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The Budding Yeast Nucleus

Angela Taddei1,2, Heiko Schober3, and Susan M. Gasser3

1UMR 218, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 26 rue d’Ulm, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France 2Institut Curie-Section de Recherche, 26 rue d’Ulm, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France 3Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Maulbeerstrasse 66, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland Correspondence: [email protected]

The budding yeast nucleus, like those of other eukaryotic species, is highly organized with respect to both chromosomal sequences and enzymatic activities. At the nuclear periphery interactions of nuclear pores with , mRNA, and transport factors promote efficient gene expression, whereas centromeres, , and silent chromatin are clustered and anchored away from pores. Internal nuclear organization appears to be function-dependent, reflecting localized sites for tRNA transcription, rDNA transcription, ribosome assembly, and DNA repair. Recent advances have identified new proteins involved in the positioning of chromatin and have allowed testing of the functional role of higher-order chromatin organ- ization. The unequal distribution of silent information regulatory factors and histone modify- ing enzymes, which arises in part from the juxtaposition of telomeric repeats, has been shown to influence chromatin-mediated transcriptional repression. Other localization events sup- press unwanted recombination. These findings highlight the contribution budding yeast gen- etics and cytology have made to dissecting the functional role of nuclear structure.

ith 16 chromosomes and a closed mitosis, or sites of DNA repair by homologous recombi- Wthe budding yeast nucleus provides an nation (Lamond and Spector 2003). The second ideal model system for understanding struc- is a global territorial organization that stems ture–function relationships within one of the from a nonoverlapping positioning of entire cell’s most complex compartments. Eukaryotic chromosomes within the nucleus (Cremer chromatin has an intrinsic higher-order struc- et al. 2006). The third principle reflects binding ture based on the folding of the nucleosomal characteristics of particular sequence elements, fiber. Yet beyond the intrinsic folding of the such as simple repeats, and the factors they 10- and 30-nm fibers, sequence-determined recruit to assemble unique higher-order levels subchromosomal domains and entire chromo- of chromatin folding (Gasser et al. 2004). somes assume non-random positions in the The most straightforward way to show the nucleus. Here we discuss a few general princi- functional importance of nuclear and chro- ples of nuclear organization. The first is an mosomal structure is to identify the proteins order imposed by enzymatic function. Exam- and sequences involved and to mutate those ples include replication foci, splicing centers, elements. Any resulting alteration in nuclear

Editors: David L. Spector and Tom Misteli Additional Perspectives on The Nucleus available at Copyright # 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved. Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000612

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A. Taddei, H. Schober, and S.M. Gasser

function might stem from the change in organi- NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION zation. These loss-of-function approaches then need to be coupled with gain-of-function assays Nuclear Envelope Associated Proteins and that restore or promote a particular function or the Complex spatial organization. For these manipulations The nucleus is delimited by a double membrane budding yeast is an ideal organism. Yeast has called the nuclear envelope (NE) that is contig- extremely efficient homologous recombination uous with the endoplasmic reticulum. The NE machinery that allows for targeted gene disrup- separates chromatin from the cytoplasm and tion, mutagenesis, chromosomal modification, provides anchorage for various nuclear and and in vivo tagging of both DNA and proteins chromosomal structures, including the spindle for live imaging. These techniques can be cou- pole body, and separate clusters of centromeres pled with powerful biochemical and molecu- and telomeres. Trafficking between the nucleo- lar genetic techniques, many of which give plasm and the cytoplasm occurs through appro- genome-wide read-outs. Such approaches have ximately 200 nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), provided basic insights into the relationship of which allow the free diffusion of small mole- nuclear structure and function (e.g., Andrulis cules, whereas regulating the transport of mac- et al. 1998; Taddei et al. 2004; Taddei et al. romolecules. NPCs also provide a platform 2006). for mRNA transcription and quality control, Unfortunately, some elements of nuclear as well as its export. These proteinaceous assem- organization present in multicellular organisms blies of approximately 50 MDa contain 456 are missing in yeast. Having a closed mitosis of 30 different types (D’Angelo means that disassembly and reassembly of the and Hetzer 2008). Each pore is a doughnut-sha- yeast nuclear envelope does not occur during ped structure with eightfold symmetry around a the , although yeast has less pronoun- central channel. Flexible protein filaments ema- ced changes in its nuclear membrane during nate from the core into both the cytoplasm and cell division. Coupled with the yeast cell’s closed nucleoplasm, providing binding sites for both mitosis is a lack of nuclear intermediate fila- transport proteins and chromatin. A detailed ment proteins or lamins, which form a rigid map for the relative position of each nucleo- network underlying the inner nuclear mem- porin was calculated based on multiple molecu- brane (INM). The nuclearlamina stabilizes lar, biochemical, and structural data revealing a nuclear shape and help anchor interphase chro- strongly modular structure (Alber et al. 2007). matin (Gruenbaum et al. 2005). Yeast cells also Beside nucleoporins, many yeast proteins lack many of the well-characterized subnuclear were shown by imaging techniques to be asso- “bodies” with the exception of a nucleolar ciated with the nuclear envelope (Huh et al. domain that functions in snoRNA maturation 2003). Of particular interest are the integral pro- (Verheggen et al. 2001) and which appears teins of the inner nuclear membrane (INM) to be equivalent to Cajal bodies (Gall, 2000). (Lusk et al. 2007) including: Doa10, a RING do- Despite lacking detectable splicing compart- main containing protein that targets nuclear ments (Misteli, 2000) or PML (promyelocytic proteins for degradation, Mps3, a member of leukemia) (Zhong et al. 2000) bodies, yeast the SUN (Sad1, UNC-84) family that is a shared supports many of the activities coordinated component of the INM and of the spindle pole by these compartments, and recent evidence body (SPB; Jaspersen et al. 2002), and Helix– suggests that the yeast nuclear pore provides extension–helix-1 and -2 (Src1 or Heh1 and a platform for events related to gene expression Heh2) (King et al. 2006), which are orthologs and double strand break processing (Akhtar and of the mammalian lamin associated protein Gasser 2007; Taddei 2007; Nagai et al. 2008). MAN1. These proteins interact with the nuclear Other aspects of subnuclear organization, such lamina in mammals, as well as with chromatin as the distribution of chromatin within the through a small protein called BAF1. Although nucleus, are conserved from yeast to man. yeast lack the lamins, the roles of SUN-domain

