The University of Southern Mississippi The Aquila Digital Community Student Publications 2-2018 No More Reason For Ignoring Gelatinous Zooplankton In Ecosystem Assessment and Marine Management: Concrete Cost- Effective Methodology During Routine Fishery Trawl Surveys A. Aubert E. Antajan C. Lynam S. Pitois A. Pliru See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Marine Biology Commons Authors A. Aubert, E. Antajan, C. Lynam, S. Pitois, A. Pliru, S. Vaz, and D. Thibault 1 Marine Policy Achimer February 2018, Volume 89 Pages 100-108 © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No more reason for ignoring gelatinous zooplankton in ecosystem assessment and marine management: Concrete cost-effective methodology during routine fishery trawl surveys Aubert Anaïs 1, * , Antajan Elvire 2, Lynam Christopher 3, Pitois Sophie 3, Pliru Antonio 4, Vaz Sandrine 5, Thibault Delphine 6 1 National Museum of Natural History (MNHN), CRESCO, 38 Rue du Port Blanc, F-35800 Dinard, France 2 IFREMER, Channel and North Sea Fisheries Research Unit, 150 quai Gambetta, F-62321 Boulogne- sur-Mer, France 3 The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), Pakefield road, Lowestoft NR33 0RP, UK 4 University of Southern Mississippi, Department of Marine Science, 1020 Balch blvd., Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, MS 39529, USA 5 IFREMER, UMR MARBEC, Avenue Jean Monnet, CS 30171, 34203 Sète Cedex, France 6 Aix-Marseille University, CNRS/INSU, Université de Toulon, IRD, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO), UM 110, 13288 Marseille, France * Corresponding author : Anaïs Aubert, email address :
[email protected] Abstract : Gelatinous zooplankton, including cnidarians, ctenophores, and tunicates (appendicularians, pyrosomes, salps and doliolids), are often overlooked by scientific studies, ecosystem assessments and at a management level.