Volume 35 Number 5 May 2013

The Monthly Newsletter of Pilgrim Lutheran Church 3901 First Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55409 (612) 825-5375


From the Desk of Pastor Pete Youth in Focus

During the month of May the young people of our church and school take center stage. On May 5 Children as Leaders for God is the theme for Education Sunday. The students of Pilgrim Lutheran School have been working hard and have a very special presentation planned for the 10:30 service. (The 8:30 service will feature an education message and theme, but will not be led by the students) We’re sure lots of proud parents and relatives will turn out. Our school is a great ministry to children and families. Hope to see you there to encourage our students and their families and be blessed by the Word that they share.

On May 19 we will once again celebrate the rite of confirmation. This year four of our young people, three girls and one boy, will testify to their faith in Jesus Christ and promise a lifetime of faithfulness to him. As usual, we’ll have “confirmation events” in both services: at 8:30 the confirmands will respond to their essay questions. In the 10:30 service they will make their promises. Here are the questions they’ll answer this year. How would you respond? How will the Bible be part of your life? What does it mean to have faith in Christ? What does it mean to fear, love and trust in God? What does baptism mean for the Christian? (Continued on Page 2)

Table of Contents

Sermons/Bible Studies……………………..Page 2 School News…………………….Page 18-19 NewWe Pilgrimstill use Women’s the words Group as ……..………Pagea blessing in worship 3 services today.Family And lookFun Time………………..Page at what the Lord says 20about Birthday/anniversaries………………………Pagethis blessing: “So they will put my name on 4 the Israelites, andChildren I will bless Fun Time……………...Page them.” (Numbers 6:27) 21 Announcements/Thank you…………………Page 5-17 Calendar

On May 30 at 6:00 p.m. our eighth graders will graduate. The year has gone by quickly and we’ll gather around the word of God and prayer to bless these young people for the next steps they take. Come on out: encourage our young people and be encouraged!

My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long— though I know not how to relate them all. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come. --Psalm 71:15-18

Sermons and Bible studies at Pilgrim Lutheran Church


5: Education Sunday: Children as Leaders for God 12: Sermon and Bible study: Christian family (Mothers’ Day) 19: Confirmation 26: Sermon and Bible study: Christian family (Memorial Day weekend)

Ascension Day Worship Thursday May 9 is Ascension Day: we remember that Jesus ascended into heaven, but not before he promised to return and told his disciples to continue making disciples of all nations. St.John’s, our sister congregation at 610 E. Broadway in Minneapolis will be hosting a worship service at 7:00 p.m. We’re all invited! “This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” (The angels speaking to the disciples in Acts 1:11) [2]

New Pilgrim Women’s Group LIFT: Ladies In Faith Today

How do you deal with life’s interruptions? Do they frustrate you, depress you, and challenge your faith? Join our new Pilgrim women’s fellowship group as we undertake a 6 week study that is based on the life of Jonah. His life was interrupted by God; sent to a place he didn’t want to go. We will look at how our lives are in the control of a powerful and loving God, who uses these interruptions to bring us to places of deeper faith, trust and abiding peace.

The study will help us to bond together as Christian women navigating life’s’ interruptions together with love and support.

This new Pilgrim women’s group will meet throughout the year in 6-8 week sessions on Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the Pilgrim Cafeteria. The first study Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted will begin on May 15 and run through June 19. The group will host a family fellowship Picnic on Saturday 8.This study is a video series with an accompanying workbook. Personal daily studies are a part of this study as you work through the daily lessons in the workbook.

If you want to join this session, please contact Tammy Leyrer at [email protected], or call 612 229 6544. The study workbook for this session costs $13.00.

