the riding. We hope in time this newsletter may continue to grow, so feel free to tell your friends, family, and neighbours. Since the election I have been busy putting together a talented team of individuals to work as my staff and better serve the needs of constituents. As you may discover by reading the articles herein, we have put a strong emphasis on Ben at his swearing-in ceremony connecting Huron-Bruce to Ottawa, which was a Proposed Budget 2009 possible Budget campaign promise of considerations: initiatives in order of mine back in October. preference. Technological advances Constituents are have helped us close the  Building labour markets encouraged to fill out the gap between the federal  Improving access to credit form as soon as possible capital and the riding, and so that the results can be  Investing in traditional we strongly encourage presented at weekly constituents to take industries caucus meetings. advantage of the variety  Training/retaining On a final note, this of services offered by our programs monthly newsletter is constituency offices. available in both online  Housing (affordable and In late December and and paper formats. If you early January, senior would like to help us save constituents will be  Infrastructure a tree let us know and we receiving a special  Investing in new/green will be happy to transfer questionnaire from us industries you to our electronic asking for their input in mailing list. the 2009 Budget.  Strive to maintain a The questionnaire will balanced budget arrive in the mail and asks constituents to list Sincerely, NEWS FROM OTTAWA

CONSERVATIVE RDSP qualifications, deadlines, and conditions, constituents are PLAN NOW encouraged to visit the Canada AVAILABLE AT Revenue Agency website at MAJOR BANK ww.cra.gc.ca.

Families with disabled persons are to get a much needed boost with NEW TAX-FREE the implementation of the Registered SAVINGS ACCOUNT Ottawa’s Justice Building Disability Savings Plan (RDSP). (TFSA) IMPROVES Introduced by Finance Minister BEN OPENS OTTAWA Jim Flaherty in the 2007 Budget, the SAVINGS FOR ALL purpose of RSDPs are to help OFFICE AMIDST parents and others set aside funds to Effective January 1, 2009, The PARLIAMENTARY financially support a child with a Conservative Government is DRAMA severe disability. implementing TFSAs to help Canadians set money aside and Contributions to an RDSP will From talks of a Liberal-NDP- not be deductible, nor will they be experience tax-free growth. To invest, Canadians must be 18 Bloc coalition to the prorogation of included as income when Government, November and withdrawn. Approximately 280,000 or older and have a valid Social Insurance Number. Withdrawals can December have been one of the most Canadians are eligible to open and exciting in Canadian political will benefit from RDSPs. be made anytime, for any purpose. TFSAs are much like Registered history. “I am very pleased,” commented Ben’s first step was getting his Flaherty, “that this long-term Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP), with a few differences. Unlike Ottawa office in order. Located in financial support is now available the Justice Building just west of and I congratulate the Bank of RRSPs, TFSAs are not deductable for tax purposes. Also, RRSP Parliament Hill, his office is staffed Montreal for being the first major and ready to serve constituents of bank to offer RDSPs. We want to withdrawals are added to your income and taxed at current rates, Huron-Bruce. help parents and families that care Ottawa staffers include Josh for people with disabilities to save whereas TFSA withdrawals are not. The chart below compares the Knox, recent graduate from Queen’s toward the long-term security of University’s Masters Political their loved ones.” benefits of a TFSA versus an unregistered savings plan. Studies Program, and Florence For more information regarding Stalenhoef, who graduated with a degree in Political Science from the University of Waterloo. Both are natives of the riding. Josh will be acting as Parliamentary Assistant in Ottawa, while Florence takes responsibility as Legislative Assistant, a position that requires her to work both in Ottawa and the riding. Florence is sure to have her hands full, as Ben has been placed on two committees: Veteran's Affairs and Human Resources, Skills and Social Development.