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The Budding Yeast Nucleus

and Man1 family proteins in chromosome form small loops in vivo with closely juxtaposed anchorage seem to be conserved (Grund et al. right and left telomeres. In contrast, telomeres 2008). In addition, an INM-associated protein on chromosome arms of vastly different lengths called Esc1 (Enhancer of silent chromatin 1) did not interact (Bystricky et al. 2005; Schober shares features with lamina components: Esc1 et al. 2008). Importantly, these studies showed binds but does not span the inner nuclear mem- that the Rabl configuration is not unique to brane, and anchors silent chromatin through a anaphase in yeast, but persists throughout the component of the silencer complex, Sir4 (Tad- cell cycle. dei et al. 2004). Intriguingly, overexpression of Using a genome-wide conformation capture Esc1 induces INM expansion (Hattier et al. approach, inwhich spatial chromosome interac- 2007). Given their intimate proximity, it is not tions can be mapped, O’Sullivanand co-workers surprising that functional cross-talk among have recently shown that yeast chromosome INM proteins such as Esc1 and the nuclear placement is not random, i.e., some chromo- pore basket proteins Nup60, Mlp1 and Mlp2 somes were found never to interact, whereas (Therizols et al. 2006; Lewis et al. 2007; Palan- others showed favored interactions (Rodley cade et al. 2007) has been detected. et al. 2009). Furthermore, this method detected intra-chromosomal loops, much like those described by microscopic analysis for chromo- Chromosome Folding somes 3 and 6 (Bystricky et al. 2005; Schober Observations of chromosome folding were ori- et al. 2008). Consistently, a new imaging and ginally recorded by one of the founders of the dataanalysis approach revealed astrong confine- field of cytology, Carl Rabl (Rabl 1885), who ment of several loci into “gene territories” described the fold-back conformation of ana- reflecting the architectural constraints imposed phase chromosomes in spotted salamander onchromosomes bynuclear structures(i.e.,cen- larvae. In the so-called Rabl conformation a tromere attachments to the SPB and chromosome folds back at its centromere, anchoring to the NE). Importantly, this organi- such that telomeres are juxtaposed (Fig. 1). zationcan besignificantly remodeledupon tran- Today we know that this conformation results scriptional activation (Berger et al. 2008). from the attachment of microtubules to kinet- ochores, which assemble at centromeric chro- Chromatin Dynamics matin, and which lead the movement of chromosomes as chromosomes are pulled by Chromatin in living cells is subjected to con- microtubules into daughter cells. The telo- stant motion, which can be best described as meres, on the other hand, lag passively behind. a constrained random walk (Marshall et al. Evidence that yeast chromosomes assume 1997) (Fig. 2). Rapid time-lapse imaging led a Rabl conformation came initially from the to the distinction of at least two types of motion work of Loidl and coworkers, who used fluores- in yeast: small random movements (,0.2 mm cent in situ hybridization (FISH) to identify within 1.5 s) that occur constantly, as well as chromosomal landmarks such as centromeres larger, more directional movements (i.e., .0.5 and telomeres (Jin et al. 2000). Using chro- mm in a 10.5 s interval) (Heun et al. 2001). mosome conformation capture (3C) to model The smaller movements are observed for inter- chromosome conformation, the Kleckner lab nal loci as well as for peripheral silent domains, predicted that yeast Chr III folds as a contorted although the active loci in the nuclear lumen ring, with a strong bend near the centromere make large movements more frequently (i.e., a and the telomeres in close proximity to each large movement is .0.5mm within 10.5 s) other (Dekker et al. 2002). Gasser and co-work- (Heun et al. 2001). Intriguingly, changes in ers confirmed and extended these observations cellularenergy levels because of depletion of glu- showing that not only Chr III, but other small cose or the addition of protonophores to deplete metacentric chromosomes, such as Chr VI, membrane potential, abolish large movements

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A. Taddei, H. Schober, and S.M. Gasser

AB Telophase 23

Interphase TEL

CEN Nucleolus



acTelomeres b SBP + HM

TelR, TelL


Figure 1. Chromosomes have distinct orientation within the yeast interphase nucleus, which results from their Rabl configuration at anaphase: centromeres cluster and lead the way into daughter nuclei, with telomeres following behind. Telomeres of equal-length chromosome arms tend to cluster together in yeast interphase nuclei. (A) In 1885, Carl Rabl drew the folded conformation of anaphase chromosomes in spotted salamander larvae, in which anaphase chromosomes fold back on themselves because of attachment of the centromere to microtubules through the kinetochore. Centromeres lead the way as chromosomes are actively pulled into daughter cells. (B) The Rabl organization persists in the interphase yeast nucleus. (C) Confocal fluorescence images show (a) the clustering of yeast centromeres (green by FISH) near the spindle pole body (SPB, red) or in the larger image the nucleolus (red) opposite the SPB (anti-Spc42, white); (b) yeast telomeric foci are labeled with anti-Sir4 protein and FISH for the silent HM loci in yeast; (c) visualization of the centromere and right and left telomeres of Chr VI through Tel6R-CFP-lacO, Tel6L-YFP-TetR, and centromere staining (white).

(Marshall et al. 1997; Heun et al. 2001). This with the rest of the chromosome (Gartenberg suggests that interphase chromatin movement et al. 2004), it is likely that the S-phase associated at least responds to ATPlevels. Recent work sug- drop in mobility reflects the association of DNA gests that these most likely stem from the action in replication factories (Kitamura et al. 2006). of chromatin remodelers, rather than RNA or DNA polymerases. Indeed, highly transcribed DNA BASED COMPARTMENTS: galactose-inducible genes that become tethered NUCLEOLUS, TELOMERES, tRNA at nuclear pores show less mobility, despite their The Nucleolus high level of transcription (Taddei et al. 2006; Cabal et al. 2006). Moreover, chromatin move- The most evident subnuclear compartment ment decreases, rather than increases, as cells is the nucleolus, a crescent-shaped structure enter S phase and DNA polymerases are active abutting the nuclear envelope and occupying (Heun et al. 2001). Given that the mobility of a roughly one third of the nucleus opposite the genomic locus is constrained by its continuity spindle pole body (Yang et al. 1989; Bystricky

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The Budding Yeast Nucleus

Active loci, mid-chromosome XIV Induced HXK1 gene at pore

Figure 2. Rapid time-lapse imaging of GFP-lacI tagged chromosomal loci in yeast cells bearing GFP-Nup49, allows 3D tracking of an internal locus (Gartenberg et al. 2004). 3D stacks are taken at 1.5 s intervals and the spatial rendering and alignment is performed with Imaris (Bitplane, Zu¨rich). Tracks show movement over 7.5 min (300 stacks). To the left is a region of Chr IVX that shows low level transcription upon activation by glucose. To the right is shown the movement of the induced HXK1, a subtelomeric gene that is strongly induced in the absence of glucose (Taddei et al. 2006). Reductions in radius of constraint and diffusion coefficients are monitored for the pore-associated gene.