If you have questions or need more information, please feel free to speak with anyone on the

Pilgrim Womens’ Fellowship Team:

Tammy Leyrer, Rachel Josephitis, Catie Michaelson, Susan Jefferson, Vina Klein, Christina Day, and Michelle Cambrice


May Birthdays

Curtis Geiselhart 1 Sara Sroga 13 Carl Bloedel 26 Zandra Johnson 1 Bonita Faude 14 Diane Hartwig 26 Taniya Bible 4 John Martin 15 Jessica Holmgren 26 Thelma Friton 6 Richard Bullemer 16 Angela Jennrich 26 Darrell Sampson 7 Tyra Rolan 16 Julian Loescher 29 Peg Heilman 8 Kendra Bonde/Sivanich 17 David Menk 30 Marge Rodmyre 8 Mark Heilman 19 Jennifer Combs 30 Lue Rogers 9 Carolyn Vaughan 22 Samuel Gostchock 31 Orville Delano 10 Jacqueline Pruitt-Jones 23 Michael Heilman 31 George Scott 11 Darwin Cloud 25 Sharon Ledin 31 Edward Jefferson 13 Tina Norman 25

May Wedding Anniversary

Rick & Sandy Puterbaugh 1 Eric & Nicole Minea 6 Cynthia & Brian Sroga 17 Gerald & Diane Hartwig 19 Christopher & Connie Wasley 27


Looking Back to June 23rd, 1963

While going through a box of old church directories, Bill Brust came upon a church bulletin dated June 23rd, 1963. Bill thought it was ironic that the article has to do with the gallery window that Pastor Pete wrote about in last month’s newsletter. I wonder how much something like this would cost today. The attendance for June 16th, 1963 was 630..

The article read as follows: Today for the first time we see the new art-glass gallery window. We have been saving for the cost of this window for twenty or more years. The complete cost of the windows and its frame is around $4,200. The art-glass was made in Germany and the glass is breath-blown. The subject of the window is THE RISEN CHRIST WITH THE DISCIPLES OF EMMAUS. This is the biblical account that tells of Christ appearing to two disciples of Emmaus. They say to Him: ‘Abide with Us, for it is toward evening”. Often these words give the theme of the window. Our window committee, however, chose another passage taken from that same historical account: namely, Luke 24:31 “Their eyes were opened and they knew Him”. This theme passage gives the prime purpose of what is being done in Pilgrim congregation: namely, opening the eyes of the spiritually blind. Our eyes are opened when we know Christ as our personal Savior from sin. The window committee, which by the way consists of Mrs. E. Frey, Messrs J. Rotsch and R. Ledin and the Pastor, is anxious to find out who contributed toward the cost of this window. If you during the past 20 years gave a memorial or money for this window, Call J. Rotsch, WA 6 5446 at ONCE.



Electronic News Letter

Did you sign up for the electronic version of our monthly news letter but are not receiving it? If you answered yes to this question please get in touch with me. It is due to the way you signed up so I would like to get that fixed for you. Zoe Herzig 763-360-6150

LOST AND FOUND Lost and found items are in a basket by the tracts in the narthex (1st Avenue entrance) of the church. Call the church office at 612-825-5375 to inquire about lost and found items.

Lock doors and turn off lights Pilgrim Church highly encourages the use of our facilities by groups: Pioneers, Ladies Guild, Bible Study, etc. We ask for each group, upon leaving, to verify all lights are turned off and doors are shut tight. Doors need to be checked by pulling on them as they may not lock unless forced shut. Numerous times staff members have arrived to find the doors not locked and lights left on. Not checking the doors puts our property in danger of vandalism, theft and a host of other issues. Leaving lights on causes additional funds to be sent to Xcel Energy that could have been used to spread the Gospel.


Please pray for the United States military and the following enlisted and/or deployed service men and women: Paul Bandelin, Errol Belanger, Justin Brandt, David Chernohorsky; Jason Fahey, Brent Hassler, Jennifer James, Nicholas Neumann, Andrew Rolston, Cory Williams, and John Zimmerman.


People to pray for (Please call the church office if you would like a name added to this list.) Gerald Belsaas; Connie and Bill Bonde; Mabel Emde; Bob Florin; Brian Florin; Vi Gagnon; Ken Gostchock; Rebeccca Herzig; Jean Loescher; Rozetta Norman; Norma Seebach; and Pilgrim shut-ins.


