White-Bellied Heron Ardea Insignis (Hume, 1878)
The White-bellied Heron Ardea insignis (Hume, 1878) A Conservation Strategy Workshop, Guwahati, Assam, 2nd- 4th December 2014 © Rebecca Pradhan WORKSHOP REPORT March 2015 1 White-bellied Heron (WBH) Conservation Planning Strategy Workshop Day 1 (2/12/2014) Agenda item 1 Welcome (Plenary) Following the Opening Ceremony the previous evening, short addresses of welcome were given by Dr Asad Rahmani (BNHS) and Mr RP Agarwalla, IFS, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) and Chief Wildlife Warden, Govt. of Assam. Agenda item 2 Introductions (Plenary) Each participant gave their name, affiliation and interest/experience in WBH, covering hosts, facilitators, sponsors and all participants. Agenda item 3 Housekeeping (Plenary) This covered the topics: workshop protocols, workshop timeliness, meals and times, reimbursement for expenses, onward travel arrangements, secretariat support to the workshop by ATREE, note-taking for record. Agenda item 4 Workshop objectives and products (Plenary) Facilitator proposed that we needed to discuss and agree on: specification of the final product; will the proposed Agenda and schedule deliver this? Should there be a workshop report. Points made in discussion arising, and subsequently grouped: Biological • We must summarise the information we have on the WBH, and identify gaps, • To fill gaps, we should assign groups to address this and develop information, • For a summary of WBH biology and ecology, the Status Review should be developed further. WBH Conservation strategy • We must produce a realistic and effective strategy for WBH conservation, • It should be a high level strategy that comes down to a more specific, range-state level, • There must be specific recommendations and solutions for particular range states and heron sites.
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