et al. 2005). This subcompartment is the site of polymerase I transcription initiation region RNA pol I-mediated rDNA transcription and (TIR) and an origin of replication (ARS, from ribosome subunit assembly and can be seen as autonomously replicating sequence). a factory dedicated to ribosome biogenesis. Its This extended array of tandem repeats ser- morphology is strongly influenced by the cell ves as an ideal template for homologous recom- growth rate, probably as a result of adapting bination, which is highly efficient in budding the rate of ribosome production to the needs yeast. However, suppression of this recombina- of the cell (Oakes et al. 1993; Powers and Walter, tion and the ensuing stability of the yeast rDNA 1999). The nucleolus is a prime example of a array, are absolutely critical for cell growth functional organization principle, for it com- and survival. By stabilizing the rDNA repeats partmentalizes different steps of ribosome bio- the cell avoids or delays replicative senescence genesis although the nucleolar machineries are (Sinclair and Guarente 1997). The mechanisms in permanent exchange with the nucleoplasm that suppress recombination within the rDNA and other nuclear bodies. The nucleolus further array involve both local nucleosomal orga- generates a domain of retention/sequestration nization mediated by Sir2 (Gottlieb and Espo- of molecules that are normally active only out- sito 1989; Bryk et al. 1997; Fritze et al. 1997; side the nucleolus (Sirri et al. 2008). Smith and Boeke 1997) and long-range chro- In budding yeast, rRNA is encoded in 100– matin structure that involves tethering at the 200 tandem repeats. Each repeat unit is 9.1 kb nuclear envelope. in size and yields a 35S precursor rRNA, tran- scribed by RNA polymerase I and a 5S rRNA, tRNA genes transcribed by RNA polymerase III. The 5S unit is surrounded by two intergenic spacers, Although the 274 Pol III-transcribed tRNA IGS1 and IGS2 (Fig. 3). Within this spacer there genes are scattered throughout the yeast ge- is a so-called polar replication fork barrier nome, many of these are clustered close to the (RFB), a recombination enhancer (RE), a RNA nucleolus (Thompson et al. 2003; Wang et al.

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A. Taddei, H. Schober, and S.M. Gasser

9.1 kb 35S 35S 35S 35S



Figure 3. Organization of the rDNA repeats. The 9.1 kb unit encodes the 35S precursor for all the 25S, 18S, and 5.8S rRNA and the 5S rRNA. The 35S is transcribed by RNA polI whereas the 5S is transcribed by RNA pol III. The 9.1 kb unit is repeated up to 200 times on chr XII. Other abbreviations are as follows: IGS, intergenic spacer; RE recombination enhancer; RFB, Replication fork block, TIR, PolI transcription initiation region, open circle—origin of DNA replication.

2005). This association could create an environ- into three to eight foci, which are mainly found ment that fosters the coregulation of transcrip- at the nuclear periphery. These foci are unfa- tion by RNA pol III and RNA pol I, given that vorable for RNA polII-driven transcription. the other major RNA pol III transcript is the The budding yeast telomeric repeat consist of 5S rRNA, which is part of the rDNA repeat 250–300 base pairs of irregular tandem repeats (Fig. 3). Intriguingly, some tRNA genes remain (called TG1-3) (Shampay et al. 1984). A crucial associated with the nucleolus throughout the feature of telomeric DNA is the 30 overhang of cell cycle, although they are not present on Chr the G-rich strand, which is 10–15bp in length XII, which contains the rDNA. This unusual (Larrivee et al. 2004). Toward the end of S phase positioning depends both on microtubules after completion of replication, an extended and on the action of condensin (Haeusler G-rich overhang is generated, providing a tem- et al. 2008). Given the high number of RNA plate for the action of telomerase, a conserved pol III-transcribed genes, their positioning ribonucleoprotein complex with reverse tran- is likely to affect the spatial organization of a scriptase activity (reviewed in Zakian 1996; large portion of the genome. Intriguingly, Hug and Lingner 2006). The protein subunits RNA pol II genes in the vicinity of tRNA of this complex were identified in a screen for genes become silenced through a phenomenon “ever shorter telomeres” and are called Est1, known as tRNA-gene mediated gene silencing Est2, and Est3 (Lundblad and Szostak 1989; (tgm) (Wang et al. 2005). Consistent with a Lendvay et al. 1996), whereas the RNA moiety link between nucleolar tethering and tRNA- that templates the extension of TG repeats is associated silencing, it was shown that condi- called Tlc1 (Singer and Gottschling 1994). tional ablation of condensin subunits leads Tlc1 and Est2 form the catalytic core of telome- to a coordinate loss of both nucleolar tRNA rase, whereas Est1 and Est3 are auxiliary sub- clustering and tgm (Haeusler et al. 2008). We units that are dispensable for in vitro activity note, however, that not all active tRNA genes (Lingner et al. 1997). The end-binding factor relocate to the nucleolus. It remains to be deter- yKu interacts with telomerase and helps recruit mined what characterizes those that do show it to telomeres (Stellwagen et al. 2003), as does nucleolar association. the ssDNA binding factor Cdc13 (reviewed in Fisher et al. 2004). Unlike this association with ssDNA, the Telomere Foci: Assemblies of Repetitive Repressor Activator protein 1 binds the double- DNA and Silencing Factors stranded telomeric repeat (Rap1) (Shore and Another type of subnuclear compartment stems Nasmyth 1987). Rap1 is a conserved factor from the clustering of the 32 yeast telomeres with a double Myb-like domain that mediates