Announcements Food Shelf

The food shelf is especially in need of canned fish and meat, fruit, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, and cereal. Any other food items that are useful to families are greatly appreciated! Thank you for your kindness and generosity! A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor. Proverbs 22:9

Hosting Personal events at pilgrim If you would like to host a personal event (baby shower, wedding shower, confirmation dinner, etc.) at Pilgrim, please contact Tam Bandelin in the church office at 612-825-5375 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. (you can also leave a voice message). You will be informed of availability, fees (if any), etc. Thank you!

Do YOU need a ride to Church? Or, do you know someone who would like to attend a worship service at Pilgrim but has no transportation? Pilgrim is reaching out in love to bring all those who want to worship in person to our church on a Sunday morning. The benefits of being present in God’s house, sitting with others, singing, praying and praising God are huge. If you would like a ride to church one Sunday a month to attend the 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship service, please call Pastor Leyrer or Tam in the church office at 612-825-5375. A start-up date and pick-up schedule will be set up after we determine how many wish to come and where those people are located.

Camp Croix weekend Now is the time to think about your summer plans. Include Camp Croix as one of your must be places to go this summer. We have August 16-18 booked for our group and want to get as many people as we can to fill the lodge and the cabins. We have great fun including swimming, canoeing, hikes, games at night, songs by the camp fires, outdoor games and many other things to do. Also we have great food! But best of all we get to celebrate the beautiful camp that God has provide for us. Need more information please contact Jodi Nelson 612-861-1260 or [email protected].

Early risers’ bible study – all are welcome! All are welcome to join us for bible study every Tuesday morning from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Coffee and refreshments are provided. Digging into God’s word with fellow Christians is a great way to start the day!



Confirmation class of 2013

Please pray for and reach out to our Pilgrim Confirmation Class of 2013. The following young adults will be confirmed in the Lord on Sunday, May 19, 2013: Maya Cloud + Sarai Gostchock + Yeane Kiazolu + Adonis Sturdivant But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. ~ 1 Peter 3:15

Christian life ministries needs your help Christian Life Ministries would be so grateful for your help! They are always in need of diapers, wipes, new and gently used baby clothes and baby items such as strollers, etc. Please bring your donations to the church office (set them outside the door), and Tam will store them in the church office and eventually take them to Christian Life Ministries, located in Little Canada. Thank you so much for your willingness to participate in this life-saving and life-changing ministry.

Education Sunday May 5 Mayflower Coffee Hour at 9:30 a.m. Special Pilgrim School Presentation at 10:30 a.m.


Rummage Sale Help Needed

Ladies Guild will be having their annual Rummage sale June 13th – 15th, See Sign up information below. (on June 12th we will be having a pre-sale from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm, with a $2 entry free. We did this last year and raised an additional $200.)

The setup part takes the longest so we need at least 15 or more volunteers those days. If you are able to help please fill out the form below and return it to Zoe Herzig as soon as possible. If you have any questions please call me @ 763-360-6150.

Lords Blessings Zoe Herzig ______

Please indicate below which days/time you would be able to volunteer and return to Zoe Herzig asap.

Setup days to include posting of signs – doors will be open 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.

June 10th ______Time:______To:______(Your name and phone number)

June 11th ______Time:______To:______(Your name and phone number)

June 12th ______Time:______To:______(Your name and phone number)

Sale days – Sale starts at 8:00 – 5 p.m. Thursday-Friday, and 8:00-3:00 on Saturday

June 13th ______Time______To:______(Your name and phone number)

June 14th ______Time______To:______(Your name and phone number)

June 15th , during sale ______Time______(Your name and phone number)

June 15th , after sale ______(Your name and phone number)


Please follow Guidelines for rummage sale donations:

Drop Off dates: May 31st until June 12th (If you wait until the 12th please have it dropped off by Noon that day. Call Church office ahead of time to make sure somebody is there to let you into the School. All Items can be placed in the hallway by the bathrooms. Any questions please call Zoe Herzig @ 763-360-6150.** please note there is a small limited space in the old shower area in the girls bathroom located in the school building to drop off donations if you simply cannot wait until May 31st.