Parliament. CONCERNED ABOUT THE BEN USES Maximizer is a new AMOUNT YOU”RE PAYING and innovative program FOR ENERGY? PROROGATION TO WANT TO DECRESE YOUR MEET WITH being implemented in ENVIRONMENTAL Lobb’s riding and IMPACT? CONSTITUENTS Ottawa offices that ensures that constituent CONTACT THE ELORA CENTRE FOR Over the past month Ben has met concerns are addressed ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE TODAY! with automotive dealers from Huron  10 years experience performing whole house in a professional and energy assessments County and with the Grey-Bruce speedy manner.  Can give independent advice about small and Auto Dealers Association to get “Constituents bigger ways to improve your home’s efficiency input and feedback on the current frequently call the  We have energy advisors who are highly- economic situation and possible Ottawa office,” knowledgeable and well trained remedies. Parliamentary Assistant Ben has also met with many CALL TODAY: 1-866-865-7337 Josh Knox comments,” To visit our website, go to: www.ecee.on.ca businesses and organizations from with hopes of talking the riding to get input for the directly with Ben anytime of the HAVE QUESTIONS upcoming federal budget set to be day. Maximizer guarantees that no tabled on January 27th. matter where he [Ben] is, he has FOR A CABINET Ben will be appearing on CKNX access and to can personally address MINISTER, SENATOR, and The Beach in the early new year the concerns of those in his riding.” or MP? to take calls and suggestions from Maximizer is yet another tool constituents as to what they think aimed at further fufulling Ben’s Have you ever wanted to ask should be in Budget 2009. commitment to connect the riding to Mike Duffy what his major concerns The purpose of these Ottawa. Constituents are encouraged are as a newly appointed Senator? consultations are to get as many to contact their MP with any Now constituents will have the ideas as possible to present at caucus questions or concerns. “An active chance to ask their favorite meetings beginning January 7th. and engaged citizenry,” Knox Conservative Minister, Senator or This advice will then be considered comments, “helps connect MP a question of their choosing. in the upcoming federal budget. individuals to their communities, In a newsletter exclusive, Ben In addition to consultations, Ben and their communities to their invites readers to email their has taken the time to visit local country.” questions to [email protected]. schools and educate future Questions will then be relayed to the generations about the political GODERICH OFFICE politician in question. In every process and encourage students to OPEN, PORT ELGIN monthly newsletter, the top five take an interest in Canadian politics. questions will be listed, with TO FOLLOW answers, from specific By January 2009, constituents Parliamentarians. will have access to both Goderich This initiative is yet another step MAXIMIZER and Port Elgin Offices. by Ben to reconnect constituents of CONNECTS Bill Strong will be heading the Huron-Bruce to Ottawa. CONSTITUENTS Goderich office, while Becky Smith “The Federal Government’s will be in charge of the new Port responsibility is to represent all Thanks to Maximizer computer Elgin location, set to open in Canadians, and hopefully the software, constituents can be January. Becky will be working as newsletter is an avenue to have those satisfied in knowing that when they Ben’s Executive Assistant and has questions answered,” Lobb said contact any office, whether in the various responsibilities, from during an interview. riding or the capital, their concerns working with constituents to Intelligent, thoughtful and will be reaching their Member of organizing Ben’s Parliamentary constructive questions are schedule. appreciated. MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT: TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND COMMUNITIES

YOUR EVERYDAY PROFILE MINISTRY MINISTER Each month we will provide Name: John Russel Baird information on a specific ministry, Date of Birth : May 26th, 1969 including their responsibilities, Riding : Ottawa West-Nepean jurisdictions, and current events. Education: BA, Queen’s University With the impending 2009 Budget Former Cabinet Posts: merely weeks away, the spotlight 2006-07 President of the Treasury Board has been focused on which stimulus 2007-08 Minister of the Environment measures the Government will introduce. One of the most common categories of investment include suggestions has been to invest in public transit, water and wastewater new Canadian infrastructure “BUILDING CANADA” infrastructure, community energy projects. PLAN IN FULL SWING systems, the management of solid Under this context the Ministry of waste, and local roads and bridges Transport, Infrastructure, and Even before the 2009 Budget, the that enhance stability. Communities has become an Conservative Party has been actively On December 23rd, the GTF was extremely important portfolio. investing in Canadian infrastructure extended from 2010 to 2014, further Ultimately, this Ministry is likely to projects. In 2006, the Party promised providing for communities during influence which projects are funded to make a safer, stronger, better the tough economic conditions. at the community level. Canada through Advantage Canada: “This extension ensures that [the] Additionally, the Ministry creates a long-term economic plan that federal gas tax fun contributes to the rules and regulations necessary focused on improving multiple hundreds of infrastructure to protect Canadians during aspects of our country, including investments each year, right across transport. Commercial and private infrastructure. .” said Peter Hume, President aircraft, marine, rail and road The “Building Canada” plan was of the Association of Municipalities vehicles are all regulated and born from this long-term vision, of Ontario. overseen by this Ministry. providing $33 billion over seven For more information, A safe and secure transportation years to support a stronger economy, constituents should contact the system matters for a healthy cleaner environment, and prosperous Association of Municipalities of economy, preventing loss of life, and communities. Ontario at 416-719-5425, or the the maintenance of personal health Of the total, $11.8 billion will be contact information listed below. and property. provided to municipalities through the Gax Tax Fund (GTF). Eligible CONTACT

Website: http://www.tc.gc.ca/ Email: [email protected] Phone: 613-990-2309 TTY:1-888-675-6863 Fax: 613-954-4731 / 613-998-8620 Mailing Address: Transport Canada 330 Sparks Street Ottawa, ON Confederation Bridge, P.E..I. K1A 0N5 CONTACT INFORMATION


Goderich Office

30 Victoria St. North

Goderich, ON N7A 2R6

Tel: 519-524-6560 Toll Free: 1-877-524-6560 Fax: 519-612-1141

Port Elgin Office

5101 Highway 21 South Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C0

Tel: 519-832-2999 Fax: 519-832-2995

Ottawa Office

914 Justice Building House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6

Tel: 613-995-1522 Fax: 613-995-6350

Website www.benlobb.com

E-Mail [email protected]



ONLINE http://parlvu.parl.gc.ca