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The Budding Yeast Nucleus

high affinity binding to its consensus within the partitioning and anchoring domain (PAD, aa TG1-3 repeat. The Rap1 carboxyl terminus is a 950 to 1262). PAD specifically binds Esc1, a binding site for silencing factors Sir3 and Sir4 low-abundance acidic protein associated ex- (Moretti et al. 1994; Marcand et al. 1997; Wot- clusively with the inner face of the NE (Andru- ton and Shore 1997), which form a stochiomet- lis et al. 2002; Gartenberg et al. 2004; Taddei ric complex with the NAD-dependent histone et al. 2004). By electron microscopy it was deacetylase Sir2, to mediate transcriptional shown that Esc1 localizes in patches along the repression in subtelomeric zones (Aparicio nuclear membrane independently of Sir4 and et al. 1991; Martino et al. 2009). The same site is excluded from nuclear pores (Taddei et al. binds Rif1, which together with Rif2, antago- 2004). nizes Sir4 interaction, and feeds back to limit Although yKu80 and Sir4 interact, a mutant telomerase activity (Wotton and Shore 1997). allele of yKu80 that loses interaction with Sir4 To prevent spreading of silent chromatin, (yKu80-4) (Taddei et al. 2004; Roy et al. 2004) subtelomeric regionscontainboundaries,which can still tether chromatin to the NE (Taddei are characterized by the presence of acetylated et al. 2004). Given that this occurs in strains histone variant Htz1 (or H2A.Z) (Meneghini deleted for the genes encoding Sir4 and Esc1, et al. 2003; Babiarz et al. 2006). In addition it was proposed that yKu should bind at least to the immediate zone of SIR-mediated repres- one additional membrane-bound factor. This sion, characterized by nucleosomes that lack is achieved indirectly through the ability of detectable acetylation or methylation, there is yKu to bind telomerase (Schober et al. 2009). a subtelomeric region called HAST for (Hda1- Intriguingly, the requirements of the Sir4- affected subtelomeric) that is characterized independent yKu tethering pathway varied by a continuous stretch of Hda1-deacetylated with phases of the cell cycle: yKu80 tethering chromatin that extends 10–25 kb inwards was dependent on yKu70 in G1-phase but not from the telomeric repeat (Robyr et al. 2002). in S-phase cells (Taddei et al. 2004). Conversely, Thus telomeres are not only designed to ensure the domain of yKu80 that binds a stem-loop end replication, but they nucleate special do- in the telomerase RNA Tlc1, was found to be mains with respect to SIR protein spreading necessary for telomere anchoring in S-phase, and histone modifications. but not in G1-phase cells (Schober et al. 2009). The S-phase specific anchoring by yKu not only required Tlc1, but Est1 as well, which MECHANISMS UNDERLYING NUCLEAR forms a complex with the catalytic subunit of COMPARTMENTATION telomerase, Est2. It was shown that a targeted Est2 fusion protein can anchor DNA to the Anchoring of DNA at the Nuclear Envelope nuclear perimeter in an Est1-dependent man- The positioning of chromosomes within the ner, and that Est1 interacts with an integral nucleus depends on reversible interactions nuclear membrane protein, Mps3 (Fig. 4) of chromosomal landmarks with structural fea- (Schober et al. 2009; Jaspersen et al. 2002; Anto- tures of the nucleus, such as the spindle pole niacci et al. 2007). An acidic amino-terminal body (SPB) and the inner nuclear envelope. domain of this SUN-domain family member Centromeres are held in a cluster near the SPB extends into the nucleoplasm where it contacts through short microtubules that persist Est1 to tether telomerase-bound telomeres. Yet through interphase (Jin et al. 2000; Bystricky Mps3 also appears to contribute to an altern- et al. 2004). The tethering of telomeres in peri- ative telomere anchoring pathway mediated by nuclear foci is achieved by two redundant Sir4 (Bupp et al. 2007). In both cases Mps3- pathways that require Sir4, a silencing factor, dependent anchoring is specific to S-phase and the yKu70/yKu80 heterodimer (Hediger cells. et al. 2002; Taddei et al. 2004). Sir4 anchors The budding yeast Mps3 also organizes the repressed chromatin to the NE through its SPB (Jaspersen et al. 2002; Nishikawa et al.

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A. Taddei, H. Schober, and S.M. Gasser

Nuclear envelope Nuclear pore Esc1 Mps3 X ?

G1 G1 G1 S phase S phase

Est1 Sir4 Rap1 Est3

yKu Tlc1 TG (1–6) yKu Est2 Nucleosomes

Figure 4. Parallel mechanisms lead to yeast telomere attachment at the nuclear envelope. At different stages of the cell cycle the telomere associated proteins mediate different contacts with inner nuclear membrane components. The Sir4-PAD domain binds the Esc1 C terminus, as well as yKu80 and Mps3. yKu80 binds telomerase, which also associates with Mps3 in S phase through Est1. There is an unidentified anchor for yKu in G1 phase that is neither Esc1- nor Mps3-dependent.

2003), yet by deletion of its N-terminal domain, Trans-Association of Chromatin Loci the role of Mps3 in chromatin tethering could be separated from its essential role in spindle The high concentration of macromolecules pole body organization (Bupp et al. 2007). within the nucleoplasm (between 100 and Importantly, antagonism of the yKu-telo- 400 mg/ml) produces volume exclusion effects merase-Mps3 interaction led to hyper-recom- that enhance attractive interactions among bination among telomeres, suggesting that this macromolecules, a phenomenon known as mechanism protects replicating ends from macromolecular crowding. This effect has unequal strand invasion (Schober et al. 2009). been proposed to favor the formation of com- This may be particularly relevant in S phase. partments by driving bulky components into Finally, it has been shown that the yKu-mediated structurally compact organizations (Richter peripheral positioning is switched off after DNA et al. 2007). Combination of these effects with replication, leading to the dislodgment of telo- specific intermolecular interactions and attach- meres from the nuclear envelope after replica- ment to nuclear structures such as the NE tion (Ebrahimi and Donaldson 2008). Such could account for the formation of subnuclear release may facilitate mitotic separation of repli- compartments. cated telomeres. One example of a functional compartment Besides these pathways other proteins such is provided by telomere clusters onto which si- as Asf1, Rtt109, Esc2, and Ctf18 have been im- lencing factors concentrate. The bifunctional plicated yeast telomers anchoring, although it role of Sir4 as a mediator of repression and an could not be determined whether their effects anchor for silent chromatin provides a mecha- were direct or indirect (Hiraga et al. 2006, nism for the self-organization of repressive 2008). Indeed, mutations in proteins of the compartments. In vivo, a nonsilent telomere nuclear pore such as Mlp1, Mlp2, or Nup133 can be localized at the NE through interaction were shown to interfere with mRNA export with yKu, and thus be brought into proximity and cell cycle progression, which could indi- of other telomeres which generate a zone rectly affect perinuclear organization. enriched for Sir proteins. Recruitment to this