Sale Dates: June 13th 8:00 am – 5:00 pm – Pre-Sale ($2 at the door) June 14th 8:00 am – 5:00 pm June 15th 8:00 am – 3:00 pm (Bag day $5 per bag)

We accept:

 Clean, gently-used clothing (all kinds: men, women, children, Infants and toddler, winter, summer, etc.)  Shoes, Boots, Skates all sizes  Books, Magazines, Records, CD’s, DVD’s, VHS tapes,  Household items: small appliances (They MUST Work) , dishes, linens, knick knacks, decorations, etc.  Furniture: chairs, small-medium size tables, lamps, small chests, Sofa etc.  Tools: garden, auto, electric  Exercise equipment: bikes, treadmills, weights, etc.  Office supplies: paper, pens/pencils, folders, small storage units,  Jewelry We will not accept:

 Large appliances  TV’s  Microwaves  Waterbeds  Clothing and items in poor condition (stained, torn, broken)  Computers/Printers  Computer Monitors



June 10-21 southwest u.s. tour opportunity A limited number of seats remain for the Martin Luther College Alumni Association’s annual tour. Open to all WELS members, the tour will, Lord willing, depart from Minneapolis on a 10-day journey to California, Nevada, and Arizona. MLC Prof. Earl Heidtke will serve as guide, with highlights to include: San Diego, LA/Hollywood, Solvang, Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, and beautiful Sedona. Daily devotions, fellowship with like-minded believers, and expert guide insights add to the enjoyment. Call Steve Balza at 507-217-1731 or visit www.mlc- wels.edu/alumni/events/2013-alumni-tour to learn more.

Sixteen day tour of “The Best of China

Pastor James Humann, retired WELS pastor, and part-time teacher at Evergreen Lutheran High School in Des Moines , WA , invites you to join him and fellow WELS members on a sixteen day tour of “The Best of China , including a 4-day Yangtse River Cruise.” The tour leaves from the West Coast on June 24, 2013 and returns July 9, 2013. We’ll visit Beijing , Xian, Wuhan , Yichang, Chongquing, Canton and Hong Kong . In China you’ll see the Great Wall , explore the Forbidden City, see some of the thousands of life-size terra cotta warriors and horses, enjoy a four day cruise on the Yangtse River, taste fabulous food, and experience some of the best shopping in the world in Hong Kong. For a colorful brochure describing the daily itinerary, tour conditions and cost, please e-mail Pastor Humann at [email protected] or call 253-839-9055. Be sure to include your name and mailing address.

Attention all men! Looking ahead to mother’s day . . .

If any men are interested in hosting and serving for Coffee Plus 5 on Mother’s Day, May 12, please contact Shannon Gostchock at 612-825-5375 ext. 115. Thank you!

Summer Coffee plus 5

Arthur Wessels has volunteered to be the coordinator for Coffee Plus 5 this summer! Thank you, Arthur! If you are interested in hosting a Sunday during the summer months, check out the Coffee Plus 5 Board in the lunch room. Coffee Plus 5 is a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or Father’s Day too. Questions? Talk with Arthur Wessels or contact him at 612-205- 4919. Thank you!


Announcements / Thanks


Two months after my surgery and the recuperation that followed, I am grateful that my strength is returning. I appreciated all the prayers offered for me, the visits from Pastor Leyrer and all the encouraging cards. Thank you to Shannon Gostchock and others who furnished food when I returned home. I look forward to returning to worship with my Pilgrim family when I’m back to full strength.

In Christ’s love, Vi Gagnon

Hey Mister Nelson!?!

It is one thing to have someone within the church membership that is always "on-call" to help with the church proper on the little "fixits"(that Pilgrim Church constantly needs) here and there but to have in addition this enthusiastic, talented and focused response of "I am happy to help--what can I do?" modem operandi is incredible. "Mr Nelson can you replace those two chandelier bulbs please?"(high wire act required) or "Mr Nelson can you pull out those olde microphones on those wood beams please?"(high ladder sandwiched in the pews to get them needed) or "Mr Nelson could you put gold colored screws into this cement wall to affix the candles' gold nameplate?" I think most of you get the picture as to what is going on here but I forgot to mention one additional and very important caveat----HE'S FAST, REAL FAST!"