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The Budding Yeast Nucleus

compartment results in a higher probability (Ghaemmaghami et al. 2003), is both tightly that a subtelomeric gene gets repressed. Once regulated and limiting for the spread of silent Sir-dependent repression is established, the chromatin (Renauld et al. 1993). Sir4 abun- Sir4 anchoring pathway ensures that the silent dance is also tightly regulated, and low level chromatin stays perinuclear. In this way, the for- overexpression of Sir4 actually disrupts telo- mation of silent chromatin is self-reinforcing, meric repression. thanks to its ability to bind to the same sites It has been shown that each Rap1 tail and as telomeres. each nucleosome in the silent subtelomeric Intriguingly, telomeres are not evenly dis- domain binds one SIR complex comprising tributed at the nuclear periphery but rather Sir2, Sir3 and Sir4 in precisely equal molar ratio form discrete foci. We cannot rule out that (Martino et al. 2009). This means that each telo- telomere clustering arises in part from volume mere of 16 Rap1 binding sites (Gilson et al. exclusion effects and molecular crowding 1993) and 18 subtelomeric nucleosomes (Iborra 2007), but it has also been shown that (Renauld et al. 1993; Strahl-Bolsinger et al. Sir proteins interact with themselves and with 1997), provides binding sites for 30–40 SIR each other, establishing trans-interactions bet- complexes. Because each haploid yeast cell has ween telomeres. Recent work has shown that 32 telomeres clustered in three to eight telo- interactions between silent domains depends meric foci, a focus contains several hundred not only on silencing proteins Sir2, Sir3, and potential SIR binding sites. The clustering of Sir4, but also on Sir1 and Esc2, two proteins telomeric repeats could thus create a “sink” involved in establishment of silencing at HM for limiting amounts of Sir proteins, and could loci (Miele et al. 2009). Trans-interactions account for the strikingly unequal distribution were not dependent on yKu or Esc1, suggesting of this repressive complex within the nucleo- that the mechanisms of NE-tethering and plasm (Gotta et al. 1996). telomere clustering can be at least partially Confirming the functional consequences of separated. Nonetheless, the self-organization this unequal distribution of Sir proteins, it was of into perinuclear foci illus- found that silencer-nucleated repression is trates a self-perpetuating mechanism that ap- highly sensitive to the distance of the reporter plies to other chromatin-based domains of from a telomere (Renauld et al. 1993; Stavenha- epigenetic character. gen and Zakian 1994; Thompson et al. 1994; Maillet et al. 1996; Marcand et al. 1996). Recip- rocally, the tethering of a weakened HMR FUNCTIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF silencer to the NE favored the repression of a NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION ON GENE reporter gene (Andrulis et al. 1998). Impor- TRANSCRIPTION tantly, this effect depends on the ability of telo- mere clusters to concentrate SIR factors at the Nuclear Organization and Gene Silencing nuclear envelope (Mondoux et al. 2007; Taddei Chromatin-based compartments like those dis- et al. 2009). Thus, it appears that transcriptional cussed earlier not only concentrate factors silencing is not inherent to position, but rather where they are needed, but also keep factors requires facilitated access to a local high concen- away from sites where they would interfere with tration of SIR proteins. Confirming this, when other types of regulation (Taddei et al. 2009). telomere anchoring is impaired, by deletion of Specifically, the clustering of telomeres leads YKU70 and ESC1, transcription is affected dif- to the sequestration of SIRs, which was shown ferently at different loci: genes at internal loci both to favor subtelomeric repression and to flanked by silencers show enhanced repression, prevent promiscuous effects on a distinct subset whereas telomere-proximal repression is lost of promoters (Taddei et al. 2009). Essential to (Maillet et al. 2001; Taddei et al. 2009). In con- such a phenomenon is the fact that the Sir3 clusion, the efficiency with which silent chro- protein level, estimated at 1400 copies per cell matin is formed depends on spatial concern,

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such as the local concentration of SIR proteins, 1999; McAinsh et al. 1999; Mills et al. 1999; and the strength of cis-acting nucleation Ray and Runge 1999; Bi et al. 2004; Mercier elements. et al. 2005), stress-induced redistribution of In apparent contradiction with this inter- SIR proteins may derepress subtelomeric genes pretation is the absence of a correlation between required for use of alternative carbon sources, the colocalization of a subtelomeric gene in telo- and simultaneously contribute to the down- mere clusters (visualized as Rap1-GFP foci) and regulation of genes involved in ribosome the efficiency of TPE (Mondoux et al. 2007). biogenesis. This may be because of the dynamic behavior of individual telomeres, which move into and Nuclear Organization and Inducible Gene out of Rap1 and SIR foci rapidly, presumably Expression without loss of their epigenetic status, because they retain SIR factors (Schober et al. 2008). Over the last years nuclear pore complexes Indeed, a repressed ring of chromatin maintains (NPCs) emerged as a major player in organizing a stable state of repression, even when it is gene activity. First, the Nup2 excised from its subtelomeric chromosomal was shown to exert a strong boundary activity context, suggesting that a high local concentra- that can block the spread of heterochromatin tion of SIR factors is dispensable once silencing when targeted on both sides of a reporter gene is established (Gartenberg et al. 2004). (Ishii et al. 2002). In this case, NPC tethering The promiscuous repression of non- was proposed to establish a protected chro- telomeric genes by released SIR factors, was matin domain by creating a small DNA loop. analyzed genome-wide using a computational Subsequently, a series of genome-wide studies program that maps putative transcriptional fac- identified nuclear pore components to be asso- tor sites. The affected promoters carry specific ciated with highly active genes (Casolari et al. transcription factor motifs for either Abf1 2004, 2005; Schmid et al. 2006). Furthermore, or the PAC factors, Pdf1 and Pdf2, which are specific inducible genes (INO1, HXK1, GAL1, part of the Rpd3L histone deacetylase com- GAL2, HSP104) were shown to associate with plex (RNA Polymerase A and C promoters; the nuclear periphery upon activation (Akhtar Dequard-Chablat et al. 1991; Zhu et al. 2009). and Gasser 2007; Taddei 2007) (Fig. 5). Al- A related motif, RRPE (ribosomal RNA proc- though many active genes seem to be associated essing element; Hughes et al. 2000) also corre- with the NE, a stable interaction is not an obli- lated weakly with promiscuous SIR regulation. gate feature of gene activity (Casolari et al. Intriguingly,these elements are primarily bound 2004) and activation of the same promoter by to promoters of genes expressing enzymes different pathways or with different 30UTR can and proteins involved in ribosome biogenesis. alter a gene’s position within the nucleus Down-regulation may be seen as a global at- (Abruzzi et al. 2006; Taddei et al. 2006). tempt to suppress growth, and perhaps favor a How specific genes associate with the NPC stress survival pathway. is still unclear and each step of mRNA produc- These results make a forceful argument that tion, maturation and export has been impli- changes in the spatial distribution of repetitive cated at some level (Taddei 2007 for review). sequences that bind silencing factors can regu- If multiple steps contribute to the stable associ- late patterns of gene expression genome-wide. ation of active genes to NPCs, the importance of The cell may exploit such a mechanism by each individual step to NPC anchoring is prob- controlling SIR complex release, an event that ably specific for each gene. One possible sce- can respond rapidly to environmental insult nario is that promoter-bound factors such as (Martin et al. 1999; Ai et al. 2002). Consistently, SAGA and Sus1 promote an initial, transient SIR dispersion, or modulation of TPE, have contact of the gene with pore proteins. This been observed in the presence of various forms may be later stabilized by factors recruited of stress (Stone and Pillus 1996; Martin et al. for transcript termination, processing, quality

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A Telomere clusters Transcription compartments

On Foci of silent information regulators Off stem from anchored telomeres (Gotta et al. 1996) and favor repression (Andrulis et al. 1998)

On Nucleolus Boundary elements and stress-induced On genes bind nuclear pores (Ishii et al. 2002; Off Casolari et al., 2004), in some cases increasing mRNA level (Brickner and Walter, 2004; Taddei et al. 2006) SPB On/Off Normal promoter-based Pol II- dependent transcription

NPC RNA Pol III (tRNA) transcription at the nucleolar edge (Thompson et al. 2003)

Boundary NPC

B DNA Repair compartments Mps3 Mps3 binds Est1-telomerase to suppress tel-tel recombination (Oza et al. 2009; NPC Schober et al. 2009)

Heh1 Canonical HR-mediated repair (Bystricky et al. 2009)

Nucleolus : exclusion of recombination proteins (Torres-Rosell et al. 2007)

Nup84/Slx5/Slx8 regulates a switch to alternative repair pathways and telomer- ase-independent telomere maintenance (Azam et al. 2006; Nagai et al. 2008) Heh1 Heh1 (Man1 homologue) suppresses NPC rDNA recombination by tethering (Mekhail et al. 2008)

Figure 5. Nuclear subcompartments of yeast. (A) Transcription subcompartments within the yeast nucleus. Telomere clustering favors repression through SIR factors whereas pore association correlates with induced expression of certain genes and boundary function. (B) DNA repair compartments within the yeast nucleus. The nucleoplasm is the site of Rad52-mediated recombination whereas sequestration at Mps3 or nuclear pores either suppresses recombination between telomeres or processes a DSB for alternative repair pathways. For the rDNA, binding to the INM protein Heh1 (Src1) prevents rDNA recombination.

control and export. These multiple anchors galactose- and heat-shock controlled promoters could favor the formation of active gene loops for which NPC association involves the histone connecting promoters and 30 sequences, thus acetyltransferase SAGA complex. This complex improving the recycling of polymerases and is connected to the mRNA export machinery elongation efficiency (O’Sullivan et al. 2004). by one of its components, Sus1, which is also Gene-NPC association might be particu- part of the Sac3-Thp1-Cdc31 complex that larly important for inducible genes such as binds the NPC through Nup1. The SAGA

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complex is generally required for the induction cells to coordinate expression of coregulated of stress-responsive genes, suggesting a rationale genes (Sexton et al. 2007). Such internal tran- for gene relocalization: Stress-induced genes are scription factories might also exist in yeast likely to require rapid and high level expression although it remains unclear what provides the and export, which could be facilitated by their scaffolding for promoter recruitment. positioning at pores. Although, mutations affecting gene-NPC association show normal The Dual Role of the Nuclear Envelope activation level for GAL1 (Cabal et al. 2006) it is still possible that the kinetics of induction Given its role in the creation of repressive telo- are affected in these mutants. Importantly, asso- meric compartments and its ability to support, ciation with the nuclear periphery has been if not promote, high-level gene induction, one shown to enhance the activation of at least can conclude that the nuclear periphery has a some genes (Brickner and Walter 2004; Menon dual role in regulating gene expression. This et al. 2005; Taddeiet al. 2006) and could provide dual role is corroborated by the structural an additional layer of regulation for fine-tuning organization of the nuclear envelope. Indeed, expression levels. microscopy studies show that repressive and Gene-NPC association has also been pro- activating compartments at the nuclear periph- posed to reflect an epigenetic mark that enables ery coexist but do not overlap, as visualized past events to be “remembered” (Brickner et al. by the positioning of subtelomeric domains 2007). It was reported that both the GAL1 and in-between nuclear pores (Taddei et al. 2004). INO1 genes remain associated with the NPC This proximity between repressive (telomere for several generations after the inducing agent clusters) and activating compartments (NPCs) is removed. These genes appeared to be more could favor the efficiency and reversibility of rapidly re-activated in a pore-bound state than gene induction. This might be especially rele- after a long-term repression. However, this vant for subtelomeric genes, which are mainly mechanism has been called into question involved in the usage of alternative carbon sour- because other mechanisms involving cyto- ces and have to be induced only under specific plasmic factors also can account for the rapid growth conditions (Fabre et al. 2005). Consis- reactivation of these genes (Zacharioudakis tently, increasing the association of the HXK1 et al. 2007). subtelomeric gene with the nuclear periphery The mechanism through which NPC-asso- improves both its repression on glucose me- ciation can influence expression is still unclear. dium and its activation in the absence of glucose In 1985, Blobel proposed the “gene gating” (Taddei et al. 2006). hypothesis according to which a “circumscribed space subjacent to the NPC and extending into the interior of the nucleus was envisioned to FUNCTIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION ON GENOME serve as the locale where transcription and STABILITY much of the co- and posttranscriptional proc- essing would occur” (Blobel 1985). Thus, the Although these studies indicate important NPC was proposed to be a scaffold to build an functions for yeast nuclear structure in the reg- assembly line favoring the coordination of the ulation of gene expression, recent work suggests different processes that occur at an active gene. that DNA repair may also respond to spatial Because of their eightfold symmetry, each pore cues in the nucleus. The most obvious elements may accommodate multiple genes, forming that organize DNA repair are foci that form at a factory for highly efficiency transcription, in double strand breaks (DSBs) as they are proc- which factors that promote initiation or elonga- essed for homologous recombination (HR). tion can concentrate. The existence of internal This can be followed through the binding of flu- transcription factories has been proposed in dif- orescently tagged Rad52, a protein that facilitate ferentiation mammalian nuclei or in cultured Rad51-dependent strand invasion, preceding