So, 'Hey Mister Nelson------THANKS!'---You make our day!! God bless you and keep you 'limbered up' and in good health! More fixits are coming I would suspect:)


A Mother’s Paraphrase

Though I speak with the language of the educators and psychiatrists and have not love, I have become as blaring brass or a crashing cymbal.

And if I have the gift of planning my child’s future and understanding all the mysteries of the child’s mind and have ample knowledge of teenagers, and though I have all faith in my children, so that I could remove their mountains of doubts and fears and have not love, I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed and nourish them properly (Vitamins and all), and though I give my body to backbreaking housework and have not love, It profiteth me nothing.

Love is patient with the naughty child and is kind to him. Love does not envy when he wants to move to Grandma’s house because “she is nice.”

Love is not anxious to impress a teenager with our superior knowledge.

Love has good manners in the home…does not act selfishly or with a martyr complex, is not easily provoked by normal childish actions.

Love does not remember the naughtiness of yesterday and love thinks no evil…it gives the child the benefit of the doubt.

Love does not make light of sin in the child’s life. (or in her own, either), but rejoices when he comes to a knowledge of the truth.

Love does not fail. Whether there be comfortable surroundings, they shall fail, whether there be totral communication between parents and children, it will cease, whether there be a good educations, it shall vanish away.

When we were children, we spoke and acted and undersood as children, but now that we have become parents, we must act maturely.

Now abides faith, hope, love…these three are needed in the home. Faith in Jesus Christ, eternal hope for the future of the child, and God’s love shed abroad in our hearts, but the greatest of these is love.


Dear Friends in Christ,

My name is Pastor Matthew Schwartz and I currently serve as the associate pastor with Pastor David Rutschow of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Downers Grove, IL. Having taken a tour of the Holy Land this past September 2012, I am hoping to lead a tour back to the Holy Land this upcoming November 2013.

If you are looking for a vacation that will cover a majority of the places where our Savior walked during his ministry here on earth, this trip is for you! The travels of our Savior covered nearly three years. Our travels will cover about ten days. You can expect about 2 miles of walking per day as we tour the Holy Land. You can also expect devotions, Scripture readings, and opportunities to sing hymns tied with the places we visit. I can't begin to tell you how many educational, spiritual, and emotional blessings I received from my trip to the Holy Land. My prayer would be the same for you.

What: Ten Day Tour of the Holy Land - "Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus" - Led by Pastor Matthew Schwartz of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Downers Grove, IL. ( WELS ) When: November 4th - 13th, 2013 Cost: $3,604 from Chicago (Includes round-trip airfare, deluxe hotel accommodations, daily breakfast and dinner buffets, all entry fees, tips, and taxes. )

The hotel information and our tour itinerary can be found at the bottom of this email and attached to this email. The trip includes everything except for lunches and any souvenirs you may wish to purchase. We normally try to keep the cost of lunch around $10 throughout the trip. How much you want to spend on souvenirs is up to you. From what I’ve been told, you can expect beautiful weather at the beginning of November with highs in the 70's and 80's and lows in the 50's and 60's. The weather in Israel is much like the weather in Arizona. As April and October are the peaks of the tourist season in Israel, we will hopefully also find fewer crowds at the places we visit which should allow more time for exploration and meditation.

If you are interested in going, please contact me first as I am currently keeping a list of people who are interested. If you could also give me some indication of your level of interest, that will help me plan accordingly. Please let me know by June 1st, 2013 if you are interested in joining us.

If you’ve ever wanted to tour the Holy Land but didn’t want to “go it alone,” being a part of a group that shares the same faith is an added blessing you will experience in addition to the blessing of being able to walk in the footsteps of our Savior who lived, died, and rose again here on earth so that we and all believers could be with him in heaven!

Let me know if you have any questions as I am happy to answer them. God's blessings to you in Jesus, our Risen Savior,

Pastor Matthew Schwartz Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 525 63rd Street Downers Grove, IL 60516 Home Office - 630.783.9495 Email - mailto:[email protected] [14]

You can check out the hotels where we would be staying by clicking on the links below...