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the formation of a Holliday junction (New et al. Nup84, was clustered with a conserved SUMO- 1998). A Rad52-containing HR center is able to dependent ubiquitin ligase complex, Slx5/Slx8. recruit more than one DSB (Lisby et al. 2003), The Slx5/Slx8 complex plays an important suggesting that there is a self-recognition event role in the maintenance of genome integrity that allows breaks to congregate. Foci of Rad52, particularly during DNA replication (Perry whether spontaneous or induced by DNA dam- et al. 2008). In addition, Slx5, which bears two age, are strongly enriched in the nuclear interior SUMO interacting motifs, interacts physically (Bystricky et al. 2009). Given that sister chro- with components of the proteasome (Collins matid exchange is the dominant pathway for et al. 2007a). Tellingly, there is an accumulation homologous recombination in mitotically di- of SUMOylated proteins in cells lacking either viding cells (Kadyk and Hartwell 1992), the Slx5 or Slx8 (Wang et al. 2006; Xie et al. internal enrichment of Rad52 foci argues that 2007), suggesting that the Slx5/Slx8 complex most sister chromatid exchange occurs in the normally helps the proteasome degrade nuclear interior. Indeed, when the HMR or SUMOylated proteins through its ubiquitin HML sequences are available as donors for ligase activity (Wang et al. 2006; Xie et al. the cleaved MATa locus, MAT stays internal and 2007). Indeed, an accumulation of SUMO con- recruits the appropriate donor, e.g., HMLa, jugates has been shown to be responsible for the from a more peripheral position for gene DNA damage sensitivity of the slx8 mutant in conversion (Nagai et al. 2008; Bystricky et al. fission yeast (Prudden et al. 2007). 2009). The inward shift is only seen for the Mutation of any component of the Nup84 appropriate donor locus, and thus is mating- complex, i.e., Nup84, Nup120, or Nup133 type dependent. nucleoporins, renders cells hypersensitive to DNA damage, such as irradiation, MMS, bleo- mycin and HU (Bennett et al. 2001; Loeillet Pore Association of Persistent DSBs, et al. 2005; Therizols et al. 2006). The same is Collapsed Forks and Critically Short true for mutation of Slx5 or Slx8 (Nagai et al. Telomeres 2008). Furthermore, mutants of the Nup84 If a donor sequence is not available, and the HO complex have been shown to be synthetically endonuclease is continuously expressed, the cut lethal with mutants of DNA repair, recombina- at the MAT locus persists. Such irreparable tion and replication genes (Loeillet et al. 2005; breaks are seen to shift to the nuclear periphery Pan et al. 2006; Collins et al. 2007b; Nagai in a process dependent on Mec1 kinase and et al. 2008). A direct involvement of nuclear the histone variant Htz1 (Nagai et al. 2008; pores in DNA repair was supported by the Kalocsay et al. 2009; Oza et al. 2009). Several fact that Nup84 and Slx5/Slx8 colocalize and lines of evidence implicate a nuclear pore coimmunoprecipitate (Nagai et al. 2008). subcomplex as the binding site, although the ChIP assays have shown that irreparable DSBs INM protein Mps3 has also been implicated and collapsed, but not stalled, replication forks, transiently in the relocation process (Nagai becomes associated with the Nup84–Slx5/Slx8 et al. 2008; Kalocsay et al. 2009; Oza et al. complex. Moreover, the rate of spontaneous 2009). Alternatively one might argue that the gene conversion could be enhanced by tethering breaks move nonspecifically to the NE because the recipient site of recombination to the crosslinking to both nuclear pores and Mps3, nuclear periphery. The enhancement of DNA was reported (Nagai et al. 2008; Kalocsay et al. repair was dependent on Slx8 and Nup84 pro- 2009; Oza et al. 2009). teins, suggesting that Slx5/Slx8 - Nup84 com- Links between DNA damage and nuclear plex facilitates at least one kind of strand pores was supported by an epistasis-miniarray invasion event (Nagai et al. 2008). Short telo- profile (E-MAP) analysis (Collins et al. 2007b), meres have also been reported to associate with in which the Nup84 subcomplex of the nu- the nuclear pore complex (Khadaroo et al. clear pore, containing Nup133, Nup120 and 2009).

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Importantly, pore binding is not detected if the target of SUMO-directed ubiquitination DSBs can be readily repaired by HR (Nagai et al. by Slx5/Slx8 (Collins et al. 2007a; Wang et al. 2008). This suggests that only lesions that are 2006; Xie et al. 2007). Finally, there may be refractive to DNA repair by canonical HR path- crosstalk between Mps3 and these pathways, ways associate stably with pores. At the pore because the mps3D75-150 mutant, which fails a repair intermediate may be shunted to alter- to bind DSBs and telomeres, delayed recombi- native recombination and repair pathways national repair of DSBs and decreased gross through steps that are controlled by SUMO rec- chromosomal rearrangements in either a slx5 ognition, ubiquitylation, and degradation, in deletion or in the pif1-m2 mutant, which abro- other words through Slx5/Slx8 and the protea- gates the negative regulation of telomerase some. The yeast proteasome was also shown activity by the Pif1 helicase (Oza et al. 2009). by ChIP to be recruited to irreparable DSBs, Consistently, overexpression of the Mps3N do- and was genetically shown to be required for main increased telomere exchange (Schober recombination-mediated modes of DNA repair et al. 2009). (Krogan et al. 2004). In mammals, the protea- some has been implicated in the differential Regulation of Recombination at the choice of recombination pathways; namely the rDNA Locus up-regulation of gene-conversion at the expense of single-strand annealing (Gudmundsdottir In budding yeast, the maintenance of rDNA et al. 2007). Consistently, Slx5/Slx8 has been repeat number is important for cell growth as shown to counteract Rad51-independent re- well as for preventing premature senescence. It combination, such as single-strand annealing has been proposed that HR helps to maintain and the break induced replication (Burgess rDNA copy number (Smith 1974). Indeed, ex- et al. 2007). pansion or contraction of rDNA repeats appears An increased dependence on Rad51-inde- to stem from HR, which follows on Fob1- pendent recombination pathways favors delete- induced replication fork blocking (Kobayashi rious genomic rearrangements, such as gene et al. 1998). Although several sequence elements amplifications, deletions and translocations that stimulate recombination are found within (Haber and Debatisse 2006). Thus, we suggest the rDNA (Keil and Roeder 1984; Kobayashi the possibility that the pore-associated DNA et al. 1998), the frequency of HR is nonetheless repair pathway mediated by Slx5/Slx8 complex significantly lower than what one would ex- helps counteract error-prone Rad51-independ- pect for a repetitive array in yeast. This argues ent recombination, whereas up-regulating al- that recombination is actively suppressed at ternative pathways for recovery. Alternative the rDNA locus to maintain rDNA repeat pathways may be particularly important at col- homeostasis. lapsed replication forks and at telomeres. Which Interestingly, components of the HR machi- pathways are used, will depend on the targets nery, namely Rad52, Rad51, Rad55, and Rad59, of Slx5/Slx8 action. Based on E-MAP data are excluded from the nucleolus, although likely pathways will include Pol32, Rad27, sensors of DSBs, such as Mre11 and Rfa1 are Est1, and Srs2 (Nagai et al. 2008). Intriguingly, present (Torres-Rosell et al. 2007). Further- the outgrowth of type II survivors of telomerase more, a single DSB in the rDNA induced by inhibition, which requires TG repeat amplifi- the I-SceI endonuclease shifts away from the cation by recombination, requires not only nucleolus when Rad52 was recruited, suggest- Rad52 and Sgs1, but Slx5 and Slx8 (Azam ing repair of rDNA by HR can only take place et al. 2006; McEachern and Haber 2006). Given outside of the nucleolus. Nucleolar exclusion the involvement of the Slx5/8 E3 ligase and pro- of Rad52 foci requires the Smc5/Smc6 complex, teasome, it seems likely that shifting the mode which harbors E3 SUMO ligase activity, and of DNA repair at these loci may require the requires SUMOylation of Rad52. Given that degradation of an inhibitor, one that could be mutants that impair nucleolar exclusion of

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HR, i.e., mutants of Smc5 or Smc6, show rDNA adapts to changes in carbon source or encoun- hyper-recombination and unequal sister chro- ters other conditions of metabolic stress. These matid exchange, one can conclude that the changes reinforce the notion of “cell type-” or extrusion of HR proteins from the nucleolus is “condition-” specific levels of nuclear organiza- functionally important for genome stability tion. Most importantly, yeast cells allow us to (Burgess et al. 2007; Torres-Rosell et al. 2007). test for subtle changes in the efficiency of repli- Although it is well-established that the yeast cation, DNA repair and transcription, as a result nucleolus abuts the nuclear periphery (Oakes of changes in nuclear structure. Although the et al. 1998), the functional significance of this field is still at an early stage, the number of genes localization has been poorly understood. recognized as regulating aspects of nuclear Recent work shows that the perinuclear anchor- structure increases constantly, and both micro- ing of rDNA repeats by the inner nuclear mem- scopy and genomic assays improve at staggering brane proteins Heh1(also called Src1) and rates. These are forceful arguments for pursuing Nur1, contributes to the maintenance of yeast as a model in which to test the relationship rDNA repeat stability (Mekhail et al. 2008). between nuclear structure and function. Heh1 shares homology with human Man1 (King et al. 2006), an INM protein containing ACKNOWLEDGMENTS aconserved LEM (LAP-Emerin-Man1) domain. Deletion of Heh1 or Nur1 releases rDNA from We would like to acknowledge critical reading the nuclear periphery, and like loss of Smc5/ by V. Dion and H. Ferreira, and many fruitful Smc6, this release correlates with increase discussions with the Gasser laboratory. We unequal sister chromatid exchange. Impor- thank S. Nagai for the DNA repair figure tantly, unlike Sir2, which also functions to and K. Bystricky images in Figure 1. S.M.G. reduce unequal sister chromatid exchange (Got- acknowledges support of the Novartis Research tlieb and Esposito 1989), neither Heh1 nor Foundation, the National Center for Compe- Nur1 is required for rDNA silencing. The artifi- tence in Research, “Frontiers-in-Genetics” and cial tethering of repeats to the INM through a the EU NOE Epigenome. A.T. is supported Sir2-Heh1 fusion suppresses rDNA instability by the French “Agence Nationale pour la in the absence of Lrs4, a protein required for Recherche” (ANR), and received funding from peripheral tethering of the rDNA. Thus, the the European Research Council under the peripheral tethering appears to limit access of European Community’s Seventh Framework the repetitive arrays to the machinery mediating Programme (FP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement recombination and sister chromatid exchange no. [210508]). (Mekhail et al. 2008).

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The Budding Yeast Nucleus

Angela Taddei, Heiko Schober and Susan M. Gasser

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol published online June 16, 2010

Subject Collection The Nucleus

The Stochastic Genome and Its Role in Gene Mechanisms of Chromosome Folding and Nuclear Expression Organization: Their Interplay and Open Questions Christopher H. Bohrer and Daniel R. Larson Leonid Mirny and Job Dekker The Diverse Cellular Functions of Inner Nuclear Nuclear Compartments: An Incomplete Primer to Membrane Proteins Nuclear Compartments, Bodies, and Genome Sumit Pawar and Ulrike Kutay Organization Relative to Nuclear Architecture Andrew S. Belmont The Nuclear Lamina Essential Roles for RNA in Shaping Nuclear Xianrong Wong, Ashley J. Melendez-Perez and Organization Karen L. Reddy Sofia A. Quinodoz and Mitchell Guttman Uncovering the Principles of Genome Folding by Epigenetic Reprogramming in Early Animal 3D Chromatin Modeling Development Asli Yildirim, Lorenzo Boninsegna, Yuxiang Zhan, Zhenhai Du, Ke Zhang and Wei Xie et al. Viruses in the Nucleus Structure, Maintenance, and Regulation of Bojana Lucic, Ines J. de Castro and Marina Lusic Nuclear Pore Complexes: The Gatekeepers of the Eukaryotic Genome Marcela Raices and Maximiliano A. D'Angelo The Molecular and Nuclear Dynamics of 3D or Not 3D: Shaping the Genome during X-Chromosome Inactivation Development François Dossin and Edith Heard Juliane Glaser and Stefan Mundlos The Impact of Space and Time on the Functional Mammalian DNA Replication Timing Output of the Genome Athanasios E. Vouzas and David M. Gilbert Marcelo Nollmann, Isma Bennabi, Markus Götz, et al. Chromatin Mechanisms Driving Cancer Mechanical Forces in Nuclear Organization Berkley Gryder, Peter C. Scacheri, Thomas Ried, et Yekaterina A. Miroshnikova and Sara A. Wickström al.

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