Kfar Maccabia, Tel Aviv: http://www.kmc-hotel.co.il/ Ron Beach Hotel, Tiberias: http://www.ronbeachhotel.com/ Dan Boutique Hotel, : http://www.danhotels.com/JerusalemHotels/DanBoutiqueJerusalemHotel/

10 Day Biblical Tour of Israel

DAY 1 – DEPART USA Tour members meet for our flight to Israel. After dinner is served, sit back and relax, enjoying the on- board entertainment as you prepare for this exciting adventure of a lifetime – walking where Jesus walked.

DAY 2 – ARRIVE TEL AVIV In Tel Aviv we are met by our agent who assists us through customs and security. We transfer to our motor coach for a short drive to our hotel in Tel Aviv or Netanya in time for our welcome dinner and overnight in Tel Aviv or Netanya area.

DAY 3 – CAESAREA, MEGIDDO, MT. CARMEL, NAZARETH, CANA, GALILEE Today we depart for the Galilee, visiting the following Biblical sites: Caesarea where Peter proclaimed the Good News to the Roman Centurion (Acts 9 & 25), Megiddo, Mt. Carmel where Elijah prayed and God defeated 450 prophets of Baal with fire from heaven (1 Kings 18). Time permitting we’ll stop at the Druze Village for a short lunch break (lunch is on your own). We continue to Nazareth (Luke 1 & 2) include a visit to the “Nazareth Village” with detailed explanation of what life was like during the time of Jesus and Cana (John 2). While in Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding reception, those who would like to will have opportunity to renew their marriage vows. We’ll arrive in Tiberias for dinner and overnight on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

DAY 4 – GALILEE, NAZARETH VILLAGE, MT. OF BEATITUDES, CAPERNAUM, BOAT RIDE, JORDAN RIVER There is nothing like watching a sunrise on the Sea of Galilee from our hotel. We begin our sightseeing with a visit to the Mt. of Beatitudes (Matthew 5-7), with time for reflection and time for a short devotional study. From here we make our way to Capernaum (Jesus’ base for His early ministry.), then board a replica wooden “Jesus Boat” for our boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. We will include a visit to the Jesus Boat Museum, where we will have an opportunity to view a recently excavated boat that dates back to the time of Jesus. Our lunch stop includes the option of the special St. Peter’s Fish for those interested (not included). Afterwards we make our way for Gadara and then make our way to the River Jordan and the opportunity to step into that special river. Dinner and overnight in Tiberias.


DAY 5 – GOLAN HEIGHTS, CAESAREA PHILIPPI, TEL DAN, GIDEON SPRINGS, BEIT SHEAN, JERUSALEM After breakfast we travel north for the Golan Heights and view the area from a special lookout. We drive to Caesarea Philippi, where Peter made the good confession of Christ as “the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:13-16.). We will have a short hike/walk to Tel Dan where we will see the gate of Jeroboam and then we make our way for Gideon Springs. Afterwards, a visit to Beit Shean, one of the best preserved Decapolis Roman cities. In Beit Shean, the bodies of King Saul and his sons were hung from the city walls (1 Samuel 31:10-12) after they were defeated by the Philistines. We then ascend to the majestic city of Jerusalem in time for dinner and overnight. “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’ Our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem.” (Psalm 122:1-2 NASB)

DAY 6 – MT. OF OLIVES, PALM SUNDAY ROAD, GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE, JEWISH QUARTER, , CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE, SOUTHERN STEPS, BETHLEHEM We begin the day on the beautiful Mt. of Olives to behold the breathtaking panorama of the Holy City. Our pilgrimage will proceed down the Old Palm Sunday Road to the Garden of Gethsemane with its ancient olive grove, and the Church of Agony, where tradition holds that Jesus prayed. We will enter Jerusalem through the Zion Gate, and walk to the holiest site in the whole Jewish world, the Western (Wailing) Wall of Herod's temple. Beyond the wall lies the 35 acre temple area purchased by King David (2 Samuel. 24:18-25). On this site now stands El-Aksa Mosque, and the magnificent (the third holiest shrine in Islam).

From the temple area, we make our way to St. Stephen's Gate, to walk the – including St. Anne's Crusader Church, Pools of Bethesda, the Pavement (where Jesus stood while being tried by Pilate), Ecce Homo Arch, and the ancient Cardo. We continue to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. A short walk takes us to stand on the original steps that Jesus walked on as he entered the Temple area - Southern Steps. We conclude our sightseeing today with a visit to Bethlehem. We pass by Rachel's tomb on the outskirts, and visit the Church of the Nativity and Shepherd's Field. We will have dinner and overnight in Jerusalem. After dinner we return to the to visit the Rabbis’ Tunnel.

DAY 7 – MASADA, QUMRAN, EIN GEDI, DEAD SEA FOR SWIM / FLOAT After breakfast, we begin our sightseeing and begin our drive to the Wilderness, the road from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea region is a decent of 4,000 feet in 13 miles. Our first stop will be at Masada, where we will by way of cable car make our way to the fortress built by King Herod. Here we survey the ruins of fortifications, waterworks, synagogue, temples and palaces. From here we drive to Qumran and the settlement of the first century sect known as the Essenes, authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Afterwards a short drive takes us to Ein Gedi where David hid from King Saul. We will make a special stop at the Dead Sea (the lowest physical spot on earth) for a short swim/float. Time and conditions permitting, we’ll include a visit to the new baptismal site Qasr El—Yahud Baptismal Site, the newly excavated site where tradition believes Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Time permitting we will have a short visit to Jericho. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem.


DAY 8 – SHRINE OF THE BOOK, MODEL CITY, CITY OF DAVID, HEZEKIAH’S TUNNEL, POOL OF SILOAM, ST. PETER GALLICANTU, GARDEN TOMB After breakfast we visit the Shrine of the Book Museum, where the Dead Sea Scrolls are displayed. You will be fascinated by the 1:50 scale model of Jerusalem as it would have appeared in Jesus' time. Next we drive to the incredible archaeological find: City of David, afterwards we have a short walk to Hezekiah’s Tunnel (conditions permitting) be sure to bring a flashlight and good water shoes with you, as you will get wet walking through the tunnel (or a walk through the shaft for those that wish not to get wet). If time permits we will have a short visit to see the new excavation to view the Pool of Siloam , afterwards we make our way to the Church of Agony at St. Peter Gallicantu. Afterwards we visit Golgotha and for worship and communion. Overnight in Jerusalem.

DAY 9 – JERUSALEM, ELAH VALLEY, JAFFA, FAREWELL DINNER, BEN GURION AIRPORT Morning at leisure in Jerusalem, we depart Jerusalem late morning/early afternoon and begin our sightseeing with a drive to view and stop at visit to the Elah Valley, and the brook where David slew Goliath. From here we continue our drive to Jaffa for a special farewell dinner at the Old Men and the Sea Restaurant or similar. Transfer to Ben Gurion airport for your flight back to the USA

DAY 10 - DEPART TEL AVIV FOR U.S.A. We arrive back to the USA in the morning.


What’s happening at Pilgrim Lutheran School….

2013/2014 Enrollment

We are now enrolling in the 2013/2014 school year. Our best advertisement is word of mouth. Please continue to pray for and promote our ministry and Pilgrim Lutheran Church and School.

Upcoming events at Pilgrim Lutheran School Touché Flemings Banquet May 3 6:00PM School Concert May 5 10:30AM Mayflower Coffee Shop (Farewell to Ms. Kayla Wilkins) May 5 9:30AM Confirmation May 19 8:30AM & 10:30AM Band Concert & Piano Recital May 23 6:00PM Graduation & Awards Night May 30 6:00PM Field Day May 31 8:30AM

To show His Love, Jesus died for us; To show our love We live for him.

Life without Christ is a hopeless end, Life with Christ is an endless hope.

The glory of the Lord is the revelation of Who he is.





